Papers by Oktavianus Rangga
PEADA’: JurnalPendidikan Kristen, 2024
Artikel ini membahas model pembelajaran agama Kristen berbasis pengalaman y... more Artikel ini membahas model pembelajaran agama Kristen berbasis pengalaman yang bertujuan untuk membangun iman siswa melalui pendekatan narasi hidup. Metode ini memanfaatkan cerita nyata dan pengalaman pribadi untuk membantu siswa menginternalisasi nilai-nilai Kristen dan memahami ajaran Alkitab secara lebih mendalam. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, melalui studi literatur dan analisis konten naratif dari berbagai sumber, buku dan jurnal artikel yang berkaitan dengan topik ini. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan narasi dalam pembelajaran dapat memperkaya pemahaman iman siswa, mendorong refleksi pribadi, dan memperkuat ikatan komunitas melalui diskusi kelompok. Namun, pendekatan ini juga menghadapi tantangan, seperti keberagaman pengalaman siswa yang dapat mempengaruhi cara mereka menghayati nilai-nilai Kristen. Diperlukan peran aktif guru sebagai fasilitator untuk memastikan bahwa pembelajaran tetap terarah dan sesuai dengan prinsip Alkitab. Artikel ini menegaskan bahwa model pembelajaran berbasis pengalaman dapat memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap pendidikan agama Kristen, khususnya dalam menciptakan proses belajar yang lebih relevan, kontekstual, dan transformatif di era modern.
Philosophy: International Journal of Religious Education and Philosophy, 2025
This study aims to explore the role of cross-cultural Christian education in cyberspace in suppor... more This study aims to explore the role of cross-cultural Christian education in cyberspace in supporting the formation of virtual faith communities for global spiritual formation and interfaith dialogue. Issues that include the challenges of globalization and digitalization that change the way communities interact, especially in religious contexts. The methods used are concept analysis and literature studies that support the development of a theoretical framework for digital-based cross-cultural education. The results of the study indicate that digital platforms can be an effective means of creating inclusive cross-cultural dialogue spaces, strengthening spiritual identity, and facilitating cross-cultural learning. The findings also highlight the importance of design programs that are sensitive to cultural and technical contexts. The main conclusion of this study is that cross-cultural Christian education in cyberspace can be a powerful tool for advancing global solidarity and interfaith dialogue. However, its success depends on collaboration between educators, technology developers, and religious communities, as well as attention to obstacles such as digital literacy and unequal access to technology.
IMITATIO CRISTO : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Teologi, 2025
Penelitian ini mengkaji pendekatan Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK) dalam konteks keberagaman... more Penelitian ini mengkaji pendekatan Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK) dalam konteks keberagaman dengan berlandaskan perspektif Efesus 4:1-3, yang menekankan kesatuan dalam Kristus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi pengajaran yang dapat memperkuat nilai kesatuan tanpa mengabaikan penghormatan terhadap keberagaman budaya, agama, dan sosial. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kualitatif-deskriptif dengan pendekatan teologis dan pendidikan. Data diperoleh melalui studi literatur seperti, buku-buku dan Artikel jurnal ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan topik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prinsip kesatuan dalam Kristus yang diajarkan dalam Efesus 4:1-3 dapat diimplementasikan melalui pengajaran berbasis dialog, kerjasama lintas budaya, dan pembelajaran partisipatif. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa pendekatan berbasis pengalaman hidup siswa mampu menciptakan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang pentingnya kesatuan di tengah keberagaman. Noveltydari penelitian ini terletak pada penerapan prinsip kesatuan dalam Kristus sebagai landasan teologis untuk pendidikan multikultural dalam PAK, yang relevan dengan konteks sosial Indonesia yang majemuk. Penelitian ini menawarkan model pendidikan yang tidak hanya berorientasi pada iman, tetapi juga membangun harmoni sosial di tengah pluralitas.
TELEIOS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, 2024
In the digital era, education, including Christian teaching, has experienced significant changes.... more In the digital era, education, including Christian teaching, has experienced significant changes. Traditional methods focused on lectures and memorization are no longer sufficient to address current demands. Christian religious education aims not only to instill theological knowledge but also to help students understand and apply Bible teachings in personal and social contexts. Traditional methods often lack reflective and applicative approaches, making it challenging to relate biblical teachings to students' daily lives. This study employs qualitative methods with a literature review approach to examine interactive learning models in Christian education. Biblical education is rooted in the recognition that true wisdom and knowledge come from God. The principles of the Bible remain timeless, offering guidance for contemporary issues. This research highlights how biblical wisdom supports didactic and methodological aspects, enhancing active and interactive learning. Findings reveal that interactive learning significantly improves students' understanding and engagement with Scripture. Additionally, integrating digital tools with biblical values not only enhances cognitive outcomes but also deepens students' spirituality. This innovative approach combines biblical principles with digital technology, creating a paradigm shift in Christian education that has not been systematically explored before. The study underscores the importance of developing teaching models that bridge the gap between biblical teachings and modern technological advances, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in nurturing students' spiritual and intellectual growth. Through this integration, Christian education can better prepare students to navigate the complexities of the digital era while remaining grounded in their faith.
