Papers by Ricardo Pertuzé

Seeds, Nov 27, 2023
The genus Alstroemeria originates from South America, and Chile is one of the countries showing t... more The genus Alstroemeria originates from South America, and Chile is one of the countries showing the highest number of taxa (49), of which 40 are endemic. However, anthropogenic and environmental factors are affecting the survival of these species; therefore, the conservation of their genetic variability is of great importance, and can be achieved through seed propagation. Seeds of this genus normally show dormancy, which prevents their germination under favorable conditions. The objective of this work was to understand the pre-germinative barriers to develop a seed propagation protocol for native alstroemerias and to determine the best method to break their dormancy. Seeds from 10 Alstroemeria species native to Chile were collected from the Coquimbo Region to Maule Region, and 5 pre-germination treatments combining scarification and stratification methods were evaluated. Moreover, a morphological and biochemical evaluation of the seeds was performed. The results showed a positive and significant effect on the percentage of emergence using seed soaking in water and cold stratification at 13 • C, obtaining the best results in A. pelegrina and A. angustifolia subsp. angustifolia (98.33% and 91.67%, respectively) after 30 days. The morphological characterization of seeds showed a wide range of size (diameter), from 2.18 mm (A. pulchra subsp. pulchra) up to 3.43 mm (A. pelegrina), and different shapes (pseudospherical and angular) and textures (rough and smooth). The highest phenol and tannin concentrations were observed in A. hookeri subsp. maculata with values of 4.71 and 30.95 mg g -1 of seeds, respectively. A bigger size of the seed and a higher concentration of phenols could be related to a higher % of emergence of alstroemeria seeds.

Solanum muricatum Aiton is an herbaceous perennial fruit species native to the Andean region of C... more Solanum muricatum Aiton is an herbaceous perennial fruit species native to the Andean region of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. In Chile, it was probably introduced in pre-Columbian times as a domesticated species and is presently grown in the coastal areas of the north-central regions of Coquimbo and Valparaíso. The species has been bred, but little information is available on its genetic variability in Chile. To characterize the genetic variability in this species, fruits were collected from 14 different ecotypes and seeds were sown to generate approximately 60 segregants from each accession. Segregants were planted at two different locations to characterize their fruits and fruiting habits. Fruit weight ranged from 30 to 485 g, while length was 3.5 to 16.7 cm, equatorial diameter 3.4 to 9.5 cm, pulp firmness 1.7 to 10 N, and soluble solids content 6.3 to 13.5° Brix. Fruit shape ranged from flat to oblong. When analyzing the estimated variance components with a mixed linear model, most of the variability between different ecotypes was in fruit shape, length, and weight, which resulted in a genetic contribution of 34.6%, 29.3%, and 18.1% of the total variability of these traits, respectively. Genetic variability was also found for pulp firmness and soluble solids content. Therefore, enough variability is available in seed-propagated pepinos from Chilean ecotypes to allow genetic improvement of these fruit quality traits. There was also variability from genotype x environment interactions; therefore, selections must be performed for specific environments or stable selections must be found.Fil: Muñoz, Carlos. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Pertuzé, Ricardo. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Balzarini, Monica Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Bruno, Cecilia Ines. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Salvatierra, Angelica. Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. La Serena; Chil

2021. Description and assessment of a collaborative agricultural extension program adopted under ... more 2021. Description and assessment of a collaborative agricultural extension program adopted under the triple helix model of innovation. Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour. 248-258. The triple helix model (THM) studies the interactions between academia, industry, and government designed to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in a knowledge-based society. This paper shows how agricultural extension works through the THM for inclusive innovation to evaluate its effects on farmers. For this purpose, we analyze the case of Cultiva UChile, a technology transfer center led by the University of Chile that operated from 2016 to 2020 and that was financed by and in cooperation with public sector organizations. Cultiva UChile offered extension services to vegetable growers from the Chilean Central Valley. As our main sources of information, we used internal reports and surveys of 91 farmers who received Cultiva UChile extension services from 2019-2020. A qualitative study of this organization, the actors involved, and the operation and governance of the center and a quantitative analysis of the center's direct effects adopting descriptive techniques and binary logistic regression were used. The results show strong interactions between actors as the basis of Cultiva UChile and its positive short-term direct effects regardless of farmers' paths in terms of innovation, cooperation, and investment. These results lead us to conclude that extension services adopted under the THM can be appropriate means to promote inclusive innovation in agriculture.
Acta horticulturae, May 1, 2006
... Marina Gambardella, Verónica Díaz, Paula Troncoso, Ignacia Holmes and Ricardo Pertuzé Departa... more ... Marina Gambardella, Verónica Díaz, Paula Troncoso, Ignacia Holmes and Ricardo Pertuzé Departamento de Producción Agrícola, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 1004 Santiago, Chile ...Pajaro grown in a nursery located in Los Angeles (VIII Region Chile). ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Aug 1, 2013
El artículo seleccionado no se encuentra disponible por ahora a texto completo por no haber sido ... more El artículo seleccionado no se encuentra disponible por ahora a texto completo por no haber sido facilitado todavía por el investigador a cargo del archivo del mismo.

