Papers by Pernilla Enochson
Grade 9 students’ ideas of the pathway of food, water and painkiller were investigated. We found ... more Grade 9 students’ ideas of the pathway of food, water and painkiller were investigated. We found differences in pattern especially among the students with nonscientific explanations models. Concern ...
Upplevelser och handelser som sker i elevernas vardag kan ibland problematiseras utifran en natur... more Upplevelser och handelser som sker i elevernas vardag kan ibland problematiseras utifran en naturvetenskaplig kontext. I denna studie har vi analyserat vi hur larare,som undervisar elever i arskurs ...
A large challenge in most western schools is to enhance and stimulate students’ engagement and mo... more A large challenge in most western schools is to enhance and stimulate students’ engagement and motivation to learn science. The lack of interest is evident in several large-scale studies where stud ...
Previous research studies have pointed to the benefits of involving students’ everyday life exper... more Previous research studies have pointed to the benefits of involving students’ everyday life experiences for enhanced learning and positive attitudes towards school science. This study explores in w ...
Journal of Biological Education, Aug 11, 2022
It has earlier been shown on a group level that it is difficult for 9th grade students (15-16 yea... more It has earlier been shown on a group level that it is difficult for 9th grade students (15-16 years old) in a Swedish school to understand how water is transported in the human body. The detailed analysis of five Swedish students in the 9th and final year of compulsory school concerning their ideas about water transportation is presented here. The empirical data consists of drawings, answers to a questionnaire with both open ended and multiple-choice questions, and student interviews. The analysis shows that all the students struggle to produce explanations involving the three organ systems: digestive, blood and excretion systems and they seem to use a variety of explanatory models as basis for their reasoning. Possible ways of understanding this are discussed together with implications for future teaching. Introduktion och bakgrund Att analysera elevers kunskap om vattnets väg genom kroppen är ett sätt att mäta deras förståelse av hur olika organsystem är sammankopplade. Det är också intressant ur ett hälsoperspektiv då vattnets effekter på kroppens välbefinnande ofta diskuteras i media. I denna artikel kommer vi att följa fem elever med olika föreställningar om hur vatten transporteras genom kroppen och hur dessa olika föreställningar kan påverka deras sätt att resonera i andra närliggande frågor så som exempelvis njurens funktion. Undersökningar av hur grundskoleelever förstår kroppens organsystem visar att matsmältningssystemet är det mest kända av kroppens organsystem bland grundskoleelever (se t ex Reiss et al., 2002; Granklint Enochson, 2008). Därefter kommer systemet för gasutbyte och skelettet (Reiss et al., 2002). Däremot har elever visat sig vara mindre bekanta med utsöndringsorganen, så som de urinbildande och urinutsöndrade. Vid en jämförelse av elevers kunskaper om matsmältnings-Fem elevers föreställningar om organsystem-vad händer i kroppen när vi dricker vatten? Pernilla Granklint Enochson är fil. lic. och doktorand vid Högskolan Kristianstad och tillhör den nationella forskarskolan FontD vid Linköpings universitet. Hon har under många år undervisat i biologi och kemi både på grundskolans senare del och på gymnasiet. Hennes forskningsintresse är hur elever tolkar och resonerar om koppens funktion och hälsa. Andreas Redfors är professor i fysik-inriktning fysikdidaktik vid Högskolan Kristianstad, Sverige. Han har en ämneslärarutbildning samt har doktorerat i fysik vid Lunds universitet. Han undervisar i fysik, astronomi och naturvetenskapernas didaktik, främst inom lärarutbildning. Hans forskningsbakgrund finns inom laboratorieastrofysik, men han bedriver numera enbart forskning inom naturvetenskapernas didaktik. Han leder forskargruppen Learning in Sci ence and Mathematics ( Hans huvudsakliga forskningsintressen är studenters syn på naturvetenskapens natur, med speciellt fokus på deras förståelse av modeller, samt lärande och undervisning med stöd av IKT.
Nordic Studies in Science Education, Nov 7, 2013
The purpose of this thesis is to study Swedish and South African students' beliefs about the body... more The purpose of this thesis is to study Swedish and South African students' beliefs about the body and its functions, and how these ideas correlated with answers to associated questions. Data was obtained from several different types of surveys and interviews. All the students who participated in the studies were in grade nine. There were 88 students in the Swedish data collection and 166 in the South African data collection.
