Papers by Özgür Olukman
Turkish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2006
Congenital syphilis is a serious disease which occurs by transplacental infection at any stage of... more Congenital syphilis is a serious disease which occurs by transplacental infection at any stage of pregnancy. The stage of maternal syphilis, gestational age of the fetus, adequacy of the maternal treatment and the immunological response of the fetus cause a variety of different clinical presentation. Two thirds of infected infants are completely asymptomatic at the time of birth. Therefore antenatal screening for the disease becomes important for determining asymptomatic newborns. Congenital syphilis is currently declining in most of the developed countries. However it still remains to be an important public health problem in underdeveloped countries. The continued occurrence of the disease may be an indicator of the inadequate or ineffective antenatal care services and poor quality of programmes to control sexually transmitted diseases. Because the disease remains an important cause of neurodevelopmental and musculoskeletal disability and death in infants in resource-poor settings,...
Journal of Surgery and Medicine
The Journal of Pediatric Research
Hepatic calcifications are seen frequently in childhood contrary to expectations. Infectious dise... more Hepatic calcifications are seen frequently in childhood contrary to expectations. Infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and hydatid cyst; tumoral lesions such as hepatic hamartoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and hepatoblastoma; vascular lesions such as hemangioendothelioma, arteriovenous malformations, and aneurysms; and calculi of the biliary system can be the reason of hepatic calcifications. We present 3 cases with hepatic calcifications that were incidentally diagnosed with laboratory examinations for nonspecific complaints such as loss of appetite, abdominal pain, weight loss, cough and fever in this report. The diagnosis was calcified tuberculosis granuloma in two cases (cases 2 and 3) and active pulmonary tuberculosis with coincidental calcified hepatic hydatid cyst in the other case (case 1).
We have read the study titled “Predictors of postnatal complications and congenital heart disease... more We have read the study titled “Predictors of postnatal complications and congenital heart diseases in babies of mothers who have prenatal diabetes and who develop diabetes during pregnancy” conducted by Demirpençe et al. (1) and published in the edition of 2014 December of the Turkish Archives of Pediatrics with interest. In this research study, a significant subject was emphasized by trying to evaluate postnatal complications, congenital malformations and the variables which might affect presence of cardiovascular anomalies in babies of mothers who had prenatal diabetes and developed diabetes during pregnancy.
Vanishing white matter disease, which is one of the most prevalent inherited childhood leukoencep... more Vanishing white matter disease, which is one of the most prevalent inherited childhood leukoencephalopathies, has an extremely wide phenotypic variation. The classical phenotype is characterized by early childhood onset of chronic neurological deterioration, dominated by cerebellar ataxia. However cases with antenatal onset, severe clinical course in the neonatal period and early demise have been also defined in the literature. Almost all diagnosed newborns present with rapid neurological deterioration and unexplained coma soon after birth. Other symptoms include feeding intolerance, hypotonia, seizures, apnea and severe respiratory distress. The exact pathogenesis is not known. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy are diagnostic. Differential diagnosis is difficult in the neonatal period and the disease may be misdiagnosed as hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, congenital infections and inborn errors of metabolism. Here we present two premature infants with unexplained...
Aim: The aim is to evaluate the etiology, methods, events, complications and success rates of acu... more Aim: The aim is to evaluate the etiology, methods, events, complications and success rates of acute peritoneal dialysis at neonatal period Material And Methods: Newborn babies, who had been diagnosed with different indications for dialysis and peritoneal dialysis was applied in the Intensive Care Unit, were evaluated retrospectively. A total of 44 infants were included in the study. Patients were evaluated according to the demographic, clinical and laboratory findings, etiology, efficacy and complications and the relationship between these findings and survival rate was compared. Results: Leukocyte count, pH and HCO3 values determined at the application, primary diagnosis, follow-up ventilator requirements, development of peritonitis and daily amount of ultrafiltrate were significantly correlated with survivalrates. There was no significant relationship in terms of otherdata. Conclusion: Applications of acute peritoneal dialysis in the newborn period can be performed for acute kidne...
