IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The objective of the study is to observe the characteristic variability of rainfall pattern in th... more The objective of the study is to observe the characteristic variability of rainfall pattern in the city located in every rainfall type, local (Kendari), monsoon (Manado), and equatorial (Palu). The result will be compared to determine which has the most significantly precipitation changing due to climate change impact. Rainfall variability in Indonesia illustrates precipitation variation thus the important variability is the variability of monthly rainfall. Monthly precipitation data for the period of 1961-2010 are collected from Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency. This data is calculated with the normal test statistical method to analyze rainfall variability. The result showed the pattern of trend and variability of rainfall in every city with the own characteristic which determines the rainfall type. Moreover, there is comparison of rainfall pattern changing between every rainfall type. This information is useful for climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies especially in water resource management form precipitation as well as the occurrence of meteorological disasters.
The purposes of this research are : 1) To estimate the levels of carbondioxide which produced by ... more The purposes of this research are : 1) To estimate the levels of carbondioxide which produced by the transportation at peak traffic time 8.00-9.00 am, 1.00-2.00 pm and 4.00 - 5.00 pm in Malioboro to Jenderal Ahmad Yani street, 2) To estimate how much carbondioxide can be absorbed by the trees in Malioboro to Jenderal Ahmad Yani, 3) To determine how to reduce carbondioxide emissions in Malioboro to Jenderal Ahmad Yani street. The data used in this research include : the data of motor vehicles, the data of trees type, and the data gathered from interview. This research is conducted by field survey method and non experimental research method to calculate the carbondioxide. Nondestructive method is used to calculate the capacity of trees absorption. Meanwhile, the technical implementation unit Malioboro interview was conducted using semi-structured interview method. The data then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that carbondioxide emissions produced by motor vehicles is 385 kgCO2/hour in the morning, 499 kgCO2/hour in the noon and 565 kgCO2/hour in the afternoon. Carbondioxide emission which can be absorbed by the trees along Malioboro to Jenderal Ahmad Yani street is about 42.677 kgCO2 trees in a lifetime. Thus, large portion of carbondioxide emission cannot be absorbed. This result reflects that the presence of trees in Malioboro is not yet effective. To overcome this, technical implementation unit Malioboro made efforts in reducing the carbondioxide emission in Malioboro to Jenderal Ahmad Yani street, which are : conducting transportation engineer, protecting the trees, and giving a social socialization to the society about Malioboro area�s plans.
Predicted increasing climate variability and change in the future by the Intergovernmental Panel ... more Predicted increasing climate variability and change in the future by the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change have significant impact towards agricultural sector in Indonesia.Local farm commodities in Indonesia, such as tobacco, are very sensitive to changing climate. This study aims to measure tobacco farmers perspective towards increasing climate riskin Indonesia. Tobacco plantationarea in Temanggung District is selected as a case study since it is well known for its tobacco production, particularly for cigarette.Focus Group Discussion (FGD) towards local tobacco farmers has been conducted to identify how the weather and climate affect the farmer activity, as well as the climate risk due to increasing unpredictability of weather and climate. The result shows that in farmers perspective, it becomes more difficult to manage the farmlands. For the case of tobacco, excessive rainfalls orinsufficient rainfall could cause crop failure. As a result, the tobacco productivity is not as large compared to the past. The farmers also have lower income compared to the past5 years due to lower tobacco quality and quantity.