Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences, Jan 30, 2023
The existence of sea turtle in its habitat, especially in Bali is endangered. Moon cot sari sea t... more The existence of sea turtle in its habitat, especially in Bali is endangered. Moon cot sari sea turtle island is a one of tourist destination that carries out conservation of sea turtles. This turtle island provides more education about turtles to the tourists. Turtle island is still in the developing stage to become an ecotourism destination. Ecotourism defines as a tourism that emphasizes the responsibility of preserving nature, providing economic benefits and maintaining cultural integrity for the local community. The development of turtle island as an ecotourism destination could be evaluated from the implementation of the principles of ecotourism such as education, recreation, society walfare, pasticipation of society. The data was collected using interview by closed question questionnaire and the output of this research is a descriptive value. The questionnaire were used to asses if those principles were already applied in turtle island or not. The total of respondents 450 tourists, 15 person staff and 15 person local community. Sampling is carried out for 1.5 months from January to March 2019 every Sunday according to the high season period on that month. The results found that on average 80% of respondents answered that they have gained insight about sea turtles and better understand about sea turtles conservation (principle of education), 75.5% of respondents answered that the turtle island has adequate facilities to give the impression of a pleasant tour (principle of tourism), 100% of staff and stakeholder respondents said the turtle island had a better economic impact (society walfare), 100% of the society respondents said that they participated in preserving the turtle and the environment of the local mangrove forest (principle of society participation and conservation).
Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences, Dec 3, 2020
Hydrocarbon compounds are commonly found in petroleum and gas, plastics, paraffins, and bitumen. ... more Hydrocarbon compounds are commonly found in petroleum and gas, plastics, paraffins, and bitumen. Although hydrocarbons are the constituent compounds of the materials used by humans, some hydrocarbon compounds have adverse effects on the environment and humans. One alternative to solve this problem is by using Mangrove substrate in Ngurah Rai Forest Park, Bali which is the habitat of several species of bacteria that interfere with degrading hydrocarbons. This study aims to identify the bacteria that interfere with hydroxon, through macroscopic observation, microscopic and biochemical tests. The results of this study showed six isolate bacteria that interfere with degrading hydrocarbon compounds. Six isolates were from the genus Alcaligenes of sandy mangroves, Pseudomonas and Bacillus genus from muddy mangrove soils, and two genera of bacteria from clay substrate namely Alcaligenes and Bacillus. The disturbing bacterial proposals underlying the highest hydrocarbon were found on clay with a value of 58.51% and the lowest on sandy substrates, with a discount value of 0%. The highest value on the clay substrate can cause the clay substrate to bind hydrocarbons, air, nutrients, and oxygen higher than sandy and muddy soils. The lowest value on sandy substrate can lead to low bacterial capability and it takes a long time for bacteria to degrade hydrocarbons.
This research aims to determine the fishermen’s exchange rate (NTN) and how the catch composition... more This research aims to determine the fishermen’s exchange rate (NTN) and how the catch composition could affect the income of purse sein fishermen in Pengambengan Village. The object of the research is purse sein fishermen in Pengambengan Village, sampling has carried out by using purposive technique, and data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. The method used in this research are the NTN calculation method and multiple linear regression statistical method with hypothesis test, T-tets, F-test, and the coefficient of determination (adjusted R2 Square). The results show in the harvest season, almost all of the fishermen experienced a surplus (NTN above 100), while in the famine season only fishermen with high profit-sharing system experienced a surplus and the other experienced a disadvantage. For both of the two seasons, the fishermen’s catch composition are consist of lemuru, tongkol and layang; base on the T-test results, lemuru catch affect significantly on fisherme...
Lemuru is one of the highest catches landed in PPN Pengambengan. PPN Pengambengan is a strategic ... more Lemuru is one of the highest catches landed in PPN Pengambengan. PPN Pengambengan is a strategic fishery port owned by Jembrana with a function as a center or center for marine fisheries landing. Improvement of fishing technology will be related to the problem of abundance or availability of fishery resoure stocks, so it is necessary to study CPUE, MSY and JTB so that they can utilize the resources with optimal but still maintain its preservation in nature. This research has a purpose, which is to know the tren of CPUE, MSY and JTB of lemuru fish (Sardinella lemuru) landed in PPN Pengambengan. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method using a surplus production analysis from Schaefer. The data used in this study are catch and fleet data from 2014–2019 obtained directly from the PPN Pengambengan office. The results showed the highest CPUE in 2015 amounted to 6,15 tons/fleet, but after that the CPUE tren tended to decline, especially since 2016 while the MSY value was obtai...
