Journal - Issues by Rumeli Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi

Rumeli Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024
The impact of the qiraat (recitations) on the verses of the ahkām (rulings) has long been a topic... more The impact of the qiraat (recitations) on the verses of the ahkām (rulings) has long been a topic of
discussion. The vast majority of people concur that qiraat deepens the meaning of the passages.
However, different scholars use the qiraat in different ways when extrapolating rules from the verses.
In light of this, I hope to settle any doubts about this matter by applying al-Jassās' Ahkām al-Qur'ān
to the particular instance of lustration (tahārah). This exegesis, which is among the earliest in terms
of time, plays a significant role in the analysis of the Qur’anic verses from the ahkām. I'll also attempt
to make clear the commentator's approach to the qiraat, the extent to which sectarianism influences
one's choice of qiraat, and the extent to which traditional and sociological considerations are taken
into account using a particular framework. While there have been studies on the relationship between
jurisprudence and qiraat in al-Jassās, it is crucial for the topic's distinctiveness that there haven't been
any on the chapter on tahārah, which discusses the verses that first spring to mind when we think of
qiraat as a whole.
Keywords: Qiraat, al-Jassās, Ahkām al-Qur'ān, Tahārah, Vajihs of Qiraat.

Rumeli Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024
Yahya b. Zechariah b. Ebî Zâide was among the group that wrote the works of Ebû Hanife and it is
... more Yahya b. Zechariah b. Ebî Zâide was among the group that wrote the works of Ebû Hanife and it is
narrated in many hadith books, especially in Kutub-i Sitte She was one of the prominent figures of
her time. In addition to her identity as a jurist, Ibn Ebî Zâide is a hadith scholar who is unanimously
accepted as "sika/trustworthy" by the cerh-ta’dîl authorities. The second Hijri century in which she
lived constitutes the transition period from the codification period to the classification period.
Therefore, it is observed that Ibn Ebî Zâide took on an important responsibility in this period.
It is sometimes said that the Ahl al-Ray do not attach importance to the hadith. The study we are
considering is a study showing that this perception is not correct. Because Ibn Ebî Zâide contributed
with her knowledge in the field of hadith by taking part in the council where Abu Hanife finalized the
religious provisions. This situation is important as it reflects that the Hanafi sect does not ignore the
hadiths. In this article, this claim will be examined through Ibn Ebî Zâide.
Keywords: Ibn Abī Zāide, Muhaddith, Hadith, Taba'u't-tābiîn, Ahl al-Hadith.
Rumeli Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024
Ḳāyyımzâde ‘Abdullah al-Kânḳırî was an Ottoman scholar who was born in 1772 and died in 1824. He ... more Ḳāyyımzâde ‘Abdullah al-Kânḳırî was an Ottoman scholar who was born in 1772 and died in 1824. He completed
his education in Çankırı, the city where he was born. Abdullah Efendi was the first sheikh of Üsküdar Selimiye
Tekke, which was built in 1805. It is understood that Kāngırî, who wrote works in the style of hāshiya, was engaged
in rational sciences such as logic and theology (kalām). Content of his theological works show clearly that he was
a scholar belonging to the Māturīdī school. The purpose of this study is to give detailed information about his life
and works.
Keywords: Ottoman Scholars, Ḳāyyımzâde ‘Abdullah al- Kânḳırî, Kalām, Glosses (Hāshiya).

Rumeli Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024
Ali Tevfik Çelepöven was born in 1874 in Hacıoğlu Pazarcığı/Bulgaria. He completed his primary an... more Ali Tevfik Çelepöven was born in 1874 in Hacıoğlu Pazarcığı/Bulgaria. He completed his primary and secondary
education in his hometown. Çelepöven arrived in Istanbul in the year 1888 and obtained his letter of approbation
from Hagia Sophia Madrasa in 1897. He served as the Dersiâm of the Hagia Sophia between 1908 and 1914. Also
in this year, after receiving his letter of approbiation from Medresetü'l-Kudât (School of Judges), he was sent to
Yenbuulbahr/Hijaz as a judge. He remained in this position until he was captured by the British army in 1916. He
was kept in different prison camps in Egypt between 1916 and 1919. When Çelepöven returned to his country, he
was appointed to some positions as a judge. In addition, he held the following positions: The Dersiâm of Hagia
Sophia, Istifta Writer, preacher in Sultanahmet and Hagia Sophia Mosques. Ali Tevfik Çelepöven, who wrote
poems about the love of the Prophet, also wrote works in the field of religious education. He passed away on
August 30, 1938.
Keywords: Ali Tevfik Çelepöven, Dersiâm, Poetic Translation of the Quran, Mevlid

Rumeli Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024
Deists do not accept the idea of God's intervention in the world, but they argue that reason has ... more Deists do not accept the idea of God's intervention in the world, but they argue that reason has infinite authority.
Those who adopt the idea of deism adopt the idea that God did not intervene in the world after the first creation.
