Abstract Introduction Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST), formerly known as neurogen... more Abstract Introduction Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST), formerly known as neurogenic sarcoma or malignant neuroblastoma, rarely occurs in the head and neck area and can mimic benign proliferative lesions. The tumor develops from the peripheral nerve cells and can occur on the surface of the skin neurofibromas in von Recklinghausen disease or de Novo. Aim The aim of this paper was to present the case of the 86-year-old female patient with MPNST in the soft tissues of the right cheek. Case study 86-year-old female patient was admitted due to the right cheek tumor growing for about a month of the size 5 × 5 cm that caused significant asymmetry of the face. Results and discussion The patient was diagnosed on the basis of the history, craniofacial visualization, histopathological examination of the tumor sample and referred for surgical treatment and possible adjuvant radiotherapy. Extensive resection of the tumor was followed by a reconstruction of buccal defect with regional lobes. The postoperative course was uneventful. Adjuvant radiotherapy was not performed due to a number of aggravating systemic illness and old age of the patient. She is the subject of constant surgical–oncological follow-up medical care. No local recurrence or distant metastases were observed during follow-up. Conclusions MPNST rarely occurs in the head and neck region. This kind of sarcoma can cause problems in the process of diagnosis and therapy. Resection is the primary treatment in case of MPNST. Due to high incidence of local recurrence and distant metastases, the patients treated for MPNST require continuous outpatient follow-up after the treatment.
Streszczenie Wprowadzenie. Centralny ziarniniak olbrzymiokomórkowy jest guzem łagodnym, wykrywany... more Streszczenie Wprowadzenie. Centralny ziarniniak olbrzymiokomórkowy jest guzem łagodnym, wykrywanym głównie w bocznym odcinku żuchwy u dzieci i młodocianych. Pomimo, w większości przypadków, łagodnego charakteru histologicznego, zmiana ta w 20-40% może mieć klinicznie agresywny wzrost szybko powodując deformacje kości, niszczenie blaszki zbitej, przerost tkanek miękkich, krwawienia z guza oraz przemieszczanie i resorpcję korzeni zębów. Postępowaniem z wyboru jest leczenie chirurgiczne. O zakresie operacji decyduje wiek pacjenta, lokalizacja, wielkość ogniska chorobowego, postać kliniczna guza, fakt czy mamy do czynienia z guzem pierwotnym czy wznową. Ze względu na fakt, że choroba ta dotyczy głównie młodych osób, a radykalne leczenie chirurgiczne powoduje zaburzenia estetyczne i czynnościowe powodujące konieczność wykonania rekonstrukcji i rehabilitacji protetycznej, coraz częściej podejmuje się alternatywne próby leczenia niechirurgicznego. Cel pracy. Przedstawienie chorego z rozpoznaną wewnątrzkostną zmianą olbrzymiokomórkową (CGCL), u którego zastosowano w pierwszym etapie leczenia ostrzykiwanie guza preparatem triamcinolone w postaci iniekcji, a następnie leczenie chirurgiczne. Podsumowanie. Na podstawie obserwacji klinicznych i kontrolnych badań obrazowych oceniono odpowiedź organizmu na stosowane leczenie jako zadowalającą. Spostrzeżenia te potwierdzają, iż w planowaniu leczenia CGCL należy wziąć pod uwagę, jako leczenie pierwszego
The present paper discusses the case of a patient who was surgically treated for a rare calcifyin... more The present paper discusses the case of a patient who was surgically treated for a rare calcifying epithelia/ odontogenic tumour (Pindborg tumour) at the Department of Maxillofacia/ Surgery, F. Chopin Clinical Voivodeship Hospital in Rzeszow. Ca/cifying Epithelia/ Odontogenic Tumour (CEOT) is a benign odontogenic tumour arising from the remnants of the dental lamina epithelium. The first three cases of this tumour were recognized by the Danish patho/ogist J.J. Pindborg in 1955. Since then Ca/cifying Epithelia/ Odontogenic Tumour has been commonly referred to as the Pindborg tumour. This type of neop/asm is relatively rare, since it occurs in approximately 0.4% of all odontogenic tumour cases. Due to a fairly common tendency of recurrence, estimated to be approximately 14% of all cases, the preferred o choice of treatment is radical surgical procedure and postoperative follow-up. Appropriate clinical and histopatho/ogical diagnosis is very important before applying the most suitable ...