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai sampah dan pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai sampah dan pengelolaan sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste, menganalisis bentuk perilaku mahasiswa dalam mengelola sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste, mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku mahasiswa dalam mengelola sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste serta mengkaji strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan perilaku pengelolaan sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Pengambilan sampel sebanyak 176 mahasiswa S1 dan S2 Fakultas Geografi serta S2 Ilmu Lingkungan dan S2 Kependudukan Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM. Sampel diambil secara purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan metode skoring yang kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian dilihat dari pengetahuan mahasiswa terkait sampah dan pengelolaan sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste berada pada tingkatan cukup mengetahui dengan persentase sebesar 71,6%. Bentuk perilaku mengurangi, menggunakan kembali, mendaur ulang serta memperoleh dan menyebarkan informasi pada setiap kategori tersebut sudah berada pada tingkat sedang atau cukup dengan persentase berturut-turut sebesar 72,8%, 83,5%, 80,1% dan 62,5%. Pengetahuan menjadi faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap perilaku mahasiswa dalam mengelola sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan perilaku pengelolaan sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste yaitu kesadaran pribadi dari mahasiswa untuk berperan aktif dengan mengakses sebanyak dan sebaik mungkin pengetahuan dari pendidikan formal di universitas maupun pendidikan informal yaitu kegiatan diluar kampus serta memanfaatkan sosial media secara positif untuk mengakses maupun menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai zero waste. Selain itu, mengangkat isu lingkungan khususnya sampah sebagai tema kegiatan atau penelitian serta mengikuti kegiatan yang bertemakan hal tersebut serta mulai dari hal kecil yang dilakukan secara konsisten untuk berlatih mengaplikasikan gaya hidup zero waste This study aims to analyze the level of student knowledge about waste and waste management based on the zero waste concept, analyzing the form of student behavior in managing waste based on the zero waste concept, reviewing factors that influence student behavior in managing waste based on the zero waste concept and reviewing strategies that can be carried out. Students to improve the behavior of waste management based on the zero waste concept. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. Sampling of 176 S1 and S2 students in the Faculty of Geography UGM was taken by purposive sampling. Data analysis used a scoring method which was then analyzed descriptively. The research results seen from the students' knowledge regarding waste and waste management based on the zero waste concept are at a level of knowing enough with a persentage of 71,6%.The form of behavior to reduce, reuse, recycle and obtain and disseminate information in each of these categories are already at a moderate or sufficient level with seccessive percentage of 72,8%, 83,5%, 80,1% and 62,5%. Knowledge is a factor that influence student behavior in managing waste based on the zero waste concept. The strategy that can be done by students to improve the behavior of waste management based on the zero waste concept is the personal awareness of students to play an active role by accessing as much and as best as possible knowledge from formal education in universities and informal education namely activities outside the campus and utilizing social media positively to access and disseminating information about zero waste. In addition, raising environmental issues, especially waste, is the theme of activities or research and participating in activities with this theme and starting from small things that are done consistently to practice applying the zero waste lifestyle.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2016
Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor perekonomian yang masih menjadi unggulan di berbagai wilayah di... more Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor perekonomian yang masih menjadi unggulan di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, menempatkan sektor ini sebagai aktivitas utama ekonomi masyarakat dan juga sumber penguatan perekonomian rakyat. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan jangka panjang yaitu untuk mengembangkan model integrasi antar faktor fisik dan sosial ekonomi dalam menentukan prioritas arahan pengembangan di sektor pertanian, terutama untuk menentukan jenis komoditas yang paling sesuai pada suatu satuan lahan atau wilayah tertentu yang menjadi daerah basis pertanian. Selain itu juga mengukur keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif daerah basis pertanian DIY ditinjau dari sub sektor tanaman pangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan di Provinsi DIY yang sangat sesuai untuk tanaman padi sebesar 25,4%, sedangkan untuk tanaman kacang tanah lebih kecil lagi yaitu 16% dan untuk tanaman jagung hanya 2%. Faktor yang membatasi tingkat kesesuaian lahan pada 3 jenis tamanan pangan tersebut adalah kondisi perakaran tanaman, ketersediaan unsur hara, retensi hara dan medan atau lokasi. Lahan yang mampu diusahakan untuk aktivitas pertanian dan sesuai dengan kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman pangan adalah di Ledok Wonosari, Lereng Tengah Merapi, Lereng Bawah Merapi dan Batur Agung.
