... ozone levels recorded in the forest stand (Fig. 2) during the short-term field study carried ... more ... ozone levels recorded in the forest stand (Fig. 2) during the short-term field study carried out in 1998 and they underscore the usefulness of both species as ozone bioindicators (Nygaard, 1994) and (Braun and Flückiger, 1995). ...
Floristic study in a pine-silver fir forest of the European Intensive Monitoring Plots of Forest ... more Floristic study in a pine-silver fir forest of the European Intensive Monitoring Plots of Forest Ecosystems Con tin u in g w ith th e s tu d y of g rou n d v e g e ta tion in s om e p lots of th e P a n-E u rop e a n In te n s iv e Mon itorin g P rog ra m m e of F ore s t E c os ys te m s , in th is p a p e r w e p re s e n t th e re s u lts ob ta in e d in th e 24 P s p lot, loc a te d in a p in e-s ilv e r fir fore s t a t 1,30 0 m .a .s .l. in Bie s c a s (H u e s c a , Sp a in). Afte r th e s tu d y d u rin g a ye a r in th is 5 0 × 5 0 m p lot, a n d in fou r 10 × 10 m p lots s e le c te d in th e " b u ffe r" a re a a rou n d th e m a in p lot, w e c on s id e r th a t v e g e ta tion , w ith c h a ra c te ris tic s from s ilv e r fir a n d h u m id Sc otc h p in e fore s t, s e e m s to p rog re s s to a s ilv e r fir fore s t. T h e h ig h floris tic ric h n e s s of 24 P s p lot is d u e to th e e x is te n c e of d iffe re n t z on e s : w ith in th e fore s t, w h ic h s h ow s oc e a n ic in flu e n c e ; th e low e s t, fla t p a rt of th e p lot, in c lu d in g s p e c ie s from m ild m e a d ow s ; a n d th e w e s te rn s lop e , m ore Me d ite rra n e a n in c h a ra c te r, a n d w ith s p e c ie s from d ry, roc k y p a s tu re s , from Quercus cerrioides or Q. ilex rotundifolia fore s ts , or typ ic a l of c le a rin g s .
Page 1. ORIGINAL PAPER Ectomycorrhizae and vascular plants growing in brule´s as indicators of b... more Page 1. ORIGINAL PAPER Ectomycorrhizae and vascular plants growing in brule´s as indicators of below and above ground microecology of black truffle production areas in Navarra (Northern Spain) Begona González-Armada Ana M. De Miguel Rita Y. Cavero ...
Siguiendo con el estudio de la flora y vegetación basal de algunas parcelas de la Red Europea par... more Siguiendo con el estudio de la flora y vegetación basal de algunas parcelas de la Red Europea para el Seguimiento Intensivo y Continuo de los Ecosistemas Forestales, en este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de un año en un quejigar, un pinar con abeto, y un pinar de repoblación, y se establece el número de inventarios necesario para un conocimiento profundo de la biodiversidad florística, así como la época más idónea para los mismos.
carrascal mediterráneo sometido a fuegos controlados en Navarra (N de España). Los muéstreos se h... more carrascal mediterráneo sometido a fuegos controlados en Navarra (N de España). Los muéstreos se han llevado a cabo en ocho cuadrados permanentes de 1 m-de superficie, cada uno sometido a distinto tratamiento: distinto tipo de fuego, distinta situación en la parcela y adición o no de suelo no quemado.
El estudio de la concentración de 18 elementos químicos a lo largo de 6 estadíos del ciclo agríco... more El estudio de la concentración de 18 elementos químicos a lo largo de 6 estadíos del ciclo agrícola del cardo, Cynara cardunculus L., muestra que son las semillas el estadío más contrastado de todo el ciclo de la planta, es decir, el estadío que más elementos presenta en concentraciones máximas o mínimas. Si se comparan estos resultados con los obtenidos en las semillas de Capsicum annuum L. (pimiento) y en las zuecas de Cynara scolymus L. (alcachofa), se obtienen resultados similares, y que, además, contrastan con la diferentes concentraciones elementales del resto de los estadíos de las tres plantas comparadas. Esta evidencia permite concluir que la influencia unificadora de la función multiplicativa y diseminadora, sea sexual o vegetativa, es más fuerte que la diversidad biológica encontrada en los estadíos vegetativos.
To the present time, many researches in truffle growing have been focused almost exclusively in t... more To the present time, many researches in truffle growing have been focused almost exclusively in the study of the more suitable conditions of culture and in the state of mycorrhization of trees from their planting to the begining of production. Nevertheless important data are still unknown on the ecology of truffle and the environment in which it is developed. Our experience in truffle cultivation studies, following up of the mycorrization of plantations for more than 10 years without interruption, has allowed us to observe the variation of flora to the extent that truffle-beds evolve and mature, for which a study of flora in depth has begun. To achieve this aim, the species in the burnt areas of two truffle-beds of different ages in Navarra have been sampled and determined, as well as in near areas of natural production. The floristic catalogue and the characteristics of the environment in which they appear of natural form are shown and compared. All this puts in evidence that the p...
