The perception of extreme states prevailing in contemporary society and mental health systems doe... more The perception of extreme states prevailing in contemporary society and mental health systems does not give justice to the transformational aspect of the process of extreme states. It generally views mental distress from the confinements of the perspective of objectivist epistemology and medicalization, disregarding its potential valuable aspects. Consequently, extreme states are reduced to biological malfunction, which renders the process meaningless and can have negative social implications. It is proposed in the article for extreme states to instead be viewed as a call to become aware of the context that the human being finds unbearable. Following this, the emphasis is put on the view of extreme states as an invitation to hold space for exploration and the potential emergence of new ways of being. The aim is not to minimize the suffering that can accompany extreme states, but to bring the meaning-making aspect of extreme states to the forefront.
Contemporary digital environments are increasingly changing the ways in which we live and interac... more Contemporary digital environments are increasingly changing the ways in which we live and interact. One of the fields where this is evident is the field of intimate relationships. At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century mobile dating applications are becoming a common way of meeting potential partners. The purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of this and to look more closely how online dating in the age of mobile applications is changing the field of intimate relationships, as well as to note the complexity of this phenomenon.
Pojava novih informatickih i komunikacijskih tehnologija i medija omogucila je osnove za korjenit... more Pojava novih informatickih i komunikacijskih tehnologija i medija omogucila je osnove za korjenite promjene u obrazovanju. U posljednjih dvadesetak godina, obrazovanje postaje predmet naucnog istraživanja zahvaljujuci brzom razvoju informatike, medija i informatickih tehnologija. Kada su osobna racunala postala pristupacnija, omoguceni su uvjeti za razvoj ICT-a kao podržavajuceg procesa ucenja. Taj razvoj bio je preteca internetu kao mediju za ucenje. Moglo se pretpostaviti da ce Computer Based Training (CBT) programi omoguciti lakse i jeftinije ucenje. Taj je pothvat ekspandirao zadnjih 20 godina, vodeci prema internacionalnom i posebno europskom programu u integraciji koristenja ICT-a u edukaciji i vježbanju. Sirenjem digitalnih medija u profesionalnom i privatnom životu, pojacan je zahtjev za koristenjem tih tehnologija i u obrazovanju. Obrazloženje se zasniva u sustini na opcem drustvenom znacaju, na buducoj profesionalnoj relevantnosti digitalnih medija, na pedagoskim efektima u pogledu poboljsanja ucenja i rezultata ucenja kao i na potencijalu promjena koje bi mogao izazvati u institucijama kao sto je sistem cjeloživotnog obrazovanja. Digitalni mediji u obrazovanju nalaze razlicite primjene: od nastavnih i programa za ucenje i vježbanje, baza podataka i alata, preko igara za ucenje, eksperimenata i simulacija do kompleksnih komunikacijskih i kooperacijskih okruženja.
The paper provides a pilot evaluation of the information package SMSi, intended above all to impr... more The paper provides a pilot evaluation of the information package SMSi, intended above all to improve information flow and communication between teachers, students and their parents. The study was prepared and conducted from March to May 2008 in three primary schools in Zagreb. The studied group included eight classes attending 6th and 7th grade and their parents. Interviews were conducted also with the teachers who had used the service for some time. The number of students in the study was 163, of whom 69 (42.3%) were part of the SMSi study, and the number of parents was 202 (84 or 41.6% used the service). The data analysis was based on checking five hypotheses on potentially intended and unintended effects of the SMSi service. Findings showed that the service can have a positive effect on informing students of the curricular and extracurricular school activities, on parent-teacher communication, on parent-children communication and on the self-perceived parental control. It was found that parents included in the SMSi show significantly greater satisfaction with the school their child attends in comparison with the control group. Data gathered in the study did not indicate that there is a tendency to substitute direct parent-teacher contact (in the school) with indirect contact (via SMSi). Due to a number of methodological constrictions of this study, a more evaluative and more carefully staged and comprehensive (more controlled) study is needed in the future in order to check these preliminary results.
