Objetivo: O estudo foi delineado para testar a existência de correlação entre a população total d... more Objetivo: O estudo foi delineado para testar a existência de correlação entre a população total de microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos e os valores de acidez Dornic no leite humano ordenhado cru processado em banco de leite humano. Métodos: Foram analisadas 200 amostras consecutivas de leite humano ordenhado, em banco de leite humano, antes da pasteurização. A acidez Dornic foi titulada nas amostras em triplicata. A seguir, foi realizada a contagem em placa para microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos. Os dados foram avaliados pela correlação de Pearson entre as variáveis, e o nível de significância foi estabelecido em p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: Os valores de acidez Dornic mostraram correlação positiva (R = 0,948) e estatisticamente significante (p ≤ 0,001) com a população de microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos (UFC/mL) nas amostras analisadas. Conclusão: Os dados obtidos permitem concluir que a titulação Dornic é um método eficaz para avaliar indiretamente o crescimento bacteriano no leite humano ordenhado.
Professor nos cursos de Mestrado e Doutorado em Saúde da Mulher e da Criança, IFF/Fundação Oswald... more Professor nos cursos de Mestrado e Doutorado em Saúde da Mulher e da Criança, IFF/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Membro da equipe do Banco de Leite Humano do IFF.
Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil, Sep 1, 2006
Objectives: establishment and progress analysis of the Human Milk Banks National Network in Brazi... more Objectives: establishment and progress analysis of the Human Milk Banks National Network in Brazil. Determinant elements are highlighted for their acknowledged participation and influence on the state policy for the sector. Methods: content analysis of primary documental sources generated by official organizations and institutions offering Human Milk Banks services were analyzed, as well as thesis, dissertations, books and scientific articles focusing on the subject. Social perceptions and concerns were assessed and the conclusion was that with time they suffered changes and depending on the historical moment considered, actors and social groups have conveyed different meanings to the service. Results: knowledge appears to give conductivity to the network. That is, analysis performed of the Banks creation and progress, identified that in addition to the social actors involved, there are knowledge production dynamics that should be understood. Conclusions: it's possible to identify a potential Network contribution to promote social change and to formulate public policies aiming at women and children's health.
Luego de una breve mención introductoria de la enfermedad de Tomás, se valoran las situaciones qu... more Luego de una breve mención introductoria de la enfermedad de Tomás, se valoran las situaciones que explican la tendencia mundial al deterioro de las relaciones interpersonales en la gestión de salud. Se exponen criterios sobre el desglose de lo psicosocial en los nuevos niveles cultural y espiritual. Se insiste en la gran imbricación de estratos en la condición de integral del
We collected and analyzed 500 samples of human milk, from five Brazilian cities (100 from each) t... more We collected and analyzed 500 samples of human milk, from five Brazilian cities (100 from each) to detect methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) producing enterotoxins. We found 57 strains of MRSA, and the mecA gene, responsible for resistance, was detected in all of them using a specific molecular probe. We examined 40 strains for the presence of four enterotoxins, after selecting a subset that included all strains from each region, except for the largest sample, from which 10 were randomly selected. Among these two presented enterotoxin B, and growth in human colostrum and trypicase soy broth. After 5 h of incubation at 37°C, population sizes were already higher than 9.4 x 10 5 UFC/ml and enterotoxin was released into culture medium and colostrum. Our results stress the importance of hygiene, sanitary measures, and appropriate preservation conditions to avoid the proliferation of S. aureus in human milk.
Objective: To verify the existence of a relationship between presence of off-flavor and microorga... more Objective: To verify the existence of a relationship between presence of off-flavor and microorganism load in quality control rejected samples of expressed human milk from a donor milk bank. Methods: A total of 30 samples of expressed human milk with off-flavor were tested for the occurrence of the following microorganisms: aerobic mesophilic, psycrotrophic, proteolytic, psycrotrophic proteolytic, thermoduric, psycrotrophic thermoduric, lactate and lipolytic bacteria, molds and yeasts and Staphylococcus aureus, total coliforms and thermophilic coliforms, in accordance with official methods. Results: Percentage occurrence of microorganisms was as follows: aerobic mesophilic = 80%; psycrotrophic = 36.7%; proteolytic = 46.7%; psycrotrophic proteolytic = 16.7%; thermoduric = 6.7%; psycrotrophic thermoduric = 0%; lactate bacteria = 50%; lipolytic = 10%; molds and yeasts = 6.7%; S. aureus = 30%; total coliforms = 53.3%; and thermophilic coliforms = 16.7%. Conclusion: A consistent relationship between presence of off-flavor and elevated microorganism counting was observed in the analyzed samples. This correlation highlights the importance of off-flavor research during selection and quality control processes in human milk banks.
