Mobilität ist für ältere Menschen ein hohes Gut und wirkt sich positiv auf ihre Lebensqualität au... more Mobilität ist für ältere Menschen ein hohes Gut und wirkt sich positiv auf ihre Lebensqualität aus. Wer mobil bleibt – und sei es nur im engeren Umkreis seines eigenen Wohnquartiers –, fühlt sich wohler und bleibt gesünder. Alternsforscher analysieren individuelle Verhaltensweisen und Bedürfnisse hochbetagter Menschen (80 Jahre und älter), sie schauen aber auch in die Zukunft: Wie sieht das Mobilitätsprofil der "jungen Alten" zwischen 65 und 80 Jahren aus, und wie wird es sich entwickeln, wenn die "Baby Boomer"-Generation, also die heute Fünfzigjährigen, Rentner sind
People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience a gradual loss of functional abilities that affec... more People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience a gradual loss of functional abilities that affects all facets of their daily life. There is a lack of longitudinal studies on coping styles in relation to the disease progression among people with PD. The aim of this study was to explore how coping styles in PD evolve over a 3-year period. Data from the longitudinal project “Home and Health in People Ageing with PD” was utilized (N = 158), including baseline and 3-year follow-up assessments. Coping was captured by ratings of 13 different coping styles. A factor analysis was conducted to analyse patterns of coping styles. Stability and change were analysed for each of the 13 styles with respect to the course of the disease. The factor analysis revealed four coping patterns: pessimistic, optimistic, persistent and support-seeking. The stability of each coping style over time ranged from 75.3% to 90.5%. Those who experienced a worsening of the disease were most inclined to change their c...
technology (ICT) tool intended to help older people in their search for optimal housing solutions... more technology (ICT) tool intended to help older people in their search for optimal housing solutions, a first step in the development process is to gain knowledge from the intended users. Thus the aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge about needs and expectations about housing options as expressed and prioritized by older people, people ageing with disabilities and professionals. A participatory design focus was adopted; 26 people with a range of functional limitations representing the user perspective and 15 professionals with a variety of backgrounds, participated in research circles that were conducted in four European countries. An additional 20 experts were invited as guests to the different research circle meetings. Three themes illustrating cross-national user priorities for housing provision and
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2016
The present study concerns the development of a computerized tool targeting housing accessibility... more The present study concerns the development of a computerized tool targeting housing accessibility issues. A user-centered approach involving professionals from the housing sector and senior citizens from four European countries resulted in a fully functional prototype of a mobile application (app) including an apartment database. The app raises awareness on housing accessibility and has the potential to support decision making and strengthen all citizens regardless of functional capacity to be more active in their endeavors for a satisfying housing solution. Further refinements and additional features are needed to enhance the potential benefits; they include addressing potential challenges facing senior citizens, developing interactive features that allow users to provide input and adapting to different national contexts to make the app applicable for the European market.
As some cognitive functions decline in old age, the ability to decide about important life events... more As some cognitive functions decline in old age, the ability to decide about important life events such as medical treatment is endangered. Environmental support to improve the comprehension of health-related information is therefore necessary. With a small-scale explorative approach, the present survey study aimed at investigating person-environment fit (PE-fit) of support provided during medical consultations. This fit was calculated by assessing the match between aids provided by five medical practitioners during medical consultations and aids most appreciated by the geriatric patients (N = 88). The results showed that the largest discrepancies of used and appreciated aids could be found concerning the opportunity to discuss decisions with relatives, the possibility to take notes, the use of objects, pictures and a keyword list. Female patients indicated a lower PE-fit. These findings highlight discrepancies between the use of specific aids and the wishes of patients and call for ...
Background Depression is the second most common psychiatric illness in old people. Up to 30% of n... more Background Depression is the second most common psychiatric illness in old people. Up to 30% of nursing home residents suffer from minor or major depression. Although depressive disorders in old age can be improved and even cured with adequate therapy, they often go unnoticed in nursing home residents and remain untreated. This highlights a striking deficit in health care and might results not only in lower quality of life among those concerned but also in poor physical functioning, premature mortality and increased hospitalization rates. Methods The aim of the interdisciplinary research project DAVOS is to implement an innovative and stepped structural case management program to improve depression treatment in nursing home residents by a modularized intervention and to assess it in terms of its effectiveness. Intervention modules are in line with recommendations given by the German national treatment guidelines for depression (S3 guidelines). Ten nursing homes in Frankfurt, Germany...