Chemistry Education Research and Practice
This study investigated students’ meaning-making of polymeric concepts during modelling and discu... more This study investigated students’ meaning-making of polymeric concepts during modelling and discuss students’ creation of visible representations in chemistry. The analysis combines a phenomenographic and social semiotic approach and leads to the finding and description of 21 different meaning-making processes. We refer to meaning-making as the outcome of translative communication through representations, discerned by students, where the collective meaning of created representations that build on each other constitutes the meaning as a whole. The study took place in three Swedish upper secondary chemistry classes. Data were collected from eight groups of 3–4 students (n = 30). Video, audio recordings and photos taken during modelling were analysed to investigate students’ meaning-making during the modelling process. The results show translative changes between and within semiotic resources, indicating meaning for students’ learning of polymeric concepts. Additionally, the representa...
Nordic Educational Research Association: Rethinking the futures of education in the Nordic countries (NERA 2020), Turku, Finland, March 4-6, 2020, 2020
NERA 2019 (Nordic Educational Research Association), Uppsala, Sweden, 6-8 March, 2019, 2019
In 2017, a regional cooperation project was initiated with four municipalities and Halmstad Unive... more In 2017, a regional cooperation project was initiated with four municipalities and Halmstad University, called From Great to Excellence (FGTE), that aimed at reducing the gap between children/pupils capacity and performance. The project is planned to run for five years, and participants are persons active in schools and preschools at different levels within the school practice. Within the FGTE project, the participants perform different development projects in cooperation across the municipal boundaries, where they act as critical friends for each other in order to drive each project forward. Parallel with these activities, follow-up research on the project is conducted that focuses on different parts of the collaborative process. In this study we have concentrated on the participants' work with their respective research processes. The overall aim is to investigate the way in which research questions- and the ability to answer these - are developed by the participants through collaborative projects across municipal boundaries. The question we ask is "How does a (research-) question change through a collaborative process?" School development projects are carried out both at national and international level (e. g. Sales, Moliner & Amat, 2017; Adolfsson & Håkansson, 2015). In this study, the focus is both on regional cooperation and more specifically on the research questions of the participating groups. Theoretical framework The theoretical framework in this study is situated within the socio-cultural field, since much of the focus is around the collaboration between the participants. Conversation is an arena for developing knowledge and by supporting and challenging each other's pronounced thoughts, prerequisites for development of knowledge are given (Vygotsky, 1978). Methodological design The empirical material for the present study consists partly of the work material from a workshop where the participants' research questions were processed, partly by the participants' final products at the end of their development projects, which was a project report and a poster per project group. The material has mainly been analyzed based on a content analysis perspective (Danielsson, 2017; Denzin & Lincoln, 2003). Expected conclusions/findings The analysis is not yet complete, but preliminary results show that the research questions in the projects are not fully answered by the participants. On the other hand, the research questions seems to become more sharp when people from other municipalities are involved in working with the them. It also appears to be problematic to relate to overall, relatively abstract questions, and to make them tangible to their own school practice. Relevance to Nordic educational research Through this study, we want to highlight the potential for improvement work in preschool and school practice which lies in developing school activities through a regional cooperation project. This, we mean, are of utmost relevance to Swedish/Nordic as well as international research fields within education. References Adolfsson, C-H., & Håkansson, J. (2015). Lärande skolor och förskolor i Kalmar kommun - Forskning och lokalt skolutvecklingsarbete i samspel. Rapport. Linnéuniversitet Danielsson, E. (2017). Vetenskaplig teori och metod: från idé till examination inom omvårdnad. Henricson, M. (red.) (Andra upplagan). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds.). (2003). Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. M. Cole, Ed.Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Sales, A., Moliner, L., & Amat, A. F. (2017). Collaborative professional development for distributed teacher leadership towards school change. School Leadership & Management Formerly School Organisation. VOL. 37, NO. 3, 254–26
European Educational Research Association (ECER 2019), Hamburg, Germany, September 2-6, 2019, 2019
Education in an Era of Risk (ECER), Hamburg, Germany, September 3-6, 2019, 2019
The study investigates science teachers’ use of analogies in lesson introductions for 9th grade s... more The study investigates science teachers’ use of analogies in lesson introductions for 9th grade students and focuses on the level of abstraction and the extent of using analogies. Furthermore we co ...
Research topic/aimIn 2017, a regional cooperation project was initiated with four municipalities ... more Research topic/aimIn 2017, a regional cooperation project was initiated with four municipalities and Halmstad University, called From Great to Excellence (FGTE). The project is planned to run for f ...
In both Sweden and South Africa, the science curriculum for the secondary level emphasizes learni... more In both Sweden and South Africa, the science curriculum for the secondary level emphasizes learning about the functioning of the human body. Both curricula also emphasize the importance of living a ...
This paper is based on an interest in increasing the understanding of trends regarding Swedish st... more This paper is based on an interest in increasing the understanding of trends regarding Swedish students knowledge in science by exploring the relation between results of large-scale studies (PISA ...
Papers by Pernilla Enochson