Perkembangan teknologi mempermudah untuk mendapatkan informasi dan informasi yang sering digunaka... more Perkembangan teknologi mempermudah untuk mendapatkan informasi dan informasi yang sering digunakan adalah media berita. Seiring perkembangan teknologi, berita dapat disebarkan melalui portal berita dalam bentuk web-base seperti Kompas, Detik, Tempo, dan lain lain. Pengguna teknologi informasi ada kalanya tidak memiliki waktu untuk membaca berita secara seksama dan sebagian tidak bisa mendapatkan berita yang diperlukan. Salah satu cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut adalah melakukan clustering dokumen berita setelah itu dilakukan ekstraksi topik untuk mendapatkan topik penting dari kelompok berita. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Clustering Large Application (CLARA) untuk proses clustering karena CLARA merupakan optimasi dari k-medoid yang lebih baik dari k-means dari berbagai aspek dan pada ekstraksi topik menggunakan term-cluster weighting untuk menghitung bobot term pada cluster. Proses dari penelitian ini melakukan text proprocessing untuk mengubah dokumen menjadi data ters...
Analisa terhadap komponen-komponen RAB sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan perencanaan dapat d... more Analisa terhadap komponen-komponen RAB sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan perencanaan dapat dilakukan menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2021. Software buatan Microsoft ini sudah sangat familiar digunakan dalam perhitungan dan analisa RAB. Namun yang disayangkan, perhitungan dan analisa RAB menggunakan Software buatan Microsoft ini membutuhkan waktu cukup lama dalam proses pengerjaannya. Dengan latar belakang yang peneliti telah jelaskan, maka penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui penggunaan AutoDesk Revit dapat mempersingkat waktu pengerjaan volume Bill Of Quantity suatu proyek untuk tahap perencanaan atau pra pekerjaan. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan dua metode, yaitu metode perhitungan volume Bill Of Quantity menggunakan perhitungan manual dan perhitungan menggunakan metode BIM. Dua metode yang digunakan langsung dibandingkan dengan mencari selisih hasil total volume dari kedua metode.Hasil dari perbandingan kedua metode yaitu BIM dan Metode manual berdasarkan SNI 2847 Tahu...
Gulma merupakan tanaman pengganggu dalam lahan pertanian. Herbisida merupakan obat yang efektif m... more Gulma merupakan tanaman pengganggu dalam lahan pertanian. Herbisida merupakan obat yang efektif membunuh gulma tersebut. Penyemprotan herbisida harus tepat sasaran kepada gulma saja dan tidak mengenai tanaman. Penelitian ini membuat sistem yang dapat mendeteksi gulma secara otomatis diantara tanaman pada lahan pertanian riil. Sistem ini menggunakan gambar lahan pertanian riil yang diambil menggunakan kamera dengan posisi vertikal menghadap ke bawah. Algoritma yang dibuat menggunakan segmentasi berdasarkan warna hijau dalam ruang warna HSV untuk mendeteksi daun, baik gulma maupun tanaman pada beragam pencahayaan. Sebanyak tiga fitur bentuk digunakan untuk membedakan gulma dengan tanaman yang memiliki karakteristik bentuk daun yang berbeda. Fitur bentuk yang digunakan adalah Rectangularity, Edge-to-Center distances function , dan Distance Transform function . Klasifikasi gulma dan tanaman menggunakan metode Jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST) yang dapat dilatih secara offline. Dari 149 tanam...
Smart home system is one of the most popular applications and research interests in the past deca... more Smart home system is one of the most popular applications and research interests in the past decade. This system can give many features such as home monitoring, appliance control, and automation system, energy-saving, and home security. A smart home system normally has a centralized architecture. This architecture gives the advantage of being easy to manage. However, the centralized architecture has a fault-tolerance problem. If the center of the system (master station) is down, then the entire system will be failed. A smart home system needs a mechanism to avoid system failure when the master station is down. Furthermore, for the big scale smart home/building system with many devices, the delay time of information transmission and processing can affect the service provision time. To solve the problem, a distributed rule execution mechanism for the smart home system is proposed in this paper. Practical experiments show that the proposed mechanism can avoid the fault-tolerance proble...