. Although daily out-of-home mobility is crucial for well-being in later life, the psychological ... more . Although daily out-of-home mobility is crucial for well-being in later life, the psychological determinants thereof are not yet fully understood. This study describes attitudes toward daily out-of-home mobility from a person-environment interaction perspective and develops an instrument to measure mobility-related behavioral flexibility and routines in old age. Data were drawn from 265 older adults (aged 65–99). An examination of the factorial structure using exploratory factor analysis revealed three main mobility-related factors: behavioral flexibility with regard to environmental challenges, behavioral flexibility with regard to personal challenges, and a preference for routines. The instrument demonstrated acceptable internal consistency and factorial validity. The study contributes toward a better understanding of the motivational aspects of daily out-of-home mobility in later life.
Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives in Social Gerontology, 2016
It has long been accepted that remaining active in later life is positively correlated with wellb... more It has long been accepted that remaining active in later life is positively correlated with wellbeing. But is there an importance to remain spatially active in later life? This study examines data collected from participants using both questionnaires for collecting reported wellbeing indicators and GPS receivers for collecting data that describes spatial activity. An association between spatial activity, life satisfaction, perceived health and perceived physical function were found. No association between spatial activity and positive or negative affect was found. Separate analysis that was conducted for men and women revealed gender-based differences in the way that spatial activity is correlated with wellbeing. The results of this study promote a broader understanding of the importance of spatial activity in later life. Contributing to both to the theoretical aspect of activity in old age as well as having implications for considering living environments for older adults.
As the quest for knowledge transfer from research to practice and policy contexts is growing stro... more As the quest for knowledge transfer from research to practice and policy contexts is growing stronger, researchers need to develop strategies for synthesizing research findings. Since home environments constitute an important context for the delivery of health care and social services to older adults and people aging with disabilities, research in this field can serve as an example for such endeavors. Using 35 original publications and one unpublished PhD dissertation based on the European ENABLE-AGE Project we aimed to demonstrate a systematic approach to synthesize research findings generated by large research projects as the basis for evidence-based interventions. The synthesized findings highlighted the complex interactions between objective and perceived aspects of housing and aspects of health in very old age, impacting on, for example, residential decision-making. Independence in daily activity is influenced by the socio-cultural care and service context. A familiar and safe neighborhood, social network, and a good supply of services are important to perceptions of participation. Going further, we suggest housing-related interventions which address problems and challenges related to ongoing demographic changes. This article contributes to the development of strategies for knowledge transfer, connecting research and practice and policy contexts struggling to meet the societal challenges that accompany population aging.
