This research is a correlation study that aims to determine the relationship between environmenta... more This research is a correlation study that aims to determine the relationship between environmental knowledge and the formation of environmental care attitudes of students of Geography Education FKIP Khairun University. The population in this study amounted to 322 people with a sample of 76 people selected. Primary data collection in this study was through the provision of test questions related to environmental knowledge and environmental care attitudes, each of it had 30 question items. The data in this study were analyzed using the SPSS program by analyzing both descriptively through frequency distribution analysis and statistically through product moment correlation analysis. Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, it was found that most of the Geography Education students of Khairun University who became respondents had high environmental knowledge (75%), as well as their environmental care attitude was classified as good (96.05%). Meanwhile, based on the results of th...
Climate change is one of the trending topics to be discussed at both the practical and political ... more Climate change is one of the trending topics to be discussed at both the practical and political levels. Climate change has a significant effect on rice plants because rice cultivation is dependent on climate elements, especially rainfall, and temperature, the phenomenon of climate change has triggered an increase in the intensity of extreme events such as floods and droughts, causing crop failure, crop failure and even cause puso. Pinrang Regency is one of the regions in Indonesia that feels the impact of climate change on the agricultural sector. The research aims to develop appropriate adaptation strategies to climate change for rice crop management. The technique of collecting data is through in-depth interviews with respondents, namely rice farmers in Pinrang Regency using a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis uses SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), by determining internal factors and external factors and formulating climate change adapta...
Panrita Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
This Community Partnership Program (CPP) aims to produce products that can be used as learning me... more This Community Partnership Program (CPP) aims to produce products that can be used as learning media that allow students to be active, creative and fun in their learning activities. In turn, it will increase the effectiveness and quality of the learning process. The form of activity in this community partnership program activity uses a training strategy involving 30 participants through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, practice, and observation methods. To assess the success of this program through indicators (1), participants' attendance rate during the extension process was up to 80%. (2) All extension activities are carried out in accordance with the plan following the proposal. (3) A statement of satisfaction from extension participants and the school. Implementing this CPP can increase teachers' knowledge and skills in creating and optimizing learning media in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The participants' enthusiasm evidenced this in pa...
ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the characteristics of oceanography Tamalate Distric talong the coa... more ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the characteristics of oceanography Tamalate Distric talong the coast of Makassar. The goal is to map the potential for coastal tourism in Tamalate District. The data used is the data in such a land of Indonesia (RBI) of Makassar and some the matic maps, such as: Speed Flow Map, Map Tilt Coast, Map Brightness Beach, Coastal Depth Map and Map Width Beach. The method used to interpret satellite imagery and field observations based on spatial analysis along with the incorporation of over laying map (overlay). Land unit susedas a mapping unit to determine the ability of the land to tourism with the scoring method. The results showed that this region has a great potential to be developed as a tourist are at hat is located on the coast of class1and class 2.The class indicates that the coastal tourism development does not have a significant barrier. Therefore, coastal areas Tamalate District suitable as a tourism area
Abstrak: Peningkatan produksi padi melalui aplikasi pupuk organik merupakan salah satu kegiatan ... more Abstrak: Peningkatan produksi padi melalui aplikasi pupuk organik merupakan salah satu kegiatan dari Program Kemitraan Wilayah (PKW) Desa Congko Kabupaten Soppeng, tahun ke-2 (2020). Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang bermuara kepada peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) Kabupaten Soppeng. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pendampingan dengan sistem demplot. Kegiatan ini telah menerapan pupuk organik 50% pada lahan pertanian seluas 40 are untuk lahan sawah irigasi dan seluas 40 are pada lahan non irigasi atau sawah tadah hujan. Hasil panen yang diperoleh adalah sebanyak 7 ton, dari 3,5 ton sebelumnya atau mengalami peningkatan produksi sebesar 50% untuk sawah irigasi. Sementara pada sawah non irigasi mencapai produksi sebanyak 5 ton dari 2,5 ton sebelumnya, yang juga berarti bahwa peningkatan produksi juga mencapai 50%. Peningkatan produksi padi dengan menggunakan pupuk organik di Desa Congko sangat signifikan. Diperlukan upaya untuk mempe...
