Papers by R. Kunjana Rahardi
Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia, Aug 1, 2020
It is always possible to combine the field of language with other fields which may be irrelevant,... more It is always possible to combine the field of language with other fields which may be irrelevant, but there is a possibility to develop the fields synergistically. Cyberpragmatics can be seen as a transdisciplinary field, because it includes complex dimensions, namely language, pragmatics, technology, media, internet, and possibly other dimensions as well. This article aims to describe contexts in cyberpragmatics. The data was collected from utterances in various domains which contained context entities. The substantive data source was taken from authentic texts in various social media which also contained context. As for the locative data source, it was from social media that could be reached within the time of research. The data was collected by applying listening method and interview method. The researcher also used his intuitive judgment given the fact that he is a native speaker of Indonesian language. The data analysis method applied in this research is distributional analysis method in order to reach the linguistic aspects of this research. The dominant analytical method used is the extralingual type of extralinguistic method of analysis. The analysis showed that various pragmatic contexts were found, which include social context, societal context, cultural context, and situational context. The diverse contexts may change and shift over time. The context of the past cannot be the same as the context of the present and future. The elements and functions of the context will definitely shift and change so that the meaning of speech intentions in cyberpragmatics will also change.
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan manisfetasi metafungsi interpersonal teks siber vaks... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan manisfetasi metafungsi interpersonal teks siber vaksinasi Covid-19 dalam perspektif multimodalitas. Sumber data lokasional penelitian ini adalah poster-poster vaksinasi Covid-19 yang diperoleh dari google pictures yang telah diunduh dan diakui penyitirannya sesuai dengan prosedur ilmiah yang berlaku, sehingga tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip etik (ethical clearance) penelitian berbasis internet. Data penelitian ini berupa tuturan dan gambar grafis yang terdapat dalam poster-poster vaksinasi Covid-19 yang di dalamnya terkandung metafungsi interpersonal. Data diperoleh di seputar waktu pelaksanaan penelitian, yakni pertengahan hingga akhir tahun 2021. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik membaca dan mencatat. Metode yang mewadahi kedua teknik pengumpulan data tersebut adalah metode simak. Data yang telah dikumpulkan dengan baik diseleksi untuk memisahkan data baik dan data nakal atau tidak baik. Data yang baik selanjutnya diklasifikasi untuk mendapatkan tipetipe data untuk dikenakan metode dan teknik analisis data. Data divalidasikan kepada pakar dan teori yang relevan. Data dianalisis dengan metode analisis padan ekstralingual. Lanskap pemadanan dilakukan pada aspek-aspek ekstralingualnya. Hasil penelitian metafungsi interpersonal dalam perspektif multimodalitas ini ini adalah: (1) Metafungsi interpersonal pemberi kejelasan alur pelaksanaan vaksinasi Covid-19, (2) Metafungsi interpersonal pemotivasi orang menjalani vaksinasi Covid-19, (3) Metafungsi interpersonal pengajak menyukseskan program vaksinasi Covid-19, (4) Metafungsi interpersonal pemberi penjelasan dampak vaksinasi Covid-19, (5) Metafungsi interpersonal pengajak warga melaksanakan vaksinasi Covid-19. Dengan temuan-temuan metafungsi dalam siberteks tersebut dapat ditegaskan bahwa metafungsi interpersonal dalam perspektif multimodalitas dapat bermanifestasi beragam. Keberagaman manifestasi tersebut tidak lepas dari teknologi sebagai bagian pokok dari budaya yang menjadi penentu perkembangan bahasa di era baru sekarang ini.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language and Language Teaching, ICLLT 2019, 12 October, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2020
The speaker's meaning in pragmatics will never run out to explore. The speaker's meaning is embed... more The speaker's meaning in pragmatics will never run out to explore. The speaker's meaning is embedded in the complex contexts surrounding the utterances and it keeps changing over time. One of the contexts is the cultural context, which plays a dominant role in the culture-specific pragmatics. This research is meant to explore the roles of cultural context in the culture-specific pragmatics. The research problem is then formulated as follows: (1) What are the elements found in the cultural context of the culture-specific pragmatics?; (2) What are the contextual functions embedded in the culture-specific pragmatics? The research data source is the utterances spoken in various domains within the culture-specific scope which includes elements and functions of cultural contexts. The research data uses excerpts of utterances taken from the conversational texts in different domains containing elements and functions of cultural contexts. The data is gathered using the observation and speaking methods, employing note-taking and recording techniques. The gathered data is analyzed using the distributional analytical method and pragmatic identity method. The research results show that cultural contexts in the culture-specific community have the following elements: (1) the speaker's cultural background, (2) the hearer's cultural background, (3) the prevailing cultural norms, (4) instruments and the cultural genres. The functions of cultural contexts found in this research are: (1) cultural contexts as determinants of the speaker's meaning; (2) cultural contexts as indicators to determine the speaker's meaning; and (3) the cultural contexts to affirm the speaker's meaning. This research is theoretically beneficial to develop the study of pragmatics, especially the culture-specific pragmatics.
Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA)
Konteks siberteks dalam pragmatik edukasional mendesak untuk diteliti dan diperikan. Keterlambata... more Konteks siberteks dalam pragmatik edukasional mendesak untuk diteliti dan diperikan. Keterlambatan pemerian hasil-hasil riset konteks siberteks dapat melahirkan pemahaman-pemahaman verbalistik atas batasan-batasan konteks pragmatik. Pemahaman konteks yang demikian itu tentu tidak dapat berkontribusi signifikan bagi pengembangan ilmu linguistik-pragmatik. Fakta yang terjadi sekarnag adalah bahwa peneliti pragmatik banyak mendasarkan pemahaman konteks dari definisi-definisi Barat. Dalam rangka menanggapi kenyataan itulah penelitian tentang konteks siberteks ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memerikan manifestasi wujud dan fungsi konteks siberteks dalam perspektif multimodalitas pada pembelajaran pragmatik edukasional. Masalah penelitian dirumuskan berikut ini: Apa sajakah wujud dan fungsi konteks siberteks dalam perspektif multimodalitas? Sejalan dengan rumusan masalahnya, maka tujuan penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut: Mendeskripsikan wujud dan fungsi konteks siber...
Linguistik Indonesia
It is always possible to combine the field of language with other fields which may be irrelevant,... more It is always possible to combine the field of language with other fields which may be irrelevant, but there is a possibility to develop the fields synergistically. Cyberpragmatics can be seen as a transdisciplinary field, because it includes complex dimensions, namely language, pragmatics, technology, media, internet, and possibly other dimensions as well. This article aims to describe contexts in cyberpragmatics. The data was collected from utterances in various domains which contained context entities. The substantive data source was taken from authentic texts in various social media which also contained context. As for the locative data source, it was from social media that could be reached within the time of research. The data was collected by applying listening method and interview method. The researcher also used his intuitive judgment given the fact that he is a native speaker of Indonesian language. The data analysis method applied in this research is distributional analysis...
