Both well-known Camil Petrescu's novels ("Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de rz... more Both well-known Camil Petrescu's novels ("Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de rzboi" and especially "Patul lui Procust") are very generous for all kinds of approaches. We do not insist upon traditional references to the French authors's works such as M. Proust, Stendhal, A. Gide, ect. which bred a true exegesis-inflation in the past. Identifying in our several previous contributions remarcable resemblances with famous and valuable international and Romanian masterworks, we attest in this paper some narrative and stylistic pleas. We offer another perspective upon these novels, as symbolic or mythical elements alluding to archetypal fields like Hamlet, Don Quixote, Mesterul Manole or Mihai Eminescu can be traced. Taking into account this outlook, the analysis is not content with the general presentation of a multiple-stage text. Its characteristic figures are: Gedanken-Hyberbaton, ergon, metaphor, metonymy. We notice also a visual dialogue between t...
Eugenio Coseriu and he continued Iorgu Iordan's tradition devoting great attention and intere... more Eugenio Coseriu and he continued Iorgu Iordan's tradition devoting great attention and interest to the oral aspect of our language and to the richness of its oral expression which he illustrated and commented upon. His remarkable attention for Eminescu's contribution to modern Romanian literary language could be noticed in many other studies, analyses and, also, due to the annual Mihai Eminescu Symposium for students. He coordinated an electronic studying process of Eminescu's texts and of the program for lyric equivalences – "Dictionary of Eminescu's Poetic Language; Signs and Meanings" (2002; 2005). This uppermost interest in stylistic diversity of the Romanian language can be discovered in another major work: "The Grammar of the Romanian Language" – last edition in 2008. This handbook, essential for any student, is considered to have brought "many new elements to the old academic rules" and its new-built perspective has influenced the...
To build a brand in Romania is not an easy or accomplished task. All the attempts after 1990 fail... more To build a brand in Romania is not an easy or accomplished task. All the attempts after 1990 failed as they offered too general and unspecific features conveying no meaning about the country and its people. The present contribution mainly comments upon the campaign for Sibiu as a cultural capital in 2007. Although quite a long period passed and another Romanian city will have another chance in 2021, nothing seems to be improved. In 2007, the strategy was not coherent in its readability, listenability and visual presentation as a persuasive presentation of Romania. Too many foreign themes, subjects and structures were mixed up neglecting Romanian specificity or imposing an external perspective in which the target market cannot be found. No matter how well is crafted or superbly presented your message/brand, its communication value is defined by its own unique context.
The beginning of journalism is a head note of the 19th century in Romania. Women greatly contribu... more The beginning of journalism is a head note of the 19th century in Romania. Women greatly contributed towards modernization. They appreciably helped their nation to synchronize with the European standards and the ideological, philosophical and political goals of the 19th century. The country had to accomplish several major assignments in the political, social and cultural fields and women were perfectly empathetic. Most of them practiced journalism or they were the first female Romanian writers. Those, living in Transylvania which was part of Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867-1918), were strongly influenced by the modern views, ideologies and perspectives, and they disclosed the new perspectives for their peers from Moldavia and Muntenia. The present contribution highlights the first and most important Romanian women-writers who shaped the new position of their country in Europe and their condition as well. Women went a long way towards equality, freedom, emancipation and an upper social...
Glottodrama is a research-program regarding the didactic dimension of teaching foreign languages ... more Glottodrama is a research-program regarding the didactic dimension of teaching foreign languages through linguistic and theatrical methods. This project encompasses interdisciplinary characteristics, being an indicative example of applying Lifelong Learning Program of the European Union in Romanian institutions. Being coordinated by the Linguistic Research Laboratory of Culturiana Publishing Company, the method aims at experimenting didactic strategies involving both language and drama-teacher. It covers diverse social and cultural contexts. The students learn the foreign language through acting diverse parts from different classical or original theatrical texts. Their performances are filmed and recorded. Watching the didactic materials, they can improve their verbal and non-verbal communication. Many aspects of disciplines analyzing non-verbal communication are implied allowing to the students to perceive life and culture of different civilizations in which they enter linguistical...
