Papers by Prasan Sathitruangsak
1,3 อาจารย ภาควชิาวิศวกรรมเครื อ่งกล มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีมหานคร 51 ถ.เช่ือมสัมพันธ เขตหนองจอก ก... more 1,3 อาจารย ภาควชิาวิศวกรรมเครื อ่งกล มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีมหานคร 51 ถ.เช่ือมสัมพันธ เขตหนองจอก กรุงเทพฯ 10530 โทร 02-9883666 ext. 244 อีเมลล: [email protected] [email protected], อาจารย คณะพลังงาน สิ่งแวดลอมและวัสดุ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี 91 ถ.ประชาอุทิศ แขวงบางมด เขตทุงครุ กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400 โทร 02-4708693-9 ext. 111 E-mail: [email protected] Prasan Sathitruangsak Thanid Madhiyanon, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahanakorn University of Technology, 51, Cheum-Sampan Road, Nong Chok, Bangkok 10530, Tel: 02-9883655 ext. 241 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Somchart Soponronnarit School of Energy Environment and Materials, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi 91 Prachauthit Road, Bangmod, Thung Kharu District, Bangkok 10140 Tel: 02-4708693-9 ext.111, E-mail: [email protected]
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
The experimental study of downdraft gasification was performed in this paper. The operation which... more The experimental study of downdraft gasification was performed in this paper. The operation which led to the formation of the second combustion front was pointed out. In this situation, both combustion fronts will lose their intensity and finally be extinguished. The operation was unintentionally stopped. It was revealed that the combustion front propagated upward in the reactor after starting the test. While it was about to reach the air inlet nozzle, the second combustion front was detected by an abrupt temperature rise of the thermocouple above the air supply nozzle. After the formation of the second combustion front, both fronts started to lose their intensity which indicated by the decrease in temperature corresponding with their locations. It was possible that the second combustion front would dilute the oxygen concentration supplied to the first combustion front. The decreasing temperature of the first combustion front reduced the heat transfer rate to the second combustion f...
At present, many industrial factories in the southern of Thailand have widely used rubber wood as... more At present, many industrial factories in the southern of Thailand have widely used rubber wood as fuel for boiler, large amounts of small rubber wood char remain in the boiler that can be reproduced to briquette. The objective of this research is to study solid fuel producing from rubber wood char by extrusion technique. Paste was used as binder with varied ratios of 8:100, 10:100 and 12:100. All investigation of how shared paste affected to physical properties of extruded fuel. The result shows that density, compressive strength and specific energy consumption of extruded fuel were increased with increasing of paste mixing ratio whereas heating value and production rate were decreased. Production rate were in range 6 r 7.7 kg/min for 40 mm. diameter and maximum compressive strength of 1.35 MPa was achieved which higher acceptable commercial value. Regarding energy consumption, considerably low electrical energy was used in the extrusion process.
Fuel Processing Technology, 2012
In Thailand, oil-palm empty-fruit-bunch (EFB) a by-product of the crude-palm-oil milling process ... more In Thailand, oil-palm empty-fruit-bunch (EFB) a by-product of the crude-palm-oil milling process is currently one of the most promising potential energy resources. However, the ash-forming potassium, chlorine, silicon, and calcium constituents of EFB fuel can cause severe fouling, slagging, and ash meltdown, during combustion. This study is aimed to investigate EFB firing in a pilot-scale reciprocating grate-fired combustor with a 150 kW th capacity. The study included chemical analyses of fuel and fuel ash, and samples of bottom ash, fly ash, and deposits derived from laboratory combustion tests. Experiments were conducted at temperatures of ≈ 800°C (low-temperature) and 900-950°C (high-temperature). Deposits mainly formed on the upstream side of the probe, and comprised two distinct layers, i.e., a thin white inner layer, and a gray outer layer. A swift growth of deposits on the cooled deposit probe, simulating superheater conditions, was evident, with significant retardation of heat transfer. Heat uptake by the probe appeared to reduce to 70% of the initial value within a 19-h period. The deposit mass flux was 167 g/m 2 h, which corresponded with a fouling thermal resistance of 0.023 m 2 •K/W. Following initial deposit formation of KCl condensate, particle impaction entailed deposit formation for incorporating Si-and Ca-rich fly ash particles into the deposits. XRF (X-ray fluorescence spectrometer) and SEM/EDX (scanning electron microscopy/ energy dispersive X-ray) analyses revealed that not only did KCl mainly exist in the inner deposit layer, but also dominated the entire deposit mass (60-80 wt.%), suggesting a crucial role for alkali condensation in deposit formation. If the bulk flue gases were sufficiently cooled, the KCl deposited on the probe by the transport of small solidified KCl particles. Corrosion attack was apparent near the metal surface and involved the deposition of KCl. SEM-EDX mapping exhibited that silica in combination with potassium led to the formation of low-melting-point compounds, which readily melted at high-temperature combustion. ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy) analysis indicated that the potassium in the deposits had high mobility; the results were consistent with the XRF and SEM-EDX analyses.