Timor – Leste merupakan suatu Negara yang terletak di utara benoa Australia dan selatan Indonesia... more Timor – Leste merupakan suatu Negara yang terletak di utara benoa Australia dan selatan Indonesia dengan luas wilayah 14.874 km². Timor – Leste memiliki banyak sumber daya alam salah satunya adalah pantai yang terdapat di Timor – Leste di ibu kota Dili, derada di wilayah Cristo Rei yaitu pantai Dolok Oan. Pantai Dolok Oan merupakan pantai berpasir putih yang memiliki karakteristik pasir, air laut jernih sehingga sangat cocok untuk rekreasi, tetapi belum dimaanfatkan secara optimal. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui indeks kesesuaian wisata di pantai dan untuk mengentahui faktor – faktor pembatas indeks kesesuaian wisata di kawasan pantai Dolok Oan. Penelitian indeks kesesuaian wisata ( IKW ) dilaksanakan di pantai Dolok Oan, Cristo Rei, Dili, Timor – Leste, pada bulan Januari Tahun 2019. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Data yang diambil meliputi tipe pantai, lebar pantai, kedalaman perairan, kemiringan pantai, material dasar perai...
Change in sea surface temperature (SST) has a huge impact to rainfall intensity. This research an... more Change in sea surface temperature (SST) has a huge impact to rainfall intensity. This research analysed the trend of SST all over Bali island for 10 years (from 2009 to 2018) using MODIS satellite level 3, covered 7.8958oSouth -8.8958oSouth and 114.4791oEast - 115.6875oEast. The data for rainfall trend was collected from 12 rain observer stations of BMKG (Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophhysical Agency). The statistical correlation between SST and rainfall intensity were analyzed using Microsoft Excel software. The result found that the SST in Bali ranged from 25.4oC until 31.5oC. The change of SST has a similar pattern to the monsoon cycle where the western monsoon is relatively warmer than the eastern monsoon. The rainfall trend in Bali is closely related to the monsoon cycle. During the western monsoon,the average monthly rainfall value in Bali is more than 150 mm, while the rainfall value on the eastern monsoon is slightly different, which is <150 mm. The c...
Layang deles is one of the highest catches landed in PPN Pengambengan. PPN Pengambengan is a stra... more Layang deles is one of the highest catches landed in PPN Pengambengan. PPN Pengambengan is a strategic fishery port owned by Jembrana with a function as a center or center for marine fisheries landing. Improvement of fishing technology will be related to the problem of abundance or availability of fishery resoure stocks, so it is necessary to study CPUE, MSY and JTB so that they can utilize the resources with optimal but still maintain its preservation in nature. This research has a purpose, which is to know the trend of CPUE, MSY and JTB of layang deles fish (Decapterus macrosoma) landed in PPN Pengambengan. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method using a surplus production analysis from Schaefer. The data used in this study are catch and fleet data from 2014 – 2019 obtained directly from the PPN Pengambengan office. The results showed the highest CPUE in 2015 amounted to 6,12 tons/fleet, but after that the CPUE trend tended to decline, especially since 2016 while the ...
This study uses two environmentally friendly fishing gears namely gill net and hand line. The len... more This study uses two environmentally friendly fishing gears namely gill net and hand line. The length of one set of hand line is 100 m and the length of one set of gill nets is 250 m. The purpose of this study was to determine the number of catches, species composition of catches and the efficiency of fishing gear that provided benefits for the fishermen of Kusamba Village. This data collection was carried out in field plunge directly with fishermen using the one day trip method for 35 trips during the tuna fishing season by Kusamba Village fishermen. Auxis sp is one type of fish that is the main target of the catch of fishermen in Kusamba Village. Auxis sp often follows the current circulation, the catch of Auxis sp on the fishermen of Kusamba Village has a different amount of production every day. In terms of Auxis sp catches by Kusamba Village Fishermen who use two fishing gear are dominated by gill nets and the quality aspect is dominated by hand linecatches. It is known that the...
Mangrove in Benoa Bay plays important roles in the southern Bali island. Mangrove habitat in Beno... more Mangrove in Benoa Bay plays important roles in the southern Bali island. Mangrove habitat in Benoa Bay has undergone in area changes due to various anthropogenic activities and natural factors, it is important to monitor the distribution of the mangrove forests. Mangrove area changes can be detected using remote sensing technology. This research is to aims the capabilities of radar and optical satellites in mangroves detection using supervised classification Maximum likelihood & Minimum distance. The results showed that radar images failed to detect mangroves as a separate class and produced three classes of land cover (urban, vegetation and waters), optical images and a combination of radar & optic images capable of detecting mangroves as a separate class and produce five land cover class (vegetation other, urban, mangroves, waters and agriculture). The evaluation of the Maximum likelihood classification shows that the combination of radar & optical images scenario has the highest ...
