BMC Plant Biology
Background Olive is one of the most cultivated species in the Mediterranean Basin and beyond. Des... more Background Olive is one of the most cultivated species in the Mediterranean Basin and beyond. Despite being extensively studied for its commercial relevance, the origin of cultivated olive and the history of its domestication remain open questions. Here, we present a genealogical and kinship relationships analysis by mean of chloroplast and nuclear markers of different genera, subgenus, species, subspecies, ecotypes, cultivated, ancient and wild types, which constitutes one of the most inclusive research to date on the diversity within Olea europaea species. A complete survey of the variability across the nuclear and plastid genomes of different genotypes was studied through single nucleotide polymorphisms, indels (insertions and deletions), and length variation. Results Fifty-six different chlorotypes were identified among the Oleaceae family including Olea europaea, other species and genera. The chloroplast genome evolution, within Olea europaea subspecies, probably started from s...

A prospecting campaign in the Maltese Islands has ensured the survival of several ancient olive t... more A prospecting campaign in the Maltese Islands has ensured the survival of several ancient olive trees (Olea europaea L.), genetically distant from known cultivars. Most of these plants were abandoned or partially cultivated. A two-year evaluation of fruit characteristics and compositions was performed on samples collected from the main representatives of these indigenous genotypes. Analyses were carried out using Gas Chromatography, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Near Infrared Spectrometry. Among the fruit samples, a wide range of variations was observed. Some of the genotypes showed fruit traits suitable for table olive production. This is the case of samples with a pulp/pit ratio higher than four, such as 1Wardija, 1Caritas, 1Plattini, 1Bingemma Malta and 3Loretu, whilst 1Bidni, 1Mellieha, 2Qnotta, 3Loretu, 1Bingemma Malta and 1Caritas were suitable for dual purpose. The total phenol content ranged from 6.3 (1Wardija) to 117.9 (2Mtarfa) g/kg of fresh pulp. The average ...

A major concern for olive cultivation in many extra-Mediterranean regions is the adaptation of re... more A major concern for olive cultivation in many extra-Mediterranean regions is the adaptation of recently introduced cultivars to environmental conditions different from those prevailing in the original area, such as the Mediterranean basin. Some of these cultivars can easily adapt their physiological and biochemical parameters in new agro-environments, whereas others show unbalanced values of oleic acid content. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the thermal regime during oil synthesis on the expression of fatty acid desaturase genes and on the unsaturated fatty acid contents at the field level. Two cultivars (Arbequina and Coratina) were included in the analysis over a wide latitudinal gradient in Argentina. The results suggest that the thermal regime exerts a regulatory effect at the transcriptional level on both OeSAD2 and OeFAD2-2 genes and that this regulation is cultivar-dependent. It was also observed that the accumulated thermal time affects gene expre...
a. LVI, n. 1-2. giugno-dicembre 2016, 2016

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the best vegetable oil worldwide but, at the same time, is one o... more Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the best vegetable oil worldwide but, at the same time, is one of the product victims of fraud in the agri-food sector, and the differences about quality within the extra-virgin olive oil category are often missed. Several scientific techniques were applied in order to guarantee the authenticity and quality of this EVOO. In the present study, the volatile compounds (VOCs) by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry with solid-phase micro-extraction detection (GC–MS SPME), organoleptic analysis by the official Slow Food panel and the detection by a Small Sensor System (S3) were applied. Ten EVOOs from Umbria, a central Italian region, were selected from the 2021 Slow Food Italian extra virgin olive oil official guide, which includes hundreds of high-quality olive oils. The results demonstrated the possibility to discriminate the ten EVOOs, even if they belong to the same Italian region, by all three techniques. The result of GC–MS SPME detection was compa...

The health, therapeutic, and organoleptic characteristics of olive oil depend on functional bioac... more The health, therapeutic, and organoleptic characteristics of olive oil depend on functional bioactive compounds, such as phenols, tocopherols, squalene, and sterols. Genotype plays a key role in the diversity and concentration of secondary compounds peculiar to olive. In this study, the most important bioactive compounds of olive fruit were studied in numerous international olive cultivars during two consecutive seasons. A large variability was measured for each studied metabolite in all 61 olive cultivars. Total phenol content varied on a scale of 1–10 (3831–39,252 mg kg−1) in the studied cultivars. Squalene values fluctuated over an even wider range (1–15), with values of 274 to 4351 mg kg−1. Total sterols ranged from 119 to 969 mg kg−1, and total tocopherols varied from 135 to 579 mg kg−1 in fruit pulp. In the present study, the linkage among the most important quality traits highlighted the scarcity of cultivars with high content of at least three traits together. This work prov...
PLoS ONE, 2022
Raw data underlying quantitative RT-qPCR results in Figs 5, 6, and 7 of this article [1] are prov... more Raw data underlying quantitative RT-qPCR results in Figs 5, 6, and 7 of this article [1] are provided with this notice in S1-S3 Files. The raw data underlying OeAP1, OeAP2, OeFUL, EoSEP2.1, and OeSEP4 results in Fig 5C are not currently available.

