Anemia merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya perdarahan. Dan kekurangan zat besi merupakan penyebab... more Anemia merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya perdarahan. Dan kekurangan zat besi merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya anemia. Ibu hamil mempunyai risiko yang tinggi untuk mengalami anemia defi siensi besi. Penanggulangan anemia defi siensi besi dilakukan melalui program pemberian suplemen zat besi dengan dosis pemberian sehari sebanyak 1 tablet berturut-turut minimal selama 90 hari selama kehamilan. Cakupan Fe1 dan Fe3 di Puskesmas Kota Wilayah Selatan Kota Kediri yaitu sebesar 69,81% dan 66,29%. Cakupan ini masih berada di bawah target program tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar 95%. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh interaksi ibu hamil dengan tenaga kesehatan terhadap kepatuhan mengonsumsi tablet besi (Fe) dananemia pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Kota Wilayah Selatan Kota Kediri. Observasi analitik dengan rancang bangun cross sectional. Populasi terdiri dari 63 ibu hamil trimester III. Dengan teknik simpel random sampling, sampel sebanyak 34 ibu hamil trimester III yang telah mendapatkan 90 tablet besi (Fe). Data diperoleh dari kuesioner, buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak, dan wawancara yang mendalam. Analisis data dengan menggunakan regresi ordinal dan regresi logistik biner. Hipotesis penelitian yaitu ada pengaruh interaksi ibu hamil dengan tenaga kesehatan terhadap kepatuhan mengonsumsi tablet besi (Fe) pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Kota Wilayah Selatan Kota Kediri. Hasil penelitian ini ada pengaruh interaksi ibu hamil dengan tenaga kesehatan dengan kategori baik dan cukup dibandingkan dengan kategori kurang terhadap kepatuhan ibu hamil mengonsumsi tablet besi (Fe) (p = 0,000 < 0,05),dan ada pengaruh kepatuhan yang cukup dibandingkan dengan tidak patuh mengonsumsi tablet besi (Fe) terhadap anemia pada ibu hamil (p = 0,012 < 0,05). Semakin baik interaksi ibu hamil dengan tenaga kesehatan, maka semakin cenderung ibu hamil untuk patuh mengonsumsi tablet besi (Fe) untuk mencegah anemia pada masa kehamilan.
This study aimed to analyze the differences in Hsp 70 serum levels in patients with primary angle... more This study aimed to analyze the differences in Hsp 70 serum levels in patients with primary angle-closure compared to patients with open-angle glaucoma at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya, East Java. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 41 subjects divided into 2 groups consisting of 21 patients with primary angle-closure glaucoma and 20 patients with open-angle glaucoma. Anterior segment examination was assessed by slit-lamp biomicroscope examination. Intraocular pressure on both eyes was measured by Perkin’s tonometry. Posterior segment examination was performed with 78 D lens and anterior chamber angle was assessed by goniolens. The serum level of Hsp 70 was assessed using a human Hsp 70 sandwich ELISA kit. The data were statistically analyzed with the Mann-Whitney test. The mean serum levels of Hsp 70 in the primary angle-closure group was 5.55 4.75 ng/ml, while the open-angle group was 3.62 2.39 ng/ml (p = 0.134). There was no difference in Hsp 70 seru...
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a commonly used procedure for kidney stones and ur... more Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a commonly used procedure for kidney stones and ureters because it is a non-invasive, effective, and first-line therapy of the upper urinary tract. The presence of side effects is still being evaluated in order to reduce the incidence of both acute and chronic. One of the methods used is the measurement of Resistive Index (RI) in the area of ESWL. To provide a description of the difference in the value of RI in the interlobar artery that is near and distant from the stones at before and after ESWL. There were 15 samples with clinical kidney stones to be performed with ESWL at IIU and fulfilled inclusion criteria from June to September 2012. Paired sample t-test was conducted to assess the difference of RI value based on the distance of interlobar artery from stones between pre and post ESWL. Sex of the samples in this study consisted of 66.7% male and 33.3% female with mean age of 45.9±8.4 years (between 32-59 years old) and the highest...
