Papers by Partha S. Majee
Colloid and Polymer Science, May 29, 2023

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018
Abstract We consider the electroosmotic flow (EOF) around a chemically inert uncharged dielectric... more Abstract We consider the electroosmotic flow (EOF) around a chemically inert uncharged dielectric particle under an applied electric field. In presence of an applied external electric field, a dielectric particle could be polarized to create an inhomogeneous ζ-potential. The electrolyte permittivity is considered to vary with the ionic concentration. The existing studies consider either a perfectly conducting particle or dielectric particles under a thin Debye layer assumption. In the present case, the induced EOF is not only influenced by the applied electric field but also with the dielectric permittivity constant of the particle and Debye length. We have analyzed the EOF without invoking a thin layer or weak applied field assumptions. The governing nonlinear electrokinetic equations are solved numerically. The close agreement of the present computed solutions with the existing asymptotic analysis for limiting cases such as thin Debye layer for a dielectric particle and a conducting particle is encouraging. The surface conductivity, measured by the Dukhin number, found to become larger as the particle dielectric permittivity grows. The Dukhin number has a nonlinear dependence on the applied electric field. The dielectric decrement effects on the EOF have been addressed in the present analysis. It creates a reduction in the EOF around the particle. Our results show that when the Debye length is on the order of the particle size, the dependence of EOF on the applied electric field varies with the dielectric permittivity constant of the particle. However, a quadratic dependence of EOF on the applied field strength occurs at a thin Debye layer. Reduction in the Debye length creates an enhanced induced EOF.

The electrophoresis of a polyelectrolyte nanoparticle, whose charge condition depends on the salt... more The electrophoresis of a polyelectrolyte nanoparticle, whose charge condition depends on the salt concentration and pH of the suspended medium as well as the dielectric permittivity difference, is analyzed. The present nonlinear model for the electrophoresis of this pH-regulated polyelectrolyte (PE) particle is based on the consideration of full set of governing equations of fluid and ion transport coupled with the equation for electric field. The Born energy of the ions are incorporated to account for the difference in the dielectric permittivity of the PE and the electrolyte. The governing equations are computed numerically through a control volume approach. The nonlinear effects are highlighted by comparing with the existing linear model as well as results based on the first-order perturbation analysis valid for a weak applied field. The ion partitioning effect arising due to the difference in self energy of ions between the two media, have a strong impact on the mobility of the PE. The ion partitioning effect attenuates the penetration of counterions in the PE, which enhances the electric force and hence, results in a larger mobility of the PE. The nonlinear effects due to the double layer polarization and relaxation are intensified due to the ion partitioning effect. The ion partitioning effect influences the association/dissociation of PE functional group by tuning the hydrogen/hydroxide ions. Present study shows that the ion partitioning effect is profound for higher salt concentration and/or higher volume density of PE functional groups.

Physics of Fluids, 2018
A numerical study on the electrophoresis of a liquid droplet in an aqueous medium is made by cons... more A numerical study on the electrophoresis of a liquid droplet in an aqueous medium is made by considering the full set of governing equations based on the conservation principle. The surface of the droplet is considered to be charged, and the liquid filling the droplet is nonconducting. The dielectric polarization of the nonconducting droplet is also addressed in the present study. The impact of the surface conduction, double layer polarization, and relaxation effects creates a retardation on the electrophoresis. The occurrence of slip velocity at the droplet surface creates the surface conduction important even at weak electric field and a thin Debye layer for which the double layer polarization and relaxation may become small. The role of the surface conduction, which is measured through the Dukhin number, on the electrophoretic propulsion of the droplet is analyzed. Our numerical solutions for low charge density and thinner Debye length agree well with the existing simplified mode...
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been th... more This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/elps. 201700294.

