Papers by Richard N Kocsis
2006). The psychology of lust murder: Paraphilia, sexual killing and sexual homicide. Burlington,... more 2006). The psychology of lust murder: Paraphilia, sexual killing and sexual homicide. Burlington, MA: Elsevier/Academic Press.
Online First Publication via International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminolog... more Online First Publication via International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 27 November 2015
Online First - International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology - 27 November ... more Online First - International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology - 27 November 2015
The practice of criminal psychological profiling makes frequent appeal to ataxonomic distinction ... more The practice of criminal psychological profiling makes frequent appeal to ataxonomic distinction between organised and disorganised offenders. Previous empirical studies claimed to validate this typology nevertheless have been methodologically inadequate. Using arson as a context this study analysed the crime scene characteristics of profit‐motivated and vandalism‐motivated arson offences in an endeavour to reveal the organised/disorganised distinction as an intrinsic feature of offence characteristics. The data supported the presence of an organised/disorganised typology. The typology was found to correspond to coherent patterns in crime scene features, and further, these patterns were consistent with characteristics of offenders that are pertinent to an organised or disorganised lifestyle. Although there are indications that the underlying behaviour syndromes might better be conceptualised as a continuum with the prototypical organised offender at one extreme and the disorganised offender at the other, the study does lend credence to the notion of organised and disorganised criminal offences. In this respect the findings help in a small way to put criminal psychological profiling on a more sound empirical footing.
Papers by Richard N Kocsis