Papers by Robert Witkowicz

Weed control during common buckwheat cultivation is hindered by the crop’s high sensitivity to ag... more Weed control during common buckwheat cultivation is hindered by the crop’s high sensitivity to agrochemicals. This study evaluates whether biostimulants (Asahi SL, Kelpak SL, B-Nine) could reduce the adverse effect of abiotic stress caused by these substances on buckwheat’s vegetation indices and yield. To this end, a four-factor field experiment was performed according to the 3 4−1 Box–Behnken design on chernozem soil with silt texture at the Experimental Station of the Agricultural University of Krakow (Poland, 50°07′ N, 20°04′ E). The results showed that calcium cyanamide fertilization was effective in reducing the abundance of dicotyledonous weeds by 39% and the dry weight of weeds per unit area by 20% relative to ammonium nitrate-fertilized sites. However, the most effective method of weed control was the application of metazachlor together with clomazone. The mixture of these active substances reduced the abundance of monocotyledonous weeds, dicotyledonous weeds, and dry weigh...

Applied Sciences
The aim of the study was to provide an analytical evaluation of the proximate composition, the to... more The aim of the study was to provide an analytical evaluation of the proximate composition, the total content of polyphenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity, of 27 selected plant materials collected in Poland (West Pomeranian). The basic chemical composition was determined in the ground samples according to the Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods. Antioxidant activity was tested using free radical methods ABTS•+, DPPH•+ and the FRAP method. The lowest concentration of dry matter (DM) was measured in black chokeberry (88.82 g/100 g) and the highest was found in milk thistle (94.65 g/100 g) as well as black cumin (95.09 g/100 g). The content of total polyphenols, assessed using the Folin–Ciocalteu method, ranged from 291.832–7565.426 mg of chlorogenic acid equivalent (CGA)/100 g of DM. Antioxidant activity measured sequentially against the radical ABTS•+, DPPH•+ and using the FRAP method was 26.334–1912.016 µM Trolox/g DM, 9.475–1061.068 µM Trolox/g DM and 26.25...
Fragmenta Agronomica, 2018
Fragmenta Agronomica, 2018

Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 2021
ABSTRACT Microbial soil additives and plant biostimulants contain substances and microorganisms t... more ABSTRACT Microbial soil additives and plant biostimulants contain substances and microorganisms that can enhance stress tolerance in plants and increase the yield and quality of the crop. The interest in such inputs for sustainable and agroecological farming systems has led to the development of a range of products. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of some microbial soil additives (MSADs), plant growth promoters (PGPs) and biological control agents (BCAs) on photosynthetic efficiency, canopy vegetation indices and yield of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench), an under-utilised nutraceutical crop. The study showed that soaking the seeds in the BCAs Pythium oligandrum and Bacillus subtilis, on their own, had significant effects on the yield of the buckwheat. Increases in chlorophyll a fluorescence indices were observed in plants grown from seeds soaked in a solution containing P. oligandrum (ET0/RC) and also in soil treated with the MSAD UG Max (ABS/RC, TR0/RC). Treatment with either of the two MSADs also increased the normalised differential vegetation index (NDVI). Soaking the seeds in PGPs combined with BCAs affected only the chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, whereas the combined treatment of spraying the plants with PGPs and treating the soil with MSADs affected not only the chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters (FV/FM, ET0/RC, DI0/RC), but also indicated a tendency for a decrease in the leaf area index (LAI) (p = 0.058) and the NDVI (p = 0.186). The correlations between grain yield, chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters and vegetation indices of the canopy were discussed.

