Papers by Rodrigo Rodriguez Rojas
Persona y Sociedad, 2018
A la fecha, desde el Estado se han implementado tres instancias relativas a la verdad y la repara... more A la fecha, desde el Estado se han implementado tres instancias relativas a la verdad y la reparación de las violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas durante la dictadura militar, siendo la más reciente la Comisión Nacional sobre Prisión Política y Tortura (CNPPT). En este trabajo se analiza específicamente el fenómeno de la prisión política y la tortura, considerándolo un fenómeno sociopolítico, que determinó experiencias traumáticas con graves consecuencias psicosociales, tanto en las víctimas directas, como en los grupos primarios de apoyo y en la sociedad en su conjunto. Se discuten los ejes centrales y los límites de algunas experiencias de intervención terapéutica implementadas con estas personas. Finalmente, se examina lo que fue la experiencia de la CNPPT, cuyo Informe se hizo público en noviembre de 2004, analizando las particularidades de su funcionamiento y cuál ha sido su impacto en las propias víctimas, en la sociedad y en las políticas de reparación y verdad.
Temas De Educacion, Jun 30, 2014
Resumen El año 1990 Chile ratifica la Convención Internacional de Derechos del Niño, lo cual pone... more Resumen El año 1990 Chile ratifica la Convención Internacional de Derechos del Niño, lo cual pone en marcha una serie transformaciones sociales e institucionales para ajustar la concepción de niños, niñas y adolescentes como sujetos titulares de derecho. Uno de los elementos más complejos de abordar en este tránsito ha sido reconocer la importancia de la participación infantil como principio rector y como derecho efectivo, lo cual ha llevado a la necesidad de analizar las implicancias concretas de dicho concepto y revisar prácticas que se orienten en esa dirección. El presente trabajo busca aportar en esa discusión, a
Nature Climate Change, 2014
Recent major flood disasters have shown that single extreme events can a ect multiple countries s... more Recent major flood disasters have shown that single extreme events can a ect multiple countries simultaneously 1-3 , which puts high pressure on trans-national risk reduction and risk transfer mechanisms 4-6. So far, little is known about such flood hazard interdependencies across regions 7,8 and the corresponding joint risks at regional to continental scales 1,9. Reliable information on correlated loss probabilities is crucial for developing robust insurance schemes 5 and public adaptation funds 10 , and for enhancing our understanding of climate change impacts 9,11,12. Here we show that extreme discharges are strongly correlated across European river basins. We present probabilistic trends in continental flood risk, and demonstrate that observed extreme flood losses could more than double in frequency by 2050 under future climate change and socioeconomic development. We suggest that risk management for these increasing losses is largely feasible, and we demonstrate that risk can be shared by expanding risk transfer financing, reduced by investing in flood protection, or absorbed by enhanced solidarity between countries. We conclude that these measures have vastly di erent e ciency, equity and acceptability implications, which need to be taken into account in broader consultation, for which our analysis provides a basis. Major river floods are typically driven by large-scale atmospheric circulations 8,13,14. As a result, single flood episodes can affect vast areas in a short period of time, irrespective of economic and political boundaries 1,3. This was demonstrated in June 2013 by the blocking of the planetary waves of the atmospheric flow regime in the Northern Hemisphere 2 , which led to extensive flooding and e12 billion losses 15 in nine different countries across central and eastern Europe. Understanding the risk posed by large-scale floods is of growing importance, as their impacts are rising owing to socioeconomic development 6,16 , and their frequency and intensity may increase under a changing climate 1,9,12,17. Well-devised risk management of climate-related extremes, including floods, is therefore considered to be an important pillar of climate adaptation 18. Rising flood losses already force insurance companies to increase their capital base and may lead to more years of below-zero profitability 5. Uninsured risks are a growing concern, as a lack of financial means for relief, recovery and reconstruction negatively affects the wellbeing of people, the economy and a country's budget 6,19. Accurate information on the joint probability of flood losses that takes into account spatial correlations between river basins across different countries is essential for developing
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría, 2014
Revista Médica Clínica Las Condes, 2013
Psykhe (Santiago), 2013
Este trabajo surge de una investigación cualitativa más amplia, centrada en los procesos de elabo... more Este trabajo surge de una investigación cualitativa más amplia, centrada en los procesos de elaboración del impacto socio-biográfico de la escucha de la tortura en profesionales de la Comisión Nacional sobre Prisión Política y Tortura realizada en Chile entre 2003 y 2004. Se produjeron relatos de vida con 19 profesionales que trabajaron en esta Comisión, seleccionados por medio de un muestreo intencionado, guiado teóricamente. El análisis de los datos se realizó siguiendo el modelo de la grounded theory. Los resultados muestran cómo los profesionales, en función de sus biografías institucionales y las dinámicas grupales que se generan entre ellos en el contexto de institucionalidad de la Comisión, se apropian subjetivamente y adaptan el rol prescrito por la institución. Además, se muestra que los profesionales sienten orgullo por el rol desempeñado en la Comisión, a la vez que se muestran críticos frente a las medidas de reparación que emanan de esta. Se discute cómo la posición de "escucha del Estado" sitúa a los profesionales metafóricamente en las ambivalencias de la sociedad chilena respecto de la escucha de la tortura. Palabras clave: tortura, procesos de elaboración, subjetividad, relatos de vida, ambivalencia This study derives from a broader qualitative research focused on elaborative processes associated with the socio-biographical impact of torture listening on professionals of the National Commission on Political Imprisonment and Torture held in Chile between 2003 and 2004. The research produced the life stories of 19 professionals who worked in this Commission, selected with purposive theoretical sampling. The data analysis was performed according to the grounded theory model. The results show how these professionals, through their institutional biographies and the group dynamics that emerged in the institutional context of the Commission, subjectively appropriated and adapted the role prescribed by the institution. Furthermore, it is shown that professionals are proud of their role in the Commission, but are also critical of reparation politics arising from it. The article then discusses how the position of "State listening" metaphorically situates professionals in the ambivalences of Chilean society with regard to torture listening.