Many lexical domains fall under the dominance of English. This is just a fad because the lexicon ... more Many lexical domains fall under the dominance of English. This is just a fad because the lexicon is the most changing linguistic level. Speakers need to be aware of how this influence is exercised and what mean the borrowed words. Romanians are accustomed to using many words from other languages because they have been under different domains and influences. Communication requires knowing the meanings and the origin of words. In general, the terms used in the field of fashion were of interest to all speakers. The correct knowledge and the recommended meanings of dictionaries and specialists help to understand and use these words to the fullest extent.
Analele Universităţii "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi. Fascicula XXIV Lexic comun / lexic specializat, 2018
Viața modernă implică noi ritualuri. "Ritul se înscrie în viața socială prin refacerea circumstan... more Viața modernă implică noi ritualuri. "Ritul se înscrie în viața socială prin refacerea circumstanțelor care determină repetarea efectuării lui. Ritul nu se mărginește la fenomenul religios"[1].
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 2014
The study explores the incidence of Don Quixote-archetypal behavior upon the characters of the no... more The study explores the incidence of Don Quixote-archetypal behavior upon the characters of the novels written by the great Romanian inter-war writer Camil Petrescu. The research is conceptually driven type. Recognizable elements of a concept are searched and identified in the fictional pulp and a volatile field is conceptually electrified. The starting premise is that all myths and traditional stories of the world literature embrace widespread and perpetual topics; they break through in all major artistic works. Basically, some of the defining characteristics of Don Quixote are identified in the conduct of Camil Petrescu’s epic heroes: the ideal led to the end; illusory quest for truth, beauty and goodness; self-query; courage despite the unavoidable risk; delight in being defeated, etc. These similarities are supported by examples and arguments.
The present contribution highlights a few possible psychoanalytic aspects of Camil Petrescu's... more The present contribution highlights a few possible psychoanalytic aspects of Camil Petrescu's work which were denied by many previous researchers. It also underlines the important fact that the Romanian author was aware of all modern European contributions in this field. His interest is obvious or subtle. Even the personal writings reveal a keen insight which points out the same concern. The chosen examples prove our attempt to advance an interpretation from this perspective. It also puts another new and latter-day light on his important work, one of the most interesting in Romanian literature of the 20th century. Rezumat Prezenta contribuţie evidenţiază posibile aspecte psihanalitice în opera lui Camil Petrescu, aspecte care au fost negate de către numeroşi cercetători. Aceasta subliniază de asemenea un fact important şi anume că autorul român era la curent cu toate aceste preocupări moderne de abordare şi la modă în Europa. Chiar şi în paginile cu un caracter strict personal s...
La création d'une image de marque d'un pays est égalementune question actuelle et diffici... more La création d'une image de marque d'un pays est égalementune question actuelle et difficile. Nous présentons ici les premières tentatives,lesquelles copient d'une manière fâcheuse sur le style occidental ouaméricain, ce qui a pour conséquence l'uniformisation. Une image deCOMMUNICATIO marque doit faire, au contraire, la différence. On y analyse, avec ses mérites et ses déficiences, l'expérience Sibiu – capitale culturelle européenne – uneréussite pour l'image du peuple roumain, même d'un point de vue financier. L'histoire de cette aventure roumaine au plus haut niveau, a prouvé lacapacité du pays de dépasser l'humble condition de fournisseur «horror». Selon nous, l'accent fut porté avec trop d'insistance sur le divertissement et la relaxation, en grossissant le portrait d'une destination de vacances commune. Attendu qu'il est possible que la ville de Iasi soit capitaleculturelle en 2019 et vu que, cette année, on célèbre 600 ans d&...