Madden-Jullian Oscillation (MJO) has a strong influence towards rainfall over The Maritime Contin... more Madden-Jullian Oscillation (MJO) has a strong influence towards rainfall over The Maritime Continent (MC). Due to possible impacts towards extreme precipitation in this area, a study is required to determine the influence of those processes. This research aims to investigate the influence of MJO on extreme precipitations over Indonesian Maritime Continent. To investigate the influence of those three processes, satellite precipitation data from The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 product and Real time multivariate MJO (RMM) Index are used. Several extreme indices are calculated to identify magnitude of the extremes by calculating the area coverage of a specific precipitation threshold in each climate zone. Principal component analysis (PCA) is implemented to these indices to reduce large number of data into smaller number of information. Correlation analysis is implemented to the PCA and then matched to the MJO index to identify degree of influence of each process. Comparison of winds and mean sea level pressure data during each phenomenon is conducted to identify the key elements that control the generation of extreme precipitation. The result indicates extreme rain events in Indonesia could be triggered by the MJO, particularly during phase 4-6.
Even though climate change has a multisectoral impact on the agricultural country Indonesia, farm... more Even though climate change has a multisectoral impact on the agricultural country Indonesia, farming sector experiences the most significant adversity. The concomitant climate uncertainty potentially harms in particular traditional farmers. Current technology is now able to predict weather and climate conditions, and as such, it is useful for farmers as an input to their decision-making process in farmland management. This paper explains the design of a mobile application created by researchers to present information on seasonal weather prediction that fits adaptation measures in the agricultural sector to climate variability. The product can help to enhance the adaptation capacity of communities to erratic climate, particularly farmers and the Office of Agriculture in Temanggung District. Also, the application is expected to provide recommendations for both parties to be able to reduce crop failure and subsequent loss due to climate variability and increase the resilience of farmers to climate change impact, especially the persistent increase and decrease in rainfall each in the rainy and dry season.
Population growths are increasing the demand for water. This can cause an imbalance of water avai... more Population growths are increasing the demand for water. This can cause an imbalance of water availability to fulfill domestic water demand. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the water availability and water demand so that water resources are maintained and can fulfill the community needs in the present and future. This research aims to analyze the water availability and domestic water demand in Semarang Regency. The methods consist of calculating monthly rainfall, calculating water balance using F. J Mock model, calculating the water demand regarding to the water availability, and calculating how much water can be obtained from rain harvesting. The results show the highest annual water availability in Semarang Regency is Pringapus district 48,559,764.55 m3/year, while the the lowest is Kaliwungu district 17,352,024.13 m3/year. The highest domestic water demand are in West Ungaran district, East Ungaran district, and Bergas district, while the lowest are in Bancak and Kaliwungu district. The total water demand is 6% of the total water availability, means there is no water deficit in Semarang Regency. The total volume of rainwater harvested is 120,163,412 m3/year which means the volume of rainwater harvested in one year can fulfill the domestic water demand in Semarang Regency.
The effect of MJO events on extreme rainfall events on Bangka Island needs to be spatially studie... more The effect of MJO events on extreme rainfall events on Bangka Island needs to be spatially studied in more detail. The low quality of rain station data encourages the use of alternative data such as Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP). This study aimed to analyze the influence of active MJO on extreme rainfall events using GSMaP data on Bangka Island. The methods used are extreme threshold of 95th, 98th and 99th percentile, the Spearman Rank correlation between extreme rainfall events and active MJO and its correlation significance test. The results showed that northern coast has the highest range of extreme threshold. The correlation significance test showed GSMaP grids that have a significant correlation with the MJO are in the north of the Island, especially coast area. MJO phases 3 and 5 have an impact on decreasing of extreme rainfall events which are known through the negative correlation values. From all the three extreme thresholds, it was only MJO phase 4 that increasing extreme rainfall events. Active MJO phase 4 causes Bangka Island as a convective area, while MJO phases 3 and 5 affect the formation of suppressed areas on Bangka Island.
MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
Yogyakarta urban area has increased significantly for the past ten years and altered ecological f... more Yogyakarta urban area has increased significantly for the past ten years and altered ecological features, such as inducing urban heat island (UHI). Our objectives are examining UHI characteristics in Yogyakarta urban with atmospheric variables which include air temperature and relative humidity and analyzing the UHI distribution using the LCZ method. This study uses the LCZ classification to spatially compare thermal characteristic and explain how land use and building geometry affect UHI. The system comprises 17 standard classes at the local scale, using quantitative approach which includes numerical data, such as aspect ratio, building heights, and street canyons to support the classification system. Three LCZ classes found in Yogyakarta urban area are LCZ 3, LCZ 5, and LCZ 6. The LCZ variables which affect temperature and relative humidity are building heights, width of street canyons, and land use. The biggest thermal difference is ΔLCZ3-LCZ5 and ΔLCZ3-LCZ6, which happened durin...
ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development
This study aims to analyze the potential of surface water to meet agricultural water needs in Ked... more This study aims to analyze the potential of surface water to meet agricultural water needs in Kediri Regency, Indonesia. Data from government agencies (i.e., Indonesian Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics and Kediri Agriculture Office) and fieldwork were analyzed to achieve the research objectives. The data obtained consisted of rainfall, temperature, infiltration capacity, soil texture, root depth, and agricultural land area. The potential of surface water resources was calculated by using the Thornthwaite–Mather water balance method. The water balance results were compared with agricultural water demands, which were calculated on the basis of the area of agricultural land and type of crop, particularly paddy fields. Critical and noncritical conditions for surface water resources were classified on the basis of the ratio between the availability of surface water resources and the demand for agricultural water. Results showed that the total surface water potential wid...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
A watershed plays significant roles for maintaining the balance of ecosystem, particularly on the... more A watershed plays significant roles for maintaining the balance of ecosystem, particularly on the fluvial landform dynamics. Bedog Sub-Watershed as a part of Progo Watershed flows across 11 sub-districts from Sleman and Bantul Regency. This sub-watershed indicates rural-urban characteristics and multi-aspects problems, such as the loss of croplands, a massive land-use changes into built-up area, and the decrease of environmental carrying capacity. On the purposes of preventing the negative aftermaths, this research aimed to create the strategies of sustainable environmental management in case of Bedog Sub-Watershed. This research used secondary data from regional planning products, PODES data, and the relevant literature. Primary data was acquired from in-depth interview with BPDASHL Serayu-Opak-Progo and agricultural-related government agency to gain governmental perspective of watershed management. This research used qualitative descriptive technique to analyse the result of inter...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Over the last ten years, the Bedog Sub-watershed area has continued to develop into an urban area... more Over the last ten years, the Bedog Sub-watershed area has continued to develop into an urban area. Along with these developments, land-use change processes occurred in the Bedog Sub-watershed area, especially the reduction in agricultural land, which was depressed by population growth. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to identify population pressure on agricultural land, identify the carrying capacity of agricultural land, and develop sustainable management strategies based on the carrying capacity of agricultural land in the Bedog Sub-watershed. The calculation method utilized was the measurement of population pressure on agricultural land and the carrying capacity of agricultural land, analyzed spatially with distribution maps. The sustainable management strategy was then formulated through the SWOT method. Overall, in the Bedog sub-watershed, the carrying capacity of agricultural land was low, while population pressure on agricultural land was high. Thus, sustainable...
A mapping model of drought-prone zones for agricultural land based on Geographic Information Syst... more A mapping model of drought-prone zones for agricultural land based on Geographic Information Systems is needed to determine the distribution of drought vulnerability levels that occured in Bantul Regency, DI Yogyakarta. This study aims to determine the estimated area of agricultural land drought based on the interpretation of aerial images. This study compares the performance of the drought potential index of agricultural land using the Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI) algorithm based on remote sensing technology/ Landsat 8 satellite imagery to identify the estimated zones indicated for agricultural land drought that occurred in Bantul Regency, based on trends in spatio-temporal data with recording intervals from the 2015 until 2020 data representative during the dry season. Comparisons were made by looking at the performance between indices extracted from Landsat 8 imagery data based on the value of the green vegetation parameter/ Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (N...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The objective of the study is to observe the characteristic variability of rainfall pattern in th... more The objective of the study is to observe the characteristic variability of rainfall pattern in the city located in every rainfall type, local (Kendari), monsoon (Manado), and equatorial (Palu). The result will be compared to determine which has the most significantly precipitation changing due to climate change impact. Rainfall variability in Indonesia illustrates precipitation variation thus the important variability is the variability of monthly rainfall. Monthly precipitation data for the period of 1961-2010 are collected from Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency. This data is calculated with the normal test statistical method to analyze rainfall variability. The result showed the pattern of trend and variability of rainfall in every city with the own characteristic which determines the rainfall type. Moreover, there is comparison of rainfall pattern changing between every rainfall type. This information is useful for climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies especially in water resource management form precipitation as well as the occurrence of meteorological disasters.
