The armored layer is crucial for protecting the riverbed. The bed layer of the river is a movable... more The armored layer is crucial for protecting the riverbed. The bed layer of the river is a movable material that protects the material below the surface layer. This study aimed to develop formulas to estimate the thickness of a mobile armor layer with noncohesive materials and establish a correlation between the flow velocity and shear stress under conditions of erosion and sedimentation. The research methods included field measurements, laboratory tests, and numerical simulations. The primary data included grain size gradation profiles, river topography, and flood discharge. The results demonstrated consistency in the behavior of the riverbed under various flood discharge conditions. The fundamental variables affecting the mobile armor thickness included the gradation coefficient (v) and the dimensionless shear stress (0/c). The fundamental novelty of this study is the derivation of the mobile armor layer thickness, which is influenced by grain size and shear stress. The present findings significantly contribute to the design of more efficient and environmentally friendly riverbed protection rather than rigid structures. These results indicated that erosion and sedimentation were primarily influenced by the flow velocity and the applied shear stress above the riverbed.
Armoring is forming an armor layer of the riverbed which is preceded by the transportation of bed... more Armoring is forming an armor layer of the riverbed which is preceded by the transportation of bed sediment. Mobile armor occurs when the riverbed reaches equilibrium, then eroded, and the surface of the riverbed recovers. Therefore, protection is formed by moving riverbed material. This research used a simulation model generated through HEC RAS software version 6.1. The model input location was Krasak River, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The data for model input were the topography of the Krasak River from upstream to the point of view, flood discharge hydrograph, and grain size gradations. The simulation combination consisted of three locations with the riverbed material of each location sampled tested for grain size distribution. The running simulations combined the flood discharge at return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years. There were three variations of grain size distribution used as input data. Meanwhile, variations of sediment transport methods used the Meyer-Peter Muller and Wilcock-Crowe methods. Overall, the simulation results show that the shear stress and the proportion of sand-to-grain material affect the armoring process and riverbed changes.
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Piko Hidro (PLTPH) adalah pembangkit listrik tenaga air skala kecil yan... more Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Piko Hidro (PLTPH) adalah pembangkit listrik tenaga air skala kecil yang menghasilkan daya listrik kurang dari 5 kW. Pembangkit listrik skala kecil ini sangat cocok diterapkan pada saluran irigasi yang memiliki tinggi jatuh dan debit rendah. Salah satu lokasi yang berpotensi untuk dijadikan PHPP adalah saluran irigasi Ngentep di Desa Giripurno Kabupaten Magetan. Penelitian yang berlokasi di Desa Giripurno ini berupaya merancang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Piko Hidro (PLTPH). Survei topografi dan survei kondisi tanah dilakukan kemudian data diolah dengan bantuan software berupa Microsoft Office, HPP Design, AutoCAD, dan Sketchup sehingga menghasilkan tinggi jatuh efektif, daya listrik, energi listrik, daya dukung tanah, dan gambar desain 2D dan 3D. Ada 2 alternatif desain untuk perencanaan PLTPH Ngentep ini. Desain I dengan debit 0,1917 m 3 /det dan tinggi efektif 1,77 m menghasilkan daya 1,7662 kW dan energi tahunan 15472 kWh, sedangkan Desain II dengan debit 0,02 m 3 /det dan tinggi efektif 2,0699 m menghasilkan daya 0,2762 kW dan energi tahunan 2419,13 kWh. Rumah turbin kedua desain dirancang dengan fondasi dangkal bujur sangkar dan dianalisis dengan persamaan Schmertmann menggunakan SF 3 menghasilkan bahwa kedua desain aman.
