Papers by Przemysław Rotengruber
Almanach Karaimski, Dec 30, 2021
Zeszyty Naukowe / Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu, 2005
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, Jun 15, 2018
Domniemane i rzeczywiste przyczyny chińskiego cudu gospodarczego. Polemika z Kazimierzem Poznańsk... more Domniemane i rzeczywiste przyczyny chińskiego cudu gospodarczego. Polemika z Kazimierzem Poznańskim [Alleged and real reasons for the Chinese economy miracle. A polemic with Kazimierz Poznański] edited by W .
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, May 15, 2010
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, May 15, 2008
Annales : etyka w życiu gospodarczym, 2005
Two parallel problems come under close scrutiny in my paper. First of them concerns the question ... more Two parallel problems come under close scrutiny in my paper. First of them concerns the question whether victims of a (politically or economically) stronger thief are ethically entitled to steal their property in revenge? I argue that this kind of theft could be seen as a hidden form of protection because the symbolic relation between the first aggressor and his victim is extremely unequal. An ordinary man usually has no public means to oppose corporation or political institution. He has then to decide whether he chooses ethical perfection, which would stop him from doing anything; or he is ready, by himself, to inflict punishment on an (institutionalized) thief. The other problem concerns the consequences of the acceptance of 'the balancing strategy. ' The case of modern state shows how hidden fighting against a stronger thief brings about opposite results. On one hand, an unfair political institution is deprived of its rights. But, on the other hand, the insubordinate citizen, who plays the part of the only owner of the criterion of fairness, destroys the rules of common life.
The aim of the study is to present the project of applied cultural studies – a result of work ins... more The aim of the study is to present the project of applied cultural studies – a result of work inspired by the output of representatives of the Poznan School of Methodology. Florian Znaniecki, Jerzy Topolski and Jerzy Kmita give a picture of culture the research of which is – to put it as briefly as possible – subjected to the principle of diversity in the models constituting it. Human motifs demand careful research precisely because they escape a simple comparison of arguments resulting from the knowledge of social facts. In accordance with this assumption the concept of applied cultural studies is accompanied by the conviction that heterogeneous systems of models of culture may become the object of development.
The aim of the study is to analyse the stereotype of the Pole in the context of the Applied Cultu... more The aim of the study is to analyse the stereotype of the Pole in the context of the Applied Cultural Studies perspective. Four basic areas of research can be discerned: other people's variable associations concerning Poles; other people's prejudices and generalizations that influence their attitude towards Poles; the results of Poles' self-evaluation made on the basis of their current experience; the "social frameworks of memory" which shape the Poles' ideas concerning their place in history. Since the purpose of this investigation is to reconstruct the mechanism of self-stereotyping, which involves scholars as much as the society they serve, contingent feelings about their situation are of secondary importance.
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, 2011
Facing the economic crisis (began in 2007) managers and political leaders pay more attention to t... more Facing the economic crisis (began in 2007) managers and political leaders pay more attention to the postulate of socially responsible business. The axiological turn gives new possibilities to implement ethical standards in the sphere of economy. Alas, at the same time, this task evokes the following problems. Firstly, as social researchers, we need to know how to compose heterogeneous axiological systems (to join rules of ethics with the imperative of economic efficiency). Secondly, as market participants, we have to find the formula of mutual understanding (being seen as precondition of our ethical claims).
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 14, 2018
The aim of the study is to present the project of applied cultural studies-a result of work inspi... more The aim of the study is to present the project of applied cultural studies-a result of work inspired by the output of representatives of the Poznań School of Methodology. Its founder, Florian Znaniecki, gives a picture of culture, the research of which is-to put it as briefly as possible-subjected to the principle of diversity in the patterns constituting it. Human motifs demand careful research precisely because they escape a simple comparison of arguments resulting from the knowledge of social facts. In accordance with this assumption, the concept of applied cultural studies is accompanied by the conviction that heterogeneous groups of patterns of culture may become the object of development.
Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 2017
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, 2013
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, 2015
Kodeks etyczny samorządu zawodowego. Gwarancja bezpieczeństwa czy pułapka łatwowierności? Ethical... more Kodeks etyczny samorządu zawodowego. Gwarancja bezpieczeństwa czy pułapka łatwowierności? Ethical Code of Professional Association. Security Guarantee or the Credulity Trap? Representatives of business ethics examine the economic challenges of our time. They believe that in the use of ethics they are able to keep under control this sphere of human activity. Alas, this attempt meets the following obstacle. This ethical claim does not work as an objective criterion for measuring good vs evil as long as it is not supported by epistemological evidence (on its validity). Therefore business ethicists focus their attention on the codes of ethics which they see as the expected solution to the problem. A code of ethics is drawn up by an economic organisation which-in this way-declares its acceptance. Meanwhile, this declaration leads to the question of how to sift the ethical guarantees from empty promises? Can the social addressee of an ethical code trust its author? This doubt relates in particular to professional associations. Having a legal prerogative they are expected to recognize their fiduciary duty of loyalty to their social interlocutor. When they do not want to meet these obligations, they may use a code of ethics as a tool of manipulation. Under those circumstances, the code is something opposite to what is expected.