Sažetak Rad opisuje pilot evaluaciju informatičkog paketa SMS-informativke (SMSi), ponajprije nam... more Sažetak Rad opisuje pilot evaluaciju informatičkog paketa SMS-informativke (SMSi), ponajprije namijenjenog unapređivanju informiranja i komunikacije između nastavnika, učenika i njihovih roditelja. Istraživanje je pripremljeno i provedeno u razdoblju između ožujka i svibnja 2008. godine, u tri zagrebačke osnovne škole u kojima su obuhvaćeni učenici osam 6. i 7. razreda te njihovi roditelji, a obavljeni su i intervjui s nastavnicima koji su se već neko vrijeme koristili uslugom. Ukupno su anketirana 163 učenika, od kojih je 69 (42,3%) bilo uključeno u SMSi, i 202 njihovih roditelja (84 ili 41,6% koristilo se uslugom). Analiza prikupljenih podataka temelji se na provjeri pet hipoteza o potencijalnim intendiranim i neintendiranim efektima SMSi servisa. Nalazi pokazuju da korištenje usluge može imati pozitivan učinak na informiranje učenika o nastavnim i izvannastavnim sadržajima, komunikaciju između roditelja i nastavnika te roditelja i njihove djece, kao i na samopercipiranu roditeljsku kontrolu. Utvrđeno je, također, da roditelji koji su uključeni u SMSi iskazuju mnogo veće zadovoljstvo školom koju njihovo dijete pohađa od roditelja iz kontrole skupine. Prikupljeni podatci ne upućuju na tendenciju supstitucije izravnog kontakta roditelja i nastavnika (u školi) neizravnim (SMSi). S obzirom na niz metodoloških ograničenja studije, u budućnosti će biti potrebno provesti opsežnije i preciznije (bolje kontrolirano) evaluacijsko istraživanje, kako bi se provjerili ovi preliminarni rezultati. Ključne riječi: pilot evaluacija, informatički paket, SMS-informativka, komunikacija učenika, roditelja i nastavnika.
In medias res : časopis filozofije medija, Sep 10, 2019
At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the d... more At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the development of digital media. Digital media environments are going beyond the scope of fixed and isolated social environments to become more and more integrated in the everyday lives of individuals up to the point at which it is difficult to distinguish between being connected to the internet and living in the real world. Social networks contribute to this phenomenon since they represent a digital environment within which we are becoming increasingly immersed at the global level. The focus of this text is Instagram as a network whose functioning is organized around the visual element. The aim of this paper is to consider the implications of digital environments by using Instagram as an example within the framework of the theoretical and conceptual framework of digital media environments.
In medias res : časopis filozofije medija, Sep 10, 2019
At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the d... more At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the development of digital media. Digital media environments are going beyond the scope of fixed and isolated social environments to become more and more integrated in the everyday lives of individuals up to the point at which it is difficult to distinguish between being connected to the internet and living in the real world. Social networks contribute to this phenomenon since they represent a digital environment within which we are becoming increasingly immersed at the global level. The focus of this text is Instagram as a network whose functioning is organized around the visual element. The aim of this paper is to consider the implications of digital environments by using Instagram as an example within the framework of the theoretical and conceptual framework of digital media environments.
Sažetak Rad opisuje pilot evaluaciju informatičkog paketa SMS-informativke (SMSi), ponajprije nam... more Sažetak Rad opisuje pilot evaluaciju informatičkog paketa SMS-informativke (SMSi), ponajprije namijenjenog unapređivanju informiranja i komunikacije između nastavnika, učenika i njihovih roditelja. Istraživanje je pripremljeno i provedeno u razdoblju između ožujka i svibnja 2008. godine, u tri zagrebačke osnovne škole u kojima su obuhvaćeni učenici osam 6. i 7. razreda te njihovi roditelji, a obavljeni su i intervjui s nastavnicima koji su se već neko vrijeme koristili uslugom. Ukupno su anketirana 163 učenika, od kojih je 69 (42,3%) bilo uključeno u SMSi, i 202 njihovih roditelja (84 ili 41,6% koristilo se uslugom). Analiza prikupljenih podataka temelji se na provjeri pet hipoteza o potencijalnim intendiranim i neintendiranim efektima SMSi servisa. Nalazi pokazuju da korištenje usluge može imati pozitivan učinak na informiranje učenika o nastavnim i izvannastavnim sadržajima, komunikaciju između roditelja i nastavnika te roditelja i njihove djece, kao i na samopercipiranu roditeljsku kontrolu. Utvrđeno je, također, da roditelji koji su uključeni u SMSi iskazuju mnogo veće zadovoljstvo školom koju njihovo dijete pohađa od roditelja iz kontrole skupine. Prikupljeni podatci ne upućuju na tendenciju supstitucije izravnog kontakta roditelja i nastavnika (u školi) neizravnim (SMSi). S obzirom na niz metodoloških ograničenja studije, u budućnosti će biti potrebno provesti opsežnije i preciznije (bolje kontrolirano) evaluacijsko istraživanje, kako bi se provjerili ovi preliminarni rezultati. Ključne riječi: pilot evaluacija, informatički paket, SMS-informativka, komunikacija učenika, roditelja i nastavnika.
