Experiencing rapid development and growth, cities worldwide face a surge in air pollution, primar... more Experiencing rapid development and growth, cities worldwide face a surge in air pollution, primarily driven by the increased concentrations of the particulate matter (PM) originating from various anthropogenic sources, such as traffic, household fuel combustion, and industrial and construction activities. Urban green spaces can naturally filter PM through physicochemical processes, serving as effective urban planning instruments for the improvement of the air quality. Focusing on a street in Novi Sad, the second-largest city in Serbia, this study investigates the efficiency of vegetation in mitigating air pollution, specifically PM 10 emissions from traffic and construction activities. Using the contemporary monitoring and modelling techniques for measuring and predicting PM 10 concentrations, the focus of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of vegetation in affecting and minimizing detected PM concentrations. The results indicate a significant reduction in the monitored PM 10 concentrations behind the green barrier compared to the modelled concentrations near the pollution source (on the road) for both traffic and construction-related emissions. The paper highlights the capacity of green elements to act as natural air pollution mitigators and suggests better integration of strategic environmental management into urban planning to foster the development of healthier and more sustainable cities, providing recommendations to facilitate this objective.
Thermal comfort in open urban areas could influence medical, sociological, environmental and econ... more Thermal comfort in open urban areas could influence medical, sociological, environmental and economic parameters. Therefore there is need to establish good thermal comfort in the areas to maintain the parameters at acceptable levels. Since the thermal comfort is variable, there is need to determine which parameters has the most impact on the thermal comfort variations. Hence in this article an attempt was made to rank parameters based on their influence on the thermal comfort. Prediction of thermal comfort was performed based on the parameters' ranking models. Physiological equivalent temperature (PET) was used as the thermal comfort indicator. Air temperature, vapor pressure, wind speed, irradiance are the inputs which are used in the investigation among others. Neuro-fuzzy methodology was used for the PET analyzing. Obtained results could have practical advantage for urban planners and designers to make the best thermal comfort for visitors in open urban areas.
Correspondence Srdjan Jovic, Email: [email protected] Abstract Concrete is the most imp... more Correspondence Srdjan Jovic, Email: [email protected] Abstract Concrete is the most important material in civil engineering. Development of concrete strength could be determined by ratio of water and cement. However recent studies suggested that the concrete strength is influences also by other ingredients. Concrete with high performances is very complex material therefore the analyzing of the materials could be rather difficult and challenging task. The concrete compressive strength is a highly nonlinear function of age and ingredients. These ingredients include cement, blast furnace slag, fly ash, water, superplasticizer, coarse aggregate, and fine aggregate. In order to decrease the complexity the main goal of the study was to determine which variable are important and which variable are not important for the concrete strength analyzing. As the output variable compressive strength of the concrete with high performance was used. Since the concrete compressive strength is a highly nonlinear function in this article computational intelligence was used. Results suggested that the age has the highest impact on the compressive strength of the concrete with high performance.
We live in informatics society in which we are slowly, but certainly, reaching new limits of digi... more We live in informatics society in which we are slowly, but certainly, reaching new limits of digitalization mainly using communication between people through different ICT networks: mobile phones, Facebook, social networks, etc. Today, entire Earth, regions, cities, settlements, etc. can be observed through Google. Data bases of every living person is being formed using possibilities to “track” every individual in space and time. Flows of financial capital are also being digitalized: individuals by using credit cards, on/line transactions, etc. and in banking systems global on-line transactions. Everyday goods such as food, clothing, etc. can be ordered through portals on the internet. Even various study courses and schools are being organized via internet.The real world (space, people, money, knowledge) are digitally being moved into virtual space. Here arises the question: To which space dimension is this process of digitalization taking us? This main research question will lead t...