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Nov 21, 2021
Kabupaten soppeng merupakan salah satu penghasil sutera terbaik di Sulawesi Selatan, namun seirin... more Kabupaten soppeng merupakan salah satu penghasil sutera terbaik di Sulawesi Selatan, namun seiring dengan perkembangan budidaya ulat sutera mengalami penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas. Untuk meningkatkan budidaya ulat sutera di masa yang akan datang perlu mengetahui persepsi dan respon masyarakat. Untuk menilai persepsi masyarakat dan respon terhadap budidaya ulat sutera, wawancara dan pengamatan mendalam dilakukan di daerah budidaya dan luar budidaya di Kabupaten Soppeng. Berdasarkan pengamatan lapangan awal, beberapa wilayah diidentifikasi sebagai pusat pengembangan ulat sutera yaitu di Kec Donri-Donri. Masyarakat di Kabupaten Soppeng khususnya di kecamatan Donri-donri mempersepsikan bahwa budidaya Ulat sutera masih memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi dibandingkan usaha tani lainnya. Budidaya ulat sutera dijadikan sebagai mata pencaharian utama, sedangkan perkebunan dan peternakan sebagai mata pencaharian sampingan. Sistem kelembagaan terbagi menjadi dua yaitu petani berkelompok dan petani individu, begitu juga dengan sistem pemasaran yaitu pemasaran individu dan pemasaran kolektif.
East Makassar Urban Village is one of the urban villages in Ternate City which is classified as a... more East Makassar Urban Village is one of the urban villages in Ternate City which is classified as a slum settlement based on the Decree of the Mayor of Ternate Number 167/II.4./KT/2018. This is because the Urban villagae is located in an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) thus it attracts many migrants to live and settle in the area by constructing buildings on limited land. This study aims to find the characteristics of slum settlements in East Makassar Urban Village, so that it can be used as input and direction for handling slums both physically and non-physically. The method of data collection was done through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The collected data will be analyzed by using descriptive analysis methods. The results showed that on the criteria of non-economic vitality, the number of temporary buildings reached 27%, the population density was high, the condition of the buildings was dense with building footprints and the distance between them was not in acc...
After completing their education at Special Education School (SLB), intellectually disabled stude... more After completing their education at Special Education School (SLB), intellectually disabled students have to return to their community. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with simple skills of making use of used newspapers. This study was intended to provide the teenage intellectually disabled students of SLB YP3LB Makassar with the skill that would enable them to live independently. The training was given to 5 mentally disabled students of vocational class at SLB YP3LB Makassar. The methods used were socialization, training, and practice. The findings indicate that the empowerment in form of training to make handicrafts from used newspaper is good for intellectually disabled students. The training was successful because (1) the skills trained were been mastered by the participants, (2) the materials and tools used were well known to participants, (3) the activities were organized in simple ways, (4) the examples and instructions were clearly stated, (5) and time allotted wa...
Mangroves have ecological and economic functions for coastal communities in Indonesia. However, w... more Mangroves have ecological and economic functions for coastal communities in Indonesia. However, with the location of growth were very carefully to the community settlement causing mangrove vulnerable to exploitation. This study describes the utilization of mangroves in North Maluku Province and various conservation efforts with local wisdom approach. The study was conducted through a phenomenological approach and qualitative research by observation, interviews. The analysis of data was qualitative descriptive. The result shows that people in the village of Tuada District of Jailolo used mangrove forest products like building materials, boat making materials and as firewood. Furthermore, mangrove conservation endangered by using the rules of logging on mangrove, allowance for utilizing the type of mangrove and the regulation for replanting. IndexTerms—Conservation, mangrove type, local wisdom. ___________________________________________________________________________________________...
Science and technology for the Region (IbW) in District of Suppa Pinrang aims to: a) gaining thei... more Science and technology for the Region (IbW) in District of Suppa Pinrang aims to: a) gaining their knowledge and skills in improving agricultural and post-harvest processing of the agricultural products; b) implementation of government programs that "picking, process and sale ", and c) find solution to the problems faced by the district government or community and directly affect people's quality of lives. The problems are: a) low level of social welfare in the IbW region especially farmers community, b) the government has not implemented the program "picking, process and sale ", and c) lack of knowledge and skills in the post-harvest processing of agricultural products. The method used is “demplot” done through education, training, mentoring, and service to the farmer community. Education and training are carried out to the group consist 15 persons for 5 days and mentoring regularly every month for 10 months (March-December 2012). The Outputs are: 1) improve...