The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology, 2014
Translabial 3D/4D pelvic floor ultrasound (PFUS) is increasingly used in the evaluation of pelvic... more Translabial 3D/4D pelvic floor ultrasound (PFUS) is increasingly used in the evaluation of pelvic floor disorders. Commonly, this involves the analysis of stored volume data sets by postprocessing. In this study, we aimed to assess the time requirement to reaching acceptable repeatability for commonly employed outcome measures in PFUS. Between 2010 and 2013, 20 individuals from 11 countries underwent training in postprocessing of PFUS volume data sets. They undertook test-retest series (n ≥ 20) between day 2 and day 15 of training. Outcome measures tested included levator hiatal area on Valsalva, descent of the bladder neck, bladder, uterus and rectal ampulla, and rectocele depth. After an initial training session of 10-20 cases, test-retest series were undertaken between the trainee and measurements obtained by the author or senior trainees. Trainees were obstetricians/gynaecologists in training (n = 4), obstetricians/gynaecologists or subspecialty trainees (n = 13), medical studen...
The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology, Jan 12, 2014
A minority of women with a subjective complaint of stress urinary incontinence will have negative... more A minority of women with a subjective complaint of stress urinary incontinence will have negative urodynamic stress incontinence (USI) findings. To test clinical and ultrasound measures as predictors of an unexpected absence of USI. We hypothesised that unexpectedly negative USI would be more common in young women with good pelvic floor and urethral function. A retrospective study analysing 398 data sets from women attending a urogynaecology clinic for evaluation of lower urinary tract and pelvic floor dysfunction. Clinical, urodynamic and translabial ultrasound data were tested as possible predictors of negative USI findings. Women with unexpectedly negative USI findings were younger, had less anterior compartment prolapse and had a higher maximum urethral pressure. Measures of pelvic floor muscle function were not predictive. Women with unexpectedly negative USI are younger and have better urethral function, but voluntary pelvic floor muscle function seems unrelated to this phenom...
Psykhe (Santiago), 2008
En la investigación en ciencias sociales, la utilización del relato de vida ha mostrado important... more En la investigación en ciencias sociales, la utilización del relato de vida ha mostrado importantes desarrollos, permitiendo articular signifi cados subjetivos de experiencias y prácticas sociales. Son variados los trabajos que muestran resultados de investigaciones, así como variados aquéllos que discuten esta particular forma de concebir y articular conceptualmente las dimensiones subjetiva y social. La literatura sin embargo, ha soslayado aspectos del proceso de diseño e implementación de una investigación con relatos de vida. Este artículo intenta visibilizar estos aspectos, a la luz de las premisas que sustentan la investigación desde un enfoque biográfi co. Se presenta un dispositivo de trabajo implementado en investigaciones realizadas, discutiendo a partir de él las opciones metodológicas tomadas, sugiriendo modos de abordar investigaciones con relatos de vida. Palabras clave: relatos de vida; enfoque biográfi co; investigación cualitativa; opciones metodológicas. In social sciences research, the use of life stories has developed greatly allowing for the articulation of subjective meanings of social practices and experiences. There are several studies that show their fi ndings as there is a variety of such pieces of research that discuss this particular way of conceptually conceiving and articulating subjective and social dimensions. The literature has, however, avoided analyzing aspects of the process of design and implementation of research based on life stories. In this paper there is an attempt to bring these aspects to the forefront, in light of the premises that underlie research from a biographical approach. A working device applied in previous research is presented, with discussion on methodological decisions and suggestions on how to approach research on life stories.
