The recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a common disease of the oral mucosa, manifested by rec... more The recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a common disease of the oral mucosa, manifested by recurrent mucosal ulcers 1,2. The etiology of RAS is still unclear, but the predisposing factors include trauma, microbial infection, indigestion, blood disorders, emotional disorders (e.g., stress and worry), immunological disorders, nutritional deficiency, genetic disorders, allergy, and hormones (e.g., menstruation cycle) 3,4. The etiopathogenetic basis is an inflammation due to Streptococcus sanguinis; this organism is one of the normal flora in the oral cavity but can cause an antigenic reaction and recurrent ulcers on the oral mucosa. Immunological changes are an underlying etiology of the oral mucosa inflammation, and the tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) cytokines play a key role in ulcer progression of oral cavity 4,5. The primary strategy for RAS treatment is to control the inflammation, to suppress the inflammationassociated cells' activity, reducing the pain of the lesion, and accelerating the healing process 3. The most commonly used anti-inflammatory agents to treat oral cavity inflammations are topical corticosteroids 6,7. However, the Indonesian government is currently promoting the use of herbal medicines as alternative treatments
Dandang gendis is a herbal plant that is widely found in Asia. The plant has many benefits, in so... more Dandang gendis is a herbal plant that is widely found in Asia. The plant has many benefits, in some South Asia country they used as antidote for snake venom or bug bites. In dentistry, the plant has been developed to help the healing process of the mucosa in the oral cavity. The background of this Community Service (PkM) activity is the lack of knowledge of housewives regarding the importance of maintaining their family's oral health and herbal plants that can be used to maintain the health of the oral cavity. The purposes of this activity were to give information about oral health maintenance and introduce the utilization of dandang gendis leaves as a mouthwash solution for the family's oral health, especially in the Ancol area. This PkM activity is expected to help housewives in maintaining the health of their family's oral cavity by using dandang gendis plants. The implementation was carried out offline on 26 th March 2022 by giving lectures regarding the maintenance of oral health, introduction to dandang gendis and the use of dandang gendis leaves as a mouthwash solution, then the activity continued with discussion. The results showed that there is knowledge improvement based on the differences results of pre and post tests carried out.
The use of acrylic and composite resin in daily dental practice is an essential material. Both co... more The use of acrylic and composite resin in daily dental practice is an essential material. Both contain plastic particles and are released by several oral activities. To assess the effect of Toothbrushing activity, temperature, and pH changes of acrylic and composite resin microplastic release. The samples were designed in a particular size and divided into three groups allocated randomly, soaked with and without artificial saliva for the above activities. The total time for each treatment was designed for 120 hours. The identification of microplastic released after treatment used a 10 μg/mL working concentration of Nile red and weighed in grams. The result was analyzed using one-way ANOVA (P<0.05) and paired t-test. The study found that the acrylic and composite resin microplastics were identified differently in total artificial saliva after the treatment. The paired t-test showed significant differences for acrylic resin (p=0.015) in pH changes treatment and composite resin (p=0...
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the rarest cancers worldwide. In Indonesia, the inc... more Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the rarest cancers worldwide. In Indonesia, the incidence is less than five thousands per year, and the mortality rate is almost 50%. More than 50% patients with OSCC have lymph node metastasis; the proportion of occult metastasis is 24-42%. Those with lymph node metastatis have the worst possibility of survival. This study aimed to estimate the survival of OSCC patients with neck dissections. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 78 patients with OSCC who were treated in Dharmais National Cancer Hospital between 1 January 2003 and 31 January 2013. The three years survival rate post diagnosis, post neck dissection was calculated using Kaplan-Meier survival curves and statistically tested using a log-rank test. Cox proportional hazard models were applied to assess the prognostic significance of neck dissections. Of the total patients in this study (n=78), 53.8% of patients had surgery. Of patients who underwent surgery, 71.4% had a neck dissection surgery. These patients were in either early or advanced stages of cancer. Overall survival showed that patients who received neck dissections had better survival rates (58.2%) than patients who did not receive neck dissection (32.2%). Stratification at every stage of cancer (I, II, III, and IV) showed better survival in patients with neck dissections. The risk of patients without neck dissections is higher than patient with neck dissection to die, Hazard Ration(HR)=2.19 (CI95% 1.04-4.62, p=0.028). Adequate neck dissection surgery increases chances of survival in patients with OSCC.