Anais do II Congresso Nacional Multidisciplinar em Enfermagem On-line, 2021
Introdução: Um novo coronavírus foi identificado no final do ano de 2019, como a etiologia de um ... more Introdução: Um novo coronavírus foi identificado no final do ano de 2019, como a etiologia de um conjunto de casos de pneumonia na China. Essa forma de pneumonia causada pela COVID-19 é altamente infecciosa. Dessa forma, considera-se que a principal via de transmissão de SARS-CoV-2 para neonatos é por gotículas infectadas. No Brasil, foram identificados e separados ,por grupos, os indivíduos que possuem fatores de risco, para melhor controle e atenção, a exemplo de idosos, hipertensos ,indivíduos com problemas respiratórios crônicos e sendo incluídas as gestantes e puérperas. Objetivo: Evidenciar a importância do aleitamento materno e sua continuidade mesmo a puérpera testando positivo para o novo coronavírus. Materiais e métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura do tipo integrativa para a construção de um resumo simples, realizada nas bases de dados Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), United Stat...
Objective: the aim of the present study was to obtain data on the microbiota of human colostrum, ... more Objective: the aim of the present study was to obtain data on the microbiota of human colostrum, and to correlate it with a possible source of probiotics transferred from mother to infant during breastfeeding. Methods: 70 samples of milked human colostrum were analyzed as to the presence of mesophylic, thermoduric, psychrotrophic, proteolytic, proteolytic-psychrotrophic, lipolytic microorganisms, molds and yeasts, Staphylococcus aureus, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, Group D Streptococcus species and lactic acid bacteria. Results: the microbiological analyses revealed several classical groups of microorganisms: mesophylic (68.6%); thermoduric (38.6%); psychrotrophic (8.6%); proteolytic (15.7%); proteolyticpsychrotrophic (1.4%); lipolytic (4.3%); molds and yeasts (11.4%); Staphylococcus aureus (44.3%); total coliforms (7.2%); and lactic acid bacteria (37.2%), thus characterizing a diversified microbiota. Thermoduric-psychrotrophic microorganisms, fecal coliforms and Group D Strept...
Bacterial or fungal infections might produce a clinical feature of mastitis, which is one of the ... more Bacterial or fungal infections might produce a clinical feature of mastitis, which is one of the main causes of precocious breast-feeding discontinuity. In addition, when the potentially pathogenic microorganisms as yeast of Candida genera were in high counting in the intestine, might cause dysbiosis. This study aimed detecting and identifying fungi in human milk and anatomical sites of breast-feeding women and infants who were enrolled at Human Milk Bank of the Institute Fernandes Figueira. The virulence of the yeast isolates was evaluated by means of proteolytic activity tests. Eight-one percent of 64 analyzed samples showed positive results to fungi, with a highest prevalence of Candida albicans (73%) followed by C. parapsilosis complex (15.4%). Similar profiles were found in samples of milk, of breasts and of infants mouth cavity, suggesting a correlation between breast-feeding mothers and infants cutaneous infections with the ingested milk. The virulence of the isolated Candida...
The first scientific studies on probiotics date back to the beginning of the century with the wor... more The first scientific studies on probiotics date back to the beginning of the century with the work of Metchnikoff at the Pasteur Institute. This investigator postulated that hosts could benefit from fermented milk in the sense that it antagonizes bacteria that affect the intestines(1-3). The initial hypothesis posited that bacterial strains with more efficient mucosal adherence would be more beneficial for their hosts(2).
N eonatal nutrition is an important subject in health in the short, medium and long term. ,Q SUHW... more N eonatal nutrition is an important subject in health in the short, medium and long term. ,Q SUHWHUP QHZERUQV QXWULWLRQ DVVXPHV D SUHGRPLQDQW UROH IRU WKH FKLOG ¶V RYHUDOO GHYHORSPHQW %DELHV ZLWK XQFRRUGLQDWHG VZDOORZLQJ RU UHVSLUDWLRQ PD\ QRW KDYH WKH QHFHVVDU\ RUDO DELOLWLHV WR VXFN WKH PRWKHU ¶V EUHDVW DQG ZLOO QHHG WR LPSOHPHQW GLIIHUHQW feeding practices; one of them is changing the consistency of the milk offered. Objectives: 'HWHUPLQH YLVFRVLW\ YDULDWLRQV RI XQWUHDWHG KXPDQ DQG SDVWHXUL]HG PLON ZLWKRXW DQG ZLWK thickening to adapt the diet to the needs of dysphagic infants hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Cara Unit (NICU). Material and Methods: The authors altered the viscosity of natural LQIDQW SRZGHUHG PLON DQG DIWHU WKLFNHQLQJ GHWHUPLQHG DQG DGRSWHG D WKLFNHQLQJ VWDQGDUG IRU KXPDQ PLON 8QWUHDWHG KXPDQ DQG SDVWHXUL]HG PLON ZDV WKLFNHQHG LQ FRQFHQWUDWLRQV RI DQG DQG WKH YLVFRVLW\ ZHUH GHWHUPLQHG HYHU\ PLQXWHV IRU D SHULRG of 60 minutes at a temperature of 37ºC. Results: The infant lactose formula thickened at concentrations of 2% and 3% produced viscosities of 8.97cP and 27.73 cP, respectively.
