Tourism in protected areas can have a variety of positive and negative impacts. The types of impa... more Tourism in protected areas can have a variety of positive and negative impacts. The types of impacts are broad in their range, and affect protected area resources, local economies, local communities, and the tourists themselves. These Guidelines highlight many best practices that aim to maximise positive impacts of tourism while minimising its negative impacts
Tourism and protected areas: benefits beyond boundaries. The Vth IUCN World Parks Congress
This paper discusses 16 important trends that are predicted to affect the planning and management... more This paper discusses 16 important trends that are predicted to affect the planning and management of parks and protected areas in the medium term. While there are many trends visible, the ones chosen are mostly likely to require a management response. There are both challenges and opportunities for tourism-related benefits in parks and protected areas.
Volume 17 • Number 3 2000 63 based upon the available information. Those sectors with weak or inc... more Volume 17 • Number 3 2000 63 based upon the available information. Those sectors with weak or incomplete information risk being undervalued when policy, planning, and management decisions are made. This paper presents a collection of park-use data from Canada and the USA. The purposes of the research are to document the gross volume of and benefits derived from the public use, compare this use between the two countries, and better understand the methodological issues involved. The authors hope that this paper will further the task of better management of the collection, compilation, and distribution of public-use data from parks and protected areas.
Disclaimer: This is a version of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. A... more Disclaimer: This is a version of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to authors and researchers we are providing this version of the accepted manuscript (AM). Copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof will be undertaken on this manuscript before final publication of the Version of Record (VoR). During production and pre-press, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal relate to this version also.
Many Parties to the CBD underutilise tourism as a means to contribute towards the financial susta... more Many Parties to the CBD underutilise tourism as a means to contribute towards the financial sustainability of protected areas. The development of the present guidelines on tourism partnerships and concessions for protected areas is a response to this under-utilized potential and to recent decisions of the CBD on tourism.
There are two categories of management approaches for the delivery of tourism services; insourcin... more There are two categories of management approaches for the delivery of tourism services; insourcing or outsourcing. This paper presents a decision framework for the choice of a management model for the delivery of tourism-related services in protected areas. The research used the expert opinion of 28 PA senior tourism managers from the protected area and tourism authorities of 11 countries in the Southern Africa Development Community to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the use of 5 different management models for the delivery of tourism services: 1) outsourcing to private, profit-making companies; 2) outsourcing to a community; 3) outsourcing to a nongovernment organization; 4) outsourcing to a joint venture company; and, 5) insourcing to the PA authority. The comparisons utilized 7 themes: 1) finance; 2) tourism operations; 3) socioeconomic impact; 4) governance; 5) risk; 6) human resources; and, 7) environment and conservation. A total of 190 comparative findings were identified. The 28 senior tourism managers provided comments on the advantages and disadvantages of each management model according to all themes. These comments were summarized into a table of findings. The research found that all five management models are useful, but the decisions to choose the management model are highly influenced by the current legal and policy structure of the PA authority. This research provides information that can assist PA managers in the decision structure for the choice of and implementation of the various management approaches for the provision of tourism services in protected areas. This is the first paper of its kind to compare and analyse different management models using literature, research, as well as practitioners' experience and technical knowledge. Further research on all the models and the different potential options would be useful in providing a greater understanding of all the options to finance protected areas through tourism. Management implications The paper at hand presents different management models in order to enhance the decision making on tourism development and tourism services in protected areas. In addition to these management models, managers should also consider the following crucial aspects about training and capacity building:-tourism development should be started by a detailed training program focusing on the operation of tourism management in protected areas-tourism development requires a clear policy dealing with concessions, contracts licenses, permits and related administrational issues,-Tourism development should focus on possible sources and administration of tourism finance at an early stage.-Tourism development in protected areas should include a concept for sharing of technical knowledge and expertise through peer-to peer learning and staff exchanges.