Indonesia is one of tropical country which is very vulnerable to extreme phenomena in its water, ... more Indonesia is one of tropical country which is very vulnerable to extreme phenomena in its water, such as Indian Ocean Phenomena (IOD) that occurred in Indian Ocean. The Bali Strait is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean in the south area. Bali Strait is a region in Indonesia that has a high potential fishery resources namely, lemuru (Sardinella lemuru). The purpose of this study is to observe correlation and influence of IOD on lemuru production in Bali Strait between 2012 - 2016. The data used in this research are lemuru data was collected from 3 fish landing base namely PPP Muncar, PPN Pengambengan and PPI Kedonganan and IOD data used Dipole Mode Index (DMI) monthly from 2012 – 2016. The calculation used correlation equation, regression of second order polynomial. The highest lemuru production during 5 years, from 2012 untill 2016 was in 2015, accounted of 27,144,784 kg and the lowest production was in 2012 accounted of 5,644,146 kg. Based on that results, the highest yield of l...
Benoa Bay is an estuary that gets input of waste and nutrients from six rivers and inderectly inf... more Benoa Bay is an estuary that gets input of waste and nutrients from six rivers and inderectly influenced water productivity in Benoa Bay. The nutrients flow from the river to domestic, industrial, and agricultural activities into Benoa Bay. The amount of nutrient inputs accumulated in Benoa Bay this could affect the chlorophyll-a consentrations. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial distribution and influence nitrate and phosphate on chlorophyll-a concentration. Water surface sampling carried out on February 2019. The method used was purposive sampling and chlorophyll-a concentration was analysed using spectrophotometer Shimadzu UV-2600, based on the maximum absorption of four wavelengths (quadrichroic). The results showed that the chlorophyll-a concentration ranged from 0.22 - 8.53 g/m3 with an average of 5.58 g/m3. Nitrate concentration ranged from 0,004 - 0,180 mg/L with an average 0,107 mg/L. Phosphate concentration ranged from 0,005 - 0,229 mg/L with an average...
Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, Oct 26, 2016
One of the easiest and the most common way to estimate the biological diversity at a place is to ... more One of the easiest and the most common way to estimate the biological diversity at a place is to enumerate the organisms at species level, which helps to find the basic patterns of biodiversity at the place. A sound knowledge on floristic composition of particular area is essential to understand the resources, their sustainable use and conservation purposes. Altogether 600 specimens were collected from the Upper Manang area covering an elevation gradient of 2600m to 5200m from sea level, and of which 220 species belonging to 138 genera and 50 families were identified up to species level and used to estimate species richness. Of the total identified species, greatest diversity was found within the families Compositae and Labiatae, comprising 14 and 11 genera, respectively. Similarly, the greatest species diversity was found within the genera Potentilla (12 species) and Primula (6 species). Second order polynomial regression showed unimodal pattern of species richness along elevation gradient, showing greatest species richness between 3500m to 4000m altitude, whereas no any angiosperm species was encountered beyond 5100m.
Tuna is one of the main catching commodities in the waters of Southeast Karangasem. Fishers in th... more Tuna is one of the main catching commodities in the waters of Southeast Karangasem. Fishers in the Southeast waters of Karangasem used drift gillnet operations to find pelagic fish such as mackerel. This study aims to determine the composition of fish catches using different net sizes and determine the effect of different gill nets on the catch of tuna fish in the southeast waters of the Karangasem Regency. The study was conducted for one month from mid-October to mid-November 2017 by following fishers' fishing trips. The fishing gear used was gill nets with differences, namely 2' 2.5 and 3 inches. The data was taken directly by operating the gill net, which has three different mesh sizes then the data was analyzed by ANOVA. Based on the research found four types of fish, namely Tuna (Euthynnus sp.), ikan kembung (Restrelliger kanagurta), barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), and Manta sp. with details on 2.5 sized nets, three species (cobs, mackerel, barracuda), while sediment n...