The signs of puberty in teenagers are including physical changes such as breast development (thel... more The signs of puberty in teenagers are including physical changes such as breast development (thelarche), pubic hair growth (pubarche) and armpits, menarche, and ovulation. Menstruation that occurs for the first time is known as menarche. Teenagers facing menarche require good preparation since anxiety and fear will likely appear. Anxiety that occurs makes teenagers experience selective attention that disrupts their concentration. Preliminary studies that have been conducted by researchers are known to have elementary school students who experience anxiety facing menarche in Pademawu (sub-district) as the subjects. This study aims to analyze the relationship between readiness and anxiety level of elementary school students facing menarche in Pademawu, Pamekasan (district). The quantitative cross-sectional study is a research design chosen by researchers. The number of research samples of 75 students was obtained through cluster random sampling. The clusters used as research samples a...
Latar Belakang: Bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) atau bayi yang lahir <2500g, memil... more Latar Belakang: Bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) atau bayi yang lahir <2500g, memilikiperkembangan cenderung lebih lambat dibandingkan anak yang lahir dengan berat badan normal.Pada kasus BBLR sangat jarang diberikan ASI secara eksklusif karena keinginan ibu untukmenaikkan berat badan bayi secara cepat, sehingga diberikan makanan tambahan selain ASI. Balitadengan riwayat BBLR sangat beresiko mengalami gangguan tumbuh kembang.Tujuan: Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah menganalisis apakah ada hubungan antara ASI ekslusif denganperkembangan balita dengan riwayat BBLR di Puskesmas Tanah Kali Kedinding Kota Surabaya.Metode: Jenis penelitian analitik observasional yang bersifat cross sectional. Populasi ibu yangmemiliki bayi usia 12-36 bulan dengan riwayat Berat Badan Lahir Rendah sebanyak 34 responden,menggunakan tehnik simple random sampling ditemukan besar sampel 32 responden. Variabelindependen ASI eksklusif, variabel dependen pertumbuhan. Pengumpulan data menggunakankuesioner...
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration
Coordination in hospital is important process needed to reach the organization’s goals. One of th... more Coordination in hospital is important process needed to reach the organization’s goals. One of the process that need coordination among cross-functional unit is essential drug procurement. The essential drug in Karsa Husada Batu Public Hospital (RSU Karsa Husada Batu) were often in out of stock condition in some specific kinds of drug. The average of essential drug out of stock between year of 2017 until the first semester of 2018 reached 33,73%. This number was far from the ideal standard of 0% out of stock condition. This research was aimed to give recommendation for a better coordination of essential drug management. The study used quantitative research. The population in this research was all hospital staff who participate in essential drug procurement in Karsa Husada Batu. Public Hospital. There were 29 samples as the respondents in this research. The variables in this research were frequently communication, timely communication, accurately communication, problem solving com...
One factor infl uencing children development is mother’s knowledge concerning the actual process o... more One factor infl uencing children development is mother’s knowledge concerning the actual process of child development. Health counseling to the mother is one option to maintain the children’s health, as well as to monitor their development. This study was to analyze the infl uence of health counseling concerning mothers’ practice in fi lling mother and child health book towards stimulation and development in children aged 0-3 years in Tambak Health Center, Bawean Island, Gresik Regency. This applied quasi-experimental pretest - posttest group design, with provision of health counseling as intervention. This study was conducted in Tambak Health Center at Bawean Island for 3 months, with overall sample consisted of 60 mothers with children aged 0-3 years, divided into 30 each in the treatment and the control groups. Questionnaires were utilized and analysis was done using the Mann-Whitney Test. The results indicated signifi cant value of p (p> 0.05) meaning that stimulation provided no...
There were total of 2,100,000 new HIV infections worldwide and 1,500,000 deaths from AIDS recorde... more There were total of 2,100,000 new HIV infections worldwide and 1,500,000 deaths from AIDS recorded in 2013. The total HIV/AIDS cases in 2017 in Sidoarjo reached 476 cases and cumulatively reached 1,245 cases. HIV/AIDS is a well-known topic among teenagers. Teenagers are often associated with physical development in puberty phase which usually followed by sexual development. Furthermore, they also experience changes emotionally and physically which are projected in their behavior and attitude. These circumstances make teenagers prone to the risky behavior towards HIV/AIDS transmission. This study aims to analyze the role of "Paguyuban Peduli HIV/AIDS Sidoarjo" or PARPAS on teenagers' knowledge, attitude, and behavior towards HIV/AIDS prevention. This research is an observational analytic using cross-sectional research design. The population of the study is all students of SMAN 1 Taman and SMAN 1 Sidoarjo, 2,370 students in total. The sampling technique uses simple rand...