Since revelation, religion, and prophethood are regarded as God's intervention in the world, prophethood in
particular is considered impossible in terms of its possibility and necessity. It is known that there is an Indian belief
group called Berāhime, which adopts ideas in the same vein as the idea of deism. The followers of this belief
objected to the idea of prophethood from a rational point of view. According to them, if there was such a thing as
prophethood, God would have created this idea in the minds. In addition, according to the Berāhime, reason and
revelation are in contradiction, and worship is absurd and meaningless. On the other hand, there is no aspect of the
concept of the miracle that looks at the truth. When we look at the specific characteristics of these two schools, it
is understood that both of them are fed from the same source. The human model that these and similar schools of
thought want to build desires a lifestyle that has nothing to do with worship and in which God does not control
and question them. This lifestyle undoubtedly brings to mind the pre-Islamic "Jahiliyya Period" understanding of
shirk. Because the polytheists also believed in the existence of Allah and recognized Him as a holy and supreme
Creator. The fact that a community that believes in Allah rejects or objects to institutions such as prophets and
revelation is important in terms of the subject under consideration. The polytheists, while believing in God, wished
that God would not interfere with them, especially in matters such as worship. This shows that the polytheists
adopted a deistic lifestyle whether they realized it or not. In our opinion, there is a parallelism between the idea of
Deism and the idea of shirk. The dangers of the idea of Deism, which attracts the attention of some people today,
reveal the importance of the subject. The aim of this study is to show that Deism and Berāhimah serve similar
purposes and ultimately encourage people to live a largely worldly life of shirk.
Keywords: Kalām, Revelation, Deism, Shirk, Berāhimah.

Rumeli Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024
The main invitation of Islam is undoubtedly the belief in the oneness of God (tawhid), and this b... more The main invitation of Islam is undoubtedly the belief in the oneness of God (tawhid), and this belief is expected
to reflect itself in every aspect of the lives of Muslims. The interaction of the belief in Tawheed with different
dimensions of life is primarily learned from explicit declaration of the Qur'an and statements and practices of the
Prophet (pbuh). The stories of the ancient nations in the Qur'an inform Muslims about how the belief in tawhid
interacts with different dimensions of life, and Muslims are desired to learn from the experiences of human history
and not to fall into the same mistakes. In this respect, the belief in tawhid has a relationship and interaction with
the economics and law as well as with many other fields. This study focuses on this relationship and interaction in
the specific parable of Abraham and Nemrut based on the relevant narrations in classical exegesis. The main claim
of the article is that the belief in tawhid determines the basic principles in the fields of law and economics, and
that some mistakes made and maintained in these fields negatively affect the belief in tawhid over time.
Keywords: Tawhid, Law, Economy, Abraham, Nemrut

Rumeli Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024
Due to its geographical location within the borders of Albania today, Iskodra has maintained its ... more Due to its geographical location within the borders of Albania today, Iskodra has maintained its characteristic of
being an administrative, military, economic and cultural center throughout history. Founded in the 4th century BC,
the city was under the rule of the Illyrian Kingdom, Rome, Byzantium and the Venetians before falling under
Ottoman rule in 1479. The city, which was known as Alexandria, Alexandria-i Arnavud or Iskodra during the
Ottoman period, was turned into a sanjak under the Rumelia Province after it was conquered. Since it was located
on the Sağ Kol (Middle Column) route of the Ottoman Empire in Rumelia, Iskodra was a very important center in
terms of both land trade and military. As in other Balkan cities, many religious institutions such as mosques,
masjids, and lodges; educational institutions such as schools, madrasahs, and libraries; and institutions with social
and economic functions such as bridges, baths, and caravanserais were built in Iskodra immediately after the
conquest to give the city an Islamic identity. In this study, the administrative, political, social and cultural
characteristics of Iskodra during the Ottoman rule are evaluated by utilizing archival sources, salnames and other
Keywords: Albania, Iskodra, Alexandria, Rumelia Province, Ottoman Institutions.

Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
For a long time, many studies have been conducted on the basis of the Qur'an in the Islamic world... more For a long time, many studies have been conducted on the basis of the Qur'an in the Islamic world, focusing on topics such as fiqh, faith, and language. Some studies on language have examined the entire Quran, while others have focused on specific surahs.
In one such language study, the Surah An-Najm has been analyzed for its characteristics of Makki surahs, both in meaning and language. Surah An-Najm covers topics such as prophecy, the afterlife, and the oneness of Allah. The surah starts with an oath and then talks about the revelation and Muhammad's dialogue with Gabriel.
Our study aims to examine the specific words used in Surah An-Najm in terms of Arabic language and rhetoric, presenting them with examples and analyzing them both semantically and etymologically. We also refer to the rhetorical aspects of these words where necessary.
To achieve this goal, our study first provides general information about Surah An-Najm and then compiles the words specific to the surah. The findings reveal that there are many words and concepts unique to Surah An-Najm, which are explained in the conclusion.