Die Autoren des zentralen Beitrags „‚Structural Lag‘ und Möglichkeitsräume des Alterns am Beispie... more Die Autoren des zentralen Beitrags „‚Structural Lag‘ und Möglichkeitsräume des Alterns am Beispiel zentraler Transitionen: erste Befunde eines neuartigen Disziplinentrialogs zwischen Diakoniewissenschaft, Psychologie und Theologie“ [20], zu dem hier Stellung genommen wird, adressieren das Spannungsverhältnis von strukturellen Verzögerungen („Structural Lags“) in der Gesellschaft einerseits und Möglichkeitsräumen, die sich im (individuellen) Alternsprozess ausmachen lassen andererseits. Sie bearbeiten diese Thematik exemplarisch aus der Sicht von 3 Disziplinen und anhand von 3 Lebensübergängen, nämlich dem Übergang in den Ruhestand, in eine Pflegebedürftigkeit zu Hause und dem Umzug in ein Heim. In diesem Beitrag soll dazu aus der Perspektive einer ökologischen Gerontologie Stellung genommen werden. Dabei werden zunächst knapp das interdisziplinäre Vorgehen, dann ausführlicher die Auseinandersetzung mit und die empirischen Daten zu den 3 Übergängen adressiert. Ziel ist, mit dem Kommentar die möglichen Perspektiven zur weiteren Interpretation der Befunde und womöglich sogar zum weiteren Vorgehen im Projekt insgesamt zu erweitern. Es wird zum einen aber zunächst grundsätzlich betont, dass es sich dabei nicht um eine Kritik am Beitrag selbst, weder an der konzeptuellen Grundlegung noch an der Methodik noch an den Daten, handelt, sondern um eine Anregung zum weiterführenden Diskurs aus einer spezifischen gerontologischen Perspektive. Zum anderen wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Anmerkungen in diesem Beitrag letztlich über die vorgelegten empirischen Befunde hinausweisen und für die 3 thematisierten Übergänge grundsätzlich nutzbar gemacht werden könnten, auch wenn sie sich möglicherweise im Datenmaterial der Studie selbst nicht ausdrücklich widerspiegeln. Zunächst soll aber die Besonderheit einer ökogerontologischen Betrachtungsweise kurz dargestellt werden, bevor dann einige Anmerkungen zum interdisziplinären Vorgehen und den zentralen Inhalten des Beitrags erfolgen. Eine der zentralen Thesen einer ökologischen Gerontologie ist, dass Altern bzw. Entwicklungsprozesse im Alternsverlauf besser verstanden und erklärt werden können, wenn dazu weder eine allein an der Person, beispielsweise ihren Kompetenzen oder Bewältigungsstrategien, orientierte Perspektive, noch eine allein an der sozialen oder räumlich-dinglichen Umwelt, beispielsweise der strukturellen Ausstattung oder den Barrieren einer Umwelt, orientierte Perspektive eingenommen wird. Vielmehr empfiehlt es sich, die alternde Person stets im konkreten (behavioralen, kognitiv-emotionalen) Austausch mit der aktuellen objektiven, aber auch mit der jeweils biografisch gewachsenen subjektiv erlebten sozialräumlichen Umwelt zu betrachten (zusammenfassend z. B. [5, 10, 12, 19]). Insbesondere im Hinblick auf Entwicklungsausgänge wie Selbstständigkeit, Identitätserhalt, psychisches Wohlbefinden, Teilhabe und deren Beitrag für ein „gutes Altern“ (oder „ageing well“) wurden in letzter Zeit Erklärungsmodelle und vermehrt auch empirische Belege zur innerund außerhäuslichen Wohnumwelt vorgelegt [6, 7, 9, 15–18].
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2015
To develop an innovative information and communication technology (ICT) tool intended to help old... more To develop an innovative information and communication technology (ICT) tool intended to help older people in their search for optimal housing solutions, a first step in the development process is to gain knowledge from the intended users. Thus the aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge about needs and expectations about housing options as expressed and prioritized by older people, people ageing with disabilities and professionals. A participatory design focus was adopted; 26 people with a range of functional limitations representing the user perspective and 15 professionals with a variety of backgrounds, participated in research circles that were conducted in four European countries. An additional 20 experts were invited as guests to the different research circle meetings. Three themes illustrating cross-national user priorities for housing provision and accessibility were identified: "Information barrier: accessible housing", "Information barrier: housing adaptation benefits", and "Cost barrier: housing adaptations". In conclusion,
Bei der Veröffentlichung dieses Beitrags auf SpringerLink wurde leider die Adressangabe des Zweit... more Bei der Veröffentlichung dieses Beitrags auf SpringerLink wurde leider die Adressangabe des Zweitautors vergessen. Der Verlag bittet, diesen Fehler zu entschuldigen.
