Papers by Oleksandr Dorokhov
Access Journal - Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the digital economy
Objectives: The rational distribution of the advertising budget in conducting an advertising camp... more Objectives: The rational distribution of the advertising budget in conducting an advertising campaign using digital marketing tools is very relevant and tricky. The possibility of computer simulation of the results of the joint use of various Internet advertising tools and their impact on buyers is considered. Methods/Approach: It is proposed to use approaches based on simulation of the long-term impact of digital advertising on potential consumers. Three primary states of awareness and actions of consumers are distinguished and modelled: an uninformed consumer, a consumer who is aware of the product, a buyer, and a regular buyer. We study the dynamics of changes in the number of consumers in each group during exposure to various components of a digital advertising campaign. Results: A computer simulation model has been developed to change consumers' states during an advertising campaign. It numerically simulates the sequential transition of potential consumers to the state of regular buyers and back under the influence of the considered means of online advertising. Conclusions: The developed approach makes it possible to predict the dynamics of changes in the number of consumers and its relationship with the ratio of elements of an advertising campaign over time. The proposed model is simple to use and has good opportunities for further development.
UDC 339.133.017; JEL Classification: D12, M31 Purpose: analysis and modeling of the choice of ph... more UDC 339.133.017; JEL Classification: D12, M31 Purpose: analysis and modeling of the choice of pharmacies by buyers, in particular, the commitment of various segments of potential buyers to a particular pharmacy, which involves preliminary segmentation of pharmacy buyers, identifying types of visitors and analyzing the specifics of their requirements on the one hand, and the level and parameters of services provided by certain pharmacies, with other. Methodology of research: expert research, segmentation of pharmacy visitors, computer modeling. Findings: the potential adherence of various segments of buyers to pharmacies was determined, calculated on the basis of combining the requirements of various groups of consumers to the level of service components and the possibilities of providing the desired level of service for each of the reviewed pharmacies. Originality: an original approach was proposed and a corresponding computer program was developed, numerical calculations were also...
Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2018
TEM Journal, 2022
The existing theoretical provisions and methodological recommendations on applying a systematic-f... more The existing theoretical provisions and methodological recommendations on applying a systematic-functional approach in managing innovative development of construction enterprises are improved in the paper. Based on the performed research results, the classification of innovative development types was developed and the essence of the "innovative development" concept was clarified; the method for evaluating innovative development of construction enterprises was developed; the model for regulating the effectiveness of applying a systematic-functional approach in managing innovative development of construction enterprises was developed; the mechanism for monitoring the economic efficiency of applying a systematic-functional approach in managing innovative development of construction enterprises was improved; the method for predicting the economic efficiency of applying a systematic-functional approach in managing innovative development of construction enterprises was improved....
– The broad introduction of digital technologies makes changes in the structure of socio-economic... more – The broad introduction of digital technologies makes changes in the structure of socio-economic relations between labor and capital in the market, affecting its informational efficiency. The purpose of the article is a systems analysis of the structure of the cause and effect relationships between the informational efficiency of exchange prices, which affect the desired rate of return for investors; characteristics of the digital economy, methods used by entrepreneurs to evaluate specific assets. The analysis of the informational efficiency of markets based on the Fama-Samuelson criterion and conducted with the use of likelihood functions showed the down trend in the informativeness of exchange prices. According to the authors, this is due to a significant discrepancy in the price of transactions with real goods and futures operations, which are based on a variety of rational and irrational expectations. At the same time, the disproportionate growth of the derivative capital stren...
In the article, using the methods of functional systems theory we analyzed the characteristics of... more In the article, using the methods of functional systems theory we analyzed the characteristics of the social and institutional venture capital, their unity and distinctions were proved. Presented is the possibility of using the recommendations of the Commission by J. Stiglitz on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress at the enterprise level. The necessary communications to ensure the transformation of social capital into organizational were determined. We formed a principal scheme of the mechanism of forming the efficiency of enterprise activity, taking into account organizational capital. The principles of emergency of organizational capital efficiency as the degree of influence on the quantitative and qualitative results of the company's activities were presented.
