Penelitian ini membahas tentang Netflix sebagai salah satu aplikasi streaming digital yang tidak ... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang Netflix sebagai salah satu aplikasi streaming digital yang tidak memiliki Badan Usaha Tetap (BUT) dan tidak memiliki NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) sehingga berdampak pada terganjalnya usaha pemungutan pajak oleh pemerintah. Penelitian ini membahas isu hukum tentang bagaimana pengenaan pajak bagi Netflix yang belum berbentuk badan usaha tetap di Indonesia serta bagaimana peran pemerintah dalam penegakan hukum terhadap pemungutan pajak bagi Netflix yang belum berbadan usaha tetap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengenaan pajak bagi Netflix yang belum berbentuk badan usaha tetap di Indonesia dan mengkaji secara mendalam peran pemerintah dalam penegakan hukum perpajakan dan penagihan pajak terhadap kasus Netflix di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa setiap subjek hukum sebagai wajib pajak wajib pajak yang sumber penghasilannya di wilayah Indonesia harus dikenakan Pajak. Asas ini tercermin pada Penjelasan Pasal 2 ayat (2) Undang...
In this paper, we quantify the non-transitivity in chess using human game data. Specifically, we ... more In this paper, we quantify the non-transitivity in chess using human game data. Specifically, we perform non-transitivity quantification in two ways—Nash clustering and counting the number of rock–paper–scissor cycles—on over one billion matches from the Lichess and FICS databases. Our findings indicate that the strategy space of real-world chess strategies has a spinning top geometry and that there exists a strong connection between the degree of non-transitivity and the progression of a chess player’s rating. Particularly, high degrees of non-transitivity tend to prevent human players from making progress in their Elo ratings. We also investigate the implications of non-transitivity for population-based training methods. By considering fixed-memory fictitious play as a proxy, we conclude that maintaining large and diverse populations of strategies is imperative to training effective AI agents for solving chess.
Problems that occur when this is taekwondo-in only can learn the material in practice, while his ... more Problems that occur when this is taekwondo-in only can learn the material in practice, while his theory is rarely given, so as to memorize the name of a stance, he should ask the sabum/taekwondo coach and if he forgot to ask again. This also applies to the movements of taekwondo, so this make taekwondo-in in the Trial level rise. This program is designed to overcome these problems so that taekwondo-in can teach yourself with the help of computer media without should ask sabum. This program is made using macromedia flash 8 for making the main program, cool edit pro 2 for editing Voice, adobe photoshop 7 for editing graphics, adobe premiere 7 to editing video and some multimedia applications that support it program. The final result obtained is a Help Training Program Taekwondo for White Belt to Red Belt Two-Based Black Strip Multimedia that can function properly. Based on survey results This aid program can help taekwondo-in in the know taekwondo and can help taekwondo-in in the Trial Level Increase.
Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line SCIKFi001-A was reprogrammed from cGMP grade umbilical ... more Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line SCIKFi001-A was reprogrammed from cGMP grade umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) via non-integrating, virus free, self-replicating RNA for eventual use in regenerative medicine. UC-MSCs, a type of multipotent stem cells with fibroblast-like phenotypes, were previously isolated, cryobanked, expanded and characterized in accordance with cGMP principles. The iPSCs generated from this cGMP grade cell line were then characterized and pluripotency was established. Here we showed that UC-MSCs can be reprogrammed to iPSCs using a safer and more regulatory friendly method, which will enable researchers to accelerate their clinical development timeline.
The research aims to describe and to analyze the forms of code-mixing used by Boy William on Vlog... more The research aims to describe and to analyze the forms of code-mixing used by Boy William on Vlog #Dibalikpintu. This study was a descriptive qualitative method and human research is the main instrument of this study. In collecting the data, this study utilized observation and documentation methods. This study employed content analysis which focused on analyzing the forms of code-mixing which were defined by Suwito (1983). The result of this study: In the word form, there are 19 data found, (15 nouns, 2 verbs, 1 adjective, 1 question word). In the phrase form, there are 19 data found, (17 noun phrases, 2 adjective phrases). In the baster form, there are 5 data found, (1 noun as a form of gerund suffixation, 3 noun suffixation, 1 verb suffixation). In the word reduplication form, there are 2 data found, (1 noun, 1 compound noun). In the idiom form, there are 2 data found, (1 formal idiom, 1 informal idiom). In the clause form, there are 25 data found, (8 noun clauses, 14 verb clauses...