Aging-related diseases can be triggered by multiple factors such as oxidative stress. Oxidative s... more Aging-related diseases can be triggered by multiple factors such as oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, so today, compounds capable of reducing or neutralizing free radicals are being studied for a therapeutic use. Origanum vulgare L. is a traditional medicinal plant used for a wide number of health problems due to its antimicrobial, carminative and antioxidant activities. However, when administered orally, gastrointestinal digestion can modify some of therapeutical properties. To avoid this, two different solid oral formulations have been designed for an O. vulgare extract evaluating their antioxidant behaviours in vitro and in vivo after a simulation of gastrointestinal digestion. The results showed that the divided powder has a lower antioxidant activity both in vitro and in vivo than the encapsulated extract. The quantitative difference of polyphenols found on HPLC-DAD (especially luteolin, apigenin and caffeic acid) may explain the differences in pharmacological activity. Thus, we propose that the best form to administrate O. vulgare extracts to maintain the antioxidant properties is the encapsulated form, that is, two capsules of 250 mg of a hydroalcoholic extract of O. vulgare with a minimum of 33 % of rosmarinic acid as a daily dose.
Reduced-energy and reduced-fat Bologna products enriched with ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids wer... more Reduced-energy and reduced-fat Bologna products enriched with ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids were formulated by replacing the pork back-fat by an oil-in-water emulsion containing a mixture of linseed-algae oil stabilized with a lyophilized Melissa officinalis extract. Healthier composition and lipid profile was obtained: 85 kcal/100 g, 3.6% fat, 0.6 g ALA and 0.44 g DHA per 100 g of product and ω-6/ω-3 ratio of 0.4. Technological and sensory problems were not detected in the new formulations. Besides, reformulation did not cause oxidation problems during 32 days of storage under refrigeration. The results suggest that it is possible to obtain reduced-fat Bolognatype sausages rich in ALA and DHA and stabilized with natural antioxidants, applying the appropriate technology without significant effects over the sensory quality, obtaining interesting products from a nutritional point of view. Highlights-Nutrition claims for Bologna-type meat products.-Sensory viability of healthier cooked reduced-fat meat products.-Natural antioxidants to preserve omega-3 enriched meat products.
Information was collected using semi-structured ethnobotanical interviews with 686 informants in ... more Information was collected using semi-structured ethnobotanical interviews with 686 informants in 267 locations. In order to confirm the pharmacological application of the uses more cited by the informants, a literature review was conducted.
... ozone levels recorded in the forest stand (Fig. 2) during the short-term field study carried ... more ... ozone levels recorded in the forest stand (Fig. 2) during the short-term field study carried out in 1998 and they underscore the usefulness of both species as ozone bioindicators (Nygaard, 1994) and (Braun and Flückiger, 1995). ...
Floristic study in a pine-silver fir forest of the European Intensive Monitoring Plots of Forest ... more Floristic study in a pine-silver fir forest of the European Intensive Monitoring Plots of Forest Ecosystems Con tin u in g w ith th e s tu d y of g rou n d v e g e ta tion in s om e p lots of th e P a n-E u rop e a n In te n s iv e Mon itorin g P rog ra m m e of F ore s t E c os ys te m s , in th is p a p e r w e p re s e n t th e re s u lts ob ta in e d in th e 24 P s p lot, loc a te d in a p in e-s ilv e r fir fore s t a t 1,30 0 m .a .s .l. in Bie s c a s (H u e s c a , Sp a in). Afte r th e s tu d y d u rin g a ye a r in th is 5 0 × 5 0 m p lot, a n d in fou r 10 × 10 m p lots s e le c te d in th e " b u ffe r" a re a a rou n d th e m a in p lot, w e c on s id e r th a t v e g e ta tion , w ith c h a ra c te ris tic s from s ilv e r fir a n d h u m id Sc otc h p in e fore s t, s e e m s to p rog re s s to a s ilv e r fir fore s t. T h e h ig h floris tic ric h n e s s of 24 P s p lot is d u e to th e e x is te n c e of d iffe re n t z on e s : w ith in th e fore s t, w h ic h s h ow s oc e a n ic in flu e n c e ; th e low e s t, fla t p a rt of th e p lot, in c lu d in g s p e c ie s from m ild m e a d ow s ; a n d th e w e s te rn s lop e , m ore Me d ite rra n e a n in c h a ra c te r, a n d w ith s p e c ie s from d ry, roc k y p a s tu re s , from Quercus cerrioides or Q. ilex rotundifolia fore s ts , or typ ic a l of c le a rin g s .
Page 1. ORIGINAL PAPER Ectomycorrhizae and vascular plants growing in brule´s as indicators of b... more Page 1. ORIGINAL PAPER Ectomycorrhizae and vascular plants growing in brule´s as indicators of below and above ground microecology of black truffle production areas in Navarra (Northern Spain) Begona González-Armada Ana M. De Miguel Rita Y. Cavero ...