Keywords: Arabic Language and Rhetoric, Necm Surah, Qur'anic I'jaz, Semantic Analysis, Philology

Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
There are many prepositions in the Arabic language that help to express meaning. General studies ... more There are many prepositions in the Arabic language that help to express meaning. General studies have been conducted to reveal the properties, types and functions of these prepositions. Recently, academic studies on a certain type of prepositions have also begun to be conducted. Due to the lack of a independent Turkish study on the prepositions of tenbîh, which are widely used as a warning style in the Holy Qur’an, and the fact that they cannot be fully reflected in the meâls, in order to contribute to the academy, our study aims to identify the prepositions of tenbîh in the Arabic language and to fully reflect the meaning of warning within the framework of the verses in the meâl. It is possible to use more proper wording when constructing a sentence with the preposition tenbîh. However, in order to reflect the preposition, this has sometimes been ignored in the translation of the poem and the translation of the verses. In the research process, the prepositions of tenbîh were analyzed within the framework of classical sources and verses and their meanings in some verses were also taken into consideration. As a result of the examination of classical sources and verses in the Arabic language, it was seen that there are three main prepositions of reproof, namely “ela”, “ema” and “hâ”, it is accepted by some scholars that the preposition “yâ” also has the meaning of admonition when there is no munâdâ, that the “yâ” is not in the sense of an admonition and “ema” is not used in the Qur’an. It is necessary to know these prepositions, which are close to each other in meaning but add different meanings to the word such as warning, ta’kit, and tahakkuk, in order to better understand the Arabic language and to better reveal the meaning of the verses. These prepositions do not have the same meaning in every word or verse; in some places they have the meaning of warning, in others of warning, ta’kit or tahaqquq, and in others of several of them. There is no preposition type such as warning prepositions/conjunctions in Turkish. In this sense, it is sometimes appropriate to give the meaning of prepositions as “here” and sometimes as “warning, caution, pay attention, know”.
Keywords: Arabic Language, Rhetoric, Preposition, Tenbîh, Qur’an, Meâl.

Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
The alphabet reform of Latin emerged with revolutionary innovations, which can be observed in man... more The alphabet reform of Latin emerged with revolutionary innovations, which can be observed in many areas since the founding of the Republic of Turkey and afterwards the scientific structure acquired its completely new form. This newly-established nationalist way of thinking led to the emergence of new Turkish products with a reformist and innovative perspective. This change was directly felt in the field of Tafsir and usually appeared in the writing of Turkish tafsir books. Turkish tafsir books were written in two ways as they have been previously. The first one is a way that aims to be understood by the people besides touching society and shaping individual and social life from the perspective of the Qur’an. The second way has a scientific perspective which puts emphasize on linguistics and so on which was the case in the traditional tafsirs like Zamakhshari and Baydawi etc. This research draws attention to the place of the traditional approach in Turkey by mentioning some examples of tafsir works written in the Turkish language in general and it aims at the end to reveal this movement in Tafsir in the last quarter century.
Keywords: Tafsir, Traditional tafsir, Cumhûr Tafsir, Turkish Tafsir

Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
Enderun School was a palace educational institution designed for the training of administrative a... more Enderun School was a palace educational institution designed for the training of administrative and military staff in the Ottomans. The Enderun School had an important role in the success of the Ottoman Empire. Enderun, a school where especially civil and military administrators were trained, was established to create the necessary manpower resource for the Ottoman central and provincial bureaucracy. Enderun formed the basic education unit where students were taught and raised through the official Ottoman ideology or mentality. In addition, it had an important role in the determination of administrative and political goals and the functioning of the main institutions of the state. Enderun School was an educational institution that served the Ottoman Empire for centuries. The basis of Enderun's success was the process and quality of the education given to the students admitted here, as well as selecting the talents that were needed and with the necessary virtues from a wide candidate base at various levels and stages. When Ottoman educational institutions are examined in terms of educational function, Enderun School is seen as the most critical educational institution for the state tradition as Enderun Schools was mainly constructed for the training of Ottoman senior managers. Enderun School was the most organized and the most developed among the palace schools of the Ottoman period. It had many organizations and regulations of its own. The administrators of this school were people who were directly related to the Sultan. Enderun School had an important role in the history of the education of gifted children, as it selected and educated children with gifted intelligence and qualifications. It is believed that understanding and familiarizing oneself with the educational practices applied in the past can have a positive impact on the education of gifted children today. With this study, the Enderun School will be examined in detail, based on the work -Târih-i Atâ- of Tayyarzade Ata, who was one of the most important sources of the Ottoman period and was also a student of the Enderun School.
Key words: Enderun, gifted and talented, identification, ilm-i kıyafe (kıyafet ilmi)

Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
The East Turkestan region is an Islamic area where Islamic religious rules are valid until recent... more The East Turkestan region is an Islamic area where Islamic religious rules are valid until recently. Indeed, while religious orders had been destroyed one by one at the beginning of the twentieth century, the East Turkestan Islamic Republic had been established in Kashgar in 1933. Despite all the difficulties which had been experienced by community, the people of the region had made an effort to preserve their Islamic identity in the later process. They had tried to produce works that had reflected and sustained their national and spiritual values.
In the historical process, a significant part of the works written in the region are lost. While some of them had been taken to their countries by foreign researchers, some of them had been destroyed during the communist party rule, as they had been considered contrary to their ideology. A few of them were lost in the political turmoil. The work that we are considering to examine in this study is one of the important works that had been written in the East Turkestan region at the beginning of the last century, but it had been taken by a Swedish missionary and brought to his country. Tracing the currents of thought that had developed in the world geography in the years when the work had been written, in the territory of the East Turkestan, will give us the opportunity to understand the people of the region. At least, it will be useful in determining the place where the East Turkestan society has stood in the progress of the evolution of Islamic thought. From this point, we will examine the related work in the first part in line with the registration information. In the next section, we will try to examine the work from the point of view of the science of tafsīr, since it is a book of tafsīr.