Coram Mundo: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, 2024
Previous research shows that digital learning media can increase student learning motivation, fac... more Previous research shows that digital learning media can increase student learning motivation, facilitate interaction between teachers and students, and encourage educational innovation. Student participation in the learning process is a key factor in improving the quality of learning. In the context of PAK, student participation can be measured through their level of involvement in discussions, assignments and other activities related to the lesson material. In this paper, the method applied by the author is a qualitative descriptive method with a focus on literature study. where books and other literature are the main focus of his research. Teachers play an important role in integrating digital media in the development of the PAK curriculum. Digital media technology that can be used in developing the Christian Religious Education (PAK) curriculum includes various types of tools and platforms that can improve the quality of learning. The use of digital media in developing the PAK curriculum has shown a significant increase in student participation. Canva is a graphic design tool that allows users to design creative designs online. This is a graphic design platform that can be used to create various types of graphics for social media, presentations, posters, documents and other visual content. Guru also makes it easy to create teaching materials and create Bible text games or create Bible verse quizzes. Even though there are several weaknesses that must be taken into account, this is not a problem that cannot be resolved by presenting material interactively and responsively. Therefore, the use of information technology or digital media is very influential in improving the quality of student learning.
Didache: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2024
Information technology in various aspects of life has become inevitable in this digital era. In e... more Information technology in various aspects of life has become inevitable in this digital era. In education, information technology has brought significant changes in learning methods and approaches. The development of information technology provides a great opportunity to renew minds and increase students' spirituality through the principles taught in the Bible, especially in Romans 12:2. This journal research was carried out using the literature study method, where the author analyzed data obtained from the latest books and journals that are relevant to this research topic. The use of digital platforms in the era of disruption has brought many innovative technologies that improve the educational process in schools. efficient. Christian Religious Learning Application: Use of mobile or web applications dedicated to Christian religious learning. This app can provide interactive learning materials, Bible verses, prayers, and other resources that facilitate understanding of the Christian religion. In the educational context, success in facing the challenges and competition in modern life is very dependent on the existence of education which can form individuals who have a holistic understanding of Science and Technology. Students who use information technology feel more motivated, their perspectives are open and they are enthusiastic about learning. Therefore, it is recommended for teachers and schools to utilize information technology in the learning process.
SERVIRE: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Apr 28, 2022
The church is called to serve the Lord His Savior and preach the gospel of the coming of Jesus Ch... more The church is called to serve the Lord His Savior and preach the gospel of the coming of Jesus Christ as Savior. And in this case the church is also present to carry out its mission to apply the love of Christ in the midst of difficulties. The church in itself is aware of its calling in the midst of the world throughout the ages to manifest God's love through concrete actions. The author uses qualitative methods that are directly in the field (field research) and socially. In this study, the author uses data collection techniques through literature studies both from books, and journals. Charity service is a means or way from the pastor to the congregation to be able to provide guidance. Servants of love are not JURNAL KADESI I Jurnal Teologi dan PAK I VOLUME 4 Nomor 2 I Januari 2023 __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kadesi Bogor @2023 48 just words, or sharing because they have economic advantages. The church's part in carrying out its duties must not stop focusing only on those who believe (Galatians 6:10) but also outside believers (Romans 5:6-8). So the church's calling is salt and light in the midst of society (Matthew 5:16). This is why the church continues to accompany its congregations to guide their lives in the direction of truth and salvation. The church needs to look at the needs of the people from two perspectives, namely spiritual needs and material needs. That faith should be reflected in practical actions, such as reaching out to those who need help.
Gereja dipanggil untuk melayani Tuhan Juruselamat-Nya dan memberitakan Injil tentang kedatangan Y... more Gereja dipanggil untuk melayani Tuhan Juruselamat-Nya dan memberitakan Injil tentang kedatangan Yesus Kristus sebagai Juruselamat. Dan hal ini gereja juga hadir menjalankan misinya untuk menerapkan kasih Kristus di tengah-tengah kesulitan. Gereja dalam dirinya menyadari akan adanya panggilannya di tengah-tengah dunia sepanjang zaman untuk mewujud kasih Allah melalui tindakan nyata. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif yang sacara langsung di lapangan (Penelitian lapangan) dan penulis menggunakan teknik pengumulan data melalui studi literatur baik dari buku, maupun jurnal. Pelayanan kasih merupakan sebuah sarana atau cara dari gembala kepada jemaat untuk dapat memberikan bimbingan. Pelayan kasih bukan sekedar kata, ataupun berbagi karena memiliki kelebihan secara ekonomi. Gereja bagian dalam pelaksanaan tugas tidak boleh berhenti hanya kepada mereka yang percaya (Galatia 6:10) tetapi juga di luar orang percaya (Roma 5:6-8). Jadi panggilan gereja adalah garam dan terang ditengah-teng...
Papers by Oktavianus Rangga