Papers by Pedro David Tovar Hernandez
Acta Médica Costarricense, Feb 26, 2009
La enfermedad de Castleman (hamartoma linfoideo, linfoma gigante benigno, hiperplasia angiofolicu... more La enfermedad de Castleman (hamartoma linfoideo, linfoma gigante benigno, hiperplasia angiofolicular de los nódulos linfáticos) es un transtorno linfoproliferativo raro, de curso usualmente benigno de etiología desconocida y pobremente entendido. Resulta de un crecimiento no regulado del tejido linfático y puede manifestarse clínicamente en 2 formas, localizada y diseminada o multicéntrica, con 3 variantes histopatológicas, vascular hialino, plasmocelular y mixto o transicional. Usualmente la forma vascular hialina tiene una evolución clínica benigna manifestada solamente por adenopatías, en cambio, la forma plasmocelular o mixta puede manifestar alteraciones físicas y de laboratorio, tales como fiebre, pérdida de peso, anemia e hiperglobulinemia. Las 2 últimas condiciones clínicas pueden resultar en transformación maligna similar al linfoma de Hodgkin. Revisamos la base de datos del Servicio de Patología de nuestro hospital y encontramos 14 casos reportados desde enero de 1990 hasta enero del 2002, 2 mostraron presentación inusual. Descriptores: enfermedad de Castleman, trastorno linfoproliferativo, comportamiento clínico.
Revista de Oncología, 2002
Exporter wage premium has been widely studied in the literature on international trade. The aim o... more Exporter wage premium has been widely studied in the literature on international trade. The aim of this paper is analyze whether there is also a producer quality wage premium at firm level, and if so, analyze whether its origin is similar to the exporter wage premium. In other words, I test whether firms that increase their product quality become more productive and pay higher wages (as with the learning by exporting hypothesis, we can speak of learning by producing quality), or, in contrast, more-productive firms with higher wages opt to increase product quality because their higher productivity means these kinds of decisions and investments can be taken with more guarantees (self-selection hypothesis). Moreover, I find on the one hand, that firms which start to increase their product quality have a higher probability of exporting than firms that never increase their product quality, and on the other, that firms which start to export increase their product quality more than firms that never export. However, in no cases do I find evidence in favour of learning by exporting or by producing quality hypotheses.
Investigaciones Medicoquirurgicas, Mar 1, 2015
Dermatologia Venezolana, 1977
Aula De Innovacion Educativa, 2001
PLoS pathogens, 2015
Epithelial cells are a major port of entry for many viruses, but the molecular networks which pro... more Epithelial cells are a major port of entry for many viruses, but the molecular networks which protect barrier surfaces against viral infections are incompletely understood. Viral infections induce simultaneous production of type I (IFN-α/β) and type III (IFN-λ) interferons. All nucleated cells are believed to respond to IFN-α/β, whereas IFN-λ responses are largely confined to epithelial cells. We observed that intestinal epithelial cells, unlike hematopoietic cells of this organ, express only very low levels of functional IFN-α/β receptors. Accordingly, after oral infection of IFN-α/β receptor-deficient mice, human reovirus type 3 specifically infected cells in the lamina propria but, strikingly, did not productively replicate in gut epithelial cells. By contrast, reovirus replicated almost exclusively in gut epithelial cells of IFN-λ receptor-deficient mice, suggesting that the gut mucosa is equipped with a compartmentalized IFN system in which epithelial cells mainly respond to IF...
Revista Internacional de Andrología, 2010
Revista Internacional de Andrología, 2010
The Analyst, 1988
... 113 41 Determination of Copper(l1) with a Carbon Paste Electrode Modified with an Ion-exchang... more ... 113 41 Determination of Copper(l1) with a Carbon Paste Electrode Modified with an Ion-exchange Resin* Lucas Hernandez,t Pedro Hernandez, Manuel H. Blanco and Maria Sanchez Departamento de Qulinica, Universidad Aut6noma de Madrid, 28049-Madrid, Spain ...
Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, 2003
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os determinantes sociais e biológicos, medidos n... more OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os determinantes sociais e biológicos, medidos no período perinatal e na infância, sobre a ocorrência de cárie dentária em crianças de 6 anos de idade. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal de cárie dentária em 1999, em uma subamostra de 400 crianças pertencentes a uma coorte de nascidos vivos iniciada em 1993, em Pelotas, RS. Os índices e critérios de diagnóstico adotados foram os preconizados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (1997). Os resultados do estudo de cárie foram inseridos no banco de dados da coorte, que continha informações sobre as condições sociais e de saúde coletadas ao nascimento, no primeiro, terceiro, sexto e décimo segundo meses e no sexto ano de vida da criança. O índice de cárie (ceo-d = 0 ou > 1) foi a variável dependente. Foram realizadas análises univariada e de regressão logística múltipla não condicional, tendo como base um modelo teórico hierárquico de determinação. RESULTADOS: Escolaridade mater...