Trizomi 13 (Patau sendromu) orta hat defektleri, santral sinir sistemi, kalp, urogenital sistem a... more Trizomi 13 (Patau sendromu) orta hat defektleri, santral sinir sistemi, kalp, urogenital sistem anomalileri ve motor mental retardasyon ile karakterize olan, kromozomal bir hastaliktir. Sendrom, 10.000-20.000 canli dogumda bir gorulur. Hastalarin buyuk bir cogunlugu, ilk yilda kaybedilmektedir. Patau sendromu; mikrooftalmi, yarik dudak/damak ve polidaktiliyi iceren klinik triad ile karakterizedir. Burada, klinik ve sitogenetik olarak Patau sendromu tanisi koydugumuz 3 hastayi sunuyoruz. Sendromun klinik triadi acisindan degerlendirildiginde,1. hastada mikroftalmi/anoftalmi ve polidaktili, 2. hastada sadece polidaktili, 3. hastada anoftalmi, yarik damak ve polidaktili bulunmaktaydi. Patau sendromu klinik tanisi icin, triad bulgulari olmasinin her zaman beklenmemesi gerektigini ve multipl anomalisi olan yenidoganda tani icin, sendromun diger bulgularinin da goze alinmasinin onemini vurgulamak istiyoruz. Kesin tani icin, karyotip analizi gerekmektedir.
Fibular Aplazi, Tibia Kompemeli ve Oligosindaktili (FATCO) sendromu cok nadir gorulen bir sendrom... more Fibular Aplazi, Tibia Kompemeli ve Oligosindaktili (FATCO) sendromu cok nadir gorulen bir sendromdur. FATCO sendromunun kalitim modeli ve hastaliktan sorumlu gen ya da genleri bilinmemektedir. Literaturde bugune kadar sadece 14 hasta bildirilmistir. Biz burada, FATCO sendromu olan bir erkek hastayi sunuyoruz. Sendroma ismini veren major ozelliklerin yaninda diger klinik bulgularinin daha iyi anlasilabilmesi icin hastamizin bulgulari ile birlikte literaturdeki hastalarin klinik bulgularini karsilastirarak, nadir gorulen bu sendromun fenotipik bulgularini gozden gecirmeyi amacladik.
Hepatic calcifications are seen frequently in childhood contrary to expectations. Infectious dise... more Hepatic calcifications are seen frequently in childhood contrary to expectations. Infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and hydatid cyst; tumoral lesions such as hepatic hamartoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and hepatoblastoma; vascular lesions such as hemangioendothelioma, arteriovenous malformations, and aneurysms; and calculi of the biliary system can be the reason of hepatic calcifications. We present 3 cases with hepatic calcifications that were incidentally diagnosed with laboratory examinations for nonspecific complaints such as loss of appetite, abdominal pain, weight loss, cough and fever in this report. The diagnosis was calcified tuberculosis granuloma in two cases (cases 2 and 3) and active pulmonary tuberculosis with coincidental calcified hepatic hydatid cyst in the other case (case 1).
Congenital asymmetric crying face (ACF) is a minor congenital anomaly resulting from the unilater... more Congenital asymmetric crying face (ACF) is a minor congenital anomaly resulting from the unilateral agenesis or hypoplasia of the muscle depressor anguli oris and imitating unilateral peripheral facial nerve paralysis. The incidence is between 0.3-1% and it is often seen as an isolated anomaly although many associated major cardiovascular, cervicofacial, musculoskeletal, respiratory, genitourinary and central nervous system anomalies have been defined. Because ACF is frequently confused with peripheral facial nerve paralysis due to birth trauma; history, physical examination, detailed investigation for associated malformations and long-term follow-up is crucial. Here we present a 23-days-old term infant whom was diagnosed as ACF after attracting our attention with the downward sliding of the corner of her mouth during crying. With the presentation of this case report, we aimed to review the clinical features and differential diagnosis of ACF among neurological and genetic disorders ...