The purposes of this research are : 1) To estimate the levels of carbondioxide which produced by ... more The purposes of this research are : 1) To estimate the levels of carbondioxide which produced by the transportation at peak traffic time 8.00-9.00 am, 1.00-2.00 pm and 4.00 - 5.00 pm in Malioboro to Jenderal Ahmad Yani street, 2) To estimate how much carbondioxide can be absorbed by the trees in Malioboro to Jenderal Ahmad Yani, 3) To determine how to reduce carbondioxide emissions in Malioboro to Jenderal Ahmad Yani street. The data used in this research include : the data of motor vehicles, the data of trees type, and the data gathered from interview. This research is conducted by field survey method and non experimental research method to calculate the carbondioxide. Nondestructive method is used to calculate the capacity of trees absorption. Meanwhile, the technical implementation unit Malioboro interview was conducted using semi-structured interview method. The data then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that carbondioxide emissions produced by motor vehicles is 385 kgCO2/hour in the morning, 499 kgCO2/hour in the noon and 565 kgCO2/hour in the afternoon. Carbondioxide emission which can be absorbed by the trees along Malioboro to Jenderal Ahmad Yani street is about 42.677 kgCO2 trees in a lifetime. Thus, large portion of carbondioxide emission cannot be absorbed. This result reflects that the presence of trees in Malioboro is not yet effective. To overcome this, technical implementation unit Malioboro made efforts in reducing the carbondioxide emission in Malioboro to Jenderal Ahmad Yani street, which are : conducting transportation engineer, protecting the trees, and giving a social socialization to the society about Malioboro area�s plans.
Predicted increasing climate variability and change in the future by the Intergovernmental Panel ... more Predicted increasing climate variability and change in the future by the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change have significant impact towards agricultural sector in Indonesia.Local farm commodities in Indonesia, such as tobacco, are very sensitive to changing climate. This study aims to measure tobacco farmers perspective towards increasing climate riskin Indonesia. Tobacco plantationarea in Temanggung District is selected as a case study since it is well known for its tobacco production, particularly for cigarette.Focus Group Discussion (FGD) towards local tobacco farmers has been conducted to identify how the weather and climate affect the farmer activity, as well as the climate risk due to increasing unpredictability of weather and climate. The result shows that in farmers perspective, it becomes more difficult to manage the farmlands. For the case of tobacco, excessive rainfalls orinsufficient rainfall could cause crop failure. As a result, the tobacco productivity is not as large compared to the past. The farmers also have lower income compared to the past5 years due to lower tobacco quality and quantity.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai sampah dan pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai sampah dan pengelolaan sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste, menganalisis bentuk perilaku mahasiswa dalam mengelola sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste, mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku mahasiswa dalam mengelola sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste serta mengkaji strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan perilaku pengelolaan sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Pengambilan sampel sebanyak 176 mahasiswa S1 dan S2 Fakultas Geografi serta S2 Ilmu Lingkungan dan S2 Kependudukan Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM. Sampel diambil secara purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan metode skoring yang kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian dilihat dari pengetahuan mahasiswa terkait sampah dan pengelolaan sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste berada pada tingkatan cukup mengetahui dengan persentase sebesar 71,6%. Bentuk perilaku mengurangi, menggunakan kembali, mendaur ulang serta memperoleh dan menyebarkan informasi pada setiap kategori tersebut sudah berada pada tingkat sedang atau cukup