Mediating Specialised Knowledge: Challenges and Opportunities for LSP Communication, Translation and Research, Padua, 10-12 July 2019, Book of Abstracts, 2019
Proceedings of the 6th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication Between Cultures 2013, 2013
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on The Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication between Cultures, 11 and 12 September, 2014, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia, 2014
Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a s... more Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a significant realm of linguistic research. As such, this paper focuses on the use of English loanwords in French and Italian journalistic texts. Special attention has been given to the choice of texts to be analysed as it is vital to obtain a high level of equivalence between topics and genres. In order to encompass a diversity of topics, the analysis includes those which discuss issues of global relevance, including the economy, international and European politics, environment technology, etc. Follow-ing an examination of the empirical data, this article contrasts the share of English elements in both languages at the lexical level of linguistic analysis. Undoubtedly, the English language has had a tremendous impact on the majority of European languages. This fact has been particularly pronounced over the last decades. In previous eras of European history, both Italian and French exerted ...
Assuming that the primary purpose of a loanword is to fill the lexical gap in the recipient langu... more Assuming that the primary purpose of a loanword is to fill the lexical gap in the recipient language, which entails that the nature of warranted lexical borrowing is invariably functional, the author takes the English term polity as an example of morphologically unadapted loanword both in Croatian and in Italian and focuses on its original meaning (including its etymology) in the donor language in order to assess the adequacy of the proposed equivalents by both English-Croatian and English-Italian bilingual dictionaries. The author deduces that considerable diversification of Croatian and Italian lexicographic renderings of the English term in question gives rise to the excessive use of the morphologically unadapted English form in political theory texts written in both recipient languages. Furthermore, the author confronts this phenomenon with the rendering of the etymologically cognate terms politics and policy which have a unique homonymous outcome in either recipient language, namely politika in Croatian and politica in Italian. Unlike the underlying concepts of politics and policy, the concept underlying polity cannot be lexicalised uniformly in all contexts in Croatian and in Italian. Therefore, it can be presumed that Croatian and Italian speakers’ conceptualisation of the meaning conveyed by this term is greatly hindered. With a view to obtaining a full compatibility between the semantic and phonetic poles in the two recipient languages which is supposed to be analogous to the one in the donor language, the author states the case that the solution to the problem of cross- and within- language ambiguity can be achieved through the method of coining morphologically cognate neologisms both in Croatian and in Italian. The coining process proposed by the author consists in employing the equivalents of the English suffix -ity: -(it)et and -(it)à, which are highly productive in Croatian and Italian respectively, and attaching them to the etymon of this pseudo-Greek, yet essentially English, lexeme as its stem, i.e., poli(t)- < polis. Due to the fact that all elements in newly formed words are already existent in Croatian and Italian, the novel word-formations are likely to reach a high level of integration in the vocabularies of the recipient languages.
U ovom se radu istražuje prostorno znacenje onih clanova prijedložnog sustava u standardnom talij... more U ovom se radu istražuje prostorno znacenje onih clanova prijedložnog sustava u standardnom talijanskom koji svoja primarna znacenja ostvaruju upravo u domeni prostora. Istraživanje je provedeno unutar kognitivnolingvistickog teorijskog okvira, pri cemu je Vandeloiseov (1986, 1991) funkcionalni pristup prostornim prijedlozima u francuskom jeziku koristen kao osnova za teorijsko-metodoloski model kojim je provedena semanticka analiza talijanskih prostornih prijedloga. U radu su kriticki razmotreni pristupi prostornim prijedlozima opcenito, a njihova je ukupnost podijeljena u dvije stupnjevito ustrojene kategorije: (i) 'dominantno prostorne' i (ii) 'funkcionalno-prostorne'. Kriticki su prikazane i najvažnije semanticke studije posvecene talijanskim (prostornim) prijedlozima kako bi se stekao uvid u dosadasnja postignuca na ovom podrucju (Devoto 1940, Parisi i Castelfranchi 1970, Crisari 1971, Weinrich 1978a, Pennacchietti 2006). Osim spomenutih semantickih studija, pro...
Studia Romanica Et Anglica Zagrabiensia, May 2, 2012
Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a s... more Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a significant realm of linguistic research. As such, this paper focuses on the use of English loanwords in French and Italian journalistic texts. Special attention has been given to the choice of texts to be analysed as it is vital to obtain a high level of equivalence between topics and genres. In order to encompass a diversity of topics, the analysis includes those which discuss issues of global relevance, including the economy, international and European politics, environment technology, etc. Following an examination of the empirical data, this article contrasts the share of English elements in both languages at the lexical level of linguistic analysis.
Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a s... more Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a significant realm of linguistic research. As such, this paper focuses on the use of English loanwords in French and Italian journalistic texts. Special attention has been given to the choice of texts to be analysed as it is vital to obtain a high level of equivalence between topics and genres. In order to encompass a diversity of topics, the analysis includes those which discuss issues of global relevance, including the economy, international and European politics, environment technology, etc. Following an examination of the empirical data, this article contrasts the share of English elements in both languages at the lexical level of linguistic analysis.Jezično posuđivanje pobuđuje zanimanje velikog broja znanstvenika kao fenomen koji uključuje brojne lingvističke, ali i nelingvističke čimbenike. Cilj je ovoga rada uočiti i usporediti uporabu elemenata iz engleskoga jezika u francuskim i ...