Hujan merupakan kejadian alam yang umum terjadi diwilayah Indonesia, terutama pada saat musim pen... more Hujan merupakan kejadian alam yang umum terjadi diwilayah Indonesia, terutama pada saat musim penghujan. Kelengkapan data hujan merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam kaitannya perencanaan manajemen keairan, menajemen sumber daya air, maupun perencanaan pembangunan, terlebih lagi untuk perencanaan bangunan air. Namun tidak jarang terjadi ketidaklengkapan data pada periode perekaman pada stasiun hujan yang ada di suatu wilayah. Maka dari itu, model hidologi untuk mengisi data hujan yang hilang diperlukan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Dengkeng yang terletak di Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Proses simulasi model diawali dengan mengeliminasi data dengan metode sampling, kemudian melakukan perhitungan dengan model untuk mendapatkan data hujan kembali dengan metode ARIMA (Autoregresive Integrated Moving Average) dan metode Reciprocal. Parameter untuk menilai model adalah dengan melihat Q80 hasil perhitungan berbagai jenis data. Hasil penelitian menunjuk...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
This study aims to assess the safety of the Bengawan Solo River embankment at Dengkeng-Pusur segm... more This study aims to assess the safety of the Bengawan Solo River embankment at Dengkeng-Pusur segment in the return periods of discharge in terms of the freeboard’s adequacy. The embankment was designed to control flood discharge of 1.240 m3/sec with a freeboard of 1.1 meters. The hydraulic analysis using Hec-Ras software from point P.1 to P.14 with a Q2 return period of discharge of 811.9 m3/sec to a Q100 return period of discharge of 1442.5 m3/sec shows that the embankment is still able to pass the flood discharge. However, based on the freeboard’s adequacy, at a Q10 return period of discharge of 1050.1 m3/sec, the freeboard on the left embankment at P.8 less than 1 meter, namely 0.98 meters. Thus, it can be concluded that the Bengawan Solo River embankment at the Dengkeng-Pusur segment is not safe starting in a Q10 return period of discharge because, at any time, the capacity of flow discharge can be exceeded by wave phenomena and backwater effects so that can be endanger the emba...
Drought is a natural phenomenon causing disasters and its period of occurrence can be predicted i... more Drought is a natural phenomenon causing disasters and its period of occurrence can be predicted in recent times based on several methods using the same or different variables. The prediction is usually associated with the climate interactions in the form of rainfall or discharge patterns which can be analyzed using the return period. Therefore, this research was conducted in four different stages of data acquisition and validation, drought analysis method based on the data, drought prediction method based on hydrology, and sample applications to determine the debit availability in other watersheds. Historical rainfall data converted to dependable rainfall at 80% probability were used as input for the rainfall-discharge analysis while the hydrological drought analysis was conducted using the drought threshold value. Moreover, the drought was predicted using an artificial neural network model while historical data were used to verify the hydrological character of the prediction model....
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The Gonggang Dam was first planned to be a rock filled dam, but due to the economic consideration... more The Gonggang Dam was first planned to be a rock filled dam, but due to the economic consideration, in the construction, the materials were changed from rock piles to random heaps with the fixed degree of slope. After being operated for a year with the observation on the possibility of seepage, no seepage was found. Therefore, to increase the stability of the dam body, a counterweight in the form of random pile completed with a filter and rip-rap was added to the lower part of the body of dam. The height of counterweight was determined based on the safety needs from the flow (surface) of the seepage line and the stability of the dam. The calculation results of stability analysis of the dam body with counterweights was considered effective as the downstream safety. Safety factors obtained from empty conditions, flood water levels and rapid drawdown without seismic load show the equation: security factor ≥1.2, which was in accordance to the permitted safety factor: sf ≥1.2. Meanwhile, ...
This research aims to determine the sediment distribution in the Bengawan Solo River on the Dengk... more This research aims to determine the sediment distribution in the Bengawan Solo River on the Dengkeng-Pusur segment, using the Meyer-Petter & Muller method on the discharge periods. At that site, there is a 1.8 km embankment as a flood controller, so it is necessary to know the impact of sedimentation to the river channel capacity. The analysis shows that the larger the return period of discharge (Q), the larger the sediment discharge (Qs). The largest sediment discharge in a 100-year return period of discharge (Q100) is at the SB-P.17 point of 538.42m 3 /day or 196,522.75m 3 /year and the smallest the BS-P.Hu.1 point is 237.74m 3 /day or 86.775.21m 3 /year. In the dominant discharge or a 2-year return period of discharge (Q2), the largest sediment discharge is at point BS-P.17 of 846.42m 3 /day or 297.40m 3 /year, and the smallest sediment discharge is at point BS-P.4 of 135.31m 3 /day or 49,388.44m3/year. The analysis shows that the Dengkeng River is the largest contributor of sediment to the Bengawan Solo River, which is 9.81m 3 /day or 3,579.98m 3 /year. The difference in sediment discharge between points shows that aggradation and degradation that occur unbalanced. Aggradation occurs in sections BS-P.Hu.1 to BS-P.4 that reduced the river capacity by 8,411.24m 3 /year. In sections BS-P4 to BS-P.11, degradation occurs that increased the river capacity by 1,540.63m 3 /year, and in sections BS-P.11 to BS-P.17 degradation occurs that increased the river capacity by 57,622.37m 3 /year. Changes in the river's capacity will affect the river's ability to pass the flood discharge and the stability of the river infrastructure as well. Therefore it is necessary to maintain river and upstream conservation so that the sediment discharge can be controlled equally.