Latar belakang: Gangguan depresi merupakan penyebab ketiga utama mortalitas pada remaja. Prevalen... more Latar belakang: Gangguan depresi merupakan penyebab ketiga utama mortalitas pada remaja. Prevalensi gangguan depresi pada remaja diperkirakan 6 hingga 20%, dengan angka rekuren 60 sampai 80% di akhir masa remaja. Selain faktor genetik, biologik dan lingkungan sosial, faktor keluarga dalam hal ini pola asuh menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya gangguan depresi pada remaja. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan tingginya gangguan psikiatri pada anak dan remaja yang mengalami overweight-obesitas. Kerentanan depresi yang terjadi pada remaja, terlebih pada remaja yang overweight-obesitas, membuat peneliti menjadikan topik ini sebagai bahasan penelitian dihubungkan dengan tipe pola asuh yang diterima oleh remaja tersebut dari orang tuanya.Tujuan penelitian: Mengetahui prevalensi masing-masing tipe pola asuh dan menganalisis hubungan antara pola asuh dan depresi pada remaja overweight-obese di salah satu SMA swasta Surabaya.Metode penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik ob...
Mothers and child health (MCH) are one of the main issues in family medicine. Related to this pra... more Mothers and child health (MCH) are one of the main issues in family medicine. Related to this practice, Indonesian government issued mother and child health (MCH) handbook for monitoring child development due to various child developmental problems in Indonesia. However, there are reports of improper MCH handbook utilization. This study aimed to analyze factors related to the utilization of MCH handbook by mothers in Indonesia. Cross sectional observational study was conducted from March to May 2018. This study involved mothers with children aged 3 to 72 months old in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Specific population of mothers who had children attending Early Childhood Education and Development (ECED) and Integrated Health Post (IHP) (Indonesia: Pos Pelayanan Terpadu-Posyandu) were included as inclusion criteria. Maternal characteristics, child health status, employment status, and utilization of MCH handbook were recorded through questionnaire. Association between variables then...
Health status of child under 5 years was one of the main public health indicators in a country. H... more Health status of child under 5 years was one of the main public health indicators in a country. Health status of childunder 5 years was diffi cult to be directly measured, thus require indicators to describe. The indicators were direct,intermediate and underlying factor. Previous research showed Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was helpfulto examine the infl uence within indicator and got better model than other multivariate analysis. This Study wasconducted to select the direct factor (ANC, INC and PNC) that infl uence health status of children under 5 yearsin Indonesia and mapping the nutrition signifi cant indicators. This study was un-obstructive method, composed of4 latent variables and 22 indicators using SEM varians based (Partial Least Square). Secondary data were takenfrom the Riskesdas 2010 reports, by the sampel all provinces in Indonesia. Data were analyzed by R programsand Arch View GIS 3.3. There were 14 indicators signifi cantly affect health status of children unde...
Objectives: To analyze the optimal time to expose Mozart compositions(in the night/ dark) by meas... more Objectives: To analyze the optimal time to expose Mozart compositions(in the night/ dark) by measuring brain neural apoptotic index of Rattus norvegicus offspringsMaterials and Methods: This study used experimental random-ized post test only control group design in pregnant Rattus norvegicus. Subjects were divided into three groups at random, ie control group, 1 (1 hour Mozart exposure in dark) and 2 (1 hour Mozart in light), each comprised 8 females. After delivery, 2 heaviest Rattus norvegicus offsprings were chosen, totally 15 neonates in each group, then they were sacrificed with decapita-tion and the brain was prepared and stained using TUNEL assay method and the index of neurons cell apoptosis was calculated using microscope in 1000x magnification. This study was conducted at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Airlangga, after conducting ethical feasibility test.Results: There were no miscarriages, congenital malformation, preterm birth and deaths in all groups....