Scientia Horticulturae, 2016
In the Chilean market there are hybrid varieties of radicchio (Cichorium intybus L.) with high yi... more In the Chilean market there are hybrid varieties of radicchio (Cichorium intybus L.) with high yield and homogeneity, where its main limitation is the high cost of the seed. The most important variety is 'Leonardo', which represents 90% of the market. Moreover, it is believed that there are open-pollinated varieties that could be used as an alternative to hybrids at lower cost. The study aim was to select openpollinated varieties with equal or better exportable yield than 'Leonardo', in order to establish bases on the recommendation of cultivars for the Chilean central area. Eleven varieties of radicchio were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with five replications. The trial was conducted in four locations of Chilean central area, during seasons 2007-2008. At each site, three planting dates were evaluated. The combination of locality × transplant date generated 12 environments. Exportable yield, head weight, percentage of sick plants, early flowering bolting and exportable color were evaluated. Combined analyzes of variance, stability, additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model (AMMI), sites regression analysis (SREG) and principal components were made. The exportable yield of the varieties ranged from 23.34 t ha −1 ('Leonardo') to 6.84 t ha −1 ('CH121'), and the environments ranged between 25.89 and 8.18 t ha −1. The analysis of the exportable yield variance showed significant G × E effect. The type of radicchio (Treviso or Chioggia) was the main cause of interaction for exportable yield. In terms of exportable yield, 'Ciro' (Chioggia) could be considered as a good alternative to 'Leonardo' in the mega environment formed by the three planting dates of Polpaico, Santo Domingo and Lampa, while 'Tullio' (Treviso) could be an alternative in the three planting dates of Padre Hurtado. 'Ciro' yield 18.7% less than 'Leonardo' (P < 0.05) but showed better stability than 'Leonardo'; and 'Tullio' yield 24% more than 'Leonardo' in the three planting dates of Padre Hurtado (P < 0.05). Exportable yield reduction is mainly due to diseases.

Acta horticulturae, May 1, 2012
Salinity is one of the main factors limiting plant growth, productivity and quality of crops, wit... more Salinity is one of the main factors limiting plant growth, productivity and quality of crops, with more than 20% of irrigated land affected by salt. This study was conducted to elucidate the effect of saline stress (NaCl) on growth and antioxidant enzyme activity in leaves of two tomato genotypes: wild (Solanum chilense Dun.) and cherry (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme). Both tomato species were grown in a greenhouse and irrigated with water at four levels of salinity: 0, 40, 80 and 160 mM NaCl, representing four different saline treatments. Plant growth (fresh weight of aerial biomass and height per plant) and xylem water potential ( x) were recorded simultaneously with leaf enzymatic activity. Leaves of wild and cherry tomato plants were analyzed for the enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX). Although cherry tomato plants showed an increment of fresh mass at relatively medium salinity treatments (40 and 80 mM), in general fresh mass was strongly reduced in both genotypes under severe saline stress (160 mM). However, fresh mass of wild tomato plants were more affected than cherry genotypes. Under saline stress conditions, x and water content (WC, %) were not significantly affected. Finally, the paper also shows preliminary results of the effect of salinity on the main antioxidant enzymatic activities in order to understand mechanisms of reactive oxygen species free radical detoxification within the plant.

Acta horticulturae, May 1, 2006
In strawberry production, the availability of high quality plants is one of the most important fa... more In strawberry production, the availability of high quality plants is one of the most important factors in obtaining good yields. Starting production with healthy plants that have bigger crown size, longer roots and higher starch concentration gives the grower a greater chance of high productivity. In order to improve quality factors and the number of commercial plants to be obtained from a 'Gariguette' nursery, three alternative ways of managing mother plants were analyzed. Treatments were applied when all the space between the mother plant rows was covered with runners, 4 months after planting. Mother plants were either eliminated, mother plant leaves were pruned, or control mother plants received no treatment. Crown diameter, root length, number and percent of commercial plants and starch concentration in the harvested plants were evaluated. Control plants produced significantly more noncommercial sized crowns (381 crowns), than the mother plant elimination treatment (307 crowns). No significant differences were detected among the number of commercial sized plants. The mother plant elimination treatment showed significantly higher starch content in the crowns (73.8 mg) than the control treatment (37.9 mg), but no significant differences were detected for crown diameter or root length.
Acta horticulturae, May 1, 2006