Merkel cell carcinoma is an aggressive, malignant, neuroendocrine tumor of the skin. The aim of t... more Merkel cell carcinoma is an aggressive, malignant, neuroendocrine tumor of the skin. The aim of the study is to present the clinical pictures, methods and results of treatment of MCC in the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery in Rzeszow in years 2003-2010. Changes were located on the skin of the face of four patients. All patients were treated surgically, the primary change was removed. Recurrence after surgical treatment was observed in all patients. The observations confirmed the data from the literature about the incidence of MCC over 75 years of age, aggressiveness and difficulties in treatment of this disease.
The application of anatomical models and surgical templates in maxillofacial surgery allows, amon... more The application of anatomical models and surgical templates in maxillofacial surgery allows, among other benefits, the increase of precision and the shortening of the operation time. Insufficiently precise anastomosis of the broken parts of the mandible may adversely affect the functioning of this organ. Applying the modern mechanical engineering methods, including computer-aided design methods (CAD), reverse engineering (RE), and rapid prototyping (RP), a procedure used to shorten the data processing time and increase the accuracy of modelling anatomical structures and the surgical templates with the use of 3D printing techniques was developed. The basis for developing and testing this procedure was the medical imaging data DICOM of patients treated at the Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic of the Fryderyk Chopin Provincial Clinical Hospital in Rzeszów. The patients were operated on because of malignant tumours of the floor of the oral cavity and the necrosis of the mandibular corpus, re...
INTRODUCTION Mucoceles are benign lesions associated with the pathology of the oral mucosa of min... more INTRODUCTION Mucoceles are benign lesions associated with the pathology of the oral mucosa of minor salivary glands. Two types of cysts are distinguished depending on their pathogenesis. Most often they occur as a result of mechanical trauma and mucus extravasation into tissues or obstruction of the gland ducts. AIM The aim of the study was to present our own experiences regarding mucoceles of minor salivary glands in the oral cavity taking into account how frequently the individual types of cysts occur in children. MATERIAL AND METHODS The research was carried out based on medical files from the years 2005-2015. These were: medical case records, operating books and the medical registry of patients treated at the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, Frederic Chopin Clinical Regional Hospital in Rzeszow. In that period 64 children and teenagers, 28 girls and 36 boys were treated. What was considered was the age and gender of the patients, the reason for their appointment with a doctor, t...
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2018
Postoperative reconstruction of tissue loss within the head and neck after extensive resections d... more Postoperative reconstruction of tissue loss within the head and neck after extensive resections due to malignant neoplasms or traumas has always been a challenge for maxillo-facial surgeons or ENT physicians. Due to the complex anatomical structure of the head and neck region, every patient requires an individual approach and there is no standard method of management appropriate for all patients. The number of patients treated for malignancy is increasing year by year. The possibility of performing extensive resections in the head and neck region are conditioned by appropriate reconstruction. Aim. The aim of the paper is to present the reconstructive methods used in the Clinical Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, F. Chopin Hospital No. 1 in Rzeszow. A short review of the most commonly used flaps is presented, taking into account their advantages, disadvantages and surgical technique in terms of their usefulness in daily clinical practice.