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2021
The living marine aquarium trade has been known to mediate various aquatic invaders to spread and... more The living marine aquarium trade has been known to mediate various aquatic invaders to spread and established a new population outside of their natural home range. In most cases, the introduce species cause a cascaded effect which harm the native species and their ecosystem. The successful of the invasion event often related to the genetic properties of the introduced species. Therefore, using a molecular approach based on a mitochondrial DNA marker, the present work aimed to evaluate the population genetic structure of the introduced P. kauderni population in Bali Strait. Samples were collected from four sites in Gilimanuk Bay, Bali Strait. Our results showed a high haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity that might be a signal of a bottleneck. Overall, we found five haplotypes comprising two unique haplotypes and three shared haplotypes. Genetic structure was detected in some localities, which indicates Pterapogon kauderni might originated from various genetically distin...
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pantai Geger, Nusa Dua, Bali selama 30 hari. Tujuan penelitian ini ad... more Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pantai Geger, Nusa Dua, Bali selama 30 hari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kelimpahan predator abalon Haliotis squamata di Pantai Geger, Nusa Dua, Bali dan mengetahui jenis-jenis predator abalon Haliotis squamata. Metode yang digunakan adalah Underwater Visual census dengan menggunakan belt transect sepanajng 50 meter dengan jarak sebelah kiri 2,5 meter dan sebelah kanan 2,5 meter dengan luas arae total 250 m2 . Penelitian ini dilakuakan di 3 titik berbeda dengan tambahan area drum abalon sebagai pengamatan predator abalon lebih spesifik dengan bantuan kamera. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukannya predator morey eel (Gymnothorax thyrsoideus) pada arae dalam drum abalon Haliotis squamata dan pada area transek ditemukan morey eel (Gymnothorax thyrsoideus) dan Epinephelus sp. Hasil kelimpahan predator pada titik 1 didapat sebesar 0,0053 individu/m2 untuk jenis Gymnhotorax thyrsoideus dan untuk jenis Epinephelus sp memiliki nilai sebesar 0,0013 in...
Pantai Pandawa merupakan destinasi pariwisata yang terkenal dikalangan wisatawan domestik maupun ... more Pantai Pandawa merupakan destinasi pariwisata yang terkenal dikalangan wisatawan domestik maupun wisatawan mancanegara, terletak di Desa Kutuh, Kecamatan Kuta Selatan, Kabupaten Badung, Bali. Kegiatan pariwisata dapat menciptakan berbagai dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan sekitar karena meningkatnya campur tangan manusia di daerah ekologis, pengembangan pariwisata yang pesat telah mempengaruhi keseimbangan ekosistem alam di suatu daerah, terutama daya dukungnya. Daya dukung kawasan merupakan suatu konsep yang dikembangkan untuk suatu pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan untuk mencegah terjadinya gangguan atau kerusakan lingkungan. Penelitian mengenai daya dukung kawasan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui suatu kawasan memiliki daya dukung yang sesuai atau tidak, khususnya di Pantai Pandawa saat high season awal tahun (Januari – awal Maret 2019). Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan untuk pengumpulan data primer dengan metode wawancara ke...
Vegetation Indices is one of the remote sensing parameters that can be used to estimate the mangr... more Vegetation Indices is one of the remote sensing parameters that can be used to estimate the mangrove forest density. The purpose of this study is to determine the vegetation index with the best accuracy to estimate the condition of mangrove density, as well as determine the spatial distribution of mangrove density in the TNBB area. This study uses Sentinel-2A satellite imagery data and five different vegetation indices, namely NDVI, NNIR, EVI, mRE-SR, and vegetation index developed in this study. The method of determining samples in the field uses stratified random and proportional sampling. Data collection of canopy density used hemispherical photography method, which is taking vertical photos with a 180o angle of view using a camera with a Fish Eye or Wide lens. Data analysis used in this study is regression analysis, coefficient of determination test, model validation test, and paired t test. From statistical tests conducted on several vegetation indices, the mRE-SR vegetation in...
Gracilaria sp is red alga which belong to class rhodophyceae. It can grow in shallow salt water w... more Gracilaria sp is red alga which belong to class rhodophyceae. It can grow in shallow salt water with a general characteristic is having a cylindrical and branched thallus form. Seaweed cultivation can be performed through IMTA (Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture) method. The basic principle of cultivation through the IMTA method is utilizing service of the low thropic level species in marine ecosystems, such as shells and seaweed. This method is believed to be able to overcome the environmental problems caused by cultivation activities, such as feces and uneaten feed. This research was perfomed 45 days, from February 25 to April 11, 2017. It was held at Geger Beach, Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali, using a complete randomized design method that consist of three treatments and three repetition for each treatment. Treatment control (T1) consisted of 10 bunches of seaweed 100 grams without the abalone, treatement 2 (T2) consisted of 10 bunches of seaweed 100 grams and 20 abalones and...
Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences, Jan 30, 2023
The existence of sea turtle in its habitat, especially in Bali is endangered. Moon cot sari sea t... more The existence of sea turtle in its habitat, especially in Bali is endangered. Moon cot sari sea turtle island is a one of tourist destination that carries out conservation of sea turtles. This turtle island provides more education about turtles to the tourists. Turtle island is still in the developing stage to become an ecotourism destination. Ecotourism defines as a tourism that emphasizes the responsibility of preserving nature, providing economic benefits and maintaining cultural integrity for the local community. The development of turtle island as an ecotourism destination could be evaluated from the implementation of the principles of ecotourism such as education, recreation, society walfare, pasticipation of society. The data was collected using interview by closed question questionnaire and the output of this research is a descriptive value. The questionnaire were used to asses if those principles were already applied in turtle island or not. The total of respondents 450 tourists, 15 person staff and 15 person local community. Sampling is carried out for 1.5 months from January to March 2019 every Sunday according to the high season period on that month. The results found that on average 80% of respondents answered that they have gained insight about sea turtles and better understand about sea turtles conservation (principle of education), 75.5% of respondents answered that the turtle island has adequate facilities to give the impression of a pleasant tour (principle of tourism), 100% of staff and stakeholder respondents said the turtle island had a better economic impact (society walfare), 100% of the society respondents said that they participated in preserving the turtle and the environment of the local mangrove forest (principle of society participation and conservation).
Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences, Dec 3, 2020
Hydrocarbon compounds are commonly found in petroleum and gas, plastics, paraffins, and bitumen. ... more Hydrocarbon compounds are commonly found in petroleum and gas, plastics, paraffins, and bitumen. Although hydrocarbons are the constituent compounds of the materials used by humans, some hydrocarbon compounds have adverse effects on the environment and humans. One alternative to solve this problem is by using Mangrove substrate in Ngurah Rai Forest Park, Bali which is the habitat of several species of bacteria that interfere with degrading hydrocarbons. This study aims to identify the bacteria that interfere with hydroxon, through macroscopic observation, microscopic and biochemical tests. The results of this study showed six isolate bacteria that interfere with degrading hydrocarbon compounds. Six isolates were from the genus Alcaligenes of sandy mangroves, Pseudomonas and Bacillus genus from muddy mangrove soils, and two genera of bacteria from clay substrate namely Alcaligenes and Bacillus. The disturbing bacterial proposals underlying the highest hydrocarbon were found on clay with a value of 58.51% and the lowest on sandy substrates, with a discount value of 0%. The highest value on the clay substrate can cause the clay substrate to bind hydrocarbons, air, nutrients, and oxygen higher than sandy and muddy soils. The lowest value on sandy substrate can lead to low bacterial capability and it takes a long time for bacteria to degrade hydrocarbons.
This research aims to determine the fishermen’s exchange rate (NTN) and how the catch composition... more This research aims to determine the fishermen’s exchange rate (NTN) and how the catch composition could affect the income of purse sein fishermen in Pengambengan Village. The object of the research is purse sein fishermen in Pengambengan Village, sampling has carried out by using purposive technique, and data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. The method used in this research are the NTN calculation method and multiple linear regression statistical method with hypothesis test, T-tets, F-test, and the coefficient of determination (adjusted R2 Square). The results show in the harvest season, almost all of the fishermen experienced a surplus (NTN above 100), while in the famine season only fishermen with high profit-sharing system experienced a surplus and the other experienced a disadvantage. For both of the two seasons, the fishermen’s catch composition are consist of lemuru, tongkol and layang; base on the T-test results, lemuru catch affect significantly on fisherme...
Lemuru is one of the highest catches landed in PPN Pengambengan. PPN Pengambengan is a strategic ... more Lemuru is one of the highest catches landed in PPN Pengambengan. PPN Pengambengan is a strategic fishery port owned by Jembrana with a function as a center or center for marine fisheries landing. Improvement of fishing technology will be related to the problem of abundance or availability of fishery resoure stocks, so it is necessary to study CPUE, MSY and JTB so that they can utilize the resources with optimal but still maintain its preservation in nature. This research has a purpose, which is to know the tren of CPUE, MSY and JTB of lemuru fish (Sardinella lemuru) landed in PPN Pengambengan. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method using a surplus production analysis from Schaefer. The data used in this study are catch and fleet data from 2014–2019 obtained directly from the PPN Pengambengan office. The results showed the highest CPUE in 2015 amounted to 6,15 tons/fleet, but after that the CPUE tren tended to decline, especially since 2016 while the MSY value was obtai...