Bioresources, Mar 27, 2023
บทคัดยอ วัตถุประสงคของงานวิจัยน้ี คือศึกษาการผลิตเชื้อเพลิงอัดแทงดวย เทคนิคเอ็กซทรูชันแบบอัด... more บทคัดยอ วัตถุประสงคของงานวิจัยน้ี คือศึกษาการผลิตเชื้อเพลิงอัดแทงดวย เทคนิคเอ็กซทรูชันแบบอัดรีดเย็น โดยใชสัดสวนการผสมผงถานไม ยางพารารวมกับผงถานกะลามะพราวและผงถานไมยางพารารวมกับ ผงถานกะลาปาลมที่ 70:30 60:40 และ 50:50 เปนวัตถุดิบและใชแปง เปยกเปนตัวประสานในสัดสวนผงแปงมันสําปะหลังตอนํ้าหนักวัตถุดิบ ที่ 10:100 โดยศึกษาถึงผลของสัดสวนการผสมวัตถุดิบที่มีตอการผลิต และสมบัติทางกายภาพของแทงเชื้อเพลิงที่ผลิตได จากการทดลอง พบวาอัตราการผลิต ความหนาแนน ความตานทานแรงกดและความ รอนของแทงเชื้อเพลิงจะแปรผันตามสัดสวนการเพิ่มข้ึนของผงถาน กะลาทั้งสองชนิด ในขณะที่การใชพลังงานจําเพาะในการอัดรีดจะ แปรผกผันกับสัดสวนการผสม โดยอัตราการผลิตแทงเชื้อเพลิงซ่ึงคิดที่ ปริมาณความชื้น 10% d.b. พบวามีคาในชวง 8.53–10.89 kg/min โดย มีความหนาแนนในชวง 750–908 kg/m นอกจากนี้การตานทานแรงกด ของแทงเชื้อเพลิงในชวง 1.13–1.79 MPa ซ่ึงสูงกวาคาที่ยอมรับไดเชิง พาณิชยที่0.375 MPa สวนพลังงานจําเพาะที่ใชในการอัดรีดแทง เชื้อเพลิงมีคานอยมากในทุกสัดสวน
บทคัดยอ งานวิจัยน้ีทําการศึกษาผลกระทบของอากาศที่กอใหเกิดฟลูอิไดเชช่ันที่มีผลตอสมรรถนะและแกสม... more บทคัดยอ งานวิจัยน้ีทําการศึกษาผลกระทบของอากาศที่กอใหเกิดฟลูอิไดเชช่ันที่มีผลตอสมรรถนะและแกสมลพิษจากการเผาไหมของ เตาเผาไหมวอรเทค-ฟลูอิไดซเบด (VFBC) ขนาด 100 kWth โดยใช แกลบรวมกับถานหินบิทูมินัสเปนเชื้อเพลิงในสัดสวน 90:10 (โดย ความรอน) สมรรถนะเตาเผาไหมที่พิจารณาคือประสิทธิภาพการ เผาไหม ภาระความรอนของเตา สวนแกสเผาไหมที่ทอทางออกที่ พิจารณาคือ CO, NOx และ SO2 ผลทดลองพบวาเชื้อเพลิงทั้งสอง ชนิดสามารถเผาไหมรวมกันไดโดยไมเกิดปญหาการเกาะตัวของเบด และความเร็วของอากาศสวนที่กอใหเกิดฟลูอิไดเซชั่นที่สูงกวา 1.55 m/s จะสงผลใหประสิทธิภาพการเผาไหมมีแนวโนมลดลง ซ่ึงในทุก เงื่อนไขการทดลองจะมีคาประสิทธิภาพการเผาไหมสูงสุดที่ 99.5% ภายใตอุณหภูมิภายในเบด 1100C ซ่ึงคิดเปนคาภาระความรอน เตาสูงสุดที่ 0.83 MWth/m 3 นอกจากนี้ การเพิ่มความเร็วของอากาศ สวนที่กอใหเกิดฟลูอิไดเซชันจะสงผลใหปริมาณแกส CO มีคา เพิ่มข้ึน โดยมีคาในชวง 170-245 ppm ที่ระดับ O2 สวนเกิน 6% สวนปริมาณ NOX มีคาอยูระหวาง 300–325 ppm ในขณะที่ปริมาณ SO2 ในแตละเงื่อนไขการทดลองมีคาใกลเคียงกัน ประ...