Most research on mass media, multimedia, even new media, has been moving away from the paradigm t... more Most research on mass media, multimedia, even new media, has been moving away from the paradigm that reduced them to a communicative function. Having a theoretic starting point in Van Gennep's analysis i and the points of view of Birmingham group ii , the attention has shifted to more actors and contexts creating different meanings in the forums/fora. Thus, a possible way of enhancing the content of media concept is to associate it to quasi-rituals/daily media routine (observing how media/multimedia/new media influence human practices, program, habits, etc.) and to the contexts in which various ceremonies, forms of worship or mere rituals are mediatezed. The latter get transformed when conveyed through media and we comment upon this aspect. Due to this approach and further studies, the main benefit might be an insight into how creativity and constraint are combined inside this rather new cultural frame. Everyday use of the media can be seen as an integral part of a kind of magic spell coming over the world. One of the recurrent dilemmas in media studies refers to the extent in which media may determine and manipulate the audience. Is there any more "freedom" in the process of interpreting media messages? The powerful and subtle mediatic manipulation and the viewers' unconditioned "faith" collaborate and create daily addiction. By linking freedom to constraint, the approach provides an appropriate framework to tackle the question of how contemporary media are involved in the social construction of virtual realities, communities, and identities.
2013 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), 2013
ABSTRACT This paper presents patients recovered after head, neck and mouth cancer and it has as m... more ABSTRACT This paper presents patients recovered after head, neck and mouth cancer and it has as main objective the observations regarding quality-of-life changes. The medical record is briefly exposed. We highlight the modalities by which the patients healed their inside and outside scars commanding respect due especially to media exposure. They rebuilt their personalities becoming public speakers, blog-writers, fundraisers, being kind of modern Demosthenes. The Attic Demosthenes fought with a speech impediment and he considerably practiced to deliver orations. The modern Demosthenes have to face the fear of premature death, diverse traumas, lack of voice, disfigured faces, very low self-esteem, long bodily and psychic severe distress, difficult social reintegration. The online world has offered proper ways to present their experiences via videoconferences, blogs, sites, interviews and speeches on YouTube. The development of educational initiatives from these inspirational stories may be an effective, procreative strategy.
connexions • international professional communication journal | revista de comunicação profissional internacional
Our contribution focuses on the trans-medial concept of meta-reference. One of the main meta-refe... more Our contribution focuses on the trans-medial concept of meta-reference. One of the main meta-referential devices is metalepsis which has been transferred from narratology to different other arts becoming a modern way of addressing the diegetic audience. We comment upon ascending, descending, horizontal metalepsis, and their effects in cinematographic art (e.g. Bergman’s, Allen’s, Haneke’s movies). Based on broken aesthetic illusions and diegetic frames, these movies offer wide possibilities to analyze self-reflexive cinematographic devices. If there is a greater level of symbolic, diegetical and dramatic motivation, the device loses its anti-illusionist effect on the audience. The directors found ways to demonstrate that their rebel characters are of a sort of victims of the movies being no longer able to see the difference between reality and fiction, and believing that the world itself responds to a remote control or that everything is rewindable. Keywords: artistic communication,...
The phenomenon of metaization, namely explicit or i mpl cit auto-reflexivity, has been theoretica... more The phenomenon of metaization, namely explicit or i mpl cit auto-reflexivity, has been theoretically approached only in the latest two dec ades, although it has been present since quite distant historical epochs. The present contri bution presents several general characteristic aspects which are connected to the a pparently new domain of meta-refentiality. The interest towards this theoretic field resembles , to a certain extent, to that developed for intertextuality some decades ago. This contribution d es not regard only the traditional arts such as literature in general, poetry, painting, bu t also the others in which meta-referentiality has been spotted later. At this point, we have in m ind architecture, sculpture, music, theatre, film, photography, animated cartoon, advertisement, computer games, etc. Our contribution develops some theoretical aspects along with the va rious modalities which are especially proper for genres approaching meta-referentiality l a er. Each presenta...
