Thesis Chapters by Pierre Vermeren
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (ED 113), 2022
FR : En tant que champ scientifique, l’histoire des périodes préislamiques est une innovation de ... more FR : En tant que champ scientifique, l’histoire des périodes préislamiques est une innovation de la période coloniale, au Maroc comme dans le reste du Maghreb. La matrice idéologique coloniale ayant fortement déteint sur les récits historiques concernant les périodes préhistorique, protohistorique et surtout antique, les historiens nationalistes ont dû s’atteler à les « décoloniser ». Ce processus de réappropriation a duré plusieurs décennies, donnant lieu à une marocanisation des institutions de la recherche archéologique et des institutions en charge de l’activité historiographique, en premier lieu les universités. En plein âge d’or lorsqu’intervient l’indépendance, l’archéologie marocaine a connu une phase de déclin après 1963, puis une période de renouveau à partir des années 1980. Le renouveau de l’archéologie observé depuis cette date s’effectue sous le signe de la coopération internationale. Depuis l’indépendance, les progrès permis par la recherche archéologique ont permis d’offrir aux historiens et aux préhistoriens de nouvelles sources, renouvelant les tendances historiographiques et les sujets d’étude.
EN : As a scientific field, the history of pre-islamic times is an innovation of the colonial period, in Morocco as well as in the rest of the Maghreb. The colonial ideological matrix having influenced the historical narratives of the prehistoric, protohistoric, and especially ancient periods, the nationalist historians applied themselves to “decolonizing” those times. This process of reappropriation had been ongoing for several decades, leading to morocconization of archaeological research institutions and institutions in charge of historiographical activity, first and foremost universities. After its golden age during independence, Moroccan archaeology underwent a period of decline after 1963 before its renewal from the 1980s onwards. The revival of archaeology as observed from this point onwards has been achieved through international cooperation. Since independence, progress made possible by archaeological research has been able to offer historians and prehistorians further sources, renewing historiographical trends and research subjects.
Thesis Chapters by Pierre Vermeren
EN : As a scientific field, the history of pre-islamic times is an innovation of the colonial period, in Morocco as well as in the rest of the Maghreb. The colonial ideological matrix having influenced the historical narratives of the prehistoric, protohistoric, and especially ancient periods, the nationalist historians applied themselves to “decolonizing” those times. This process of reappropriation had been ongoing for several decades, leading to morocconization of archaeological research institutions and institutions in charge of historiographical activity, first and foremost universities. After its golden age during independence, Moroccan archaeology underwent a period of decline after 1963 before its renewal from the 1980s onwards. The revival of archaeology as observed from this point onwards has been achieved through international cooperation. Since independence, progress made possible by archaeological research has been able to offer historians and prehistorians further sources, renewing historiographical trends and research subjects.
EN : As a scientific field, the history of pre-islamic times is an innovation of the colonial period, in Morocco as well as in the rest of the Maghreb. The colonial ideological matrix having influenced the historical narratives of the prehistoric, protohistoric, and especially ancient periods, the nationalist historians applied themselves to “decolonizing” those times. This process of reappropriation had been ongoing for several decades, leading to morocconization of archaeological research institutions and institutions in charge of historiographical activity, first and foremost universities. After its golden age during independence, Moroccan archaeology underwent a period of decline after 1963 before its renewal from the 1980s onwards. The revival of archaeology as observed from this point onwards has been achieved through international cooperation. Since independence, progress made possible by archaeological research has been able to offer historians and prehistorians further sources, renewing historiographical trends and research subjects.