Papers by Risfaheri Risfaheri
Journal of Applied Food Technology, 2018
Salak pondoh (Salacca edulis reinw) is one of horticulture product that easily to decay. Decaying... more Salak pondoh (Salacca edulis reinw) is one of horticulture product that easily to decay. Decaying aroma is one of indicators for qualities loss of salak pondoh. The purpose of this research is to detect the decay aroma of salak pondoh during the storage of 15 days. The preservation was categorized into three stages of preservation time: early, middle, and last day. All salak was preserved in room temperature at aseptic condition with detected humidity at 50-60%. According to the obtained data, it was detected that decay aroma was detected in 80% of salak in last stage of preservation. Amazingly, 5% of salak at this stage was not detected its decay aroma. As conclusion, decay of salak could be determined by the decay aroma and mostly it was appeared in the last stage of preservation.
Jurnal penelitian tanaman industri, Apr 12, 2017
Design of the hand-powered thresher for black pepper processingProcessing of pepper berries (Pipe... more Design of the hand-powered thresher for black pepper processingProcessing of pepper berries (Piper nigrum L.) into black pepper needs thresing to remove the beries from the stalks prior to sundrying. Until now, the threshing practice is caried out by traditional method in which the pepper beries are trampled. This method is not eficient nor hygienic and it also causes high losses of the berries. To overcome those problems, a hand-powered thesher has been designed. The experiment consisted of thee steps, namely designing, constructing and testing. The threshing mechanism was based on impact and friction, whereas the separation of the berries from the stalks was based on the difference in shape and dimension. The dimension of the pepper thesher is 900 mm length, 450 mm width, and I 200 mm height. The test results showed that the hand-powered thresher have a good performance. The capacity of the thesher is 100 kg of pepper berries (berries + stalks) per hour. The operational cost is Rp 30.02 per kg of pepper beries, cheaper than that of the traditional theshing method (Rp 50/kg). This equipment is easy to apply in rural area, and can covee the theshing operation of 2.1 hectare of pepper plantation during harvesting periode.
Dinamika Kerajinan dan Batik: Majalah Ilmiah, Dec 29, 2017
Penggunaan bahan pewarna alami untuk batik memiliki beberapa keunggulan karena menghasilkan warna... more Penggunaan bahan pewarna alami untuk batik memiliki beberapa keunggulan karena menghasilkan warna khas yang eksotis dengan pencitraan yang eksklusif dan bersifat ramah lingkungan akibat limbah yang dihasilkan mudah terdegradasi. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan ekstrak pewarna tekstil dari secang (Caesalpinia sappan L) dan jambal (Pelthoporum pterocarpum) dengan berbagai jenis pelarut terhadap kualitas warna yang dihasilkan dalam aplikasinya pada kain mori. Metode ekstraksi secara maserasi dengan menggunakan beberapa jenis pelarut, yaitu air, etanol, etanol asam, metanol, dan metanol asam. Dari ekstrak yang dihasilkan kemudian diujicobakan terhadap kain mori setelah diberi mordan. Jenis mordan yang digunakan adalah tawas, kapur dan tunjung. Pengamatan yang dilakukan meliputi rendemen ekstrak, intensitas warna ekstrak, intensitas warna pada kain mori dan uji kelunturan. Hasil ekstraksi dari masing-masing zat warna mempunyai rendemen dengan kisaran 10,76 sampai 23% untuk secang dan 12,52 sampai 23,51% untuk jambal. Intensitas warna ekstrak dengan nilai hue tertinggi dihasilkan dari ekstrak metanol asam secang (77,95) dan terendah ekstrak metanol secang (64,44). Hasil aplikasi ekstrak secang terhadap kain mori dengan berbagai bahan mordan menunjukkan bahwa nilai hue terendah dihasilkan dari ekstrak air dengan mordan kapur (8,41) dan nilai tertinggi dari ekstrak metanol asam dengan mordan tawas (59,64). Untuk ekstrak jambal nilai hue terendah dari ekstrak metanol mordan tawas (50,06) dan nilai hue tertinggi dari ekstrak air mordan tunjung (82,80). Dari uji kelunturan, nilai ΔE terkecil (3,30) dan tertinggi (58,21) masing-masing dari ekstrak etanol secang dengan mordan tunjung dan ekstrak air secang tanpa mordan.