This program aims to increase housewives skill in in waste management. This skill will improve th... more This program aims to increase housewives skill in in waste management. This skill will improve the community income in Batang village of Bontotiro sub-district in Bulukumba. The implementation of this program was carried out in four stages, namely (1) identifying the potential waste at Batang village, (2) discuss with housewives about the potential use of waste, (3) training in the use of patchwork waste to make accessories, (4) motivating housewives to innovate and find other forms in using patchwork waste. The results obtained from these community service activities are (1) increasing motivation of housewives in managing patchwork waste into economic goods, (2) improving the skills of housewives managing patchwork waste.
Stres hadir karena berbagai macam penyebab, diantaranya ketidakmampuan mahasiswa beradaptasi deng... more Stres hadir karena berbagai macam penyebab, diantaranya ketidakmampuan mahasiswa beradaptasi dengan keadaan lingkungannya terutama lingkungan kampus, faktor keluarga, dan karena bingung membuat keputusan. Hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh pola pikir mereka terhadap situasi lingkungan tersebut. Program pengabdian masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk membekali mahasiswa dalam mengelola stresnya secara positif agar terhindar dari perilaku-perilaku yang menyimpang akibat stres yang berdampak pada aktivitas akademiknya. Metode yang digunakan berupa metode ceramah untuk memberikan sejumlah informasi sehubungan atau yang berkaitan dengan masalah pokok yakni stres akademik dan disampaikan secara klasikal, serta metode pelatihan dengan memberikan treatment kepada peserta untuk melakukan berbagai strategi dalam manajemen stres melalui teknik meditasi hening. Hasil kegiatan PKM terbukti mampu mereduksi stres akademik mahasiswa FKIP Unkhair dari sebelumnya mahasiswa cenderung memiliki tingkat stre...
This paper aims to present an analysis of the characteristics of poor households in the downtown ... more This paper aims to present an analysis of the characteristics of poor households in the downtown area of Makassar which was collected through observation, in-depth interviews with informants in 98 households as samples. The results of this study indicate that in terms of demographic characteristics, generally poor households in Makassar City have male heads of age aged ≤ 50 years, have a household membership of > 4 people and are indigenous. In terms of economic characteristics, generally poor households have income of ≤ IDR. 600,000 per month so that it does not have assets that are easily sold, has the ability to provide food ingredients ≤ 2 times a day, buy meat and milk ˂ 1 time a week, is unable to pay medical expenses if there is a family member who is sick, and is only able to buy new clothes ≤ 1 time in a year even then just before the religious holiday. In addition, the poor people also use the type of gas fuel for daily cooking due to the subsidized gas from the governm...
This study aims to explore in depth information about why and how hypocritical acts occur towards... more This study aims to explore in depth information about why and how hypocritical acts occur towards condoms in the dynamics of social relations in the city of Makassar and theoretical solutions that can be developed to eliminate hypocritical actions towards condoms. This research method is qualitative by using a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach which data is collected through in-depth interviews with 8 key informants that obtained through snowball sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that individual hypocritical actions towards condoms are caused by religious norms, cultural values and previous experience in using condoms. The theoretical solution offered in an effort to change hypocritical actions to become non-hypocritical towards using condoms is the formation of individual understanding through the institutionalization of local wisdom as one of the medical devices as the same with other medical devices in the dynamics of social relations.
Abstrak : Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada ... more Abstrak : Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada pelajar di SMP 6 Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang tentang pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba. Bentuk aktivitas dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menggunakan strategi penyuluhan, dimana seluruh aktivitas tersebut dirancang bersama-sama dan dilakukan dalam situasi formal terhadap 25 orang siswa yang merupakan perwakilan masing-masing kelas dan tingkatan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan PKM ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta mengenai bahaya narkoba serta bagaimana upaya pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba tersebut. Hal ini dibuktikan melaui hasil perbandingan antara pre-test dan post-test , dimana terjadi peningkatan jumlah peserta penyuluhan yang mampu menyebutkan jenis-jenis narkoba, bahaya narkoba, dan upaya pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba dari 30 % menjadi 95 % dengan rata-rata nilai mencapai 87 dari skor maksimal 100. Abstract: This community service aims to provide counseling to stude...
