Amac: Calismamizda genis ve masif olan tam kat rotator manset yirtigi tanisi ile artroskopik yard... more Amac: Calismamizda genis ve masif olan tam kat rotator manset yirtigi tanisi ile artroskopik yardimli mini-acik rotator manset tamiri yapilan hastalarin ameliyattan sonra ortalama 5 yillik klinik ve radyolojik sonuclari ve manyetik rezonans goruntuleme ile tekrarlayan yirtik gelisme oranlari degerlendirildi. Yontemler: Klinigimizde genis ve masif tam kat rotator manset yirtigi tanisi ile konservatif tedaviye yanit alinamayarak artroskopik yardimli mini-acik rotator manset tamiri uygulanan 38 hasta ameliyat oncesi ve sonrasi klinik ve radyolojik olarak degerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastalarin ameliyat sonrasi takip sureleri 60.4 aydi. UCLA skorlamasina gore 26 hastada mukemmel, 10 hastada iyi ve 2 hastada ise orta derecede sonuc mevcuttu. Constant skorlamasina gore 24 hastada mukemmel, 12 hastada iyi ve 2 hastada ise orta derecede sonuc mevcuttu. 38 hastanin 34’u sonuctan memnun oldugunu belirttiler. Hastalarin son takiplerinde cekilen omuz MRG’lerinde rotator manset devamliligi degerle...
International Journal of Clinical Practice, 2021
Onychocryptosis, frequently termed ‘‘ingrown toenail’’ is a common foot problem in routine dermat... more Onychocryptosis, frequently termed ‘‘ingrown toenail’’ is a common foot problem in routine dermatology and orthopaedic clinical practice which leads to pain and disability. Although the aetiology of ingrown toenail is not well understood various associated risk factors have been identified with the pathogenesis.

Occupational Medicine, 2013
We report a case of a 45-year-old man, complaining of swelling and pain in his epigastric region ... more We report a case of a 45-year-old man, complaining of swelling and pain in his epigastric region for the last 3 years. According to his medical history, he had undergone various investigations and treatments for gastro-oesophageal reflux, without relief. He had had a history of chronic repeated microtraumas to his sternum during 9 years of working as a carpenter, as a result of placing wood against his anterior chest wall and pushing the former into a plank cutting machine. On examination, a tender swelling was palpable as an immobile, hard mass showing minimal protrusion under the skin on the xiphoid process. He was diagnosed as having xiphoid syndrome. We prescribed antiinflammatory medication and advised him to avoid pressure on his anterior chest wall, especially on the sternum, while cutting wood. At follow-up, the symptoms were relieved. Xiphoid syndrome may be seen in people performing hard physical work who incur sustained pressure or friction on their anterior chest wall. The case emphasizes the importance of the occupational history as well as clinical and radiological investigation of unusual conditions as mentioned above.

Pediatrics International, 2021
BACKGROUND First afebrile seizures in children are an important and common reason for emergency d... more BACKGROUND First afebrile seizures in children are an important and common reason for emergency department admissions. We aim to examine the presentation, laboratory/neurodiagnostic investigation, and emergency management of children with a first afebrile seizure. METHODS The retrospective study included 333 patients aged 1 month to 18 years admitted with a first afebrile seizure to the pediatric emergency department of Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşcıoğlu City Hospital between January 2017 and January 2020. Age, gender, seizure duration and type, treatments for seizures, laboratory, neurophysiological, and radiological investigations, ward or intensive care unit hospitalizations, and antiepileptic drugs on discharge were recorded. RESULTS The average age of the patients was 81.6 ± 62.9 months, 187 (56.2%) were male and 146 (43.8%) were female. Two hundred and sixty-one (78.4%) patients had only one seizure. In 45 (13.5%) of the patients, the seizure recurred in the emergency department. Hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, and hypocalcemia were detected in 13 (3.9%) patients. Patients with clinically significant cranial CT results were at an increased risk for seizures lasting longer than 5 minutes. Patients with focal seizures had more recurrences, were given more antiepileptic drugs during the emergency, had better-known etiology, more intensive care unit hospitalization, and greater post-discharge antiepileptic drug prescription. CONCLUSIONS Biochemical abnormalities remain in the background in the etiology of afebrile seizures. Patients with abnormal neuroimaging on cranial CT tended to have longer seizures. Patients with focal seizures followed a more complicated course as they had more recurrences and more hospitalization in the intensive care unit.