Siguiendo con el estudio de la flora y vegetación basal de algunas parcelas de la Red Europea par... more Siguiendo con el estudio de la flora y vegetación basal de algunas parcelas de la Red Europea para el Seguimiento Intensivo y Continuo de los Ecosistemas Forestales, en este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de un año en un quejigar, un pinar con abeto, y un pinar de repoblación, y se establece el número de inventarios necesario para un conocimiento profundo de la biodiversidad florística, así como la época más idónea para los mismos.
carrascal mediterráneo sometido a fuegos controlados en Navarra (N de España). Los muéstreos se h... more carrascal mediterráneo sometido a fuegos controlados en Navarra (N de España). Los muéstreos se han llevado a cabo en ocho cuadrados permanentes de 1 m-de superficie, cada uno sometido a distinto tratamiento: distinto tipo de fuego, distinta situación en la parcela y adición o no de suelo no quemado.
El estudio de la concentración de 18 elementos químicos a lo largo de 6 estadíos del ciclo agríco... more El estudio de la concentración de 18 elementos químicos a lo largo de 6 estadíos del ciclo agrícola del cardo, Cynara cardunculus L., muestra que son las semillas el estadío más contrastado de todo el ciclo de la planta, es decir, el estadío que más elementos presenta en concentraciones máximas o mínimas. Si se comparan estos resultados con los obtenidos en las semillas de Capsicum annuum L. (pimiento) y en las zuecas de Cynara scolymus L. (alcachofa), se obtienen resultados similares, y que, además, contrastan con la diferentes concentraciones elementales del resto de los estadíos de las tres plantas comparadas. Esta evidencia permite concluir que la influencia unificadora de la función multiplicativa y diseminadora, sea sexual o vegetativa, es más fuerte que la diversidad biológica encontrada en los estadíos vegetativos.
To the present time, many researches in truffle growing have been focused almost exclusively in t... more To the present time, many researches in truffle growing have been focused almost exclusively in the study of the more suitable conditions of culture and in the state of mycorrhization of trees from their planting to the begining of production. Nevertheless important data are still unknown on the ecology of truffle and the environment in which it is developed. Our experience in truffle cultivation studies, following up of the mycorrization of plantations for more than 10 years without interruption, has allowed us to observe the variation of flora to the extent that truffle-beds evolve and mature, for which a study of flora in depth has begun. To achieve this aim, the species in the burnt areas of two truffle-beds of different ages in Navarra have been sampled and determined, as well as in near areas of natural production. The floristic catalogue and the characteristics of the environment in which they appear of natural form are shown and compared. All this puts in evidence that the p...
Aging-related diseases can be triggered by multiple factors such as oxidative stress. Oxidative s... more Aging-related diseases can be triggered by multiple factors such as oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, so today, compounds capable of reducing or neutralizing free radicals are being studied for a therapeutic use. Origanum vulgare L. is a traditional medicinal plant used for a wide number of health problems due to its antimicrobial, carminative and antioxidant activities. However, when administered orally, gastrointestinal digestion can modify some of therapeutical properties. To avoid this, two different solid oral formulations have been designed for an O. vulgare extract evaluating their antioxidant behaviours in vitro and in vivo after a simulation of gastrointestinal digestion. The results showed that the divided powder has a lower antioxidant activity both in vitro and in vivo than the encapsulated extract. The quantitative difference of polyphenols found on HPLC-DAD (especially luteolin, apigenin and caffeic acid) may explain the differences in pharmacological activity. Thus, we propose that the best form to administrate O. vulgare extracts to maintain the antioxidant properties is the encapsulated form, that is, two capsules of 250 mg of a hydroalcoholic extract of O. vulgare with a minimum of 33 % of rosmarinic acid as a daily dose.
Reduced-energy and reduced-fat Bologna products enriched with ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids wer... more Reduced-energy and reduced-fat Bologna products enriched with ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids were formulated by replacing the pork back-fat by an oil-in-water emulsion containing a mixture of linseed-algae oil stabilized with a lyophilized Melissa officinalis extract. Healthier composition and lipid profile was obtained: 85 kcal/100 g, 3.6% fat, 0.6 g ALA and 0.44 g DHA per 100 g of product and ω-6/ω-3 ratio of 0.4. Technological and sensory problems were not detected in the new formulations. Besides, reformulation did not cause oxidation problems during 32 days of storage under refrigeration. The results suggest that it is possible to obtain reduced-fat Bolognatype sausages rich in ALA and DHA and stabilized with natural antioxidants, applying the appropriate technology without significant effects over the sensory quality, obtaining interesting products from a nutritional point of view. Highlights-Nutrition claims for Bologna-type meat products.-Sensory viability of healthier cooked reduced-fat meat products.-Natural antioxidants to preserve omega-3 enriched meat products.
Information was collected using semi-structured ethnobotanical interviews with 686 informants in ... more Information was collected using semi-structured ethnobotanical interviews with 686 informants in 267 locations. In order to confirm the pharmacological application of the uses more cited by the informants, a literature review was conducted.
Papers by Rita Cavero