Papers by Richarde Marques
IAHS-AISH publication, 2005
Seasonal climate forecasting can be produced with relatively high accuracy for the Northeast regi... more Seasonal climate forecasting can be produced with relatively high accuracy for the Northeast region of Brazil. During the past decade, relevant achievements were obtained in the management of water in the region, particularly for coping with drought, using climate forecasting information. This paper presents the state of the art in climate forecasting for this region, as well as results of the application of a high resolution atmospheric nested model into hydrological models for daily runoff prediction and their use for simulating future water storage in reservoirs. The results show that the information produced by this forecasting process can be useful for decision making in reservoir operation, despite the associated uncertainties.

Earth Sciences Research Journal
Eco-environmental change prediction models are important decision tools for policy makers as they... more Eco-environmental change prediction models are important decision tools for policy makers as they help to quantify environmental sensitivity and understand the relationship between human activities and environmental quality. Thus, this paper aims to analyze eco-environmental changes in Monteiro County, a semi-arid zone within northeastern Brazil. This study used means of satellite images, geographic information system and global position system techniques, topographic map, climatic data and soil maps, as well as field survey data. The result outputs were evaluated on their ability to accurately predict the most sensitive and least sensitive areas. The results showed that land cover changes have modified the environment in general, and two prominent environmental degradation processes were identified: land degradation, and low soil loss. The mean soil loss increased from 0.09 t ha−¹ yr−¹ in 1987 to 0.18 t ha−¹ yr−¹ in 2010, as an effect of vegetation gain and particularly the convers...

Remote Sensing
In Paraíba state, precipitation is strongly affected by several climate systems, such as trade wi... more In Paraíba state, precipitation is strongly affected by several climate systems, such as trade winds, the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), easterly wave disturbances (EWDs), and the South Atlantic subtropical high. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to analyze the spatiotemporal variability in precipitation to identify homogeneous trends of that variable and the effects of climate systems in Paraíba state by cluster analysis. The precipitation data used in this study derive from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite for the period from January 1998 to December 2015, and hierarchical clustering was used to classify the sites into different groups with similar trends. The findings show an uneven spatiotemporal precipitation distribution in all mesoregions of the state and considerable monthly precipitation variation in space. The estimated precipitation depth was highest in coastal regions and in high-altitude areas due to orographic precipitation. I...

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
Water scarcity and sediment yield scarcity are major environmental problems in the Brazilian semi... more Water scarcity and sediment yield scarcity are major environmental problems in the Brazilian semi-arid region that influence the quantity and quality of water used for water supply. Thus, the aim of the paper was to analyse the water balance and the sediment yield in the Epitácio Pessoa Dam river basin using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model. Rainfall, streamflow, air temperature, air humidity data from 1970 to 1993, a soil type map, a land cover map, and a digital elevation model were used in this study. The model was calibrated and validated by comparing simulated mean monthly streamflow with observed long-term mean monthly streamflow for the Poço de Pedras and Caraúbas streamflow gauges after sediment yield values were estimated. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool model results indicated good performance by the model during the calibration, with an observed mean streamflow of 6.86 m 3 /s and a simulated streamflow of 5.68 m 3 /s for Poço de Pedras and 9.33 m 3 /s for Caraúbas. The mean sediment yield was 3.91 ton/ha/month. The results of the water balance analysis indicate a high rate of evapotranspiration in the basin (68% evapotranspiration), and 7% of the rainfall was converted to streamflow (5% streamflow and 2% base flow). Therefore, this study found that Soil and Water Assessment Tool could be effectively used for assessing the water balance components and sediment yield of the Epitácio Pessoa Dam river basin, Paraíba State, Brazil.

