Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches, Dec 9, 2023
The general purpose of this research is to examine the energy literacy status of secondary school... more The general purpose of this research is to examine the energy literacy status of secondary school students. In particular, the change in the energy literacy of secondary school students according to some independent variables was examined. Survey research technique, which is one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the research. Research data were collected in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. The universe of the research consisted of private and public secondary schools located within the borders of Isparta province in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Data were collected from 1182 students studying in 7th and 8th grades, determined by convenient sampling method from these schools. The "Energy Literacy Scale" developed by DeWaters, Qagish, Graham, and Powers (2013) and adapted into Turkish by Güven, Yakar, and Sülün (2019) was used in the research. Due to the Covid 19 epidemic, the data was collected in the digital environment. As a result of the research, it was determined that the students were partially low energy literate in the affective subdimension and partially high-energy literate in the behavioural sub-dimension. If we look at the energy literacy of the students according to the determined independent variables: the energy literacy of the students studying in public secondary school is significantly higher than those studying in private secondary school. The energy literacy levels of the students in the schools located in the district centre are significantly higher than those in the city centre. The energy literacy levels of those whose father's education level is primary, secondary and high school graduates are significantly higher than those with a master's/doctorate degree. Finally, it can be suggested that science curriculum should be updated to increase energy literacy and that inquiry-based in-class and out-of-class activities should be encouraged in textbooks.
International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
It is obvious that developing countries like ours can only achieve sustainable development by giv... more It is obvious that developing countries like ours can only achieve sustainable development by giving more importance to recycling in their education. Textbooks have been indispensable for education in classrooms from past to present. Especially in developing countries like ours, they are the most easily accessible teaching documents. In this research, nine science textbooks used in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades as of 2023 were examined within the framework of recycling and recycling concepts. These textbooks are nine science textbooks selected by the Ministry of Education Education and Discipline Board among twenty-six science textbooks determined to be used in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades as of 2023, using convenient sampling method. In the textbooks examined, the frequency of use of the concepts and the way they were handled were examined. The results of each textbook are presented as a separate table. As a result, it was seen that the concepts related to recycling and recycling were handled more indirectly and relatively less in the 5th and 6th grade textbooks. It has been determined that 7th and 8th grade textbooks are included more and more directly. Based on the results of the research, it is suggested that science textbooks should be enriched in terms of recycling, which is an important component of environmental education. In addition, it can be said that these concepts should be included directly and more effectively at the lower grade levels.
Özet Bu araştırma, fen eğitiminde bilgisayar destekli öğretim yönteminin, anlatım yöntemine göre ... more Özet Bu araştırma, fen eğitiminde bilgisayar destekli öğretim yönteminin, anlatım yöntemine göre öğrenci başarısına etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma 2001-2002 öğretim yılı birinci döneminde Kastamonu İli, Merkez İlçesi'ndeki iki ilköğretim okulunun 6. ...
Abstract In this study, Turkish prospective elementary science teachers’ understanding of photosy... more Abstract In this study, Turkish prospective elementary science teachers’ understanding of photosynthesis and cellular respiration has been analysed within the contexts of ecosystem knowledge, organism knowledge and interconnection knowledge (IK). In the analysis, concept maps developed by 74 prospective teachers were used. The study was carried out with prospective teachers in their final year who were enrolled in the special teaching methods course. The results show that prospective teachers’ understanding of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, energy flow and matter cycling is quite different from one another’s. In addition, the present study revealed that prospective elementary science teachers showed weak understanding of energy flow and matter, cycling and cellular respiration concepts and IK category but they had strong understanding of photosynthesis concept. Prospective teachers also experience difficulties in understanding connections between macro- and microbiological systems. The study concludes with suggestions for more meaningful biology education.
Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, Dec 18, 2017
The purpose of this research is to examine the perceptions of genetically modified food by the te... more The purpose of this research is to examine the perceptions of genetically modified food by the teacher candidates in different branches in Turkey through metaphors. The study was conducted with 133 teacher candidates from three different branches. In the study "Genetically modified food ... looks like, because ..." data was collected with the sentence pattern. This study is a qualitative research in case studies. As a result, the teacher candidates produced 75 different metaphors. These metaphors are grouped under four categories. The category "threat" (68.4%) is in the first rank, "uselessness" (11.3%) is in the second rank, "advantage" (11.3%) is in the third rank and "need" (9%) is in the fourth rank. As a result, the majority of teacher candidates have no positive perception of genetically modified food. In addition, the metaphorical perceptions of the genetically modified food according to the gender and branches of the teacher candidates do not differ significantly. Studies aiming to reveal the reasons why teacher candidates have negative holdings against GDG can be done. Another research question is how the negative perceptions of the teacher candidates towards GDG are in teachers.