Reaksi hipersensitivitas obat adalah kondisi patologis yang sering terjadi pada manusia dengan in... more Reaksi hipersensitivitas obat adalah kondisi patologis yang sering terjadi pada manusia dengan insidensi yang meningkat setiap tahunnya. Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SSJ) adalah salah satu istilah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh reaksi hipersensitivitas tubuh terhadap obat, bakteri, virus, dan bahan kimia. Salah satu obat yang secara luas dilaporkan memicu terjadinya SSJ adalah karbamazepin, obat sintetis yang umumnya digunakan oleh pasien gangguan saraf dan kejiwaan. Dua kasus SSJ karena penggunaan karbamazepin dilaporkan dengan manifestasi klinis yang hampir sama, hanya berbeda dalam derajat keparahan dan patogenesis munculnya manifestasi akibat reaksi hipersensitivitas obat yang dikonsumsi. Perawatan komprehensif bersifat multi-disiplin melibatkan Bagian Kulit Kelamin, Saraf, Penyakit Dalam, Penyakit Mulut dan Ahli Jiwa memberikan kemajuan penyembuhan pada penderita. Menjaga kebersihan mulut, penggunaan obat kumur prednison dan krim topikal acetonid floucinolon untuk bibir memberikan ...
Until now, treatment for oral mucositis related to radio or chemotherapy has not been adequate. M... more Until now, treatment for oral mucositis related to radio or chemotherapy has not been adequate. Many studies present a different approach to this treatment. This systematic review will describe what is most common type of therapy for oral mucositis. Also, the dose and duration of each regimen will be collected. If available, the data will be analyzed in meta for which therapy is the most effective for oral mucositis.
ABDI MOESTOPO: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2022
Kanker mulut merupakan salah satu keganasan dengan morbiditas yang tinggi dan tingkat kelangsunga... more Kanker mulut merupakan salah satu keganasan dengan morbiditas yang tinggi dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup yang buruk. Jumlahnya masih meningkat di semua negara termasuk Indonesia. Kanker mulut merupakan keganasan yang dapat dicegah dengan melihat gejala klinis yang dikenal sebagai pra-kanker. Deteksi dini adalah salah satu solusinya. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan secara daring dilakukan pada komunitas penyintas kanker Love and Healthy Tangerang untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kanker mulut. Informasi tentang pengenalan gejala klinis dini kanker mulut, faktor risiko, pemeriksa mulut sendiri (SAMURI), dan cara menjaga kesehatan rongga mulut diberikan kepada 50 peserta selama 3 jam. Semua peserta adalah perempuan dengan rentang usia 32-64 tahun. Pelatihan dievaluasi dengan melakukan pre-test dan post-test. Terdapat peningkatan nilai rata-rata pre-test 66,38 + 1,73 dan post-test 80,43 + 1,77, dan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada tingkat pengetahuan pada responden sebel...
Abstract: The main transmission medium of Covid-19 is aerosol from nose and oral cavity when coug... more Abstract: The main transmission medium of Covid-19 is aerosol from nose and oral cavity when coughing, sneezing, and speaking. Due to the vast transmission of the virus, the Indonesian government has established various health protocols to reduce the impact of the disease. Until now, the high number of confirmed COVID-19 patients in Jakarta is suspected as a result of lack of knowledge and perception. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between knowledge, perception, and attitudes of COVID-19 transmission in dentistry in JABODETABEK Jakarta. This was an analytical and observational study with a cross-sectional design using online questionnaire containing 50 questions. This study was conducted on 572 subjects. The validity of the questionnaire was analyzed by using the Rasch model and the linear regression between variables and mediation analysis. The results obtained that the questionnaire showed a Cronbach alpha of 0.82 and item reliability of 1.00 with a separation ...
ABDI MOESTOPO: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2022
Indonesia merupakan negara yang amat kaya akan bahan alam yang penuh manfaat bagi kesehatan. Sala... more Indonesia merupakan negara yang amat kaya akan bahan alam yang penuh manfaat bagi kesehatan. Salah satu tanaman yang diketahui memiliki banyak manfaat adalah daun serai karena kandungan minyak atsiri di dalamnya. Diketahui bahwa salah satu bagiannya, yaitu bagian atas (daun) sering tidak terpakai dan menjadi limbah, padahal hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bagian tersebut tidak bersifat toksik dan mengandung anti oksidan tinggi, memiliki daya hambat berbagai mikroba dan jamur. Pelatihan pemanfaat limbah serai sebagai obat kumur dan hand sanitizer dilakukan pada 25 orang di Yayasan Adz Zikra Jakarta Timur yang terdiri dari anak yatim dan ibu-ibu janda untuk dapat meningkatkan perekonomian komunitas tersebut. Pelatihan secara langsung diberikan oleh 5 pemateri yang mencakup latar belakang pemilihan limbah serai, manfaat, teknis pembuatan obat kumur dan hand sanitizer, pengemasan, monitoring dan evaluasi produk serta tinjauan pemberdayaan ekonomi. Antusiasme peserta tampak sangat bai...
