DLSU Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Cultural Studies, 1990

In view of the paucity of research in Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs), the Commis... more In view of the paucity of research in Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has provided policies and mandates that are largely geared towards the improvement of research productivity. The HEIs in the country have responded in varied ways to the call for a stronger research orientation among the universities. In this context, this paper aimed at understanding the prevailing research culture in Philippine HEIs, as viewed by the university faculty. A conceptual framework of research culture was developed in order to analyze the dynamics of the interaction of the policies and mandates of the CHED, the practices of HEIs in relation to developing a research orientation in their institutions, and the perspectives of faculty who are tasked to do research along with their other functions (i.e., teaching and community service). Forty faculty members from 14 universities and colleges in the country responded to a survey questionnaire and 10...

Higher Education, Research, and Knowledge in the Asia Pacific Region, 2006
The advent and expansion of the “knowledge society” has brought new challenges to higher educatio... more The advent and expansion of the “knowledge society” has brought new challenges to higher education. Situated at the heart of the “knowledge society,” higher education must respond to the rapid changes that characterize the knowledge-driven socioeconomic, political, and technological developments in the twenty-first century (Teichler, 2000). In the context of these changing conditions, higher education is faced with the task of reconceptualizing or reengineering its mission and roles. As declared by the participants of the Asia and Pacific Regional Conference on “National Strategies and Regional Co-operation for the 21st Century” (Regional Conference on Higher Education, Tokyo, Japan, 1997), and echoed by the World Conference on Higher Education (WCHE, 1998), the relevance of higher education institutions is shown by how their policies and practices coincide with the expectations of society.
Philippine Journal of Psychology, Jun 26, 2012
This st udy wa s co ndu cted to explore and analyze th e dynamics of th e a bu se women expe ri e... more This st udy wa s co ndu cted to explore and analyze th e dynamics of th e a bu se women expe ri e nc e at th e h a nds of th e ir partn e r s. Towards t his end, case studies of five battered wom e n were done, u si ng in-depth int er views and p syc hologi ca l t es ts . Th e r es ult s indicated that: (a) battered women experience va rious forms o f a bu se; (b) battered wo men 's ex pl anations for their a bu se are complex and multifaceted; (c) abuse h as effec t s on the women's perception of self, view of the world, se n se of well - being and interpersonal relationships; (d) batt ere d women utili ze p ass ive as well as active, cog nitiv e , and behavioral cop ing strategies; and (e) t h e b a tt ered women's d ec i s ion to stay with or leav e their p art n ers i s influenced by severa l factors.

De La Salle University, Manila, …, 2008
In view of the paucity of research in Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs), the Commis... more In view of the paucity of research in Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has provided policies and mandates that are largely geared towards the improvement of research productivity. The HEIs in the country have responded in varied ways to the call for a stronger research orientation among the universities. In this context, this paper aimed at understanding the prevailing research culture in Philippine HEIs, as viewed by the university faculty. A conceptual framework of research culture was developed in order to analyze the dynamics of the interaction of the policies and mandates of the CHED, the practices of HEIs in relation to developing a research orientation in their institutions, and the perspectives of faculty who are tasked to do research along with their other functions (i.e., teaching and community service). Forty faculty members from 14 universities and colleges in the country responded to a survey questionnaire and 10 were interviewed using open-ended questions. The study found that the faculty did not consider any of the aspects of research culture in their institutions as being strong. They deemed the following indicators of research culture as present only to a moderate extent: (a) the impact of research, (b) administrative practices, (c) inter-institutional collaboration, (d) institutional research strategy, (e) financial reward system, (f) infrastructure, (g) the presence of ethical policies, and (h) the availability of research funding. The faculty further perceive that factors necessary for improving research productivity include: time, strong belief in research endeavor, faculty involvement, positive group climate, working conditions and organizational communication, decentralized research policy, research funding, and clear institutional policy for research benefits and incentives. As a result of these findings, the study recommends that developing a research culture should take into account the dynamics of the interaction of the trifocal function of HEIs, the researcher's mind, and the body of institutional policy.
The Career Development Quarterly, 2002
The article's 1st section provides an overview of the historical development of career couns... more The article's 1st section provides an overview of the historical development of career counseling in the Philippines from an economic-political perspective. The 2nd section raises current challenges and concerns, highlighting the need for a career counseling model that ...

embarks on a long-term and multicomponent research program with the main thrust of "Understanding... more embarks on a long-term and multicomponent research program with the main thrust of "Understanding the Youth in their Developmental and Educational Contexts: Realizing A Lasallian Response". Relative to this research agenda, areas pertaining to the school culture, family, the teacher and other education professionals, the learner, teaching-learning environment, community, educational policies and globalization will be explored. This research agenda necessitates the involvement of faculty members, students and administrators in the conceptualization, planning and development of this collaborative communitybased research program. The paper focuses on an initial research program that consists of interrelated scientific investigations aimed at improving the quality of life of the poor coastal rural community served by the Jaime Hilario Integrated School-La Salle (JHIS-LS). These research initiatives involve a multidisciplinary research approach that is aimed at developing tools, programs, and community capacity. The paper describes the qualitative research methodologies, case studies, and survey techniques that will be employed to describe school and community practices, perceptions, and expectations among community members and stakeholders on the potential role of schools as centers for community development. These research initiatives underscore the trifocal functions of faculty members in higher education institutions: to teach, to conduct researches and to participate in community service. such as: multiple institutions and social structures; communicating in the "local language"; partnering with communities; including all constituencies and developing local leadership; coping with the realities of globalization; and creating the sense of efficacy, empowerment, self-determination, and hope, which are essential to developing vital rural communities (Laguda, 2007). Communities thrive as a result of cooperation among their component families. They are a reflection of the successes and failures of the families that comprise them. In the same way, families rely on communities for structure and direction. When it comes to schooling, most Filipino families strive to send their children to school despite difficult circumstances. Although there are numerous educational institutions that have been established in the big cities, formal education in the provinces has been woefully inadequate. The Jaime Hilario Integrated School (JHIS-LS), the collaborating school in this research initiative is located in Bagac, Bataan, where the main source of livelihood includes smallscale fishing and farming, along with the production of processed foods. Classified as a 4 th class municipality, there are very limited employment opportunities for the children when they grow up. Whereas parents enroll their children to learn employable skills, there is a risk that these soon-to-be educated children will eventually leave their community to apply for work elsewhere.
... the Lasallian mandate of educating the poor by providing scholarships for ... a conceptual fr... more ... the Lasallian mandate of educating the poor by providing scholarships for ... a conceptual framework that integrates humanistic and developmental psychology, learner-centered philosophy, and a ... and hearing people and thus facilitate the Deaf learner's education, interaction, and ...