The objectives were to design an extrusion screw to produce biomass solid fuel in a cold extrusio... more The objectives were to design an extrusion screw to produce biomass solid fuel in a cold extrusion process, and investigate the effects of molasses used as a selected adhesive on the physical properties of extruded products. The material employed consisted of crushed coconut shell char and coconut fiber char mixed at a ratio of 40:60. The ratios of molasses in the mixture were 10:100, 15:100 and 20:100 (by weight) and the extrusion die angles were 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 degrees gradation per experiment. The experimental results showed that the newly designed screw could function properly in the output range 0.75-0.90 kg/min, which is close to the design value. Regarding the molasses's effect on solid fuel properties, increasing the share of molasses was positive for both output and strength of the resulting briquettes, whereas the results of increasing die angle showed decreases in both output and strength. The compressive strength varied between 2.49-2.87 MPa in all circumstanc...
The objective was to study solid fuel produced from biomass by cold extrusion technique. The raw ... more The objective was to study solid fuel produced from biomass by cold extrusion technique. The raw materials used comprised crushed coconut shell char and coconut fiber char mixed with two kinds of binders produced from treated rice straw and molasses. In order to investigate the effects of the amounts of binder used on the physical properties of the solid fuel produced, the mass ratio of molasses was varied, at 10:100, 15:100, and 20:100, whereas that of the treated rice straw was 15:100, 20:100, and 25:100. In addition, the effects of mixing the ratios of crushed coconut shell char and coconut fiber char were studied by varying their ratios in the mixture (shell: fiber), at 40:60, 50:50, 60:40 and 70:30. The results showed that when molasses were used as a binder, increasing both the amount of molasses and coconut shell enhanced the compressive strength of the solid fuel produced. When treated rice straw binder was used, compressive strength also increased with the increasing of coc...
The aim of this research is to study a co-firing between rice husk and bituminous coal within a 2... more The aim of this research is to study a co-firing between rice husk and bituminous coal within a 250 kW short combustion chamber fluidized-bed combustor, considering the combustor performances when co-combustion was tested. The mixing ratios (thermal basis) of rice husk to bituminous coal of 70:30, 80:20 and 100:0 were used for each experiment. It was shown that all fuel mixing ratios can be continuously fired both fuels, combustion efficiency were in range 98.8-99.5% and maximum heat intensity of 0.77 MW/m 3 was achieved. In order that co-firing of rice husk and bituminous coal of 70:30 and 80:20 were appear agglomeration of ash particles on distributor plate that may be occurring from tar in bituminous coal. CO and NO X emission (based on 6% O 2) were in the range 60-110 ppm and 212-350 ppm, respectively.