Effective management of protected areas relies on good governance. An assessment was undertaken u... more Effective management of protected areas relies on good governance. An assessment was undertaken using the standards provided by the United Nations Development Programme's characteristics of good governance for sustainable development as a starting point. Being able to assess governance based on indicators is essential for ongoing effective management through improving practice. Although indicators and evaluation frameworks are available, they do not offer protected area managers a quick, comprehensive measure of governance. We used a three-round Delphi method with a cohort of 33 managers and researchers from government and non-government organizations, and universities. This participatory research process established a set of 20 indicators addressing public participation, consensus orientation, strategic vision, responsiveness, effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, transparency, equity, and rule of law. Accompanying output measures were provided by management plans, annual reports, audits, and stakeholder engagement. The findings emphasize the contributions of management plans and annual reports in establishing evaluation requirements and providing a place where results are publicly available. Further participatory research to refine these indicators and apply them in a diversity of contexts is advocated.
Área Temática: Energía y medio ambiente Resumen: (máximo 300 palabras) A pesar del creciente núme... more Área Temática: Energía y medio ambiente Resumen: (máximo 300 palabras) A pesar del creciente número de áreas protegidas a nivel mundial y la importancia que éstas tienen en la conservación de especies y ecosistemas, es difícil evaluar la capacidad de gestión de las áreas protegidas a causa de la ausencia de un estándar que pueda ayudar a las autoridades a compararlas entre ellas para una correcta evaluación de los resultados obtenidos. Esta investigación empírica crea una herramienta que permite analizar la eficiencia y predecir los nuevos resultados en caso de un cambio de las políticas de gasto. Usando como ejemplo las agencias estatales de parques nacionales de los Estados Unidos, esta comunicación se centra en el desarrollo de una frontera tecnológica usando el Análisis Envolvente de Datos aplicando el Enfoque de Gestión de Áreas Protegidas realizado por la IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). Una vez realizado este proceso, se ha elaborado una predicción de los nuevos resultados en el caso de un supuesto cambio en el presupuesto de cada agencia estatal de parques. Los datos sugieren que muchas agencias estatales de áreas protegidas deberían mejorar su desempeño para ser eficientes. Otro resultado obtenido es cómo dicho cambio presupuestario afectará el desempeño de cada agencia en diferentes grados y, por lo tanto, estos deben ser analizados por separado.
As bird-watching gains popularity, ecotourism planners are using various techniques to attract bi... more As bird-watching gains popularity, ecotourism planners are using various techniques to attract birdwatchers. One method of drawing birders to a specific region is the development of a birding trail. Although numerous birding trails have been created with varying levels of success, there is little research on how birding trails are designed, implemented, and managed. One new and potentially viable approach is to implement and manage birding trails as tourism product clubs. A product club is an association of tourism service providers working together to deliver an integrated service. This study first explored internet birding blogs to discover what birders desire on their trips. We then conducted semi-structured interviews with key people connected to existing tourism trails. We eventually chose as a case study site the Essex and Chatham-Kent County area of southern Ontario and an advisory committee of key stakeholders was set up to assist with trail planning. This paper provides a brief synopsis of the results.
This study examined recreational use of the Lower Kananaskis River in Southwestern Alberta, Canad... more This study examined recreational use of the Lower Kananaskis River in Southwestern Alberta, Canada. Surveys and participant observations helped develop a better understanding of current use levels and interviews with key policy leaders explored management issues and concerns. Users suggested the need for improvements to river infrastructure both on and off the river. Policy leaders were more critical of the current management structure of the river than users; they indicated that park management has shown low levels of understanding of-and has been unresponsive to-the expressed needs of both users and community leaders. With the continued growth of the area, new management demands can be expected in the future. To assist in the development of management capability, the research developed an adaptive outdoor recreation management framework.
The Parks Canada Agency is currently responsible for 174 national sites within three major progra... more The Parks Canada Agency is currently responsible for 174 national sites within three major programs: National Parks, National Historic Sites, and National Marine Conservation Areas. However, the current corporate plan (005-010) fails to explicate goals and objectives for tourism, an imperative and principal function for the sustainability of heritage sites and the agency. The purpose of this paper is to suggest goals, objectives, and indicators that are fundamental to the success of any planning process. Moreover, it is suggested that these recommendations are salient to the current status of Parks Canada and the future success of its tourism expectations. Only through strategic planning and systematic implementation of goals and objectives can quality visitor experiences be realized and maintained.