ABSTRAK Uni Eropa merupakan importir kopi terbesar di dunia yang menyerap hampir setengah produks... more ABSTRAK Uni Eropa merupakan importir kopi terbesar di dunia yang menyerap hampir setengah produksi kopi dunia, dan menjadi pasar global terbesar untuk kopi berbasis keberlanjutan yang bernilai tinggi. Namun sebagai salah satu produsen kopi terbesar dunia yang mengekspor produk kopi ke lebih dari 60 negara, pangsa Indonesia di pasar Uni Eropa masih sangat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan negara produsen kopi lainnya seperti Brazil dan Vietnam. Faktor yang menjadi penyebabnya adalah standar pasar Uni Eropa dikenal sangat tinggi terhadap mutu dan keamanan kopi, bahkan seringkali melebihi standar internasional pada umumnya. Di sisi lain, kemampuan Indonesia untuk memproduksi kopi yang sesuai standar tersebut relatif masih kecil yang diakibatkan oleh produsen kopi yang didominasi oleh petani kecil dengan kapasitas dan kapabilitas yang terbatas untuk memenuhi standar keberlanjutan yang menjadi tuntutan pasar, sehingga perlu upaya khusus untuk meningkatkan pangsa ekspor kopi Indonesia ke wil...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2013
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
Design of the hand-powered thresher for black pepper processingProcessing of pepper berries (Pipe... more Design of the hand-powered thresher for black pepper processingProcessing of pepper berries (Piper nigrum L.) into black pepper needs thresing to remove the beries from the stalks prior to sundrying. Until now, the threshing practice is caried out by traditional method in which the pepper beries are trampled. This method is not eficient nor hygienic and it also causes high losses of the berries. To overcome those problems, a hand-powered thesher has been designed. The experiment consisted of thee steps, namely designing, constructing and testing. The threshing mechanism was based on impact and friction, whereas the separation of the berries from the stalks was based on the difference in shape and dimension. The dimension of the pepper thesher is 900 mm length, 450 mm width, and I 200 mm height. The test results showed that the hand-powered thresher have a good performance. The capacity of the thesher is 100 kg of pepper berries (berries + stalks) per hour. The operational cost is Rp...
The study was conducted to evaluate the changes of quality of neera during storage after process ... more The study was conducted to evaluate the changes of quality of neera during storage after process improvement withfiltration and pasteurization. Research conducted using completely randomized design with factorial pattern. Factor treatment were filtering (coarse sieve, sieve 40 mesh, and without filtering), pasteurization (pasteurization and without pasteurization), and storage at room temperature (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 , and 15 hours) and performed as many as 3 replication. Observations were carried out for the quality of chemical, physical and microbiological. The results showed that the handling of juice with coarse filtration using filter and pasteurization can maintain the stability of palm juice for 15 hours in storage at room temperature, with a sucrose content was 14.48 %, TSS was 16.4 ° Briks, alcohol was 1,39 % , total acid was 0.182 %, pH was 6.82, viscosity was 14.53 cp, bias index was 1.355 nd, and the total growth of bacteria, yeasts and molds which slowed. ABSTRAK Penelitian ...
Informatika Pertanian, 2015
Usahatani padi sawah di Bangka Belitung dikategorikan baru berkembang dan produktivitas padi sawa... more Usahatani padi sawah di Bangka Belitung dikategorikan baru berkembang dan produktivitas padi sawah hanya mencapai 3,54 t/ha. Peningkatan produktivitas padi sawah dapat dilakukan melalui penerapan inovasi teknologi Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (PTT). Percepatan arus informasi dan adopsi inovasi teknologi PTT padi sawah telah dilakukan melalui Pendampingan Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu sejak tahun 2009. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1). tingkat adopsi petani terhadap komponen PTT padi sawah; (2). faktor sosial ekonomi penentu keputusan petani dalam mengimplementasikan PTT padi sawah. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Maret - Desember 2011 dengan metode survei. Jumlah responden 54 orang peserta SL-PTT di Kabupaten Bangka dan Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Tingkat adopsi petani terhadap komponen PTT dianalisis secara deskriptif, sedangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya dianalisis dengan menggunakan model regresi logit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1). komponen ...
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri, 2020
To produce while pepper using traditional method, the ripe berries are soaked in a river or a pon... more To produce while pepper using traditional method, the ripe berries are soaked in a river or a pond for 10-14 days prior to decorticating. To improve the traditional method. Research Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops has designed pepper decorticator to support the white pepper processing. This decorticator has a good function, hut its performance still need to be improved, as it still produces high percentage of white pepper damage. This experiment was aimed to at improving (he performance of the pepper decorticator. The experiment was conducted from July to Ocktobcr 1999 and divided into two steps i.e. preliminary and main experiment. The treatments applied on Ihe main experiment were (I) disc diameter (18, 20, and 22 cm) and (2) rubber elasticity (5.34, 7.74, 9.79, and 15.02 N/mm). The experiment was designed as a completely randomized, arranged factorially in three replications. The pepper variety used for the experiment was Lampung Daun Lebar. The disc distance of pepper de...
