Papers by Gabriel Valeriu Popa
Materiale Plastice, 2020
Achievements in the field of biomaterials have as a basis three scientific domains: chemistry, bi... more Achievements in the field of biomaterials have as a basis three scientific domains: chemistry, biology and physics, then the technical application or " the putting up " culminating with clinical achievements. Dental prostheses, regardless of their type, replaced the lack of teeth. Although, mainly, many people that lost their teeth could continue life with the help of prostheses in a way pretty decent, dental prostheses shows some disadvantages that make them even unbearable for some people. The study aims at analyzing the biomechanical behavior of sandwich type structures that reunite the classic acrylate and a silicone layer, namely the Flexite type elastic acrylate. We used a silicone material, RUBBER 732 RTV, which is frequently used in mucous-bone support deficits, especially in oral maxillofacial surgery post interventions. The tensile strength was tested on a TEXTENSER traction test machine, in view of establishing the mechanical analysis of the 2 materials used. Re...
Romanian Journal of Stomatology
Maxillary functions (chewing, swallowing, speech, phonation, breathing and gestures) are ensured ... more Maxillary functions (chewing, swallowing, speech, phonation, breathing and gestures) are ensured by automatic and rhythmic movements of jaws, facial muscles, lips and tongue. Functional disorders can cause malocclusions or may contribute to worsening of malocclusions to other reasons.
Romanian Journal of Stomatology
Agenesis are considered as an expression of phylogenetic reduction in the number of teeth or here... more Agenesis are considered as an expression of phylogenetic reduction in the number of teeth or hereditary factors. Dental buds are osteogenetic centers, and through their absence alveolar bone grows poorly in all three reference planes (sagittal, transversal and vertical). Multiple second premolars agenesis causes serious disturbances due to the dental arches remaining spaces, the dental migration and occlusal-articular imbalances, affecting facial aesthetics, the phonation, mastication and the patient’ s psyche.
Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2019
Introduction. Incrustation is indicated in the treatment of coronary lesions as an alternative to... more Introduction. Incrustation is indicated in the treatment of coronary lesions as an alternative to obturations by direct techniques but also has a number of specific prosthetic indications. At present, most of the cases are based mainly on conservative odontal techniques, whereby the defect or lack of hard dental material is rehabilitated with the help of obturations made of suitable materials. Material and method. The study was conducted over a period of 24 months (between 2016 and 2018), on a batch of 10 patients 20 composites ("Nexco Paste" – Ivoclar-Vivadent) were made by the indirect method for 20 teeth (10 premolars and 10 molars respectively), of which 10 for Class I and 10 cavities for Mezio- occlusal or Disto- occlusal class II cavities. Results. For the evaluation of the results, a set of direct clinical assessment criteria, following the USPHS model (based on the modified CVAR / RYGE criteria), was used. The criteria used to evaluate the results were as follows: ...
Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2019
Orthodontic treatment aims to give patients a more satisfactory dental and facial appearance and ... more Orthodontic treatment aims to give patients a more satisfactory dental and facial appearance and to improve the functions of the dentomaxillary apparatus. Orthodontic treatment is influenced by the pattern of facial growth, the development of dentition and occlusion, and the severity of the dento-maxillary abnormality. Patients often require orthodontic treatment for dental crowding, especially in the anterior dental area. Following the clinical examination and study models, the radiological examination (orthopantomogram and cephalography) and after establishing the orthodontic diagnosis and prognosis, the orthodontist may recommend performing dental extractions to achieve dental alignment and stable occlusal relationships, with maximum intercuspidation. Depending on the clinical situation and the severity of the dento-maxillary abnormality, is recommended extraction of the premolars, the wisdom molars , the teeth affected by carious lesions, with large and irreparable coronary dest...
Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2018
Introduction. Dento-maxillary abnormalities are an important factor affecting periodontal health,... more Introduction. Dento-maxillary abnormalities are an important factor affecting periodontal health, so one of the goals of orthodontic treatment is to promote better dental health and to prolong the life of the teeth. Orthodontic treatment contributes to improving oral hygiene by correcting dental irregularities and reducing (or eliminating) occlusal trauma. The placement of orthodontic appliances near the gingival sulcus, the accumulation of the plaque and the impediments they pose to the oral hygiene habits affect the periodontal health condition and complicate the orthodontic recovery process. Aim of the study. The purpose of this study was to clinically assess the evolution of the relationship between orthodontic therapy and gingival health. Material and methods. The study group comprised 31 patients with dento-maxillary abnormalities treated with orthodontic treatment. In 20 patients, was applied fixed orthodontic treatment and, at 11, functional mobile device. In these patients ...
Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2019
The cranio-mandibulary syndromes are pathological entities in which at least one of the component... more The cranio-mandibulary syndromes are pathological entities in which at least one of the components of the dento-maxillary apparatus (jaws) is not structurally or functionally adapted to its own activity. These disorders include manifestations at the temporomandibular joint or neuro-muscular system and occlusal disarmony manifested in the dento-periodontal component of the dento-maxillary apparatus. Unfavorable occlusal relations causes changes to the fundamental positions of the mandible, resulting in non-physiological forces exerting a negative impact on the periodontium manifested clinically and radiologically through: dental mobility, gingival retraction, periodontal bags, widening of the desmodontal space. Aim of study: The purpose of this study was to identify periodontal signs produced by occlusal trauma and to remove potentially harmful periodontium factors by obtaining a mandibular-maxillary relationship that maintains the health of the dentomaxillary apparatus. Materials an...
Introduction. Chronic renal disease (BRC) is considered worldwide as a public health problem, mai... more Introduction. Chronic renal disease (BRC) is considered worldwide as a public health problem, mainly due to high morbidity and mortality. Chronic periodontitis (PC) is an immune-inflammatory disease caused by Gram-negative bacteria that destroy tooth support tissues and which induce local inflammation associated with an inflammatory systemic response. Recent studies have shown an association between high levels of reactive protein C PCR) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) and periodontitis, an association that decreases after periodontal treatment (periodontal therapy). Because of this association with the systemic inflammatory response, PC has recently been included as a risk factor for BRC. The purpose of the study. In this study we wanted to evaluate the clinical effect of periodontal treatment in patients with CKD and CP. Materials and methods. The patients were divided into two groups: the first group consisted of CKD patients who were conservatively treated with periodontal treatment an...
Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, 2021
Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory, multifactorial condition, that, in the absence of ... more Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory, multifactorial condition, that, in the absence of an early and adequate treatment, may lead to a progressive damaging of the alveolar tissues that support the teeth (periodontal ligament, cement and alveolar bone) followed by teeth mobility and, subsequently, their loss. Periodontal disease is one of the most common inflammatory disease affecting adult individuals all over the world, being considered a real worldwide pandemic. This disease may influence the progression of certain systemic diseases: diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, ischemic cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction, stroke, neurodegenerative diseases, chronic kidney diseases, cancer, etc. The association between smoking and periodontal disease was described in numerous clinical and epidemiological studies, suggesting that products derived from tobacco burning may change the clinical aspects and the disease progression. The present study analyzed microscopically and immunohistochemically 58 periodontal fragments, from 50 patients, chronic smokers, clinically diagnosed with severe periodontitis. There were highlighted major changes in the gingival epithelium (epithelium thickening, acanthosis, intraepithelial edema, infiltrates of neutrophils or lymphocytes, epithelial necrosis), in the periodontal conjunctive tissue (more or less intense inflammatory infiltrates, microhemorrhages, vascular congestion, intense immunohistochemical expression for some matrix metalloproteinases). The periodontal changes may be the expression of both toxic factors present in tobacco smoke and due to the changes caused by tobacco in the microbial flora of the oral cavity.
Romanian Journal of Stomatology, 2017
Introduction. Dental impaction represents the group of isolated dental anomalies characterized by... more Introduction. Dental impaction represents the group of isolated dental anomalies characterized by retention of a tooth with a fully formed root in the jaw bone, after the eruption period has passed. This anomaly may affect deciduous teeth, permanent or supernumerary teeth causing aesthetic and / or functional disorders. Case report. The case presents a clinical situation of a girl who presented two maxillary teeth impacted (a central incisor and a cuspid) who underwent surgical exposure and orthodontic treatment for their arch alignments. Conclusions. Impacted teeth may produce dental malpositions or root resorption of the adjacent teeth, cysts or chronic local infections, which carry out a surgical orthodontic treatment, complex and for a long term, depending on the clinical situation existing.