Analogical reasoning is both an innate ability and a basic learning mechanism that can be improve... more Analogical reasoning is both an innate ability and a basic learning mechanism that can be improved. In classrooms, it is an important tool used by teachers, especially when explaining difficult or abstract issues. In addition to its use in all aspects of our lives, analogical reasoning is commonly used in textbooks. This research examines the extent to which analogies are used in high school science textbooks, the subjects of the examination being high school physics, chemistry, and biology course textbooks used by students between 14 and 17 years of age. A total of 15 textbooks (four biology books, five physics books, and six chemistry books) were reviewed. Ninety-two analogies were identified in these books. These analogies were classified based on a scheme developed by Curtis and Reigeluth. Findings are discussed in the context of previous related studies.
The educational reform movements in Turkey have been accelerating since the 1990s. In connection ... more The educational reform movements in Turkey have been accelerating since the 1990s. In connection with this, 5-year compulsory education was changed to 8 years. Following this, primary education curriculum was renewed in 2000 and 2004. The important components of formal education are the curriculum, textbooks and the examinations for entering the next stage of education (such as Secondary Education Placement Examinations (SEPE) and Higher Education Placement Examinations (HEPE) exams). This study investigates the content congruity between primary education second stage (the 6th-8 grade) curriculum for the science and technology course and the SEPE exams and the textbooks from the perspective of biology. The research found, in consequence, no incongruity between the three elements in general. In SEPE exams (2008-2010), there were no questions on some issues in the textbooks and curriculum which, therefore, can be regarded as inconsistency among curriculum, textbooks and SEPE exams. In the last part of our study, several recommendations towards the innovations of the curriculum have been made for the future.
In this study, teachers' perceptions of prospective Turkish teachers (that is, those who have com... more In this study, teachers' perceptions of prospective Turkish teachers (that is, those who have completed their undergraduate studies) in the fields of Science, Mathematics and Social Sciences are investigated through teacher metaphors. These perceptions were classified in accordance with their answers to two open-ended questions within a metaphoric structure used as the data collection tool. This classification employs the tripartite metaphorical classification developed by Martínez et al. and includes the following perspectives: Transmissive, constructivist, and situative. In the study, 58 different teacher metaphors were identified. As a result of the research, metaphors within the Transmissive class were observed predominantly in prospective teachers of both groups, followed by Constructivist in prospective Science and Math teachers, and Situative in prospective Social Science teachers. Findings from the study are also discussed within the scope of relevant literature.
Bartın üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Dec 15, 2014
Elektron optigi iyi bir matematiksel altyapi gerektirdigi icin fen egitiminde, ozellikle fizik eg... more Elektron optigi iyi bir matematiksel altyapi gerektirdigi icin fen egitiminde, ozellikle fizik egitiminde anlasilmasi zor bir konudur. Elektron optiginde kullanilan kurallar, isik optiginden alinmaktadir. Ayrica, isik optiginde kullanilan formalizasyon son derece gelismis oldugu icin, elektron optigi tartismalarinda ayni terminoloji ve formullerden yararlanilmasi bir gelenek haline gelmistir. Bu sebeple, isik ve elektron optigi ile arasinda analojiler kurarak ve simulasyon araclari kullanarak lisans ve lisansustu ogrencilerine elektron optiginin temelleri basitlestirilerek ogretilebilir. Calismamizda ilk olarak elektron optiginin ogretiminde ilgiyi ve verimliligi saglamasi amaciyla isik ve elektron optigi arasinda zenginlestirilmis analoji insa edilmistir. Bu eslesmede benzer kisimlarin yani sira ortak olmayan ayristiklari noktalar da belirtilerek analoji zenginlestirilmistir. Ek olarak, elektron optiginin ogretiminde bilgisayar simulasyon uygulamalarinin (ray-tracing yontemi) kullanimi ve bunlarin anlamaya destekleri tartisilmistir.