Keywords: Islam, Uighur, the Commentary of the Qur’ān, Manuscripts, the Qur’ān.

Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
Istanbul is of special importance for the history of Turks and Muslims. Hence it has been an impo... more Istanbul is of special importance for the history of Turks and Muslims. Hence it has been an important center of politics, culture and knowledge in general for Albanians. This is best seen in popular literature in Albanian language. According to the writings of this genre, it is noticed that Istanbul was a center in which the political and social circumstances of the Albanians in Balkan were determined. Istanbul is often seen as a "place" where "Father Sultan" lives, who cares about the fate of Albanians and furthermore, it was the place where decisions to the detriment of their existence are made. Thereupon, Albanian popular literature manifests deep existential feelings of Albanians towards this city, whether positive or negative. After the creation of the Albanian state in 1912 and the separation of the Balkans from Ottoman Empire, Istanbul gradually began to lose its former meaning for the Albanians and thus its place began to be taken by Paris, Vienna, and other western cities. Then, some of the Albanian people, began turning their orientation from Istanbul to the western cities. In this article, by identifying the texts of Albanian folk literature about Istanbul, it is intended to address the position of Istanbul among the former Albanians, as well as to analyze the presence of this city in the collective memory of the Albanian people. The importance of this study lies in the fact that we, through examples from Albanian folk literature, argue that Istanbul has been an important political and cultural center of Albanians, which the Albanian people have seen as a "place" or "center" where their existence has been determined. Furthermore, from our article it results that many elements and oriental epistemes of Albanians are similar to that of Turks, because they are formed by the same schools, centers and intellectual movements of Istanbul. In this article, we also tried to identify the existence of the city of Istanbul in Albanian popular literature, thus trying to understand and explain its role as a cultural and socio-political "center" in the memory of Albanians. Its epistemological significance is understood to still continue. The research method in our study is based on library-based research; The working method is descriptive and analytical. Apart from the written sources, manuscripts of Albanian poems in the Ottoman alphabet, which can be found in libraries in Kosovo, Albania and Turkey, were also used.
Keywords: Istanbul, Albanian Folk Epics, the epic of Halil and Muyi

Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
The Albanian people, like other Muslim nations consider the Quran as the most read book compared ... more The Albanian people, like other Muslim nations consider the Quran as the most read book compared to other academic or literary books. The Holy Quran is also the book which Albanians have mostly focused on translating and using in their language. Albanian researchers have carefully followed academic studies about the Quran in Europe and they also have managed to hold debates with orientalists some of whose opinions they have considered unstable. They’ve been subjected to numerous oppressions over the years, despite this, they have made numerous efforts for the sake of religion and homeland. Although they’ve had extremely difficult experiences, they’ve made unforgettable steps in interpreting the word of God and achieved great success by translating and writing in many fields including that of tafsir.
In this study, an overview of academic works in the field of tafsir with special emphasis on Kosovo will be conducted, including translations and various academic studies and published literature. The research is based on the review of books published in this field, translations and examination of academic studies, published by the Islamic Community of Kosovo. After presenting the general knowledge on these studies, their distribution according to the fields and years in which they were published, making an overview about the content and method that characterize them.
Keywords: Kosovo, Religion, Qur’an, Tafsir, Ulumu’l-Qur’an.

Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
Most of the lands of today's Greece were under Ottoman rule for many years, and as a result of th... more Most of the lands of today's Greece were under Ottoman rule for many years, and as a result of this situation, there are archives of sharia records in many regions today. It is seen that Islamic law is still applied today in accordance with the rights granted to the Muslim-Turkish minority living in the region called Western Thrace, located in the north of Greece. In the historical process, although restrictions have been made on the rights granted to the minority and the scope of application of Islamic law has been tried to be narrowed as much as possible, it is still legal today to make judgments in the fields of personal, family and inheritance law.
Greece mostly uses the argument of equality between men and women while basing restrictions on the application of Islamic law. Claiming that Islamic law is against this principle, it thinks that women are persecuted in this legal system. Greek lawyers evaluated the Molla Sali case, which we will examine in our article, from this point of view, and steps were taken to abolish these powers granted to the Muslim Turkish minority of Western Thrace by international treaties.
Key Words: Greece, Western Thrace, Islamic Law, Treaty, Minority, Molla Sali.
Journal of Islamic Studies, 2022
İntihal: Bu makale, iThenticate yazılımınca taranmıştır. İntihal tespit edilmemiştir. Plagiarism:... more İntihal: Bu makale, iThenticate yazılımınca taranmıştır. İntihal tespit edilmemiştir. Plagiarism: This article has been scanned by iThenticate. No plagiarism detected.
Journal of Islamic Studies, 2022
İntihal: Bu makale, iThenticate yazılımınca taranmıştır. İntihal tespit edilmemiştir. Plagiarism:... more İntihal: Bu makale, iThenticate yazılımınca taranmıştır. İntihal tespit edilmemiştir. Plagiarism: This article has been scanned by iThenticate. No plagiarism detected.