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 2022
Objective Oral cancer is amenable to early detection but remains a prominent cause of mortality i... more Objective Oral cancer is amenable to early detection but remains a prominent cause of mortality in the Asia Pacific region. This study aimed to identify barriers to early detection and management of oral cancer in the Asia Pacific region. Methods A mixed-methods approach was employed triangulating findings from a survey and focus groups. The survey was conducted among seven representative members of the Asia Pacific Oral Cancer Network (APOCNET) across six countries. Focus groups were conducted to gain deeper insights into the findings of the survey. Results The identified barriers were a lack of national cancer control strategies and cancer registries and the limited availability of trained health care professionals. Overcoming these challenges in the Asia Pacific region where resources are scarce will require collaborative partnerships in data collection and novel approaches for continuous professional training including eLearning. Further, to overcome the lack of trained health c...
Oral cancer is a major health issue among low-and middleincome countries due to the late diagnosi... more Oral cancer is a major health issue among low-and middleincome countries due to the late diagnosis. Automated algorithms and tools have the potential to identify oral lesions for early detection of oral cancer. In this paper, we aim to develop a novel deep learning framework named D'OraCa to classify oral lesions using photographic images. We are the first to develop a mouth landmark detection model for the oral images and incorporate it into the oral lesion classification model as a guidance to improve the classification accuracy. We evaluate the performance of five different deep convolutional neural networks and Mo-bileNetV2 was chosen as the feature extractor for our proposed mouth 2 J.H. Lim et al. landmark detection model. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate the effectiveness of the mouth landmark detection model in guiding the classification model to classify the oral lesions into four different referral decision classes. We train our proposed mouth landmark model on a combination of five datasets, containing 221,565 images. Then, we train and evaluate our proposed classification model with mouth landmark guidance using 2,455 oral images. The results are consistent with clinicians and the F1 score of the classification model is improved to 61.68%.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected health care systems around the world. Dentistry is... more Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected health care systems around the world. Dentistry is one of the most closely related to the production of aerosols or droplets. Minimal visits to a dental clinic or hospital are highly recommended except in emergency cases. The government's recommendation is the use of teledentistry to conduct diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of diseases. The oral medicine field is fully in charge of this activity and until now it has never been studied how the characteristics of oral medicine patients who use teledentistry services including their level of satisfaction. Method: To describe the characteristic including the level of satisfaction of Oral Medicine patients using teledentistry in Dental Hospital Usakti during pandemic COVID-19. An observational cross-sectional study was conducted in the Oral Medicine Clinic in 31 patients who used teledentistry services at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic under informed consent. Validated modifi...
The oral medicine field of dentistry comprises learning to diagnose oral soft tissue disease and ... more The oral medicine field of dentistry comprises learning to diagnose oral soft tissue disease and is taught from the third year of dental school. Despite long-term learning on oral medicine, there are no data on the clinical accuracy of oral mucosal lesion (OML) diagnosis by clinical dental students (CDS). Purpose: to evaluate the effectiveness of oral medicine lectures prior to community service in Tanjung Pandan, Indonesia. Methods: An observational study was done by 60 CDS, divided into 3 groups, who were tested and/or given prior lectures. OML detection was performed by CDS and re-confirmed by an oral medicine specialist. The analyses were done by t-test, ANOVA, and Cohen’s Kappa. The results: Out of 615 patients, only 243 patients had OML. There was a significant difference in test scores found between groups with or without prior lectures(P=.026; P=.015). The accuracy and inter-agreement of OML detection was good with substantial agreement (AUC=.825; κ=.629); however, there was...
Purpose To establish an oral lesion image database that could accelerate the development of artif... more Purpose To establish an oral lesion image database that could accelerate the development of artificial intelligence systems for lesion recognition and referral decision. Materials and Methods We describe the establishment of a multi-sourced image dataset through the development of a platform for the collection and annotation of images. Further, we developed a used-friendly tool (MeMoSA® ANNOTATE) for systematic annotation to collect a rich dataset associated with the images. We evaluated the sensitivities comparing referral decisions through the annotation process with the clinical diagnosis of the lesions to identify lesions that are challenging to identify through images alone. Results The image repository hosts 2474 images of oral lesions consisting of oral cancer, oral potentially malignant disorders, benign lesions, normal anatomical variants and normal mucosa that were collected through our platform, MeMoSA® UPLOAD. Over 800 images were annotated by seven oral medicine special...