Fuel, 2011
This study extensively investigated temperature and emission characteristics, and the performance... more This study extensively investigated temperature and emission characteristics, and the performance of co-firing rice husk with coal in a cyclonic fluidized-bed combustor (W-FBC) of 125 kW th nominal capacity. The W-FBC integrated the distinct features of cyclonic/vortex and fluidized-bed combustion. Fluidization, without any inert material, can be accomplished by the stirring blades and vortex ring. The combustor was equipped with a multi-passes water coil to regulate the bed temperatures, varying 800-900°C. Rice husk was co-fired with coal, a supplementary fuel, with coal blending ratios of 0-25% by thermal basis. The radial temperature profiles displayed vortex combustion along the wall, while the axial temperature profiles suggested a well-mixed condition in the lower part. The large depletion of O 2 and proliferation of CO in the lower part revealed vigorous combustion beneath the vortex ring. A reducing atmosphere appeared unfavorable to NO x formation. The combustor showed satisfied E c , mostly >98.5%. The optimum operating conditions with respect to NO x emissions were: (1) the thermal percentage of coal not >20%, and (2) bed temperatures between 800 and 850°C. Otherwise, NO x emissions would exceed the regulations; even CO and SO 2 emissions were well acceptable.
Fuel, 2009
ABSTRACT Thailand is well-endowed with renewable energy resources. In Thailand, rice husk, a by-p... more ABSTRACT Thailand is well-endowed with renewable energy resources. In Thailand, rice husk, a by-product of the rice-milling process and one of the most potentially sustainable cultivated biomasses, has an annual energy equivalent of 6.6 × 107 GJ. Using rice husk alone, however, can be problematic, particularly if there is a deficit during the off-season. Coal, the most abundant fossil fuel, has thus been considered an appropriate supplementary fuel. This paper describes the combustion characteristics of co-firing rice husk with bituminous coal in a 120 kWth-capacity cyclonic fluidized-bed combustor (ψ-FBC), and how excess air ratios and fuel blends impacted emissions and combustion efficiency (Ec). Overall, excess air and blending ratios did not have tremendous effects on Ec, easily achieving >97%. Radial temperature profiles revealed that vortex combustion prevailed along the combustor walls. Concurring with axial temperature profiles, axial O2 profiles suggested that the combustion was confined chiefly to regions under the vortex ring. Despite massive CO production in the lower section, CO emissions were satisfactory (range 60–260 ppm, at 6% O2). Due to the high bed temperatures, NOx appeared rather high (260–416 ppm, at 6% O2). Not only were NOx emissions affected by coal ratio, it were also highly reliable on the operating conditions. SO2 emissions varied directly, but not proportionally, with the sulfur content of the fuel mixture.
Fuel, 2009
ABSTRACT This study encompassed the characteristics and performance of co-firing rice husk, a by-... more ABSTRACT This study encompassed the characteristics and performance of co-firing rice husk, a by-product of rice-milling process, with coal in a short-combustion-chamber fluidized-bed combustor (SFBC). Bed phenomena investigated in a cold-flow model combustor showed that with the different mixes of materials, the anticipated offshoot of combustion, the minimum fluidizing velocity (Umf) was 0.4–0.8 m/s. In concord with axial temperature profiles, axial gas concentration profiles implied that a recirculating ring was able to circumscribe CO within the short-main chamber. The formation, decomposition, and eventual maturity of NOx characterized the NOx evolution, inferred from concentration profiles. The impacts of fluidizing velocity and blending ratio on gas emissions and combustion efficiency (Ec) are described. The fluidizing velocity had consequential effect on gas emissions, except NOx. Surprisingly, NOx did not hinge much on increased N-content of the mixtures with coal. As expected, increased SO2 was relevant to increased coal mass. Increased fluidizing velocity adversely affected Ec while increased coal fraction enhanced Ec, mostly >97%.
Fuel Processing Technology, 2011
This study examined the combustion characteristics and performance of rice husks co-fired with co... more This study examined the combustion characteristics and performance of rice husks co-fired with coal in a shortcombustion-chamber fluidized-bed combustor (SFBC) with a 225 kW th capacity. Rice husks were the main fuel, and coal was a supplementary fuel in the experiments. The effects of coal size (b 5 mm and 5-10 mm) and coalfeed location (above or below a recirculating ring) on combustion performance were investigated. Various cocombustion tests of rice husks with coal were performed, with different thermal percentages (10, 15, 20, and 25%) of coal. The results were compared to firing 100% rice husks alone. With the assistance of a stirring blade and a recirculating ring, good combustion was feasible without using any inert materials mixed into the bed. Combustion efficiency in an excess of 98% was readily achievable. CO and SO 2 emissions (at 6% O 2) were in the range 64-104 and 10-22 ppm, respectively, while NO x emissions were in the range of 208-281 ppm. Although the CO and SO 2 emissions were acceptable, combustion of 100% rice husks and co-combustion with b 20% coal failed to comply with Thai NO x emission limits. Therefore, to minimize NO x emissions (208-244 ppm, at 6% O 2), coal of both sizes was introduced below the recirculating ring. The results demonstrated that the thermal percentage of coal in the fuel mixture should be 20-25%.