Povzetek rezultatov te raziskave, ki temelji na ustvarjanju prijateljstva med nastajajočimi odras... more Povzetek rezultatov te raziskave, ki temelji na ustvarjanju prijateljstva med nastajajočimi odrasli v pozni moderni na Hrvaškem so, da le-ta niso poenoten pojav, vendar kompleksen, katerega značilnosti in funkciji sta odvisni od vrste njegove družbene prakse. Ugotavljamo tudi, da je prijateljstvo visoko specializiran družbeni pojav, ki so ga se naraščajoči odrasli, uspešno naučili obvladali refleksivno.
Covid19-pandemic has had a profound impact on the way we live and on the social reality in the wo... more Covid19-pandemic has had a profound impact on the way we live and on the social reality in the world around us. Except for the enormous strain on public and health of individuals, it has affected social functioning to great extent, at least temporarily. It has sped up digitalization and forced social activities to transfer to the digital realm to an unprecedented level. It has simultaenously confined social actors to their geographical localities. In all of this, it has offered an opportunity of different observational point of human being in the world in the context of late modernity. It is possible to assume that this kind of social situation has the potential to affect the sense of ontological security of social actors, as well as their experience of space. The contradictory implications of the transfer of the social activitiy to the digital communicative spaces to current extent are also discussed.
The paper provides a pilot evaluation of the information package SMSi, intended above all to impr... more The paper provides a pilot evaluation of the information package SMSi, intended above all to improve information flow and communication between teachers, students and their parents. The study was prepared and conducted from March to May 2008 in three primary schools in Zagreb. The studied group included eight classes attending 6th and 7th grade and their parents. Interviews were conducted also with the teachers who had used the service for some time. The number of students in the study was 163, of whom 69 (42.3%) were part of the SMSi study, and the number of parents was 202 (84 or 41.6% used the service). The data analysis was based on checking five hypotheses on potentially intended and unintended effects of the SMSi service. Findings showed that the service can have a positive effect on informing students of the curricular and extracurricular school activities, on parent-teacher communication, on parent-children communication and on the self-perceived parental control. It was fou...
Pojava novih informatickih i komunikacijskih tehnologija i medija omogucila je osnove za korjenit... more Pojava novih informatickih i komunikacijskih tehnologija i medija omogucila je osnove za korjenite promjene u obrazovanju. U posljednjih dvadesetak godina, obrazovanje postaje predmet naucnog istraživanja zahvaljujuci brzom razvoju informatike, medija i informatickih tehnologija. Kada su osobna racunala postala pristupacnija, omoguceni su uvjeti za razvoj ICT-a kao podržavajuceg procesa ucenja. Taj razvoj bio je preteca internetu kao mediju za ucenje. Moglo se pretpostaviti da ce Computer Based Training (CBT) programi omoguciti lakse i jeftinije ucenje. Taj je pothvat ekspandirao zadnjih 20 godina, vodeci prema internacionalnom i posebno europskom programu u integraciji koristenja ICT-a u edukaciji i vježbanju. Sirenjem digitalnih medija u profesionalnom i privatnom životu, pojacan je zahtjev za koristenjem tih tehnologija i u obrazovanju. Obrazloženje se zasniva u sustini na opcem drustvenom znacaju, na buducoj profesionalnoj relevantnosti digitalnih medija, na pedagoskim efektima ...