Romanian Journal of Stomatology, 2018
Introducere. Pacienţii adulţi solicită frecvent tratament ortodontic pentru alinierea dentară car... more Introducere. Pacienţii adulţi solicită frecvent tratament ortodontic pentru alinierea dentară care asigură un zâmbet frumos, "sănătos", care determină un aspect facial plăcut, creşterea încrederii în sine şi integrare psiho-socio-profesională. De cele mai multe ori, pacienţii între 25 şi 40 de ani vor dinţi "drepţi", deoarece în copilărie şi adolescenţă au refuzat tratamentul ortodontic sau nu au avut atunci posibilităţi financiare pentru acesta. Adulţii peste 40 de ani solicită tratament ortodontic fie din proprie iniţiativă, din cauza migrărilor sau malpoziţiilor dentare, fie la recomandarea specialiştilor în parodontologie, protetică, implantologie, pentru reabilitare orală complexă. Caz clinic. Este prezentat cazul unei paciente de 45 de ani, la care motivul solicitării tratamentului ortodontic a fost de ordin estetic, pentru corectarea malpoziţiilor dentare apărute ca urmare a atrofiei osoase orizontale generalizate, cu reducerea moderată a gradului de ataşament parodontal. Concluzii. Comparativ cu alte tratamente stomatologice la care rezultatele sunt vizibile într-un timp relativ scurt, terapia ortodontică necesită o durată medie de 18-24 de luni, în funcţie de vârstă, mediul de provenienţă, gravitatea anomaliei dento-maxilare, predispoziţii genetice, obiceiuri vicioase etc. Stabilirea unui diagnostic corect este importantă pentru un plan de tratament corect, cu reducerea riscurilor, complicaţiilor şi a recidivei ortodontice.
Romanian Journal of Stomatology, 2019
Clinical-imagistic aspects of supernumerary teeth conf. dr. mioara decusară, conf. dr. cerasella ... more Clinical-imagistic aspects of supernumerary teeth conf. dr. mioara decusară, conf. dr. cerasella dorina Şincar, Asist. univ. dr. gina păuniţa grecu, Asist. univ. dr. gabriela popa, Asist. univ. dr.
Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2020
The issue of reciprocal influences between anxiety and dento-maxillo-facial rehabilitation in chi... more The issue of reciprocal influences between anxiety and dento-maxillo-facial rehabilitation in children is complex. The child patient is primarily afraid of pain. Between child and adult there is not only a difference in size but also an essential one in terms of morpho-functional features of his body. The child who frequently comes for dental care is the child between 6-14 years old and with a much lower incidence than the one between 3-6 years old. Material and method: The study included 25 patients, between January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2020, aged between 11 and 20 years, with dento-maxillary anomalies, without a history of orthodontic treatments. Results and discussions:The deviation of the interincisive lines at the jaw and mandible, is the essential manifestation of the asymmetries and, together with the difference in amplitude of the sagittal gap of the molars, is the sign of symmetry; the gap of the interincisive points in maximum intercuspidation does not allow us to determ...
Romanian Journal of Stomatology, 2019
Transmigraţia caninilor mandibulari incluşi-prezenTare de caz clinic Transmigration of impacted m... more Transmigraţia caninilor mandibulari incluşi-prezenTare de caz clinic Transmigration of impacted mandibular canines-case report conf. dr. mioara decusară, conf. dr. cerasella dorina şincar, asist. univ. drd. dr. gabriela popa, asist. univ. drd. dr.
Current health sciences journal, Jan 11, 2022
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonC... more This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License, which permits unrestricted use, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium, non-commercially, provided the new creations are licensed under identical terms as the original work and the original work is properly cited.
Romanian Journal of Stomatology, 2019
Evaluation of clinical and biological parameters concerning the implications of smoking on the pe... more Evaluation of clinical and biological parameters concerning the implications of smoking on the periodontium conf. dr. dorina-cerasella Şincar, conf. dr. mioara decusară, asist. univ. drd. gabriela popa, asist. univ. drd. gina-păuniţa grecu, asist. univ. drd. gabriel-valeriu popa
Romanian journal of morphology and embryology = Revue roumaine de morphologie et embryologie, 2016
Periodontal disease is one of the most frequent diseases affecting people all over the world. The... more Periodontal disease is one of the most frequent diseases affecting people all over the world. The relation between periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus raised the interest both of dentists and doctors treating metabolic diseases, as the two conditions influence one another. In our study, we analyzed a number of 75 patients with diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease that presented to the medical consultory for conditions of the dental maxillary system. The clinical study showed that periodontal disease and diabetes may affect young adults as well, still this pathological association more frequently appears after the age of 50. The disease was identified especially in the women living in urban area. The clinical examination of the dental maxillary system identified the presence of gingival ulcerations, dental calculus, gingival bleeding, radicular leftovers with anfractuous margins, fixed prostheses with an inappropriate cervical adjustment. Of the systemic diseases associate...
Papers by Gabriel Valeriu Popa