I wouldn't be writing an acknowledgement statement if it weren't for UTEP's effort in accomplishi... more I wouldn't be writing an acknowledgement statement if it weren't for UTEP's effort in accomplishing the mission of increasing access to excellent higher education. During my time in the university both as a graduate and as an undergraduate student I have been provided with opportunities that I wouldn't have had otherwise. It is one of the reasons why I moved back from Denver, CO after realizing that only a full-time job was not enough to afford college in the U.S. while living away from my family. I think many professors contribute to achieving the mission of UTEP and I feel thankful to them for their guidance throughout my academic journey with the university. Most professors commit their effort with us the students for extra time either after class or during office hours and one of them professors I will always remember is my thesis advisor professor Dr. Angel Flores-Abad. I appreciate his understanding and commitment with the mission of the institution as well as his dedication to guide and help students pursue their academic interests. I am thankful for having my former mentor Dr. Mike Everett introduce me to aerospace technology research work which along with my internship experiences has been a gift along my path thought higher education. It has been a unique experience to witness different management styles, leadership, and team's dynamics while working with the research center for almost 4 years. I got the opportunity to put my name in space thanks to a team's effort that I will treasure deeply, and thanks to the support from my family and friends throughout this academic journey. Particularly, to my mom Esmeralda who has been an instance of Aristotle's moral virtue definition to me. One of my mentors says "Luck is where preparation meets opportunity", and I feel luckily fulfilled for graduating with such preparation to meet the opportunities that I will encounter while following my passion of helping undeserved and underrepresented students and helping mankind pursue space exploration; the most beautiful expression of human ambition.
En esta investigación se realiza un estudio de los rasgos fonopragmáticos (Hidalgo, 2009) de la l... more En esta investigación se realiza un estudio de los rasgos fonopragmáticos (Hidalgo, 2009) de la lengua francesa, en hispanohablantes del noreste mexicano para revisar las variaciones atenuadoras en función del género y de la cultura del hablante que introducen un cambio de sentido en ese sistema de lengua. Intravaia (2000) afirma que los elementos rítmico-melódicos juegan en todas las lenguas un rol semántico y que cada lengua posee sus propios rasgos prosódicos que permiten expresar toda clase de estados psíquicos como satisfacción, desprecio, decepción, enojo, entre otros. Por último, subrayamos la importancia e implicaciones de su enseñanza durante el aprendizaje de la lengua francesa.
Accurate and precise density measurements by hydrostatic weighing requires the use of an analytic... more Accurate and precise density measurements by hydrostatic weighing requires the use of an analytical balance, configured with a suspension system, to both measure the weight of a part in water and in air. Additionally, the densities of these liquid media (water and air) must be precisely known for the part density determination. To validate the accuracy and precision of these measurements, uncertainty statements are required. The work in this report is a revision of an original report written more than a decade ago, specifically applying principles and guidelines suggested by the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) for determining the part density uncertainty through sensitivity analysis. In this work, updated derivations are provided; an original example is revised with the updated derivations and appendix, provided solely to uncertainty evaluations using Monte Carlo techniques, specifically using the NIST Uncertainty Machine, as a viable alternative method.
periodicidad semestral, publica resultados de investigaciones empíricas en las diferentes áreas d... more periodicidad semestral, publica resultados de investigaciones empíricas en las diferentes áreas de la Psicología y ciencias afines. También acepta trabajos teóricos y de revisión temática. Dentro del necesario pluralismo científico, la Revista promueve un saber integrado, no reduccionista, centrado en la dignidad de la persona como ser único e irrepetible, y comprometido con la comunidad de la que forma parte. Los autores de los artículos publicados en el presente número ceden sus derechos a la editorial, en forma no exclusiva, para que incorpore la versión digital de los mismos al Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Católica Argentina, así como también a otras bases de datos que considere de relevancia académica. Las opiniones y el contenido de los artículos publicados en la Revista de Psicología son exclusiva responsabilidad de los autores. revista de Incluida en la base de datos EBSCO el 29 de septiembre de PSICOLOGÍA 2005 en cumplimiento de los parámetros y calidad editorial. Indexada en Latindex el 27 de diciembre de 2007. SuMARiO ARTÍCULOS Los sistemas de cognición distribuida en la enseñanza universitaria en función del tipo de ciencia MARTÍN DOMININO, MARIANO CASTELLARO, NÉSTOR ROSELLI Bienestar subjetivo en la Argentina durante el período 2005-2007.