The objective of this research was to describe the types of triadicities of pragmatic contexts on... more The objective of this research was to describe the types of triadicities of pragmatic contexts on impolite utterances in the Indonesian language in culture-specific perspective. The research data were the natural utterances in a culture-specific domain intrinsically containing triadicity of pragmatic contexts. The data were collected and presented through the observation methods, both through the engaged conversation technique and uninvolved conversation technique. The data gathering techniques being applied in the observation method were the recording and note-taking techniques. In addition to the conversation technique, an interview technique was applied both the face-to-face and indirect conversations. The data gathering stage was completed when the data was ready to be analyzed. Data analysis was carried out using the identity method, especially the extralingual identity method. This aligned with the contextual analysis in pragmatics in which contextual aspects must be identified. The results of the study showedthat there were 10 types of triadicities of pragmatic contexts on impolite utterances in the Indonesian language in culture-specific perspective. They were triadicities of pragmatic contexts in: (1) pretense, (2) association, (3) taboos, (4) taunting, (5) arrogance, (6) pleonasm, (7) puns, (8) insults, (9) teasing, (10) interjection. The findings of research bring the significant contribution to the development of pragmatics, particularly the culture-specific pragmatics Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tipe-tipe ketriaditisan konteks pragmatik dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan perspektif kultur spesifik. Data penelitian berupa tuturan-tuturan natural manusia dalam domain kultur spesifik yang secara implisit mengandung triadisitas konteks pragmatik tersebut. Data dikumpulkan dengan menerapkan metode simak, baik simak libat cakap maupun simak bebas libat cakap. Teknik pengumpulan data yang diterapkan adalah teknik catat dan teknik rekam. Selain teknik-teknik tersebut, diterapkan pula teknik wawancara, baik yang sifatnya semuka maupun tidak semuka. Tahap pengumpulan data dipandang selesai ketika data benar-benar telah siap untuk dianalisis. Selanjutnya, analisis data dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode padan, khususnya padan yang bersifat ekstralingual. Metode tersebut selaras dengan metode analisis kontekstual dalam pragmatik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 10 jenis ketriaditisan konteks pragmatik dalam bahasa Indonesia dalam perspektif kultur spesifik. Kesepuluh jenis tersebut adalah ketriaditisan konteks pragmatik dalam tuturan yang mengandung makna: (1) kepura-puraan, (2) asosiasi, (3) tabu, (4) ejekan, (5) kesombongan, (6) pleonasme, (7) lelucon, (8) hinaan, (9) godaan, (10) interjeksi. Temuan penelitian ini diyakini dapat memberikan kontribusi signifikan bagi pengembangan ilmu pragmatik, khususnya pragmatik dalam perspektif kultur spesifik.
Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra
This research describes the pragmatic meaning of verbal and nonverbal language of Sundanese peopl... more This research describes the pragmatic meaning of verbal and nonverbal language of Sundanese people in Sindangkasih District, Ciamis Regency, West Java. This research is a qualitative research using ethnopragmatics. That is, verbal and nonverbal politeness of Sundanese people can be done through speech acts that use kinesthetic nonverbal language (facial, gestural, and postural). The data source of this research is routine activities carried out by Sundanese people in Sindangkasih Subdistrict. The data in this study are verbal and nonverbal languages that contain politeness. The technique of collecting data in this study was to adapt the ethnographic method and use the method of listening. The data analysis technique of this study uses a flow model consisting of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. The results showed that the pragmatic meaning of verbal and nonverbal politeness of Sundanese people was manifested through kinesthetic nonverbal language, namely nonverbal facial language (facial expressions / facial expressions); gestural (eye movements, head movements, and hand movements); and postural (movements of all limbs, such as bowing, standing upright, leftward, and rightward).
Pluralism is the wealth of the Indonesian people. However, diversity also has the potential to gi... more Pluralism is the wealth of the Indonesian people. However, diversity also has the potential to give birth to various conflicts that can divide national unity. Exploring the values of local wisdom becomes important to do in the framework of unity. This study aims to describe the value of unity in the oral traditions of Teda, Kabizu Beijello community, Southwest Sumba and describe the inclusion of the value of unity in multicultural education. This research is a qualitative type by utilizing an Eco linguistic perspective. The data of this study were collected using the method of listening, interviews, and observations applied by the record technique and the note taking technique. The data of this study were analyzed using the extra lingual equivalent method. The results showed that the value of unity in the Teda oral tradition was reflected in traditional rituals during the Padede Uma Kalada process or the construction of traditional houses. The inclusion of the value of the Teda oral tradition unity can be done through learning material in ecolinguistic lectures in the master's program. The concrete implementation of planting the value of unity can be done by selecting a learning model that can accommodate items in the value of unity. If these values are properly maintained and preserved in the context of learning, students will increasingly appreciate diversity.
Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, 2017
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan fenomena yang 'Indoglish' dan 'Jawanes... more Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan fenomena yang 'Indoglish' dan 'Jawanesia' dalam domain pendidikan. Deskripsi dilakukan dengan menggambarkan bentuk 'Indoglish' dan 'Jawanesia' dilanjutkan dengan deskripsi motif yang ada entitas bahasa tersebut, diikuti oleh deskripsi dampak terhadap upaya dignifying bahasa Indonesia. Data penelitian ini diambil dari ucapan-ucapan langsung diucapkan oleh guru, dosen, mahasiswa, dan tenaga kependidikan, di manapun dan kapanpun mungkin, di lembaga pendidikan tertentu di sekitar Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data untuk penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode partisipasi, apakah itu partisipasi wawancara atau partisipasi tanpa wawancara. Data yang terkumpul kemudian diklasifikasikan dan ditandai sebelum metode dan teknik analisis data yang diterapkan. Untuk menganalisis data, peneliti menerapkan metode distribusi analisis. Hasil analisis kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk cara informal hasil ...
Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, 2017
Enormous imbalance of study between language impoliteness and language politeness has become seri... more Enormous imbalance of study between language impoliteness and language politeness has become serious concern among those who regard pragmatics important field in language learning. Impoliteness constitutes existing phenomena in most societies and cultures but it has so far been regarded as outside the study of pragmatics itself. This paper is meant to trigger the study of this seemingly-new phenomenon that the study of pragmatics becomes more and more extensive in Indonesia. The restriction of the available theories of this pragmatic phenomenon should not hinder the study of pragmatics.
Diaspora literary studies have been extensively conducted in the world of literature. However, In... more Diaspora literary studies have been extensively conducted in the world of literature. However, Indonesian diaspora literature has not been conducted widely in the Indonesian literature studies. To begin with, this study examines the diaspora literature written by Indonesian immigrants in America in the 2010s. The first genre of Indonesian diaspora literature by Indonesian immigrants in America in the 2010s includes the history novel, Only a Girl: Menantang Phoenix (by Lian Gouw) which talks about the history of Chinese society in the Dutch-Indonesian era until the Indonesian independence and Candik Ala 1965 (by Tinuk R. Yampolsky) which tells the history of G/30/S/PKI. The second is the short story genre, which is Mantra Maia (by Sofie Dewayani) and the third are memory stories, which is This is America, Beibeh (by Dian Nugraheni) both of which raise the issue of Indonesian migrant communities in America. Diaspora problems are always related to the identity construction. The identity in Only a Girl: Menantang Phoenix is the migratory tendency and avoidance of racial conflicts inherent Chinese people, who migrated to Indonesia, and who eventually migrated to America. The identity in Candik Ala 1965 is the Indonesian political migrants in America who position themselves as the victims of violence in the Suharto regime. The identity contained in the Mantra Maia short stories collection is a new world (America) that makes the migrants experience the psychological tension between success and failure of adaptation. The identity depicted in the memory stories of This is America, Beibeh is the identity of the Indonesian migrants who are able to adapt positively, by always comparing their new experiences with their old experiences in Indonesia.
Abstrak Pengalaman masyarakat leluhur Nias terhadap alam menciptakan beragam leksikon tumbuhan ob... more Abstrak Pengalaman masyarakat leluhur Nias terhadap alam menciptakan beragam leksikon tumbuhan obattradisional dalam li niha (bahasa daerah Nias). Kearifan leluhurnya dalam menggunakan alamseharusnya tetap diteruskan oleh generasi penerus agar tetap menjadi kekayaan dan ciri khas yangmelekat bagi masyarakat Nias. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui leksikon tumbuhan obattradisional dan mendeskripsikan makna leksikon tumbuhan obat tradisonal yang digunakan dalamtuturan masyarakat Nias. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulandata berupa studi pustaka dan wawancara. Data berupa leksikon tumbuhan obat tradisional. Datadianalisis dengan tahapan: identifikasi data, klasifikasi, dan interpretasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanterdapat leksikon tumbuhan obat tradisional dalam bahasa Nias yaitu langu wato , giti-iti, sofö-söfö, manaze, mali-mali, mboli, nduru-nduru, go’o, manawa danö, mbala. Sepuluh leksikontersebut ditemukan dalam tuturan masyarakat Nia...