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri, 2020
Design of axialflow thresherfor pepperThe pepper threshing practice has been carried out using tr... more Design of axialflow thresherfor pepperThe pepper threshing practice has been carried out using traditional method in which the pepper berries are usually trampled. This method is neither efficient nor higienic, and it also causes high losses of the berries. To overcome those problems, an experiment was carried out to make an axial flow thresher. The experiment was conducted at Research Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops from April to December 1999. The experiment consisted of three steps, namely designing, constructing and testing. The objective of testing was to determine the optimum operation condition of the thresher. The testing was designed as a completely randomized complete design with three replications. The raw material for testing was pepper berries (Lampung Daun Lebar variety) of 8 - 9 month old. The result showed that the optimum condition for threshing process was 300 rpm cylinder rotation, with the spike separation process using 7.5° sieve angle. The performance o...
Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, 2018
Rice husk is an abundant and underutilized byproduct of rice milling industries, especially in ma... more Rice husk is an abundant and underutilized byproduct of rice milling industries, especially in main rice producing countries like Indonesia. The current challenge is how to contribute value addition to the rice milling industries by maximizing utilization of the unwanted rice husk. Recently, there has been a growing interest in utilizing rice husk for production of multifunctional liquid smoke. However, limited studies have been done on this aspect. Previous published reviews are mostly focused on development of liquid smoke from different wood varieties/types or palm oil waste. The main objective of this review is to provide a comprehensive review and further research direction regarding potential development and applications of liquid smoke from rice husk based on the limited and scattered information currently available. This review covers production technology, characteristics, functional properties and potential applications of rice husk liquid smoke. The cited findings showed that there are are at least four pyrolysis techniques that can be used for production of rice husk liquid smoke. In addition, there are several factors that may influence the qulaity of the final product. These include modes of pyrolysis (temperature, heating rate, residence time), biomass composition, and storage condition and period. Each technique and factor can be adjusted and exploited to extract and produce valueadded liquid smoke by thermal processing. Rice husk liquid smoke has multifunctional properties, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antidiabetic. Composition of major constituents in rice husk liquid smoke determines the magnitude of its functional properties and potential applications. Based on its functional properties, rice husk liquid smoke has a great potential for food and agriculture applications, such as food flavorings, food preservatives, biopesticides, and plant growth regulator. This review will be valuable for both industries and communities. Utilization of rice husk for production liquid smoke will not only benefit rice milling industries and farmers, but also the environtment.
Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, 2018
Liquid and solid waste are claimed as one of source of Green House Gas (GHG) which cause global w... more Liquid and solid waste are claimed as one of source of Green House Gas (GHG) which cause global warming and climate change. Fruit has a potency producing solid waste. To figure out the local fruit waste potential; we correlated the fruit production, the edible portion of the composition of food, published paper, and also our experience in doing postharvest research. Not all fruit has production data, also not all the production data have edible portion. Some of variation of cultivated variety has also been neglected. The figure shows 8 097 938 tonnes of fruit waste annually produced in Indonesia. This value is bigger than annual production of banana which is the biggest fruit produced in Indonesia viz 6 862 567 tonnes. The fruit losses data are unavailable, but this would increase the amount of waste if it the good handling practices failed to be done. The government policy across ministry and across center and local government were produced supporting decree and regulation to preserve the environment. The member of society such as researcher, culinary society, and processor were trying to improve their knowledge to utilize the fruit solid waste. Fruit processing industry both local and abroad facing dynamic pressure and some of them faced difficulty in coping environmental problem. Looking for better solution for potential environmental problem from fruit, it is recommended researching varieties with long storage life; also continuing research on postharvest fruit preservation and transportation, fruit seedless, and continuing to educate small processor, and society to have better understanding of GHG and global warming and how to cope them. Index Terms-fruit waste, fruit losses, waste utilization, fruit postharvest handling, fruit processing
Dinamika Kerajinan dan Batik: Majalah Ilmiah, 2017
Penggunaan bahan pewarna alami untuk batik memiliki beberapa keunggulan karena menghasilkan warna... more Penggunaan bahan pewarna alami untuk batik memiliki beberapa keunggulan karena menghasilkan warna khas yang eksotis dengan pencitraan yang eksklusif dan bersifat ramah lingkungan akibat limbah yang dihasilkan mudah terdegradasi. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan ekstrak pewarna tekstil dari secang (Caesalpinia sappan L) dan jambal (Pelthoporum pterocarpum) dengan berbagai jenis pelarut terhadap kualitas warna yang dihasilkan dalam aplikasinya pada kain mori. Metode ekstraksi secara maserasi dengan menggunakan beberapa jenis pelarut, yaitu air, etanol, etanol asam, metanol, dan metanol asam. Dari ekstrak yang dihasilkan kemudian diujicobakan terhadap kain mori setelah diberi mordan. Jenis mordan yang digunakan adalah tawas, kapur dan tunjung. Pengamatan yang dilakukan meliputi rendemen ekstrak, intensitas warna ekstrak, intensitas warna pada kain mori dan uji kelunturan. Hasil ekstraksi dari masing-masing zat warna mempunyai rendemen dengan kisaran 10,76 sampai 23% un...