Both well-known Camil Petrescu's novels ("Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de rz... more Both well-known Camil Petrescu's novels ("Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de rzboi" and especially "Patul lui Procust") are very generous for all kinds of approaches. We do not insist upon traditional references to the French authors's works such as M. Proust, Stendhal, A. Gide, ect. which bred a true exegesis-inflation in the past. Identifying in our several previous contributions remarcable resemblances with famous and valuable international and Romanian masterworks, we attest in this paper some narrative and stylistic pleas. We offer another perspective upon these novels, as symbolic or mythical elements alluding to archetypal fields like Hamlet, Don Quixote, Mesterul Manole or Mihai Eminescu can be traced. Taking into account this outlook, the analysis is not content with the general presentation of a multiple-stage text. Its characteristic figures are: Gedanken-Hyberbaton, ergon, metaphor, metonymy. We notice also a visual dialogue between t...
Eugenio Coseriu and he continued Iorgu Iordan's tradition devoting great attention and intere... more Eugenio Coseriu and he continued Iorgu Iordan's tradition devoting great attention and interest to the oral aspect of our language and to the richness of its oral expression which he illustrated and commented upon. His remarkable attention for Eminescu's contribution to modern Romanian literary language could be noticed in many other studies, analyses and, also, due to the annual Mihai Eminescu Symposium for students. He coordinated an electronic studying process of Eminescu's texts and of the program for lyric equivalences – "Dictionary of Eminescu's Poetic Language; Signs and Meanings" (2002; 2005). This uppermost interest in stylistic diversity of the Romanian language can be discovered in another major work: "The Grammar of the Romanian Language" – last edition in 2008. This handbook, essential for any student, is considered to have brought "many new elements to the old academic rules" and its new-built perspective has influenced the...
To build a brand in Romania is not an easy or accomplished task. All the attempts after 1990 fail... more To build a brand in Romania is not an easy or accomplished task. All the attempts after 1990 failed as they offered too general and unspecific features conveying no meaning about the country and its people. The present contribution mainly comments upon the campaign for Sibiu as a cultural capital in 2007. Although quite a long period passed and another Romanian city will have another chance in 2021, nothing seems to be improved. In 2007, the strategy was not coherent in its readability, listenability and visual presentation as a persuasive presentation of Romania. Too many foreign themes, subjects and structures were mixed up neglecting Romanian specificity or imposing an external perspective in which the target market cannot be found. No matter how well is crafted or superbly presented your message/brand, its communication value is defined by its own unique context.
The beginning of journalism is a head note of the 19th century in Romania. Women greatly contribu... more The beginning of journalism is a head note of the 19th century in Romania. Women greatly contributed towards modernization. They appreciably helped their nation to synchronize with the European standards and the ideological, philosophical and political goals of the 19th century. The country had to accomplish several major assignments in the political, social and cultural fields and women were perfectly empathetic. Most of them practiced journalism or they were the first female Romanian writers. Those, living in Transylvania which was part of Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867-1918), were strongly influenced by the modern views, ideologies and perspectives, and they disclosed the new perspectives for their peers from Moldavia and Muntenia. The present contribution highlights the first and most important Romanian women-writers who shaped the new position of their country in Europe and their condition as well. Women went a long way towards equality, freedom, emancipation and an upper social...
Glottodrama is a research-program regarding the didactic dimension of teaching foreign languages ... more Glottodrama is a research-program regarding the didactic dimension of teaching foreign languages through linguistic and theatrical methods. This project encompasses interdisciplinary characteristics, being an indicative example of applying Lifelong Learning Program of the European Union in Romanian institutions. Being coordinated by the Linguistic Research Laboratory of Culturiana Publishing Company, the method aims at experimenting didactic strategies involving both language and drama-teacher. It covers diverse social and cultural contexts. The students learn the foreign language through acting diverse parts from different classical or original theatrical texts. Their performances are filmed and recorded. Watching the didactic materials, they can improve their verbal and non-verbal communication. Many aspects of disciplines analyzing non-verbal communication are implied allowing to the students to perceive life and culture of different civilizations in which they enter linguistical...