Timor – Leste merupakan suatu Negara yang terletak di utara benoa Australia dan selatan Indonesia... more Timor – Leste merupakan suatu Negara yang terletak di utara benoa Australia dan selatan Indonesia dengan luas wilayah 14.874 km². Timor – Leste memiliki banyak sumber daya alam salah satunya adalah pantai yang terdapat di Timor – Leste di ibu kota Dili, derada di wilayah Cristo Rei yaitu pantai Dolok Oan. Pantai Dolok Oan merupakan pantai berpasir putih yang memiliki karakteristik pasir, air laut jernih sehingga sangat cocok untuk rekreasi, tetapi belum dimaanfatkan secara optimal. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui indeks kesesuaian wisata di pantai dan untuk mengentahui faktor – faktor pembatas indeks kesesuaian wisata di kawasan pantai Dolok Oan. Penelitian indeks kesesuaian wisata ( IKW ) dilaksanakan di pantai Dolok Oan, Cristo Rei, Dili, Timor – Leste, pada bulan Januari Tahun 2019. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Data yang diambil meliputi tipe pantai, lebar pantai, kedalaman perairan, kemiringan pantai, material dasar perai...
Change in sea surface temperature (SST) has a huge impact to rainfall intensity. This research an... more Change in sea surface temperature (SST) has a huge impact to rainfall intensity. This research analysed the trend of SST all over Bali island for 10 years (from 2009 to 2018) using MODIS satellite level 3, covered 7.8958oSouth -8.8958oSouth and 114.4791oEast - 115.6875oEast. The data for rainfall trend was collected from 12 rain observer stations of BMKG (Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophhysical Agency). The statistical correlation between SST and rainfall intensity were analyzed using Microsoft Excel software. The result found that the SST in Bali ranged from 25.4oC until 31.5oC. The change of SST has a similar pattern to the monsoon cycle where the western monsoon is relatively warmer than the eastern monsoon. The rainfall trend in Bali is closely related to the monsoon cycle. During the western monsoon,the average monthly rainfall value in Bali is more than 150 mm, while the rainfall value on the eastern monsoon is slightly different, which is <150 mm. The c...
Layang deles is one of the highest catches landed in PPN Pengambengan. PPN Pengambengan is a stra... more Layang deles is one of the highest catches landed in PPN Pengambengan. PPN Pengambengan is a strategic fishery port owned by Jembrana with a function as a center or center for marine fisheries landing. Improvement of fishing technology will be related to the problem of abundance or availability of fishery resoure stocks, so it is necessary to study CPUE, MSY and JTB so that they can utilize the resources with optimal but still maintain its preservation in nature. This research has a purpose, which is to know the trend of CPUE, MSY and JTB of layang deles fish (Decapterus macrosoma) landed in PPN Pengambengan. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method using a surplus production analysis from Schaefer. The data used in this study are catch and fleet data from 2014 – 2019 obtained directly from the PPN Pengambengan office. The results showed the highest CPUE in 2015 amounted to 6,12 tons/fleet, but after that the CPUE trend tended to decline, especially since 2016 while the ...
This study uses two environmentally friendly fishing gears namely gill net and hand line. The len... more This study uses two environmentally friendly fishing gears namely gill net and hand line. The length of one set of hand line is 100 m and the length of one set of gill nets is 250 m. The purpose of this study was to determine the number of catches, species composition of catches and the efficiency of fishing gear that provided benefits for the fishermen of Kusamba Village. This data collection was carried out in field plunge directly with fishermen using the one day trip method for 35 trips during the tuna fishing season by Kusamba Village fishermen. Auxis sp is one type of fish that is the main target of the catch of fishermen in Kusamba Village. Auxis sp often follows the current circulation, the catch of Auxis sp on the fishermen of Kusamba Village has a different amount of production every day. In terms of Auxis sp catches by Kusamba Village Fishermen who use two fishing gear are dominated by gill nets and the quality aspect is dominated by hand linecatches. It is known that the...
Mangrove in Benoa Bay plays important roles in the southern Bali island. Mangrove habitat in Beno... more Mangrove in Benoa Bay plays important roles in the southern Bali island. Mangrove habitat in Benoa Bay has undergone in area changes due to various anthropogenic activities and natural factors, it is important to monitor the distribution of the mangrove forests. Mangrove area changes can be detected using remote sensing technology. This research is to aims the capabilities of radar and optical satellites in mangroves detection using supervised classification Maximum likelihood & Minimum distance. The results showed that radar images failed to detect mangroves as a separate class and produced three classes of land cover (urban, vegetation and waters), optical images and a combination of radar & optic images capable of detecting mangroves as a separate class and produce five land cover class (vegetation other, urban, mangroves, waters and agriculture). The evaluation of the Maximum likelihood classification shows that the combination of radar & optical images scenario has the highest ...
