Papers by Roland Suchenwirth
ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2016
Dott W, Drexler H, Dunkelberg H, et al. Leitlinie Diagnostische Validität. Bundesgesundheitsblatt... more Dott W, Drexler H, Dunkelberg H, et al. Leitlinie Diagnostische Validität. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2008;51(11):1353-1356
Geogenic Arsenic in Drinking Water. Drinking water production of surface spring water in southern... more Geogenic Arsenic in Drinking Water. Drinking water production of surface spring water in southern Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen, Germany) was reduced because of microbiological contaminations and unreliably variable water reserves. Surface spring water in general has a low arsenic content. As a consequence ground water has been increasingly used for drinking water. Thus, high geogenic concentrations of arsenic in the central ,,Buntsandstein in southern Lower Saxony caused high arsenic contents in the groundwater. Under the regulation of the German Drinking Water Ordinance (1986) the limit for total arsenic (40 μg/l) was exceeded in 2% of 150 fountains, wells and sources in southern Lower Saxony. Because of the well-known cancerogenic potential of arsenic the limit for total arsenic in drinking water was reduced from 40 μg/l to 10 μg/l suspending the new standard value until January 1996. This regulation based on new calculations revealing a skin cancer risk of roughly 6:10,000 and a m...
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2018
Although exposure to high levels of microbial bioaerosols can be linked to the deterioration of t... more Although exposure to high levels of microbial bioaerosols can be linked to the deterioration of the human respiratory system, precise exposure levels responsible for such effects are still unknown. A previous systematic review concluded that there was not enough information in the studies in humans to derive an exposure-response relationship. Thus, the aim of this systematic review was to derive exposure limits for microbial bioaerosols based on health effects in experimental animal studies. A systematic search was done in MEDLINE (PubMed) for long-term in vivo exposure of the respiratory system via inhalation of a quantified microbial bioaerosol. A total of n = 301 studies were retrieved. Abstract screening using predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria was followed by full-text screening and standardized data extraction of study characteristics and measured outcomes. As a result, four suitable studies were identified where mice or guinea pigs were exposed for 4-12 weeks to a previously described mixture of fungal spores or conidia via inhalation. The number of macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils and lymphocytes following subchronic exposure has been reported by all included papers and suggested a dose-and time-dependent relationship. Significant inflammation was observed following subacute exposure to Aspergillus fumigatus. However, the outcomes of the studies could not be directly compared due to the large degree of variation and poor description of the exposure conditions. It is our conclusion that more experimental research needs to be done with the specific aim of establishing a No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level (NOAEL) and a Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level (LOAEL) for exposure to microbial bioaerosols in ambient air. Expertise of both exposure and outcome assessment should be brought together to enable standardization of experimental animal studies with properly generated aerosols aiming to derive healthbased exposure limits.
Das Gesundheitswesen, 2015
Water Quality, Exposure and Health, 2014
ABSTRACT Different metals can leach from piping materials into the tap water, which can be of hea... more ABSTRACT Different metals can leach from piping materials into the tap water, which can be of health concern. This study investigated in which amount abundant metals were released from different parts of domestic installations into the cold tap water. For the approximate spatial allocation of the metal releasing sources, a sequential water sampling protocol was used after three hours of stagnation time representing the first five litre of the water column. After stagnation ten sample volumes were collected in series. Existing facilities of domestic installations constructed with different plumbing materials were examined predominantly from residential buildings. The elements Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, U and Zn were detected by means of ICP-MS. In total 16 water pipe strands of 11 domestic installation systems were examined. They comprised 401 single water samples and 5,614 single parameters. Depending upon the type of plumbing, different courses and concentration ranges of the elements could be measured in the tap water samples. Terminal taps or installation parts were in all investigated systems responsible for a release of nickel and in several cases of low concentrations of cadmium. The concentration courses of the element zinc proved as a good indicator for the allocation of the metal source to a brass containing section of the installation (zinc as an alloy component of brass). One can conclude that sequential water sampling protocol in combination with multi-element detection can be a valuable non-destructive method for drinking water-hygienic investigations of domestic installations.
