Papers by Roberto Spandre
A hydrogeophysical model is presented for the South Havana Basin, Cuba, based on the processing o... more A hydrogeophysical model is presented for the South Havana Basin, Cuba, based on the processing of geophysical well logs, together with transmissivity data obtained from aquifer tests. The model provides clarification of the existing relationship between geophysical well log parameters and flow velocity, and demonstrates that longitudinal conductance is the best predictor of aquifer transmissivity.
El objeto del estudio es la determinacion de las conexiones hidraulicas subterraneas entre las ca... more El objeto del estudio es la determinacion de las conexiones hidraulicas subterraneas entre las canteras de explotacion de marmoles de los Alpes Apuanos y los manantiales de abastecimiento de agua potable del acueduto de Carrara (Italia). La utilizacion de aceites, grasas e hidrocarburos en los procesos de trabajo (corte, manejo y transporte del marmol) en las canteras, produce periodicamente contaminaciones que se registran en las captaciones de agua para uso publico. Las caracteristica karsticas de los acuiferos de los Alpes Apuanos hacen muy complicado el uso de trazadores tradicionales porque estos o vienen capturados e inhibidos por la marmettola (polvo sutil producido por el corte de los bloques de marmol y arrastrado en las fracturas karsticas) o no se pueden utilizar por su toxicidad dado que se trata de un sistema acuifero totalmente explotado para fines hidropotables. Las posibilidad de marcar varios puntos de inyeccion con esporas de distintos colores y proceder a la...
Journal of Environmental Hydrology, 1999
Journal of Environmental Hydrology Volume 7 Paper 16 October 1999 1 A hydrogeophysical model is p... more Journal of Environmental Hydrology Volume 7 Paper 16 October 1999 1 A hydrogeophysical model is presented for the South Havana Basin, Cuba, based on the processing of geophysical well logs, together with transmissivity data obtained from aquifer tests. The model provides clarification of the existing relationship between geophysical well log parameters and flow velocity, and demonstrates that longitudinal conductance is the best predictor of aquifer transmissivity. EVALUATION OF AQUIFER TRASMISSIVITY IN KARST USING GEOPHYSICAL WELL LOGS
Journal of Environmental Hydrology Volume 20 Paper 1 January 2013 1 The hydrological complex of B... more Journal of Environmental Hydrology Volume 20 Paper 1 January 2013 1 The hydrological complex of Babitonga Bay, Brazil, forms a vast environmental system; hosting the last great expanse of mangrove forests in the southern hemisphere. Mangroves are among the most productive ecosystems on earth. Effects of an oil spill on the Babitonga Bay ecosystem was studied using lead and carbon isotopes. Samples of the spilled oil, as well as sediment and water samples, were obtained nine months after the accident, at the time of the salvage operation. Isotopic composition of the oil was utilized to trace the extent of the environmental pollution. In addition, isotopes of lead and carbon allowed for the identification of areas where oil was present. Contaminated sediments exhibited an isotopic composition (206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) close to that of the oil spilled. δ13C data confirmed these results. The results of this investigation suggest that lead isotope ratios can be very useful in the fie...
The study area, characterized by the activity of several olive mills, is located in the region of... more The study area, characterized by the activity of several olive mills, is located in the region of Tuscany in central Italy. The research objective was to evaluate groundwater pollution caused by olive mill waste water spreading on soil. The chemical and hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer system were studied. Particular attention was given to the presence of phenols in water samples because of their high content in these waste waters. A connection between the waste water spreading areas and local high concentrations of phenolic compounds in groundwater was found and olive mill waste waters were recognized as being the source of local groundwater pollution by polyphenols.
An improvement is proposed for the W.A.T.ER. model, a parametric model for the assessment of aqui... more An improvement is proposed for the W.A.T.ER. model, a parametric model for the assessment of aquifer vulnerability to pollution developed within the National Group for Hydrogeological Hazard Prevention of the National Research Council of Italy. The original methodology has been modified to evaluate separately the iintrinsic vulnerabilityi of every permeable layer, which provides a more reliable representation for a complex aquifer. Insertion of data into a Geographical Information System has made possible a finer calibration of the weight of the different parameters, through several simulations and critical analysis of the results. In particular, the number and distribution density of wells is the most important parameter in the evaluation of aquifer vulnerability. The modeling time has been drastically reduced, and more precise answers are given to the public institutions managing groundwater resources and, broadly speaking, the environment.
Ingeniería del agua, 1996
Para la valoración del riesgo de contaminación por nitratos de las aguas subterráneas de una part... more Para la valoración del riesgo de contaminación por nitratos de las aguas subterráneas de una parte de la Llanura Apuana (comprendida en los terminos municipales de Montignoso, Massa y Carrara), se confrontan dos modelos paramétricos de puntuación: el DRASTIC (acrónimo de Deep water; Recharge, net; Aquifer media; Soil media; Topography; Impact of vadose zone; Conductivity hydraulic) y el SINTACS (acrónimo de Soggiacenza-nivel freático-; Infiltración; efecto de autodepuración de la zona No saturada; Tipología de los suelos de cobertera; litología del Acuífero; Conductividad hidraúlica; pendiente de la Superficie topográfica). En el área de estudio, ubicada a SO de los Alpes Apuanos, hay un acuífero principal formado prevalentemente por gravas y, en una estrecha franja costera, por unas arenas.Para la aplicación del modelo DRASTIC el área entera ha sido dividida en varias sub-áreas sobre la base de los valores de los parámetros que están sujetos a variaciones (D, R, A, 1). Para cada zo...
Journal of Environmental Hydrology Volume 20 Paper 1 January 2013 1 The hydrological complex of B... more Journal of Environmental Hydrology Volume 20 Paper 1 January 2013 1 The hydrological complex of Babitonga Bay, Brazil, forms a vast environmental system; hosting the last great expanse of mangrove forests in the southern hemisphere. Mangroves are among the most productive ecosystems on earth. Effects of an oil spill on the Babitonga Bay ecosystem was studied using lead and carbon isotopes. Samples of the spilled oil, as well as sediment and water samples, were obtained nine months after the accident, at the time of the salvage operation. Isotopic composition of the oil was utilized to trace the extent of the environmental pollution. In addition, isotopes of lead and carbon allowed for the identification of areas where oil was present. Contaminated sediments exhibited an isotopic composition (206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) close to that of the oil spilled. δ13C data confirmed these results. The results of this investigation suggest that lead isotope ratios can be very useful in the fie...
2013 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 2013
Papers by Roberto Spandre