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2019
Background. The surgical treatment of malignant neoplasms of the eyelid and the periocular area, ... more Background. The surgical treatment of malignant neoplasms of the eyelid and the periocular area, due to the complex structure of the eye protective apparatus, remains a difficult surgical problem. The aim is to reconstruct the missing tissue as precisely as possible, both from a functional and esthetic point of view. Postoperative disorders of eyelid function may considerably disturb both the functioning and the quality of life of the patients. Objectives. The aim of the study was to evaluate 262 patients who had underwent operations related to malignant neoplasms of the eyelid and the periocular area, and to demonstrate which reconstruction methods for post-resection defects were the most advantageous in terms of functions and esthetics. Material and methods. The study was based on an analysis of the medical records of 262 patients. The analysis included the reconstruction techniques used, the patient's age, the sizes and locations of the primary skin cancer, any healing complications, and the distant esthetic and functional outcomes. Results. Various types of flap procedures were the most frequently used techniques in the studied group of patients (66.8%). Single flaps were used in 83 patients, multiple flaps in 89 patients and complex flaps with a cartilage graft in 3 patients. Free skin grafts were used in 52 patients and were associated with complications in the form of partial necrosis. Complications during postoperative wound healing were observed in 18.3% of the patients. In 12 patients, the complications were associated with a local infection, in 15 patients with partial, marginal necrosis and in 8 patients partial wound breakdown after the transfer of the flap occurred. Conclusions. The most frequently used mechanisms for correction and reconstruction of the deficits following the excision of the eyelid skin and periorbital malignancies included various flaps used in a total of 175 patients (66.8%).
With every passing year, more and more studies and observations demonstrate growing incidence of ... more With every passing year, more and more studies and observations demonstrate growing incidence of oral cancer, a decrease in patients' age, and an increasing number of epidemiological factors. The aim of the study was to determine the level of awareness among undergraduate and graduate university students regarding the incidence of oral cancer linked with viral infections and highrisk sexual behavior, including oral sex. Self-administered questionnaire-based survey was carried out among 196 Polish students aged 19 to 25 years. It was found that the young adults understood the meaning of human papillomavirus (HPV), but associated it only with the squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. A total of 43.4% did not realize that there was any correlation between HPV infection and the development of oral cancer. The students who were aware of this correlation constituted 40.3% of the total. The majority of the participants, that is, 82 subjects (41.8%), did not associate the occurrence of malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity with oral sex. The study group did not present adequate awareness of the fact that occurrence of oral cancer may be associated with high-risk sexual behaviors. Knowledge of oral cancer was not significantly related to the level of university education (P < .005).
Advances in clinical and experimental medicine : official organ Wroclaw Medical University, Jan 2, 2018
Malignant cancers of the eyelid skin and the periocular area comprise 5-10% of facial skin malign... more Malignant cancers of the eyelid skin and the periocular area comprise 5-10% of facial skin malignant cancers. Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) dominate, comprising approx. 80-90% of cancers of this area of the face. Considerably less often, in 9-14% of cases, squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) are observed. The aim of this study is to provide an epidemiological-clinical assessment of patients treated over the period 2006-2015 for primary malignant cancers of the eyelid skin considering histological diagnosis and clinical staging. This study was based on an analysis of the medical records of 262 patients. Demographic data, age, sex, size and location of lesions, histological types, and clinical staging were assessed. In the analyzed group of 262 patients, most were over the age of 60 years. Primary cancers were most frequently located in the area of the medial canthus of the eye and in the lower eyelid skin. They were mainly lesions of 6-10 mm and 16-20 mm with histologically diagnosed basa...
Streszczenie W pracy przedstawiono opisy dwóch chorych z rozpoznaniem brodawczaka odwróconego, kt... more Streszczenie W pracy przedstawiono opisy dwóch chorych z rozpoznaniem brodawczaka odwróconego, którego rzadko spotyka się w praktyce klinicznej i może sprawiać trudności diagnostyczne. Najczęstszym miejscem występowania są przestrzenie zatok przynosowych i jamy nosowej. Obraz kliniczny często objawia się jako zapalenie zatok szczękowych. W pracy zwrócono uwagę na trudności diagnostyczne, które wynikają z braku specyficznych objawów klinicznych, co powoduje konieczność rozszerzenia badań obrazowych i wydłuża czas do postawienia właściwego rozpoznania. W opisywanych przypadkach leczenie podjęto po uzyskaniu wyniku badania histopatologicznego. Obserwacje własne potwierdzają konieczność przeprowadzenia radykalnego zabiegu ze względu na wysoki stopień nawrotów oraz możliwości transformacji nowotworowej.
Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is a malignancy which very rarely occurs in maxillofacial location, and the ... more Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is a malignancy which very rarely occurs in maxillofacial location, and the course of the disease is not very characteristic. In this case report, we present a 58-year-old female patient with a painless tumor of the left angle of the mandible causing slight asymmetry of the face. She also reported that she observed deterioration in fitting of the lower denture in the oral cavity for several months, which she had used successfully for 5 years. On the basis of clinical tests, histopatological examination, and imaging (CT, MRI, ultrasound, pantomography), the patient was diagnosed with primary malignant leiomyosarcoma (LMS) of the mandibular corpus and ramus on the left side. The patient received combined surgical and oncological treatment. The first stage was a surgery, and then adjuvant radiotherapy was applied on the site of the resected tumor-a total dose of 60 Gy in 35 fractions. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful. She also underwent adjuvant therapy well. In the period of 3-year follow-up, no signs of recurrence were observed. The findings may extend our knowledge and experiences in the treatment of leiomvosarcoma in the craniofacial area. Abbreviations: BAC = fine needle aspiration biopsy, CT = computer tomography, IHC = immunohistochemical, Ki-67 = Ki-67 protein, LMS = leiomyosarcoma, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, RMS = rhabdomyosarcoma, S100 = S-100 protein, SMA = smooth muscle actin.
W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 26-letniej chorej, u której w następstwie powikłań zębopochodnej ... more W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 26-letniej chorej, u której w następstwie powikłań zębopochodnej infekcji ropnej jamy ustnej doszło do zstępującego martwiczego zapalenia śródpiersia (ZMZŚ). Pomimo wielospecjalistycznego zespołowego leczenia pacjentka zmarła z objawami wstrząsu septycznego i niewydolności wielonarządowej. Według piśmiennictwa specjalistycznego, co potwierdzają również obserwacje własne, kluczem do sukcesu leczenia jest wczesna diagnostyka tomograficzna, radykalne leczenie chirurgiczne, szerokospektralna, skojarzona antybiotykoterapia i intensywna opieka medyczna. Słowa kluczowe: ropowica twarzy, zstępujące zapalenie śródpiersia, powikłania.
Abstract Introduction Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST), formerly known as neurogen... more Abstract Introduction Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST), formerly known as neurogenic sarcoma or malignant neuroblastoma, rarely occurs in the head and neck area and can mimic benign proliferative lesions. The tumor develops from the peripheral nerve cells and can occur on the surface of the skin neurofibromas in von Recklinghausen disease or de Novo. Aim The aim of this paper was to present the case of the 86-year-old female patient with MPNST in the soft tissues of the right cheek. Case study 86-year-old female patient was admitted due to the right cheek tumor growing for about a month of the size 5 × 5 cm that caused significant asymmetry of the face. Results and discussion The patient was diagnosed on the basis of the history, craniofacial visualization, histopathological examination of the tumor sample and referred for surgical treatment and possible adjuvant radiotherapy. Extensive resection of the tumor was followed by a reconstruction of buccal defect with regional lobes. The postoperative course was uneventful. Adjuvant radiotherapy was not performed due to a number of aggravating systemic illness and old age of the patient. She is the subject of constant surgical–oncological follow-up medical care. No local recurrence or distant metastases were observed during follow-up. Conclusions MPNST rarely occurs in the head and neck region. This kind of sarcoma can cause problems in the process of diagnosis and therapy. Resection is the primary treatment in case of MPNST. Due to high incidence of local recurrence and distant metastases, the patients treated for MPNST require continuous outpatient follow-up after the treatment.