Journal - Issues by Rumeli Journal of Islamic Studies / Rumeli İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi
discussion. The vast majority of people concur that qiraat deepens the meaning of the passages.
However, different scholars use the qiraat in different ways when extrapolating rules from the verses.
In light of this, I hope to settle any doubts about this matter by applying al-Jassās' Ahkām al-Qur'ān
to the particular instance of lustration (tahārah). This exegesis, which is among the earliest in terms
of time, plays a significant role in the analysis of the Qur’anic verses from the ahkām. I'll also attempt
to make clear the commentator's approach to the qiraat, the extent to which sectarianism influences
one's choice of qiraat, and the extent to which traditional and sociological considerations are taken
into account using a particular framework. While there have been studies on the relationship between
jurisprudence and qiraat in al-Jassās, it is crucial for the topic's distinctiveness that there haven't been
any on the chapter on tahārah, which discusses the verses that first spring to mind when we think of
qiraat as a whole.
Keywords: Qiraat, al-Jassās, Ahkām al-Qur'ān, Tahārah, Vajihs of Qiraat.
narrated in many hadith books, especially in Kutub-i Sitte She was one of the prominent figures of
her time. In addition to her identity as a jurist, Ibn Ebî Zâide is a hadith scholar who is unanimously
accepted as "sika/trustworthy" by the cerh-ta’dîl authorities. The second Hijri century in which she
lived constitutes the transition period from the codification period to the classification period.
Therefore, it is observed that Ibn Ebî Zâide took on an important responsibility in this period.
It is sometimes said that the Ahl al-Ray do not attach importance to the hadith. The study we are
considering is a study showing that this perception is not correct. Because Ibn Ebî Zâide contributed
with her knowledge in the field of hadith by taking part in the council where Abu Hanife finalized the
religious provisions. This situation is important as it reflects that the Hanafi sect does not ignore the
hadiths. In this article, this claim will be examined through Ibn Ebî Zâide.
Keywords: Ibn Abī Zāide, Muhaddith, Hadith, Taba'u't-tābiîn, Ahl al-Hadith.
his education in Çankırı, the city where he was born. Abdullah Efendi was the first sheikh of Üsküdar Selimiye
Tekke, which was built in 1805. It is understood that Kāngırî, who wrote works in the style of hāshiya, was engaged
in rational sciences such as logic and theology (kalām). Content of his theological works show clearly that he was
a scholar belonging to the Māturīdī school. The purpose of this study is to give detailed information about his life
and works.
Keywords: Ottoman Scholars, Ḳāyyımzâde ‘Abdullah al- Kânḳırî, Kalām, Glosses (Hāshiya).
education in his hometown. Çelepöven arrived in Istanbul in the year 1888 and obtained his letter of approbation
from Hagia Sophia Madrasa in 1897. He served as the Dersiâm of the Hagia Sophia between 1908 and 1914. Also
in this year, after receiving his letter of approbiation from Medresetü'l-Kudât (School of Judges), he was sent to
Yenbuulbahr/Hijaz as a judge. He remained in this position until he was captured by the British army in 1916. He
was kept in different prison camps in Egypt between 1916 and 1919. When Çelepöven returned to his country, he
was appointed to some positions as a judge. In addition, he held the following positions: The Dersiâm of Hagia
Sophia, Istifta Writer, preacher in Sultanahmet and Hagia Sophia Mosques. Ali Tevfik Çelepöven, who wrote
poems about the love of the Prophet, also wrote works in the field of religious education. He passed away on
August 30, 1938.
Keywords: Ali Tevfik Çelepöven, Dersiâm, Poetic Translation of the Quran, Mevlid
Those who adopt the idea of deism adopt the idea that God did not intervene in the world after the first creation.
Since revelation, religion, and prophethood are regarded as God's intervention in the world, prophethood in
particular is considered impossible in terms of its possibility and necessity. It is known that there is an Indian belief
group called Berāhime, which adopts ideas in the same vein as the idea of deism. The followers of this belief
objected to the idea of prophethood from a rational point of view. According to them, if there was such a thing as
prophethood, God would have created this idea in the minds. In addition, according to the Berāhime, reason and
revelation are in contradiction, and worship is absurd and meaningless. On the other hand, there is no aspect of the
concept of the miracle that looks at the truth. When we look at the specific characteristics of these two schools, it
is understood that both of them are fed from the same source. The human model that these and similar schools of
thought want to build desires a lifestyle that has nothing to do with worship and in which God does not control
and question them. This lifestyle undoubtedly brings to mind the pre-Islamic "Jahiliyya Period" understanding of
shirk. Because the polytheists also believed in the existence of Allah and recognized Him as a holy and supreme
Creator. The fact that a community that believes in Allah rejects or objects to institutions such as prophets and
revelation is important in terms of the subject under consideration. The polytheists, while believing in God, wished
that God would not interfere with them, especially in matters such as worship. This shows that the polytheists
adopted a deistic lifestyle whether they realized it or not. In our opinion, there is a parallelism between the idea of
Deism and the idea of shirk. The dangers of the idea of Deism, which attracts the attention of some people today,
reveal the importance of the subject. The aim of this study is to show that Deism and Berāhimah serve similar
purposes and ultimately encourage people to live a largely worldly life of shirk.