Objective: Early diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) in newborn infants will reduce the ri... more Objective: Early diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) in newborn infants will reduce the risk of infection-induced renal damage. Our aim in this study was to evaluate the newborns diagnosed with UTI and observed in our clinic and to review their clinical and laboratory findings. Material and Methods: Infants diagnosed with UTI and observed as inpatients between January 2014 and January 2016 at the Neonatology Clinic of Dr. Behcet Uz Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery Training and Research Hospital were evaluated with a detailed history, clinical and physical examinations, laboratory findings, clinical observations and radiologic outcomes. Results: There were 35 infants diagnosed with UTI and the most common symptom was jaundice (45.7%, n=16). There were nitrites in 28.5% (n=10) and leucocytes in 68.5% (n=24) on urinalysis and both were present in 25.7% of the cases (n=9). A statistically significant relationship between nitrite positivity and leukocyte presence was found in pati...
The Journal of Pediatric Research, Dec 19, 2017
Türk Pediatri Arşivi
Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita is a rare, benign, sporadic and cutaneous vascular dise... more Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita is a rare, benign, sporadic and cutaneous vascular disease. A newborn female baby whose mother was aged 29 years and used propylthiouracil during pregnancy was hospitalized because of varicose lesions on the skin of the lower extremity and on the back, which were present at birth. It was observed that the lesions did not disappear, although appropriate room temperature was provided. The patient was diagnosed as having cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita and screened for additional anomalies. She had no additional anomalies, and she was discharged and monitored. At the postnatal sixth month, the cutaneous vascular lesions disappeared spontaneously. Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita, which is a rare condition, should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of physiologic cutis marmoratus, which occurs frequently in the neonatal period.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 2012
Objectives: Because of the difficulty in confirming child hood tuberculosis, the World Health Org... more Objectives: Because of the difficulty in confirming child hood tuberculosis, the World Health Organization developed a scale based on clinical parameters. In our study the utility of this scale was evaluated. Materials and methods: Patients whom were admitted
Journal of Dr. Behcet Uz Children's Hospital, 2012
Çocukluk çağının en yaygın kalıtımsal lökoensefalopatilerinden biri olan kaybolan beyaz cevher ha... more Çocukluk çağının en yaygın kalıtımsal lökoensefalopatilerinden biri olan kaybolan beyaz cevher hastalığı oldukça geniş bir fenotipik varyasyona sahiptir. Klasik fenotipi, serebellar ataksinin baskın olduğu, erken çocukluk döneminde başlayan kronik nörolojik bozulma ile karakterizedir. Ancak, literatürde antenatal başlangıç gösteren, yenidoğan döneminde ağır klinik seyir ve erken ölümle sonuçlanan olgular da tanımlanmıştır. Tanı alan yenidoğanların hemen tümü doğumdan hemen sonra beliren hızlı nörolojik bozulma ve nedeni açıklanamayan koma ile kliniğe yansırlar. Diğer bulgular arasında beslenme intoleransı, hipotoni, nöbetler, apne ve ağır solunum sıkıntısı yer alır. Kesin patogenez bilinmemektedir. Serebral manyetik rezonans görüntüleme ve spektroskopi tanısaldır. Yenidoğan döneminde ayırıcı tanı güçtür ve hastalık sıklıkla hipoksik iskemik ensefalopati, konjenital infeksiyonlar ve doğumsal metabolizma hastalıkları ile karışır. Burada açıklanamayan koma tablosu ve ağır nörolojik bulguları olan ve serebral görüntüleme çalışmalarında beyaz cevherde hacim kaybı ve kistik dejenerasyon tespit edilen iki prematüre infant, özellikle yenidoğan döneminde ayırıcı tanıya ve görüntüleme çalışmalarının önemine vurgu yapılarak sunulmuştur.
Papers by Özgür Olukman