Sewu village is one of the region in Surakarta that frequently have flooding. This is because the... more Sewu village is one of the region in Surakarta that frequently have flooding. This is because the area is low and Pepe overflows into Bengawan Solo river. To find out the length of the backwater seen in HEC-RAS software, which are then mapped with the Geograpic Information System. The calculation was used flood discharges due to rain on 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 period, and 3-days rainfall maximum yearly. From this study, it is expected to obtain flood discharge plans for re-periods and maximum daily rains, as well as knowing whether or not the backwater occurs. Flood discharge was calculated using HSS Nakayasu method. The result of this research are maximum discharge for 2 years return period (Q2) is 22,74 m 3 /second, maximum discharge for 5 years return period (Q5) is 30,90 m 3 /second, maximum discharge for 10 years return period (Q10) is 36,66 m 3 /second, maximum discharge for 25 years return period (Q25) is 44,34 m 3 /second, and maximum discharge for 50 years return period (Q50) is 50,37 m 3 /second, and the maximum annual flood discharge due to 3-days rains is 41,58 m 3 /second which occurred in 2004. Based on the results of the analysis of the HEC-RAS program, it can be seen that the existence of the new Demangan floodgate is able to overcome the flood problems that have occurred so far.
Rainfall-discharge transformation is the process of changing rainfall data observations into the ... more Rainfall-discharge transformation is the process of changing rainfall data observations into the discharge data by hydrological modeling. This research is using Tank Model and GR2M because it is simpler than other methods such as NRECA, Mock and Rainrun. Tank Model describes the catchment area may be replaced by tanks to represent the structure of the soil in this area. Tank Model calculation require a minimum of six variables for iterating. GR2M used because it has similarities with Tank Model and only has two variables for iterating. GR2M describe the catchment area may be replaced by tanks from time to time.This research was conducted in the Dengkeng catchment area, Klaten, Central Java with quantitative descriptive method. Research by analyzing the rainfall-discharge transformation by GR2M and Tank Model to determine the best arrangement of Tank Model and the best method for rainfall-discharge transformation in Dengkeng catchment area.The results show the rainfall-discharge transformation in Dengkeng catchment area with Tank Model is the best method than GR2M. The most appropriate tank arrangement of Tank Model is three tanks and produces reliability 72,2390%. While, GR2M only produces 68,3959% reliability.
The data flow is important information in the management of water resources. Water resources mana... more The data flow is important information in the management of water resources. Water resources management has many aspects such as flood controlpurposes, and so on electrical energy potential. For water resources management and watershed planning Alang long-term infrastructure, flow of dataneeded in the future. So we need an approach to the provision of discharge data with neural network models. The purpose of this study is (1) Determinethe coefficient of ANN parameters, (2) Determine the discharge prediction years 2013-2016 and (3) Determine the reliability of the model.This research is descriptive quantitative research, where data used are secondary data. The secondary data used were obtained from the office. Stages ofthe research is to collect data year 2001-2012 rainfall and discharge as well as topographic maps. Perform calculations using the area rain Thiessenpolygon method. Results rainfall areas converted into discharge using the Rational method with the help of software Backpropagation ANN Matlab(R2010b). Then perform simulations until the results obtained are at the limits set and simultaneously obtain discharge predictions. Furthermore, totest the reliability of the model.The results showed that the ANN parameters : Period = 4 years, Hidden Layer = 2 pieces (2 each neuron), Epoch = 150000, Goal Momentum =0.6 and = 0.02. Then for discharge predictions for the year 2013-2016 Alang DAS can be seen in table 5. Reliability models 58.17% derived fromthe analysis of reliability. The model has achieved 58.17% reliability and 95% Confidence qualify, but the parameters of the model need to be modifiedto apply to other watersheds.