This report presents the findings of an interview-based study undertaken to determine which prote... more This report presents the findings of an interview-based study undertaken to determine which protected area governance models are currently being used in Western Australia, where tourism is an important land use. The overall aim of the study was to identify and describe these governance models and provide one detailed example per model. Models were identified using three criteria: ownership of resources, the management body and the main funding for the protected area. Eight models were identified, with six investigated in detail. These were the national park model, regional park model, Crown corporation model, not-for-profit organisation model, government and tourism industry partnership model, government and not-for-profit organisation model, indigenous and government model and traditional community model. The last two in this list were not investigated in detail in this study. Key findings for six of the models investigated in detail highlight that the majority of funding for protected area management within Western Australia is provided by the State; almost all models have decision-making input by government (local and/or State); and all of the models were dominated by Crown land, with only small 'parcels' of freehold land within the regional park model. These models highlight a heavy reliance on government funding for protected area management in Western Australia. Four key recommendations arising from the study are: 1. Investigation of more diverse and innovative approaches to funding Australian protected areas; 2. Evaluation and determination of 'best practice' governance in WA and Australia; 3. Broader application Australia-wide to identify the full range of governance models in use; and 4. Analysis of range of governance models where Indigenous people own or are involved in protected areas.
... 1 / 1 Seleccione referencia / Select reference Signatura: 4826 CD-E. Corporativo: Organizació... more ... 1 / 1 Seleccione referencia / Select reference Signatura: 4826 CD-E. Corporativo: OrganizaciónMundial del Turismo - Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente - UICN. Autor: Eagles, Paul FJ; McCool, Stephen F.; Haynes, Christopher. ...
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, inc... more I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, including any required final revisions, as accepted by my examiners. I understand that my thesis may be made electronically available to the public.
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings,
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings,
Tourism in protected areas can have a variety of positive and negative impacts. The types of impa... more Tourism in protected areas can have a variety of positive and negative impacts. The types of impacts are broad in their range, and affect protected area resources, local economies, local communities, and the tourists themselves. These Guidelines highlight many best practices that aim to maximise positive impacts of tourism while minimising its negative impacts
Tourism and protected areas: benefits beyond boundaries. The Vth IUCN World Parks Congress
This paper discusses 16 important trends that are predicted to affect the planning and management... more This paper discusses 16 important trends that are predicted to affect the planning and management of parks and protected areas in the medium term. While there are many trends visible, the ones chosen are mostly likely to require a management response. There are both challenges and opportunities for tourism-related benefits in parks and protected areas.
Volume 17 • Number 3 2000 63 based upon the available information. Those sectors with weak or inc... more Volume 17 • Number 3 2000 63 based upon the available information. Those sectors with weak or incomplete information risk being undervalued when policy, planning, and management decisions are made. This paper presents a collection of park-use data from Canada and the USA. The purposes of the research are to document the gross volume of and benefits derived from the public use, compare this use between the two countries, and better understand the methodological issues involved. The authors hope that this paper will further the task of better management of the collection, compilation, and distribution of public-use data from parks and protected areas.
Disclaimer: This is a version of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. A... more Disclaimer: This is a version of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to authors and researchers we are providing this version of the accepted manuscript (AM). Copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof will be undertaken on this manuscript before final publication of the Version of Record (VoR). During production and pre-press, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal relate to this version also.
Many Parties to the CBD underutilise tourism as a means to contribute towards the financial susta... more Many Parties to the CBD underutilise tourism as a means to contribute towards the financial sustainability of protected areas. The development of the present guidelines on tourism partnerships and concessions for protected areas is a response to this under-utilized potential and to recent decisions of the CBD on tourism.