Keywords: Kalām, Revelation, Deism, Shirk, Berāhimah.
to reflect itself in every aspect of the lives of Muslims. The interaction of the belief in Tawheed with different
dimensions of life is primarily learned from explicit declaration of the Qur'an and statements and practices of the
Prophet (pbuh). The stories of the ancient nations in the Qur'an inform Muslims about how the belief in tawhid
interacts with different dimensions of life, and Muslims are desired to learn from the experiences of human history
and not to fall into the same mistakes. In this respect, the belief in tawhid has a relationship and interaction with
the economics and law as well as with many other fields. This study focuses on this relationship and interaction in
the specific parable of Abraham and Nemrut based on the relevant narrations in classical exegesis. The main claim
of the article is that the belief in tawhid determines the basic principles in the fields of law and economics, and
that some mistakes made and maintained in these fields negatively affect the belief in tawhid over time.
Keywords: Tawhid, Law, Economy, Abraham, Nemrut
being an administrative, military, economic and cultural center throughout history. Founded in the 4th century BC,
the city was under the rule of the Illyrian Kingdom, Rome, Byzantium and the Venetians before falling under
Ottoman rule in 1479. The city, which was known as Alexandria, Alexandria-i Arnavud or Iskodra during the
Ottoman period, was turned into a sanjak under the Rumelia Province after it was conquered. Since it was located
on the Sağ Kol (Middle Column) route of the Ottoman Empire in Rumelia, Iskodra was a very important center in
terms of both land trade and military. As in other Balkan cities, many religious institutions such as mosques,
masjids, and lodges; educational institutions such as schools, madrasahs, and libraries; and institutions with social
and economic functions such as bridges, baths, and caravanserais were built in Iskodra immediately after the
conquest to give the city an Islamic identity. In this study, the administrative, political, social and cultural
characteristics of Iskodra during the Ottoman rule are evaluated by utilizing archival sources, salnames and other
Keywords: Albania, Iskodra, Alexandria, Rumelia Province, Ottoman Institutions.
In one such language study, the Surah An-Najm has been analyzed for its characteristics of Makki surahs, both in meaning and language. Surah An-Najm covers topics such as prophecy, the afterlife, and the oneness of Allah. The surah starts with an oath and then talks about the revelation and Muhammad's dialogue with Gabriel.
Our study aims to examine the specific words used in Surah An-Najm in terms of Arabic language and rhetoric, presenting them with examples and analyzing them both semantically and etymologically. We also refer to the rhetorical aspects of these words where necessary.
To achieve this goal, our study first provides general information about Surah An-Najm and then compiles the words specific to the surah. The findings reveal that there are many words and concepts unique to Surah An-Najm, which are explained in the conclusion.
Keywords: Arabic Language and Rhetoric, Necm Surah, Qur'anic I'jaz, Semantic Analysis, Philology
Keywords: Arabic Language, Rhetoric, Preposition, Tenbîh, Qur’an, Meâl.
Keywords: Tafsir, Traditional tafsir, Cumhûr Tafsir, Turkish Tafsir
Key words: Enderun, gifted and talented, identification, ilm-i kıyafe (kıyafet ilmi)
In the historical process, a significant part of the works written in the region are lost. While some of them had been taken to their countries by foreign researchers, some of them had been destroyed during the communist party rule, as they had been considered contrary to their ideology. A few of them were lost in the political turmoil. The work that we are considering to examine in this study is one of the important works that had been written in the East Turkestan region at the beginning of the last century, but it had been taken by a Swedish missionary and brought to his country. Tracing the currents of thought that had developed in the world geography in the years when the work had been written, in the territory of the East Turkestan, will give us the opportunity to understand the people of the region. At least, it will be useful in determining the place where the East Turkestan society has stood in the progress of the evolution of Islamic thought. From this point, we will examine the related work in the first part in line with the registration information. In the next section, we will try to examine the work from the point of view of the science of tafsīr, since it is a book of tafsīr.
Keywords: Islam, Uighur, the Commentary of the Qur’ān, Manuscripts, the Qur’ān.
Keywords: Istanbul, Albanian Folk Epics, the epic of Halil and Muyi
In this study, an overview of academic works in the field of tafsir with special emphasis on Kosovo will be conducted, including translations and various academic studies and published literature. The research is based on the review of books published in this field, translations and examination of academic studies, published by the Islamic Community of Kosovo. After presenting the general knowledge on these studies, their distribution according to the fields and years in which they were published, making an overview about the content and method that characterize them.
Keywords: Kosovo, Religion, Qur’an, Tafsir, Ulumu’l-Qur’an.
Greece mostly uses the argument of equality between men and women while basing restrictions on the application of Islamic law. Claiming that Islamic law is against this principle, it thinks that women are persecuted in this legal system. Greek lawyers evaluated the Molla Sali case, which we will examine in our article, from this point of view, and steps were taken to abolish these powers granted to the Muslim Turkish minority of Western Thrace by international treaties.