Drought is a natural phenomenon highly affecting the availability of ground water reserve, requir... more Drought is a natural phenomenon highly affecting the availability of ground water reserve, required for either farming interest or human need. In some areas, the water availability can be met and in certain period of time, it can be critical because its amount is reduced substantially. Drought occurs not only because the decreased rainfall, but also because the decreased soil penetration/accommodation power as the result of the damaged penetration areas due to the inappropriate land use. This study employed a simulated neuron network Artificial Neural Network that was a mathematical model with linear function to generate flow rate. The drought analysis built on the drought threshold with probability of 0.5 called Q normal (Q 50). From the resulted flow rate, the deficit and drought duration, as well as the beginning of dry season every year, would be estimated.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
This study aims to find out the degradation and agradation along the river segments and to determ... more This study aims to find out the degradation and agradation along the river segments and to determine the occurrence of sedimentation processes. Sediment that moves in the river as suspended sediment (suspended sediment) in flowing water and as a base load or (bed load). shift or roll along the bottom of the channel and move in the form of a jump (saltation). this causes eroded surface erosion and basic sediment (bedload). which will accumulate into degradation and aggradation, make the water channel shallow shallow sediment will settle in the sloping river with the speed of water flow that is slow, the ability of the transport itself is affected by discharge, average flow velocity, slope, shear stress. The case study was carried out on the 4 km long goitre river which is a sub-critical quasi-steady stream with the Froude number <0.6. Samples of basic sediment material with variations in grain diameter d35, d50, d65, and d90 in grain size analysis are used for calculations. The process of degradation and agglutation of the riverbed is known by the calculation of sediment discharge using the Meyer-Petter & Muller method.
For the development of water resources in a watershed, it sometimes needs analysis approach both ... more For the development of water resources in a watershed, it sometimes needs analysis approach both physically and mathematically. Because of the insufficient data available that is long enough, it needs a simple model for early prediction. However, if the available data are long enough, then a perfect model needs to be made. Generally in Indonesia water allocation is done for each 15 day period or half a month. Discharge data are not available in every watershed. Most of the watersheds in Indonesia do not have the discharge data. However, estimation of discharge in a river can be predicted with a method to estimate huge of the river's discharge, one of which was developed by DR. F. J. Mock (1973). Method used in this research is descriptive quantitative using secondary data obtained from the relevant institutes. The method used in this research is carrying out the potential calculation on reliability discharge occurring in Tirtomoyo's river stream by using monthly rain, mid monthly, or 15 daily, 10 daily and 5 daily by using Mock simulation then analyzing how huge is the reliability of Mock method if the included data is the rainfall data in 15, 10, 5 daily. From the research result showed that the reliability discharge value for monthly average in a span of 10 years from year 2002-2011 is 5.4083 m³/second, for the rainfall data 15 daily is 5.3554 m³/second, for the rainfall data 10 daily is 5.6959 m³/second, and for the rainfall data 5 daily is 5.9126 m³/second. The comparison result with correlation value (R) between 1 monthly Mock with 15, 10 and 5 daily produced 0.9903 for monthly with 15 daily, 0.9598 for monthly with 10 daily, 0.9678 for monthly with 5 daily. With the previous result of the correlation result has showed highest correlation value which happens on Mock method with rainfall data 15 daily, then the second highest correlation value is Mock method with rainfall data 5 daily and the third is Mock method with rainfall data 10 daily.
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a technology that was developed based on the principle of biol... more Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a technology that was developed based on the principle of biological neural networks in humans, can be trained to predict what will happen future based on patterns occurrence existing in the past. ANN has the ability to remember and make a generalization of what has happened before. Artificial neural networks can train the network to get the balance between the ability of the network to recognize patterns (historical data) are used for training as well as the network's ability to respond correctly to the input patterns are similar (but not the same) to the pattern used during training. The purpose of this study was to determine the best number of input patterns using neural networks, back propagation architecture. This research method using quantitative descriptive methods with techniques of data collection sources or agencies related to the research data used are secondary data. Stages of the research carried out by preparing the data discharge in the year 2001-2012. For the simulation of discharge data using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) backpropagation with the help of MATLAB software. The results showed that the number of input pattern is best with the input pattern data input discharge 8 years. The best simulation results are simulated discharge data with the data input discharge 8 years with the data output discharge 8 years. Reliability of simulation results only reaches 64.68%, the simulation results have a fairly good result level of reliability and 95 % Confidence qualify, but the parameter of the model need to be modified to apply to apply to other watersheds.
