11O Congresso Internacional Da Rede Unida, Apr 30, 2014
A integracao entre o Programa Nacional de Reorientacao da Formacao Profissional em Saude e o Prog... more A integracao entre o Programa Nacional de Reorientacao da Formacao Profissional em Saude e o Programa de Educacao pelo Trabalho para a Saude (Pro/PET-Saude) visa a qualificacao em servico dos profissionais da saude, e de iniciacao ao trabalho, dirigidos aos estudantes na area da saude da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, de acordo com as necessidades dos servicos do Sistema Unico de Saude. Nesse sentido, atraves da parceria e apoio dos Agentes Comunitarios de Saude (ACSs), os academicos conseguiram desenvolver varias praticas educativas, tanto voltadas para estes profissionais, quanto para os usuarios de saude. Foram elaboradas pelos bolsistas do Pro/PET diversas oficinas para os ACSs da Estrategia de Saude da Familia (ESF) localizada no Bairro Catete-Rio de Janeiro, sobre direitos sexuais e direitos reprodutivos, visando a educacao permanente. Ademais, auxiliam na divulgacao da pesquisa que esta sendo desenvolvida, nas praticas educativas e salas de espera para os usuarios. A participacao dos ACSs nas oficinas foi ativa, conseguiram expressar suas opinioes, com questionamentos e reflexoes, diferenciaram o profissionalismo das questoes pessoais, relataram ter muitas atribuicoes, remuneracao inadequada e pouca valorizacao profissional. Alem disso, demonstraram vontade de participar de novas oficinas e ate mesmo elabora-las, alem de ratificarmos a importância de sua profissao, por serem o elo entre a comunidade e a ESF. Oportunizar que toda a equipe de saude da familia e a comunidade reconhecam o importante papel do ACS. Criar espacos psicossociais para que estes exponham suas ideias, troquem experiencias com os outros profissionais, aumentando os lacos afetivos entre todos das equipes. Que todos os Pro/PETs-Saude inseridos na ESF, tenham o ACS como seu principal aliado para o desenvolvimento de um otimo e eficaz projeto, que implicara beneficios para a universidade, o servico e a comunidade.
Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia, 2008
Bol Soc Bras Hematol Hemoter, Aug 1, 1995
JIMD Reports, 2015
Objective: To assess the incidence of biotinidase deficiency among newborns and their clinical ou... more Objective: To assess the incidence of biotinidase deficiency among newborns and their clinical outcome up to one year of age in a large pilot screening study in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted from September 2007 to June 2008 with heel-prick blood samples collected on filter paper for the purpose of newborn screening. A qualitative colorimetric test was used as the primary screening method. Colorimetricpositive cases were further tested with a serum confirmatory assay. Gene sequencing was performed for eight children suspected with biotinidase deficiency and for some of their parents. Positive cases were daily supplemented with oral biotin and were followed up for approximately six years. Results: Out of 182,891 newborns screened, 129 were suspected of having biotinidase deficiency. Partial deficiency was confirmed in seven children (one was homozygous for p.D543E) and profound deficiency in one child (homozygous p.H485Q). Thus the incidence was one in 22,861 live births (95% confidence interval 1:13,503 to 1:74,454) for profound and partial biotinidase deficiency combined. Two novel mutations were detected: p.A281V and p.E177K. In silico analysis and estimation of the enzyme activity in the children and their parents showed that p.A281V is pathogenic and p.E177K behaves like p.D444H. Conclusion: The incidence of biotinidase deficiency in newborn screening in Minas Gerais was higher than several international studies. The sample size should be larger for final conclusions. Oral daily biotin apparently precluded clinical symptoms, but it may have been unnecessary in some newborns.
Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases, 2015
Introduction.Despite advances in the management of sickle cell disease, gaps still exist in the t... more Introduction.Despite advances in the management of sickle cell disease, gaps still exist in the training of primary health care professionals for monitoring patients with the disease. Objective. To assess the perception of community health care workers about the care and monitoring of patients with sickle cell disease after an educational intervention.Method. This exploratory, descriptive, and qualitative study was conducted in Montes Claros, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The intervention involved the educational training of community health care workers from the Family Health Program of the Brazilian Unified Health System. The following discussion topics were covered: assessment of educational workshops, changes observed in the perception of professionals after training, profile of home visits, and access to and provision of basic health care services to individuals with sickle cell disease. The discussions were tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. The data were subjected to co...
Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, 2015
Environmental Technology Reviews, 2012
Several researchers have used crude glycerol as a source of substrate for methane production and ... more Several researchers have used crude glycerol as a source of substrate for methane production and power generation, which is a way of adding value to this residue that has a high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and is rich in impurities. This review article summarizes recent data and discussions on the use of crude glycerol as substrate and co-substrate for anaerobic digestion. In general, the dilution of glycerol has been used to avoid problems of inhibition due to the presence of inorganic salts of chloride and sulphates, and due to accumulation of metabolites. However, other methods have been proposed, such as the use of halo-tolerant biomass. It can be concluded that the anaerobic digestion of crude glycerol is technically viable, and an anaerobic reactor treating 25 m 3 per day of crude glycerol can produce 4.4 MW of thermal energy, which can be converted to 4.4 GW of heat or 1.2 GW of electricity.
Paediatrics and International Child Health, 2015
Background: Children in developing countries with sickle cell disease (SCD) have high rates of mo... more Background: Children in developing countries with sickle cell disease (SCD) have high rates of mortality, especially in some parts of Africa. Aim: To compare the 5-year estimated mortality rate in children born between 1999 and 2001 with that of children born between 2009 and 2011. Methods: During the period 1998-2012, sickle cell disease was diagnosed in 2591 of 3,617,919 newborns screened in Minas Gerais, Brazil (1 : 1,400). The estimated probability of death [1-Survival] was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. The logrank test was used to compare groups of survival data. Results: Of the 2576 children (15 were excluded), 193 died (7.4%): 153 (79.3%) had SS/Sb 0-thalassaemia, 34 had SC (17.6%), and six (3.1%) had Sb z thalassaemia. The 5-year estimated mortality was lower for children born between 2009 and 2011 (n5509) than for those born between 1999 and 2001 (n5624), although not significantly [mean (SD) 5.8% (1.1) vs 6.2% (1.0)], respectively). Conclusion: Despite an effective ongoing comprehensive screening programme, mortality from SCD in Minas Gerais is still high. To decrease mortality rates, socioeconomic development and SCD education programmes for health professionals and families are required.
Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, 2014
Cyanosis in an apparently healthy newborn baby may be caused by hemoglobin variants associated wi... more Cyanosis in an apparently healthy newborn baby may be caused by hemoglobin variants associated with the formation of methemoglobin, collectively known as M hemoglobins. They should not be confused with genetic alterations in methemoglobin reductase enzyme systems of red cells since treatment and prognosis are completely different. A newborn male child was noted to be significantly cyanotic at birth and is the basis for this report. Hemoglobin isoelectric focusing, acid and alkaline gel electrophoresis, and HBA/HBB gene sequencing were performed for the child, both parents and a sister. The newborn child was treated with methylene blue in an intensive care unit fearing that he had a defective reductase system and exposure to oxidant drugs or toxins. Newborn hemoglobin screening with high performance liquid chromatography was abnormal on the 10th and 45th days but no conclusive diagnosis was reached. Cyanosis persisted up to four years of age with no other symptoms. Hemoglobin M Iwate [alpha2 87(F8) His>Tyr, HBA2:c.262C>T] was detected. It was not present in the child's presumed mother, father, sister, and brother. The analysis of 15 short tandem repeats in the trio demonstrated a de novo mutation occurrence (p-value < 1 × 10-8). The family was reassured that no further action was necessary and genetic counseling was provided. Methemoglobins should be considered for differential diagnosis of cyanosis in newborns even if no familial cases are detected. Except for cosmetic consequences, the clinical course of patients with hemoglobin M Iwate is unremarkable.
Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, 2015
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder in which hemoglobin S (Hb S) predominates in red ... more Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder in which hemoglobin S (Hb S) predominates in red blood cells. It is considered a significant public health issue in Brazil. 1-3 Sickle cell anemia (SCA, Hb SS) is the most common subtype of SCD in the world. Although its clinical course is variable, patients with SCA generally have the most severe phenotype. SCD also includes the heterozygous combination of Hb S with other hemoglobin variants (Hb SC, Hb SD-Punjab, and others). The combination of Hb S with  thalassemia (Hb S/ 0 and Hb S/ + thalassemia) leads to other subtypes of SCD with a variable relative incidence depending on the ethnic composition of the population. 4,5 The relative death rate due to hemoglobin disorders in under five-year-old children all over the world is reported to be 3.4% of all deaths. 6 Morbidity and mortality are especially high in developing countries. 7 Even in developed countries, SCD is still a significant cause of mortality, particularly in adolescents and adults. 8-10 There are only two newborn-screening cohort studies in Brazil, which have reported the death rate for children with SCD. In both studies, it was very high compared to figures reported in developed countries. In Minas Gerais, 3 the crude death rate for 1396 children (all subtypes) diagnosed in a seven-year period was 5.6%. The Kaplan-Meier estimated probability of death at five years of age for children with Hb SS or Hb S/ 0 thalassemia was 10.6% (standard error: 1.4). In Rio
Jornal de Pediatria, 2011