At present, the choice of the best solutions out of many possible under conditions of uncertainty... more At present, the choice of the best solutions out of many possible under conditions of uncertainty is the actual economic task, arising and to be solved in many economic situations. Famous classical approaches to its solution are based on various assessments of decision-making practical situations. However, they often give insufficiently accurate or incorrect results, and do not satisfy sustainability requirements, when the only invariant calculation result relative to calculation methodology is a reliable one and a corresponding to the reality result. This article describes an alternative approach to the justification of decisions under conditions of uncertainty without the construction and use of assumptions about the decision-making situation and in conformity with the approaches of the stability theory. The problem of multi-criteria decision-making in conditions of complete uncertainty, wherein structuring of alternatives is performed using the fuzzy entropy, has been formulated ...
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V : Economic Sciences, 2016
The article discusses the widely used classic method of analysis, forecasting and decision-making... more The article discusses the widely used classic method of analysis, forecasting and decision-making in the various economic problems, called SWOT analysis. As known, it is a qualitative comparison of multicriteria degree of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat for different kinds of risks, forecasting the development in the markets, status and prospects of development of enterprises, regions and economic sectors, territorials etc. It can also be successfully applied to the evaluation and analysis of different project management tasks investment, innovation, marketing, development, design and bring products to market and so on. However, in practical competitive market and economic conditions, there are various uncertainties, ambiguities, vagueness. Its making usage of SWOT analysis in the classical sense not enough reasonable and ineffective. In this case, the authors propose to use fuzzy logic approach and the theory of fuzzy sets for a more adequate representation and posttreatmen...
Development Management, 2020
The task of the traveling salesman, which is to find the shortest or least costly circular route,... more The task of the traveling salesman, which is to find the shortest or least costly circular route, is one of the most common optimization problems that need to be solved in various fields of practice. The article analyzes and demonstrates various methods for solving this problem using a specific example: heuristic (the nearest neighbor method, the most profitable neighbor method), metaheuristic (evolutionary algorithm), methods of mathematical programming. In addition to classic exact methods (which are difficult to use for large-scale tasks based on existing software) and heuristic methods, the article suggests using the innovative features of the commercially available MS Excel software using a meta-heuristic base. To find the optimal solution using exact methods, the Excel (Solver) software package was used, as well as the specialized GAMS software package. Comparison of different approaches to solving the traveling salesman problem using a practical example showed that the use of...
Montenegrin journal of economics, 2015
Paper is devoted to applying the principles and approaches of fuzzy logic and fuzzy modelling to ... more Paper is devoted to applying the principles and approaches of fuzzy logic and fuzzy modelling to the solution of applied economic problems in conditions of uncertainty. There are presents the formulation and formalization of the problem, the theoretical foundation of the proposed approach to the solutions, and the practical examples for two tasks of management and economic decisions making.
Economics of development, 2015
In a globalized economy the tasks of the control, monitoring and evaluation of the level of innov... more In a globalized economy the tasks of the control, monitoring and evaluation of the level of innovative development, prediction of its dynamics are very important for both individual companies and territories on the whole. However, the implementation and evaluation of innovative economic activities take place under the conditions of considerable uncertainty, so the use of intelligent decision support systems based on mathematical and computer processing of uncertainty becomes a necessity. New modeling possibilities are provided by the combination of the fuzzy set theory tools and neural network instruments which is supported by relevant software. To solve the problem, the use of hybrid neuro-fuzzy systems which combine the elements of fuzzy logic and neural networks has been proposed. The subsystem ANFIS from the Matlab simulation environment has been considered and used as a tool for the creation of an appropriate model of such neuro-fuzzy systems. The structuring of factors determi...
Economic Studies journal, 2018
The work is aimed at defining the directions of credit activity intensification of the economic e... more The work is aimed at defining the directions of credit activity intensification of the economic entities through critical analysis of banks as a powerful leverage of raising additional resources and ensuring sufficient conditions for the development of entrepreneurship. The system of management of quality credit portfolio has considered as the basis for increasing the capacity of the banking system and development the credit relations in a country. It is proved that the issue of complex automation of processing indicators in the face of rising systemic risk, forecasting the results based on the analysis of their dynamics is an increasingly urgent task for the modern banking system. Authors have proposed modern analytical tools to provide the necessary quality of credit activity of the structural units of banks by grounded assessment of the creditworthiness of potential borrowers. The paper presents the model of assessing the creditworthiness of potential borrowers of the bank based ...