The armored layer is crucial for protecting the riverbed. The bed layer of the river is a movable... more The armored layer is crucial for protecting the riverbed. The bed layer of the river is a movable material that protects the material below the surface layer. This study aimed to develop formulas to estimate the thickness of a mobile armor layer with noncohesive materials and establish a correlation between the flow velocity and shear stress under conditions of erosion and sedimentation. The research methods included field measurements, laboratory tests, and numerical simulations. The primary data included grain size gradation profiles, river topography, and flood discharge. The results demonstrated consistency in the behavior of the riverbed under various flood discharge conditions. The fundamental variables affecting the mobile armor thickness included the gradation coefficient (v) and the dimensionless shear stress (0/c). The fundamental novelty of this study is the derivation of the mobile armor layer thickness, which is influenced by grain size and shear stress. The present findings significantly contribute to the design of more efficient and environmentally friendly riverbed protection rather than rigid structures. These results indicated that erosion and sedimentation were primarily influenced by the flow velocity and the applied shear stress above the riverbed.
Armoring is forming an armor layer of the riverbed which is preceded by the transportation of bed... more Armoring is forming an armor layer of the riverbed which is preceded by the transportation of bed sediment. Mobile armor occurs when the riverbed reaches equilibrium, then eroded, and the surface of the riverbed recovers. Therefore, protection is formed by moving riverbed material. This research used a simulation model generated through HEC RAS software version 6.1. The model input location was Krasak River, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The data for model input were the topography of the Krasak River from upstream to the point of view, flood discharge hydrograph, and grain size gradations. The simulation combination consisted of three locations with the riverbed material of each location sampled tested for grain size distribution. The running simulations combined the flood discharge at return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years. There were three variations of grain size distribution used as input data. Meanwhile, variations of sediment transport methods used the Meyer-Peter Muller and Wilcock-Crowe methods. Overall, the simulation results show that the shear stress and the proportion of sand-to-grain material affect the armoring process and riverbed changes.
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Piko Hidro (PLTPH) adalah pembangkit listrik tenaga air skala kecil yan... more Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Piko Hidro (PLTPH) adalah pembangkit listrik tenaga air skala kecil yang menghasilkan daya listrik kurang dari 5 kW. Pembangkit listrik skala kecil ini sangat cocok diterapkan pada saluran irigasi yang memiliki tinggi jatuh dan debit rendah. Salah satu lokasi yang berpotensi untuk dijadikan PHPP adalah saluran irigasi Ngentep di Desa Giripurno Kabupaten Magetan. Penelitian yang berlokasi di Desa Giripurno ini berupaya merancang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Piko Hidro (PLTPH). Survei topografi dan survei kondisi tanah dilakukan kemudian data diolah dengan bantuan software berupa Microsoft Office, HPP Design, AutoCAD, dan Sketchup sehingga menghasilkan tinggi jatuh efektif, daya listrik, energi listrik, daya dukung tanah, dan gambar desain 2D dan 3D. Ada 2 alternatif desain untuk perencanaan PLTPH Ngentep ini. Desain I dengan debit 0,1917 m 3 /det dan tinggi efektif 1,77 m menghasilkan daya 1,7662 kW dan energi tahunan 15472 kWh, sedangkan Desain II dengan debit 0,02 m 3 /det dan tinggi efektif 2,0699 m menghasilkan daya 0,2762 kW dan energi tahunan 2419,13 kWh. Rumah turbin kedua desain dirancang dengan fondasi dangkal bujur sangkar dan dianalisis dengan persamaan Schmertmann menggunakan SF 3 menghasilkan bahwa kedua desain aman.