At the beginning of the 21st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the de... more At the beginning of the 21st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the development of digital media. Digital media environments are going beyond the scope of fixed and isolated social environments to become more and more integrated in the everyday lives of individuals up to the point at which it is difficult to distinguish between being connected to the internet and living in the real world. Social networks contribute to this phenomenon since they represent a digital environment within which we are becoming increasingly immersed at the global level. The focus of this text is Instagram as a network whose functioning is organized around the visual element. The aim of this paper is to consider the implications of digital environments by using Instagram as an example within the framework of the theoretical and conceptual framework of digital media environments.
Centar za filozofiju medija i mediološka istraživanja, Sep 10, 2019
At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the d... more At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the development of digital media. Digital media environments are going beyond the scope of fixed and isolated social environments to become more and more integrated in the everyday lives of individuals up to the point at which it is difficult to distinguish between being connected to the internet and living in the real world. Social networks contribute to this phenomenon since they represent a digital environment within which we are becoming increasingly immersed at the global level. The focus of this text is Instagram as a network whose functioning is organized around the visual element. The aim of this paper is to consider the implications of digital environments by using Instagram as an example within the framework of the theoretical and conceptual framework of digital media environments.
The perception of extreme states prevailing in contemporary society and mental health systems doe... more The perception of extreme states prevailing in contemporary society and mental health systems does not give justice to the transformational aspect of the process of extreme states. It generally views mental distress from the confinements of the perspective of objectivist epistemology and medicalization, disregarding its potential valuable aspects. Consequently, extreme states are reduced to biological malfunction, which renders the process meaningless and can have negative social implications. It is proposed in the article for extreme states to instead be viewed as a call to become aware of the context that the human being finds unbearable. Following this, the emphasis is put on the view of extreme states as an invitation to hold space for exploration and the potential emergence of new ways of being. The aim is not to minimize the suffering that can accompany extreme states, but to bring the meaning-making aspect of extreme states to the forefront.
The perception of extreme states prevailing in contemporary society and mental health systems doe... more The perception of extreme states prevailing in contemporary society and mental health systems does not give justice to the transformational aspect of the process of extreme states. It generally views mental distress from the confinements of the perspective of objectivist epistemology and medicalization, disregarding its potential valuable aspects. Consequently, extreme states are reduced to biological malfunction, which renders the process meaningless and can have negative social implications. It is proposed in the article for extreme states to instead be viewed as a call to become aware of the context that the human being finds unbearable. Following this, the emphasis is put on the view of extreme states as an invitation to hold space for exploration and the potential emergence of new ways of being. The aim is not to minimize the suffering that can accompany extreme states, but to bring the meaning-making aspect of extreme states to the forefront.
Contemporary digital environments are increasingly changing the ways in which we live and interac... more Contemporary digital environments are increasingly changing the ways in which we live and interact. One of the fields where this is evident is the field of intimate relationships. At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century mobile dating applications are becoming a common way of meeting potential partners. The purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of this and to look more closely how online dating in the age of mobile applications is changing the field of intimate relationships, as well as to note the complexity of this phenomenon.
Pojava novih informatickih i komunikacijskih tehnologija i medija omogucila je osnove za korjenit... more Pojava novih informatickih i komunikacijskih tehnologija i medija omogucila je osnove za korjenite promjene u obrazovanju. U posljednjih dvadesetak godina, obrazovanje postaje predmet naucnog istraživanja zahvaljujuci brzom razvoju informatike, medija i informatickih tehnologija. Kada su osobna racunala postala pristupacnija, omoguceni su uvjeti za razvoj ICT-a kao podržavajuceg procesa ucenja. Taj razvoj bio je preteca internetu kao mediju za ucenje. Moglo se pretpostaviti da ce Computer Based Training (CBT) programi omoguciti lakse i jeftinije ucenje. Taj je pothvat ekspandirao zadnjih 20 godina, vodeci prema internacionalnom i posebno europskom programu u integraciji koristenja ICT-a u edukaciji i vježbanju. Sirenjem digitalnih medija u profesionalnom i privatnom životu, pojacan je zahtjev za koristenjem tih tehnologija i u obrazovanju. Obrazloženje se zasniva u sustini na opcem drustvenom znacaju, na buducoj profesionalnoj relevantnosti digitalnih medija, na pedagoskim efektima u pogledu poboljsanja ucenja i rezultata ucenja kao i na potencijalu promjena koje bi mogao izazvati u institucijama kao sto je sistem cjeloživotnog obrazovanja. Digitalni mediji u obrazovanju nalaze razlicite primjene: od nastavnih i programa za ucenje i vježbanje, baza podataka i alata, preko igara za ucenje, eksperimenata i simulacija do kompleksnih komunikacijskih i kooperacijskih okruženja.
