Papers by Muchamad Nur Qosim
Conciencia, 2019
This research based on the violence and exploitation cases of orphanage children’s. An orphanage ... more This research based on the violence and exploitation cases of orphanage children’s. An orphanage that expected can be solution to resolve orphan and waif problems, but in fact some orphanages in Indonesia generally and especially in Palembang, violence and exploitation cases still happening in the orphanage. In this study case in three orphanages with different background. This research purpose is to analyze parenting system applied at Darul Hijrah, Ar-rohim, and Fitrah orphanage Palembang. The research method is qualitative method, with data collection technique through observation, interview and documentation. And data analysis techniques through the phase of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of research at three orphanages show that the orphanage owner must choose the right parenting system and the wrong selection parenting can’t separated from the role of the orphanage owner. In this research as exemplified by the Ar-Rohim orphanage which has ...
TERANG, 2019
Salah satu kawasan yang rawan akan dampak musim hujan yang kemudian menjadi kawasan yang rawan ak... more Salah satu kawasan yang rawan akan dampak musim hujan yang kemudian menjadi kawasan yang rawan akan banjir tentulah kawasan yang padat penduduk dan tidak memiliki drainese air yang cukup. Dimana lahan yang seharusnya dapat menjadi lahan resapan air justru tertutup oleh bangunan – bangunan. Untuk mengatasi hal ini maka salah satu solusinya adalah membuat lubang – lubang resapan air kembali meskipun di lahan yang sempit.Di dalam lubang – lubang yang berdiameter 10 cm dan kedalaman 80 cm – 100 cm tersebut dapat dimasukkan sampah organik berupa daun kering ataupun sampah rumah tangga ( sampah dapur ). Sampah organik ini berfungsi membantu kehidupan cacing tanah dan rayap yang nantinya akan membuat biopori ( pori/kecil ) di dalam tanah. Di saluran air, lubang resapan ini bisa dibuat setiap satu meter. Dan dari lubang resapan biopori ini pula dapat diambil hasil panen dalam bentuk pupuk organik ( energi biomassa ) yang bernilai ekonomis. Dengan alasan inilah maka sosialisasi ini di laksa...
Prosiding Seminar Pendidikan Fisika FITK UNSIQ, Aug 16, 2020
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat sebuah profil analisis kebutuhan yang nantinya ak... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat sebuah profil analisis kebutuhan yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk pengembangan sebuah media pembelajaran gaya gesek. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan data pengamatan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. (1) Ruang lingkup pada kegiatan pengamatan ini mencakup fasilitas media praktikum di SMAN 1 jiwan, (2) wawancara pada guru dan siswa, untuk mengetahui informasi penggunaan media praktikum dalam pembelajaran, (3) dokumen hasil ulangan harian, (4) observasi keterampilan proses sains. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh (1) media praktikum yang telah terintegrasi dengan teknologi masih belum ada di laboratorium fisika SMAN 1 Jiwan, (2) Masih menggunakan media praktikum manual sehingga data yang dihasilkan kurang akurat, (3) hasil ulangan harian siswa mendapat nilai yang relatif rendah dengan rata-rata nilai 52 dari jumlah siswa 28 siswa dan masih dibawah ketuntasan minimum 67. (4) melalui kegiatan observasi ketrampilan proses sains yang meliputi indikator Mengamati, merancang percobaan, menggunakan alat dan bahan, dan interpretasi data dapat diketahui bahwa kemampuan proses sains siswa masih sangat rendah yakni mendapatkan rata-rata sebesar 38 dari nilai maksimum 100. Dilihat dari analisis kebutuhan yang didapatkkan maka sangat direkomendasikan untuk mengembangkan media praktikum yang telah terintegrasi dengan teknologi terkini yaitu dengan memanfaatkan teknologi mikrokontroler.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE 2021)
One of the uses of electricity that is widely used by society today is as a source of lighting. I... more One of the uses of electricity that is widely used by society today is as a source of lighting. Increasing community mobility at night make all activities that require good lighting in the office, at home, even on public roads. Public Street Lighting (PJU) in the smart solar technology system will be integrated with a security system to monitor for monitor the condition water level of the river in flood-prone areas. With flexible energy sources, placing flood detectors is easy connected to the desired position. The sensor will send an SMS automatically to the cell phone number that has been set from the program to notify the news of the position of the water level. From the top surface of the river, it will provide information that a height of 500 cm means that it is dangerous to have crossed the embankment, a level below which a height of 450 cm means standby 3, and a height of 400 means standby 2 and a height of 350 cm means standby 1. For the danger level, additional information will be given in the form of red lights of the tool box. This also provides a sign for local residents to be able to see directly the condition of the water level from the lights that are on.