Abstract: Pneumonia disease is one type of disease that many causes death at toddlers’ age in var... more Abstract: Pneumonia disease is one type of disease that many causes death at toddlers’ age in various regions in the world, including Indonesia, even Makassar City. This disease is often found in areas that have poor physical environment quality. One indicator of environmental quality is the physical condition of the house. Therefore, this paper aims to illustrate the relationship between the physical conditions of the house building with the incidence of pneumonia disease in toddlers of the poor in Makassar City. This study included observational analytic with the case-control approach, is epidemiological study design studying the relationship between exposure (factor research) and disease, in this case, the exposure is ventilation, humidity, natural lighting, against pneumonia by comparing case group and control group based on the status of exposure. The method of analysis used is Chi-Square test with the degree of significance (α = 0.05). The results showed that there was a relat...
Dari hasil survei yang telah dilakukan pada kelompok mitra sasaran, khususnya di diperoleh inform... more Dari hasil survei yang telah dilakukan pada kelompok mitra sasaran, khususnya di diperoleh informasi bahwa ibu ibu rumah tangga di Desa Kaliang Kecamatan Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang usaha kerajinan batang kulit pisang perajin mitra tersebut sebenarnya sudah pernah mendapatkan pelatihan, namun mereka masih terus memerlukan pembinaan untuk lebih mengembangkan usaha mereka. Secara rinci permasalahan utama yang dialami oleh kelompok industri kecil mitra selama ini antara lain: Para ibu ibu rumah tangga tidak memiliki wawasan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya pengembangan desain kerajinan dan peningkatan kualitas produk. Pengabdian ini bertujuan meningkatan keterampilan ibu ibu rumah tangga dengan memanfaatkan potensi yang dimiliki dan potensi SDA yang tersedia secara optimal, tidak tertutup kemungkinan ekonomi perajin dapat ditingkatkan. Pemberdayaan ibu ibu rumah tangga merupakan salah satu hal penting yang patut mendapat perhatian dalam rangka membangun perekonomian nasional yang adil d...
This research is a correlation study that aims to determine the relationship between environmenta... more This research is a correlation study that aims to determine the relationship between environmental knowledge and the formation of environmental care attitudes of students of Geography Education FKIP Khairun University. The population in this study amounted to 322 people with a sample of 76 people selected. Primary data collection in this study was through the provision of test questions related to environmental knowledge and environmental care attitudes, each of it had 30 question items. The data in this study were analyzed using the SPSS program by analyzing both descriptively through frequency distribution analysis and statistically through product moment correlation analysis. Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, it was found that most of the Geography Education students of Khairun University who became respondents had high environmental knowledge (75%), as well as their environmental care attitude was classified as good (96.05%). Meanwhile, based on the results of th...
Climate change is one of the trending topics to be discussed at both the practical and political ... more Climate change is one of the trending topics to be discussed at both the practical and political levels. Climate change has a significant effect on rice plants because rice cultivation is dependent on climate elements, especially rainfall, and temperature, the phenomenon of climate change has triggered an increase in the intensity of extreme events such as floods and droughts, causing crop failure, crop failure and even cause puso. Pinrang Regency is one of the regions in Indonesia that feels the impact of climate change on the agricultural sector. The research aims to develop appropriate adaptation strategies to climate change for rice crop management. The technique of collecting data is through in-depth interviews with respondents, namely rice farmers in Pinrang Regency using a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis uses SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), by determining internal factors and external factors and formulating climate change adapta...
Panrita Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
This Community Partnership Program (CPP) aims to produce products that can be used as learning me... more This Community Partnership Program (CPP) aims to produce products that can be used as learning media that allow students to be active, creative and fun in their learning activities. In turn, it will increase the effectiveness and quality of the learning process. The form of activity in this community partnership program activity uses a training strategy involving 30 participants through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, practice, and observation methods. To assess the success of this program through indicators (1), participants' attendance rate during the extension process was up to 80%. (2) All extension activities are carried out in accordance with the plan following the proposal. (3) A statement of satisfaction from extension participants and the school. Implementing this CPP can increase teachers' knowledge and skills in creating and optimizing learning media in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The participants' enthusiasm evidenced this in pa...
ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the characteristics of oceanography Tamalate Distric talong the coa... more ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the characteristics of oceanography Tamalate Distric talong the coast of Makassar. The goal is to map the potential for coastal tourism in Tamalate District. The data used is the data in such a land of Indonesia (RBI) of Makassar and some the matic maps, such as: Speed Flow Map, Map Tilt Coast, Map Brightness Beach, Coastal Depth Map and Map Width Beach. The method used to interpret satellite imagery and field observations based on spatial analysis along with the incorporation of over laying map (overlay). Land unit susedas a mapping unit to determine the ability of the land to tourism with the scoring method. The results showed that this region has a great potential to be developed as a tourist are at hat is located on the coast of class1and class 2.The class indicates that the coastal tourism development does not have a significant barrier. Therefore, coastal areas Tamalate District suitable as a tourism area
Abstrak: Peningkatan produksi padi melalui aplikasi pupuk organik merupakan salah satu kegiatan ... more Abstrak: Peningkatan produksi padi melalui aplikasi pupuk organik merupakan salah satu kegiatan dari Program Kemitraan Wilayah (PKW) Desa Congko Kabupaten Soppeng, tahun ke-2 (2020). Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang bermuara kepada peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) Kabupaten Soppeng. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pendampingan dengan sistem demplot. Kegiatan ini telah menerapan pupuk organik 50% pada lahan pertanian seluas 40 are untuk lahan sawah irigasi dan seluas 40 are pada lahan non irigasi atau sawah tadah hujan. Hasil panen yang diperoleh adalah sebanyak 7 ton, dari 3,5 ton sebelumnya atau mengalami peningkatan produksi sebesar 50% untuk sawah irigasi. Sementara pada sawah non irigasi mencapai produksi sebanyak 5 ton dari 2,5 ton sebelumnya, yang juga berarti bahwa peningkatan produksi juga mencapai 50%. Peningkatan produksi padi dengan menggunakan pupuk organik di Desa Congko sangat signifikan. Diperlukan upaya untuk mempe...
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Nov 21, 2021
Kabupaten soppeng merupakan salah satu penghasil sutera terbaik di Sulawesi Selatan, namun seirin... more Kabupaten soppeng merupakan salah satu penghasil sutera terbaik di Sulawesi Selatan, namun seiring dengan perkembangan budidaya ulat sutera mengalami penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas. Untuk meningkatkan budidaya ulat sutera di masa yang akan datang perlu mengetahui persepsi dan respon masyarakat. Untuk menilai persepsi masyarakat dan respon terhadap budidaya ulat sutera, wawancara dan pengamatan mendalam dilakukan di daerah budidaya dan luar budidaya di Kabupaten Soppeng. Berdasarkan pengamatan lapangan awal, beberapa wilayah diidentifikasi sebagai pusat pengembangan ulat sutera yaitu di Kec Donri-Donri. Masyarakat di Kabupaten Soppeng khususnya di kecamatan Donri-donri mempersepsikan bahwa budidaya Ulat sutera masih memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi dibandingkan usaha tani lainnya. Budidaya ulat sutera dijadikan sebagai mata pencaharian utama, sedangkan perkebunan dan peternakan sebagai mata pencaharian sampingan. Sistem kelembagaan terbagi menjadi dua yaitu petani berkelompok dan petani individu, begitu juga dengan sistem pemasaran yaitu pemasaran individu dan pemasaran kolektif.
East Makassar Urban Village is one of the urban villages in Ternate City which is classified as a... more East Makassar Urban Village is one of the urban villages in Ternate City which is classified as a slum settlement based on the Decree of the Mayor of Ternate Number 167/II.4./KT/2018. This is because the Urban villagae is located in an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) thus it attracts many migrants to live and settle in the area by constructing buildings on limited land. This study aims to find the characteristics of slum settlements in East Makassar Urban Village, so that it can be used as input and direction for handling slums both physically and non-physically. The method of data collection was done through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The collected data will be analyzed by using descriptive analysis methods. The results showed that on the criteria of non-economic vitality, the number of temporary buildings reached 27%, the population density was high, the condition of the buildings was dense with building footprints and the distance between them was not in acc...