Antioxidants, 2020
The study analyzes the influence of plant growth promoters and biological control agents on the c... more The study analyzes the influence of plant growth promoters and biological control agents on the chemical composition and antioxidant activity (AA) in the sprouts of buckwheat. The AA of cv. Kora sprouts was higher than cv. Panda, with 110.0 µM Fe2+/g (FRAP—Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power), 52.94 µM TRX (Trolox)/g (DPPH—1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl), 182.7 µM AAE (Ascorbic Acid Equivalent)/g (Photochemiluminescence—PCL—ACW—Water-Soluble Antioxidant Capacity) and 1.250 µM TRX/g (PCL—ACL—Lipid-Soluble Antioxidant Capacity). The highest AA was found in the sprouts grown from seeds soaked in Ecklonia maxima extract and Pythium oligandrum (121.31 µM Fe2+/g (FRAP), 56.33 µM TRX/g (DPPH), 195.6 µM AAE/g (PCL—ACW) and 1.568 µM TRX/g (PCL—ACL). These values show that the antioxidant potential of buckwheat sprouts is essentially due to the predominant hydrophilic fraction of antioxidants. The AA of the sprouts was strongly correlated with total polyphenol content.

Molecules, 2020
The aims of the present work are to estimate the nutritional value and to evaluate and compare th... more The aims of the present work are to estimate the nutritional value and to evaluate and compare the levels of macroelements (Ca, P, K, Na, Mg), microelements (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu), heavy metals (Co, Cd, Pb, Mo, Cr, Ni), and their ratios in extruded complete foods for adult dogs, their compatibility with nutritional guidelines, as well as food profile similarity. Basic composition was determined according to Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). Analyses for elements were performed using an atomic absorption spectrometer. All the evaluated dry dog foods met the minimum recommended levels for protein and fat. Eighteen tested dog foods (60%) did not meet at least one recommendation of nutritional guidelines. Four dog foods exceeded the legal limit of Fe and five foods exceeded the legal limit of Zn; in one of them, Zn level was almost twice higher. Dog foods with insect protein exceeded the legal limit for Mn content. Eight dog foods had an inappropriate Ca:P ratio. Heavy metal...

Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 2019
Municipal sewage sludge from rural sewage treatment plants is characterized by a substantial cont... more Municipal sewage sludge from rural sewage treatment plants is characterized by a substantial content of organic matter and macronutrients, which can be used in cultivation of cereals. In a farm located in the commune of Iwanowice in the south of Poland (Malopolska province), municipal sewage sludge was applied under spring wheat cultivation. The experiment was set up on heavy soil with slightly acid reaction and medium content of available forms of P, K, Mg. Application of sewage sludge in a dose of 23 Mg fresh matter per hectare (4.21 Mg d.m.) led to no significant changes in chemical properties of the soil. Application of sewage sludge significantly increased yield of spring wheat. That increase led to a significant decrease in the content of N, P, K, Na, Mg and Ca in spring wheat. Utilization of N, Mg, K, P and Ca from sewage sludge by spring wheat was at a level of 82, 63, 44, 36, 9 %, respectively, of the amount introduced with the waste. Application of municipal sewage sludge ...

Biological Trace Element Research, 2019
In this study, leaf extracts from the Green Globe cultivar of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.), a h... more In this study, leaf extracts from the Green Globe cultivar of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.), a herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, were analyzed to determine the levels of basic nutrients, selected macroelements (K, P, Ca, Mg, and Na) and microelements (Zn, Fe, Mn, Cr, Pb, Cd, and Ni), and their ratios. The antioxidant activity (aa) of the extract was evaluated using ABTS˙+ and DPPH˙+ radicals and the ferric reducing antioxidant power assay (III) (FRAP). Total polyphenolic content was also determined. Macroelement concentrations in the artichoke leaf extract can be presented in descending order as follows: K > P > Ca > Mg > Na. Microelement content in the extract was as follows: Zn > Fe > Cr > Mn. We determined the ratios of elements in artichoke leaf extracts and compared them against the recommended dietary allowance, adequate intake, or tolerable upper intake level. Mean total phenolic content in artichoke leaf extracts was high-2795 mg CAE/100 g dry matter (DM). The ABTS˙+ assay showed a very high ability of artichoke extract to scavenge free radicals (79.74%), and the antioxidant capacity measured at 1060.8 Trolox/1 g DM. The results show that artichoke extract is a valuable source of minerals and antioxidants that could have applications in the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases caused by oxidative damage.