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM), 2021
Keberadaan penerangan jalan dan atau fasilitas umum adalah salah satu hal yang sangat penting dem... more Keberadaan penerangan jalan dan atau fasilitas umum adalah salah satu hal yang sangat penting demi kenyamanan warga khususnya di area parkir mobil malam hari. Tetapi, tidak semuanya telah terpasang penerangan seperti halnya di area lapangan tanah, blok B/C tahap 1, Villa Mutiara Serpong, Pondok Jagung, Tangerang Selatan. Area ini merupakan lahan Fasum yang areanya masih tanah, dan sebagian besar belum terpasang lampu untuk penerangan seluruh areanya, karena parkir mobil juga membutuhkan pencahayaan yang cukup penting untuk memantau hal yang tidak diinginkan, oleh karena itu diperlukan pemasangan penerangan fasilitas umum tersebut dan jalan dalam hal ini berupa lampu tenaga surya sebagai alternatif efektif untuk solusi dalam penerangan dan pengurangan biaya pemakaian energi listrik dari PLN. Lampu tenaga surya di pasang di titik strategis yaitu di area yang sedikit pencahayaannya. Lampu yang digunakan adalah lampu daya 60-90 watt guna lebih terang lebih bagus. Selain untuk penerangan...
PT. Krakatau daya listirk (KDL) is a company engaged in the electrical power plant. Krakatau Daya... more PT. Krakatau daya listirk (KDL) is a company engaged in the electrical power plant. Krakatau Daya Listrik power plant has a capacity of 3X40 MW that operate with natural gasfuel. Electrical production of PT. Krakatau Daya Listrik used to supply electricity to the entire industrial area of Krakatau, which is biggest customers is PT. Krakatau Stell (KS), Electrical supply from PT. Krakatau Daya Listrik Used to operate PT. Krakatau Stell for electrical arc furnace. The steel smelting process required enormous power and fluctuate greatly, resulting in a loadchange that varies greatly in Krakatau Daya Plant. The load change can affect and Krakatau Daya Listrik Power plant efficiency, it is the increase in powerplant fuel consumtion. This paper will calculated the fuel that influenced by the changes of power plant efficiency of PT. Krakatau Daya Listrik.
A research on biofloc breeding in catfish pond has been conducted on August 15 th to October 28 t... more A research on biofloc breeding in catfish pond has been conducted on August 15 th to October 28 th 2015. This research attempted to maximalize yield quantity of the cultivated catfish by minimalizing the pond’s volume without decreasing fish quality through biofloc breeding and aerator utilization. The observations made by comparing two ways of catfish farming i.e., conventional and biofloc with aeration systems. A conventional pond contains about 100 catfishes per cubic meter while biofloc pond is able to contain 20 times as much, namely 2,000 catfishes per cubic meter.Every week conventional catfish grow in length of 2-3 cm, while biofloc catfish could grow 1-3 cm longer, so that by the third week the regular catfish have 10-11 cm long and biofloc catfish measured 12-13 cm in length.For mortality, every week a conventional pond lost approximately 5 catfishes, whereas the biofloc pond has almost no mortality at all. Keywords: farming, catfish, biofloc, aeration.
This study aims to determine how much readiness in implementing technology Long Term Evolution (L... more This study aims to determine how much readiness in implementing technology Long Term Evolution (LTE), a research model by using measurements in some areas and islands, especially in Jakarta, using a measuring instrument Agilent spectrum analyzer, and with the collection of data online and asked the parties concerned, here in particular with the Ministry of Communications or the Center for Monitoring (Balmon). Results from the study showed that the measurement, which can be no interference with other signals, are still in the corridor on the 2.3 GHz frequency range and the development of the 3GPP technology, with systems that LTE FDD and TDD can be accepted at 1G to 4G networks. LTE technology offers mobile data services in high-speed, reaching 100 Mbps for downlink and 50 Mbps on the uplink. And the measurement results of the average frequency is at 2,383 GH, its bandwidth 9.54 MHz and at the level of the signal - 65.07 dBm. The measurement results can be input to the government res...