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2008
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides are persistent organic pollutants ... more Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides are persistent organic pollutants that have a widespread distribution in the environment. Human biomonitoring is a suitable tool to assess the burden of humans with these substances. Over a time span of 8 years, a free analysis of their milk was offered to lactating mothers residing in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany. The human milk was analyzed for a number of organic chemicals including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and b-hexachlorocyclohexane (b-HCH). Factors that may influence these levels were investigated using a questionnaire. In total, 4314 samples were collected in the years 1999-2006 and analyzed for their content of these persistent organic pollutants (POPs). A clear downward trend of median total PCB, DDT, b-HCH and HCB values in all participants and also in different selected subgroups could be observed. The median values of calculated total PCB in the year 2006 including all participants was 0.1825 mg/kg lipid, that of DDT 0.0815 mg/kg lipid, b-HCH 0.0116 mg/ kg lipid and of HCB 0.0229 mg/kg lipid. There were reductions between 40.9% and 47.1% compared to the year 1999. Among other influencing factors, median concentrations of total PCB, DDT, b-HCH and HCB showed a clear rise with increasing age of mothers whereas an increasing number of breastfed infants per mother led to a decrease. The proportions of other measured substances exceeding limits of quantification were as follows: dieldrin 68.6%, a-HCH 1.3%, g-HCH 60.1%, heptachlor epoxide 41.5%, musk xylene 15.6%, musk ambrette 0.4%. We conclude that the known declining trend of important xenobiotic substances in human milk of German mothers has continued.
International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 2007
Lead is known to have numerous adverse effects especially to infants and children. The intake of ... more Lead is known to have numerous adverse effects especially to infants and children. The intake of lead through drinking water is commonly due to metal corrosion in the peripheral water distribution system, especially the user's plumbing. The aim of this project was to assess the present state of drinking water contamination with lead in Lower Saxony and to promote replacement of lead pipes. For this purpose a project was initiated comprising three parts. First, a free examination of drinking water was offered in cooperation with local public health departments for private households with young women and families with children living in buildings constructed before 1974. Participants were asked to collect a cold tap water sample in their household after nocturnal stagnation and to complete a questionnaire. The collected samples were analysed by atomic absorption spectrometry for their lead concentration. Second, data from local public health departments on results of lead measurements, especially in buildings for the public, were collected and analysed. Finally a working group 'lead replacement' was initiated. In the project in total 2436 tap water samples from households were collected. Of these, 6.49% had lead concentrations exceeding 10 mg/l (recommended limit of the World Health Organization) and 2.79% had concentrations above the limit of the German drinking water ordinance (25 mg/l). There were remarkable regional differences in the frequency of tap water contamination. Multi-family houses were more frequently affected than single-and double-family houses.
Das Gesundheitswesen, 2009
Das Gesundheitswesen, 2008
Das Gesundheitswesen, 2008
Das Gesundheitswesen, 2009
Das Gesundheitswesen, 2012
ABSTRACT Die Erdgas-Gewinnung aus unkonventionellen Lagerstätten hat international an Interesse g... more ABSTRACT Die Erdgas-Gewinnung aus unkonventionellen Lagerstätten hat international an Interesse gewonnen. In den USA wurde die Produktion von Schiefergas durch Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) in der letzten Dekade auf das Achtfache gesteigert und soll Hochrechnungen zufolge 2035 etwa die Hälfte der heimischen Produktion umfassen. Dagegen befindet sich die Erkundung unkonventioneller Lagerstätten in anderen Staaten in einem frühen Stadium. Die deutschen Schiefergas-Vorkommen werden auf ≈ 150 Mrd. m3 geschätzt, der Jahresverbrauch an Erdgas in Deutschland betrug 2010 ≈ 99500 Mrd. m3. HF ist als Erkundungs-/Gewinnungstechnik umstritten. Während die Erdgasindustrie eine seit langem erprobte und bewährte Nutzung dieser Technologie in Deutschland reklamiert, mehren sich in der Öffentlichkeit Bedenken zu möglichen Gefahren für Grund-, Oberflächenwasser und vornehmlich Trinkwasser bzw. allgemein für die menschliche Gesundheit durch die beim HF-Vorgang verwendeten Chemikalien. Diese gaben Anlass für staatliche Untersuchungsprogramme. HF-Fluide enthalten ca. 0,5–2 Vol.-% chemische Additive. Im Fall der Schiefergasförderung wird ein Fluid-Volumen von ≈ 11400m3 (3 Mio. gal) pro horizontaler Bohrung benötigt, das entspricht einem Anteil an Additiven von ca. 57–227m3 (15000–60000 gal) (US EPA 11/2011). Die US EPA (11/2011) hat auf der Basis publizierter Daten ≈ 1100 Chemikalien als potentielle Bestandteile der HF-Fluide identifiziert, in Rückfluss-/Produktionswasser waren es ≈ 210. Das Tyndall Centre Manchester (2011) hat von 260 Additiven 17 als ökotoxisch, 38 als humantoxisch, 8 als humankanzerogen, 7 als mutagen und 8 als reproduktionstoxisch bewertet. Dieser Beitrag will – auf der Grundlage des toxikologischen Hazards der Additive in HF-Fluiden – eine Übersicht der für Mensch und Umwelt durch HF ausgehenden möglichen Risiken geben. Die Beeinflussung von Trinkwasserressourcen ist in allen Lebenszyklen des im HF-Prozess eingesetzten Wassers denkbar (Wasserentnahme, Herstellung/Injektion des Fluids, Umgang mit Rückfluss-/Produktionswasser, Behandlung und Beseitigung des HF-Abwassers). Kontaminationen des Grund-/Trinkwassers sind in z.B. in den USA in Fallbeispielen nachgewiesen worden. Prominent ist vor allem der Nachweis thermogenen Methans im Trinkwasser neben spezifischen HF-Additiven.