Проблем пословно-производног комплекса „Трепча“, је првенствено у томе , што је његов рад заустав... more Проблем пословно-производног комплекса „Трепча“, је првенствено у томе , што је његов рад заустављен и читав пословни систем пасивизиран, због свима познатих разлога у каквој се налази цело Косовско-метохијско подручје. Технолошко-производно пасивизирање комплекса „Трепча“ има веома велике ретроградне , економско-развојне и штетне последице по животну средину на читавој територији на којој се налази и на којој егзистира , а нарочито се све то огледа на продубљивању социјалних проблема због велике незапослености. Пословно-производни комплекс „Трепча“ је могуће и пожељно ре-активирати, јер је све до кризне друштвено-политичке ситуације године 1989 функционисао као целовит систем, само је потребно и неопходно извршити регенерацију појединих производних комплекса у почетној фази, а затим прећи на оживљавање појединих производних целина. Приступ и поступци урбане регенерације, како појединих комплекса (целина и делова) тако и читавог производно-пословног система Трепче је могуће оживети ...
The process of urbanistic changes in space and time is not a steady one, nor always the same, fol... more The process of urbanistic changes in space and time is not a steady one, nor always the same, followed by dissipation and demolition of objects, and the construction of new ones does not necessarily stabilize the process of changes within space. The changes that took place on the former narrow-gauge railroad Belgrade–Obrenovac reflect the changes in historical, cultural, and urban processes as well. The strategic plan of the development of the city and the villages altered, as certain sections of the railroad were being shut down. The observance of a particular infrastructure is, at the same time, the base for monitoring the urban changes through time. Forty years later, the railroad was not the only thing that had ceased to function. Using qualitative and historical methods, this study is an attempt to give answers to multiple questions, some of them being the reasons for the deconstruction of the railroad.
This paper deals with an analysis of cartographical studies, the real estate cadastre, and its pr... more This paper deals with an analysis of cartographical studies, the real estate cadastre, and its practical implementation, as well as the introduction of cartography into different education modules in university-level studies in Montenegro. There is a discussion of the development, production, and creativity in the fields of cartography and real estate cadastre over time, cartographical projection, scientific results, and recent changes such as advanced computer- and satellite-based technologies, GIS, cartographical visualization, and digital cartography. The impact of these changes on cartographical studies at the University of Montenegro is considered. Particular attention is given to analyses of cartography and the cadastre in institutions, and their connection with the development of cartography teaching modules of Geography, Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the University of Montenegro. The integrated analysis also covers the results of the questionnaire and the significance of the...
Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2015
This paper is concerned with phenomenon of medieval town- fortress of Zvecan through examining (1... more This paper is concerned with phenomenon of medieval town- fortress of Zvecan through examining (1) the town planning and spatial organization within the town, (2) its physical structure, (3) conception of medieval design and construction of Zvecan, (4) medieval instinct for correlation of shapes within the town and correlation of Zvecan and its surrounding, (5) comparison of Zvecan with medieval towns in the region and beyond. This medieval town as a whole was the expression of medieval characteristics with its spatial organization and with its own individuality. Zvecan emerged from the then contemporary circumstances and necessities. This research is focused toward finding construction principles of medieval town Zvecan which are timeless and unique to all town constructions.
We live in informatics society in which we are slowly, but certainly, reaching new limits of digi... more We live in informatics society in which we are slowly, but certainly, reaching new limits of digitalization mainly using communication between people through different ICT networks: mobile phones, Facebook, social networks, etc. Today, entire Earth, regions, cities, settlements, etc. can be observed through Google. Data bases of every living person is being formed using possibilities to “track” every individual in space and time. Flows of financial capital are also being digitalized: individuals by using credit cards, on/line transactions, etc. and in banking systems global on-line transactions. Everyday goods such as food, clothing, etc. can be ordered through portals on the internet. Even various study courses and schools are being organized via internet. The real world (space, people, money, knowledge) are digitally being moved into virtual space. Here arises the question: To which space dimension is this process of digitalization taking us? This main research question will lead ...
This paper is concerned with phenomenon of medieval townfortress of Zvecan through examining (1) ... more This paper is concerned with phenomenon of medieval townfortress of Zvecan through examining (1) the town planning and spatial organization within the town, (2) its physical structure, (3) conception of medieval design and construction of Zvecan, (4) medieval instinct for correlation of shapes within the town and correlation of Zvecan and its surrounding, (5) comparison of Zvecan with medieval towns in the region and beyond. This medieval town as a whole was the expression of medieval characteristics with its spatial organization and with its own individuality. Zvecan emerged from the then contemporary circumstances and necessities. This research is focused toward finding construction principles of medieval town Zvecan which are timeless and unique to all town constructions.