dengan persentase berturut-turut sebesar 72,8%, 83,5%, 80,1% dan 62,5%. Pengetahuan menjadi faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap perilaku mahasiswa dalam mengelola sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan perilaku pengelolaan sampah berdasarkan konsep zero waste yaitu kesadaran pribadi dari mahasiswa untuk berperan aktif dengan mengakses sebanyak dan sebaik mungkin pengetahuan dari pendidikan formal di universitas maupun pendidikan informal yaitu kegiatan diluar kampus serta memanfaatkan sosial media secara positif untuk mengakses maupun menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai zero waste. Selain itu, mengangkat isu lingkungan khususnya sampah sebagai tema kegiatan atau penelitian serta mengikuti kegiatan yang bertemakan hal tersebut serta mulai dari hal kecil yang dilakukan secara konsisten untuk berlatih mengaplikasikan gaya hidup zero waste This study aims to analyze the level of student knowledge about waste and waste management based on the zero waste concept, analyzing the form of student behavior in managing waste based on the zero waste concept, reviewing factors that influence student behavior in managing waste based on the zero waste concept and reviewing strategies that can be carried out. Students to improve the behavior of waste management based on the zero waste concept. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. Sampling of 176 S1 and S2 students in the Faculty of Geography UGM was taken by purposive sampling. Data analysis used a scoring method which was then analyzed descriptively. The research results seen from the students' knowledge regarding waste and waste management based on the zero waste concept are at a level of knowing enough with a persentage of 71,6%.The form of behavior to reduce, reuse, recycle and obtain and disseminate information in each of these categories are already at a moderate or sufficient level with seccessive percentage of 72,8%, 83,5%, 80,1% and 62,5%. Knowledge is a factor that influence student behavior in managing waste based on the zero waste concept. The strategy that can be done by students to improve the behavior of waste management based on the zero waste concept is the personal awareness of students to play an active role by accessing as much and as best as possible knowledge from formal education in universities and informal education namely activities outside the campus and utilizing social media positively to access and disseminating information about zero waste. In addition, raising environmental issues, especially waste, is the theme of activities or research and participating in activities with this theme and starting from small things that are done consistently to practice applying the zero waste lifestyle.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2016
Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor perekonomian yang masih menjadi unggulan di berbagai wilayah di... more Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor perekonomian yang masih menjadi unggulan di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, menempatkan sektor ini sebagai aktivitas utama ekonomi masyarakat dan juga sumber penguatan perekonomian rakyat. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan jangka panjang yaitu untuk mengembangkan model integrasi antar faktor fisik dan sosial ekonomi dalam menentukan prioritas arahan pengembangan di sektor pertanian, terutama untuk menentukan jenis komoditas yang paling sesuai pada suatu satuan lahan atau wilayah tertentu yang menjadi daerah basis pertanian. Selain itu juga mengukur keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif daerah basis pertanian DIY ditinjau dari sub sektor tanaman pangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan di Provinsi DIY yang sangat sesuai untuk tanaman padi sebesar 25,4%, sedangkan untuk tanaman kacang tanah lebih kecil lagi yaitu 16% dan untuk tanaman jagung hanya 2%. Faktor yang membatasi tingkat kesesuaian lahan pada 3 jenis tamanan pangan tersebut adalah kondisi perakaran tanaman, ketersediaan unsur hara, retensi hara dan medan atau lokasi. Lahan yang mampu diusahakan untuk aktivitas pertanian dan sesuai dengan kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman pangan adalah di Ledok Wonosari, Lereng Tengah Merapi, Lereng Bawah Merapi dan Batur Agung.