Jurnal Edukasi Sumba (JES)
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan jati diri masyarakat Wewewa, Sumba Barat Daya, NTT, yang... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan jati diri masyarakat Wewewa, Sumba Barat Daya, NTT, yang termanifestasi dalam kearifan lokal pada tuturan lisan Oka. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnopragmatik. Artinya, untuk memahami jati diri masyarakat Wewewa, terikat konteks situasi dan konteks budaya. Konteks situasi bertujuan menggali apa yang terjadi, entitas yang terlibat dalam kegiatan tersebut, keadaan, di mana, dan kapan kegiatan itu terjadi. Sementara konteks budaya mengacu pada nilai yang dianut oleh masyarakat. Objek yang dikaji adalah gambaran jati diri masyarakat Wewewa yang tercermin dalam tuturan lisan Oka. Sumber data primer adalah tuturan-tuturan lisan Oka. Sumber data primer ini diperoleh dari penutur yang menuturkan tradisi lisan Oka. Sumber data primer dijaring peneliti dari warga masyarakat Wewewa berdasarkan wawancara (percakapan etnografis). Sementara sumber data sekunder diperoleh peneliti dari dokumen-dokumen yang berkaitan lang...
Abstrak This article aims to describe the steps of implementing environmental learning models in ... more Abstrak This article aims to describe the steps of implementing environmental learning models in learning creative writing fable material and describing its effectiveness. This research is a type of research mix research using a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection techniques using observation methods, questionnaires, and tests. Through research can be known measures implementing environmental learning model in learning creative writing fable material include: (1) environmental exploration, (2) reporting on the results of environmental exploration, (3) determining themes, figures, background, moral messages, and other elements of builders, (4) making the framework according to structure, (5) developing the skeleton into the text fable, (6) editing fable text, and (7) publication of fable. Fable text analysis and test results show that the fable text written by a student group using environmental learning models has good quality in terms of content, organi...
Pragmatic learning must be research based. By basing on research, pragmatic learning in language ... more Pragmatic learning must be research based. By basing on research, pragmatic learning in language majors and language education will be of high quality. Until now, pragmatic learning is still based on the views of Western experts. On the basis of that concern, the authors sought to examine specific culture-based pragmatics related to the socio-societal context. The results of the study are utilized in pragmatic learning. The main objective of this study is to describe the design of social-societal context learning models in pragmatics. The paradigm that was followed was the Ignasian-based reflective learning paradigm. The learning method applied is the cooperative learning method. The technique applied is a group investigation technique. Furthermore, this research is useful in the following matters: (a) improving and improving the quality of pragmatic learning in tertiary institutions; (b) produce researchers in the field of reliable pragmatics because they are used to wrestling with...
The indirect expression of intention in the Javanese culture-based speech community requires the ... more The indirect expression of intention in the Javanese culture-based speech community requires the speaker and the hearer to understand the importance of contexts in communication. Failure to understand the context of interaction will definitely impede communication and interaction, or even worse it may cause misunderstanding in the communication and interaction process. In the Javanese speech community, people may say ‘ mboten ’ or ‘no’ without intending to negate or to express falsity. On the contrary, people may say ‘ inggih ’ or ‘yes’ which does not necessarily mean to affirm or to express an assertion. Therefore, it is clear that in the Javanese speech community, the extralinguistic contexts in the communication is very important and defines the purpose of utterances. Based on the research background, the research on extralinguistic contexts to determine the meaning of ‘ mboten ’ was carried out. The objective of the research was to elaborate the extralinguistic contexts which de...
Papers by R. Kunjana Rahardi