As people age in place, cognitive impairment is a major threat to maintaining out-of-home mobilit... more As people age in place, cognitive impairment is a major threat to maintaining out-of-home mobility. The SenTra project measures outdoor mobility by taking advantage of tracking technology in an interdisciplinary project involving researchers from geography, social work, gerontology, psychology, and medicine disciplines. The project assesses mobility patterns of urban-dwelling demented and mildly cognitively impaired elders and cognitively intact persons over
Mobilität ist für ältere Menschen ein hohes Gut und wirkt sich positiv auf ihre Lebensqualität au... more Mobilität ist für ältere Menschen ein hohes Gut und wirkt sich positiv auf ihre Lebensqualität aus. Wer mobil bleibt – und sei es nur im engeren Umkreis seines eigenen Wohnquartiers –, fühlt sich wohler und bleibt gesünder. Alternsforscher analysieren individuelle Verhaltensweisen und Bedürfnisse hochbetagter Menschen (80 Jahre und älter), sie schauen aber auch in die Zukunft: Wie sieht das Mobilitätsprofil der "jungen Alten" zwischen 65 und 80 Jahren aus, und wie wird es sich entwickeln, wenn die "Baby Boomer"-Generation, also die heute Fünfzigjährigen, Rentner sind
People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience a gradual loss of functional abilities that affec... more People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience a gradual loss of functional abilities that affects all facets of their daily life. There is a lack of longitudinal studies on coping styles in relation to the disease progression among people with PD. The aim of this study was to explore how coping styles in PD evolve over a 3-year period. Data from the longitudinal project “Home and Health in People Ageing with PD” was utilized (N = 158), including baseline and 3-year follow-up assessments. Coping was captured by ratings of 13 different coping styles. A factor analysis was conducted to analyse patterns of coping styles. Stability and change were analysed for each of the 13 styles with respect to the course of the disease. The factor analysis revealed four coping patterns: pessimistic, optimistic, persistent and support-seeking. The stability of each coping style over time ranged from 75.3% to 90.5%. Those who experienced a worsening of the disease were most inclined to change their c...
technology (ICT) tool intended to help older people in their search for optimal housing solutions... more technology (ICT) tool intended to help older people in their search for optimal housing solutions, a first step in the development process is to gain knowledge from the intended users. Thus the aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge about needs and expectations about housing options as expressed and prioritized by older people, people ageing with disabilities and professionals. A participatory design focus was adopted; 26 people with a range of functional limitations representing the user perspective and 15 professionals with a variety of backgrounds, participated in research circles that were conducted in four European countries. An additional 20 experts were invited as guests to the different research circle meetings. Three themes illustrating cross-national user priorities for housing provision and
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2016
The present study concerns the development of a computerized tool targeting housing accessibility... more The present study concerns the development of a computerized tool targeting housing accessibility issues. A user-centered approach involving professionals from the housing sector and senior citizens from four European countries resulted in a fully functional prototype of a mobile application (app) including an apartment database. The app raises awareness on housing accessibility and has the potential to support decision making and strengthen all citizens regardless of functional capacity to be more active in their endeavors for a satisfying housing solution. Further refinements and additional features are needed to enhance the potential benefits; they include addressing potential challenges facing senior citizens, developing interactive features that allow users to provide input and adapting to different national contexts to make the app applicable for the European market.
As some cognitive functions decline in old age, the ability to decide about important life events... more As some cognitive functions decline in old age, the ability to decide about important life events such as medical treatment is endangered. Environmental support to improve the comprehension of health-related information is therefore necessary. With a small-scale explorative approach, the present survey study aimed at investigating person-environment fit (PE-fit) of support provided during medical consultations. This fit was calculated by assessing the match between aids provided by five medical practitioners during medical consultations and aids most appreciated by the geriatric patients (N = 88). The results showed that the largest discrepancies of used and appreciated aids could be found concerning the opportunity to discuss decisions with relatives, the possibility to take notes, the use of objects, pictures and a keyword list. Female patients indicated a lower PE-fit. These findings highlight discrepancies between the use of specific aids and the wishes of patients and call for ...
Background Depression is the second most common psychiatric illness in old people. Up to 30% of n... more Background Depression is the second most common psychiatric illness in old people. Up to 30% of nursing home residents suffer from minor or major depression. Although depressive disorders in old age can be improved and even cured with adequate therapy, they often go unnoticed in nursing home residents and remain untreated. This highlights a striking deficit in health care and might results not only in lower quality of life among those concerned but also in poor physical functioning, premature mortality and increased hospitalization rates. Methods The aim of the interdisciplinary research project DAVOS is to implement an innovative and stepped structural case management program to improve depression treatment in nursing home residents by a modularized intervention and to assess it in terms of its effectiveness. Intervention modules are in line with recommendations given by the German national treatment guidelines for depression (S3 guidelines). Ten nursing homes in Frankfurt, Germany...