European Journal of Education Studies, Mar 15, 2018
Teachers are expected to consider the implications of recommendations made in educational researc... more Teachers are expected to consider the implications of recommendations made in educational research. In-service teachers are primary actors who play a leading role in education, so their attitudes towards educational research and researchers are more important than those of pre-service or trainee teachers. This study aims to find out inservice science teachers' attitudes towards education research and some the factors that affect them such as gender, teacher's subject area, seniority, and postgraduate research area. The research data was obtained using a Likert-type scale developed by Ilhan, Şekerci, Sözbilir & Yildirim (2013). The study sample included 108 in-service high school science teachers from Turkey. The results show that in-service science teachers find educational research applicable and necessary but of limited value. Teachers who graduated from education faculties have more positive attitudes towards educational research and teachers who are newly appointed to the profession have a better understanding of the utilities and value of educational research. This study emphasizes and underlines that science teachers' attitudes towards the value of educational research are under the targeted level. In order to adequately support science teachers and provide them with the intended competencies of their curricula, this study provides some implications for both teachers and researchers in science education.
In this study, the state of biology subject area knowledge of the Preservice Science Teacher in T... more In this study, the state of biology subject area knowledge of the Preservice Science Teacher in Turkey and if this changes according to various independent differences were investigated. 407 teacher trainees from the certain departments of 10 different faculties from the 7 geographic parts in Turkey were participated in the research. The questionnaire that was used as the data source for the research has a personal information part at the beginning and a 59 item multiple choice test for biology subject area. With the biology subject area knowledge test the biology knowledge level that the science teacher trainees gained from their university education was aimed to be measured. When preparing this test the science teacher bachelor programmer which was put into practice by the HEC in 1998 was taken into consideration. The course contents in relation to the biology subject area in the courses of the programmer were arranged in items and questions which met these were pFen egitimi, Alan...
Teachers are expected to consider the implications of recommendations made in educational researc... more Teachers are expected to consider the implications of recommendations made in educational research. In-service teachers are primary actors who play a leading role in education, so their attitudes towards educational research and researchers are more important than those of pre-service or trainee teachers. This study aims to find out in-service science teachers’ attitudes towards education research and some the factors that affect them such as gender, teacher’s subject area, seniority, and postgraduate research area. The research data was obtained using a Likert-type scale developed by Ilhan, Şekerci, Sozbilir & Yildirim (2013). The study sample included 108 in-service high school science teachers from Turkey. The results show that in-service science teachers find educational research applicable and necessary but of limited value. Teachers who graduated from education faculties have more positive attitudes towards educational research and teachers who are newly appointed to the profe...
Bu calismada, Ilkogretim Fen Bilgisi ogretmen adaylarinin fen ogretimlerinde ozyeterlik inanc duz... more Bu calismada, Ilkogretim Fen Bilgisi ogretmen adaylarinin fen ogretimlerinde ozyeterlik inanc duzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Calismanin orneklemini Ataturk Universitesi, Kazim Karabekir Egitim Fakultesi, Ilkogretim Fen Bilgisi Egitimi Anabilim Dali'nda ogrenim goren 125 son sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Adaylara "oz-yeterlik inanci" ve "sonuc beklentisi" alt faktorlerini kapsayan ve 11 olumlu, 9 olumsuz sorudan olusan ve guvenirlik katsayisi 0.62 olarak hesaplanan "Fen Ogretiminde Oz-yeterlik Inanc Olcegi" uygulanmistir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS programi kullanilmis, bagimsiz grup t-testi, tek yonlu ANOVA testlerinden ve yuzde, frekans degerlerinden faydalanilmistir. Sonucta cinsiyetin ve mezun olunan lise turunun adaylarin inanc duzeyleri acisindan bir farkliliga sebep olmadigi anlasilmistir. Bunun yani sira orneklemi olusturan ogretmen adaylarinin inanc duzeylerinin yeterli oldugu belirlenmis ancak ogretmenlik meslegi icin onemli bir...
This study seeks to investigate through metaphors the perceptions of biotechnology of teachers of... more This study seeks to investigate through metaphors the perceptions of biotechnology of teachers of different school subjects in Turkey. A total of 135 teacher trainees from 3 different school subjects participated in the study. In the study, data were collected by using statements such as “biotechnology is like...... because.....” Therefore, this is a qualitative study with phenomenology design. At the end of the study, teacher trainees produced 77 different metaphors. These metaphors were classified into five category. In the percentage distribution, “innovation” (30%) comes first, “essentialness” (26%) comes second, “advantage” (22%) comes third, “means” (14%) comes fourth and “threat” (8%) comes fifth. To conclude, most of the teacher trainees (92%) have a positive view of biotechnology. Besides, preservice teachers’ metaphorical perceptions of biotechnology according to sex show a significant difference. We propose that comparative studies be done with more subjects from differen...
Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 2017
The purpose of this research is to examine the perceptions of genetically modified food by the te... more The purpose of this research is to examine the perceptions of genetically modified food by the teacher candidates in different branches in Turkey through metaphors. The study was conducted with 133 teacher candidates from three different branches. In the study "Genetically modified food ... looks like, because ..." data was collected with the sentence pattern. This study is a qualitative research in case studies. As a result, the teacher candidates produced 75 different metaphors. These metaphors are grouped under four categories. The category "threat" (68.4%) is in the first rank, "uselessness" (11.3%) is in the second rank, "advantage" (11.3%) is in the third rank and "need" (9%) is in the fourth rank. As a result, the majority of teacher candidates have no positive perception of genetically modified food. In addition, the metaphorical perceptions of the genetically modified food according to the gender and branches of the teacher candidates do not differ significantly. Studies aiming to reveal the reasons why teacher candidates have negative holdings against GDG can be done. Another research question is how the negative perceptions of the teacher candidates towards GDG are in teachers.
Abstract In this study, Turkish prospective elementary science teachers’ understanding of photosy... more Abstract In this study, Turkish prospective elementary science teachers’ understanding of photosynthesis and cellular respiration has been analysed within the contexts of ecosystem knowledge, organism knowledge and interconnection knowledge (IK). In the analysis, concept maps developed by 74 prospective teachers were used. The study was carried out with prospective teachers in their final year who were enrolled in the special teaching methods course. The results show that prospective teachers’ understanding of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, energy flow and matter cycling is quite different from one another’s. In addition, the present study revealed that prospective elementary science teachers showed weak understanding of energy flow and matter, cycling and cellular respiration concepts and IK category but they had strong understanding of photosynthesis concept. Prospective teachers also experience difficulties in understanding connections between macro- and microbiological systems. The study concludes with suggestions for more meaningful biology education.
Analogical reasoning is both an innate ability and a basic learning mechanism that can be improve... more Analogical reasoning is both an innate ability and a basic learning mechanism that can be improved. In classrooms, it is an important tool used by teachers, especially when explaining difficult or abstract issues. In addition to its use in all aspects of our lives, analogical reasoning is commonly used in textbooks. This research examines the extent to which analogies are used in high school science textbooks, the subjects of the examination being high school physics, chemistry, and biology course textbooks used by students between 14 and 17 years of age. A total of 15 textbooks (four biology books, five physics books, and six chemistry books) were reviewed. Ninety-two analogies were identified in these books. These analogies were classified based on a scheme developed by Curtis and Reigeluth. Findings are discussed in the context of previous related studies.
Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2014
Elektron optigi iyi bir matematiksel altyapi gerektirdigi icin fen egitiminde, ozellikle fizik eg... more Elektron optigi iyi bir matematiksel altyapi gerektirdigi icin fen egitiminde, ozellikle fizik egitiminde anlasilmasi zor bir konudur. Elektron optiginde kullanilan kurallar, isik optiginden alinmaktadir. Ayrica, isik optiginde kullanilan formalizasyon son derece gelismis oldugu icin, elektron optigi tartismalarinda ayni terminoloji ve formullerden yararlanilmasi bir gelenek haline gelmistir. Bu sebeple, isik ve elektron optigi ile arasinda analojiler kurarak ve simulasyon araclari kullanarak lisans ve lisansustu ogrencilerine elektron optiginin temelleri basitlestirilerek ogretilebilir. Calismamizda ilk olarak elektron optiginin ogretiminde ilgiyi ve verimliligi saglamasi amaciyla isik ve elektron optigi arasinda zenginlestirilmis analoji insa edilmistir. Bu eslesmede benzer kisimlarin yani sira ortak olmayan ayristiklari noktalar da belirtilerek analoji zenginlestirilmistir. Ek olarak, elektron optiginin ogretiminde bilgisayar simulasyon uygulamalarinin (ray-tracing yontemi) kullanimi ve bunlarin anlamaya destekleri tartisilmistir.
Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches, Dec 9, 2023
The general purpose of this research is to examine the energy literacy status of secondary school... more The general purpose of this research is to examine the energy literacy status of secondary school students. In particular, the change in the energy literacy of secondary school students according to some independent variables was examined. Survey research technique, which is one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the research. Research data were collected in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. The universe of the research consisted of private and public secondary schools located within the borders of Isparta province in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Data were collected from 1182 students studying in 7th and 8th grades, determined by convenient sampling method from these schools. The "Energy Literacy Scale" developed by DeWaters, Qagish, Graham, and Powers (2013) and adapted into Turkish by Güven, Yakar, and Sülün (2019) was used in the research. Due to the Covid 19 epidemic, the data was collected in the digital environment. As a result of the research, it was determined that the students were partially low energy literate in the affective subdimension and partially high-energy literate in the behavioural sub-dimension. If we look at the energy literacy of the students according to the determined independent variables: the energy literacy of the students studying in public secondary school is significantly higher than those studying in private secondary school. The energy literacy levels of the students in the schools located in the district centre are significantly higher than those in the city centre. The energy literacy levels of those whose father's education level is primary, secondary and high school graduates are significantly higher than those with a master's/doctorate degree. Finally, it can be suggested that science curriculum should be updated to increase energy literacy and that inquiry-based in-class and out-of-class activities should be encouraged in textbooks.
International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
It is obvious that developing countries like ours can only achieve sustainable development by giv... more It is obvious that developing countries like ours can only achieve sustainable development by giving more importance to recycling in their education. Textbooks have been indispensable for education in classrooms from past to present. Especially in developing countries like ours, they are the most easily accessible teaching documents. In this research, nine science textbooks used in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades as of 2023 were examined within the framework of recycling and recycling concepts. These textbooks are nine science textbooks selected by the Ministry of Education Education and Discipline Board among twenty-six science textbooks determined to be used in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades as of 2023, using convenient sampling method. In the textbooks examined, the frequency of use of the concepts and the way they were handled were examined. The results of each textbook are presented as a separate table. As a result, it was seen that the concepts related to recycling and recycling were handled more indirectly and relatively less in the 5th and 6th grade textbooks. It has been determined that 7th and 8th grade textbooks are included more and more directly. Based on the results of the research, it is suggested that science textbooks should be enriched in terms of recycling, which is an important component of environmental education. In addition, it can be said that these concepts should be included directly and more effectively at the lower grade levels.
Özet Bu araştırma, fen eğitiminde bilgisayar destekli öğretim yönteminin, anlatım yöntemine göre ... more Özet Bu araştırma, fen eğitiminde bilgisayar destekli öğretim yönteminin, anlatım yöntemine göre öğrenci başarısına etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma 2001-2002 öğretim yılı birinci döneminde Kastamonu İli, Merkez İlçesi'ndeki iki ilköğretim okulunun 6. ...
Abstract In this study, Turkish prospective elementary science teachers’ understanding of photosy... more Abstract In this study, Turkish prospective elementary science teachers’ understanding of photosynthesis and cellular respiration has been analysed within the contexts of ecosystem knowledge, organism knowledge and interconnection knowledge (IK). In the analysis, concept maps developed by 74 prospective teachers were used. The study was carried out with prospective teachers in their final year who were enrolled in the special teaching methods course. The results show that prospective teachers’ understanding of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, energy flow and matter cycling is quite different from one another’s. In addition, the present study revealed that prospective elementary science teachers showed weak understanding of energy flow and matter, cycling and cellular respiration concepts and IK category but they had strong understanding of photosynthesis concept. Prospective teachers also experience difficulties in understanding connections between macro- and microbiological systems. The study concludes with suggestions for more meaningful biology education.
Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, Dec 18, 2017
The purpose of this research is to examine the perceptions of genetically modified food by the te... more The purpose of this research is to examine the perceptions of genetically modified food by the teacher candidates in different branches in Turkey through metaphors. The study was conducted with 133 teacher candidates from three different branches. In the study "Genetically modified food ... looks like, because ..." data was collected with the sentence pattern. This study is a qualitative research in case studies. As a result, the teacher candidates produced 75 different metaphors. These metaphors are grouped under four categories. The category "threat" (68.4%) is in the first rank, "uselessness" (11.3%) is in the second rank, "advantage" (11.3%) is in the third rank and "need" (9%) is in the fourth rank. As a result, the majority of teacher candidates have no positive perception of genetically modified food. In addition, the metaphorical perceptions of the genetically modified food according to the gender and branches of the teacher candidates do not differ significantly. Studies aiming to reveal the reasons why teacher candidates have negative holdings against GDG can be done. Another research question is how the negative perceptions of the teacher candidates towards GDG are in teachers.