Experiencing rapid development and growth, cities worldwide face a surge in air pollution, primar... more Experiencing rapid development and growth, cities worldwide face a surge in air pollution, primarily driven by the increased concentrations of the particulate matter (PM) originating from various anthropogenic sources, such as traffic, household fuel combustion, and industrial and construction activities. Urban green spaces can naturally filter PM through physicochemical processes, serving as effective urban planning instruments for the improvement of the air quality. Focusing on a street in Novi Sad, the second-largest city in Serbia, this study investigates the efficiency of vegetation in mitigating air pollution, specifically PM 10 emissions from traffic and construction activities. Using the contemporary monitoring and modelling techniques for measuring and predicting PM 10 concentrations, the focus of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of vegetation in affecting and minimizing detected PM concentrations. The results indicate a significant reduction in the monitored PM 10 concentrations behind the green barrier compared to the modelled concentrations near the pollution source (on the road) for both traffic and construction-related emissions. The paper highlights the capacity of green elements to act as natural air pollution mitigators and suggests better integration of strategic environmental management into urban planning to foster the development of healthier and more sustainable cities, providing recommendations to facilitate this objective.
Thermal comfort in open urban areas could influence medical, sociological, environmental and econ... more Thermal comfort in open urban areas could influence medical, sociological, environmental and economic parameters. Therefore there is need to establish good thermal comfort in the areas to maintain the parameters at acceptable levels. Since the thermal comfort is variable, there is need to determine which parameters has the most impact on the thermal comfort variations. Hence in this article an attempt was made to rank parameters based on their influence on the thermal comfort. Prediction of thermal comfort was performed based on the parameters' ranking models. Physiological equivalent temperature (PET) was used as the thermal comfort indicator. Air temperature, vapor pressure, wind speed, irradiance are the inputs which are used in the investigation among others. Neuro-fuzzy methodology was used for the PET analyzing. Obtained results could have practical advantage for urban planners and designers to make the best thermal comfort for visitors in open urban areas.
Correspondence Srdjan Jovic, Email: [email protected] Abstract Concrete is the most imp... more Correspondence Srdjan Jovic, Email: [email protected] Abstract Concrete is the most important material in civil engineering. Development of concrete strength could be determined by ratio of water and cement. However recent studies suggested that the concrete strength is influences also by other ingredients. Concrete with high performances is very complex material therefore the analyzing of the materials could be rather difficult and challenging task. The concrete compressive strength is a highly nonlinear function of age and ingredients. These ingredients include cement, blast furnace slag, fly ash, water, superplasticizer, coarse aggregate, and fine aggregate. In order to decrease the complexity the main goal of the study was to determine which variable are important and which variable are not important for the concrete strength analyzing. As the output variable compressive strength of the concrete with high performance was used. Since the concrete compressive strength is a highly nonlinear function in this article computational intelligence was used. Results suggested that the age has the highest impact on the compressive strength of the concrete with high performance.
We live in informatics society in which we are slowly, but certainly, reaching new limits of digi... more We live in informatics society in which we are slowly, but certainly, reaching new limits of digitalization mainly using communication between people through different ICT networks: mobile phones, Facebook, social networks, etc. Today, entire Earth, regions, cities, settlements, etc. can be observed through Google. Data bases of every living person is being formed using possibilities to “track” every individual in space and time. Flows of financial capital are also being digitalized: individuals by using credit cards, on/line transactions, etc. and in banking systems global on-line transactions. Everyday goods such as food, clothing, etc. can be ordered through portals on the internet. Even various study courses and schools are being organized via internet.The real world (space, people, money, knowledge) are digitally being moved into virtual space. Here arises the question: To which space dimension is this process of digitalization taking us? This main research question will lead t...
Проблем пословно-производног комплекса „Трепча“, је првенствено у томе , што је његов рад заустав... more Проблем пословно-производног комплекса „Трепча“, је првенствено у томе , што је његов рад заустављен и читав пословни систем пасивизиран, због свима познатих разлога у каквој се налази цело Косовско-метохијско подручје. Технолошко-производно пасивизирање комплекса „Трепча“ има веома велике ретроградне , економско-развојне и штетне последице по животну средину на читавој територији на којој се налази и на којој егзистира , а нарочито се све то огледа на продубљивању социјалних проблема због велике незапослености. Пословно-производни комплекс „Трепча“ је могуће и пожељно ре-активирати, јер је све до кризне друштвено-политичке ситуације године 1989 функционисао као целовит систем, само је потребно и неопходно извршити регенерацију појединих производних комплекса у почетној фази, а затим прећи на оживљавање појединих производних целина. Приступ и поступци урбане регенерације, како појединих комплекса (целина и делова) тако и читавог производно-пословног система Трепче је могуће оживети ...