Journal of Preventive Medicine And Care, 2019
Reverse Shapiro’s syndrome is described as unexplained hyperthermia coexisting with agenesis of t... more Reverse Shapiro’s syndrome is described as unexplained hyperthermia coexisting with agenesis of the corpus callosum. Its pathophysiology dwells on the role of dopaminergic hypersensitivity caused by hypothalamic dysfunction. Until now, only 5 cases have been described in the literature as reverse Shapiro’s syndrome. We present a case of a 6-month-old girl who is now the sixth patient described in the literature. A 6-month-old female patient was admitted to the pediatrics unit for fever of unknown origin. Her fever occurred 2-3 times a day on average between 38°C and 39.5°C, and lasted for 1-2 hours. The fever was not diurnal, and antipyretics or staying in an air-conditioned room had no effect. She also had 2 convulsions during her hospital stay. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was requested owing to the patient’s convulsion history and retarded development. The cranial MRI showed diffuse hypoplasia of the corpus callosum in the midline sagittal T2-weighted image. T1-weight...

Brain and Development, 2021
OBJECTIVES Cytotoxic lesions of the corpus callosum (CLOCCs) are secondary lesions associated wit... more OBJECTIVES Cytotoxic lesions of the corpus callosum (CLOCCs) are secondary lesions associated with entities like infection manifested by restricted diffusion on diffusion-weighted cranial magnetic resonance imaging. Our objectives are to evaluate the clinic-radiological spectrum of pediatric patients with cytotoxic lesions of the corpus callosum (CC). METHODS Children (0-18 years) admitted between February 2017 and May 2020 with splenial lesions showing diffusion restriction on MRI, either isolated or within involvement of other parts of the brain, were included retrospectively. The primary lesions of the CC (e.g. acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, acute ischemic infarction, and glioblastoma multiforme) were excluded. CLOCCs were divided into infection-associated, metabolic disorder-associated, and trauma-associated lesions, as well as CLOCCs involving other entities. Data were collected from the medical databases. RESULTS Forty-one patients were determined to have CLOCCs. Twenty-five (61%) were infection-associated, nine (22%) were trauma-associated, and three (7%) were metabolic disorder-associated cases, including 2 inherited disorders of metabolism. There were four (10%) patients with other entities, three with epilepsy, and one had an apparent life-threatening event. Six patients had a known etiology among the infection-associated group; one had multisystem inflammatory syndrome caused by COVID-19 and one had been infected by COVID-19 without any complications. All the infection-associated patients with isolated splenial lesions recovered totally, although six patients required intensive care hospitalization. Four trauma-associated patients had sequela lesions. CONCLUSIONS CLOCCs are associated with a spectrum of diseases, including the new coronavirus, COVID-19 infection. Infection-associated CLOCCs has the best prognosis, although severe cases may occur. Sequelae are possible based on the etiology.

The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 2018
No consensus has been reached about the best treatment method of plantar fasciitis and the result... more No consensus has been reached about the best treatment method of plantar fasciitis and the results of the treatment methods have been inconsistent. The objective of the present study was to compare the therapeutic effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy, platelet-rich plasma injection, local corticosteroid injection, and prolotherapy for the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis using a randomized, controlled, prospective study. We performed a randomized controlled prospective clinical study of 4 groups. The first group received extracorporeal shock wave therapy, the second group received prolotherapy, the third group received platelet-rich plasma injection, and the fourth group received a local corticosteroid injection. The study included 158 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of chronic plantar fasciitis with a symptomatic heel spur. The clinical outcomes were assessed using the visual analog scale and Revised Foot Function Index. At the end of the follow-up period, the mean visual analog scale scores for all 4 groups were similar to the mean visual analog scale scores before treatment. At the end of the followup period, no significant improvement was noted in the Revised Foot Function Index score in any of the groups. The corticosteroid injection was more effective in the first 3 months and extracorporeal shock wave therapy was an effective treatment method in the first 6 months in regard to pain. The corticosteroid injection lost its effectiveness during the follow-up period. The effect of prolotherapy and plateletrich plasma was seen within 3 to 12 months; however, at the 36-month follow-up point, no differences were found among the 4 treatments.