This study aims to determine the effect of Customer Relationship Marketing on Satisfaction and Lo... more This study aims to determine the effect of Customer Relationship Marketing on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Grab Food Merchant Partners in Pekanbaru City. The population taken from this research is Grab Food merchant partner in Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. And testing the hypothesis in this study using the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The data collection technique was done by interview and questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that from the variable Customer Relationship Marketing (Trust, Commitment, Communication and Problem Handling), variables of trust and problem handling have a positive but insignificant effect on the satisfaction of merchant partners. Meanwhile, Commitment and Communication have a positive and significant effect on merchant partner satisfaction. Then the results of this study also show that the Satisfaction variable has a positive and significant effect on the Loyalty of Grab Food ...
Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan (PUAP) merupakan bentuk fasilitasi bantuan modal u... more Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan (PUAP) merupakan bentuk fasilitasi bantuan modal usaha untuk petani anggota, baik petani pemilik, petani penggarap, buruh tani maupun rumah tangga tani.Program ini bertujuan untuk membantu mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan dan menciptakan lapangan kerja di perdesaan serta membantu penguatan modal dalam kegiatan usaha di bidang pertanian sehingga pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani. Penelitian ditunjukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja usaha PUAP terhadap peningkatan tenaga kerja gabungan kelompok tani di Lampung Selatan yang di lihat dari dua aspek yaitu pemberian bantuan modal dan program pembinaan manajemen. Hasil regresi linier berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS) , menunjukan bahwa bantuan modal (BM) dan pembinaan manajemen (PM) mempengaruhi Kinerja Usaha (KU) didapat bahwa kontribusi bantuan modal (BM) terhadap kinerja usaha (KU) adalah sebesar 1.014 yang berarti bahwa setiap peningkatan 1% pencapaian ...
Audit laporan keuangan adalah pemeriksaan oleh pihak ketiga yang independen dari laporan keuangan... more Audit laporan keuangan adalah pemeriksaan oleh pihak ketiga yang independen dari laporan keuangan perusahaan atau entitas hukum lainnya (termasuk pemerintahan), yang hasilnya berupa opini mengenai laporan keuangan tersebut apakah telah disajikan dengan relevan, akurat, lengkap dan wajar. PT "X" adalah sebuah perusahaan dagang yang terletak di Surabaya. Perusahaan ini berdiri pada tahun 2007 sebagai distributor tunggal pabrik semen yang terletak di Makasar. Pada bulan Juni 2008, terdapat konflik antar pemegang saham perusahaan. Salah satu pemegang saham ingin menarik modalnya dari perusahaan. Audit dilakukan untuk memperoleh dan mengevaluasi bukti-bukti untuk memperoleh keyakinan bahwa elemen-elemen di dalam laporan keuangan telah disajikan secara wajar dan bebas dari salah saji material.
Kinerja perusahaan dinilai dari kemampuan suatu perusahaan untuk menciptakan proses yang efektif ... more Kinerja perusahaan dinilai dari kemampuan suatu perusahaan untuk menciptakan proses yang efektif dan efisien. Tujuan Green Manufacturing (GM) adalah integrasi berkesinambungan dari perbaikan lingkungan dari proses industri dan produk untuk mengurangi atau mencegah polusi udara, air, dan tanah, mengurangi limbah pada sumbernya, dan untuk meminimalkan resiko terhadap manusia dan spesies lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara lean manufacturing, green manufacturing, terhadap sustainability performance pada PT Zimmer Pancen Oye. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT Zimmer Pancen Oye. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 35 karyawan PT Zimmer Pancen Oye. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner yang disebarkan secara personal. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS) dan menetapkan kesesuaian model berdasarkan criteria goodness of fit tertentu. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh antara ...