Jurnal Penelitian Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Food Research), 2016
Walur (Amorphophallus campanulatus var. sylvestris) is a source of carbohydrate that locally avai... more Walur (Amorphophallus campanulatus var. sylvestris) is a source of carbohydrate that locally available and potentially to be developed as a food source. The objective of this research was to produce noodle and cookies from walur flour that the oxalate contain was already reduced. The experiment was conducted by the completely randomized design with 1 factor, where the substitution proportion of walur flour consist of 4 levels and 2 repetitions, i.e., 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% for noodle and 5 levels and 2 repetitions, i.e., 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% for cookies. The results showed that noodles product with 30% walur flour substitution and cookies product with 50% walur flour substitution were still sensory acceptable.
Warta Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 1998
Telah dilakukan analisis karakteristik minyak adas dari 2 varietas yang berbeda, meliputi sifat f... more Telah dilakukan analisis karakteristik minyak adas dari 2 varietas yang berbeda, meliputi sifat fisika dan kandungan kimia dengan kromatograf gas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar minyak buah adas (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) dari varietas vulgare lebih tinggi (3,23% - 4,39%) dibandingkan dengan varietas dulce (2,23%). Kandungan kedua jenis minyak tersebut adalah anetol. Komponen utama minyak anis (Illium verum Hook) dan minyak kalusena (Clausena anisata Oliv.) sama dengan minyak adas, yaitu anetol, dengan kadar yang lebih tinggi. Minyak anis mengandung anetol 82,8% dan minyak klausena mengandung anetol 96,1%.
Warta Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 1997
Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka mencari kondisi optimum jenis pelarut terbaik untuk mengeks... more Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka mencari kondisi optimum jenis pelarut terbaik untuk mengekstraksi daun katuk. Tahapan proses pembuatan sediaan obat dari daun katuk terdiri atas a. pembuatan simplisia (pengeringan daun), dan b.pembuatan ekstrak kering. Dilakukan pengamatan terhadap tiga cara pengeringan daun katuk (penjemuran, oven, dan dengan alat pengering tipe bak). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pengeringan daun dengan alat pengering tipe bak lebih cepat, kualitas simplisia lebih baik dan dapat dikerjakan dalam volume besar. Hasil pemeriksaan secara kromatografi lapis tipis menunjukkan bahwa pelarut etanol (50%) menghasilkan bercak yang paling banyak jumlahnya. Ekstraksi disertai dengan pengadukan ternyata meningkatkan rendemen ekstrak.
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2015
Coconut water is known as a nutritious natural drink. It is not only considered functional, but a... more Coconut water is known as a nutritious natural drink. It is not only considered functional, but also nutraceutical. Coconut water is widely used as isotonic drink or oral rehydration fluid, since it showed excellent rehydration index and blood glucose response in previous researches. The quality of isotonic drink is determined by its sugar content (as the source of carbohydrate) and electrolyte content. Moreover, its organoleptic properties should be able to stimulate the urge to spontaniously drink more. However, the processing of coconut water into isotonic drink usually applies ultra high or very low temperature which might deteriorate its nutrition value and organoleptic properties, causing the needs to use a considerable amount of food additives. There are plenty varieties of coconut in Indonesia, each produces different characteristics of coconut water. The objectives of this research are to compare the carbohydrate-electrolyte characteristics of coconut water, and also other essential characteristics from several varieties and to determine which variety is closest to the quality standard of isotonic drink. Therefore, isotonic drink can be developed with only minimum food additives. We compared Dalam Pangandaran, Genjah Salak and Hybrid PB121. The characteristics observed were total sugar, sucrose, glucose, fructose, potassium, sodium, magnesium, vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and vitamin C content, as well as pH, total soluble solids, clarity and colour. Coconut water obatined from Genjah (Dwarf) variety showed the more suitable characteristics for the development of isotonic drink. Thus the product can be developed by cold sterilitation process with minimum food additives.
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 2009
This research aims was to improve distillation process performance of vetiver oil in term of oil ... more This research aims was to improve distillation process performance of vetiver oil in term of oil recovery and quality and energy efficiency through optimizing process condition. The main approach used in this work is stepwise increased steam pressure and flow rate along the distillation process. This method combined the relationship between temperature, phase equilibrium and boiling point of chemical constituents of vetiver oil. Distillation process with increased pressure was observed improve the oil recovery. while the oil quality was maintained. The energy efficiency was also improved through reduced distillation time. Increased steam flow rate significantly affect total oil recovery. The steam flow rate of 2 l/hr/kg material result in an vetiver oil recovery of 90 percent.
Papers by Risfaheri Risfaheri