Objectives: The objective of the study were to determine if there was any (bisphenol A) BPA relea... more Objectives: The objective of the study were to determine if there was any (bisphenol A) BPA release from three adhesive brands, to determine the differences of BPA release between three adhesive brands, to determine the genotoxicity from three adhesive brands, and to determine the correlation of BPA release and genotoxicity. Methods: Three branded adhesives materials were polimerized in mold and immersed in pH 7 and 4 artificial saliva from 24 to 720 hours. The artificial saliva was tested with spectrophotometry test to see BPA release at 24, 240, 480, and 720 hours, then freeze dried to get solid extract. Combination of the extract and lymphocite culture (male and female) then tested with in vitro cytokinesis-block micronucleus (MN) assay to see genotoxicity level of three adhesives at 24, 240, 480, and 720 hours as well. Results: The BPA release occured at 720 hours by Adhesive 1: 0.013μg/L; Adhesive 2: 0.11μg/L; Adhesive 3: 0.036μg/L. There was a statistically significant difference between BPA release with time (F = 505.98; p=0.00) and brands (F = 147.65; p = 0.00). Time and BPA release interaction also showed a statistically significant difference (F=13.35; p=0.00). Genotoxicity can be seen at 720 hours on Flowtain LV sample (MN frequency: male: 0.044; female: 0.053). Conclusion: The number of BPA release of all brand can be seen from the first 24 hours, and were increasing from 24 to 720 hours. Genotoxicity can be seen from one of the adhesive brand at 720 hours.There was correlation between BPA leaching and micronucleus frequency.
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
to investigate genetic polymorphisms in GSTM1, GSTT1 and CYP1A1 and the association with the risk... more to investigate genetic polymorphisms in GSTM1, GSTT1 and CYP1A1 and the association with the risk of oral cancer in the Jakarta population. A total of 81 cases and 162 controls matched for age and sex were selected from 5 hospitals in Jakarta. Sociodemographic data using questionnaires were obtained and peripheral blood samples were collected with informed consent for PCR-RFLP assay. Conditional logistic regression analysis was performed to obtain the association between the risk of oral cancer and GSTM1, GSTT1 and CYP1A1 polymorphisms. GSTM1 and GSTT1 null were slightly overrepresented among cases (60.5% and 45.7% respectively) compared to controls (55.6% and 41.4% respectively), but no statistically significant differences were observed. In contrast, the distribution of CYP1A1 polymorphism was higher among controls compared to cases (52.5 % versus 42.4 %). The odds ratio of null GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes was slightly higher compared to wild type genotypes (OR 1.19, 95% CI 0.70-2.0...
A matched case-control, hospital-based study of oral cancer was conducted in Jakarta population. ... more A matched case-control, hospital-based study of oral cancer was conducted in Jakarta population. The sample included 81 cases and 162 controls. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between dietary pattern and oral cancer in a Jakarta population using factor analysis. Dietary data were collected using food frequency questionnaire and factor analysis was performed on 15 food groups resulting in four principle factors/components being retained. The first factor "preferred" was characterized by fast food, fermented food, canned food, snacks high in fat and sugar, cooked and raw vegetables, and seafood. The second factor labeled "combination" was loaded by the intake of dairy product, red meat, white meat and fruits. The third factor labeled "chemical related was loaded by processed food and monosodium glutamate and the fourth principle component consisted of drinks and grain was labeled as "traditional". The conditional logistic regression was done using STATA 8 to obtain the odds ratio (OR) of highest tertile of each component retained from factor analysis and the ORs were then adjusted with risk habits. The consumption the highest tertile of the "preferred" pattern increased the risk of oral cancer by two-times compared to the lowest tertile of consumption [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 2.17; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.05-4.50]. The chemical related" pattern showed higher risk of about threefold (aOR = 2.56; 95% CI = 1.18-5.54), while the "traditional" pattern showed an increased of risk by twofold (aOR = 2.04; 95% CI = 1.01-4.41). In contrast, the "combination" pattern displayed protective effects in relation to oral cancer (aOR = 0.50; 95% CI = 0.24-1.00). This finding suggests that factor analysis may be useful to determine the diet pattern of a big set of food type and establish the correlation with oral cancer.
The recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a common disease of the oral mucosa, manifested by rec... more The recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a common disease of the oral mucosa, manifested by recurrent mucosal ulcers 1,2. The etiology of RAS is still unclear, but the predisposing factors include trauma, microbial infection, indigestion, blood disorders, emotional disorders (e.g., stress and worry), immunological disorders, nutritional deficiency, genetic disorders, allergy, and hormones (e.g., menstruation cycle) 3,4. The etiopathogenetic basis is an inflammation due to Streptococcus sanguinis; this organism is one of the normal flora in the oral cavity but can cause an antigenic reaction and recurrent ulcers on the oral mucosa. Immunological changes are an underlying etiology of the oral mucosa inflammation, and the tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) cytokines play a key role in ulcer progression of oral cavity 4,5. The primary strategy for RAS treatment is to control the inflammation, to suppress the inflammationassociated cells' activity, reducing the pain of the lesion, and accelerating the healing process 3. The most commonly used anti-inflammatory agents to treat oral cavity inflammations are topical corticosteroids 6,7. However, the Indonesian government is currently promoting the use of herbal medicines as alternative treatments
Dandang gendis is a herbal plant that is widely found in Asia. The plant has many benefits, in so... more Dandang gendis is a herbal plant that is widely found in Asia. The plant has many benefits, in some South Asia country they used as antidote for snake venom or bug bites. In dentistry, the plant has been developed to help the healing process of the mucosa in the oral cavity. The background of this Community Service (PkM) activity is the lack of knowledge of housewives regarding the importance of maintaining their family's oral health and herbal plants that can be used to maintain the health of the oral cavity. The purposes of this activity were to give information about oral health maintenance and introduce the utilization of dandang gendis leaves as a mouthwash solution for the family's oral health, especially in the Ancol area. This PkM activity is expected to help housewives in maintaining the health of their family's oral cavity by using dandang gendis plants. The implementation was carried out offline on 26 th March 2022 by giving lectures regarding the maintenance of oral health, introduction to dandang gendis and the use of dandang gendis leaves as a mouthwash solution, then the activity continued with discussion. The results showed that there is knowledge improvement based on the differences results of pre and post tests carried out.
The use of acrylic and composite resin in daily dental practice is an essential material. Both co... more The use of acrylic and composite resin in daily dental practice is an essential material. Both contain plastic particles and are released by several oral activities. To assess the effect of Toothbrushing activity, temperature, and pH changes of acrylic and composite resin microplastic release. The samples were designed in a particular size and divided into three groups allocated randomly, soaked with and without artificial saliva for the above activities. The total time for each treatment was designed for 120 hours. The identification of microplastic released after treatment used a 10 μg/mL working concentration of Nile red and weighed in grams. The result was analyzed using one-way ANOVA (P<0.05) and paired t-test. The study found that the acrylic and composite resin microplastics were identified differently in total artificial saliva after the treatment. The paired t-test showed significant differences for acrylic resin (p=0.015) in pH changes treatment and composite resin (p=0...
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the rarest cancers worldwide. In Indonesia, the inc... more Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the rarest cancers worldwide. In Indonesia, the incidence is less than five thousands per year, and the mortality rate is almost 50%. More than 50% patients with OSCC have lymph node metastasis; the proportion of occult metastasis is 24-42%. Those with lymph node metastatis have the worst possibility of survival. This study aimed to estimate the survival of OSCC patients with neck dissections. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 78 patients with OSCC who were treated in Dharmais National Cancer Hospital between 1 January 2003 and 31 January 2013. The three years survival rate post diagnosis, post neck dissection was calculated using Kaplan-Meier survival curves and statistically tested using a log-rank test. Cox proportional hazard models were applied to assess the prognostic significance of neck dissections. Of the total patients in this study (n=78), 53.8% of patients had surgery. Of patients who underwent surgery, 71.4% had a neck dissection surgery. These patients were in either early or advanced stages of cancer. Overall survival showed that patients who received neck dissections had better survival rates (58.2%) than patients who did not receive neck dissection (32.2%). Stratification at every stage of cancer (I, II, III, and IV) showed better survival in patients with neck dissections. The risk of patients without neck dissections is higher than patient with neck dissection to die, Hazard Ration(HR)=2.19 (CI95% 1.04-4.62, p=0.028). Adequate neck dissection surgery increases chances of survival in patients with OSCC.