Restaurant Cahaya Baru is a Restaurant which was founded in 1971 located on Jl. Tuparev No. 228 ... more Restaurant Cahaya Baru is a Restaurant which was founded in 1971 located on Jl. Tuparev No. 228 Karawang, West Java. In terms of publication, the Restaurant Cahaya Baru only uses word of mouth to disseminate information about the Restaurant Cahaya Baru. Submission of information by word of mouth is not optimal because it is limited to the scope of people's knowledge of the Cahaya Baru Restaurant. Until now, Restaurant Cahaya Baru does not have a website. The purpose of this thesis is to promote the Restaurant Cahaya Baru so that it is better known by the public, providing convenience to customers in viewing information in the form of food menus, food prices and online order so that no need to come to the restaurant. The method used for data collection is Prototyping. The programming language used is the PHP programming language and the database used is MySQL. This website can help customers make it easier to reserve places and order food online via the internet.
Investment policy is the main thing that must prioritize the national interest, not only in the f... more Investment policy is the main thing that must prioritize the national interest, not only in the field of new jobs but also must support the domestic eco-sector. In this case the state has an obligation to defend national interests. Specifically in terms of investment by managing contracts or bilateral investment treaty agreements (BIT) based on the Proportionality Principle. This principle is intended to provide justice and certainty for the parties. Bilateral Investment Treaties (BIT) agreements are considered important for the parties, which are related to the agreement. In the Bilateral Investment Treaties Agreement (BIT) are the most preferred clauses of the Nation, the National Treatment and Fair and Equitable Treatment, and the theory of state / government intervention that is considered to be able to balance national interests and protect investors in the mining sector.
Sejak jaman dahulu tato merupakan sebuah bentuk kepercayaan, doa dan simbol. Namun, seiring berja... more Sejak jaman dahulu tato merupakan sebuah bentuk kepercayaan, doa dan simbol. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, tato di Indonesia membentuk stigma dan pandangan masyarakat menjadi negatif. Namun, seorang tokoh revolusioner tato atau Presiden Tato, Bob Sick, berhasil mencapai keberhasilannya dalam berkarya dengan hasil seni lukisan kontemporer. Penulis memakai teori identitas diri, kreativitas, konsep seni, komunikasi, ideologi, dan stigma sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara terhadap narasumber Ajenk&Munir, Sebastian Lesmana mengenai sejarah karir Bob Sick dan juga komunikasi ideologi Bob Sick melalui tato di sekujur tubuhnya. Penulis menggunakan metode studi kasus. Atas dasar ideologi dari komunikasi Bob Sick melalui tato di sekujur tubuhnya, membuktikan bahwa tato bukanlah stigma negatif, akan tetapi tato merupakan seni dan dapat membuat seseorang lebih ekspresif atau percaya diri.
Diabetic prevalence is at speedy increase globally. Previous studies stated that other than genet... more Diabetic prevalence is at speedy increase globally. Previous studies stated that other than genetics, factors such as environment, lifestyle, and paternal-maternal condition play critical roles in diabetes through DNA methylation in specific areas of the genome. The purpose of this study is to investigate the methylation pattern of the PDK4 promoter in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice until the 12th week of the observation. The methylation pattern in the blood samples was analyzed periodically, while the pattern in the muscle sample was only analyzed at the end of the experiment using the blood of the sacrificed animals. Three methylated CpG site 1, CpG site 6, and CpG site 7 were analyzed and quantified based on the band density using bisulfite treatment and methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The hyperglycemia period was developed at the 9th week of experiment. However, there was a significant increase of methylation, specifically on CpG site 6 started from week 6 to week 12. This peculiar methylation on CpG site 6 of PDK4 promoter in the blood sample before the hyperglycemic period might serve as a potential biomarker for early detection of diabetes in the patients. No significant difference was found between the methylation level of streptozotocin (STZ)-treated mice and of the control group in the muscle sample.
Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching, 2018
The aims of this research are how to improve vocabulary using comic and how to motivate the stude... more The aims of this research are how to improve vocabulary using comic and how to motivate the students to apply it in their English. The research is guided by a conceptual framework leading to the use of comic through peer work to improve their motivation to speak English during the process of classroom communication interaction. The research method employs an action research. The subject consists of 20 students of the first grade of SMK Al Hidayah 1 Cilandak in 2015-2016 academic year. The research data is collected by using test (test after the first treatment and test after the second treatment) and by observation for collecting data on the students' motivation in improving vocabulary ability using series pictures. Data on vocabulary ability using comic was analysed by using descriptive and statistic analysis, to know the improvement in the student's mean score after the first cycle and the second cycle. Based on the first cycle, the students' average is 67.8, then, on the second treatment, the students' average increases to be 78.8. It can be concluded that teaching vocabulary using comic can improve students' vocabulary ability.
Online retailers should be able to increase customer satisfaction (e-satisfacton) so that it coul... more Online retailers should be able to increase customer satisfaction (e-satisfacton) so that it could be created an eloyalty is high. Satisfaction of online services is identified from the alignment of expectations of consumers with the realization of the service consumer. While e-loyalty, frequency of recurring purchases are identified by consumers online. To build e-loyalty, also turned out to be moderated by customer trust (trust) for the online services provided. To that end, the study will provide an in-depth study about influence of e-satisfaction against e-loyalty with moderators on the e-trust FJB Kaskus. In this research is the research on experimental studies or conclusive causal research. Sampling techniques used are non probability sampling. This type of method used is purposive sampling. The sample used was 100 FJB Kaskus consumer. Data collected by using a questionnaire. Analysis technique that is used is a simple linear regression analysis and linear regression analysis with moderators. The results of this analysis demonstrates that e-satisfaction affect eloyalty, FJB Kaskus consumer. In addition found also that it turns to e-trust consumer FJB Kaskus cannot act as a moderator for the relationship between satisfaction with the purchase of e-e-loyalty.
Penelitian ini membahas tentang Netflix sebagai salah satu aplikasi streaming digital yang tidak ... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang Netflix sebagai salah satu aplikasi streaming digital yang tidak memiliki Badan Usaha Tetap (BUT) dan tidak memiliki NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) sehingga berdampak pada terganjalnya usaha pemungutan pajak oleh pemerintah. Penelitian ini membahas isu hukum tentang bagaimana pengenaan pajak bagi Netflix yang belum berbentuk badan usaha tetap di Indonesia serta bagaimana peran pemerintah dalam penegakan hukum terhadap pemungutan pajak bagi Netflix yang belum berbadan usaha tetap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengenaan pajak bagi Netflix yang belum berbentuk badan usaha tetap di Indonesia dan mengkaji secara mendalam peran pemerintah dalam penegakan hukum perpajakan dan penagihan pajak terhadap kasus Netflix di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa setiap subjek hukum sebagai wajib pajak wajib pajak yang sumber penghasilannya di wilayah Indonesia harus dikenakan Pajak. Asas ini tercermin pada Penjelasan Pasal 2 ayat (2) Undang...
In this paper, we quantify the non-transitivity in chess using human game data. Specifically, we ... more In this paper, we quantify the non-transitivity in chess using human game data. Specifically, we perform non-transitivity quantification in two ways—Nash clustering and counting the number of rock–paper–scissor cycles—on over one billion matches from the Lichess and FICS databases. Our findings indicate that the strategy space of real-world chess strategies has a spinning top geometry and that there exists a strong connection between the degree of non-transitivity and the progression of a chess player’s rating. Particularly, high degrees of non-transitivity tend to prevent human players from making progress in their Elo ratings. We also investigate the implications of non-transitivity for population-based training methods. By considering fixed-memory fictitious play as a proxy, we conclude that maintaining large and diverse populations of strategies is imperative to training effective AI agents for solving chess.