Journal of Pediatric Infection, 2019
Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocukluk çağı akciğer tüberkülozu tanısında spesifik bilgisayarlı tomografi ... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocukluk çağı akciğer tüberkülozu tanısında spesifik bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) bulgularını tanımlamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya tüberküloz şüphesi olan 57 çocuk hasta dahil edildi. Toraks BT görüntüleri iki radyolog tarafından değerlendirildi. On yedi hasta kültür pozitifliği ile (mide açlık suyu, plevral sıvı, biyopsi veya bronkoalveoler lavaj örnekleri), 20 hasta ise klinik olarak tüberküloz tanısı aldı. Değerlendirilen kriterler lenf nodu büyümesi (> 1 cm), kalsifiye lenf nodları, konsolidasyon, kavitasyon, bronşiyal dallarda belirginleşme, plevral efüzyon, plevral kalınlaşma, ampiyem ve atelektazi olarak belirlendi. Tüberküloz hastaları (grup A) ve tüberküloz olmayan hastalar (grup B) arasındaki farklar Fisher exact testi kullanılarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Lenf nodu büyümesi (> 1 cm), grup B'ye (5/20) kıyasla grup A'da (27/37) anlamlı olarak daha fazla bulundu (p< 0.01). B grubunda konsolidasyon (11/20), grup A'ya (7/37) kıyasla anlamlı olarak daha sık görüldü (p< 0.01). En büyük çapı > 1 cm olan lenf nodu büyümesinin duyarlılık ve özgüllüğü sırasıyla %73 ve %75 idi. Grup A'daki hastaların %43.2 (n= 16)'sinde plevral efüzyon, %40.5 (n= 15)'inde atelektazi, %18.9 (n= 7)'unda plevral kalınlaşma, %16.2 (n= 6)'sinde bronşiyal dallarda belirginleşme, %18.9 (n= 7)'unda konsolidasyon ve %13.5 (n= 5)'inde kalsifiye lenf nodları mevcuttu. B grubundaki hastaların ise %40 (n= 8)'ında plevral efüzyon, %35 (n= 7)'inde atelektazi, %20 (n= 4)'sinde plevral kalınlaşma, %20 (n= 4)'sinde ampiyem ve %15 (n= 3)'inde bronşiyal dallarda belirginleşme mevcuttu. Bu farklılıklar anlamlı değildi.
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 2011
We present a case of a 48-year-old female with a history of cholecystectomy and recurrent attacks... more We present a case of a 48-year-old female with a history of cholecystectomy and recurrent attacks of pancreatitis whose initial abdominal sonography (US) revealed multiple conglomerated stones in the descending part of the duodenum. Abdominal CT, MRI, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography showed the same findings. The distended sacciform distal intramural segment of the common bile duct was protruding into the duodenum. The imaging findings explained the etiology of the patient&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s recurrent attacks of pancreatitis and led to surgical excision of the choledococele.