Combustion and Flame, 2006
A novel cyclonic fluidized-bed combustor (ψ-FBC) was developed and tested for burning rice husk. ... more A novel cyclonic fluidized-bed combustor (ψ-FBC) was developed and tested for burning rice husk. The purpose of the new design was to integrate cyclonic and fluidized-bed combustion into a unique combustor for more efficient combustion, while maintaining its compact nature. The performance of the ψ-FBC, with a design capacity of 100 kW th , was analyzed in terms of combustion and thermal efficiency, volumetric combustion intensity, and pollutant emissions. A combustion efficiency of 98% was easily obtained, and a maximum volumetric intensity up to 0.95 MW m −3 was achieved. For all conditions, significant effects of primary, secondary, and tertiary air velocity on combustion efficiency were not observed; however, a too-high fluidizing air velocity decreased combustion efficiency. Nearly isothermal bed conditions could be established without using sand as bed material. Analysis of gas emissions within the combustor displayed a successful merging of the two distinct combustion technologies. Emissions of CO and NO x , based on 6% (volume) O 2 , were determined to be in the range 50-400 and 350-425 ppm, respectively.
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2007
A desiccant rotary wheel was coupled with a hot-air drying system and used to dry coarsely choppe... more A desiccant rotary wheel was coupled with a hot-air drying system and used to dry coarsely chopped coconut pieces. Silica gel was selected as the desiccant material. The drying performance and end color of the dried coconut were examined and compared with coconut dried in a pure hot-air drying system. The results showed that the desiccant dehumidification system can work properly in removing water vapor from humid drying air, resulting in significantly shortened drying time and a higher drying rate than a pure hot-air system. However, energy consumption was higher, mainly due to the energy required for silica gel regeneration. The color of the dried coconut was affected by all drying conditions, but the most important parameter causing the product to become considerably darker was the relative humidity of the inlet drying air.
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010
A short-combustion-chamber fluidized-bed combustor (SFBC), of 250 kW th capacity, was developed a... more A short-combustion-chamber fluidized-bed combustor (SFBC), of 250 kW th capacity, was developed and tested for combustion characteristics of rice-husk, i.e. combustion efficiency (E c), heat rate intensity (I c), temperature distribution, and gaseous pollutant emissions. The effects of fluidizing velocity, excess air, and combustor loading were analyzed. The results indicated that the system could operate without any secondary solid as bed material, and could achieve high combustion efficiency and high heat rate intensity. Solid recirculation within the bed, created by a solid recirculating ring and an air vortex, played an important role in efficient combustion, even in a relatively short-combustion-chamber. A maximum E c of 99.8% and a maximum I c of 1.54 MW th m À2 were realized. Increasing fluidizing velocity and excess air caused decreases in E c. CO and NO x emissions increased with increased excess air, and were in the range 50-550 ppm and 230-350 ppm, respectively.
Fuel Processing Technology, 2013
ABSTRACT In the present work, we studied alkali-related problems arising from oil-palm empty-frui... more ABSTRACT In the present work, we studied alkali-related problems arising from oil-palm empty-fruit-bunch (EFB) combustion and investigated countermeasures to overcome these problems by using kaolin as an additive. All of the experiments were conducted in a pilot-scale grate-fired combustor (150 kWth). The composition and structure of the ash and deposit samples were investigated. In addition to pure EFB combustion, kaolin was co-fired with EFB by three different means. Kaolin was exploited at the stoichiometric amount required (8% of EFB on dry mass basis).
Papers by Prasan Sathitruangsak