Das Gesundheitswesen, 2006
Environmental Research, 2006
In September 2002, two freight trains collided in a northern German town. The inhabitants were po... more In September 2002, two freight trains collided in a northern German town. The inhabitants were potentially exposed to the probable human carcinogen epichlorohydrin. As no objective data on the level of exposure were available, we aimed to assess the geographical distribution of acute symptoms among local residents and subjects occupationally involved in the accident (e.g., firemen). A random sample of 932 adult local residents and 342 occupationally involved subjects were invited to answer a mail-in questionnaire. The main outcome measures were self-reported acute symptoms potentially associated with combustion products (e.g., irritation of the eyes, nose, or throat) and stress-related nonspecific symptoms. The main location during the first 26 h after the accident served as exposure proxy. For occupationally involved subjects, the time spent at the accident site was also used. The overall prevalence of symptoms potentially associated with combustion products was 9.8% for residents and 25.4% for occupationally involved subjects. After adjustment, subjects whose main location was close to the accident site had an increased risk for such symptoms. Among occupationally involved subjects the risk increased with duration at the accident site. Neither main location nor time at the accident site was significantly associated with nonspecific symptoms. We could provide an example for designing and carrying out an epidemiologic study shortly after a local accident with potential public health impact. We could define parts of the population at increased risk for symptoms potentially specific for the exposure under study.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 1998
Part of the norther Palat e region in Germany is erized by elevated leels of arsenic and antimony... more Part of the norther Palat e region in Germany is erized by elevated leels of arsenic and antimony in the soil due to the presence ofore sources and former mining activities. In a biomonitoring study, 218 residents were investigted for a putative increased intake of these elements. Seventy-six nonexposd subjects in a rur region in south lower Saxony were chosen as the rrece group. Urine and scalp hair sampes were obtained as su to dein he miteral exposures to arsenic and antimony. The analys were pefr*m ed using graphite furace atomic absorption spectrometry except for arsenic in urine, which was determined by the hydride tecnique. This method does not detect organo ls from sefood, which are not toxicologicaly relevant In the northem Palatinate subjects, sdighy elevated arsenic contents in urine and scalp hair (presumably not hazardous) could be corrldated with an increased arenic content in the soil. On the other hand, the results did not show a correation between the am contents in tie soil ofthe housing area and those in urine and hair. Except for an y in sp hair, age tended to be associatd wi intenal exposure to arsenic and antimony in both study groups. Consumpion of seafood had a slight impact on the levd ofuinary arsenic, which is indi of dte presence oflow quanities of inoranic arsenicas and dimethasinic acid in sefood. Th.e arsenic and antimony contents in scalp hair were positively correated with the 24-hr arsenic io in urine. However, antimony in scalp hair was not correlated with seafood consmptio as was asenic in slp hair and in urine. Tbis indicated the exstence of unidentified common p of exposure contributng to the almentary body burden. Short time peaks in the 24-hr excretion of arsenic in urine, which could not be signed to a high consumpio of sfood, were detected for six pard pan. This suggest that additional factors relevant in the exposure to arsenic are still unidentified. I&y wondv arsenic, antimony, human biomonitoring, scalp hair, urine.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2010
In drinking water supplies the intake of the toxic heavy metal lead is commonly due to metal corr... more In drinking water supplies the intake of the toxic heavy metal lead is commonly due to metal corrosion in the peripheral water distri bution system, especially the user's plumbing or lead service lines. Recently, the prob lem again received attention in the United States when testing data of drinking water
Papers by Roland Suchenwirth