. Although daily out-of-home mobility is crucial for well-being in later life, the psychological ... more . Although daily out-of-home mobility is crucial for well-being in later life, the psychological determinants thereof are not yet fully understood. This study describes attitudes toward daily out-of-home mobility from a person-environment interaction perspective and develops an instrument to measure mobility-related behavioral flexibility and routines in old age. Data were drawn from 265 older adults (aged 65–99). An examination of the factorial structure using exploratory factor analysis revealed three main mobility-related factors: behavioral flexibility with regard to environmental challenges, behavioral flexibility with regard to personal challenges, and a preference for routines. The instrument demonstrated acceptable internal consistency and factorial validity. The study contributes toward a better understanding of the motivational aspects of daily out-of-home mobility in later life.
Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives in Social Gerontology, 2016
It has long been accepted that remaining active in later life is positively correlated with wellb... more It has long been accepted that remaining active in later life is positively correlated with wellbeing. But is there an importance to remain spatially active in later life? This study examines data collected from participants using both questionnaires for collecting reported wellbeing indicators and GPS receivers for collecting data that describes spatial activity. An association between spatial activity, life satisfaction, perceived health and perceived physical function were found. No association between spatial activity and positive or negative affect was found. Separate analysis that was conducted for men and women revealed gender-based differences in the way that spatial activity is correlated with wellbeing. The results of this study promote a broader understanding of the importance of spatial activity in later life. Contributing to both to the theoretical aspect of activity in old age as well as having implications for considering living environments for older adults.
As the quest for knowledge transfer from research to practice and policy contexts is growing stro... more As the quest for knowledge transfer from research to practice and policy contexts is growing stronger, researchers need to develop strategies for synthesizing research findings. Since home environments constitute an important context for the delivery of health care and social services to older adults and people aging with disabilities, research in this field can serve as an example for such endeavors. Using 35 original publications and one unpublished PhD dissertation based on the European ENABLE-AGE Project we aimed to demonstrate a systematic approach to synthesize research findings generated by large research projects as the basis for evidence-based interventions. The synthesized findings highlighted the complex interactions between objective and perceived aspects of housing and aspects of health in very old age, impacting on, for example, residential decision-making. Independence in daily activity is influenced by the socio-cultural care and service context. A familiar and safe neighborhood, social network, and a good supply of services are important to perceptions of participation. Going further, we suggest housing-related interventions which address problems and challenges related to ongoing demographic changes. This article contributes to the development of strategies for knowledge transfer, connecting research and practice and policy contexts struggling to meet the societal challenges that accompany population aging.