Foods, 2021
The extent and conditions of storage may affect the stability and quality of extra virgin olive o... more The extent and conditions of storage may affect the stability and quality of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). This study aimed at evaluating the effects of different storage conditions (ambient, 4 °C and −18 °C temperatures, and argon headspace) on three EVOOs (low, medium, and high phenols) over 18 and 36 months, analyzing the main metabolites at six time points. The results showed that low temperatures are able to maintain all three EVOOs within the legal limits established by the current EU regulations for most compounds up to 36 months. Oleocanthal, squalene, and total phenols were affected by storage temperatures more than other compounds and degradation of squalene and α-tocopherol was inhibited only by low temperatures. The best temperature for 3-year conservation was 4 °C, but −18 °C represented the optimum temperature to preserve the organoleptic properties. The present study provided new insights that should guide EVOO manufacturers and traders to apply the most efficient st...
☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019
Olive, representing one of the most important fruit crops of the Mediterranean area, is character... more Olive, representing one of the most important fruit crops of the Mediterranean area, is characterized by a general low fruit yield, due to numerous constraints, including alternate bearing, low flower viability, male-sterility, inter-incompatibility, and self-incompatibility (SI). Early efforts to clarify the genetic control of SI in olive gave conflicting results, and only recently, the genetic control of SI has been disclosed, revealing that olive possesses an unconventional homomorphic sporophytic diallelic system of SI, dissimilar from other described plants. This system, characterized by the presence of two SI groups, prevents self-fertilization and regulates inter-compatibility between cultivars, such that cultivars bearing the same incompatibility group are incompatible. Despite the presence of a functional SI, some varieties, in particular conditions, are able to set seeds following self-fertilization, a mechanism known as pseudo-self-compatibility (PSC), as widely reported in previous literature. Here, we summarize the results of previous works on SI in olive, particularly focusing on the occurrence of self-fertility, and offer a new perspective in view of the recent elucidation of the genetic architecture of the SI system in olive. Recent advances in research aimed at unraveling the molecular bases of SI and its breakdown in olive are also presented. The clarification of these mechanisms may have a huge impact on orchard management and will provide fundamental information for the future of olive breeding programs.

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018
Germplasm collections are basic tools for conservation, characterization, and efficient use of ol... more Germplasm collections are basic tools for conservation, characterization, and efficient use of olive genetic resources. The identification of the olive cultivars maintained in the collections is an important ongoing task which has been performed by both, morphological and molecular markers. In the present study, based on the sequencing results of previous genomic projects, a new set of 1,043 EST-SNP markers has been identified. In order to evaluate its discrimination capacity and utility in diversity studies, this set of markers was used in a representative number of accessions from 20 different olive growing countries and maintained at the World Olive Germplasm Collection of IFAPA Centre 'Alameda del Obispo' (Córdoba, Spain), one of the world's largest olive germplasm bank. Thus, the cultivated material included: cultivars belonging to previously defined core collections by means of SSR markers and agronomical traits, well known homonymy cases, possible redundancies previously identified in the collection, and recently introduced accessions. Marker stability was tested in repeated analyses of a selected number of accessions, as well as in different trees and accessions belonging to the same cultivar. In addition, 15 genotypes from a cross 'Picual' × 'Arbequina' cultivars from the IFAPA olive breeding program and a set of 89 wild genotypes were also included in the study. Our results indicate that, despite their relatively wide variability, the new set of EST-SNPs displayed lower levels of genetic diversity than SSRs in the set of olive core collections tested. However, the EST-SNP markers displayed consistent and reliable results from different plant material sources and plant propagation events. The EST-SNPs revealed a clear cut off between inter-and intra-cultivar variation in olive. Besides, they were able to reliably discriminate among different accessions, to detect possible homonymy cases as well as efficiently ascertain the presence of redundant germplasm in the collection. Additionally, these markers were highly transferable to the wild genotypes. These results, together with the low genotyping error rates and the easy and fully automated procedure used to get the genotyping data, validate the new set of EST-SNPs as possible markers of choice for olive cultivar identification.
European Food Research and Technology, 2018
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag Gmb... more Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at".