6th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology 2021, 2021
∗The arm is a part of the upper limb that plays a significant role in daily activities. Unfortuna... more ∗The arm is a part of the upper limb that plays a significant role in daily activities. Unfortunately, some people are less fortunate due to arms limitations. This limitation can be in incomplete arm organs, such as the absence of the forearm caused by amputation or congenital anomalies. A prosthetic arm is one of the most critical assistive technology they require. In this research, we propose a prosthetic arm system that can be controlled based on the movement of the remaining arm part of the body. Since the prosthetic arm is a wearable device, the designed system will be implemented on an embedded system. This system uses input from the acquisition of electrical activity that occurs in the upper arm muscles. The data were acquired using an Electromyography (EMG) sensor. There are five types of arm movement designed that can be classified based on the amplitude value of the EMG signal. The prosthetic arm performs the motion according to the classification results. The proposed system has an accuracy of 87% in the suitability of the robot’s arm motion.
In this paper, we implement a voice data communications between sender and receiver through Wi-Fi... more In this paper, we implement a voice data communications between sender and receiver through Wi-Fi. The system was designed and implemented using network stream protocol which was developed by National Instruments on Lab-VIEW between two devices. The device which acts as the sender was My-RIO board and the receiver device was Personal Computer. The voice data communication system was tested by observing the effect of various buffer sizes on the throughput, latency and CPU usage. The result showed that the larger the buffer size being used, the throughput values were also getting bigger. However, particular buffer size made the throughput became saturated. The change on the buffer size also directly affects CPU usage. It seemed that the buffer size did not affect latency significantly. It showed that the latency was stable with an average of 13 milliseconds on voice data transmission.
2016 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), 2016
The aim of the research is to present an approach of obstacle distance estimation and navigation ... more The aim of the research is to present an approach of obstacle distance estimation and navigation for smart wheelchair. The smart wheelchair is an electric wheelchair equipped with camera and line laser to navigate and avoid an obstacle. The camera was used to capture images from the environment to sense the pathway condition. The line laser was used in combination with camera to recognize an obstacle in the pathway based on the shape of line laser image in certain angle. A blob method detection was applied on the line laser image to recognize the pattern of the detected obstacles. The line laser projector and camera were mounted in fixed-certain position to make sure a fixed relation between blobs-gaps and obstacle-to-wheelchair distance. A simple linear regression from 16 obtained data was used to represent this relation as the estimated obstacle distance. As a result, the average error between the estimation and actual distance was 1.25 cm from 7 data testing experiments. The experiments result indicates that the proposed method is able to estimate well the distance between wheelchair and obstacle. Later, the smart wheelchair needs to decide further action whether it should turn left, right or just walk straight when facing certain obstacle to avoid it.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2016
This paper presents an approach of obstacle distance estimation for smart wheelchair. A smart whe... more This paper presents an approach of obstacle distance estimation for smart wheelchair. A smart wheelchair was equipped with a camera and a laser line. The camera was used to capture an image from the environment in order to sense the pathway condition. The laser line was used in combination with camera to recognize an obstacle in the pathway based on the shape of laser line image in certain angle. A blob method detection was then applied on the laser line image to separate and recognize the pattern of the detected obstacles. The laser line projector and camera which was mounted in fixed-certain position ensured a fixed relation between blobs-gap and obstacle-to-wheelchair distance. A simple linear regression from 16 obtained data was used to respresent this relation as the estimated obstacle distance. As a result, the average error between the estimation and the actual distance was 1.25 cm from 7 data testing experiments. Therefore, the experiment results show that the proposed metho...
Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan dasar bagi manusia, sehingga membu-tuhkan suatu proses belajar yan... more Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan dasar bagi manusia, sehingga membu-tuhkan suatu proses belajar yang memungkinkan untuk menunjukkan eksistensi secara utuh dan seimbang. Guru berpengaruh penting bagi kemajuan siswa dan merupakan kunci dari sistem pendidikan. Proses belajar yang dilakukan di madrasah bisa dinilai dari kinerja guru. Kinerja menggambarkan tingkat pencapaian pelaksanaan kegiatan dalam mewujudkan sasaran, tujuan, visi dan misi organisasi yang tertuang dalam strategi perencanaan suatu organisasi di berbagai sektor, baik swasta maupun publik. Sedangkan jika dihubungkan dengan guru merupakan hasil yang dicapai dalam melaksanakan tugas yang dibebankan kepadanya. Uji kompetensi guru yang salah satunya dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui kinerja guru menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 80% guru masih belum memenuhi standar mutu pendidik. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja tersebut diperlukan pendekatan Sumber Daya Manusia antara lain kepribadian, motivasi, dan sertifikasi guru. Sehingga dalam penelitia...