The paper provides a pilot evaluation of the information package SMSi, intended above all to impr... more The paper provides a pilot evaluation of the information package SMSi, intended above all to improve information flow and communication between teachers, students and their parents. The study was prepared and conducted from March to May 2008 in three primary schools in Zagreb. The studied group included eight classes attending 6th and 7th grade and their parents. Interviews were conducted also with the teachers who had used the service for some time. The number of students in the study was 163, of whom 69 (42.3%) were part of the SMSi study, and the number of parents was 202 (84 or 41.6% used the service). The data analysis was based on checking five hypotheses on potentially intended and unintended effects of the SMSi service. Findings showed that the service can have a positive effect on informing students of the curricular and extracurricular school activities, on parent-teacher communication, on parent-children communication and on the self-perceived parental control. It was found that parents included in the SMSi show significantly greater satisfaction with the school their child attends in comparison with the control group. Data gathered in the study did not indicate that there is a tendency to substitute direct parent-teacher contact (in the school) with indirect contact (via SMSi). Due to a number of methodological constrictions of this study, a more evaluative and more carefully staged and comprehensive (more controlled) study is needed in the future in order to check these preliminary results.
Sažetak Rad opisuje pilot evaluaciju informatičkog paketa SMS-informativke (SMSi), ponajprije nam... more Sažetak Rad opisuje pilot evaluaciju informatičkog paketa SMS-informativke (SMSi), ponajprije namijenjenog unapređivanju informiranja i komunikacije između nastavnika, učenika i njihovih roditelja. Istraživanje je pripremljeno i provedeno u razdoblju između ožujka i svibnja 2008. godine, u tri zagrebačke osnovne škole u kojima su obuhvaćeni učenici osam 6. i 7. razreda te njihovi roditelji, a obavljeni su i intervjui s nastavnicima koji su se već neko vrijeme koristili uslugom. Ukupno su anketirana 163 učenika, od kojih je 69 (42,3%) bilo uključeno u SMSi, i 202 njihovih roditelja (84 ili 41,6% koristilo se uslugom). Analiza prikupljenih podataka temelji se na provjeri pet hipoteza o potencijalnim intendiranim i neintendiranim efektima SMSi servisa. Nalazi pokazuju da korištenje usluge može imati pozitivan učinak na informiranje učenika o nastavnim i izvannastavnim sadržajima, komunikaciju između roditelja i nastavnika te roditelja i njihove djece, kao i na samopercipiranu roditeljsku kontrolu. Utvrđeno je, također, da roditelji koji su uključeni u SMSi iskazuju mnogo veće zadovoljstvo školom koju njihovo dijete pohađa od roditelja iz kontrole skupine. Prikupljeni podatci ne upućuju na tendenciju supstitucije izravnog kontakta roditelja i nastavnika (u školi) neizravnim (SMSi). S obzirom na niz metodoloških ograničenja studije, u budućnosti će biti potrebno provesti opsežnije i preciznije (bolje kontrolirano) evaluacijsko istraživanje, kako bi se provjerili ovi preliminarni rezultati. Ključne riječi: pilot evaluacija, informatički paket, SMS-informativka, komunikacija učenika, roditelja i nastavnika.
