Articles by Phelype Oleinik

Transfer Phenomena in Fluid and Heat Flows, 2017
The wave energy availability has become a field of intensive research around the world. In this s... more The wave energy availability has become a field of intensive research around the world. In this sense, this study aims to estimate the wave climate at the most energetic spots on the South-Southeastern Brazilian Shelf (SSBS). To achieve this goal, the sea state model TOMAWAC was used to simulate 18 years of wave conditions on the SSBS. The results showed that the sites at Santa Marta cape and Ilhabela are quite similar, with mean wave height of 1.4 m and period of 8.5 s along the climatological year. Farol island, on the other hand, showed higher averages, of 1.7 m and 8.9 s for wave height and period, respectively. The annual behavior of the wave parameters showed greater stability at Santa Marta cape and Ilhabela, and less at Farol island. The mean wave power yield at the Santa Marta cape and Ilhabela is nearly 10 kW/m and at Farol island, 15 kW/m. A wavelet analysis pointed that the most energetic events are those with periods of occurrence from 6 to 12 days, with the apex at 7 days. The wavelet analysis also showed that the most energetic spectrum is the one at Farol island, with 2.5 times the energy of the other locations at the period band of 7 days.

Transfer Phenomena in Fluid and Heat Flows, 2017
The focus on renewable energy sources on the last few decades has pushed studies on wave energy a... more The focus on renewable energy sources on the last few decades has pushed studies on wave energy availability. In this sense, this study aims to determine annual characteristics of the wave climate on the South-Southeastern Brazilian Shelf (SSBS) to improve the comprehension of the Brazilian wave climate, as well as, to give an insight on the more energetic coastal spots in this area. To accomplish that, the sea state model TOMAWAC was used to simulate 18 years of wave conditions on the SSBS which were later converted to a single year, representative of the Brazilian wave climate. The results showed a strong annual pattern of steadier sea state in summer and spring and a more agitated one in autumn and winter. The results also showed that in the Santa Marta cape, the seasonal wave power oscillates between 8 and 11 kW/m, and at Ilhabela, between 7 and 11 kW/m. At the Farol island, on the other hand, the seasonal wave power varies around 11 and 19 kW/m, yielding much more energy but, at the cost of an extremely higher variation throughout the year.

Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico e o aumento da população mundial existe grande demanda de energ... more Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico e o aumento da população mundial existe grande demanda de energia que pode ser suprida de forma renovável. Uma forma de transformação desta forma de energia é pela conversão da energia cinética das ondas oceânicas em energia elétrica. Para obter um bom retorno da implantação destes conversores de energia se faz necessário a utilização de modelos numéricos, que simulam o estado do mar e permitam a obtenção da previsão do potencial energético. No presente trabalho o modelo TOMAWAC foi utilizado para simular ondas na plataforma continental Sul-Sudeste brasileira, que foram avaliadas em busca de locais de alto potencial energético. A simulação foi realizada entre janeiro e dezembro de 2006 e os resultados indicam que na região costeira valores médios de 1,25 m de altura de onda podem ser observados. O peréodo médio das ondas varia entre 7,5 e 9 s para toda a região e a direção média indica a dominância de ondas que vem de sudeste alcançando a zona costeira. A região costeira mostra valores médios para o potencial energético entre 10 e 20 kW/m e os maiores valores médios são observados na Bacia de Santos, alcançando 25 kW/m nas proximidades de Ilhabela.
Articles by Phelype Oleinik