The topic of Islamic philosophy has always been attracted its reader to a wide yet specific subje... more The topic of Islamic philosophy has always been attracted its reader to a wide yet specific subject including the identification of Islamic Philosophy which related to the relation between its origin and Worldview of Islam, the adaption of Greek philosophy into Islamic Philosophy, and the implications which emerged during and after the glory of Islamic Civilization. This paper will try to elaborate the term of "Islamic Philosophy" from its etymological meaning as well as the identification that taken from revelationbased worldview of Islam. As the beginning, the definitions of "philosophy" will be derived from number of authoritative scholars. The suitability between Islamic Worldview and the Islamization of Greek Philosophy will answer of the questions about 'the origin of Islamic Philosophy'; including the relation between both the important of revelation (wahy) and semantic interpretation. The discussion is continued widely as well on the history of translation in the time of the Caliph Ma'mun, Abbasid, when the civilization of Islam was in its golden era. Initiated by the caliph himself, this period has introduced many authoritative Muslim scholars in translation of knowledge scripts as well as described a lot of unique facts which rarely mentioned in the general literature such as how does the system of Bayt al-H{ ikmah work, interreligious relation between Scholars, and even the given salary for the Scholars. Lastly, this paper will redefine the historicity and ethnicity of philosopher explaining why does the reason of the term "Islamic Philosophy" become the most appropriate definition. In the deeper analysis, we do not only see 'Islamic Philosophy' as a claim of term but it is also as the 'worldview identification'. Islamic philosophy, has indeed successfully assimilated the sophisticated assimilation of the thought of Greek Philosophy by all of its distinctive and characteristics.
Perkembangan teknologi mempermudah untuk mendapatkan informasi dan informasi yang sering digunaka... more Perkembangan teknologi mempermudah untuk mendapatkan informasi dan informasi yang sering digunakan adalah media berita. Seiring perkembangan teknologi, berita dapat disebarkan melalui portal berita dalam bentuk web-base seperti Kompas, Detik, Tempo, dan lain lain. Pengguna teknologi informasi ada kalanya tidak memiliki waktu untuk membaca berita secara seksama dan sebagian tidak bisa mendapatkan berita yang diperlukan. Salah satu cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut adalah melakukan clustering dokumen berita setelah itu dilakukan ekstraksi topik untuk mendapatkan topik penting dari kelompok berita. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Clustering Large Application (CLARA) untuk proses clustering karena CLARA merupakan optimasi dari k-medoid yang lebih baik dari k-means dari berbagai aspek dan pada ekstraksi topik menggunakan term-cluster weighting untuk menghitung bobot term pada cluster. Proses dari penelitian ini melakukan text proprocessing untuk mengubah dokumen menjadi data ters...
Analisa terhadap komponen-komponen RAB sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan perencanaan dapat d... more Analisa terhadap komponen-komponen RAB sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan perencanaan dapat dilakukan menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2021. Software buatan Microsoft ini sudah sangat familiar digunakan dalam perhitungan dan analisa RAB. Namun yang disayangkan, perhitungan dan analisa RAB menggunakan Software buatan Microsoft ini membutuhkan waktu cukup lama dalam proses pengerjaannya. Dengan latar belakang yang peneliti telah jelaskan, maka penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui penggunaan AutoDesk Revit dapat mempersingkat waktu pengerjaan volume Bill Of Quantity suatu proyek untuk tahap perencanaan atau pra pekerjaan. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan dua metode, yaitu metode perhitungan volume Bill Of Quantity menggunakan perhitungan manual dan perhitungan menggunakan metode BIM. Dua metode yang digunakan langsung dibandingkan dengan mencari selisih hasil total volume dari kedua metode.Hasil dari perbandingan kedua metode yaitu BIM dan Metode manual berdasarkan SNI 2847 Tahu...