Soil Science Annual, 2017
Municipal sewage sludge contains considerable amounts of macro and microelements essential for pl... more Municipal sewage sludge contains considerable amounts of macro and microelements essential for plant nutrition. With decreasing use of natural and organic fertilizers, there is a need to search for alternative sources of organic matter (which is a substrate for humus reproduction). In a field experiment carried out on heavy soil with neutral reaction, the effect of single application of municipal sewage sludge in a dose of 5.34 Mg·ha−1 DM was compared to an equivalent dose of mineral fertilizers. The test plant was spring barley. After application of municipal sewage sludge, slight positive changes in the chemical properties of the soil were observed. The sewage sludge increased the yield of spring barley grain and straw by, respectively, 14 and 13% in relation to treatment with mineral fertilization. Spring barley fertilized with sewage sludge contained more elements than barley grown only on mineral fertilizers. It was shown that application of municipal sewage sludge to the soil ...

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2018
The aim of our research was to assess the effectiveness of phytoextraction of heavy metals from s... more The aim of our research was to assess the effectiveness of phytoextraction of heavy metals from sewage sludge by 'Rubik' and 'Albik' varieties of Jerusalem artichoke. The 6-year field experiment involved four levels of fertilization with sewage sludge at doses of 0, 10, 20, 40, and 60 Mg DM sludge • ha-1. The research evaluated the amount of Jerusalem artichoke yield as well as the uptake and use of heavy metals by the Jerusalem artichoke varieties. It was established that increasing doses of sewage sludge had significantly increased the yield of the Jerusalem artichoke varieties. Increasing doses of sewage sludge also had a significant effect on the increase in the content of heavy metals in aboveground parts of plants. The highest heavy metal uptake with the yield of the Jerusalem artichoke varieties was observed at a dose of 60 Mg DM • ha-1. Among the tested varieties of Jerusalem artichoke, Albik had higher yield, higher content and uptake of heavy metals, and greater recovery of these elements as compared to Rubik. Therefore, based on the obtained research results, Albik can be recommended for phytosequestration of heavy metals from sewage sludge amended soil.
Journal of Elementology, 2012

Soil Science Annual, 2016
Due to the fact that soils in Poland are mostly light soils, there is a need to improve their phy... more Due to the fact that soils in Poland are mostly light soils, there is a need to improve their physical, chemical and biological properties. In addition, as a result of the decrease in the number of farm animals, a decrease in production of natural fertilizers can be observed. Low production of natural fertilizers speaks in favor of agricultural use of municipal sewage sludge in Poland. Municipal sewage sludge is composed of large quantities of macronutrients necessary for plants. This waste also contains significant amounts of organic substance. Chemical properties, including a high content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and often calcium, speak in favor of environmental use of municipal sewage sludge. Increasing requirements with respect to environmental protection cause the necessity to assess the effects of using organic waste for fertilization. In a farm located in the commune of Iwanowice (Małopolska province), municipal sewage sludge was applied under spring barley cultivation. The ...

Journal of Cereal Science, 2016
The objective of this study was to determine the basic chemical composition and the content of se... more The objective of this study was to determine the basic chemical composition and the content of selected bioactive components in hulls, dehulled seeds and whole seeds of the selected cultivars/strains of buckwheat. In the tested material the content of ash, protein, fat, fatty acids, total carbohydrates, starch, dietary fibre, resistant starch, total polyphenols, profile of polyphenols and antioxidant activity was determined. We have found that buckwheat seeds were a rich source of protein and total carbohydrates. Dehulled seeds were also a source of resistant starch. Palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids were the dominant fatty acids in all samples. Analysis of extracts from whole seeds, dehulled seeds and hulls showed that there were twenty polyphenolic compounds in the tested material. The highest content of dietary fibre and total polyphenols as well as the highest antioxidant activity were found in the hulls and the lowest one in the dehulled seeds. Because of the rich composition, buckwheat can be used in the development of new food products especially for people on gluten free diet.