Anemia merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya perdarahan. Dan kekurangan zat besi merupakan penyebab... more Anemia merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya perdarahan. Dan kekurangan zat besi merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya anemia. Ibu hamil mempunyai risiko yang tinggi untuk mengalami anemia defi siensi besi. Penanggulangan anemia defi siensi besi dilakukan melalui program pemberian suplemen zat besi dengan dosis pemberian sehari sebanyak 1 tablet berturut-turut minimal selama 90 hari selama kehamilan. Cakupan Fe1 dan Fe3 di Puskesmas Kota Wilayah Selatan Kota Kediri yaitu sebesar 69,81% dan 66,29%. Cakupan ini masih berada di bawah target program tahun 2014 yaitu sebesar 95%. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh interaksi ibu hamil dengan tenaga kesehatan terhadap kepatuhan mengonsumsi tablet besi (Fe) dananemia pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Kota Wilayah Selatan Kota Kediri. Observasi analitik dengan rancang bangun cross sectional. Populasi terdiri dari 63 ibu hamil trimester III. Dengan teknik simpel random sampling, sampel sebanyak 34 ibu hamil trimester III yang telah mendapatkan 90 tablet besi (Fe). Data diperoleh dari kuesioner, buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak, dan wawancara yang mendalam. Analisis data dengan menggunakan regresi ordinal dan regresi logistik biner. Hipotesis penelitian yaitu ada pengaruh interaksi ibu hamil dengan tenaga kesehatan terhadap kepatuhan mengonsumsi tablet besi (Fe) pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Kota Wilayah Selatan Kota Kediri. Hasil penelitian ini ada pengaruh interaksi ibu hamil dengan tenaga kesehatan dengan kategori baik dan cukup dibandingkan dengan kategori kurang terhadap kepatuhan ibu hamil mengonsumsi tablet besi (Fe) (p = 0,000 < 0,05),dan ada pengaruh kepatuhan yang cukup dibandingkan dengan tidak patuh mengonsumsi tablet besi (Fe) terhadap anemia pada ibu hamil (p = 0,012 < 0,05). Semakin baik interaksi ibu hamil dengan tenaga kesehatan, maka semakin cenderung ibu hamil untuk patuh mengonsumsi tablet besi (Fe) untuk mencegah anemia pada masa kehamilan.
This study aimed to analyze the differences in Hsp 70 serum levels in patients with primary angle... more This study aimed to analyze the differences in Hsp 70 serum levels in patients with primary angle-closure compared to patients with open-angle glaucoma at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya, East Java. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 41 subjects divided into 2 groups consisting of 21 patients with primary angle-closure glaucoma and 20 patients with open-angle glaucoma. Anterior segment examination was assessed by slit-lamp biomicroscope examination. Intraocular pressure on both eyes was measured by Perkin’s tonometry. Posterior segment examination was performed with 78 D lens and anterior chamber angle was assessed by goniolens. The serum level of Hsp 70 was assessed using a human Hsp 70 sandwich ELISA kit. The data were statistically analyzed with the Mann-Whitney test. The mean serum levels of Hsp 70 in the primary angle-closure group was 5.55 4.75 ng/ml, while the open-angle group was 3.62 2.39 ng/ml (p = 0.134). There was no difference in Hsp 70 seru...
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a commonly used procedure for kidney stones and ur... more Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a commonly used procedure for kidney stones and ureters because it is a non-invasive, effective, and first-line therapy of the upper urinary tract. The presence of side effects is still being evaluated in order to reduce the incidence of both acute and chronic. One of the methods used is the measurement of Resistive Index (RI) in the area of ESWL. To provide a description of the difference in the value of RI in the interlobar artery that is near and distant from the stones at before and after ESWL. There were 15 samples with clinical kidney stones to be performed with ESWL at IIU and fulfilled inclusion criteria from June to September 2012. Paired sample t-test was conducted to assess the difference of RI value based on the distance of interlobar artery from stones between pre and post ESWL. Sex of the samples in this study consisted of 66.7% male and 33.3% female with mean age of 45.9±8.4 years (between 32-59 years old) and the highest...