Streszczenie Wprowadzenie. Centralny ziarniniak olbrzymiokomórkowy jest guzem łagodnym, wykrywany... more Streszczenie Wprowadzenie. Centralny ziarniniak olbrzymiokomórkowy jest guzem łagodnym, wykrywanym głównie w bocznym odcinku żuchwy u dzieci i młodocianych. Pomimo, w większości przypadków, łagodnego charakteru histologicznego, zmiana ta w 20-40% może mieć klinicznie agresywny wzrost szybko powodując deformacje kości, niszczenie blaszki zbitej, przerost tkanek miękkich, krwawienia z guza oraz przemieszczanie i resorpcję korzeni zębów. Postępowaniem z wyboru jest leczenie chirurgiczne. O zakresie operacji decyduje wiek pacjenta, lokalizacja, wielkość ogniska chorobowego, postać kliniczna guza, fakt czy mamy do czynienia z guzem pierwotnym czy wznową. Ze względu na fakt, że choroba ta dotyczy głównie młodych osób, a radykalne leczenie chirurgiczne powoduje zaburzenia estetyczne i czynnościowe powodujące konieczność wykonania rekonstrukcji i rehabilitacji protetycznej, coraz częściej podejmuje się alternatywne próby leczenia niechirurgicznego. Cel pracy. Przedstawienie chorego z rozpoznaną wewnątrzkostną zmianą olbrzymiokomórkową (CGCL), u którego zastosowano w pierwszym etapie leczenia ostrzykiwanie guza preparatem triamcinolone w postaci iniekcji, a następnie leczenie chirurgiczne. Podsumowanie. Na podstawie obserwacji klinicznych i kontrolnych badań obrazowych oceniono odpowiedź organizmu na stosowane leczenie jako zadowalającą. Spostrzeżenia te potwierdzają, iż w planowaniu leczenia CGCL należy wziąć pod uwagę, jako leczenie pierwszego
The present paper discusses the case of a patient who was surgically treated for a rare calcifyin... more The present paper discusses the case of a patient who was surgically treated for a rare calcifying epithelia/ odontogenic tumour (Pindborg tumour) at the Department of Maxillofacia/ Surgery, F. Chopin Clinical Voivodeship Hospital in Rzeszow. Ca/cifying Epithelia/ Odontogenic Tumour (CEOT) is a benign odontogenic tumour arising from the remnants of the dental lamina epithelium. The first three cases of this tumour were recognized by the Danish patho/ogist J.J. Pindborg in 1955. Since then Ca/cifying Epithelia/ Odontogenic Tumour has been commonly referred to as the Pindborg tumour. This type of neop/asm is relatively rare, since it occurs in approximately 0.4% of all odontogenic tumour cases. Due to a fairly common tendency of recurrence, estimated to be approximately 14% of all cases, the preferred o choice of treatment is radical surgical procedure and postoperative follow-up. Appropriate clinical and histopatho/ogical diagnosis is very important before applying the most suitable ...
Merkel cell carcinoma is an aggressive, malignant, neuroendocrine tumor of the skin. The aim of t... more Merkel cell carcinoma is an aggressive, malignant, neuroendocrine tumor of the skin. The aim of the study is to present the clinical pictures, methods and results of treatment of MCC in the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery in Rzeszow in years 2003-2010. Changes were located on the skin of the face of four patients. All patients were treated surgically, the primary change was removed. Recurrence after surgical treatment was observed in all patients. The observations confirmed the data from the literature about the incidence of MCC over 75 years of age, aggressiveness and difficulties in treatment of this disease.
The application of anatomical models and surgical templates in maxillofacial surgery allows, amon... more The application of anatomical models and surgical templates in maxillofacial surgery allows, among other benefits, the increase of precision and the shortening of the operation time. Insufficiently precise anastomosis of the broken parts of the mandible may adversely affect the functioning of this organ. Applying the modern mechanical engineering methods, including computer-aided design methods (CAD), reverse engineering (RE), and rapid prototyping (RP), a procedure used to shorten the data processing time and increase the accuracy of modelling anatomical structures and the surgical templates with the use of 3D printing techniques was developed. The basis for developing and testing this procedure was the medical imaging data DICOM of patients treated at the Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic of the Fryderyk Chopin Provincial Clinical Hospital in Rzeszów. The patients were operated on because of malignant tumours of the floor of the oral cavity and the necrosis of the mandibular corpus, re...
