Papers by Krzysztof Rutkiewicz

The aim of the study was to evaluate the strategy of creating a competitive advantage of a compan... more The aim of the study was to evaluate the strategy of creating a competitive advantage of a company operating in the Polish sector of rolling lawns and vegetation mats. Authors described the sources of the company competitiveness, including key suppliers, customers and competitors. Research included the internal determinants and tools leading to the stabilisation of the company strategic position. Theoretical information was taken from books, journals and promotional brochures. To evaluate the economic and financial situation of the company there was used a report from the National Court Register. The analysis also was based on deduction, descriptive and critical-cognitive methods. An explicit non-participating observation and a direct interview were implemented. Competition on the rolling lawns’ market is settled. A dispersed localization of companies in Poland means that they are not a threat to each other. A significant barrier is the cost of entry into the sector, related to the ...

Japanese methods, concepts, and management tools enjoy rising popular in the world and in Poland,... more Japanese methods, concepts, and management tools enjoy rising popular in the world and in Poland, which is the consequence of the assumptions and practical results achieved thanks to the solutions applied by business entities and organizations. The aim of this study is a comprehensive assessment of conditions and internal determinants of competitiveness, enabling effective implementation of Japanese methods and techniques of production management, in the enterprise under consideration. The hypothesis to verify is the statement that the implementation of Japanese management methods in the examined enterprise increased the economic efficiency of individual production processes and improved its organizational culture. The triangulation method in the form of direct observation analysis of information taken from primary and secondary sources was applied. Also, there was conducted a questionnaire survey, completed with an individual in-depth interview with the company employees (leaders a...
Abstrakt. Przedstawiono problematykę szczególnych reguł konkurencji oraz warunków dopuszczalności... more Abstrakt. Przedstawiono problematykę szczególnych reguł konkurencji oraz warunków dopuszczalności udzielania pomocy publicznej we wspólnotowym sektorze rolnictwa. Zaprezentowano ramy prawne i kompetencje organów kreujących reguły polityki konkurencji w Unii Europejskiej oraz dokonano analizy wartości, struktury i przeznaczenia pomocy publicznej w rolnictwie. Niemal 1/4 wartości pomocy publicznej we wspólnotowym sektorze rolnictwa przeznaczana jest na inwestycje w gospodarstwach rolnych. Istotnym instrumentem wsparcia przedsiębiorców są zwolnienia podatkowe.

Abstrakt. Celem badań było określenie, w jaki sposób systemy zarządzania relacjami z klientami wd... more Abstrakt. Celem badań było określenie, w jaki sposób systemy zarządzania relacjami z klientami wdraża się do firmy, w jaki sposób działają i jakie przynoszą efekty. Zastosowano metodę analizy przyczyn i skutków wad FMEA, wykorzystując identyfikację z punktu widzenia klientów, pracowników i systemu informatycznego wspomagającego zarządzanie. Badania objęły grupę 100 klientów – przedsiębiorców i rolników, którzy wypełnili kwestionariusz ankiety. Do diagnozy najważniejszych problemów w relacjach z klientami wykorzystano metodę burzy mózgów. System CRM jest narzędziem pozwalającym zdobyć klientów, zwiększyć sprzedaż oraz zaoferować najwyższy poziom obsługi. Wdrożenie tego systemu do firmy skróciło czas obsługi klientów, poprawiając jakość świadczonych usług. Realizacja działań, zwiększających konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstwa, objęła: skatalogowanie kluczowych klientów (ze względu na rodzaj i wielkość oraz typ produkcji) oraz delegowanie odpowiedzialności pracowników za ich obsługę, popr...

The aim of the study is to evaluate the financing of environmental investments in Poland credited... more The aim of the study is to evaluate the financing of environmental investments in Poland credited by the Bank of Environmental Protection (BOŚ) in the years 1991-2013. Authors conducted a research relating to the total amount, structure and distribution of resources granted by BOŚ. They indicated directions of financial measures allocation i.e. tasks, projects and achieved ecological effects in the field of environmental protection. A method of deduction was used. Information taken from the theoretical literature as well as legal and normative acts. Empirical data for comparative statistical analysis derived from documents and reports of the BOŚ Department of Ecology and Strategy. In the structure of loans granted by BOŚ in the years 1991-2013, 87% of the investments concerned the protection of the atmosphere, 10% – water conservation and water management, 2.5% – protection of the earth. Most often were used loans with subsidies (in cooperation with National Fund for Environmental P...

Public financial aid is approached as one of the most important tools allowing, mainly small and ... more Public financial aid is approached as one of the most important tools allowing, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, to implement many of their investment intentions, thus improving their competitive position in the market. It is granted to enterprises regardless of whether they are of profit-oriented or a non-profit nature. The main goal of this article is to assess the effectiveness of public aid in the aquaculture sector. Authors reviewed the aid measures allocated to three carp farms located in the Barycz Valley, the biggest center for carp breeding in Europe. These three farms accounted for half of the aid beneficiaries over the period of analysis, and are considered to be representative according to the typical farms approach. They also account for 85% of the total grants allocated to the sector. After identifying differences in investment strategies, the authors investigated whether these differences could be reflected in the financial situation of the selected enterpri...

Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
The aim of the research was an all-encompassing assessment of the process of shaping the strategy... more The aim of the research was an all-encompassing assessment of the process of shaping the strategy of a small enterprise (confectioner’s shop), conducting business activity on the local market. The verified hypothesis is that the strategy of a small company is not always formalized, because strategic plans can only be hidden „in the owner’s head”. The research is of a theoretical and empirical nature, including a critical analysis of the data. An observation method, in-depth personal interview and questionnaire research were applied. A SWOT and CSF (Critical Success Factor) analysis were carried out concerning the examined enterprise and its competitors. The contemporary market realities determine the necessity of the organization’s flexibility in achieving objectives as a part of creative and innovative strategies. The researched company is in a stable phase of maturity, using the strategy of maintaining a strong position on the local confectionery market. A conservative strategy ba...

Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu
The aim of the study was an attempt to assess the level of changes in the agricultural farm struc... more The aim of the study was an attempt to assess the level of changes in the agricultural farm structure of the United States of America within the years 1978-2017 in the he area. The main purpose of the study was to determine the share and dynamics in selected farm area groups in the process of farm area changes. The number of farms in the years 1978-2017 decreased from 2.29 million to 2.04 million (a decrease of 11%), while the area occupied by these farms decreased from 1,353 million acres to 900 million acres (down 33.5%) [USDA 2017]. The article puts forward the hypothesis that due to the long period of observation and regional diversity in agriculture – area changes in farms will confirm significant differences in the rate at which this phenomenon has occurred. The study shows the significant diversification of land resources, dynamics within the number of farms and land utilization within selected states. While the number of farms in the period under consideration increased in 1...

Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
The aim of this paper is to discuss the legal and economic aspects of granting state aid for envi... more The aim of this paper is to discuss the legal and economic aspects of granting state aid for environmental protection in the Member States in respect of the competition policy of the European Union in the years 2004–2012. For the purpose of this study, deductive, descriptive and criticalcognitive methods were applied in order to analyze the theoretical knowledge contained in the literature of the subject as well as in legal and normative acts. Empirical data were derived from studies, documents and reports of the DirectorateGeneral for Competition of the European Commission and the Offi ce of Competition and Consumer Protection. Based on the study, in the years 2004–2012 in the EU horizontal objectives mostly involved aid granted for the purposes of environmental protection (123 bln EUR, 24.3%). The total expenditure for environmental protection in the EU was strongly determined by decisions taken by Germany and Sweden. The most signifi - cant benefi ciaries who were granted such aid were entrepreneurs from Great Britain, the Netherlands, Austria and Spain. More than half of the decisions (54%) issued by the European Commission were taken by fi ve countries: Italy, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. Investments in renewable sources of energy were most often subsidized. Moreover, companies were granted aid in order to adjust to requirements stricter than the EU standards in the fi eld of environment. A smaller percentage of aid was allocated to fi nance environmental research and to improve energy effi ciency (cogeneration, including heating and cooling systems). Analysis of the structure of the preferred instruments indicates that 77% of aid was granted as tax reductions and exemptions and the other 23% in the form of direct subsidies. In the years 2004–2012 state fi nancial aid in Poland was mainly granted by the fi scal and customs authorities (77%) as well as in the form of subsidies and loans granted by the President of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (20%). Since the year 2008 a signifi cant increase in aid including reduction of the excise tax in the sector of biofuels has been reported

Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu
Celem badań było omówienie prawno-ekonomicznych aspektów udzielania pomocy publicznej w sektorze ... more Celem badań było omówienie prawno-ekonomicznych aspektów udzielania pomocy publicznej w sektorze rolnictwa, leśnictwa i na obszarach wiejskich w świetle polityki konkurencji UE w latach 2004-2015. Zastosowano metodę dedukcji, opisową, krytyczno-poznawczą i porównawczą analizę danych statystycznych (z bazy EUROSTAT) w zakresie wartości i struktury pomocy dla 49 celów sektorowych w krajach UE-28. Pomoc publiczna w UE stanowi instrument realizacji celów WPR, który wzmacnia konkurencyjność i rentowność wszystkich gałęzi rolnictwa, promuje zrównoważoną gospodarkę leśną i rozwój terytorialny obszarów wiejskich, stymulując działania na rzecz klimatu i efektywności energii. Do największych beneficjentów pomocy w sektorze rolnictwa w latach 2004-2015 należały: Francja (16%), Niemcy (12%), Finlandia (10%), Włochy (9%), Hiszpania (8%), Polska (7%), Wielka Brytania (6%) i Holandia (5%). W strukturze pomocy w UE-28 dominującym przeznaczeniem były zwolnienia podatkowe (14%), a następnie: inwestyc...
Papers by Krzysztof Rutkiewicz