Reaksi hipersensitivitas obat adalah kondisi patologis yang sering terjadi pada manusia dengan in... more Reaksi hipersensitivitas obat adalah kondisi patologis yang sering terjadi pada manusia dengan insidensi yang meningkat setiap tahunnya. Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SSJ) adalah salah satu istilah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh reaksi hipersensitivitas tubuh terhadap obat, bakteri, virus, dan bahan kimia. Salah satu obat yang secara luas dilaporkan memicu terjadinya SSJ adalah karbamazepin, obat sintetis yang umumnya digunakan oleh pasien gangguan saraf dan kejiwaan. Dua kasus SSJ karena penggunaan karbamazepin dilaporkan dengan manifestasi klinis yang hampir sama, hanya berbeda dalam derajat keparahan dan patogenesis munculnya manifestasi akibat reaksi hipersensitivitas obat yang dikonsumsi. Perawatan komprehensif bersifat multi-disiplin melibatkan Bagian Kulit Kelamin, Saraf, Penyakit Dalam, Penyakit Mulut dan Ahli Jiwa memberikan kemajuan penyembuhan pada penderita. Menjaga kebersihan mulut, penggunaan obat kumur prednison dan krim topikal acetonid floucinolon untuk bibir memberikan ...
Until now, treatment for oral mucositis related to radio or chemotherapy has not been adequate. M... more Until now, treatment for oral mucositis related to radio or chemotherapy has not been adequate. Many studies present a different approach to this treatment. This systematic review will describe what is most common type of therapy for oral mucositis. Also, the dose and duration of each regimen will be collected. If available, the data will be analyzed in meta for which therapy is the most effective for oral mucositis.
ABDI MOESTOPO: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2022
Kanker mulut merupakan salah satu keganasan dengan morbiditas yang tinggi dan tingkat kelangsunga... more Kanker mulut merupakan salah satu keganasan dengan morbiditas yang tinggi dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup yang buruk. Jumlahnya masih meningkat di semua negara termasuk Indonesia. Kanker mulut merupakan keganasan yang dapat dicegah dengan melihat gejala klinis yang dikenal sebagai pra-kanker. Deteksi dini adalah salah satu solusinya. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan secara daring dilakukan pada komunitas penyintas kanker Love and Healthy Tangerang untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kanker mulut. Informasi tentang pengenalan gejala klinis dini kanker mulut, faktor risiko, pemeriksa mulut sendiri (SAMURI), dan cara menjaga kesehatan rongga mulut diberikan kepada 50 peserta selama 3 jam. Semua peserta adalah perempuan dengan rentang usia 32-64 tahun. Pelatihan dievaluasi dengan melakukan pre-test dan post-test. Terdapat peningkatan nilai rata-rata pre-test 66,38 + 1,73 dan post-test 80,43 + 1,77, dan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada tingkat pengetahuan pada responden sebel...
Abstract: The main transmission medium of Covid-19 is aerosol from nose and oral cavity when coug... more Abstract: The main transmission medium of Covid-19 is aerosol from nose and oral cavity when coughing, sneezing, and speaking. Due to the vast transmission of the virus, the Indonesian government has established various health protocols to reduce the impact of the disease. Until now, the high number of confirmed COVID-19 patients in Jakarta is suspected as a result of lack of knowledge and perception. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between knowledge, perception, and attitudes of COVID-19 transmission in dentistry in JABODETABEK Jakarta. This was an analytical and observational study with a cross-sectional design using online questionnaire containing 50 questions. This study was conducted on 572 subjects. The validity of the questionnaire was analyzed by using the Rasch model and the linear regression between variables and mediation analysis. The results obtained that the questionnaire showed a Cronbach alpha of 0.82 and item reliability of 1.00 with a separation ...
ABDI MOESTOPO: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2022
Indonesia merupakan negara yang amat kaya akan bahan alam yang penuh manfaat bagi kesehatan. Sala... more Indonesia merupakan negara yang amat kaya akan bahan alam yang penuh manfaat bagi kesehatan. Salah satu tanaman yang diketahui memiliki banyak manfaat adalah daun serai karena kandungan minyak atsiri di dalamnya. Diketahui bahwa salah satu bagiannya, yaitu bagian atas (daun) sering tidak terpakai dan menjadi limbah, padahal hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bagian tersebut tidak bersifat toksik dan mengandung anti oksidan tinggi, memiliki daya hambat berbagai mikroba dan jamur. Pelatihan pemanfaat limbah serai sebagai obat kumur dan hand sanitizer dilakukan pada 25 orang di Yayasan Adz Zikra Jakarta Timur yang terdiri dari anak yatim dan ibu-ibu janda untuk dapat meningkatkan perekonomian komunitas tersebut. Pelatihan secara langsung diberikan oleh 5 pemateri yang mencakup latar belakang pemilihan limbah serai, manfaat, teknis pembuatan obat kumur dan hand sanitizer, pengemasan, monitoring dan evaluasi produk serta tinjauan pemberdayaan ekonomi. Antusiasme peserta tampak sangat bai...