The signs of puberty in teenagers are including physical changes such as breast development (thel... more The signs of puberty in teenagers are including physical changes such as breast development (thelarche), pubic hair growth (pubarche) and armpits, menarche, and ovulation. Menstruation that occurs for the first time is known as menarche. Teenagers facing menarche require good preparation since anxiety and fear will likely appear. Anxiety that occurs makes teenagers experience selective attention that disrupts their concentration. Preliminary studies that have been conducted by researchers are known to have elementary school students who experience anxiety facing menarche in Pademawu (sub-district) as the subjects. This study aims to analyze the relationship between readiness and anxiety level of elementary school students facing menarche in Pademawu, Pamekasan (district). The quantitative cross-sectional study is a research design chosen by researchers. The number of research samples of 75 students was obtained through cluster random sampling. The clusters used as research samples a...
Latar Belakang: Bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) atau bayi yang lahir <2500g, memil... more Latar Belakang: Bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) atau bayi yang lahir <2500g, memilikiperkembangan cenderung lebih lambat dibandingkan anak yang lahir dengan berat badan normal.Pada kasus BBLR sangat jarang diberikan ASI secara eksklusif karena keinginan ibu untukmenaikkan berat badan bayi secara cepat, sehingga diberikan makanan tambahan selain ASI. Balitadengan riwayat BBLR sangat beresiko mengalami gangguan tumbuh kembang.Tujuan: Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah menganalisis apakah ada hubungan antara ASI ekslusif denganperkembangan balita dengan riwayat BBLR di Puskesmas Tanah Kali Kedinding Kota Surabaya.Metode: Jenis penelitian analitik observasional yang bersifat cross sectional. Populasi ibu yangmemiliki bayi usia 12-36 bulan dengan riwayat Berat Badan Lahir Rendah sebanyak 34 responden,menggunakan tehnik simple random sampling ditemukan besar sampel 32 responden. Variabelindependen ASI eksklusif, variabel dependen pertumbuhan. Pengumpulan data menggunakankuesioner...
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration
Coordination in hospital is important process needed to reach the organization’s goals. One of th... more Coordination in hospital is important process needed to reach the organization’s goals. One of the process that need coordination among cross-functional unit is essential drug procurement. The essential drug in Karsa Husada Batu Public Hospital (RSU Karsa Husada Batu) were often in out of stock condition in some specific kinds of drug. The average of essential drug out of stock between year of 2017 until the first semester of 2018 reached 33,73%. This number was far from the ideal standard of 0% out of stock condition. This research was aimed to give recommendation for a better coordination of essential drug management. The study used quantitative research. The population in this research was all hospital staff who participate in essential drug procurement in Karsa Husada Batu. Public Hospital. There were 29 samples as the respondents in this research. The variables in this research were frequently communication, timely communication, accurately communication, problem solving com...
One factor infl uencing children development is mother’s knowledge concerning the actual process o... more One factor infl uencing children development is mother’s knowledge concerning the actual process of child development. Health counseling to the mother is one option to maintain the children’s health, as well as to monitor their development. This study was to analyze the infl uence of health counseling concerning mothers’ practice in fi lling mother and child health book towards stimulation and development in children aged 0-3 years in Tambak Health Center, Bawean Island, Gresik Regency. This applied quasi-experimental pretest - posttest group design, with provision of health counseling as intervention. This study was conducted in Tambak Health Center at Bawean Island for 3 months, with overall sample consisted of 60 mothers with children aged 0-3 years, divided into 30 each in the treatment and the control groups. Questionnaires were utilized and analysis was done using the Mann-Whitney Test. The results indicated signifi cant value of p (p> 0.05) meaning that stimulation provided no...
There were total of 2,100,000 new HIV infections worldwide and 1,500,000 deaths from AIDS recorde... more There were total of 2,100,000 new HIV infections worldwide and 1,500,000 deaths from AIDS recorded in 2013. The total HIV/AIDS cases in 2017 in Sidoarjo reached 476 cases and cumulatively reached 1,245 cases. HIV/AIDS is a well-known topic among teenagers. Teenagers are often associated with physical development in puberty phase which usually followed by sexual development. Furthermore, they also experience changes emotionally and physically which are projected in their behavior and attitude. These circumstances make teenagers prone to the risky behavior towards HIV/AIDS transmission. This study aims to analyze the role of "Paguyuban Peduli HIV/AIDS Sidoarjo" or PARPAS on teenagers' knowledge, attitude, and behavior towards HIV/AIDS prevention. This research is an observational analytic using cross-sectional research design. The population of the study is all students of SMAN 1 Taman and SMAN 1 Sidoarjo, 2,370 students in total. The sampling technique uses simple rand...