Gulma merupakan tanaman pengganggu dalam lahan pertanian. Herbisida merupakan obat yang efektif m... more Gulma merupakan tanaman pengganggu dalam lahan pertanian. Herbisida merupakan obat yang efektif membunuh gulma tersebut. Penyemprotan herbisida harus tepat sasaran kepada gulma saja dan tidak mengenai tanaman. Penelitian ini membuat sistem yang dapat mendeteksi gulma secara otomatis diantara tanaman pada lahan pertanian riil. Sistem ini menggunakan gambar lahan pertanian riil yang diambil menggunakan kamera dengan posisi vertikal menghadap ke bawah. Algoritma yang dibuat menggunakan segmentasi berdasarkan warna hijau dalam ruang warna HSV untuk mendeteksi daun, baik gulma maupun tanaman pada beragam pencahayaan. Sebanyak tiga fitur bentuk digunakan untuk membedakan gulma dengan tanaman yang memiliki karakteristik bentuk daun yang berbeda. Fitur bentuk yang digunakan adalah Rectangularity, Edge-to-Center distances function , dan Distance Transform function . Klasifikasi gulma dan tanaman menggunakan metode Jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST) yang dapat dilatih secara offline. Dari 149 tanam...
Smart home system is one of the most popular applications and research interests in the past deca... more Smart home system is one of the most popular applications and research interests in the past decade. This system can give many features such as home monitoring, appliance control, and automation system, energy-saving, and home security. A smart home system normally has a centralized architecture. This architecture gives the advantage of being easy to manage. However, the centralized architecture has a fault-tolerance problem. If the center of the system (master station) is down, then the entire system will be failed. A smart home system needs a mechanism to avoid system failure when the master station is down. Furthermore, for the big scale smart home/building system with many devices, the delay time of information transmission and processing can affect the service provision time. To solve the problem, a distributed rule execution mechanism for the smart home system is proposed in this paper. Practical experiments show that the proposed mechanism can avoid the fault-tolerance proble...
6th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology 2021, 2021
∗The arm is a part of the upper limb that plays a significant role in daily activities. Unfortuna... more ∗The arm is a part of the upper limb that plays a significant role in daily activities. Unfortunately, some people are less fortunate due to arms limitations. This limitation can be in incomplete arm organs, such as the absence of the forearm caused by amputation or congenital anomalies. A prosthetic arm is one of the most critical assistive technology they require. In this research, we propose a prosthetic arm system that can be controlled based on the movement of the remaining arm part of the body. Since the prosthetic arm is a wearable device, the designed system will be implemented on an embedded system. This system uses input from the acquisition of electrical activity that occurs in the upper arm muscles. The data were acquired using an Electromyography (EMG) sensor. There are five types of arm movement designed that can be classified based on the amplitude value of the EMG signal. The prosthetic arm performs the motion according to the classification results. The proposed system has an accuracy of 87% in the suitability of the robot’s arm motion.
In this paper, we implement a voice data communications between sender and receiver through Wi-Fi... more In this paper, we implement a voice data communications between sender and receiver through Wi-Fi. The system was designed and implemented using network stream protocol which was developed by National Instruments on Lab-VIEW between two devices. The device which acts as the sender was My-RIO board and the receiver device was Personal Computer. The voice data communication system was tested by observing the effect of various buffer sizes on the throughput, latency and CPU usage. The result showed that the larger the buffer size being used, the throughput values were also getting bigger. However, particular buffer size made the throughput became saturated. The change on the buffer size also directly affects CPU usage. It seemed that the buffer size did not affect latency significantly. It showed that the latency was stable with an average of 13 milliseconds on voice data transmission.