Trend analysis of monthly mean streamflows is essential for better water resources management and... more Trend analysis of monthly mean streamflows is essential for better water resources management and planning. In this study, Mann Kendall (MK), Sen's method and Şen's innovative trend method (ITM) were employed in order to examine the possible trends of monthly streamflows obtained from nine stations from three basins (Yakabasi and Derecikviran in Western Black Sea Basin; Durucasu, Sütlüce, Kale and Gomeleonu in Yesilirmak Basin; Şimşirli, Tozköy and Topluca in Eastern Black Sea Basin) located in Black Sea Region of Turkey. Based on the MK, streamflow data of Tozköy Station which is located in western part of the Eastern Black Sea Region showed a significantly increasing trend while a significantly decreasing trend was found for the Yakabasi, Derecikviran, Durucasu and Sütlüce stations which are situated in western part of the Black Sea Region. According to the Sen's trend method, a significantly decreasing trend was seen in Durucasu, Sütlüce, Yakabasi and Derecikviran stations while Tozköy station showed significantly increasing trend. According to the ITM, low-medium values of Tozköy Station indicated slightly increasing trend while low and medium streamflow values of Yakabasi, Derecikviran, Durucasu and Sütlüce stations showed a decreasing trend. High streamflow values of Derecikviran and Sütlüce stations showed a decreasing trend while corresponding values of Yakabasi, Şimşirli and Tozköy stations indicated an increasing trend. It was showed that trends of low, medium, and high data can be easily identified by ITM which has some advantages (having no assumption such as serial relationship, non-normality, and, test number) over the Sen's method and Mann-Kendall test.

Building and Environment
Abstract This study observed the thermal sensation perceptions of users in two public squares in ... more Abstract This study observed the thermal sensation perceptions of users in two public squares in the semiarid region of Paraiba state, northeastern Brazil. Two cities with contrasting microclimates were selected for this study: Teixeira and Patos, which present different climatic conditions despite their geographic proximity. The main topics addressed in this study are users’ perceptions and the climatic variables that influence their comfort level in central city public squares. In this study, field measurements were performed using a Davis meteorological station, and surveys were conducted in January (a dry month) and June (a wet month) in 2016. The users of the open spaces (squares) with trees were sampled by interviews lasting approximately 5 min. Statistical analyses of the correlation between the thermal perceptions and climatological station data at the time the answers were given were based on the real sensation vote index. The city of Patos presented an Effective Temperature Index Resulting from the Wind Effect (ETv) that ranged from partially comfortable to uncomfortable, with a thermal sensation of 27–28 °C in the hours between 12:00 and 14:00. In Teixeira, the level of thermal discomfort variation was constant (i.e., comfortable) for the dry month and ranged from comfortable to partially comfortable during the rainy month. The confidence interval of Patos was 26–35 °C air temperature, 20–71% relative humidity and up to 1.5 m/s wind speed; the corresponding values for Teixeira were 18–30 °C, 40–68% and up to 3.6 m/s. The results show the level of differentiation between the two months of the year for the two cities and reveal the perceptions of people in the two cities. In January, the population prefers a colder thermal environment, which indicates the necessity of maintaining shading and ventilation.

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
In this study, the conformity of mathematical model of the MUSLE for the estimation of storm-wise... more In this study, the conformity of mathematical model of the MUSLE for the estimation of storm-wise sediment yield in plots was examined at Matash Ranch in northern Iran. For the measurement of sediment yield, three plots were established within each openly grazed and manually harvested area. The MUSLE model was applied through determining the entire required inputs for the study plots of 24 storm events, which occurred during the study period from May to September 2004. The quantity results were then statistically compared using paired t-Test analysis. The results of the study verified the disability of the model in sound prediction of sediment yield on storm basis for the study area. Additionally, a high level of agreement beyond 86% was found between estimated and measured sediment yield which created the possibility of comparative evaluation of the effects of different land use managerial approaches on sediment yield in the study area.