I wouldn't be writing an acknowledgement statement if it weren't for UTEP's effort in accomplishi... more I wouldn't be writing an acknowledgement statement if it weren't for UTEP's effort in accomplishing the mission of increasing access to excellent higher education. During my time in the university both as a graduate and as an undergraduate student I have been provided with opportunities that I wouldn't have had otherwise. It is one of the reasons why I moved back from Denver, CO after realizing that only a full-time job was not enough to afford college in the U.S. while living away from my family. I think many professors contribute to achieving the mission of UTEP and I feel thankful to them for their guidance throughout my academic journey with the university. Most professors commit their effort with us the students for extra time either after class or during office hours and one of them professors I will always remember is my thesis advisor professor Dr. Angel Flores-Abad. I appreciate his understanding and commitment with the mission of the institution as well as his dedication to guide and help students pursue their academic interests. I am thankful for having my former mentor Dr. Mike Everett introduce me to aerospace technology research work which along with my internship experiences has been a gift along my path thought higher education. It has been a unique experience to witness different management styles, leadership, and team's dynamics while working with the research center for almost 4 years. I got the opportunity to put my name in space thanks to a team's effort that I will treasure deeply, and thanks to the support from my family and friends throughout this academic journey. Particularly, to my mom Esmeralda who has been an instance of Aristotle's moral virtue definition to me. One of my mentors says "Luck is where preparation meets opportunity", and I feel luckily fulfilled for graduating with such preparation to meet the opportunities that I will encounter while following my passion of helping undeserved and underrepresented students and helping mankind pursue space exploration; the most beautiful expression of human ambition.
En esta investigación se realiza un estudio de los rasgos fonopragmáticos (Hidalgo, 2009) de la l... more En esta investigación se realiza un estudio de los rasgos fonopragmáticos (Hidalgo, 2009) de la lengua francesa, en hispanohablantes del noreste mexicano para revisar las variaciones atenuadoras en función del género y de la cultura del hablante que introducen un cambio de sentido en ese sistema de lengua. Intravaia (2000) afirma que los elementos rítmico-melódicos juegan en todas las lenguas un rol semántico y que cada lengua posee sus propios rasgos prosódicos que permiten expresar toda clase de estados psíquicos como satisfacción, desprecio, decepción, enojo, entre otros. Por último, subrayamos la importancia e implicaciones de su enseñanza durante el aprendizaje de la lengua francesa.
Accurate and precise density measurements by hydrostatic weighing requires the use of an analytic... more Accurate and precise density measurements by hydrostatic weighing requires the use of an analytical balance, configured with a suspension system, to both measure the weight of a part in water and in air. Additionally, the densities of these liquid media (water and air) must be precisely known for the part density determination. To validate the accuracy and precision of these measurements, uncertainty statements are required. The work in this report is a revision of an original report written more than a decade ago, specifically applying principles and guidelines suggested by the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) for determining the part density uncertainty through sensitivity analysis. In this work, updated derivations are provided; an original example is revised with the updated derivations and appendix, provided solely to uncertainty evaluations using Monte Carlo techniques, specifically using the NIST Uncertainty Machine, as a viable alternative method.
periodicidad semestral, publica resultados de investigaciones empíricas en las diferentes áreas d... more periodicidad semestral, publica resultados de investigaciones empíricas en las diferentes áreas de la Psicología y ciencias afines. También acepta trabajos teóricos y de revisión temática. Dentro del necesario pluralismo científico, la Revista promueve un saber integrado, no reduccionista, centrado en la dignidad de la persona como ser único e irrepetible, y comprometido con la comunidad de la que forma parte. Los autores de los artículos publicados en el presente número ceden sus derechos a la editorial, en forma no exclusiva, para que incorpore la versión digital de los mismos al Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Católica Argentina, así como también a otras bases de datos que considere de relevancia académica. Las opiniones y el contenido de los artículos publicados en la Revista de Psicología son exclusiva responsabilidad de los autores. revista de Incluida en la base de datos EBSCO el 29 de septiembre de PSICOLOGÍA 2005 en cumplimiento de los parámetros y calidad editorial. Indexada en Latindex el 27 de diciembre de 2007. SuMARiO ARTÍCULOS Los sistemas de cognición distribuida en la enseñanza universitaria en función del tipo de ciencia MARTÍN DOMININO, MARIANO CASTELLARO, NÉSTOR ROSELLI Bienestar subjetivo en la Argentina durante el período 2005-2007.
Papers by Orlando Valdez