INTRODUCTION Mucoceles are benign lesions associated with the pathology of the oral mucosa of min... more INTRODUCTION Mucoceles are benign lesions associated with the pathology of the oral mucosa of minor salivary glands. Two types of cysts are distinguished depending on their pathogenesis. Most often they occur as a result of mechanical trauma and mucus extravasation into tissues or obstruction of the gland ducts. AIM The aim of the study was to present our own experiences regarding mucoceles of minor salivary glands in the oral cavity taking into account how frequently the individual types of cysts occur in children. MATERIAL AND METHODS The research was carried out based on medical files from the years 2005-2015. These were: medical case records, operating books and the medical registry of patients treated at the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, Frederic Chopin Clinical Regional Hospital in Rzeszow. In that period 64 children and teenagers, 28 girls and 36 boys were treated. What was considered was the age and gender of the patients, the reason for their appointment with a doctor, t...
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2018
Postoperative reconstruction of tissue loss within the head and neck after extensive resections d... more Postoperative reconstruction of tissue loss within the head and neck after extensive resections due to malignant neoplasms or traumas has always been a challenge for maxillo-facial surgeons or ENT physicians. Due to the complex anatomical structure of the head and neck region, every patient requires an individual approach and there is no standard method of management appropriate for all patients. The number of patients treated for malignancy is increasing year by year. The possibility of performing extensive resections in the head and neck region are conditioned by appropriate reconstruction. Aim. The aim of the paper is to present the reconstructive methods used in the Clinical Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, F. Chopin Hospital No. 1 in Rzeszow. A short review of the most commonly used flaps is presented, taking into account their advantages, disadvantages and surgical technique in terms of their usefulness in daily clinical practice.
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2019
Background. The surgical treatment of malignant neoplasms of the eyelid and the periocular area, ... more Background. The surgical treatment of malignant neoplasms of the eyelid and the periocular area, due to the complex structure of the eye protective apparatus, remains a difficult surgical problem. The aim is to reconstruct the missing tissue as precisely as possible, both from a functional and esthetic point of view. Postoperative disorders of eyelid function may considerably disturb both the functioning and the quality of life of the patients. Objectives. The aim of the study was to evaluate 262 patients who had underwent operations related to malignant neoplasms of the eyelid and the periocular area, and to demonstrate which reconstruction methods for post-resection defects were the most advantageous in terms of functions and esthetics. Material and methods. The study was based on an analysis of the medical records of 262 patients. The analysis included the reconstruction techniques used, the patient's age, the sizes and locations of the primary skin cancer, any healing complications, and the distant esthetic and functional outcomes. Results. Various types of flap procedures were the most frequently used techniques in the studied group of patients (66.8%). Single flaps were used in 83 patients, multiple flaps in 89 patients and complex flaps with a cartilage graft in 3 patients. Free skin grafts were used in 52 patients and were associated with complications in the form of partial necrosis. Complications during postoperative wound healing were observed in 18.3% of the patients. In 12 patients, the complications were associated with a local infection, in 15 patients with partial, marginal necrosis and in 8 patients partial wound breakdown after the transfer of the flap occurred. Conclusions. The most frequently used mechanisms for correction and reconstruction of the deficits following the excision of the eyelid skin and periorbital malignancies included various flaps used in a total of 175 patients (66.8%).
With every passing year, more and more studies and observations demonstrate growing incidence of ... more With every passing year, more and more studies and observations demonstrate growing incidence of oral cancer, a decrease in patients' age, and an increasing number of epidemiological factors. The aim of the study was to determine the level of awareness among undergraduate and graduate university students regarding the incidence of oral cancer linked with viral infections and highrisk sexual behavior, including oral sex. Self-administered questionnaire-based survey was carried out among 196 Polish students aged 19 to 25 years. It was found that the young adults understood the meaning of human papillomavirus (HPV), but associated it only with the squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. A total of 43.4% did not realize that there was any correlation between HPV infection and the development of oral cancer. The students who were aware of this correlation constituted 40.3% of the total. The majority of the participants, that is, 82 subjects (41.8%), did not associate the occurrence of malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity with oral sex. The study group did not present adequate awareness of the fact that occurrence of oral cancer may be associated with high-risk sexual behaviors. Knowledge of oral cancer was not significantly related to the level of university education (P < .005).