After completing their education at Special Education School (SLB), intellectually disabled stude... more After completing their education at Special Education School (SLB), intellectually disabled students have to return to their community. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with simple skills of making use of used newspapers. This study was intended to provide the teenage intellectually disabled students of SLB YP3LB Makassar with the skill that would enable them to live independently. The training was given to 5 mentally disabled students of vocational class at SLB YP3LB Makassar. The methods used were socialization, training, and practice. The findings indicate that the empowerment in form of training to make handicrafts from used newspaper is good for intellectually disabled students. The training was successful because (1) the skills trained were been mastered by the participants, (2) the materials and tools used were well known to participants, (3) the activities were organized in simple ways, (4) the examples and instructions were clearly stated, (5) and time allotted wa...
Mangroves have ecological and economic functions for coastal communities in Indonesia. However, w... more Mangroves have ecological and economic functions for coastal communities in Indonesia. However, with the location of growth were very carefully to the community settlement causing mangrove vulnerable to exploitation. This study describes the utilization of mangroves in North Maluku Province and various conservation efforts with local wisdom approach. The study was conducted through a phenomenological approach and qualitative research by observation, interviews. The analysis of data was qualitative descriptive. The result shows that people in the village of Tuada District of Jailolo used mangrove forest products like building materials, boat making materials and as firewood. Furthermore, mangrove conservation endangered by using the rules of logging on mangrove, allowance for utilizing the type of mangrove and the regulation for replanting. IndexTerms—Conservation, mangrove type, local wisdom. ___________________________________________________________________________________________...
Science and technology for the Region (IbW) in District of Suppa Pinrang aims to: a) gaining thei... more Science and technology for the Region (IbW) in District of Suppa Pinrang aims to: a) gaining their knowledge and skills in improving agricultural and post-harvest processing of the agricultural products; b) implementation of government programs that "picking, process and sale ", and c) find solution to the problems faced by the district government or community and directly affect people's quality of lives. The problems are: a) low level of social welfare in the IbW region especially farmers community, b) the government has not implemented the program "picking, process and sale ", and c) lack of knowledge and skills in the post-harvest processing of agricultural products. The method used is “demplot” done through education, training, mentoring, and service to the farmer community. Education and training are carried out to the group consist 15 persons for 5 days and mentoring regularly every month for 10 months (March-December 2012). The Outputs are: 1) improve...
This program aims to increase housewives skill in in waste management. This skill will improve th... more This program aims to increase housewives skill in in waste management. This skill will improve the community income in Batang village of Bontotiro sub-district in Bulukumba. The implementation of this program was carried out in four stages, namely (1) identifying the potential waste at Batang village, (2) discuss with housewives about the potential use of waste, (3) training in the use of patchwork waste to make accessories, (4) motivating housewives to innovate and find other forms in using patchwork waste. The results obtained from these community service activities are (1) increasing motivation of housewives in managing patchwork waste into economic goods, (2) improving the skills of housewives managing patchwork waste.
Stres hadir karena berbagai macam penyebab, diantaranya ketidakmampuan mahasiswa beradaptasi deng... more Stres hadir karena berbagai macam penyebab, diantaranya ketidakmampuan mahasiswa beradaptasi dengan keadaan lingkungannya terutama lingkungan kampus, faktor keluarga, dan karena bingung membuat keputusan. Hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh pola pikir mereka terhadap situasi lingkungan tersebut. Program pengabdian masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk membekali mahasiswa dalam mengelola stresnya secara positif agar terhindar dari perilaku-perilaku yang menyimpang akibat stres yang berdampak pada aktivitas akademiknya. Metode yang digunakan berupa metode ceramah untuk memberikan sejumlah informasi sehubungan atau yang berkaitan dengan masalah pokok yakni stres akademik dan disampaikan secara klasikal, serta metode pelatihan dengan memberikan treatment kepada peserta untuk melakukan berbagai strategi dalam manajemen stres melalui teknik meditasi hening. Hasil kegiatan PKM terbukti mampu mereduksi stres akademik mahasiswa FKIP Unkhair dari sebelumnya mahasiswa cenderung memiliki tingkat stre...