Problems that occur when this is taekwondo-in only can learn the material in practice, while his ... more Problems that occur when this is taekwondo-in only can learn the material in practice, while his theory is rarely given, so as to memorize the name of a stance, he should ask the sabum/taekwondo coach and if he forgot to ask again. This also applies to the movements of taekwondo, so this make taekwondo-in in the Trial level rise. This program is designed to overcome these problems so that taekwondo-in can teach yourself with the help of computer media without should ask sabum. This program is made using macromedia flash 8 for making the main program, cool edit pro 2 for editing Voice, adobe photoshop 7 for editing graphics, adobe premiere 7 to editing video and some multimedia applications that support it program. The final result obtained is a Help Training Program Taekwondo for White Belt to Red Belt Two-Based Black Strip Multimedia that can function properly. Based on survey results This aid program can help taekwondo-in in the know taekwondo and can help taekwondo-in in the Trial Level Increase.
Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line SCIKFi001-A was reprogrammed from cGMP grade umbilical ... more Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line SCIKFi001-A was reprogrammed from cGMP grade umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) via non-integrating, virus free, self-replicating RNA for eventual use in regenerative medicine. UC-MSCs, a type of multipotent stem cells with fibroblast-like phenotypes, were previously isolated, cryobanked, expanded and characterized in accordance with cGMP principles. The iPSCs generated from this cGMP grade cell line were then characterized and pluripotency was established. Here we showed that UC-MSCs can be reprogrammed to iPSCs using a safer and more regulatory friendly method, which will enable researchers to accelerate their clinical development timeline.
The research aims to describe and to analyze the forms of code-mixing used by Boy William on Vlog... more The research aims to describe and to analyze the forms of code-mixing used by Boy William on Vlog #Dibalikpintu. This study was a descriptive qualitative method and human research is the main instrument of this study. In collecting the data, this study utilized observation and documentation methods. This study employed content analysis which focused on analyzing the forms of code-mixing which were defined by Suwito (1983). The result of this study: In the word form, there are 19 data found, (15 nouns, 2 verbs, 1 adjective, 1 question word). In the phrase form, there are 19 data found, (17 noun phrases, 2 adjective phrases). In the baster form, there are 5 data found, (1 noun as a form of gerund suffixation, 3 noun suffixation, 1 verb suffixation). In the word reduplication form, there are 2 data found, (1 noun, 1 compound noun). In the idiom form, there are 2 data found, (1 formal idiom, 1 informal idiom). In the clause form, there are 25 data found, (8 noun clauses, 14 verb clauses...
This study aims to determine the effect of Customer Relationship Marketing on Satisfaction and Lo... more This study aims to determine the effect of Customer Relationship Marketing on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Grab Food Merchant Partners in Pekanbaru City. The population taken from this research is Grab Food merchant partner in Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. And testing the hypothesis in this study using the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The data collection technique was done by interview and questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that from the variable Customer Relationship Marketing (Trust, Commitment, Communication and Problem Handling), variables of trust and problem handling have a positive but insignificant effect on the satisfaction of merchant partners. Meanwhile, Commitment and Communication have a positive and significant effect on merchant partner satisfaction. Then the results of this study also show that the Satisfaction variable has a positive and significant effect on the Loyalty of Grab Food ...
Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan (PUAP) merupakan bentuk fasilitasi bantuan modal u... more Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan (PUAP) merupakan bentuk fasilitasi bantuan modal usaha untuk petani anggota, baik petani pemilik, petani penggarap, buruh tani maupun rumah tangga tani.Program ini bertujuan untuk membantu mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan dan menciptakan lapangan kerja di perdesaan serta membantu penguatan modal dalam kegiatan usaha di bidang pertanian sehingga pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani. Penelitian ditunjukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja usaha PUAP terhadap peningkatan tenaga kerja gabungan kelompok tani di Lampung Selatan yang di lihat dari dua aspek yaitu pemberian bantuan modal dan program pembinaan manajemen. Hasil regresi linier berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS) , menunjukan bahwa bantuan modal (BM) dan pembinaan manajemen (PM) mempengaruhi Kinerja Usaha (KU) didapat bahwa kontribusi bantuan modal (BM) terhadap kinerja usaha (KU) adalah sebesar 1.014 yang berarti bahwa setiap peningkatan 1% pencapaian ...