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 2022
Objective Oral cancer is amenable to early detection but remains a prominent cause of mortality i... more Objective Oral cancer is amenable to early detection but remains a prominent cause of mortality in the Asia Pacific region. This study aimed to identify barriers to early detection and management of oral cancer in the Asia Pacific region. Methods A mixed-methods approach was employed triangulating findings from a survey and focus groups. The survey was conducted among seven representative members of the Asia Pacific Oral Cancer Network (APOCNET) across six countries. Focus groups were conducted to gain deeper insights into the findings of the survey. Results The identified barriers were a lack of national cancer control strategies and cancer registries and the limited availability of trained health care professionals. Overcoming these challenges in the Asia Pacific region where resources are scarce will require collaborative partnerships in data collection and novel approaches for continuous professional training including eLearning. Further, to overcome the lack of trained health c...
Oral cancer is a major health issue among low-and middleincome countries due to the late diagnosi... more Oral cancer is a major health issue among low-and middleincome countries due to the late diagnosis. Automated algorithms and tools have the potential to identify oral lesions for early detection of oral cancer. In this paper, we aim to develop a novel deep learning framework named D'OraCa to classify oral lesions using photographic images. We are the first to develop a mouth landmark detection model for the oral images and incorporate it into the oral lesion classification model as a guidance to improve the classification accuracy. We evaluate the performance of five different deep convolutional neural networks and Mo-bileNetV2 was chosen as the feature extractor for our proposed mouth 2 J.H. Lim et al. landmark detection model. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate the effectiveness of the mouth landmark detection model in guiding the classification model to classify the oral lesions into four different referral decision classes. We train our proposed mouth landmark model on a combination of five datasets, containing 221,565 images. Then, we train and evaluate our proposed classification model with mouth landmark guidance using 2,455 oral images. The results are consistent with clinicians and the F1 score of the classification model is improved to 61.68%.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected health care systems around the world. Dentistry is... more Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected health care systems around the world. Dentistry is one of the most closely related to the production of aerosols or droplets. Minimal visits to a dental clinic or hospital are highly recommended except in emergency cases. The government's recommendation is the use of teledentistry to conduct diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of diseases. The oral medicine field is fully in charge of this activity and until now it has never been studied how the characteristics of oral medicine patients who use teledentistry services including their level of satisfaction. Method: To describe the characteristic including the level of satisfaction of Oral Medicine patients using teledentistry in Dental Hospital Usakti during pandemic COVID-19. An observational cross-sectional study was conducted in the Oral Medicine Clinic in 31 patients who used teledentistry services at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic under informed consent. Validated modifi...
The oral medicine field of dentistry comprises learning to diagnose oral soft tissue disease and ... more The oral medicine field of dentistry comprises learning to diagnose oral soft tissue disease and is taught from the third year of dental school. Despite long-term learning on oral medicine, there are no data on the clinical accuracy of oral mucosal lesion (OML) diagnosis by clinical dental students (CDS). Purpose: to evaluate the effectiveness of oral medicine lectures prior to community service in Tanjung Pandan, Indonesia. Methods: An observational study was done by 60 CDS, divided into 3 groups, who were tested and/or given prior lectures. OML detection was performed by CDS and re-confirmed by an oral medicine specialist. The analyses were done by t-test, ANOVA, and Cohen’s Kappa. The results: Out of 615 patients, only 243 patients had OML. There was a significant difference in test scores found between groups with or without prior lectures(P=.026; P=.015). The accuracy and inter-agreement of OML detection was good with substantial agreement (AUC=.825; κ=.629); however, there was...
Purpose To establish an oral lesion image database that could accelerate the development of artif... more Purpose To establish an oral lesion image database that could accelerate the development of artificial intelligence systems for lesion recognition and referral decision. Materials and Methods We describe the establishment of a multi-sourced image dataset through the development of a platform for the collection and annotation of images. Further, we developed a used-friendly tool (MeMoSA® ANNOTATE) for systematic annotation to collect a rich dataset associated with the images. We evaluated the sensitivities comparing referral decisions through the annotation process with the clinical diagnosis of the lesions to identify lesions that are challenging to identify through images alone. Results The image repository hosts 2474 images of oral lesions consisting of oral cancer, oral potentially malignant disorders, benign lesions, normal anatomical variants and normal mucosa that were collected through our platform, MeMoSA® UPLOAD. Over 800 images were annotated by seven oral medicine special...