There are two categories of management approaches for the delivery of tourism services; insourcin... more There are two categories of management approaches for the delivery of tourism services; insourcing or outsourcing. This paper presents a decision framework for the choice of a management model for the delivery of tourism-related services in protected areas. The research used the expert opinion of 28 PA senior tourism managers from the protected area and tourism authorities of 11 countries in the Southern Africa Development Community to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the use of 5 different management models for the delivery of tourism services: 1) outsourcing to private, profit-making companies; 2) outsourcing to a community; 3) outsourcing to a nongovernment organization; 4) outsourcing to a joint venture company; and, 5) insourcing to the PA authority. The comparisons utilized 7 themes: 1) finance; 2) tourism operations; 3) socioeconomic impact; 4) governance; 5) risk; 6) human resources; and, 7) environment and conservation. A total of 190 comparative findings were identified. The 28 senior tourism managers provided comments on the advantages and disadvantages of each management model according to all themes. These comments were summarized into a table of findings. The research found that all five management models are useful, but the decisions to choose the management model are highly influenced by the current legal and policy structure of the PA authority. This research provides information that can assist PA managers in the decision structure for the choice of and implementation of the various management approaches for the provision of tourism services in protected areas. This is the first paper of its kind to compare and analyse different management models using literature, research, as well as practitioners' experience and technical knowledge. Further research on all the models and the different potential options would be useful in providing a greater understanding of all the options to finance protected areas through tourism. Management implications The paper at hand presents different management models in order to enhance the decision making on tourism development and tourism services in protected areas. In addition to these management models, managers should also consider the following crucial aspects about training and capacity building:-tourism development should be started by a detailed training program focusing on the operation of tourism management in protected areas-tourism development requires a clear policy dealing with concessions, contracts licenses, permits and related administrational issues,-Tourism development should focus on possible sources and administration of tourism finance at an early stage.-Tourism development in protected areas should include a concept for sharing of technical knowledge and expertise through peer-to peer learning and staff exchanges.
Effective management of protected areas relies on good governance. An assessment was undertaken u... more Effective management of protected areas relies on good governance. An assessment was undertaken using the standards provided by the United Nations Development Programme's characteristics of good governance for sustainable development as a starting point. Being able to assess governance based on indicators is essential for ongoing effective management through improving practice. Although indicators and evaluation frameworks are available, they do not offer protected area managers a quick, comprehensive measure of governance. We used a three-round Delphi method with a cohort of 33 managers and researchers from government and non-government organizations, and universities. This participatory research process established a set of 20 indicators addressing public participation, consensus orientation, strategic vision, responsiveness, effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, transparency, equity, and rule of law. Accompanying output measures were provided by management plans, annual reports, audits, and stakeholder engagement. The findings emphasize the contributions of management plans and annual reports in establishing evaluation requirements and providing a place where results are publicly available. Further participatory research to refine these indicators and apply them in a diversity of contexts is advocated.
Área Temática: Energía y medio ambiente Resumen: (máximo 300 palabras) A pesar del creciente núme... more Área Temática: Energía y medio ambiente Resumen: (máximo 300 palabras) A pesar del creciente número de áreas protegidas a nivel mundial y la importancia que éstas tienen en la conservación de especies y ecosistemas, es difícil evaluar la capacidad de gestión de las áreas protegidas a causa de la ausencia de un estándar que pueda ayudar a las autoridades a compararlas entre ellas para una correcta evaluación de los resultados obtenidos. Esta investigación empírica crea una herramienta que permite analizar la eficiencia y predecir los nuevos resultados en caso de un cambio de las políticas de gasto. Usando como ejemplo las agencias estatales de parques nacionales de los Estados Unidos, esta comunicación se centra en el desarrollo de una frontera tecnológica usando el Análisis Envolvente de Datos aplicando el Enfoque de Gestión de Áreas Protegidas realizado por la IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). Una vez realizado este proceso, se ha elaborado una predicción de los nuevos resultados en el caso de un supuesto cambio en el presupuesto de cada agencia estatal de parques. Los datos sugieren que muchas agencias estatales de áreas protegidas deberían mejorar su desempeño para ser eficientes. Otro resultado obtenido es cómo dicho cambio presupuestario afectará el desempeño de cada agencia en diferentes grados y, por lo tanto, estos deben ser analizados por separado.