Audit laporan keuangan adalah pemeriksaan oleh pihak ketiga yang independen dari laporan keuangan... more Audit laporan keuangan adalah pemeriksaan oleh pihak ketiga yang independen dari laporan keuangan perusahaan atau entitas hukum lainnya (termasuk pemerintahan), yang hasilnya berupa opini mengenai laporan keuangan tersebut apakah telah disajikan dengan relevan, akurat, lengkap dan wajar. PT "X" adalah sebuah perusahaan dagang yang terletak di Surabaya. Perusahaan ini berdiri pada tahun 2007 sebagai distributor tunggal pabrik semen yang terletak di Makasar. Pada bulan Juni 2008, terdapat konflik antar pemegang saham perusahaan. Salah satu pemegang saham ingin menarik modalnya dari perusahaan. Audit dilakukan untuk memperoleh dan mengevaluasi bukti-bukti untuk memperoleh keyakinan bahwa elemen-elemen di dalam laporan keuangan telah disajikan secara wajar dan bebas dari salah saji material.
Kinerja perusahaan dinilai dari kemampuan suatu perusahaan untuk menciptakan proses yang efektif ... more Kinerja perusahaan dinilai dari kemampuan suatu perusahaan untuk menciptakan proses yang efektif dan efisien. Tujuan Green Manufacturing (GM) adalah integrasi berkesinambungan dari perbaikan lingkungan dari proses industri dan produk untuk mengurangi atau mencegah polusi udara, air, dan tanah, mengurangi limbah pada sumbernya, dan untuk meminimalkan resiko terhadap manusia dan spesies lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara lean manufacturing, green manufacturing, terhadap sustainability performance pada PT Zimmer Pancen Oye. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT Zimmer Pancen Oye. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 35 karyawan PT Zimmer Pancen Oye. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner yang disebarkan secara personal. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS) dan menetapkan kesesuaian model berdasarkan criteria goodness of fit tertentu. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh antara ...
Restaurant Cahaya Baru is a Restaurant which was founded in 1971 located on Jl. Tuparev No. 228 ... more Restaurant Cahaya Baru is a Restaurant which was founded in 1971 located on Jl. Tuparev No. 228 Karawang, West Java. In terms of publication, the Restaurant Cahaya Baru only uses word of mouth to disseminate information about the Restaurant Cahaya Baru. Submission of information by word of mouth is not optimal because it is limited to the scope of people's knowledge of the Cahaya Baru Restaurant. Until now, Restaurant Cahaya Baru does not have a website. The purpose of this thesis is to promote the Restaurant Cahaya Baru so that it is better known by the public, providing convenience to customers in viewing information in the form of food menus, food prices and online order so that no need to come to the restaurant. The method used for data collection is Prototyping. The programming language used is the PHP programming language and the database used is MySQL. This website can help customers make it easier to reserve places and order food online via the internet.
Investment policy is the main thing that must prioritize the national interest, not only in the f... more Investment policy is the main thing that must prioritize the national interest, not only in the field of new jobs but also must support the domestic eco-sector. In this case the state has an obligation to defend national interests. Specifically in terms of investment by managing contracts or bilateral investment treaty agreements (BIT) based on the Proportionality Principle. This principle is intended to provide justice and certainty for the parties. Bilateral Investment Treaties (BIT) agreements are considered important for the parties, which are related to the agreement. In the Bilateral Investment Treaties Agreement (BIT) are the most preferred clauses of the Nation, the National Treatment and Fair and Equitable Treatment, and the theory of state / government intervention that is considered to be able to balance national interests and protect investors in the mining sector.