Objectives: The objective of the study were to determine if there was any (bisphenol A) BPA relea... more Objectives: The objective of the study were to determine if there was any (bisphenol A) BPA release from three adhesive brands, to determine the differences of BPA release between three adhesive brands, to determine the genotoxicity from three adhesive brands, and to determine the correlation of BPA release and genotoxicity. Methods: Three branded adhesives materials were polimerized in mold and immersed in pH 7 and 4 artificial saliva from 24 to 720 hours. The artificial saliva was tested with spectrophotometry test to see BPA release at 24, 240, 480, and 720 hours, then freeze dried to get solid extract. Combination of the extract and lymphocite culture (male and female) then tested with in vitro cytokinesis-block micronucleus (MN) assay to see genotoxicity level of three adhesives at 24, 240, 480, and 720 hours as well. Results: The BPA release occured at 720 hours by Adhesive 1: 0.013μg/L; Adhesive 2: 0.11μg/L; Adhesive 3: 0.036μg/L. There was a statistically significant difference between BPA release with time (F = 505.98; p=0.00) and brands (F = 147.65; p = 0.00). Time and BPA release interaction also showed a statistically significant difference (F=13.35; p=0.00). Genotoxicity can be seen at 720 hours on Flowtain LV sample (MN frequency: male: 0.044; female: 0.053). Conclusion: The number of BPA release of all brand can be seen from the first 24 hours, and were increasing from 24 to 720 hours. Genotoxicity can be seen from one of the adhesive brand at 720 hours.There was correlation between BPA leaching and micronucleus frequency.
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
to investigate genetic polymorphisms in GSTM1, GSTT1 and CYP1A1 and the association with the risk... more to investigate genetic polymorphisms in GSTM1, GSTT1 and CYP1A1 and the association with the risk of oral cancer in the Jakarta population. A total of 81 cases and 162 controls matched for age and sex were selected from 5 hospitals in Jakarta. Sociodemographic data using questionnaires were obtained and peripheral blood samples were collected with informed consent for PCR-RFLP assay. Conditional logistic regression analysis was performed to obtain the association between the risk of oral cancer and GSTM1, GSTT1 and CYP1A1 polymorphisms. GSTM1 and GSTT1 null were slightly overrepresented among cases (60.5% and 45.7% respectively) compared to controls (55.6% and 41.4% respectively), but no statistically significant differences were observed. In contrast, the distribution of CYP1A1 polymorphism was higher among controls compared to cases (52.5 % versus 42.4 %). The odds ratio of null GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes was slightly higher compared to wild type genotypes (OR 1.19, 95% CI 0.70-2.0...
A matched case-control, hospital-based study of oral cancer was conducted in Jakarta population. ... more A matched case-control, hospital-based study of oral cancer was conducted in Jakarta population. The sample included 81 cases and 162 controls. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between dietary pattern and oral cancer in a Jakarta population using factor analysis. Dietary data were collected using food frequency questionnaire and factor analysis was performed on 15 food groups resulting in four principle factors/components being retained. The first factor "preferred" was characterized by fast food, fermented food, canned food, snacks high in fat and sugar, cooked and raw vegetables, and seafood. The second factor labeled "combination" was loaded by the intake of dairy product, red meat, white meat and fruits. The third factor labeled "chemical related was loaded by processed food and monosodium glutamate and the fourth principle component consisted of drinks and grain was labeled as "traditional". The conditional logistic regression was done using STATA 8 to obtain the odds ratio (OR) of highest tertile of each component retained from factor analysis and the ORs were then adjusted with risk habits. The consumption the highest tertile of the "preferred" pattern increased the risk of oral cancer by two-times compared to the lowest tertile of consumption [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 2.17; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.05-4.50]. The chemical related" pattern showed higher risk of about threefold (aOR = 2.56; 95% CI = 1.18-5.54), while the "traditional" pattern showed an increased of risk by twofold (aOR = 2.04; 95% CI = 1.01-4.41). In contrast, the "combination" pattern displayed protective effects in relation to oral cancer (aOR = 0.50; 95% CI = 0.24-1.00). This finding suggests that factor analysis may be useful to determine the diet pattern of a big set of food type and establish the correlation with oral cancer.
Papers by Rahmi Amtha