Hujan merupakan kejadian alam yang umum terjadi diwilayah Indonesia, terutama pada saat musim pen... more Hujan merupakan kejadian alam yang umum terjadi diwilayah Indonesia, terutama pada saat musim penghujan. Kelengkapan data hujan merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam kaitannya perencanaan manajemen keairan, menajemen sumber daya air, maupun perencanaan pembangunan, terlebih lagi untuk perencanaan bangunan air. Namun tidak jarang terjadi ketidaklengkapan data pada periode perekaman pada stasiun hujan yang ada di suatu wilayah. Maka dari itu, model hidologi untuk mengisi data hujan yang hilang diperlukan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Dengkeng yang terletak di Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Proses simulasi model diawali dengan mengeliminasi data dengan metode sampling, kemudian melakukan perhitungan dengan model untuk mendapatkan data hujan kembali dengan metode ARIMA (Autoregresive Integrated Moving Average) dan metode Reciprocal. Parameter untuk menilai model adalah dengan melihat Q80 hasil perhitungan berbagai jenis data. Hasil penelitian menunjuk...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
This study aims to assess the safety of the Bengawan Solo River embankment at Dengkeng-Pusur segm... more This study aims to assess the safety of the Bengawan Solo River embankment at Dengkeng-Pusur segment in the return periods of discharge in terms of the freeboard’s adequacy. The embankment was designed to control flood discharge of 1.240 m3/sec with a freeboard of 1.1 meters. The hydraulic analysis using Hec-Ras software from point P.1 to P.14 with a Q2 return period of discharge of 811.9 m3/sec to a Q100 return period of discharge of 1442.5 m3/sec shows that the embankment is still able to pass the flood discharge. However, based on the freeboard’s adequacy, at a Q10 return period of discharge of 1050.1 m3/sec, the freeboard on the left embankment at P.8 less than 1 meter, namely 0.98 meters. Thus, it can be concluded that the Bengawan Solo River embankment at the Dengkeng-Pusur segment is not safe starting in a Q10 return period of discharge because, at any time, the capacity of flow discharge can be exceeded by wave phenomena and backwater effects so that can be endanger the emba...
Drought is a natural phenomenon causing disasters and its period of occurrence can be predicted i... more Drought is a natural phenomenon causing disasters and its period of occurrence can be predicted in recent times based on several methods using the same or different variables. The prediction is usually associated with the climate interactions in the form of rainfall or discharge patterns which can be analyzed using the return period. Therefore, this research was conducted in four different stages of data acquisition and validation, drought analysis method based on the data, drought prediction method based on hydrology, and sample applications to determine the debit availability in other watersheds. Historical rainfall data converted to dependable rainfall at 80% probability were used as input for the rainfall-discharge analysis while the hydrological drought analysis was conducted using the drought threshold value. Moreover, the drought was predicted using an artificial neural network model while historical data were used to verify the hydrological character of the prediction model....
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The Gonggang Dam was first planned to be a rock filled dam, but due to the economic consideration... more The Gonggang Dam was first planned to be a rock filled dam, but due to the economic consideration, in the construction, the materials were changed from rock piles to random heaps with the fixed degree of slope. After being operated for a year with the observation on the possibility of seepage, no seepage was found. Therefore, to increase the stability of the dam body, a counterweight in the form of random pile completed with a filter and rip-rap was added to the lower part of the body of dam. The height of counterweight was determined based on the safety needs from the flow (surface) of the seepage line and the stability of the dam. The calculation results of stability analysis of the dam body with counterweights was considered effective as the downstream safety. Safety factors obtained from empty conditions, flood water levels and rapid drawdown without seismic load show the equation: security factor ≥1.2, which was in accordance to the permitted safety factor: sf ≥1.2. Meanwhile, ...
This research aims to determine the sediment distribution in the Bengawan Solo River on the Dengk... more This research aims to determine the sediment distribution in the Bengawan Solo River on the Dengkeng-Pusur segment, using the Meyer-Petter & Muller method on the discharge periods. At that site, there is a 1.8 km embankment as a flood controller, so it is necessary to know the impact of sedimentation to the river channel capacity. The analysis shows that the larger the return period of discharge (Q), the larger the sediment discharge (Qs). The largest sediment discharge in a 100-year return period of discharge (Q100) is at the SB-P.17 point of 538.42m 3 /day or 196,522.75m 3 /year and the smallest the BS-P.Hu.1 point is 237.74m 3 /day or 86.775.21m 3 /year. In the dominant discharge or a 2-year return period of discharge (Q2), the largest sediment discharge is at point BS-P.17 of 846.42m 3 /day or 297.40m 3 /year, and the smallest sediment discharge is at point BS-P.4 of 135.31m 3 /day or 49,388.44m3/year. The analysis shows that the Dengkeng River is the largest contributor of sediment to the Bengawan Solo River, which is 9.81m 3 /day or 3,579.98m 3 /year. The difference in sediment discharge between points shows that aggradation and degradation that occur unbalanced. Aggradation occurs in sections BS-P.Hu.1 to BS-P.4 that reduced the river capacity by 8,411.24m 3 /year. In sections BS-P4 to BS-P.11, degradation occurs that increased the river capacity by 1,540.63m 3 /year, and in sections BS-P.11 to BS-P.17 degradation occurs that increased the river capacity by 57,622.37m 3 /year. Changes in the river's capacity will affect the river's ability to pass the flood discharge and the stability of the river infrastructure as well. Therefore it is necessary to maintain river and upstream conservation so that the sediment discharge can be controlled equally.