Sejak jaman dahulu tato merupakan sebuah bentuk kepercayaan, doa dan simbol. Namun, seiring berja... more Sejak jaman dahulu tato merupakan sebuah bentuk kepercayaan, doa dan simbol. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, tato di Indonesia membentuk stigma dan pandangan masyarakat menjadi negatif. Namun, seorang tokoh revolusioner tato atau Presiden Tato, Bob Sick, berhasil mencapai keberhasilannya dalam berkarya dengan hasil seni lukisan kontemporer. Penulis memakai teori identitas diri, kreativitas, konsep seni, komunikasi, ideologi, dan stigma sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara terhadap narasumber Ajenk&Munir, Sebastian Lesmana mengenai sejarah karir Bob Sick dan juga komunikasi ideologi Bob Sick melalui tato di sekujur tubuhnya. Penulis menggunakan metode studi kasus. Atas dasar ideologi dari komunikasi Bob Sick melalui tato di sekujur tubuhnya, membuktikan bahwa tato bukanlah stigma negatif, akan tetapi tato merupakan seni dan dapat membuat seseorang lebih ekspresif atau percaya diri.
Diabetic prevalence is at speedy increase globally. Previous studies stated that other than genet... more Diabetic prevalence is at speedy increase globally. Previous studies stated that other than genetics, factors such as environment, lifestyle, and paternal-maternal condition play critical roles in diabetes through DNA methylation in specific areas of the genome. The purpose of this study is to investigate the methylation pattern of the PDK4 promoter in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice until the 12th week of the observation. The methylation pattern in the blood samples was analyzed periodically, while the pattern in the muscle sample was only analyzed at the end of the experiment using the blood of the sacrificed animals. Three methylated CpG site 1, CpG site 6, and CpG site 7 were analyzed and quantified based on the band density using bisulfite treatment and methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The hyperglycemia period was developed at the 9th week of experiment. However, there was a significant increase of methylation, specifically on CpG site 6 started from week 6 to week 12. This peculiar methylation on CpG site 6 of PDK4 promoter in the blood sample before the hyperglycemic period might serve as a potential biomarker for early detection of diabetes in the patients. No significant difference was found between the methylation level of streptozotocin (STZ)-treated mice and of the control group in the muscle sample.
Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching, 2018
The aims of this research are how to improve vocabulary using comic and how to motivate the stude... more The aims of this research are how to improve vocabulary using comic and how to motivate the students to apply it in their English. The research is guided by a conceptual framework leading to the use of comic through peer work to improve their motivation to speak English during the process of classroom communication interaction. The research method employs an action research. The subject consists of 20 students of the first grade of SMK Al Hidayah 1 Cilandak in 2015-2016 academic year. The research data is collected by using test (test after the first treatment and test after the second treatment) and by observation for collecting data on the students' motivation in improving vocabulary ability using series pictures. Data on vocabulary ability using comic was analysed by using descriptive and statistic analysis, to know the improvement in the student's mean score after the first cycle and the second cycle. Based on the first cycle, the students' average is 67.8, then, on the second treatment, the students' average increases to be 78.8. It can be concluded that teaching vocabulary using comic can improve students' vocabulary ability.
Online retailers should be able to increase customer satisfaction (e-satisfacton) so that it coul... more Online retailers should be able to increase customer satisfaction (e-satisfacton) so that it could be created an eloyalty is high. Satisfaction of online services is identified from the alignment of expectations of consumers with the realization of the service consumer. While e-loyalty, frequency of recurring purchases are identified by consumers online. To build e-loyalty, also turned out to be moderated by customer trust (trust) for the online services provided. To that end, the study will provide an in-depth study about influence of e-satisfaction against e-loyalty with moderators on the e-trust FJB Kaskus. In this research is the research on experimental studies or conclusive causal research. Sampling techniques used are non probability sampling. This type of method used is purposive sampling. The sample used was 100 FJB Kaskus consumer. Data collected by using a questionnaire. Analysis technique that is used is a simple linear regression analysis and linear regression analysis with moderators. The results of this analysis demonstrates that e-satisfaction affect eloyalty, FJB Kaskus consumer. In addition found also that it turns to e-trust consumer FJB Kaskus cannot act as a moderator for the relationship between satisfaction with the purchase of e-e-loyalty.
Papers by Ricky Sanjaya