Key Words: Greece, Western Thrace, Islamic Law, Treaty, Minority, Molla Sali.
discussion. The vast majority of people concur that qiraat deepens the meaning of the passages.
However, different scholars use the qiraat in different ways when extrapolating rules from the verses.
In light of this, I hope to settle any doubts about this matter by applying al-Jassās' Ahkām al-Qur'ān
to the particular instance of lustration (tahārah). This exegesis, which is among the earliest in terms
of time, plays a significant role in the analysis of the Qur’anic verses from the ahkām. I'll also attempt
to make clear the commentator's approach to the qiraat, the extent to which sectarianism influences
one's choice of qiraat, and the extent to which traditional and sociological considerations are taken
into account using a particular framework. While there have been studies on the relationship between
jurisprudence and qiraat in al-Jassās, it is crucial for the topic's distinctiveness that there haven't been
any on the chapter on tahārah, which discusses the verses that first spring to mind when we think of
qiraat as a whole.
Keywords: Qiraat, al-Jassās, Ahkām al-Qur'ān, Tahārah, Vajihs of Qiraat.
narrated in many hadith books, especially in Kutub-i Sitte She was one of the prominent figures of
her time. In addition to her identity as a jurist, Ibn Ebî Zâide is a hadith scholar who is unanimously
accepted as "sika/trustworthy" by the cerh-ta’dîl authorities. The second Hijri century in which she
lived constitutes the transition period from the codification period to the classification period.
Therefore, it is observed that Ibn Ebî Zâide took on an important responsibility in this period.
It is sometimes said that the Ahl al-Ray do not attach importance to the hadith. The study we are
considering is a study showing that this perception is not correct. Because Ibn Ebî Zâide contributed
with her knowledge in the field of hadith by taking part in the council where Abu Hanife finalized the
religious provisions. This situation is important as it reflects that the Hanafi sect does not ignore the
hadiths. In this article, this claim will be examined through Ibn Ebî Zâide.
Keywords: Ibn Abī Zāide, Muhaddith, Hadith, Taba'u't-tābiîn, Ahl al-Hadith.
his education in Çankırı, the city where he was born. Abdullah Efendi was the first sheikh of Üsküdar Selimiye
Tekke, which was built in 1805. It is understood that Kāngırî, who wrote works in the style of hāshiya, was engaged
in rational sciences such as logic and theology (kalām). Content of his theological works show clearly that he was
a scholar belonging to the Māturīdī school. The purpose of this study is to give detailed information about his life
and works.
Keywords: Ottoman Scholars, Ḳāyyımzâde ‘Abdullah al- Kânḳırî, Kalām, Glosses (Hāshiya).
education in his hometown. Çelepöven arrived in Istanbul in the year 1888 and obtained his letter of approbation
from Hagia Sophia Madrasa in 1897. He served as the Dersiâm of the Hagia Sophia between 1908 and 1914. Also
in this year, after receiving his letter of approbiation from Medresetü'l-Kudât (School of Judges), he was sent to
Yenbuulbahr/Hijaz as a judge. He remained in this position until he was captured by the British army in 1916. He
was kept in different prison camps in Egypt between 1916 and 1919. When Çelepöven returned to his country, he
was appointed to some positions as a judge. In addition, he held the following positions: The Dersiâm of Hagia
Sophia, Istifta Writer, preacher in Sultanahmet and Hagia Sophia Mosques. Ali Tevfik Çelepöven, who wrote
poems about the love of the Prophet, also wrote works in the field of religious education. He passed away on
August 30, 1938.
Keywords: Ali Tevfik Çelepöven, Dersiâm, Poetic Translation of the Quran, Mevlid
Those who adopt the idea of deism adopt the idea that God did not intervene in the world after the first creation.
Since revelation, religion, and prophethood are regarded as God's intervention in the world, prophethood in
particular is considered impossible in terms of its possibility and necessity. It is known that there is an Indian belief
group called Berāhime, which adopts ideas in the same vein as the idea of deism. The followers of this belief
objected to the idea of prophethood from a rational point of view. According to them, if there was such a thing as
prophethood, God would have created this idea in the minds. In addition, according to the Berāhime, reason and
revelation are in contradiction, and worship is absurd and meaningless. On the other hand, there is no aspect of the
concept of the miracle that looks at the truth. When we look at the specific characteristics of these two schools, it
is understood that both of them are fed from the same source. The human model that these and similar schools of
thought want to build desires a lifestyle that has nothing to do with worship and in which God does not control
and question them. This lifestyle undoubtedly brings to mind the pre-Islamic "Jahiliyya Period" understanding of
shirk. Because the polytheists also believed in the existence of Allah and recognized Him as a holy and supreme
Creator. The fact that a community that believes in Allah rejects or objects to institutions such as prophets and
revelation is important in terms of the subject under consideration. The polytheists, while believing in God, wished
that God would not interfere with them, especially in matters such as worship. This shows that the polytheists
adopted a deistic lifestyle whether they realized it or not. In our opinion, there is a parallelism between the idea of
Deism and the idea of shirk. The dangers of the idea of Deism, which attracts the attention of some people today,
reveal the importance of the subject. The aim of this study is to show that Deism and Berāhimah serve similar
purposes and ultimately encourage people to live a largely worldly life of shirk.