Economic Studies journal, 2014
The system efficiency of the company functioning depends on the quality potential, level of funct... more The system efficiency of the company functioning depends on the quality potential, level of functional organization and operativeness of management decisions. All these aspects need to be shown results indicators of enterprises. Under effectiveness is to be understood the degree of achieve of the strategic goals of the enterprises. The most well-known base of the company functioning evaluating is model of balanced scorecard (BSC) of R. Kaplan and D. Norton. This system includes four aspects: financial, customer, internal business processes, training and development of staff. The purpose of this paper is the statistical testing of possibility to separate key effectiveness indicators for these groups and determination of their composition. With the use of multivariate factor analysis was identified the most significant indicators of the effectiveness of engineering companies. The hypothesis of R. Kaplan and D. Norton about the allocation of the four groups of key effectiveness indicat...
Economics of development, 2014
The problem of constructing so-called scenarios has been considered, these scenarios being hypoth... more The problem of constructing so-called scenarios has been considered, these scenarios being hypothetical sequences of future actions associated with a particular course of events, depending on a number of poorly defined, difficult to predict indistinct factors and circumstances. These sets of scenarios make it possible to identify causal relationships and key parameters in various decisionmaking situations. Relevant mathematically proved models can be successfully applied in practice. They therefore become important for those who take a variety of industrial, administrative and commercial decisions under uncertainty inherent in today's competitive market environment. Both the main characteristics of the environment, and specific aspects of the problem being solved are considered in the scenarios. A description of the possible future situations and causes of these situations has also been provided. The method of fuzzy modeling has been proposed for this purpose. A conceptual mathe...
The article deals with solving the alternative choice problem on the base of fuzzy decision trees... more The article deals with solving the alternative choice problem on the base of fuzzy decision trees or fuzzy positional games, which peculiarity lies in using fuzzy quality estimation of decisions consequence and nature states. The proposed approach and numerical algorithm can be used for a large number of transport services problems. Among them, there are the investment decisions in the transport sector, the choice of types of trucks, cars, buses etc, the choice of variants for transportation organization, financial services problems and others. Corresponding example of practical calculations in the specialized program Fuzicalc for fuzzy numbers has been given and described.
Paper is devoted to applying the principles and approaches of fuzzy logic and fuzzy modelling to ... more Paper is devoted to applying the principles and approaches of fuzzy logic and fuzzy modelling to the solution of applied economic problems in conditions of uncertainty. There are presents the formulation and formalization of the problem, the theoretical foundation of the proposed approach to the solutions, and the practical examples for two tasks of management and economic decisions making. First is construction of investment portfolio. Diversification of investment portfolio as one of the approaches to risk management in the commercial activities in a competitive environment has been consider. Classical approaches to portfolio management are analyzed and practical difficulties of their application in real conditions of market uncertainty are identified. Corresponding methodological approach described and formulation for solution in fuzzy formulation is proposed. An example of numerical calculations in specialized software for operations with fuzzy numbers is given. The obtained res...
Journal of Management Analytics, 2020
The goal of this study is to analyze and characterize customer expectations in the cosmetics sect... more The goal of this study is to analyze and characterize customer expectations in the cosmetics sector. Within this framework, first, the extant literature is reviewed, and 12 most prominent performance measurement criteria are identified. Then, these criteria are organized along the four different balanced scorecard dimensions. By employing an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy DEMATEL methodology, the weighted importance of these dimensions and criteria are identified. Additionally, with the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy TOPSIS approach, 13 leading cosmetic service providers in Ukraine are ranked based on their relative scores. The findings of the study indicate that consumer is the most significant dimension while learning and growth seem to have the least importance. Similarly, it is also concluded that all consumerfocused criteria (i.e. diversification of services, feedback on the product and services, and customer loyalty) have the highest priorities in the complete criterion set.