Analogical reasoning is both an innate ability and a basic learning mechanism that can be improve... more Analogical reasoning is both an innate ability and a basic learning mechanism that can be improved. In classrooms, it is an important tool used by teachers, especially when explaining difficult or abstract issues. In addition to its use in all aspects of our lives, analogical reasoning is commonly used in textbooks. This research examines the extent to which analogies are used in high school science textbooks, the subjects of the examination being high school physics, chemistry, and biology course textbooks used by students between 14 and 17 years of age. A total of 15 textbooks (four biology books, five physics books, and six chemistry books) were reviewed. Ninety-two analogies were identified in these books. These analogies were classified based on a scheme developed by Curtis and Reigeluth. Findings are discussed in the context of previous related studies.
The educational reform movements in Turkey have been accelerating since the 1990s. In connection ... more The educational reform movements in Turkey have been accelerating since the 1990s. In connection with this, 5-year compulsory education was changed to 8 years. Following this, primary education curriculum was renewed in 2000 and 2004. The important components of formal education are the curriculum, textbooks and the examinations for entering the next stage of education (such as Secondary Education Placement Examinations (SEPE) and Higher Education Placement Examinations (HEPE) exams). This study investigates the content congruity between primary education second stage (the 6th-8 grade) curriculum for the science and technology course and the SEPE exams and the textbooks from the perspective of biology. The research found, in consequence, no incongruity between the three elements in general. In SEPE exams (2008-2010), there were no questions on some issues in the textbooks and curriculum which, therefore, can be regarded as inconsistency among curriculum, textbooks and SEPE exams. In the last part of our study, several recommendations towards the innovations of the curriculum have been made for the future.
In this study, teachers' perceptions of prospective Turkish teachers (that is, those who have com... more In this study, teachers' perceptions of prospective Turkish teachers (that is, those who have completed their undergraduate studies) in the fields of Science, Mathematics and Social Sciences are investigated through teacher metaphors. These perceptions were classified in accordance with their answers to two open-ended questions within a metaphoric structure used as the data collection tool. This classification employs the tripartite metaphorical classification developed by Martínez et al. and includes the following perspectives: Transmissive, constructivist, and situative. In the study, 58 different teacher metaphors were identified. As a result of the research, metaphors within the Transmissive class were observed predominantly in prospective teachers of both groups, followed by Constructivist in prospective Science and Math teachers, and Situative in prospective Social Science teachers. Findings from the study are also discussed within the scope of relevant literature.
Bartın üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Dec 15, 2014
Elektron optigi iyi bir matematiksel altyapi gerektirdigi icin fen egitiminde, ozellikle fizik eg... more Elektron optigi iyi bir matematiksel altyapi gerektirdigi icin fen egitiminde, ozellikle fizik egitiminde anlasilmasi zor bir konudur. Elektron optiginde kullanilan kurallar, isik optiginden alinmaktadir. Ayrica, isik optiginde kullanilan formalizasyon son derece gelismis oldugu icin, elektron optigi tartismalarinda ayni terminoloji ve formullerden yararlanilmasi bir gelenek haline gelmistir. Bu sebeple, isik ve elektron optigi ile arasinda analojiler kurarak ve simulasyon araclari kullanarak lisans ve lisansustu ogrencilerine elektron optiginin temelleri basitlestirilerek ogretilebilir. Calismamizda ilk olarak elektron optiginin ogretiminde ilgiyi ve verimliligi saglamasi amaciyla isik ve elektron optigi arasinda zenginlestirilmis analoji insa edilmistir. Bu eslesmede benzer kisimlarin yani sira ortak olmayan ayristiklari noktalar da belirtilerek analoji zenginlestirilmistir. Ek olarak, elektron optiginin ogretiminde bilgisayar simulasyon uygulamalarinin (ray-tracing yontemi) kullanimi ve bunlarin anlamaya destekleri tartisilmistir.