Advances in clinical and experimental medicine : official organ Wroclaw Medical University, Jan 2, 2018
Malignant cancers of the eyelid skin and the periocular area comprise 5-10% of facial skin malign... more Malignant cancers of the eyelid skin and the periocular area comprise 5-10% of facial skin malignant cancers. Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) dominate, comprising approx. 80-90% of cancers of this area of the face. Considerably less often, in 9-14% of cases, squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) are observed. The aim of this study is to provide an epidemiological-clinical assessment of patients treated over the period 2006-2015 for primary malignant cancers of the eyelid skin considering histological diagnosis and clinical staging. This study was based on an analysis of the medical records of 262 patients. Demographic data, age, sex, size and location of lesions, histological types, and clinical staging were assessed. In the analyzed group of 262 patients, most were over the age of 60 years. Primary cancers were most frequently located in the area of the medial canthus of the eye and in the lower eyelid skin. They were mainly lesions of 6-10 mm and 16-20 mm with histologically diagnosed basa...
Streszczenie W pracy przedstawiono opisy dwóch chorych z rozpoznaniem brodawczaka odwróconego, kt... more Streszczenie W pracy przedstawiono opisy dwóch chorych z rozpoznaniem brodawczaka odwróconego, którego rzadko spotyka się w praktyce klinicznej i może sprawiać trudności diagnostyczne. Najczęstszym miejscem występowania są przestrzenie zatok przynosowych i jamy nosowej. Obraz kliniczny często objawia się jako zapalenie zatok szczękowych. W pracy zwrócono uwagę na trudności diagnostyczne, które wynikają z braku specyficznych objawów klinicznych, co powoduje konieczność rozszerzenia badań obrazowych i wydłuża czas do postawienia właściwego rozpoznania. W opisywanych przypadkach leczenie podjęto po uzyskaniu wyniku badania histopatologicznego. Obserwacje własne potwierdzają konieczność przeprowadzenia radykalnego zabiegu ze względu na wysoki stopień nawrotów oraz możliwości transformacji nowotworowej.
Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is a malignancy which very rarely occurs in maxillofacial location, and the ... more Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is a malignancy which very rarely occurs in maxillofacial location, and the course of the disease is not very characteristic. In this case report, we present a 58-year-old female patient with a painless tumor of the left angle of the mandible causing slight asymmetry of the face. She also reported that she observed deterioration in fitting of the lower denture in the oral cavity for several months, which she had used successfully for 5 years. On the basis of clinical tests, histopatological examination, and imaging (CT, MRI, ultrasound, pantomography), the patient was diagnosed with primary malignant leiomyosarcoma (LMS) of the mandibular corpus and ramus on the left side. The patient received combined surgical and oncological treatment. The first stage was a surgery, and then adjuvant radiotherapy was applied on the site of the resected tumor-a total dose of 60 Gy in 35 fractions. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful. She also underwent adjuvant therapy well. In the period of 3-year follow-up, no signs of recurrence were observed. The findings may extend our knowledge and experiences in the treatment of leiomvosarcoma in the craniofacial area. Abbreviations: BAC = fine needle aspiration biopsy, CT = computer tomography, IHC = immunohistochemical, Ki-67 = Ki-67 protein, LMS = leiomyosarcoma, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, RMS = rhabdomyosarcoma, S100 = S-100 protein, SMA = smooth muscle actin.
W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 26-letniej chorej, u której w następstwie powikłań zębopochodnej ... more W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 26-letniej chorej, u której w następstwie powikłań zębopochodnej infekcji ropnej jamy ustnej doszło do zstępującego martwiczego zapalenia śródpiersia (ZMZŚ). Pomimo wielospecjalistycznego zespołowego leczenia pacjentka zmarła z objawami wstrząsu septycznego i niewydolności wielonarządowej. Według piśmiennictwa specjalistycznego, co potwierdzają również obserwacje własne, kluczem do sukcesu leczenia jest wczesna diagnostyka tomograficzna, radykalne leczenie chirurgiczne, szerokospektralna, skojarzona antybiotykoterapia i intensywna opieka medyczna. Słowa kluczowe: ropowica twarzy, zstępujące zapalenie śródpiersia, powikłania.
Papers by Paweł Pakla