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2018
Olive (Olea europaea L.) is one of the most important tree crops of the Mediterranean regions. In... more Olive (Olea europaea L.) is one of the most important tree crops of the Mediterranean regions. In spite of the increasing appreciation of typical extra virgin olive oils at world level, based on the use of local traditional varieties, very few studies have focused on the genetic characterisation of olive cultivars of regional interest, such as those grown in Veneto, a NorthEastern Italy region. A deep knowledge of the varieties cultivated in this territory is a key step to address the product quality, to increase market demand and to certify the origin of local olive oils. Here we have analyzed olive cultivars and cultivar groups within the olive cultivation area in Veneto, from the Garda Lake to the Euganean and Trevisan hills, by using discriminant SSR markers, in order to obtain a systematic genetic survey of the Veneto regional olive germplasm patrimony. A total of 203 previously uncharacterized olive samples were collected from ancient trees still grown by local farmers. The analyzed samples included also 36 olive reference cultivars from Veneto and neighbour Regions. We found 57 unique molecular profiles out of this set of olive accessions that were split into 15 cultivar groups corresponding to genetically distinct STRUCTURE clusters. Based on a common SSR database, our 239 Venetian accessions were compared with 280 olive reference genotypes representative of the Mediterranean cultivation area. From the genetic structure analysis, it has been observed that 80% of Venetian cultivars clustered in the central Mediterranean group, about 9% and 2% with the eastern and western varieties, respectively, and all the others resulted intermixed among two or three populations. We found that regionally the most common variety was ''Casaliva'', corresponding to the widely diffused cultivar ''Frantoio'', while others showed identity with known varieties grown in close regions, such as ''Leccino'', ''Miniol'', ''Capolga'' and ''Bianchera''. Besides these genotypes, others were not matching any known reference and therefore they could be classified as true local varieties of indigenous origin, possibly deriving from the hybridization and selection made by

Annals of Botany, 2017
Background and Aims Olive is considered a native plant of the eastern side of the Mediterranean b... more Background and Aims Olive is considered a native plant of the eastern side of the Mediterranean basin, from where it should have spread westward along the Mediterranean shores, while little is known about its diffusion in the eastern direction. Methods Genetic diversity levels and population genetic structure of a wide set of olive ecotypes and varieties collected from several provinces of Iran, representing a high percentage of the entire olive resources present in the area, was screened with 49 chloroplast and ten nuclear simple sequence repeat markers, and coupled with archaeobotanical and historical data on Mediterranean olive varieties. Approximate Bayesian Computation was applied to define the demographic history of olives including Iranian germplasm, and species distribution modelling was performed to understand the impact of the Late Quaternary on olive distribution. Key Results The results of the present study demonstrated that: (1) the climatic conditions of the last glacial maximum had an important role on the actual olive distribution, (2) all Iranian olive samples had the same maternal inheritance as Mediterranean cultivars, and (3) the nuclear gene flow from the Mediterranean basin to the Iranian plateau was almost absent, as well as the contribution of subspecies cuspidata to the diversity of Iranian olives. Conclusions Based on this evidence, a new scenario for the origin and distribution of this important fruit crop has been traced. The evaluation of olive trees growing in the eastern part of the Levant highlighted a new perspective on the spread and distribution of olive, suggesting two routes of olive differentiation, one westward, spreading along the Mediterranean basin, and another moving towards the east and reaching the Iranian plateau before its domestication.

Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2016
Rapid and effective genotyping is an important goal to discriminate among the numerous olive cult... more Rapid and effective genotyping is an important goal to discriminate among the numerous olive cultivars and their wild related forms. The largely used di-nucleotide simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers show a high level of polymorphism and have strongly contributed to solve many inconsistencies in varietal identity, but many problems related to difficult discrimination of neighboring alleles and low comparability of data among different labs severely reduce their applicability for large-scale screening. The availability of numerous transcriptome libraries, which were developed from different tissues of several olive varieties, has allowed their intensive screening to search for polynucleotide microsatellite regions with long core repeats, potentially polymorphic among varieties. An accurate screening of all these polymorphisms has allowed to select a set of 25 trinucleotide and one tetranucleotide SSRs, showing a good level of discrimination power with a high allele pattern resolution and repeatability. They were preliminarily tested on a group of cultivated varieties then validated on a wider group of cultivated and wild plants, and related species and subspecies, demonstrating a good transferability within the entire Olea taxon. Furthermore, an in silico functional prediction has allowed to assign each transcribed sequence to their gene functions and biological process categories, highlighting their potential application of these new EST-SSRs as functional markers.

PloS one, 2015
Finding efficient analytical techniques is overwhelmingly turning into a bottleneck for the effec... more Finding efficient analytical techniques is overwhelmingly turning into a bottleneck for the effectiveness of large biological data. Machine learning offers a novel and powerful tool to advance classification and modeling solutions in molecular biology. However, these methods have been less frequently used with empirical population genetics data. In this study, we developed a new combined approach of data analysis using microsatellite marker data from our previous studies of olive populations using machine learning algorithms. Herein, 267 olive accessions of various origins including 21 reference cultivars, 132 local ecotypes, and 37 wild olive specimens from the Iranian plateau, together with 77 of the most represented Mediterranean varieties were investigated using a finely selected panel of 11 microsatellite markers. We organized data in two '4-targeted' and '16-targeted' experiments. A strategy of assaying different machine based analyses (i.e. data cleaning, feat...