Indonesia is one of tropical country which is very vulnerable to extreme phenomena in its water, ... more Indonesia is one of tropical country which is very vulnerable to extreme phenomena in its water, such as Indian Ocean Phenomena (IOD) that occurred in Indian Ocean. The Bali Strait is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean in the south area. Bali Strait is a region in Indonesia that has a high potential fishery resources namely, lemuru (Sardinella lemuru). The purpose of this study is to observe correlation and influence of IOD on lemuru production in Bali Strait between 2012 - 2016. The data used in this research are lemuru data was collected from 3 fish landing base namely PPP Muncar, PPN Pengambengan and PPI Kedonganan and IOD data used Dipole Mode Index (DMI) monthly from 2012 – 2016. The calculation used correlation equation, regression of second order polynomial. The highest lemuru production during 5 years, from 2012 untill 2016 was in 2015, accounted of 27,144,784 kg and the lowest production was in 2012 accounted of 5,644,146 kg. Based on that results, the highest yield of l...
Benoa Bay is an estuary that gets input of waste and nutrients from six rivers and inderectly inf... more Benoa Bay is an estuary that gets input of waste and nutrients from six rivers and inderectly influenced water productivity in Benoa Bay. The nutrients flow from the river to domestic, industrial, and agricultural activities into Benoa Bay. The amount of nutrient inputs accumulated in Benoa Bay this could affect the chlorophyll-a consentrations. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial distribution and influence nitrate and phosphate on chlorophyll-a concentration. Water surface sampling carried out on February 2019. The method used was purposive sampling and chlorophyll-a concentration was analysed using spectrophotometer Shimadzu UV-2600, based on the maximum absorption of four wavelengths (quadrichroic). The results showed that the chlorophyll-a concentration ranged from 0.22 - 8.53 g/m3 with an average of 5.58 g/m3. Nitrate concentration ranged from 0,004 - 0,180 mg/L with an average 0,107 mg/L. Phosphate concentration ranged from 0,005 - 0,229 mg/L with an average...
Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, Oct 26, 2016
One of the easiest and the most common way to estimate the biological diversity at a place is to ... more One of the easiest and the most common way to estimate the biological diversity at a place is to enumerate the organisms at species level, which helps to find the basic patterns of biodiversity at the place. A sound knowledge on floristic composition of particular area is essential to understand the resources, their sustainable use and conservation purposes. Altogether 600 specimens were collected from the Upper Manang area covering an elevation gradient of 2600m to 5200m from sea level, and of which 220 species belonging to 138 genera and 50 families were identified up to species level and used to estimate species richness. Of the total identified species, greatest diversity was found within the families Compositae and Labiatae, comprising 14 and 11 genera, respectively. Similarly, the greatest species diversity was found within the genera Potentilla (12 species) and Primula (6 species). Second order polynomial regression showed unimodal pattern of species richness along elevation gradient, showing greatest species richness between 3500m to 4000m altitude, whereas no any angiosperm species was encountered beyond 5100m.
Tuna is one of the main catching commodities in the waters of Southeast Karangasem. Fishers in th... more Tuna is one of the main catching commodities in the waters of Southeast Karangasem. Fishers in the Southeast waters of Karangasem used drift gillnet operations to find pelagic fish such as mackerel. This study aims to determine the composition of fish catches using different net sizes and determine the effect of different gill nets on the catch of tuna fish in the southeast waters of the Karangasem Regency. The study was conducted for one month from mid-October to mid-November 2017 by following fishers' fishing trips. The fishing gear used was gill nets with differences, namely 2' 2.5 and 3 inches. The data was taken directly by operating the gill net, which has three different mesh sizes then the data was analyzed by ANOVA. Based on the research found four types of fish, namely Tuna (Euthynnus sp.), ikan kembung (Restrelliger kanagurta), barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), and Manta sp. with details on 2.5 sized nets, three species (cobs, mackerel, barracuda), while sediment n...