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Trend analysis of droughts and their geospatial and temporal variability assists decision-making ... more Trend analysis of droughts and their geospatial and temporal variability assists decision-making about water resources management around the world and decreases the harmful effects of drought that affect the entire population. This work aimed to analyze short-, medium-and long-term droughts and their trends in the Brazilian state of Paraíba from 1998 to 2015 using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data and applying the Mann-Kendall test and Sen's slope estimator method, based on the standardized precipitation index (SPI). TRMM data were validated by comparison with data from 267 rain gauges in the region, which showed the consistency of the satellite data. Therefore, 187 monthly TRMM rainfall time series were used, each with 216 months. The series were equally distributed over the entire study area. At the significance level of 0.01, a new geospatial classification of drought severity is proposed, through which it is possible to determine exactly which types of drought events affected or did not affect a given region based on the SPI and the trend of the analyzed SPI time series, which shows the situation of drought risk analysis. The results of the comparison between long-and short-term droughts indicate that the wettest regions of the state of Paraíba are strongly affected by extreme drought events and show trends with increasingly negative slopes. In this way, the proposed geospatial classification is proved to be a useful tool because it provides information about the current drought situation of a given region, simultaneously showing the trend slope with respect to short-, medium-and long-term droughts.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
AbstractA novel wavelet-artificial neural network hybrid model (WA-ANN) for short-term daily infl... more AbstractA novel wavelet-artificial neural network hybrid model (WA-ANN) for short-term daily inflow forecasting is proposed, using for the first time Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data...

The Science of the total environment, Jan 3, 2018
Dengue, a reemerging disease, is one of the most important viral diseases transmitted by mosquito... more Dengue, a reemerging disease, is one of the most important viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. In this study, 55,680 cases of dengue between 2007 and 2015 were reported in Paraíba State, among which, 30% were reported in João Pessoa city, with peaks in 2015, 2011 and 2013. Weather is considered to be a key factor in the temporal and spatial distribution of vector-transmitted diseases. Thus, the relationship between rainfall occurrence and dengue incidences reported from 2007 to 2015 in João Pessoa city, Paraíba State, Brazil, was analyzed by means of wavelet transform, when a frequency analysis of both rainfall and dengue incidence signals was performed. To determine the relationship between rainfall and the incidence of dengue cases, a sample cross correlation function was performed to identify lags in the rainfall and temperature variables that might be useful predictors of dengue incidence. The total rainfall within 90 days presented the most significant association with th...
Sociedade & Natureza
Este estudo avaliou a variação espaço-temporal da precipitação de 1970 a 2000, na Bacia do Rio Ta... more Este estudo avaliou a variação espaço-temporal da precipitação de 1970 a 2000, na Bacia do Rio Tapacurá, localizada no Estado de Pernambuco. Diversos parâmetros estatísticos foram utilizados para estudar a estrutura das séries de precipitação anual e mensal, tais como média, desvio padrão, desvio normalizado, linha de tendência e coeficiente de variação. O estudo em escala mensal mostrou que no período de março a julho ocorrem 60% da precipitação total anual, e que o período seco ocorre entre agosto e fevereiro. Na escala anual os resultados mostraram uma diminuição significativa das chuvas da ordem de -20% em relação à média histórica. Sobre a variabilidade espacial, constatou-se que a precipitação decresce no sentido leste-oeste, e que os períodos com menor volume pluviométrico possuem os maiores coeficientes de variação.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering
The rainfall characteristics within Klang River basin is analyzed by the continuous wavelet trans... more The rainfall characteristics within Klang River basin is analyzed by the continuous wavelet transform using monthly rainfall data (1997–2009) from a raingauge and also using daily rainfall data (1998–2013) from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). The wavelet power spectrum showed that some frequency components were presented within the rainfall time series, but the observed time series is short to provide accurate information, thus the daily TRMM rainfall data were used. In such analysis, two main frequency components, i.e., 6 and 12 months, showed to be present during the entire period of 16 years. Such semiannual and annual frequencies were confirmed by the global wavelet power spectra. Finally, the modulation in the 8–16-month and 256–512-day bands were examined by an average of all scales between 8 and 16 months, and 256 and 512 days, respectively, giving a measure of the average monthly/daily variance versus time, where the periods with low or high variance could be...

Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos, 2012
ABSTRACT O conhecimento das propriedades hidráulicas do solo, como as curvas de retenção da água ... more ABSTRACT O conhecimento das propriedades hidráulicas do solo, como as curvas de retenção da água no solo e da condutividade hidráulica, é indispensável na modelagem do transporte de água e de sedimentos. Dessa forma, apresenta-se, neste trabalho, uma metodologia utilizada na obtenção de propriedades hidrodinâmicas do solo, conhecida como Beerkan, com o objetivo de caracterizar espacialmente as principais características hidrodinâmicas do solo, i.e., condutividade hidráulica, porosidade, e retenção de água no solo, da Bacia Experimental do Riacho Guaraíra, localizada na zona litorânea do Nordeste do Brasil. Amostras deformadas de solo foram coletadas e testes de infiltração, em uma malha regular de 196 pontos na bacia com espaçamento de 200 m entre eles, foram realizados. O método foi aplicado em dois tipos de solos, i.e., Argissolos (PV3) e Espodossolos (HP), com diferentes classes texturais (areia, areia franca, e franco arenosa). Foram determinados, com vistas à caracterização hidrodinâmica, os parâmetros de forma da curva de retenção de água no solo θ(h) de Van Genuchten e da curva de condutividade hidráulica K(θ) de Brooks e Corey, dependentes majoritariamente da textura do solo e obtidos a partir da curva de distribuição dos tamanhos das partículas, além dos parâmetros de normalização dependentes, essencialmente, da estrutura do solo e obtidos a partir dos ensaios de infiltração utilizando-se o infiltrômetro de anel simples. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os valores de sorvidade (S) e condutividade hidráulica saturada do solo (Ks) são ligeiramente maiores para os solos com menor teor de areia. Verifica-se também que os valores de S e Ks são maiores para os solos do tipo HP, mostrando que este solo é mais permeável que o PV3, para qualquer uma das classes texturais analisadas. Por fim, o método Beerkan mostrou-se ser um método promissor e de fácil aplicação para a determinação das características hidrodinâmicas dos solos.
Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos, 2011
... "modernização da agricultura" ou seja, de desenvolvimento capitalista da agricultur... more ... "modernização da agricultura" ou seja, de desenvolvimento capitalista da agricultura brasileira (DELGADO, 1985). ... setor agrícola, quer no industrial. Um relatório do Governador Fernando Delgado Freire de Castilho, datado de 1798, bem ...

Geotecnologias e divulgação do saber: narrativa sobre a criação de portais de conteúdos geográfic... more Geotecnologias e divulgação do saber: narrativa sobre a criação de portais de conteúdos geográficos e mapoteca digital (Resumo). Este trabalho é parte integrante do Projeto " Da paisagem cultural à geografia regional da Paraíba: produção e divulgação do saber geográfico através de um portal e de tutoriais " , desenvolvido no âmbito do Departamento de Geociências da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Este artigo apresenta dois sites na Internet com o objetivo de disseminar mapas digitais e textos para livre acesso. Os dois sites possuem mais de 1.500 arquivos, incluindo mapas, artigos, dissertações e teses, que podem ser utilizados nos diversos campos da geografia. O principal objetivo dos sites é fornecer mapas digitais e dos textos para uso em vários campos da Geografia e ciências afins. A mapoteca digital possui mapas e fotos, principalmente do Estado da Paraíba e do Nordeste do Brasil. Este trabalho também traz algumas considerações sobre as vantagens da educação a distân...