Madden-Jullian Oscillation (MJO) has a strong influence towards rainfall over The Maritime Contin... more Madden-Jullian Oscillation (MJO) has a strong influence towards rainfall over The Maritime Continent (MC). Due to possible impacts towards extreme precipitation in this area, a study is required to determine the influence of those processes. This research aims to investigate the influence of MJO on extreme precipitations over Indonesian Maritime Continent. To investigate the influence of those three processes, satellite precipitation data from The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 product and Real time multivariate MJO (RMM) Index are used. Several extreme indices are calculated to identify magnitude of the extremes by calculating the area coverage of a specific precipitation threshold in each climate zone. Principal component analysis (PCA) is implemented to these indices to reduce large number of data into smaller number of information. Correlation analysis is implemented to the PCA and then matched to the MJO index to identify degree of influence of each process. Comparison of winds and mean sea level pressure data during each phenomenon is conducted to identify the key elements that control the generation of extreme precipitation. The result indicates extreme rain events in Indonesia could be triggered by the MJO, particularly during phase 4-6.
Even though climate change has a multisectoral impact on the agricultural country Indonesia, farm... more Even though climate change has a multisectoral impact on the agricultural country Indonesia, farming sector experiences the most significant adversity. The concomitant climate uncertainty potentially harms in particular traditional farmers. Current technology is now able to predict weather and climate conditions, and as such, it is useful for farmers as an input to their decision-making process in farmland management. This paper explains the design of a mobile application created by researchers to present information on seasonal weather prediction that fits adaptation measures in the agricultural sector to climate variability. The product can help to enhance the adaptation capacity of communities to erratic climate, particularly farmers and the Office of Agriculture in Temanggung District. Also, the application is expected to provide recommendations for both parties to be able to reduce crop failure and subsequent loss due to climate variability and increase the resilience of farmers to climate change impact, especially the persistent increase and decrease in rainfall each in the rainy and dry season.
Population growths are increasing the demand for water. This can cause an imbalance of water avai... more Population growths are increasing the demand for water. This can cause an imbalance of water availability to fulfill domestic water demand. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the water availability and water demand so that water resources are maintained and can fulfill the community needs in the present and future. This research aims to analyze the water availability and domestic water demand in Semarang Regency. The methods consist of calculating monthly rainfall, calculating water balance using F. J Mock model, calculating the water demand regarding to the water availability, and calculating how much water can be obtained from rain harvesting. The results show the highest annual water availability in Semarang Regency is Pringapus district 48,559,764.55 m3/year, while the the lowest is Kaliwungu district 17,352,024.13 m3/year. The highest domestic water demand are in West Ungaran district, East Ungaran district, and Bergas district, while the lowest are in Bancak and Kaliwungu district. The total water demand is 6% of the total water availability, means there is no water deficit in Semarang Regency. The total volume of rainwater harvested is 120,163,412 m3/year which means the volume of rainwater harvested in one year can fulfill the domestic water demand in Semarang Regency.
The effect of MJO events on extreme rainfall events on Bangka Island needs to be spatially studie... more The effect of MJO events on extreme rainfall events on Bangka Island needs to be spatially studied in more detail. The low quality of rain station data encourages the use of alternative data such as Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP). This study aimed to analyze the influence of active MJO on extreme rainfall events using GSMaP data on Bangka Island. The methods used are extreme threshold of 95th, 98th and 99th percentile, the Spearman Rank correlation between extreme rainfall events and active MJO and its correlation significance test. The results showed that northern coast has the highest range of extreme threshold. The correlation significance test showed GSMaP grids that have a significant correlation with the MJO are in the north of the Island, especially coast area. MJO phases 3 and 5 have an impact on decreasing of extreme rainfall events which are known through the negative correlation values. From all the three extreme thresholds, it was only MJO phase 4 that increasing extreme rainfall events. Active MJO phase 4 causes Bangka Island as a convective area, while MJO phases 3 and 5 affect the formation of suppressed areas on Bangka Island.
MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
Yogyakarta urban area has increased significantly for the past ten years and altered ecological f... more Yogyakarta urban area has increased significantly for the past ten years and altered ecological features, such as inducing urban heat island (UHI). Our objectives are examining UHI characteristics in Yogyakarta urban with atmospheric variables which include air temperature and relative humidity and analyzing the UHI distribution using the LCZ method. This study uses the LCZ classification to spatially compare thermal characteristic and explain how land use and building geometry affect UHI. The system comprises 17 standard classes at the local scale, using quantitative approach which includes numerical data, such as aspect ratio, building heights, and street canyons to support the classification system. Three LCZ classes found in Yogyakarta urban area are LCZ 3, LCZ 5, and LCZ 6. The LCZ variables which affect temperature and relative humidity are building heights, width of street canyons, and land use. The biggest thermal difference is ΔLCZ3-LCZ5 and ΔLCZ3-LCZ6, which happened durin...
ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development
This study aims to analyze the potential of surface water to meet agricultural water needs in Ked... more This study aims to analyze the potential of surface water to meet agricultural water needs in Kediri Regency, Indonesia. Data from government agencies (i.e., Indonesian Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics and Kediri Agriculture Office) and fieldwork were analyzed to achieve the research objectives. The data obtained consisted of rainfall, temperature, infiltration capacity, soil texture, root depth, and agricultural land area. The potential of surface water resources was calculated by using the Thornthwaite–Mather water balance method. The water balance results were compared with agricultural water demands, which were calculated on the basis of the area of agricultural land and type of crop, particularly paddy fields. Critical and noncritical conditions for surface water resources were classified on the basis of the ratio between the availability of surface water resources and the demand for agricultural water. Results showed that the total surface water potential wid...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
A watershed plays significant roles for maintaining the balance of ecosystem, particularly on the... more A watershed plays significant roles for maintaining the balance of ecosystem, particularly on the fluvial landform dynamics. Bedog Sub-Watershed as a part of Progo Watershed flows across 11 sub-districts from Sleman and Bantul Regency. This sub-watershed indicates rural-urban characteristics and multi-aspects problems, such as the loss of croplands, a massive land-use changes into built-up area, and the decrease of environmental carrying capacity. On the purposes of preventing the negative aftermaths, this research aimed to create the strategies of sustainable environmental management in case of Bedog Sub-Watershed. This research used secondary data from regional planning products, PODES data, and the relevant literature. Primary data was acquired from in-depth interview with BPDASHL Serayu-Opak-Progo and agricultural-related government agency to gain governmental perspective of watershed management. This research used qualitative descriptive technique to analyse the result of inter...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Over the last ten years, the Bedog Sub-watershed area has continued to develop into an urban area... more Over the last ten years, the Bedog Sub-watershed area has continued to develop into an urban area. Along with these developments, land-use change processes occurred in the Bedog Sub-watershed area, especially the reduction in agricultural land, which was depressed by population growth. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to identify population pressure on agricultural land, identify the carrying capacity of agricultural land, and develop sustainable management strategies based on the carrying capacity of agricultural land in the Bedog Sub-watershed. The calculation method utilized was the measurement of population pressure on agricultural land and the carrying capacity of agricultural land, analyzed spatially with distribution maps. The sustainable management strategy was then formulated through the SWOT method. Overall, in the Bedog sub-watershed, the carrying capacity of agricultural land was low, while population pressure on agricultural land was high. Thus, sustainable...
A mapping model of drought-prone zones for agricultural land based on Geographic Information Syst... more A mapping model of drought-prone zones for agricultural land based on Geographic Information Systems is needed to determine the distribution of drought vulnerability levels that occured in Bantul Regency, DI Yogyakarta. This study aims to determine the estimated area of agricultural land drought based on the interpretation of aerial images. This study compares the performance of the drought potential index of agricultural land using the Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI) algorithm based on remote sensing technology/ Landsat 8 satellite imagery to identify the estimated zones indicated for agricultural land drought that occurred in Bantul Regency, based on trends in spatio-temporal data with recording intervals from the 2015 until 2020 data representative during the dry season. Comparisons were made by looking at the performance between indices extracted from Landsat 8 imagery data based on the value of the green vegetation parameter/ Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (N...
Papers by Emilya Nurjani