European Journal of Education Studies, Mar 15, 2018
Teachers are expected to consider the implications of recommendations made in educational researc... more Teachers are expected to consider the implications of recommendations made in educational research. In-service teachers are primary actors who play a leading role in education, so their attitudes towards educational research and researchers are more important than those of pre-service or trainee teachers. This study aims to find out inservice science teachers' attitudes towards education research and some the factors that affect them such as gender, teacher's subject area, seniority, and postgraduate research area. The research data was obtained using a Likert-type scale developed by Ilhan, Şekerci, Sözbilir & Yildirim (2013). The study sample included 108 in-service high school science teachers from Turkey. The results show that in-service science teachers find educational research applicable and necessary but of limited value. Teachers who graduated from education faculties have more positive attitudes towards educational research and teachers who are newly appointed to the profession have a better understanding of the utilities and value of educational research. This study emphasizes and underlines that science teachers' attitudes towards the value of educational research are under the targeted level. In order to adequately support science teachers and provide them with the intended competencies of their curricula, this study provides some implications for both teachers and researchers in science education.
In this study, the state of biology subject area knowledge of the Preservice Science Teacher in T... more In this study, the state of biology subject area knowledge of the Preservice Science Teacher in Turkey and if this changes according to various independent differences were investigated. 407 teacher trainees from the certain departments of 10 different faculties from the 7 geographic parts in Turkey were participated in the research. The questionnaire that was used as the data source for the research has a personal information part at the beginning and a 59 item multiple choice test for biology subject area. With the biology subject area knowledge test the biology knowledge level that the science teacher trainees gained from their university education was aimed to be measured. When preparing this test the science teacher bachelor programmer which was put into practice by the HEC in 1998 was taken into consideration. The course contents in relation to the biology subject area in the courses of the programmer were arranged in items and questions which met these were pFen egitimi, Alan...
Teachers are expected to consider the implications of recommendations made in educational researc... more Teachers are expected to consider the implications of recommendations made in educational research. In-service teachers are primary actors who play a leading role in education, so their attitudes towards educational research and researchers are more important than those of pre-service or trainee teachers. This study aims to find out in-service science teachers’ attitudes towards education research and some the factors that affect them such as gender, teacher’s subject area, seniority, and postgraduate research area. The research data was obtained using a Likert-type scale developed by Ilhan, Şekerci, Sozbilir & Yildirim (2013). The study sample included 108 in-service high school science teachers from Turkey. The results show that in-service science teachers find educational research applicable and necessary but of limited value. Teachers who graduated from education faculties have more positive attitudes towards educational research and teachers who are newly appointed to the profe...
Bu calismada, Ilkogretim Fen Bilgisi ogretmen adaylarinin fen ogretimlerinde ozyeterlik inanc duz... more Bu calismada, Ilkogretim Fen Bilgisi ogretmen adaylarinin fen ogretimlerinde ozyeterlik inanc duzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Calismanin orneklemini Ataturk Universitesi, Kazim Karabekir Egitim Fakultesi, Ilkogretim Fen Bilgisi Egitimi Anabilim Dali'nda ogrenim goren 125 son sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Adaylara "oz-yeterlik inanci" ve "sonuc beklentisi" alt faktorlerini kapsayan ve 11 olumlu, 9 olumsuz sorudan olusan ve guvenirlik katsayisi 0.62 olarak hesaplanan "Fen Ogretiminde Oz-yeterlik Inanc Olcegi" uygulanmistir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS programi kullanilmis, bagimsiz grup t-testi, tek yonlu ANOVA testlerinden ve yuzde, frekans degerlerinden faydalanilmistir. Sonucta cinsiyetin ve mezun olunan lise turunun adaylarin inanc duzeyleri acisindan bir farkliliga sebep olmadigi anlasilmistir. Bunun yani sira orneklemi olusturan ogretmen adaylarinin inanc duzeylerinin yeterli oldugu belirlenmis ancak ogretmenlik meslegi icin onemli bir...
This study seeks to investigate through metaphors the perceptions of biotechnology of teachers of... more This study seeks to investigate through metaphors the perceptions of biotechnology of teachers of different school subjects in Turkey. A total of 135 teacher trainees from 3 different school subjects participated in the study. In the study, data were collected by using statements such as “biotechnology is like...... because.....” Therefore, this is a qualitative study with phenomenology design. At the end of the study, teacher trainees produced 77 different metaphors. These metaphors were classified into five category. In the percentage distribution, “innovation” (30%) comes first, “essentialness” (26%) comes second, “advantage” (22%) comes third, “means” (14%) comes fourth and “threat” (8%) comes fifth. To conclude, most of the teacher trainees (92%) have a positive view of biotechnology. Besides, preservice teachers’ metaphorical perceptions of biotechnology according to sex show a significant difference. We propose that comparative studies be done with more subjects from differen...
Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 2017
The purpose of this research is to examine the perceptions of genetically modified food by the te... more The purpose of this research is to examine the perceptions of genetically modified food by the teacher candidates in different branches in Turkey through metaphors. The study was conducted with 133 teacher candidates from three different branches. In the study "Genetically modified food ... looks like, because ..." data was collected with the sentence pattern. This study is a qualitative research in case studies. As a result, the teacher candidates produced 75 different metaphors. These metaphors are grouped under four categories. The category "threat" (68.4%) is in the first rank, "uselessness" (11.3%) is in the second rank, "advantage" (11.3%) is in the third rank and "need" (9%) is in the fourth rank. As a result, the majority of teacher candidates have no positive perception of genetically modified food. In addition, the metaphorical perceptions of the genetically modified food according to the gender and branches of the teacher candidates do not differ significantly. Studies aiming to reveal the reasons why teacher candidates have negative holdings against GDG can be done. Another research question is how the negative perceptions of the teacher candidates towards GDG are in teachers.
Abstract In this study, Turkish prospective elementary science teachers’ understanding of photosy... more Abstract In this study, Turkish prospective elementary science teachers’ understanding of photosynthesis and cellular respiration has been analysed within the contexts of ecosystem knowledge, organism knowledge and interconnection knowledge (IK). In the analysis, concept maps developed by 74 prospective teachers were used. The study was carried out with prospective teachers in their final year who were enrolled in the special teaching methods course. The results show that prospective teachers’ understanding of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, energy flow and matter cycling is quite different from one another’s. In addition, the present study revealed that prospective elementary science teachers showed weak understanding of energy flow and matter, cycling and cellular respiration concepts and IK category but they had strong understanding of photosynthesis concept. Prospective teachers also experience difficulties in understanding connections between macro- and microbiological systems. The study concludes with suggestions for more meaningful biology education.
Analogical reasoning is both an innate ability and a basic learning mechanism that can be improve... more Analogical reasoning is both an innate ability and a basic learning mechanism that can be improved. In classrooms, it is an important tool used by teachers, especially when explaining difficult or abstract issues. In addition to its use in all aspects of our lives, analogical reasoning is commonly used in textbooks. This research examines the extent to which analogies are used in high school science textbooks, the subjects of the examination being high school physics, chemistry, and biology course textbooks used by students between 14 and 17 years of age. A total of 15 textbooks (four biology books, five physics books, and six chemistry books) were reviewed. Ninety-two analogies were identified in these books. These analogies were classified based on a scheme developed by Curtis and Reigeluth. Findings are discussed in the context of previous related studies.
Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2014
Elektron optigi iyi bir matematiksel altyapi gerektirdigi icin fen egitiminde, ozellikle fizik eg... more Elektron optigi iyi bir matematiksel altyapi gerektirdigi icin fen egitiminde, ozellikle fizik egitiminde anlasilmasi zor bir konudur. Elektron optiginde kullanilan kurallar, isik optiginden alinmaktadir. Ayrica, isik optiginde kullanilan formalizasyon son derece gelismis oldugu icin, elektron optigi tartismalarinda ayni terminoloji ve formullerden yararlanilmasi bir gelenek haline gelmistir. Bu sebeple, isik ve elektron optigi ile arasinda analojiler kurarak ve simulasyon araclari kullanarak lisans ve lisansustu ogrencilerine elektron optiginin temelleri basitlestirilerek ogretilebilir. Calismamizda ilk olarak elektron optiginin ogretiminde ilgiyi ve verimliligi saglamasi amaciyla isik ve elektron optigi arasinda zenginlestirilmis analoji insa edilmistir. Bu eslesmede benzer kisimlarin yani sira ortak olmayan ayristiklari noktalar da belirtilerek analoji zenginlestirilmistir. Ek olarak, elektron optiginin ogretiminde bilgisayar simulasyon uygulamalarinin (ray-tracing yontemi) kullanimi ve bunlarin anlamaya destekleri tartisilmistir.