Medical Science and Discovery, 2018
Objective: Chronic low back pain can originate from a number of constructs. It has a range of pat... more Objective: Chronic low back pain can originate from a number of constructs. It has a range of pathologies depending on multifactorial causes. In this study, we aimed to investigate in asymptomatic patients who compensation complaint of chronic low back pain in our outpatient clinic and demonstrate its for functionality in treatment planning. Method: MRI results of 78 asymptomatic patients (46 males, 32 females) who complained of low back pain for at least 12 weeks between March 2016-January 2017 were examined. During Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) assessments, T1 and T2 weighted sagittal plane and transaxial images of the lumbar region (L1-S1) and radiology reports of these images were obtained for all patients. Degenerative disc disease, Bulging protrusion, Spinal canal stenosis and Nerve root compression re-evaluated and patients findings were assessed. Results: There was no abnormality in the MRI results of 16 patients (20%) examined within the study criteria. Nerve root compression was detected in 17 patients (22%), spinal stenosis in 24 patients (30%) and disc degeneration or bulging in 57 patients (78%). There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of pathologies by asymptomatic patients findings. Conclusion: Chronic back pain is a disease that involves a wide range of pathologies. MRI scan provides detailed images to the clinician, it is difficult to make a specific diagnosis in the majority of patients with low back pain. Difficulty should be taken into account that the findings obtained by the clinician during assessment can also be seen in asymptomatic individuals.
Northern Clinics of Istanbul, 2016
This report presents the case of a 51-year-old woman with intermittent left knee pain, especially... more This report presents the case of a 51-year-old woman with intermittent left knee pain, especially during full flexion of the knee, which had been ongoing for 1 year. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed mild effusion and round mass at the posterior compartment without synovial changes. Computerized tomography (CT) indicated mass had homogeneous low attenuation and density measurement of-99.4±62.3 Hounsfield units (HU), correlated with a lipomatous lesion.

Journal of Pediatric Infection, 2019
Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocukluk çağı akciğer tüberkülozu tanısında spesifik bilgisayarlı tomografi ... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocukluk çağı akciğer tüberkülozu tanısında spesifik bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) bulgularını tanımlamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya tüberküloz şüphesi olan 57 çocuk hasta dahil edildi. Toraks BT görüntüleri iki radyolog tarafından değerlendirildi. On yedi hasta kültür pozitifliği ile (mide açlık suyu, plevral sıvı, biyopsi veya bronkoalveoler lavaj örnekleri), 20 hasta ise klinik olarak tüberküloz tanısı aldı. Değerlendirilen kriterler lenf nodu büyümesi (> 1 cm), kalsifiye lenf nodları, konsolidasyon, kavitasyon, bronşiyal dallarda belirginleşme, plevral efüzyon, plevral kalınlaşma, ampiyem ve atelektazi olarak belirlendi. Tüberküloz hastaları (grup A) ve tüberküloz olmayan hastalar (grup B) arasındaki farklar Fisher exact testi kullanılarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Lenf nodu büyümesi (> 1 cm), grup B'ye (5/20) kıyasla grup A'da (27/37) anlamlı olarak daha fazla bulundu (p< 0.01). B grubunda konsolidasyon (11/20), grup A'ya (7/37) kıyasla anlamlı olarak daha sık görüldü (p< 0.01). En büyük çapı > 1 cm olan lenf nodu büyümesinin duyarlılık ve özgüllüğü sırasıyla %73 ve %75 idi. Grup A'daki hastaların %43.2 (n= 16)'sinde plevral efüzyon, %40.5 (n= 15)'inde atelektazi, %18.9 (n= 7)'unda plevral kalınlaşma, %16.2 (n= 6)'sinde bronşiyal dallarda belirginleşme, %18.9 (n= 7)'unda konsolidasyon ve %13.5 (n= 5)'inde kalsifiye lenf nodları mevcuttu. B grubundaki hastaların ise %40 (n= 8)'ında plevral efüzyon, %35 (n= 7)'inde atelektazi, %20 (n= 4)'sinde plevral kalınlaşma, %20 (n= 4)'sinde ampiyem ve %15 (n= 3)'inde bronşiyal dallarda belirginleşme mevcuttu. Bu farklılıklar anlamlı değildi.

SiSli Etfal Hastanesi Tip Bulteni / The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Hospital, Mar 31, 2017
Symphysis pubis diastasis after difficult birth: a case report Objective: Symphysis pubis diastas... more Symphysis pubis diastasis after difficult birth: a case report Objective: Symphysis pubis diastasis is an uncommon peripartum complication that might result in a serious distress to the patient. With pregnancy, the gap increases by at least 2 to 3 mm, which is thought to be caused by the slackness of ligaments supporting the joint. The diagnosis of diastasis is based on the persistence of symptoms and a symphysis pubis separation of more than 10 to 13 mm on imaging. Case report: We report a 34-year-old multigravida woman with gestational diabetes at nearly 40 weeks of gestation and is presented with a spontaneous onset of pelvic pain, difficulty in walking after a shoulder distosi labor and diagnosed symphysis pubis diastasis. Conclusion: After child birth if there is increasing pain with hip movement and pain causing prolonged immobilization, symphysis pubis diastase should be suspected and further investigation is recommended.