Many lexical domains fall under the dominance of English. This is just a fad because the lexicon ... more Many lexical domains fall under the dominance of English. This is just a fad because the lexicon is the most changing linguistic level. Speakers need to be aware of how this influence is exercised and what mean the borrowed words. Romanians are accustomed to using many words from other languages because they have been under different domains and influences. Communication requires knowing the meanings and the origin of words. In general, the terms used in the field of fashion were of interest to all speakers. The correct knowledge and the recommended meanings of dictionaries and specialists help to understand and use these words to the fullest extent.
Analele Universităţii "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi. Fascicula XXIV Lexic comun / lexic specializat, 2018
Viața modernă implică noi ritualuri. "Ritul se înscrie în viața socială prin refacerea circumstan... more Viața modernă implică noi ritualuri. "Ritul se înscrie în viața socială prin refacerea circumstanțelor care determină repetarea efectuării lui. Ritul nu se mărginește la fenomenul religios"[1].
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 2014
The study explores the incidence of Don Quixote-archetypal behavior upon the characters of the no... more The study explores the incidence of Don Quixote-archetypal behavior upon the characters of the novels written by the great Romanian inter-war writer Camil Petrescu. The research is conceptually driven type. Recognizable elements of a concept are searched and identified in the fictional pulp and a volatile field is conceptually electrified. The starting premise is that all myths and traditional stories of the world literature embrace widespread and perpetual topics; they break through in all major artistic works. Basically, some of the defining characteristics of Don Quixote are identified in the conduct of Camil Petrescu’s epic heroes: the ideal led to the end; illusory quest for truth, beauty and goodness; self-query; courage despite the unavoidable risk; delight in being defeated, etc. These similarities are supported by examples and arguments.
The present contribution highlights a few possible psychoanalytic aspects of Camil Petrescu's... more The present contribution highlights a few possible psychoanalytic aspects of Camil Petrescu's work which were denied by many previous researchers. It also underlines the important fact that the Romanian author was aware of all modern European contributions in this field. His interest is obvious or subtle. Even the personal writings reveal a keen insight which points out the same concern. The chosen examples prove our attempt to advance an interpretation from this perspective. It also puts another new and latter-day light on his important work, one of the most interesting in Romanian literature of the 20th century. Rezumat Prezenta contribuţie evidenţiază posibile aspecte psihanalitice în opera lui Camil Petrescu, aspecte care au fost negate de către numeroşi cercetători. Aceasta subliniază de asemenea un fact important şi anume că autorul român era la curent cu toate aceste preocupări moderne de abordare şi la modă în Europa. Chiar şi în paginile cu un caracter strict personal s...
La création d'une image de marque d'un pays est égalementune question actuelle et diffici... more La création d'une image de marque d'un pays est égalementune question actuelle et difficile. Nous présentons ici les premières tentatives,lesquelles copient d'une manière fâcheuse sur le style occidental ouaméricain, ce qui a pour conséquence l'uniformisation. Une image deCOMMUNICATIO marque doit faire, au contraire, la différence. On y analyse, avec ses mérites et ses déficiences, l'expérience Sibiu – capitale culturelle européenne – uneréussite pour l'image du peuple roumain, même d'un point de vue financier. L'histoire de cette aventure roumaine au plus haut niveau, a prouvé lacapacité du pays de dépasser l'humble condition de fournisseur «horror». Selon nous, l'accent fut porté avec trop d'insistance sur le divertissement et la relaxation, en grossissant le portrait d'une destination de vacances commune. Attendu qu'il est possible que la ville de Iasi soit capitaleculturelle en 2019 et vu que, cette année, on célèbre 600 ans d&...