Meccanica, 2021
Diffusiophoresis of a charge regulated spherical polyelectrolyte nanogel (PE) due to an externall... more Diffusiophoresis of a charge regulated spherical polyelectrolyte nanogel (PE) due to an externally imposed ionic concentration gradient is considered. The immobile charge density of the nanogel develops through the association/dissociation reactions of their inorganic functional groups. The nanogel is ion and fluid permeable with dielectric permittivity different from that of the surrounding electrolyte medium. This difference in dielectric permittivity creates an ion partitioning due to the difference in self energy of ions. The Nernst–Planck equation for ion transport and the Poisson equation (PNP) for the electric field are modified to take into account the ion partitioning effects. The diffusiophoresis mechanism is governed by the electrophoresis generated by the induced electric field and chemiphoresis develops due to the mitigation of counterions across the double layer of the nanogel. In addition, the convection dominated double layer polarization and the counterion condensation as well as the electroosmotic flow created by the gel immobile charge play a role in the diffusiophoresis. All these effects are incorporated through the modified PNP equations coupled with the Navier–Stokes equations. The governing equations in their full form are solved numerically through a control volume approach. Present computed solutions for the limiting cases are in good agreement with the existing solutions based on the first-order perturbation analysis. In order to illustrate the diffusiophoresis mechanism we have measured the induced electric field and effective charge density of the PE and analyzed its dependence on several electrokinetic parameters. The contribution due to chemiphoresis is low for PE compared to a rigid colloid. For a highly permeable PE the diffusiophoretic velocity increases and approaches a saturation for higher range of the PE fixed charge density. The ion partitioning effect depletes counterions in PE to manifests its diffusiophoretic velocity. The diffusiophoretic velocity of PE for pH > IEP is higher than the case for which pH < IEP.
Colloid and Polymer Science

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 2017
Migration of a core-shell soft particle under the influence of an external electric field in an e... more Migration of a core-shell soft particle under the influence of an external electric field in an electrolyte solution is studied numerically. The soft particle is coated with a positively charged polyelectrolyte layer (PEL) and the rigid core is having a uniform surface charge density. The Darcy-Brinkman extended Navier-Stokes equations are solved for the motion of the ionized fluid, the non-linear Nernst-Planck equations for the ion transport and the Poisson equation for the electric potential. A pressure correction based iterative algorithm is adopted for numerical computations. The effects of convection on double layer polarization (DLP) and diffusion dominated counter ions penetration are investigated for a wide range of Debye layer thickness, PEL fixed surface charge density, and permeability of the PEL. Our results show that when the Debye layer is in order of the particle size, the DLP effect is significant and produces a reduction in electrophoretic mobility. However, the dou...

Physical Review E, 2017
We consider the electrophoresis of a charged colloid for a generalized situation in which the par... more We consider the electrophoresis of a charged colloid for a generalized situation in which the particle is considered to be polarizable and the surface exhibits hydrophobicity. The dielectric polarization of the particle creates a nonlinear dependence of the electrophoretic velocity on the applied electric field, and the core hydrophobicity amplifies the fluid convection in the Debye layer. Thus, a linear analysis is no longer applicable for this situation. The present analysis is based on the numerical solution of the nonlinear electrokinetic equations based on the Navier-Stokes-Nernst-Planck-Poisson equations coupled with the Laplace equation for the electric field within the dielectric particle. The hydrophobicity of the particle may influence its electric polarization by enhancing the convective transport of ions. The nonlinear effects, such as double-layer polarization and relaxation, are also influenced by the hydrophobicity of the particle surface. The present results compare well for a lower range of the applied electric field and surface charge density with the existing results for a perfectly dielectric particle with a hydrophobic surface based on the first-order perturbation analysis due to Khair and Squires [Phys. Fluids 21, 042001 (2009)]. Dielectric polarization creates a reduction in particle electrophoretic velocity, and its impact is strong for a moderate range of Debye length. A quantitative measure of the nonlinear effects is demonstrated by comparing the electrophoretic velocity with an existing linear model.
Papers by Partha S. Majee