2016 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), 2016
The aim of the research is to present an approach of obstacle distance estimation and navigation ... more The aim of the research is to present an approach of obstacle distance estimation and navigation for smart wheelchair. The smart wheelchair is an electric wheelchair equipped with camera and line laser to navigate and avoid an obstacle. The camera was used to capture images from the environment to sense the pathway condition. The line laser was used in combination with camera to recognize an obstacle in the pathway based on the shape of line laser image in certain angle. A blob method detection was applied on the line laser image to recognize the pattern of the detected obstacles. The line laser projector and camera were mounted in fixed-certain position to make sure a fixed relation between blobs-gaps and obstacle-to-wheelchair distance. A simple linear regression from 16 obtained data was used to represent this relation as the estimated obstacle distance. As a result, the average error between the estimation and actual distance was 1.25 cm from 7 data testing experiments. The experiments result indicates that the proposed method is able to estimate well the distance between wheelchair and obstacle. Later, the smart wheelchair needs to decide further action whether it should turn left, right or just walk straight when facing certain obstacle to avoid it.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2016
This paper presents an approach of obstacle distance estimation for smart wheelchair. A smart whe... more This paper presents an approach of obstacle distance estimation for smart wheelchair. A smart wheelchair was equipped with a camera and a laser line. The camera was used to capture an image from the environment in order to sense the pathway condition. The laser line was used in combination with camera to recognize an obstacle in the pathway based on the shape of laser line image in certain angle. A blob method detection was then applied on the laser line image to separate and recognize the pattern of the detected obstacles. The laser line projector and camera which was mounted in fixed-certain position ensured a fixed relation between blobs-gap and obstacle-to-wheelchair distance. A simple linear regression from 16 obtained data was used to respresent this relation as the estimated obstacle distance. As a result, the average error between the estimation and the actual distance was 1.25 cm from 7 data testing experiments. Therefore, the experiment results show that the proposed metho...
Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan dasar bagi manusia, sehingga membu-tuhkan suatu proses belajar yan... more Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan dasar bagi manusia, sehingga membu-tuhkan suatu proses belajar yang memungkinkan untuk menunjukkan eksistensi secara utuh dan seimbang. Guru berpengaruh penting bagi kemajuan siswa dan merupakan kunci dari sistem pendidikan. Proses belajar yang dilakukan di madrasah bisa dinilai dari kinerja guru. Kinerja menggambarkan tingkat pencapaian pelaksanaan kegiatan dalam mewujudkan sasaran, tujuan, visi dan misi organisasi yang tertuang dalam strategi perencanaan suatu organisasi di berbagai sektor, baik swasta maupun publik. Sedangkan jika dihubungkan dengan guru merupakan hasil yang dicapai dalam melaksanakan tugas yang dibebankan kepadanya. Uji kompetensi guru yang salah satunya dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui kinerja guru menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 80% guru masih belum memenuhi standar mutu pendidik. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja tersebut diperlukan pendekatan Sumber Daya Manusia antara lain kepribadian, motivasi, dan sertifikasi guru. Sehingga dalam penelitia...
The topic of Islamic philosophy has always been attracted its reader to a wide yet specific subje... more The topic of Islamic philosophy has always been attracted its reader to a wide yet specific subject including the identification of Islamic Philosophy which related to the relation between its origin and Worldview of Islam, the adaption of Greek philosophy into Islamic Philosophy, and the implications which emerged during and after the glory of Islamic Civilization. This paper will try to elaborate the term of "Islamic Philosophy" from its etymological meaning as well as the identification that taken from revelationbased worldview of Islam. As the beginning, the definitions of "philosophy" will be derived from number of authoritative scholars. The suitability between Islamic Worldview and the Islamization of Greek Philosophy will answer of the questions about 'the origin of Islamic Philosophy'; including the relation between both the important of revelation (wahy) and semantic interpretation. The discussion is continued widely as well on the history of translation in the time of the Caliph Ma'mun, Abbasid, when the civilization of Islam was in its golden era. Initiated by the caliph himself, this period has introduced many authoritative Muslim scholars in translation of knowledge scripts as well as described a lot of unique facts which rarely mentioned in the general literature such as how does the system of Bayt al-H{ ikmah work, interreligious relation between Scholars, and even the given salary for the Scholars. Lastly, this paper will redefine the historicity and ethnicity of philosopher explaining why does the reason of the term "Islamic Philosophy" become the most appropriate definition. In the deeper analysis, we do not only see 'Islamic Philosophy' as a claim of term but it is also as the 'worldview identification'. Islamic philosophy, has indeed successfully assimilated the sophisticated assimilation of the thought of Greek Philosophy by all of its distinctive and characteristics.
Papers by Rizal Maulana