Revista Internacional de Andrología, 2009
... Elena Pérez Rodrígueza, Pedro Ramón Gutiérrez Hernándeza, Hugo Álvarez Argüellesb, Ruimán Jos... more ... Elena Pérez Rodrígueza, Pedro Ramón Gutiérrez Hernándeza, Hugo Álvarez Argüellesb, Ruimán José González Álvareza, Julián Fernández Ramosc, Sofía Vivancos ... del área anatómica que nos ocupa y que contiene diferentes elementos, como conducto defe-rente con su ...
Revista Internacional de Andrología, 2007
El lipoma representa la neoplasia benigna más frecuente de los tejidos paratesticulares y cordón ... more El lipoma representa la neoplasia benigna más frecuente de los tejidos paratesticulares y cordón espermático. Dentro de este tipo de tumor, la variante mixoide es poco frecuente, aunque su comportamiento es similar al resto de los subtipos de este tumor.
Revista Internacional de Andrología, 2007
El tumor adenomatoide, de características benignas, es el más frecuente de los tumores paratestic... more El tumor adenomatoide, de características benignas, es el más frecuente de los tumores paratesticulares. Habitualmente se presenta en la edad adulta. La localización más frecuente en el varón es en el epidídimo, de predominio izquierdo, sin embargo se han descrito ...
The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 2011
To test the hypothesis that the color of meconial fluid is associated with inflammatory biomarker... more To test the hypothesis that the color of meconial fluid is associated with inflammatory biomarkers, by determining C-reactive protein (CRP) and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in serum from the umbilical cord. In this prospective study, the authors selected 30 newborns with meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF): 14 with green/brown 656 R color and 16 with brown/cinnamon 654 R color, and 20 newborns which showed clear amniotic fluid without MSAF (non-MSAF); all newborns were from mothers without risk factors for neonatal sepsis. IL-6 concentration from umbilical cord blood, [median of 12.9 pg/mL (interquartile range {IQR} 8.7-31.0)] of MSAF-green/brown 656 R increased significantly (p < 0.05) when compared with IL-6 concentration, [median of 9.2 pg/mL (IQR 7.2-12.2)] of newborns with clear amniotic fluid and without meconium. CRP from MSAF-green/brown 656 R was median of 0.5 mg/mL (IQR 0.0-2.7), and median of 1.0 mg/mL (IQR 0.0-5.5) from clear amniotic fluid, without meconium. Significant association was found between MSAF-green/brown 656 R and increase in IL-6, with normal CRP values.
Immunity, Jan 21, 2014
CD8αα(+) intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) are instrumental in maintaining the epithelial barrie... more CD8αα(+) intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) are instrumental in maintaining the epithelial barrier in the intestine. Similar to natural killer cells and other innate lymphoid cells, CD8αα(+) IELs constitutively express the T-box transcription factor T-bet. However, the precise role of T-bet for the differentiation or function of IELs is unknown. Here we show that mice genetically deficient for T-bet lacked both TCRαβ(+) and TCRγδ(+) CD8αα(+) IELs and thus are more susceptible to chemically induced colitis. Although T-bet was induced in thymic IEL precursors (IELPs) as a result of agonist selection and interleukin-15 (IL-15) receptor signaling, it was dispensable for the generation of IELPs. Subsequently, T-bet was required for the IL-15-dependent activation, differentiation, and expansion of IELPs in the periphery. Our study reveals a function of T-bet as a central transcriptional regulator linking agonist selection and IL-15 signaling with the emergence of CD8αα(+) IELs.
2011 Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, 2011
This study presents a novel bio-inspired knowledge system, based in closed loop tuning, for the c... more This study presents a novel bio-inspired knowledge system, based in closed loop tuning, for the calculation of the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller parameters. The aim is to achieve automatically the best parameters according with the work point and the dynamics of the plant. For it, in our study, several typical expressions and systems have been taken into account to build the model. Each of these expressions is appropriated for a particular system. The novel method is empirically verified with a real dataset obtained by a liquid-level laboratory plant.
Revista Internacional de Andrología, 2006
... Sergio Fumero Arteaga a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding... more ... Sergio Fumero Arteaga a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Vanessa Figueroa Sosa a , Delia Báez Quintana b , Raquel Blanes Zamora b , Rebeca Vaca Sánchez b , Jose Carlos Alberto Bethencourt b , Pedro Rodríguez ...
Papers by Pedro David Tovar Hernandez