The process of urbanistic changes in space and time is not a steady one, nor always the same, fol... more The process of urbanistic changes in space and time is not a steady one, nor always the same, followed by dissipation and demolition of objects, and the construction of new ones does not necessarily stabilize the process of changes within space. The changes that took place on the former narrow-gauge railroad Belgrade–Obrenovac reflect the changes in historical, cultural, and urban processes as well. The strategic plan of the development of the city and the villages altered, as certain sections of the railroad were being shut down. The observance of a particular infrastructure is, at the same time, the base for monitoring the urban changes through time. Forty years later, the railroad was not the only thing that had ceased to function. Using qualitative and historical methods, this study is an attempt to give answers to multiple questions, some of them being the reasons for the deconstruction of the railroad.
This paper deals with an analysis of cartographical studies, the real estate cadastre, and its pr... more This paper deals with an analysis of cartographical studies, the real estate cadastre, and its practical implementation, as well as the introduction of cartography into different education modules in university-level studies in Montenegro. There is a discussion of the development, production, and creativity in the fields of cartography and real estate cadastre over time, cartographical projection, scientific results, and recent changes such as advanced computer- and satellite-based technologies, GIS, cartographical visualization, and digital cartography. The impact of these changes on cartographical studies at the University of Montenegro is considered. Particular attention is given to analyses of cartography and the cadastre in institutions, and their connection with the development of cartography teaching modules of Geography, Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the University of Montenegro. The integrated analysis also covers the results of the questionnaire and the significance of the...
Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2015
This paper is concerned with phenomenon of medieval town- fortress of Zvecan through examining (1... more This paper is concerned with phenomenon of medieval town- fortress of Zvecan through examining (1) the town planning and spatial organization within the town, (2) its physical structure, (3) conception of medieval design and construction of Zvecan, (4) medieval instinct for correlation of shapes within the town and correlation of Zvecan and its surrounding, (5) comparison of Zvecan with medieval towns in the region and beyond. This medieval town as a whole was the expression of medieval characteristics with its spatial organization and with its own individuality. Zvecan emerged from the then contemporary circumstances and necessities. This research is focused toward finding construction principles of medieval town Zvecan which are timeless and unique to all town constructions.
We live in informatics society in which we are slowly, but certainly, reaching new limits of digi... more We live in informatics society in which we are slowly, but certainly, reaching new limits of digitalization mainly using communication between people through different ICT networks: mobile phones, Facebook, social networks, etc. Today, entire Earth, regions, cities, settlements, etc. can be observed through Google. Data bases of every living person is being formed using possibilities to “track” every individual in space and time. Flows of financial capital are also being digitalized: individuals by using credit cards, on/line transactions, etc. and in banking systems global on-line transactions. Everyday goods such as food, clothing, etc. can be ordered through portals on the internet. Even various study courses and schools are being organized via internet. The real world (space, people, money, knowledge) are digitally being moved into virtual space. Here arises the question: To which space dimension is this process of digitalization taking us? This main research question will lead ...
This paper is concerned with phenomenon of medieval townfortress of Zvecan through examining (1) ... more This paper is concerned with phenomenon of medieval townfortress of Zvecan through examining (1) the town planning and spatial organization within the town, (2) its physical structure, (3) conception of medieval design and construction of Zvecan, (4) medieval instinct for correlation of shapes within the town and correlation of Zvecan and its surrounding, (5) comparison of Zvecan with medieval towns in the region and beyond. This medieval town as a whole was the expression of medieval characteristics with its spatial organization and with its own individuality. Zvecan emerged from the then contemporary circumstances and necessities. This research is focused toward finding construction principles of medieval town Zvecan which are timeless and unique to all town constructions.
Papers by Ružica Božović