Keywords: Kalām, Revelation, Deism, Shirk, Berāhimah.
to reflect itself in every aspect of the lives of Muslims. The interaction of the belief in Tawheed with different
dimensions of life is primarily learned from explicit declaration of the Qur'an and statements and practices of the
Prophet (pbuh). The stories of the ancient nations in the Qur'an inform Muslims about how the belief in tawhid
interacts with different dimensions of life, and Muslims are desired to learn from the experiences of human history
and not to fall into the same mistakes. In this respect, the belief in tawhid has a relationship and interaction with
the economics and law as well as with many other fields. This study focuses on this relationship and interaction in
the specific parable of Abraham and Nemrut based on the relevant narrations in classical exegesis. The main claim
of the article is that the belief in tawhid determines the basic principles in the fields of law and economics, and
that some mistakes made and maintained in these fields negatively affect the belief in tawhid over time.
Keywords: Tawhid, Law, Economy, Abraham, Nemrut
being an administrative, military, economic and cultural center throughout history. Founded in the 4th century BC,
the city was under the rule of the Illyrian Kingdom, Rome, Byzantium and the Venetians before falling under
Ottoman rule in 1479. The city, which was known as Alexandria, Alexandria-i Arnavud or Iskodra during the
Ottoman period, was turned into a sanjak under the Rumelia Province after it was conquered. Since it was located
on the Sağ Kol (Middle Column) route of the Ottoman Empire in Rumelia, Iskodra was a very important center in
terms of both land trade and military. As in other Balkan cities, many religious institutions such as mosques,
masjids, and lodges; educational institutions such as schools, madrasahs, and libraries; and institutions with social
and economic functions such as bridges, baths, and caravanserais were built in Iskodra immediately after the
conquest to give the city an Islamic identity. In this study, the administrative, political, social and cultural
characteristics of Iskodra during the Ottoman rule are evaluated by utilizing archival sources, salnames and other
Keywords: Albania, Iskodra, Alexandria, Rumelia Province, Ottoman Institutions.
In one such language study, the Surah An-Najm has been analyzed for its characteristics of Makki surahs, both in meaning and language. Surah An-Najm covers topics such as prophecy, the afterlife, and the oneness of Allah. The surah starts with an oath and then talks about the revelation and Muhammad's dialogue with Gabriel.
Our study aims to examine the specific words used in Surah An-Najm in terms of Arabic language and rhetoric, presenting them with examples and analyzing them both semantically and etymologically. We also refer to the rhetorical aspects of these words where necessary.
To achieve this goal, our study first provides general information about Surah An-Najm and then compiles the words specific to the surah. The findings reveal that there are many words and concepts unique to Surah An-Najm, which are explained in the conclusion.
Keywords: Arabic Language and Rhetoric, Necm Surah, Qur'anic I'jaz, Semantic Analysis, Philology
Keywords: Arabic Language, Rhetoric, Preposition, Tenbîh, Qur’an, Meâl.
Keywords: Tafsir, Traditional tafsir, Cumhûr Tafsir, Turkish Tafsir
Key words: Enderun, gifted and talented, identification, ilm-i kıyafe (kıyafet ilmi)
In the historical process, a significant part of the works written in the region are lost. While some of them had been taken to their countries by foreign researchers, some of them had been destroyed during the communist party rule, as they had been considered contrary to their ideology. A few of them were lost in the political turmoil. The work that we are considering to examine in this study is one of the important works that had been written in the East Turkestan region at the beginning of the last century, but it had been taken by a Swedish missionary and brought to his country. Tracing the currents of thought that had developed in the world geography in the years when the work had been written, in the territory of the East Turkestan, will give us the opportunity to understand the people of the region. At least, it will be useful in determining the place where the East Turkestan society has stood in the progress of the evolution of Islamic thought. From this point, we will examine the related work in the first part in line with the registration information. In the next section, we will try to examine the work from the point of view of the science of tafsīr, since it is a book of tafsīr.
Keywords: Islam, Uighur, the Commentary of the Qur’ān, Manuscripts, the Qur’ān.
Keywords: Istanbul, Albanian Folk Epics, the epic of Halil and Muyi
In this study, an overview of academic works in the field of tafsir with special emphasis on Kosovo will be conducted, including translations and various academic studies and published literature. The research is based on the review of books published in this field, translations and examination of academic studies, published by the Islamic Community of Kosovo. After presenting the general knowledge on these studies, their distribution according to the fields and years in which they were published, making an overview about the content and method that characterize them.
Keywords: Kosovo, Religion, Qur’an, Tafsir, Ulumu’l-Qur’an.
Greece mostly uses the argument of equality between men and women while basing restrictions on the application of Islamic law. Claiming that Islamic law is against this principle, it thinks that women are persecuted in this legal system. Greek lawyers evaluated the Molla Sali case, which we will examine in our article, from this point of view, and steps were taken to abolish these powers granted to the Muslim Turkish minority of Western Thrace by international treaties.
Key Words: Greece, Western Thrace, Islamic Law, Treaty, Minority, Molla Sali.