This paper aims to present an analysis of the characteristics of poor households in the downtown ... more This paper aims to present an analysis of the characteristics of poor households in the downtown area of Makassar which was collected through observation, in-depth interviews with informants in 98 households as samples. The results of this study indicate that in terms of demographic characteristics, generally poor households in Makassar City have male heads of age aged ≤ 50 years, have a household membership of > 4 people and are indigenous. In terms of economic characteristics, generally poor households have income of ≤ IDR. 600,000 per month so that it does not have assets that are easily sold, has the ability to provide food ingredients ≤ 2 times a day, buy meat and milk ˂ 1 time a week, is unable to pay medical expenses if there is a family member who is sick, and is only able to buy new clothes ≤ 1 time in a year even then just before the religious holiday. In addition, the poor people also use the type of gas fuel for daily cooking due to the subsidized gas from the governm...
This study aims to explore in depth information about why and how hypocritical acts occur towards... more This study aims to explore in depth information about why and how hypocritical acts occur towards condoms in the dynamics of social relations in the city of Makassar and theoretical solutions that can be developed to eliminate hypocritical actions towards condoms. This research method is qualitative by using a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach which data is collected through in-depth interviews with 8 key informants that obtained through snowball sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that individual hypocritical actions towards condoms are caused by religious norms, cultural values and previous experience in using condoms. The theoretical solution offered in an effort to change hypocritical actions to become non-hypocritical towards using condoms is the formation of individual understanding through the institutionalization of local wisdom as one of the medical devices as the same with other medical devices in the dynamics of social relations.
Abstrak : Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada ... more Abstrak : Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada pelajar di SMP 6 Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang tentang pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba. Bentuk aktivitas dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menggunakan strategi penyuluhan, dimana seluruh aktivitas tersebut dirancang bersama-sama dan dilakukan dalam situasi formal terhadap 25 orang siswa yang merupakan perwakilan masing-masing kelas dan tingkatan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan PKM ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta mengenai bahaya narkoba serta bagaimana upaya pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba tersebut. Hal ini dibuktikan melaui hasil perbandingan antara pre-test dan post-test , dimana terjadi peningkatan jumlah peserta penyuluhan yang mampu menyebutkan jenis-jenis narkoba, bahaya narkoba, dan upaya pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba dari 30 % menjadi 95 % dengan rata-rata nilai mencapai 87 dari skor maksimal 100. Abstract: This community service aims to provide counseling to stude...
Abstract: Pneumonia disease is one type of disease that many causes death at toddlers’ age in var... more Abstract: Pneumonia disease is one type of disease that many causes death at toddlers’ age in various regions in the world, including Indonesia, even Makassar City. This disease is often found in areas that have poor physical environment quality. One indicator of environmental quality is the physical condition of the house. Therefore, this paper aims to illustrate the relationship between the physical conditions of the house building with the incidence of pneumonia disease in toddlers of the poor in Makassar City. This study included observational analytic with the case-control approach, is epidemiological study design studying the relationship between exposure (factor research) and disease, in this case, the exposure is ventilation, humidity, natural lighting, against pneumonia by comparing case group and control group based on the status of exposure. The method of analysis used is Chi-Square test with the degree of significance (α = 0.05). The results showed that there was a relat...
Dari hasil survei yang telah dilakukan pada kelompok mitra sasaran, khususnya di diperoleh inform... more Dari hasil survei yang telah dilakukan pada kelompok mitra sasaran, khususnya di diperoleh informasi bahwa ibu ibu rumah tangga di Desa Kaliang Kecamatan Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang usaha kerajinan batang kulit pisang perajin mitra tersebut sebenarnya sudah pernah mendapatkan pelatihan, namun mereka masih terus memerlukan pembinaan untuk lebih mengembangkan usaha mereka. Secara rinci permasalahan utama yang dialami oleh kelompok industri kecil mitra selama ini antara lain: Para ibu ibu rumah tangga tidak memiliki wawasan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya pengembangan desain kerajinan dan peningkatan kualitas produk. Pengabdian ini bertujuan meningkatan keterampilan ibu ibu rumah tangga dengan memanfaatkan potensi yang dimiliki dan potensi SDA yang tersedia secara optimal, tidak tertutup kemungkinan ekonomi perajin dapat ditingkatkan. Pemberdayaan ibu ibu rumah tangga merupakan salah satu hal penting yang patut mendapat perhatian dalam rangka membangun perekonomian nasional yang adil d...
Papers by Rusman Rasyid