In medias res : časopis filozofije medija, Sep 10, 2019
At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the d... more At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the development of digital media. Digital media environments are going beyond the scope of fixed and isolated social environments to become more and more integrated in the everyday lives of individuals up to the point at which it is difficult to distinguish between being connected to the internet and living in the real world. Social networks contribute to this phenomenon since they represent a digital environment within which we are becoming increasingly immersed at the global level. The focus of this text is Instagram as a network whose functioning is organized around the visual element. The aim of this paper is to consider the implications of digital environments by using Instagram as an example within the framework of the theoretical and conceptual framework of digital media environments.
In medias res : časopis filozofije medija, Sep 10, 2019
At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the d... more At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the development of digital media. Digital media environments are going beyond the scope of fixed and isolated social environments to become more and more integrated in the everyday lives of individuals up to the point at which it is difficult to distinguish between being connected to the internet and living in the real world. Social networks contribute to this phenomenon since they represent a digital environment within which we are becoming increasingly immersed at the global level. The focus of this text is Instagram as a network whose functioning is organized around the visual element. The aim of this paper is to consider the implications of digital environments by using Instagram as an example within the framework of the theoretical and conceptual framework of digital media environments.
Sažetak Rad opisuje pilot evaluaciju informatičkog paketa SMS-informativke (SMSi), ponajprije nam... more Sažetak Rad opisuje pilot evaluaciju informatičkog paketa SMS-informativke (SMSi), ponajprije namijenjenog unapređivanju informiranja i komunikacije između nastavnika, učenika i njihovih roditelja. Istraživanje je pripremljeno i provedeno u razdoblju između ožujka i svibnja 2008. godine, u tri zagrebačke osnovne škole u kojima su obuhvaćeni učenici osam 6. i 7. razreda te njihovi roditelji, a obavljeni su i intervjui s nastavnicima koji su se već neko vrijeme koristili uslugom. Ukupno su anketirana 163 učenika, od kojih je 69 (42,3%) bilo uključeno u SMSi, i 202 njihovih roditelja (84 ili 41,6% koristilo se uslugom). Analiza prikupljenih podataka temelji se na provjeri pet hipoteza o potencijalnim intendiranim i neintendiranim efektima SMSi servisa. Nalazi pokazuju da korištenje usluge može imati pozitivan učinak na informiranje učenika o nastavnim i izvannastavnim sadržajima, komunikaciju između roditelja i nastavnika te roditelja i njihove djece, kao i na samopercipiranu roditeljsku kontrolu. Utvrđeno je, također, da roditelji koji su uključeni u SMSi iskazuju mnogo veće zadovoljstvo školom koju njihovo dijete pohađa od roditelja iz kontrole skupine. Prikupljeni podatci ne upućuju na tendenciju supstitucije izravnog kontakta roditelja i nastavnika (u školi) neizravnim (SMSi). S obzirom na niz metodoloških ograničenja studije, u budućnosti će biti potrebno provesti opsežnije i preciznije (bolje kontrolirano) evaluacijsko istraživanje, kako bi se provjerili ovi preliminarni rezultati. Ključne riječi: pilot evaluacija, informatički paket, SMS-informativka, komunikacija učenika, roditelja i nastavnika.
Povzetek rezultatov te raziskave, ki temelji na ustvarjanju prijateljstva med nastajajočimi odras... more Povzetek rezultatov te raziskave, ki temelji na ustvarjanju prijateljstva med nastajajočimi odrasli v pozni moderni na Hrvaškem so, da le-ta niso poenoten pojav, vendar kompleksen, katerega značilnosti in funkciji sta odvisni od vrste njegove družbene prakse. Ugotavljamo tudi, da je prijateljstvo visoko specializiran družbeni pojav, ki so ga se naraščajoči odrasli, uspešno naučili obvladali refleksivno.
Covid19-pandemic has had a profound impact on the way we live and on the social reality in the wo... more Covid19-pandemic has had a profound impact on the way we live and on the social reality in the world around us. Except for the enormous strain on public and health of individuals, it has affected social functioning to great extent, at least temporarily. It has sped up digitalization and forced social activities to transfer to the digital realm to an unprecedented level. It has simultaenously confined social actors to their geographical localities. In all of this, it has offered an opportunity of different observational point of human being in the world in the context of late modernity. It is possible to assume that this kind of social situation has the potential to affect the sense of ontological security of social actors, as well as their experience of space. The contradictory implications of the transfer of the social activitiy to the digital communicative spaces to current extent are also discussed.