Zywnosc.Nauka.Technologia.Jakosc/Food.Science.Technology.Quality, 2015
S t r e s z c z e n i e Ziele roślin zbożowych, w tym szczególnie owsa, uznawane jest za potencja... more S t r e s z c z e n i e Ziele roślin zbożowych, w tym szczególnie owsa, uznawane jest za potencjalny składnik suplementów diety. Celem pracy było określenie podstawowego składu chemicznego oraz zawartości związków polifenolowych w zielu trzynastu genotypów owsa. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że ziele badanych genotypów owsa nie było zróżnicowane pod względem zawartości suchej masy i tłuszczu. Zakresy zmienności wynosiły odpowiednio [%]: 93,1 ÷ 96,6 i 2,15 ÷ 3,55. Wykazano natomiast zróżnicowanie pod względem zawartości białka w zielu różnych genotypów oraz potwierdzono to statystycznie w przypadku form: tradycyjnej-21,1 % i nagoziarnistej-23,1%. Zawartość polifenoli ogółem w suchej masie ziela owsa różniła się statystycznie istotnie, ale nie miało to odzwierciedlenia w zróżnicowaniu aktywności przeciwrodnikowej, która wahała się w zakresie 52,80 ÷ 67,65 % RSA (Radical Scavenging Activity). Największą zawartością polifenoli ogółem w suchej masie ziela cechowała się odmiana 'Kasztan' (85,40 mg/100 g s.m.), a najmniejszą-ród MHR-PO-0512 (72,85 mg/100 g s.m. w przeliczeniu na kwas chlorogenowy). Potwierdzono również wzrost zawartości polifenoli ogółem w suchej masie ziela wraz ze wzrostem zawartości suchej masy. Słowa kluczowe: ziele owsa, skład chemiczny, aktywność przeciwrodnikowa Wprowadzenie Ważną grupą surowców w gospodarce żywnościowej są rośliny zbożowe, w tym owies. Wysoką wartość odżywczą ziarna tego gatunku potwierdzono w wielu opracowaniach [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 24]. Ważnym składnikiem ziarna są polifenole, będące wtór

Zywnosc.Nauka.Technologia.Jakosc/Food.Science.Technology.Quality, 2010
W pracy określono wpływ genotypu, nawożenia fosforowo-potasowego i nalistnego azotem oraz regulat... more W pracy określono wpływ genotypu, nawożenia fosforowo-potasowego i nalistnego azotem oraz regulatorów wzrostu Moddus i Promalin na transmisję przez łan owsa promieniowania fotosyntetycznie czynnego (PAR). Ze względu na silny wpływ nawożenia fosforowo-potasowego na transmisję PAR określono również jego wpływ na zawartość azotu w zielonce owsa w sześciu terminach badań (26, 41, 48, 56, 61, 70 dni po siewie). Doświadczenia zakładano wg planu frakcyjnego 2 5-1 w Wierzbicy (5029' szerokości geograficznej północnej, 1945' długości geograficznej wschodniej) na 290 m nad poziomem morza. Wyniki badań potwierdziły statystycznie istotny wpływ nawożenia fosforowo-potasowego na ilość transmitowanego PAR przez łan owsa w czterech terminach badań przypadających na czerwiec. Wpływ ten wyrażony w jednostkach odchylenia standardowego wahał się w przedziale od 0,254 do 0,347. Potwierdzono również statystycznie istotnie wyższą transmisję PAR przez łan rodu karłowego STH 7000 w porównaniu z odmianą Akt. Nawożenie nalistne azotem powodowało znaczne przekroczenie zawartości azotu w zielonce owsa w stosunku do wartości zawartych w normach żywienia przeżuwaczy, ale nie spowodowało przekroczenia wartości optymalnego odżywienia roślin owsa w badanych sześciu terminach.
Journal of Elemntology, 2009
Papers by Robert Witkowicz