As bird-watching gains popularity, ecotourism planners are using various techniques to attract bi... more As bird-watching gains popularity, ecotourism planners are using various techniques to attract birdwatchers. One method of drawing birders to a specific region is the development of a birding trail. Although numerous birding trails have been created with varying levels of success, there is little research on how birding trails are designed, implemented, and managed. One new and potentially viable approach is to implement and manage birding trails as tourism product clubs. A product club is an association of tourism service providers working together to deliver an integrated service. This study first explored internet birding blogs to discover what birders desire on their trips. We then conducted semi-structured interviews with key people connected to existing tourism trails. We eventually chose as a case study site the Essex and Chatham-Kent County area of southern Ontario and an advisory committee of key stakeholders was set up to assist with trail planning. This paper provides a brief synopsis of the results.
This study examined recreational use of the Lower Kananaskis River in Southwestern Alberta, Canad... more This study examined recreational use of the Lower Kananaskis River in Southwestern Alberta, Canada. Surveys and participant observations helped develop a better understanding of current use levels and interviews with key policy leaders explored management issues and concerns. Users suggested the need for improvements to river infrastructure both on and off the river. Policy leaders were more critical of the current management structure of the river than users; they indicated that park management has shown low levels of understanding of-and has been unresponsive to-the expressed needs of both users and community leaders. With the continued growth of the area, new management demands can be expected in the future. To assist in the development of management capability, the research developed an adaptive outdoor recreation management framework.
The Parks Canada Agency is currently responsible for 174 national sites within three major progra... more The Parks Canada Agency is currently responsible for 174 national sites within three major programs: National Parks, National Historic Sites, and National Marine Conservation Areas. However, the current corporate plan (005-010) fails to explicate goals and objectives for tourism, an imperative and principal function for the sustainability of heritage sites and the agency. The purpose of this paper is to suggest goals, objectives, and indicators that are fundamental to the success of any planning process. Moreover, it is suggested that these recommendations are salient to the current status of Parks Canada and the future success of its tourism expectations. Only through strategic planning and systematic implementation of goals and objectives can quality visitor experiences be realized and maintained.
This report presents the findings of an interview-based study undertaken to determine which prote... more This report presents the findings of an interview-based study undertaken to determine which protected area governance models are currently being used in Western Australia, where tourism is an important land use. The overall aim of the study was to identify and describe these governance models and provide one detailed example per model. Models were identified using three criteria: ownership of resources, the management body and the main funding for the protected area. Eight models were identified, with six investigated in detail. These were the national park model, regional park model, Crown corporation model, not-for-profit organisation model, government and tourism industry partnership model, government and not-for-profit organisation model, indigenous and government model and traditional community model. The last two in this list were not investigated in detail in this study. Key findings for six of the models investigated in detail highlight that the majority of funding for protected area management within Western Australia is provided by the State; almost all models have decision-making input by government (local and/or State); and all of the models were dominated by Crown land, with only small 'parcels' of freehold land within the regional park model. These models highlight a heavy reliance on government funding for protected area management in Western Australia. Four key recommendations arising from the study are: 1. Investigation of more diverse and innovative approaches to funding Australian protected areas; 2. Evaluation and determination of 'best practice' governance in WA and Australia; 3. Broader application Australia-wide to identify the full range of governance models in use; and 4. Analysis of range of governance models where Indigenous people own or are involved in protected areas.
... 1 / 1 Seleccione referencia / Select reference Signatura: 4826 CD-E. Corporativo: Organizació... more ... 1 / 1 Seleccione referencia / Select reference Signatura: 4826 CD-E. Corporativo: OrganizaciónMundial del Turismo - Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente - UICN. Autor: Eagles, Paul FJ; McCool, Stephen F.; Haynes, Christopher. ...
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, inc... more I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, including any required final revisions, as accepted by my examiners. I understand that my thesis may be made electronically available to the public.
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings,
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings,
Papers by Paul Eagles