Mediating Specialised Knowledge: Challenges and Opportunities for LSP Communication, Translation and Research, Padua, 10-12 July 2019, Book of Abstracts, 2019
Proceedings of the 6th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication Between Cultures 2013, 2013
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on The Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication between Cultures, 11 and 12 September, 2014, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia, 2014
Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a s... more Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a significant realm of linguistic research. As such, this paper focuses on the use of English loanwords in French and Italian journalistic texts. Special attention has been given to the choice of texts to be analysed as it is vital to obtain a high level of equivalence between topics and genres. In order to encompass a diversity of topics, the analysis includes those which discuss issues of global relevance, including the economy, international and European politics, environment technology, etc. Follow-ing an examination of the empirical data, this article contrasts the share of English elements in both languages at the lexical level of linguistic analysis. Undoubtedly, the English language has had a tremendous impact on the majority of European languages. This fact has been particularly pronounced over the last decades. In previous eras of European history, both Italian and French exerted ...
Assuming that the primary purpose of a loanword is to fill the lexical gap in the recipient langu... more Assuming that the primary purpose of a loanword is to fill the lexical gap in the recipient language, which entails that the nature of warranted lexical borrowing is invariably functional, the author takes the English term polity as an example of morphologically unadapted loanword both in Croatian and in Italian and focuses on its original meaning (including its etymology) in the donor language in order to assess the adequacy of the proposed equivalents by both English-Croatian and English-Italian bilingual dictionaries. The author deduces that considerable diversification of Croatian and Italian lexicographic renderings of the English term in question gives rise to the excessive use of the morphologically unadapted English form in political theory texts written in both recipient languages. Furthermore, the author confronts this phenomenon with the rendering of the etymologically cognate terms politics and policy which have a unique homonymous outcome in either recipient language, namely politika in Croatian and politica in Italian. Unlike the underlying concepts of politics and policy, the concept underlying polity cannot be lexicalised uniformly in all contexts in Croatian and in Italian. Therefore, it can be presumed that Croatian and Italian speakers’ conceptualisation of the meaning conveyed by this term is greatly hindered. With a view to obtaining a full compatibility between the semantic and phonetic poles in the two recipient languages which is supposed to be analogous to the one in the donor language, the author states the case that the solution to the problem of cross- and within- language ambiguity can be achieved through the method of coining morphologically cognate neologisms both in Croatian and in Italian. The coining process proposed by the author consists in employing the equivalents of the English suffix -ity: -(it)et and -(it)à, which are highly productive in Croatian and Italian respectively, and attaching them to the etymon of this pseudo-Greek, yet essentially English, lexeme as its stem, i.e., poli(t)- < polis. Due to the fact that all elements in newly formed words are already existent in Croatian and Italian, the novel word-formations are likely to reach a high level of integration in the vocabularies of the recipient languages.
U ovom se radu istražuje prostorno znacenje onih clanova prijedložnog sustava u standardnom talij... more U ovom se radu istražuje prostorno znacenje onih clanova prijedložnog sustava u standardnom talijanskom koji svoja primarna znacenja ostvaruju upravo u domeni prostora. Istraživanje je provedeno unutar kognitivnolingvistickog teorijskog okvira, pri cemu je Vandeloiseov (1986, 1991) funkcionalni pristup prostornim prijedlozima u francuskom jeziku koristen kao osnova za teorijsko-metodoloski model kojim je provedena semanticka analiza talijanskih prostornih prijedloga. U radu su kriticki razmotreni pristupi prostornim prijedlozima opcenito, a njihova je ukupnost podijeljena u dvije stupnjevito ustrojene kategorije: (i) 'dominantno prostorne' i (ii) 'funkcionalno-prostorne'. Kriticki su prikazane i najvažnije semanticke studije posvecene talijanskim (prostornim) prijedlozima kako bi se stekao uvid u dosadasnja postignuca na ovom podrucju (Devoto 1940, Parisi i Castelfranchi 1970, Crisari 1971, Weinrich 1978a, Pennacchietti 2006). Osim spomenutih semantickih studija, pro...
Studia Romanica Et Anglica Zagrabiensia, May 2, 2012
Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a s... more Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a significant realm of linguistic research. As such, this paper focuses on the use of English loanwords in French and Italian journalistic texts. Special attention has been given to the choice of texts to be analysed as it is vital to obtain a high level of equivalence between topics and genres. In order to encompass a diversity of topics, the analysis includes those which discuss issues of global relevance, including the economy, international and European politics, environment technology, etc. Following an examination of the empirical data, this article contrasts the share of English elements in both languages at the lexical level of linguistic analysis.
Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a s... more Linguistic borrowing involving both linguistic and non-linguistic factors continues to occupy a significant realm of linguistic research. As such, this paper focuses on the use of English loanwords in French and Italian journalistic texts. Special attention has been given to the choice of texts to be analysed as it is vital to obtain a high level of equivalence between topics and genres. In order to encompass a diversity of topics, the analysis includes those which discuss issues of global relevance, including the economy, international and European politics, environment technology, etc. Following an examination of the empirical data, this article contrasts the share of English elements in both languages at the lexical level of linguistic analysis.Jezično posuđivanje pobuđuje zanimanje velikog broja znanstvenika kao fenomen koji uključuje brojne lingvističke, ali i nelingvističke čimbenike. Cilj je ovoga rada uočiti i usporediti uporabu elemenata iz engleskoga jezika u francuskim i ...
Papers by Saša Bjelobaba