Marmara Medical Journal
Objective: To evaluate the role of magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in the ... more Objective: To evaluate the role of magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in the assessment of liver fibrosis and inflammation in chronic viral hepatitis by measuring apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (Fa) values. Material and Methods: Twenty-seven patients (5 women and 22 men;mean age39.8±11.3) with hepatic fibrosis were included in our study. The relationship between ADC, Fa values and histological activity index (HAI) score were evaluated using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Patients were subgrouped as group A (fibrosis score 1) and group B (fibrosis score 3). The mean ADC and Fa values of groups A and B were compared using Student’s t-test. To evaluate the use of ADC and Fa values in distinguishing group A from group B, ROC analysis was applied; sensitivities and specificities were calculated. Results: Fa values correlated with HAI scores significantly (r=0.397, p<0.05) The difference was significant between the mean ADC values (group A:1.46± 0.191x103mm2/s; group B:1.105± 0.141x10-3 mm2/s; p<0.001) and Fa values (group A: 0.473±0.091; group B: 0.643± 0.007; p<0.001) between the groups. For distinguishing group A from group B, ADC had a sensitivity of 81.8% and a specificity of 93.8%. The sensitivity and specificity of Fa were 90.9% and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: Diffusion tensor imaging may play a role in the evaluation of fibrosis and HAI scores in patients with liver fibrosis.

Hand and Microsurgery, 2016
Aim: Glomus tumors are typically located in the subungual region in 75%-90% of patients. However,... more Aim: Glomus tumors are typically located in the subungual region in 75%-90% of patients. However, these tumors can be seen in atypical localizations which are extra-digital parts of the human body. Here, we present the management of a series of five patients with extra-digital glomus tumors treated surgically. Patients and methods: The mean age of the patients was 40.6 years. The mean duration between symptom onset and presentation was 3.6 years. The localization of the tumors were anterolaterally of the thigh, posteriorly of the humerus lateral condyle, posteriorly of the humerus supracondylar region, anteromedially of the tuberositas tibia, and on the dorsal side of the wrist. Results: The mean follow-up was at 52.8 months. For all patients, all lesions healed without any wound issues and no recurrences were noted during the follow-up period. Conclusion: When a painful mass is found in the body, glomus tumors should be kept in mind. The consideration of symptoms, including pain, temperature sensitivity, point tenderness, and discoloration, common characteristics of glomus tumors, may aid diagnosis.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research
Marmara Medical Journal
The role of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging in differentiation of benign from maligna... more The role of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging in differentiation of benign from malignant focal renal lesions Fokal renal lezyonlarının benign ve malign ayırımında manyetik rezonans difüzyon tensör görüntülemenin rolü The sensitivity-specificity of ADC and Fa were 100%-83.3%, and 100%-77.8%, respectively. Conclusion: There are statistically significant differences between ADC and Fa values of malignant and benign focal renal lesions. Malignant renal lesions have low ADCs and high Fa values, whereas benign renal lesions have high ADCs and low Fa values.
Marmara Medical Journal
The role of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging in differentiation of benign from maligna... more The role of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging in differentiation of benign from malignant focal renal lesions Fokal renal lezyonlarının benign ve malign ayırımında manyetik rezonans difüzyon tensör görüntülemenin rolü The sensitivity-specificity of ADC and Fa were 100%-83.3%, and 100%-77.8%, respectively. Conclusion: There are statistically significant differences between ADC and Fa values of malignant and benign focal renal lesions. Malignant renal lesions have low ADCs and high Fa values, whereas benign renal lesions have high ADCs and low Fa values.