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2021
The living marine aquarium trade has been known to mediate various aquatic invaders to spread and... more The living marine aquarium trade has been known to mediate various aquatic invaders to spread and established a new population outside of their natural home range. In most cases, the introduce species cause a cascaded effect which harm the native species and their ecosystem. The successful of the invasion event often related to the genetic properties of the introduced species. Therefore, using a molecular approach based on a mitochondrial DNA marker, the present work aimed to evaluate the population genetic structure of the introduced P. kauderni population in Bali Strait. Samples were collected from four sites in Gilimanuk Bay, Bali Strait. Our results showed a high haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity that might be a signal of a bottleneck. Overall, we found five haplotypes comprising two unique haplotypes and three shared haplotypes. Genetic structure was detected in some localities, which indicates Pterapogon kauderni might originated from various genetically distin...
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pantai Geger, Nusa Dua, Bali selama 30 hari. Tujuan penelitian ini ad... more Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pantai Geger, Nusa Dua, Bali selama 30 hari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kelimpahan predator abalon Haliotis squamata di Pantai Geger, Nusa Dua, Bali dan mengetahui jenis-jenis predator abalon Haliotis squamata. Metode yang digunakan adalah Underwater Visual census dengan menggunakan belt transect sepanajng 50 meter dengan jarak sebelah kiri 2,5 meter dan sebelah kanan 2,5 meter dengan luas arae total 250 m2 . Penelitian ini dilakuakan di 3 titik berbeda dengan tambahan area drum abalon sebagai pengamatan predator abalon lebih spesifik dengan bantuan kamera. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukannya predator morey eel (Gymnothorax thyrsoideus) pada arae dalam drum abalon Haliotis squamata dan pada area transek ditemukan morey eel (Gymnothorax thyrsoideus) dan Epinephelus sp. Hasil kelimpahan predator pada titik 1 didapat sebesar 0,0053 individu/m2 untuk jenis Gymnhotorax thyrsoideus dan untuk jenis Epinephelus sp memiliki nilai sebesar 0,0013 in...
Pantai Pandawa merupakan destinasi pariwisata yang terkenal dikalangan wisatawan domestik maupun ... more Pantai Pandawa merupakan destinasi pariwisata yang terkenal dikalangan wisatawan domestik maupun wisatawan mancanegara, terletak di Desa Kutuh, Kecamatan Kuta Selatan, Kabupaten Badung, Bali. Kegiatan pariwisata dapat menciptakan berbagai dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan sekitar karena meningkatnya campur tangan manusia di daerah ekologis, pengembangan pariwisata yang pesat telah mempengaruhi keseimbangan ekosistem alam di suatu daerah, terutama daya dukungnya. Daya dukung kawasan merupakan suatu konsep yang dikembangkan untuk suatu pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan untuk mencegah terjadinya gangguan atau kerusakan lingkungan. Penelitian mengenai daya dukung kawasan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui suatu kawasan memiliki daya dukung yang sesuai atau tidak, khususnya di Pantai Pandawa saat high season awal tahun (Januari – awal Maret 2019). Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan untuk pengumpulan data primer dengan metode wawancara ke...
Vegetation Indices is one of the remote sensing parameters that can be used to estimate the mangr... more Vegetation Indices is one of the remote sensing parameters that can be used to estimate the mangrove forest density. The purpose of this study is to determine the vegetation index with the best accuracy to estimate the condition of mangrove density, as well as determine the spatial distribution of mangrove density in the TNBB area. This study uses Sentinel-2A satellite imagery data and five different vegetation indices, namely NDVI, NNIR, EVI, mRE-SR, and vegetation index developed in this study. The method of determining samples in the field uses stratified random and proportional sampling. Data collection of canopy density used hemispherical photography method, which is taking vertical photos with a 180o angle of view using a camera with a Fish Eye or Wide lens. Data analysis used in this study is regression analysis, coefficient of determination test, model validation test, and paired t test. From statistical tests conducted on several vegetation indices, the mRE-SR vegetation in...
Gracilaria sp is red alga which belong to class rhodophyceae. It can grow in shallow salt water w... more Gracilaria sp is red alga which belong to class rhodophyceae. It can grow in shallow salt water with a general characteristic is having a cylindrical and branched thallus form. Seaweed cultivation can be performed through IMTA (Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture) method. The basic principle of cultivation through the IMTA method is utilizing service of the low thropic level species in marine ecosystems, such as shells and seaweed. This method is believed to be able to overcome the environmental problems caused by cultivation activities, such as feces and uneaten feed. This research was perfomed 45 days, from February 25 to April 11, 2017. It was held at Geger Beach, Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali, using a complete randomized design method that consist of three treatments and three repetition for each treatment. Treatment control (T1) consisted of 10 bunches of seaweed 100 grams without the abalone, treatement 2 (T2) consisted of 10 bunches of seaweed 100 grams and 20 abalones and...
Papers by Ria Puspitha