Die Autoren des zentralen Beitrags „‚Structural Lag‘ und Möglichkeitsräume des Alterns am Beispie... more Die Autoren des zentralen Beitrags „‚Structural Lag‘ und Möglichkeitsräume des Alterns am Beispiel zentraler Transitionen: erste Befunde eines neuartigen Disziplinentrialogs zwischen Diakoniewissenschaft, Psychologie und Theologie“ [20], zu dem hier Stellung genommen wird, adressieren das Spannungsverhältnis von strukturellen Verzögerungen („Structural Lags“) in der Gesellschaft einerseits und Möglichkeitsräumen, die sich im (individuellen) Alternsprozess ausmachen lassen andererseits. Sie bearbeiten diese Thematik exemplarisch aus der Sicht von 3 Disziplinen und anhand von 3 Lebensübergängen, nämlich dem Übergang in den Ruhestand, in eine Pflegebedürftigkeit zu Hause und dem Umzug in ein Heim. In diesem Beitrag soll dazu aus der Perspektive einer ökologischen Gerontologie Stellung genommen werden. Dabei werden zunächst knapp das interdisziplinäre Vorgehen, dann ausführlicher die Auseinandersetzung mit und die empirischen Daten zu den 3 Übergängen adressiert. Ziel ist, mit dem Kommentar die möglichen Perspektiven zur weiteren Interpretation der Befunde und womöglich sogar zum weiteren Vorgehen im Projekt insgesamt zu erweitern. Es wird zum einen aber zunächst grundsätzlich betont, dass es sich dabei nicht um eine Kritik am Beitrag selbst, weder an der konzeptuellen Grundlegung noch an der Methodik noch an den Daten, handelt, sondern um eine Anregung zum weiterführenden Diskurs aus einer spezifischen gerontologischen Perspektive. Zum anderen wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Anmerkungen in diesem Beitrag letztlich über die vorgelegten empirischen Befunde hinausweisen und für die 3 thematisierten Übergänge grundsätzlich nutzbar gemacht werden könnten, auch wenn sie sich möglicherweise im Datenmaterial der Studie selbst nicht ausdrücklich widerspiegeln. Zunächst soll aber die Besonderheit einer ökogerontologischen Betrachtungsweise kurz dargestellt werden, bevor dann einige Anmerkungen zum interdisziplinären Vorgehen und den zentralen Inhalten des Beitrags erfolgen. Eine der zentralen Thesen einer ökologischen Gerontologie ist, dass Altern bzw. Entwicklungsprozesse im Alternsverlauf besser verstanden und erklärt werden können, wenn dazu weder eine allein an der Person, beispielsweise ihren Kompetenzen oder Bewältigungsstrategien, orientierte Perspektive, noch eine allein an der sozialen oder räumlich-dinglichen Umwelt, beispielsweise der strukturellen Ausstattung oder den Barrieren einer Umwelt, orientierte Perspektive eingenommen wird. Vielmehr empfiehlt es sich, die alternde Person stets im konkreten (behavioralen, kognitiv-emotionalen) Austausch mit der aktuellen objektiven, aber auch mit der jeweils biografisch gewachsenen subjektiv erlebten sozialräumlichen Umwelt zu betrachten (zusammenfassend z. B. [5, 10, 12, 19]). Insbesondere im Hinblick auf Entwicklungsausgänge wie Selbstständigkeit, Identitätserhalt, psychisches Wohlbefinden, Teilhabe und deren Beitrag für ein „gutes Altern“ (oder „ageing well“) wurden in letzter Zeit Erklärungsmodelle und vermehrt auch empirische Belege zur innerund außerhäuslichen Wohnumwelt vorgelegt [6, 7, 9, 15–18].
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2015
To develop an innovative information and communication technology (ICT) tool intended to help old... more To develop an innovative information and communication technology (ICT) tool intended to help older people in their search for optimal housing solutions, a first step in the development process is to gain knowledge from the intended users. Thus the aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge about needs and expectations about housing options as expressed and prioritized by older people, people ageing with disabilities and professionals. A participatory design focus was adopted; 26 people with a range of functional limitations representing the user perspective and 15 professionals with a variety of backgrounds, participated in research circles that were conducted in four European countries. An additional 20 experts were invited as guests to the different research circle meetings. Three themes illustrating cross-national user priorities for housing provision and accessibility were identified: "Information barrier: accessible housing", "Information barrier: housing adaptation benefits", and "Cost barrier: housing adaptations". In conclusion,
Bei der Veröffentlichung dieses Beitrags auf SpringerLink wurde leider die Adressangabe des Zweit... more Bei der Veröffentlichung dieses Beitrags auf SpringerLink wurde leider die Adressangabe des Zweitautors vergessen. Der Verlag bittet, diesen Fehler zu entschuldigen.
As people age in place, cognitive impairment is a major threat to maintaining out-of-home mobilit... more As people age in place, cognitive impairment is a major threat to maintaining out-of-home mobility. The SenTra project measures outdoor mobility by taking advantage of tracking technology in an interdisciplinary project involving researchers from geography, social work, gerontology, psychology, and medicine disciplines. The project assesses mobility patterns of urban-dwelling demented and mildly cognitively impaired elders and cognitively intact persons over
Papers by Frank Oswald