O Municipio de Lucena esta localizado na porcao norte do litoral do Estado da Paraiba, e vem sofr... more O Municipio de Lucena esta localizado na porcao norte do litoral do Estado da Paraiba, e vem sofrendo com um desordenado processo de uso e ocupacao do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as perdas das areas de vegetacao no Municipio de Lucena entre 1970 e 2005. Para essa analise foram produzidos mapas de uso e cobertura do solo, aplicacao de indices de ecologia da paisagem para o periodo estudado. Os seguintes indices de ecologia da paisagem foram determinados: CA, PLAND, NP, LPI, AREA-MN, SHAPE-MN, ENN-MN, PD. Com base nos mapas de uso e cobertura do solo e nos indices, pode-se constatar que houve mudancas na paisagem, como uma grande fragmentacao das areas de matas em detrimento de culturas, principalmente a de cana-de-acucar. As alteracoes observadas demonstram que houve uma notavel perda de biodiversidade no municipio de Lucena no periodo entre 1970 e 2005. Conclui-se que os indices de ecologia da paisagem, quando avaliados conjuntamente, permitiram a analise da estrutura florestal da bacia de maneira satisfatoria. A regiao teve sua cobertura florestal fragmentada e que essa fragmentacao foi mais intensa nas areas de matas no periodo entre 1970 e 2005.

The paper aims to describe the water and soil losses under various types of vegetal covers in the... more The paper aims to describe the water and soil losses under various types of vegetal covers in the São João do Cariri experimental basin, located between coordinates 7º 22’ south latitude and 36º 31’ west longitude, in the semiarid region of Paraíba State, Brazil. The field data of runoff and sediment yield were collected in plots of 100 m² with different surface covers 1999 and 2006 in São João do Cariri. The plot experiments São João do Cariri consist of one with bare soil and another with common grass cover during three years and with cleared bare soil later. The results showed that erosion in Plot 1 was 3.4 t/ha, while in the Plot 2 it was 0.4 t/ha, showing the influence of the vegetation cover on erosion process in the semiarid. The results obtained of erosion process in São João do Cariri, showed that the mean erosion in the bare soil was 3.4 t/ha, while in with common grass cover during three years and with cleared bare soil later, it was of 0.4 t/ha, showing influence of vege...

During the past two to three decades, significant progress has been made in estimating actual eva... more During the past two to three decades, significant progress has been made in estimating actual evapotranspiration using satellite remote sensing. Recently, the remote sensing and the techniques of geoprocessing have been used in diverse areas of research, mainly in environmental monitoring. The present study was intended to analyse the applicability of the SEBAL algorithm (Surface Energy Balance for Land) for energy balance estimation in the Brígida River basin, located in a semi-arid region of Brazil between 39°11′56″W longitude and 8°38′55″S latitude and 40°49′36″W longitude and 7°15′43″S latitude. Two TM - Landsat 5 images, orbit 217 and path 65, on 24 September 2009 and 16 July 1990, were processed, organized and analysed in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment from which surface albedo, vegetation indexes (NDVI, SAVI and LAI), surface temperature, soil heat flux, and evapo-transpiration were determined. The results showed that the reduction of vegetation cover is ...

The main objective of this study is to obtain a better understanding of the space–time variabilit... more The main objective of this study is to obtain a better understanding of the space–time variability of rainfall and trends of streamflow in the Alto São Francisco River basin using statistical tools. This basin covers one of the most important hydrological regions of Brazil and includes several states. A detailed statistical analysis applied to the river streamflow and rainfall time series of all gauges indicates that rainfall is highly temporally variable and there is a decrease in the annual rainfall amount for the period studied (1978−2007). The anual streamflow variation has a cyclic behaviour with a period length of approximately 10 years. In addition, a cross wavelet transform analysis between the monthly rainfall and reservoir inflows is applied, showing phase behaviour in all significant sections. However, there are no signs of any significant rainfall reduction in the basin, and in fact, some raingauges show a small rainfall increase during the recent decades.
Papers by Richarde Marques