Connection between substations and distribution substations using ground cables often occurs due ... more Connection between substations and distribution substations using ground cables often occurs due to mechanical, thermal, and over voltage faults or due to defective or damaged materials. The disturbance flow will flow on metal parts of the equipment and also flow in the ground around the substation. The purpose and benefits of this study was to analyze the differences in the impedance value of the cable sheath at the distribution substation to the value of the voltage change (transfer voltage) dipengaruh by land lines, using data cable PT Sucaco Tbk, cable type of three core types NA2XSEBY with cross-section 70 mm2, 150 mm2, 240 mm2 and two substations are a substation a and substations b with different distances of 400m, 500m, 600m, 700m, and 800m, assumed soil resistivity is 100Ωm, with 1m cable burial depth. The greater the distance between the substation then the ratio of voltage increase at the source with the transfer voltage will be smaller, which for the cross-sectional area...
The power plant has several components one of which is the Generator and Transformer which become... more The power plant has several components one of which is the Generator and Transformer which become the vital equipment in a power plant. Therefore from the reliability and sustainability of a generator and transformer is very dependent on the protection system used. In this studi discusses the adjustment of differential releases and more currents and coordination of both in the event of interference obtained from the data processing. The value of the adjusting current in the differential releases of 1.75 A with 0.2% mismatch and 6.3 A more current releases and the coordination between the differential releases and the overcurrent is limited by the delay time set on the overcurrent current with the TMS value of 0.159 and The greater the noise current the faster the working time of the relay provides a trip signal to the circuit breaker.
KILAT, 2021
Entering the 21st century, oil and gas supplies are running low. While the need for energy is inc... more Entering the 21st century, oil and gas supplies are running low. While the need for energy is increasing, especially in industrialized countries, it will increase to 70% between 2000 and 2030. In 2017, the electricity needs will reach 25.4 trillion kWh. Solar energy that can be generated for the entire Indonesian mainland which has an area of ± 2 million km2 with a radiation distribution of 4.8 kWh/m2/day is 5.10 mW, equivalent to 112,000 gWp. Investment costs include the costs of purchasing all required solar power plant components, such as the cost of purchasing solar modules and purchasing an inverter. Obtained the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is more than the interest rate, which is 27.11% and it can be concluded that the planning of the on-grid solar power plant in the 20 KWP capacity system can be said to be feasible. Keyword: Solar Cell, investment, electrical Energy ABSTRAK Memasuki abad 21, persediaan minyak dan gas bumi semakin menipis. Sementara kebutuhan akan ...
TERANG, 2019
Abstrak Listrik merupakan bentuk energi yang paling cocok dan tepat bagi kehidupan manusia modern... more Abstrak Listrik merupakan bentuk energi yang paling cocok dan tepat bagi kehidupan manusia modern seperti dewasa ini, dimana energi listrik mempunyai fungsi yang dapat memberikan suatu kebutuhan atau pelayanan daya listrik yang diperoleh oleh konsumen, dengan listrik kehidupan manusia menjadi sangat menyenangkan. Televisi, lampu penerangan, lampu lalu lintas, semua menggunakan listrik. Jadi, listrik dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu bentuk hasil teknologi yang sangat vital dalam kehidupan manusia. Dengan kegiatan ini, maka diharapkan masyarakat umum bisa dan paham tentang instalasi listrik yang aman dan penanganan, penanggulangan dari bahaya listrik yang tidak sesuai dengan standarisasi PLN. Sehingga listrik tidak serta merta menjadi kambing hitam setiap saat ada kejadian kebakaran di lingkungan masyarakat, dan sistem tegangan yang digunakan di Indonesia adalah: fasa-tunggal 220 V, dan fasa-tiga 220/380 V dengan frekuensi 50 Hz. Sistem tegangan ini sangat mempengaruhi dan berbahaya bagi...
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
With the development of technology, the need for electricity is increasing. In terms of Indonesia... more With the development of technology, the need for electricity is increasing. In terms of Indonesia's topology, the Solar Power Plant is most suitable for use in rural (remote) areas, known as the Solar Home System (SHS). This system is preferred because it is small in scale and uses a direct current (DC) system. This system can reduce costs because it does not use an inverter. But the weakness of this system is the difficulty of finding home electronic equipment such as TV, Radio / Tape and others that use DC, so the SHS system is not attractive to use. PLTS connected to PLN's electricity network, Interactive Grid, BIPV (Building Integration PV) is a hybrid application between the electricity network (PLN) and PLTS that are already widely used. Thus, PV-Genset Hybrids can reduce the inefficiency of operations and maintenance and reduce large initial investment costs
Papers by Muchamad Nur Qosim