Humaniora, Jun 15, 2019
The question of the truth is of great importance for social sciences and humanities today. No mat... more The question of the truth is of great importance for social sciences and humanities today. No matter how much they focus on the dynamics of changes in the human world, the criterion of their credibility is whether they can use reporting knowledge to predict the future. To pay off their debt, these sciences are looking for a tool that allows them, if not discovering the truth, then at least (gradually) approaching it. This task has two difficulties. First of all, what is the truth understood as the final product of science. Secondly, by what method its representatives can seek the truth about what cultural reality is? What form does it take in our time? This article is devoted to these considerations.
Prakseologia, Dec 1, 2019
Zagadnieniem absorbującym uwagę naukowców i komentatorów życia publicznego są wzory kultury kszta... more Zagadnieniem absorbującym uwagę naukowców i komentatorów życia publicznego są wzory kultury kształtujące tożsamość Polaków. Do Pawła Jasienicy, Aleksandra Bocheńskiego, Jerzego Topolskiego, Witolda Kuli, Józefa Burszty, Józefa Tischnera, Janusza Hryniewicza, Janusza Tazbira (itd.) dołączyli ostatnio tacy autorzy jak Ryszard Legutko, Andrzej Leder czy Jan Sowa. Z wymienionych źródeł dowiadujemy się nie tylko tego, jak interpretować historię Polski, lecz w równym stopniu, jakie czynniki hamują dziś jej rozwój społeczny i gospodarczy. Ustalenia te przenikają do publicznej debaty o tym, jak być powinno. Tym większe obawy budzą związki pomiędzy metodologią preferowaną
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, Jun 15, 2014
Rotengruber Przemys aw, Wzory kultury gospodarczej jako przedmiot badania. Kilka uwag po lekturze... more Rotengruber Przemys aw, Wzory kultury gospodarczej jako przedmiot badania. Kilka uwag po lekturze Stosunków pracy… Janusza Hryniewicza [The patterns of economic culture as a subject of study. A few comments after reading Janusz Hryniewicz] edited by W.
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, Mar 25, 2018
The purpose of the paper is twofold. Firstly, to formulate a definition of university social resp... more The purpose of the paper is twofold. Firstly, to formulate a definition of university social responsibility (which takes into account social expectations towards this institution and its internal determinants as well). The final result of this research is the definition built on two concepts. On one hand, it is a stakeholder policy, on the other hand, a whistleblower policy. These are the criteria of responsibility, that is to say, rules which make the institution transparent and open to social criticism. Secondly, the article tends to establish whether a university in Poland (treated as a dominant institution of knowledge) is rightly seen as an irresponsible partner of civil society. Form the business ethics perspective the university is the more responsible, the more intensive are its relations with the social environment represented by stakeholders and whistleblowers. When they do not play their parts properly, the relations must be considered dysfunctional. Additional explanation of this problem is provided by the theory of management. In a use of the concept of the final customer, public opinion can find out if it-really-is the main interlocutor of the university. Social partners of this institution focus their attention on politicians and public administration taken as the alternative final customer of the academic product.
Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, Feb 1, 2015
Kodeks etyczny samorządu zawodowego. Gwarancja bezpieczeństwa czy pułapka łatwowierności? Ethical... more Kodeks etyczny samorządu zawodowego. Gwarancja bezpieczeństwa czy pułapka łatwowierności? Ethical Code of Professional Association. Security Guarantee or the Credulity Trap? Representatives of business ethics examine the economic challenges of our time. They believe that in the use of ethics they are able to keep under control this sphere of human activity. Alas, this attempt meets the following obstacle. This ethical claim does not work as an objective criterion for measuring good vs evil as long as it is not supported by epistemological evidence (on its validity). Therefore business ethicists focus their attention on the codes of ethics which they see as the expected solution to the problem. A code of ethics is drawn up by an economic organisation which-in this way-declares its acceptance. Meanwhile, this declaration leads to the question of how to sift the ethical guarantees from empty promises? Can the social addressee of an ethical code trust its author? This doubt relates in particular to professional associations. Having a legal prerogative they are expected to recognize their fiduciary duty of loyalty to their social interlocutor. When they do not want to meet these obligations, they may use a code of ethics as a tool of manipulation. Under those circumstances, the code is something opposite to what is expected.
Papers by Przemysław Rotengruber