Sewu village is one of the region in Surakarta that frequently have flooding. This is because the... more Sewu village is one of the region in Surakarta that frequently have flooding. This is because the area is low and Pepe overflows into Bengawan Solo river. To find out the length of the backwater seen in HEC-RAS software, which are then mapped with the Geograpic Information System. The calculation was used flood discharges due to rain on 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 period, and 3-days rainfall maximum yearly. From this study, it is expected to obtain flood discharge plans for re-periods and maximum daily rains, as well as knowing whether or not the backwater occurs. Flood discharge was calculated using HSS Nakayasu method. The result of this research are maximum discharge for 2 years return period (Q2) is 22,74 m 3 /second, maximum discharge for 5 years return period (Q5) is 30,90 m 3 /second, maximum discharge for 10 years return period (Q10) is 36,66 m 3 /second, maximum discharge for 25 years return period (Q25) is 44,34 m 3 /second, and maximum discharge for 50 years return period (Q50) is 50,37 m 3 /second, and the maximum annual flood discharge due to 3-days rains is 41,58 m 3 /second which occurred in 2004. Based on the results of the analysis of the HEC-RAS program, it can be seen that the existence of the new Demangan floodgate is able to overcome the flood problems that have occurred so far.
Rainfall-discharge transformation is the process of changing rainfall data observations into the ... more Rainfall-discharge transformation is the process of changing rainfall data observations into the discharge data by hydrological modeling. This research is using Tank Model and GR2M because it is simpler than other methods such as NRECA, Mock and Rainrun. Tank Model describes the catchment area may be replaced by tanks to represent the structure of the soil in this area. Tank Model calculation require a minimum of six variables for iterating. GR2M used because it has similarities with Tank Model and only has two variables for iterating. GR2M describe the catchment area may be replaced by tanks from time to time.This research was conducted in the Dengkeng catchment area, Klaten, Central Java with quantitative descriptive method. Research by analyzing the rainfall-discharge transformation by GR2M and Tank Model to determine the best arrangement of Tank Model and the best method for rainfall-discharge transformation in Dengkeng catchment area.The results show the rainfall-discharge transformation in Dengkeng catchment area with Tank Model is the best method than GR2M. The most appropriate tank arrangement of Tank Model is three tanks and produces reliability 72,2390%. While, GR2M only produces 68,3959% reliability.
The data flow is important information in the management of water resources. Water resources mana... more The data flow is important information in the management of water resources. Water resources management has many aspects such as flood controlpurposes, and so on electrical energy potential. For water resources management and watershed planning Alang long-term infrastructure, flow of dataneeded in the future. So we need an approach to the provision of discharge data with neural network models. The purpose of this study is (1) Determinethe coefficient of ANN parameters, (2) Determine the discharge prediction years 2013-2016 and (3) Determine the reliability of the model.This research is descriptive quantitative research, where data used are secondary data. The secondary data used were obtained from the office. Stages ofthe research is to collect data year 2001-2012 rainfall and discharge as well as topographic maps. Perform calculations using the area rain Thiessenpolygon method. Results rainfall areas converted into discharge using the Rational method with the help of software Backpropagation ANN Matlab(R2010b). Then perform simulations until the results obtained are at the limits set and simultaneously obtain discharge predictions. Furthermore, totest the reliability of the model.The results showed that the ANN parameters : Period = 4 years, Hidden Layer = 2 pieces (2 each neuron), Epoch = 150000, Goal Momentum =0.6 and = 0.02. Then for discharge predictions for the year 2013-2016 Alang DAS can be seen in table 5. Reliability models 58.17% derived fromthe analysis of reliability. The model has achieved 58.17% reliability and 95% Confidence qualify, but the parameters of the model need to be modifiedto apply to other watersheds.