The paper provides a pilot evaluation of the information package SMSi, intended above all to impr... more The paper provides a pilot evaluation of the information package SMSi, intended above all to improve information flow and communication between teachers, students and their parents. The study was prepared and conducted from March to May 2008 in three primary schools in Zagreb. The studied group included eight classes attending 6th and 7th grade and their parents. Interviews were conducted also with the teachers who had used the service for some time. The number of students in the study was 163, of whom 69 (42.3%) were part of the SMSi study, and the number of parents was 202 (84 or 41.6% used the service). The data analysis was based on checking five hypotheses on potentially intended and unintended effects of the SMSi service. Findings showed that the service can have a positive effect on informing students of the curricular and extracurricular school activities, on parent-teacher communication, on parent-children communication and on the self-perceived parental control. It was fou...
Pojava novih informatickih i komunikacijskih tehnologija i medija omogucila je osnove za korjenit... more Pojava novih informatickih i komunikacijskih tehnologija i medija omogucila je osnove za korjenite promjene u obrazovanju. U posljednjih dvadesetak godina, obrazovanje postaje predmet naucnog istraživanja zahvaljujuci brzom razvoju informatike, medija i informatickih tehnologija. Kada su osobna racunala postala pristupacnija, omoguceni su uvjeti za razvoj ICT-a kao podržavajuceg procesa ucenja. Taj razvoj bio je preteca internetu kao mediju za ucenje. Moglo se pretpostaviti da ce Computer Based Training (CBT) programi omoguciti lakse i jeftinije ucenje. Taj je pothvat ekspandirao zadnjih 20 godina, vodeci prema internacionalnom i posebno europskom programu u integraciji koristenja ICT-a u edukaciji i vježbanju. Sirenjem digitalnih medija u profesionalnom i privatnom životu, pojacan je zahtjev za koristenjem tih tehnologija i u obrazovanju. Obrazloženje se zasniva u sustini na opcem drustvenom znacaju, na buducoj profesionalnoj relevantnosti digitalnih medija, na pedagoskim efektima ...
At the beginning of the 21st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the de... more At the beginning of the 21st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the development of digital media. Digital media environments are going beyond the scope of fixed and isolated social environments to become more and more integrated in the everyday lives of individuals up to the point at which it is difficult to distinguish between being connected to the internet and living in the real world. Social networks contribute to this phenomenon since they represent a digital environment within which we are becoming increasingly immersed at the global level. The focus of this text is Instagram as a network whose functioning is organized around the visual element. The aim of this paper is to consider the implications of digital environments by using Instagram as an example within the framework of the theoretical and conceptual framework of digital media environments.
Centar za filozofiju medija i mediološka istraživanja, Sep 10, 2019
At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the d... more At the beginning of the 21 st century, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new level in the development of digital media. Digital media environments are going beyond the scope of fixed and isolated social environments to become more and more integrated in the everyday lives of individuals up to the point at which it is difficult to distinguish between being connected to the internet and living in the real world. Social networks contribute to this phenomenon since they represent a digital environment within which we are becoming increasingly immersed at the global level. The focus of this text is Instagram as a network whose functioning is organized around the visual element. The aim of this paper is to consider the implications of digital environments by using Instagram as an example within the framework of the theoretical and conceptual framework of digital media environments.
The perception of extreme states prevailing in contemporary society and mental health systems doe... more The perception of extreme states prevailing in contemporary society and mental health systems does not give justice to the transformational aspect of the process of extreme states. It generally views mental distress from the confinements of the perspective of objectivist epistemology and medicalization, disregarding its potential valuable aspects. Consequently, extreme states are reduced to biological malfunction, which renders the process meaningless and can have negative social implications. It is proposed in the article for extreme states to instead be viewed as a call to become aware of the context that the human being finds unbearable. Following this, the emphasis is put on the view of extreme states as an invitation to hold space for exploration and the potential emergence of new ways of being. The aim is not to minimize the suffering that can accompany extreme states, but to bring the meaning-making aspect of extreme states to the forefront.
Papers by Iva Paska