Latar belakang: Gangguan depresi merupakan penyebab ketiga utama mortalitas pada remaja. Prevalen... more Latar belakang: Gangguan depresi merupakan penyebab ketiga utama mortalitas pada remaja. Prevalensi gangguan depresi pada remaja diperkirakan 6 hingga 20%, dengan angka rekuren 60 sampai 80% di akhir masa remaja. Selain faktor genetik, biologik dan lingkungan sosial, faktor keluarga dalam hal ini pola asuh menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya gangguan depresi pada remaja. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan tingginya gangguan psikiatri pada anak dan remaja yang mengalami overweight-obesitas. Kerentanan depresi yang terjadi pada remaja, terlebih pada remaja yang overweight-obesitas, membuat peneliti menjadikan topik ini sebagai bahasan penelitian dihubungkan dengan tipe pola asuh yang diterima oleh remaja tersebut dari orang tuanya.Tujuan penelitian: Mengetahui prevalensi masing-masing tipe pola asuh dan menganalisis hubungan antara pola asuh dan depresi pada remaja overweight-obese di salah satu SMA swasta Surabaya.Metode penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik ob...
Mothers and child health (MCH) are one of the main issues in family medicine. Related to this pra... more Mothers and child health (MCH) are one of the main issues in family medicine. Related to this practice, Indonesian government issued mother and child health (MCH) handbook for monitoring child development due to various child developmental problems in Indonesia. However, there are reports of improper MCH handbook utilization. This study aimed to analyze factors related to the utilization of MCH handbook by mothers in Indonesia. Cross sectional observational study was conducted from March to May 2018. This study involved mothers with children aged 3 to 72 months old in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Specific population of mothers who had children attending Early Childhood Education and Development (ECED) and Integrated Health Post (IHP) (Indonesia: Pos Pelayanan Terpadu-Posyandu) were included as inclusion criteria. Maternal characteristics, child health status, employment status, and utilization of MCH handbook were recorded through questionnaire. Association between variables then...
Health status of child under 5 years was one of the main public health indicators in a country. H... more Health status of child under 5 years was one of the main public health indicators in a country. Health status of childunder 5 years was diffi cult to be directly measured, thus require indicators to describe. The indicators were direct,intermediate and underlying factor. Previous research showed Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was helpfulto examine the infl uence within indicator and got better model than other multivariate analysis. This Study wasconducted to select the direct factor (ANC, INC and PNC) that infl uence health status of children under 5 yearsin Indonesia and mapping the nutrition signifi cant indicators. This study was un-obstructive method, composed of4 latent variables and 22 indicators using SEM varians based (Partial Least Square). Secondary data were takenfrom the Riskesdas 2010 reports, by the sampel all provinces in Indonesia. Data were analyzed by R programsand Arch View GIS 3.3. There were 14 indicators signifi cantly affect health status of children unde...
Objectives: To analyze the optimal time to expose Mozart compositions(in the night/ dark) by meas... more Objectives: To analyze the optimal time to expose Mozart compositions(in the night/ dark) by measuring brain neural apoptotic index of Rattus norvegicus offspringsMaterials and Methods: This study used experimental random-ized post test only control group design in pregnant Rattus norvegicus. Subjects were divided into three groups at random, ie control group, 1 (1 hour Mozart exposure in dark) and 2 (1 hour Mozart in light), each comprised 8 females. After delivery, 2 heaviest Rattus norvegicus offsprings were chosen, totally 15 neonates in each group, then they were sacrificed with decapita-tion and the brain was prepared and stained using TUNEL assay method and the index of neurons cell apoptosis was calculated using microscope in 1000x magnification. This study was conducted at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Airlangga, after conducting ethical feasibility test.Results: There were no miscarriages, congenital malformation, preterm birth and deaths in all groups....
Papers by Windhu Purnomo