Genome, Dec 1, 2002
The wild nightshades Solanum lycopersicoides and Solanum sitiens are closely affiliated with the ... more The wild nightshades Solanum lycopersicoides and Solanum sitiens are closely affiliated with the tomatoes (Lycopersicon spp.). Intergeneric hybridization with cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is impeded by strong reproductive barriers including hybrid sterility and suppressed recombination. Conservation of genome structure between these nightshades and tomato was studied by construction of a genetic map from F2S. sitiens × S. lycopersicoides and comparison with existing maps of tomato. Owing to self-incompatibility of the F1, two hybrid plants were crossed to obtain a population of 82 F2individuals. Using 166 previously mapped RFLP markers and 5 restriction enzymes, 101 loci polymorphic in the S. sitiens × S. lycopersicoides population were identified. Analysis of linkage between the markers resulted in a map with 12 linkage groups covering 1192 cM and one unlinked marker. Recombination rates were similar to those observed in tomato; however, significant segregation distortion was observed for markers on 7 out of the 12 chromosomes. All chromosomes were colinear with the tomato map, except for chromosome 10, where a paracentric inversion on the long arm was detected. In this region, S. sitiens and S. lycopersicoides share the same chromosomal configuration previously reported for potato (S. tuberosum) and pepper (Capsicum), suggesting that of tomato is derived. The 10L inversion explains the lack of recombination detected among homeologous chromosomes of intergeneric hybrids in this region. On this basis, we recognize two principle genomes, designated L for the Lycopersicon spp., and S for S. lycopersicoides and S. sitiens, the first examples of structural differentiation between tomato and its cross-compatible wild relatives.Key words: tomato, Solanum lycopersicoides, Solanum sitiens, RFLPs, comparative linkage maps.
Acta horticulturae, Nov 1, 2020

International journal of agriculture and natural resources, Dec 1, 2020
A. Székács, and M. Altieri. 2020. Challenges for agroecology development for the building of sust... more A. Székács, and M. Altieri. 2020. Challenges for agroecology development for the building of sustainable agri-food systems. Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour. 152-158. Environmental and social crises in agriculture have led to growing recognition that more ecologically sustainable and socially just food and agricultural systems are needed. This thematic number of the International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources gathers the papers submitted by authors who were due to be speakers at the workshop "Challenges for agroecology development for the building of sustainable agri-food systems," 1 an OECD Cooperative Research Programme-sponsored conference. The aim of the workshop was to promote the transition from conventional agriculture towards agroecology as a science, practice and social movement through sharing the experiences of different OECD countries: Australia,

The processing industries demand concrete specifications from its providers, most quality factors... more The processing industries demand concrete specifications from its providers, most quality factors for processed Capsicum are related to the pericarp fruit thickness, total soluble solids, yield of fresh and dry fruit, color ripening, and total carotenoid. Characterizations of Capsicum germoplasnm properties are extremely valuable to the processing industry but also for Capsicum breeding program. 50 Capsicum annuum L. accessions, dark-brown (DB), red (R) and yellow (Y) fruit, were evaluated for industry traits (pericarp fruit thickness, total soluble solids, yield of fresh and dry fruit). Afterward, seven accessions were selected for further analysis in terms carotenoid accumulation and carotenoid biosynthetic gene expression. The different genotypes show genetic variation in fruits, in terms pericarp thickness, total soluble solids, yield of fresh and dry fruit. Among them, pericarp fruit thickness showed highest genetic variability (0.87 – 8.5mm), while total soluble solids showed ...

Acta Horticulturae, 2020
Cyclanthera pedata, was eaten by pre-Columbian cultures in South America. Nevertheless nowadays, ... more Cyclanthera pedata, was eaten by pre-Columbian cultures in South America. Nevertheless nowadays, this vegetable is not been intensively exploited, in most cases only small orchards or self-supply productions can be seen. In Chile is grown in Arica & Parinacota, Tarapaca and Atacama region only in small farms with little agronomic management. At same time, there is no detailed information about it. Two different trials were done to contribute with cultural improvements of the crop. Optimal range germination temperature was determined between 20 and 30°C, obtaining the best germination speed at 25°C, similar to other cucurbitaceous species like watermelon, cucumber or melon. On the other hand, under 45% shade net (blue-white stripes), plant density was determined to be best at 2×1 m instead to 2×2 m, either using horizontal wires and hand tutoring strings or using a 15×15 cm vertical plastic net for self tutoring. In order to evaluate the potential yield, PAR intercepted was measured at two stages. At the beginning of harvest no differences were detected between treatments, whereas, two month after harvest, plants at 2×1 m with plastic net got higher PAR interception than plants at 2×2 m with horizontal wires. In part due to the PAR interception results, number of fruit per ha was higher under 2×1 m, independently of the tutoring system, but keeping the same mean weight per fruit. Considering a period of two month of harvest, planting at 2×1 m is recommended, using plastic net because require less hand labor than horizontal wires.

V International Strawberry Symposium, 2006
Although strawberry production from South American countries as a whole accounts for only 5% of t... more Although strawberry production from South American countries as a whole accounts for only 5% of the 161,478 tons produced world wide, production in countries such as Brazil, Chile, and Argentina has increased significantly. The state of development of agricultural production in these countries currently is such that one can foresee an even stronger development in the next few years; this is an issue that should be taken into account by investors in the area. The growth in the production of the species not only increases the exports of frozen strawberries but also affects positively the domestic consumption in the respective countries. The following aspects are analyzed in relation to the main growers in the region: production, evolution of the cultivated area, productive regions, growth seasons, main varieties, and growing techniques, among others.
Papers by Ricardo Pertuzé