Papers by Reginaldo de Oliveira

Australian Journal of Crop Science, Apr 30, 2023
Corymbia citriodora has the potential to be used in the expansion of the forestry sector in Brazi... more Corymbia citriodora has the potential to be used in the expansion of the forestry sector in Brazil, as it presents greater tolerance to abiotic stresses than other commonly cultivated species. The plants are exposed to several stress events throughout their cycle that can compromise their growth and development. This study aimed to evaluate physiological, biochemical, and growth characteristics in C. citriodora plants grown under different irrigation regimes at different ages. Plants of C. citriodora grown in pots were submitted to five irrigation regimes (20, 35, 50, 65, and 80% of the maximum soil water retention capacity) for 105 days in a greenhouse. Plant growth, gas exchange, leaf water potential, chlorophyll, carotenoids, and proline contents, and lipid peroxidation by MDA content were evaluated at the end of this period. More restrictive irrigation regimes reduced seedling growth. Water availability affected physiological, biochemical, and morphological parameters. Water stress associated with plant growth increased stress levels.
A cronologia histórica de acordos e tratados bilaterais assinados pelos governos da República Fed... more A cronologia histórica de acordos e tratados bilaterais assinados pelos governos da República Federativa do Brasil e da República Cooperativa da Guiana registrou no ano de 1985 a convergência entre ambos os países para a assinatura de um acordo para a construção da ponte internacional sobre o rio Tacutu com o objetivo de estimular os vetores geoeconômicos entre o arco norte brasileiro e o caribe guianense.

Journal of Agricultural Science
Phytochromes have been reported as strategic photoreceptors that can modulate the partition of ph... more Phytochromes have been reported as strategic photoreceptors that can modulate the partition of photoassimilates between source and sink. However, so far, it is unknown whether phytochrome accumulation in the root is part of the control mechanisms of the source-sink relationship that modulates root and shoot growth. Thus, the objective of this work was to investigate phytochrome involvement in the source-sink relationship and in the vegetative and reproductive development of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom or MT). The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments, provided by grafting combinations between aurea (au), which is phytochrome deficient, and the near isogenic line MT: (MT/MT, au/au, MT/au and au/MT). We observed differentiated responses for many parameters analyzed. For example, the root dry mass accumulation and stern diameter obtained by MT/MT, MT/au and au/MT grafting were 33% and 31% higher, respectively, than those obtained by...

Plant Science, 2021
Although the blue light photoreceptors cryptochromes mediate the expression of genes related to r... more Although the blue light photoreceptors cryptochromes mediate the expression of genes related to reactive oxygen species, whether cryptochrome 1a (cry1a) regulates local and long-distance signaling of water deficit in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is unknown. Thus the cry1a tomato mutant and its wild-type (WT) were reciprocally grafted (WT/WT; cry1a/cry1a; WT/cry1a; cry1a/WT; as scion/rootstock) or grown on their own roots (WT and cry1a) under irrigated and water deficit conditions. Plant growth, pigmentation, oxidative stress, water relations, stomatal characteristics and leaf gas exchange were measured. WT and cry1a plants grew similarly under irrigated conditions, whereas cry1a plants had less root biomass and length and higher tissue malondialdehyde concentrations under water deficit. Despite greater oxidative stress, cry1a maintained chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations in drying soil. Lower stomatal density of cry1a likely increased its leaf relative water content (RWC). In grafted plants, scion genotype largely determined shoot and root biomass accumulation irrespective of water deficit. In chimeric plants grown in drying soil, cry1a rootstocks increased RWC while WT rootstocks maintained photosynthesis of cry1a scions. Manipulating tomato CRY1a may enhance plant drought tolerance by altering leaf pigmentation and gas exchange during soil drying via local and long-distance effects.

Acta Ortopédica Brasileira, 2006
As hérnias discais extremolaterais correspondem a 10% das hérnias discais sintomáticas, mais comu... more As hérnias discais extremolaterais correspondem a 10% das hérnias discais sintomáticas, mais comumente localizadas nos níveis L3-L4 e L4-L5. Por muitos anos, a abordagem cirúrgica das hérnias lombares foraminais e extraforaminais foi feita através de via de acesso posterior mediana com hemilaminectomia e facetectomia total ou parcial. Inúmeras foram as variações propostas para essa técnica a fim de se evitar a facetectomia e suas repercussões biomecânicas, que ocasionavam com certa freqüência o surgimento de dor lombar baixa devido à instabilidade vertebral criada. A abordagem cirúrgica dessa patologia pela via paramediana, entre os músculos multífido e longuíssimo (via de Wiltse), tem a vantagem de poupar o paciente de perdas ósseas e permitir uma visão mais oblíqua do neuro-foramen. Essa abordagem permite, com mínima mobilização da raiz de L4, acesso ao disco L4-L5 e eventuais herniações extra-foraminais do mesmo. Nosso objetivo é apresentar um estudo do trajeto extra-foraminal da...
Papers by Reginaldo de Oliveira