Revista chilena de infectología : órgano oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología, 2012
Carbapenem resistance in Enterobacteriaceae is an emerging problem worldwide. Among the mechanism... more Carbapenem resistance in Enterobacteriaceae is an emerging problem worldwide. Among the mechanisms involved are the production of ESBLs or AmpC associated with porins loss or the presence of carbapenemases. Among these, the KPC betalactamase has become especially relevant given its rapid spread.In this article we present the first case of isolation of a strain of KPC producer Klebsiella pneumoniae at a hospital in Santiago, in a patient coming from Italy, with a history of multiple hospitalizations for treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and subjected to several cycles of chemotherapy and hemodialysis. The strain was isolated from a urine culture on the seventh day of the…
Water Resources Research, 2010
Recent applications of multimodel methods have demonstrated their potential in quantifying concep... more Recent applications of multimodel methods have demonstrated their potential in quantifying conceptual model uncertainty in groundwater modeling applications. To date, however, little is known about the value of conditioning to constrain the ensemble of conceptualizations, to differentiate among retained alternative conceptualizations, and to reduce conceptual model uncertainty. We address these questions by conditioning multimodel simulations on measurements of hydraulic conductivity and observations of system-state variables and evaluating the effects on (1) the posterior multimodel statistics and (2) the contribution of conceptual model uncertainty to the predictive uncertainty. Multimodel aggregation and conditioning is performed by combining the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) method and Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). As an illustrative example we employ a 3-dimensional hypothetical system under steady state conditions, for which uncertainty about the conceptualization is expressed by an ensemble (M) of seven models with varying complexity. Results show that conditioning on heads allowed for the exclusion of the two simplest models, but that their information content is limited to further differentiate among the retained conceptualizations. Conditioning on increasing numbers of conductivity measurements allowed for a further refinement of the ensemble M and resulted in an increased precision and accuracy of the multimodel predictions. For some groundwater flow components not included as conditioning data, however, the gain in accuracy and precision was partially offset by strongly deviating predictions of a single conceptualization. Identifying the conceptualization producing the most deviating predictions may guide data collection campaigns aimed at acquiring data to further eliminate such conceptualizations. Including groundwater flow and river discharge observations further allowed for a better differentiation among alternative conceptualizations and drastic reductions of the predictive variances. Results strongly advocate the use of observations less commonly available than groundwater heads to reduce conceptual model uncertainty in groundwater modeling.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2014
Objectives A specified anatomical degree of prolapse may cause no bother in one individual and a ... more Objectives A specified anatomical degree of prolapse may cause no bother in one individual and a severe form of bother in another. The aim of this study was to determine the factors contributing to the degree of bother due to a given degree of prolapse, to help with the clinical evaluation of patients and planning of preventive intervention trials and surgical treatment. Methods Consecutive patient records of 654 women who had attended a urogynecology unit between August 2011 and December 2012 were reviewed. All patients underwent a standardized interview, clinical examination and four-dimensional translabial ultrasound scan. The degree of bother was evaluated using a visual analog scale. Results Six hundred and thirty-six women were included in the analysis, with ultrasound data available for cystocele, rectocele and enterocele descent and rectocele depth measurements and 442 for uterine descent. 313 women (49.2%) had subjective symptoms of female pelvic organ prolapse at a mean bother score of 6.0 ± 2.6. Average bother score for the complete dataset was 3.0 ± 3.5. Parity, vaginal delivery, levator avulsion, any significant clinical prolapse or prolapse seen on ultrasound were associated with prolapse bother and all clinical and ultrasound measures of pelvic organ descent remained significant or near significant on multivariate analysis.
Journal of Hydrology, 2010
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2012
We assess future flood hazard in view of climate change at pan-European scale using a large ensem... more We assess future flood hazard in view of climate change at pan-European scale using a large ensemble of climate projections. The ensemble consists of simulations from 12 climate experiments conducted within the ENSEMBLES project, forced by the SRES A1B emission scenario for the period 1961-2100. Prior to driving the hydrological model LISFLOOD, climate simulations are corrected for bias in precipitation and temperature using a Quantile Mapping (QM) method. For time slices of 30 years, a Gumbel distribution is fitted by the maximum likelihood method through the simulated annual maximum discharges. Changes in extreme river flows, here exemplified by the 100-year discharge (Q 100), are then analyzed with respect to a control period (1961-1990). We assess the uncertainty arising from using alternative climate experiments to force LISFLOOD and from the fitting of extreme value distributions. Results show large discrepancies in the magnitude of change in Q 100 among the hydrological simulations for different climate experiments, with some regions even showing an opposite signal of change. Due to the low signal-to-noise ratio in some areas the projected changes showed not all to be statistically significant. Despite this, western Europe, the British Isles and northern Italy show a robust increase in future flood hazard, mainly due to a pronounced increase in extreme rainfall. A decrease in Q 100 , on the other hand, is projected in eastern Germany, Poland, southern Sweden and, to a lesser extent, the Baltic countries. In these areas, the signal is dominated by the strong reduction in snowmelt induced floods, which offsets the increase in average and extreme precipitation.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2012
A statistical bias correction technique is applied to twelve high-resolution climate change simul... more A statistical bias correction technique is applied to twelve high-resolution climate change simulations of temperature and precipitation over Europe, under the SRES A1B scenario, produced for the EU project ENSEMBLES. The bias correction technique is based on a transfer function, estimated on current climate, which affects the whole Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of variables, and which is assumed constant between
International Urogynecology Journal, 2013
Papers by Rodrigo Rodriguez Rojas