Проблеми і перспективи розвитку підприємництва, 2020
ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ПРИХИЛЬНОСТІ СПОЖИВАЧІВ ДО НАДАВАЧІВ ПОСЛУГ НА ПРИКЛАДІ АПТЕЧНИХ ЗАКЛАДІВ Дорохова Л.П... more ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ПРИХИЛЬНОСТІ СПОЖИВАЧІВ ДО НАДАВАЧІВ ПОСЛУГ НА ПРИКЛАДІ АПТЕЧНИХ ЗАКЛАДІВ Дорохова Л.П., канд. фармац. наук, доцент Національний фармацевтичний університет Малий В.В., доктор фармац. наук, професор Національний фармацевтичний університет Півень О.П., доктор фармац. наук, професор Національний фармацевтичний університет Дорохов О.В., канд. техн. наук, доцент Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця Постановка проблеми. У сучасних умовах практично кожна комерційна організація чи підприємство, що працює на ринках роздрібних продажів, послуг, сервісів, спрямованих на обслуговування населення, змушена використовувати принципи глобальної клієнтоорієнтованості. При цьому відповідні складові маркетингу, побудовані на емоціях, дають можливість зміцнити лояльність вже існуючих покупців і завоювати нових. Це, зокрема, стосується й фармацевтичного обслуговування населення. Для досягнення аптеками ефективних бізнес-результатів необхідним є моделювання та управління враженнями клієнта, врахування вимог сегментів споживачів, що дозволяє залучити клієнтів, поліпшити становище аптеки в умовах конкуренції. Аналіз останніх наукових досліджень і публікацій. Питання прихильності клієнтів до надавачів послуг наразі розглядається в науковій літературі [1; 2]. Як вказується в [3; 4], споживчий вибір місць обслуговування (магазинів, місць громадського харчування, побутового обслуговування, установ охорони здоров'я, сервісних фірм, спортивно-оздоровчих, розважальних закладів) є динамічним і важко модельованим процесом. Для кожної сфери соціально-економічного обслуговування населення є актуальним, бажаним і необхідним виділити, описати, формалізувати відповідні основні критерії і впливаючі фактори такого споживчого вибору з урахуванням специфіки конкретного ринку і сфери діяльності на ньому підприємств, організацій, котрі надають і пропонують відповідні товари та послуги. Очевидно, що для кожної предметної області існують відповідні основні параметри обслуговування (ціна, асортимент, якість, фізична доступність). Однак остаточний споживчий вибір визначається не тільки ними, а сукупністю інших (менш важливих для споживача, але теж впливаючих на загальний, остаточний вибір) критеріїв, факторів, параметрів, складових обслуговування. Невирішені складові загальної проблеми. В умовах конкуренції на роздрібному фармацевтичному ринку виникає завдання оцінити потенційно
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Series III Mathematics and Computer Science, 2019
The object of the research in this article is the development of approaches, tools and instrument... more The object of the research in this article is the development of approaches, tools and instruments for computer modeling to predict the behavior of consumers (potential buyers and users) in the process of their implementation of consumer choice of technically complex household goods under circumstances of broad supply in the retail market. Accordingly, the subject of this study was to consider the problem of multi-criteria choice of domestic appliances available on the Ukrainian home appliances market for monitoring and maintaining indoor air condition. The formulation and realization of relevant tasks with the subsequent development of applied program models were among the main goals of this work. As main methods we consistently used expert surveys of potential consumers, collection, processing, systematization and analysis of information about the models of ionizers of air on the domestic market. Approaches to multi-criteria modeling of the process of consumer choice on a set of alternatives and their computer implementation in a specialized software product have also been taken into consideration. Computer simulation has confirmed the hypothesis that the approaches proposed makes it possible to obtain mathematically grounded generalized comparative estimates of the household appliances considered. This, in turn, allows consumers to make their choice more consciously, while manufacturers and sellers of such equipment are enabled to make a multi-criteria comparison between the products produced and sold by them.
Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, 2018
The paper substantiates the need to consider economic efficiency indicators of bank activity as f... more The paper substantiates the need to consider economic efficiency indicators of bank activity as fuzzy quantities. Formulations of the problem of fuzzy regression analysis and modelling, available in literary sources, have been analyzed. Three main approaches to the fuzzy regression analysis are presented. The general mathematical and meaningful formulation of problem of a fuzzy multivariate regression analysis for commercial bank competitiveness has been proposed. Sequence of its solutions is described. The example of numerical computations for one of the large Ukrainian banks is given. Results of obtained solution were analyzed from the standpoint of reliability, accuracy and compared against the classical crisp regression analysis. Finishing steps for obtaining final accurate numerical results of solution process are described. In summary, convincing arguments concerning the expediency of application of this approach to the problem of determining the competitiveness of banks are f...
Papers by Oleksandr Dorokhov