Papers by Edoardo Novelli
Gius. Laterza & Figli spa, 2018
Visual Political Communication, 2019
After a brief introduction to the Italian political and communication scene, this chapter analyze... more After a brief introduction to the Italian political and communication scene, this chapter analyzes the electoral materials produced in the last four weeks of campaigning by the main political parties and candidates of the Italian general elections of March 2018. It focuses its attention on the forms and instruments of visual communication. The author highlights the evolution of the instruments and languages of electoral campaigns: the disappearance of the traditional forms of visual political communication, such as the street posters and TV ads, on the one hand, and the spread of new tools such as web cards, memes, and videos, on the other hand, with the latter closely related to the spread of social networks. What emerges is that the logic and rhetoric of social platforms is progressively changing the visual vocabularies and the strategies of engagement of politics and election candidates. The visual component is an increasingly important element in the process of emotionalization ...
Le campagne di affissioni di Silvio Berlusconi e Francesco Rutelli per le elezioni politiche del ... more Le campagne di affissioni di Silvio Berlusconi e Francesco Rutelli per le elezioni politiche del maggio 2001, al di la di alcune vistose similitudini formali, rivelano molto bene il differente approccio comunicativo e il diverso anelito persuasivo dei due schieramenti. Tutta giocata sull’accoppiata brevita ed emotivita la campagna di Berlusconi, costruita invece intorno al binomio lunghezza e razionalita quella di Rutelli. Brevita contro lunghezza, emotivita contro razionalita, due contrapposizioni che, fatte le dovute differenze, sono esattamente quelle che caratterizzarono nel 1948 il confronto elettorale fra Democrazia Cristiana e Comitati Civici da un lato e Fronte Popolare dall’altro. Alla base di questa costante, che riemerge dopo piu di cinquant’anni, vi e una considerazione e una rappresentazione del proprio elettorato profondamente differente da parte dei due schieramenti, e una certa resistenza della sinistra ad accettare le regole e i meccanismi di semplificazione del mes...
Political Communication and COVID-19, 2021
Italy was the first Western and European country to deal with the COVID-19 emergency in mid-Febru... more Italy was the first Western and European country to deal with the COVID-19 emergency in mid-February 2020, the nation where the most drastic measures were adopted - up to the total lockdown of its population, public events, commercial and productive activities - and where the limits were maintained longer than in any other country. Prime Minister (PM) Giuseppe Conte’s government, who did not enjoy a high consensus of support, exercised a clear and personalised leadership in the management of the crisis and proceeded very gradually, introducing rules and limitations as the situation worsened. The Italian health system was not ready to face a pandemic of this size. Delays in response and shortages of medical equipment contributed to aggravate the crisis that in the first few months saw the highest death rate in the world. A robust institutional conflict between national institutions on one side, and local governments and European authorities on the other, further complicated the crisi...
Election Posters Around the Globe, 2017
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Comunicazione politica, 2012
Comunicazione politica, 2012
Europawahlkampf 2014, 2016
Gli spot politici televisivi, nati in Italia negli anni Ottanta, hanno rappresentato un testo ibr... more Gli spot politici televisivi, nati in Italia negli anni Ottanta, hanno rappresentato un testo ibrido, sospeso fra cinema, pubblicita, televisione, offrendo alla politica uno spazio d’innovazione nel quale appropriarsi di registri appartenenti ad altri universi comunicativi. Gli spot della campagna elettorale del 2013 dimostrano come Internet ed in particolare i social network, hanno accelerato il collasso delle precedenti distinzioni fra generi, pratiche sociali e campi discorsivi. L’autore sostiene che il risultato e un nuovo ambiente mediale nel quale la politica e la cultura popolare, l’informazione e l’intrattenimento, il comico e il serio, il reale e il surreale si sono fusi, dando vita una nuova miscela espressiva e modificando, anche nel campo della comunicazione politica, i confini della creativita e la figura e il ruolo dell’autore.
Papers by Edoardo Novelli