Drought is a natural phenomenon highly affecting the availability of ground water reserve, requir... more Drought is a natural phenomenon highly affecting the availability of ground water reserve, required for either farming interest or human need. In some areas, the water availability can be met and in certain period of time, it can be critical because its amount is reduced substantially. Drought occurs not only because the decreased rainfall, but also because the decreased soil penetration/accommodation power as the result of the damaged penetration areas due to the inappropriate land use. This study employed a simulated neuron network Artificial Neural Network that was a mathematical model with linear function to generate flow rate. The drought analysis built on the drought threshold with probability of 0.5 called Q normal (Q 50). From the resulted flow rate, the deficit and drought duration, as well as the beginning of dry season every year, would be estimated.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
This study aims to find out the degradation and agradation along the river segments and to determ... more This study aims to find out the degradation and agradation along the river segments and to determine the occurrence of sedimentation processes. Sediment that moves in the river as suspended sediment (suspended sediment) in flowing water and as a base load or (bed load). shift or roll along the bottom of the channel and move in the form of a jump (saltation). this causes eroded surface erosion and basic sediment (bedload). which will accumulate into degradation and aggradation, make the water channel shallow shallow sediment will settle in the sloping river with the speed of water flow that is slow, the ability of the transport itself is affected by discharge, average flow velocity, slope, shear stress. The case study was carried out on the 4 km long goitre river which is a sub-critical quasi-steady stream with the Froude number <0.6. Samples of basic sediment material with variations in grain diameter d35, d50, d65, and d90 in grain size analysis are used for calculations. The process of degradation and agglutation of the riverbed is known by the calculation of sediment discharge using the Meyer-Petter & Muller method.
For the development of water resources in a watershed, it sometimes needs analysis approach both ... more For the development of water resources in a watershed, it sometimes needs analysis approach both physically and mathematically. Because of the insufficient data available that is long enough, it needs a simple model for early prediction. However, if the available data are long enough, then a perfect model needs to be made. Generally in Indonesia water allocation is done for each 15 day period or half a month. Discharge data are not available in every watershed. Most of the watersheds in Indonesia do not have the discharge data. However, estimation of discharge in a river can be predicted with a method to estimate huge of the river's discharge, one of which was developed by DR. F. J. Mock (1973). Method used in this research is descriptive quantitative using secondary data obtained from the relevant institutes. The method used in this research is carrying out the potential calculation on reliability discharge occurring in Tirtomoyo's river stream by using monthly rain, mid monthly, or 15 daily, 10 daily and 5 daily by using Mock simulation then analyzing how huge is the reliability of Mock method if the included data is the rainfall data in 15, 10, 5 daily. From the research result showed that the reliability discharge value for monthly average in a span of 10 years from year 2002-2011 is 5.4083 m³/second, for the rainfall data 15 daily is 5.3554 m³/second, for the rainfall data 10 daily is 5.6959 m³/second, and for the rainfall data 5 daily is 5.9126 m³/second. The comparison result with correlation value (R) between 1 monthly Mock with 15, 10 and 5 daily produced 0.9903 for monthly with 15 daily, 0.9598 for monthly with 10 daily, 0.9678 for monthly with 5 daily. With the previous result of the correlation result has showed highest correlation value which happens on Mock method with rainfall data 15 daily, then the second highest correlation value is Mock method with rainfall data 5 daily and the third is Mock method with rainfall data 10 daily.
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a technology that was developed based on the principle of biol... more Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a technology that was developed based on the principle of biological neural networks in humans, can be trained to predict what will happen future based on patterns occurrence existing in the past. ANN has the ability to remember and make a generalization of what has happened before. Artificial neural networks can train the network to get the balance between the ability of the network to recognize patterns (historical data) are used for training as well as the network's ability to respond correctly to the input patterns are similar (but not the same) to the pattern used during training. The purpose of this study was to determine the best number of input patterns using neural networks, back propagation architecture. This research method using quantitative descriptive methods with techniques of data collection sources or agencies related to the research data used are secondary data. Stages of the research carried out by preparing the data discharge in the year 2001-2012. For the simulation of discharge data using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) backpropagation with the help of MATLAB software. The results showed that the number of input pattern is best with the input pattern data input discharge 8 years. The best simulation results are simulated discharge data with the data input discharge 8 years with the data output discharge 8 years. Reliability of simulation results only reaches 64.68%, the simulation results have a fairly good result level of reliability and 95 % Confidence qualify, but the parameter of the model need to be modified to apply to apply to other watersheds.
Papers by Rintis Hadiani