Most research on mass media, multimedia, even new media, has been moving away from the paradigm t... more Most research on mass media, multimedia, even new media, has been moving away from the paradigm that reduced them to a communicative function. Having a theoretic starting point in Van Gennep's analysis i and the points of view of Birmingham group ii , the attention has shifted to more actors and contexts creating different meanings in the forums/fora. Thus, a possible way of enhancing the content of media concept is to associate it to quasi-rituals/daily media routine (observing how media/multimedia/new media influence human practices, program, habits, etc.) and to the contexts in which various ceremonies, forms of worship or mere rituals are mediatezed. The latter get transformed when conveyed through media and we comment upon this aspect. Due to this approach and further studies, the main benefit might be an insight into how creativity and constraint are combined inside this rather new cultural frame. Everyday use of the media can be seen as an integral part of a kind of magic spell coming over the world. One of the recurrent dilemmas in media studies refers to the extent in which media may determine and manipulate the audience. Is there any more "freedom" in the process of interpreting media messages? The powerful and subtle mediatic manipulation and the viewers' unconditioned "faith" collaborate and create daily addiction. By linking freedom to constraint, the approach provides an appropriate framework to tackle the question of how contemporary media are involved in the social construction of virtual realities, communities, and identities.
2013 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), 2013
ABSTRACT This paper presents patients recovered after head, neck and mouth cancer and it has as m... more ABSTRACT This paper presents patients recovered after head, neck and mouth cancer and it has as main objective the observations regarding quality-of-life changes. The medical record is briefly exposed. We highlight the modalities by which the patients healed their inside and outside scars commanding respect due especially to media exposure. They rebuilt their personalities becoming public speakers, blog-writers, fundraisers, being kind of modern Demosthenes. The Attic Demosthenes fought with a speech impediment and he considerably practiced to deliver orations. The modern Demosthenes have to face the fear of premature death, diverse traumas, lack of voice, disfigured faces, very low self-esteem, long bodily and psychic severe distress, difficult social reintegration. The online world has offered proper ways to present their experiences via videoconferences, blogs, sites, interviews and speeches on YouTube. The development of educational initiatives from these inspirational stories may be an effective, procreative strategy.
connexions • international professional communication journal | revista de comunicação profissional internacional
Our contribution focuses on the trans-medial concept of meta-reference. One of the main meta-refe... more Our contribution focuses on the trans-medial concept of meta-reference. One of the main meta-referential devices is metalepsis which has been transferred from narratology to different other arts becoming a modern way of addressing the diegetic audience. We comment upon ascending, descending, horizontal metalepsis, and their effects in cinematographic art (e.g. Bergman’s, Allen’s, Haneke’s movies). Based on broken aesthetic illusions and diegetic frames, these movies offer wide possibilities to analyze self-reflexive cinematographic devices. If there is a greater level of symbolic, diegetical and dramatic motivation, the device loses its anti-illusionist effect on the audience. The directors found ways to demonstrate that their rebel characters are of a sort of victims of the movies being no longer able to see the difference between reality and fiction, and believing that the world itself responds to a remote control or that everything is rewindable. Keywords: artistic communication,...
The phenomenon of metaization, namely explicit or i mpl cit auto-reflexivity, has been theoretica... more The phenomenon of metaization, namely explicit or i mpl cit auto-reflexivity, has been theoretically approached only in the latest two dec ades, although it has been present since quite distant historical epochs. The present contri bution presents several general characteristic aspects which are connected to the a pparently new domain of meta-refentiality. The interest towards this theoretic field resembles , to a certain extent, to that developed for intertextuality some decades ago. This contribution d es not regard only the traditional arts such as literature in general, poetry, painting, bu t also the others in which meta-referentiality has been spotted later. At this point, we have in m ind architecture, sculpture, music, theatre, film, photography, animated cartoon, advertisement, computer games, etc. Our contribution develops some theoretical aspects along with the va rious modalities which are especially proper for genres approaching meta-referentiality l a er. Each presenta...
Papers by Odette Arhip