A Rede Nacional de Bancos de Leite Humano (REDEBLH), com sede na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, experimen... more A Rede Nacional de Bancos de Leite Humano (REDEBLH), com sede na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, experimenta rápido desenvolvimento. O trabalho desenvolvido foi reconhecido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde e distinguido, com o prêmio Sasakawa de Saúde - 2001, como o melhor projeto de saúde pública dentre os apresentados. Um dos grandes desafios atuais é dar continuidade ao desenvolvimento de competências que respondam aos desafios decorrentes de seu crescimento. Na realidade, busca-se uma nova estratégia de pensar as questões relacionadas a sua gestão. Este artigo tem como objetivos desenvolver um marco conceitual que possa contribuir para elaboração de um quadro teórico para novas estratégias de gestão da REDEBLH. Através da utilização de conceitos, busca-se, à luz da tipologia de redes descrita na literatura especializada, identificar o perfil institucional da REDEBLH. A partir do entendimento de que é necessário identificar e compreender os processos que ocorrem no âmbito das redes para ...
Objective: To verify the existence of a relationship between presence of off-flavor and microorga... more Objective: To verify the existence of a relationship between presence of off-flavor and microorganism load in quality control rejected samples of expressed human milk from a donor milk bank. Methods: A total of 30 samples of expressed human milk with off-flavor were tested for the occurrence of the following microorganisms: aerobic mesophilic, psycrotrophic, proteolytic, psycrotrophic proteolytic, thermoduric, psycrotrophic thermoduric, lactate and lipolytic bacteria, molds and yeasts and Staphylococcus aureus, total coliforms and thermophilic coliforms, in accordance with official methods. Results: Percentage occurrence of microorganisms was as follows: aerobic mesophilic = 80%; psycrotrophic = 36.7%; proteolytic = 46.7%; psycrotrophic proteolytic = 16.7%; thermoduric = 6.7%; psycrotrophic thermoduric = 0%; lactate bacteria = 50%; lipolytic = 10%; molds and yeasts = 6.7%; S. aureus = 30%; total coliforms = 53.3%; and thermophilic coliforms = 16.7%. Conclusion: A consistent relationship between presence of off-flavor and elevated microorganism counting was observed in the analyzed samples. This correlation highlights the importance of off-flavor research during selection and quality control processes in human milk banks.
The authors characterized the genera of mycelial fungi found in samples of expressed human milk r... more The authors characterized the genera of mycelial fungi found in samples of expressed human milk received through home collection by the Human Milk Bank of the Instituto Fernandes Figueira in Rio de Janeiro. A total of 821 samples of expressed human milk were taken randomly from bottles collected at home by the milk donors themselves and were investigated for molds, yeasts, and mesophilic microorganisms. The analyses showed the occurrence of molds and yeasts in 43 (5.2%) of the samples, with counts reaching 103CFU/ml. Some 48 strains of mycelial fungi were identified by standard laboratory techniques, including: Aspergillus Niger group (6.3%), Aspergillus sp. (4.2%), Paecilomyces sp. (12.6%), Penicillium sp. (60.4%), Rhizopus sp. (2.0%), and Syncephalastrum sp. (14.5%). The authors discuss the importance of donor hands' asepsis prior to collecting human milk.
S UMÁRIO: 1. Introdução; 2. Referências conceituais; 3. A proposta metodológica e seu campo de ap... more S UMÁRIO: 1. Introdução; 2. Referências conceituais; 3. A proposta metodológica e seu campo de aplicação; 4. Perfil e caracterização da rede; 5. Considerações finais. S UMMARY: 1. Introduction; 2. Conceptual framework; 3. Methodological proposal and its application field; 4. Network profile and characterization; 5. Final remarks. P ALAVRAS-CHAVE: redes de inovação; gestão do conhecimento; bancos de leite humano. K EY WORDS: innovation networks; knowledge management; human milk banks. A Rede Nacional de Bancos de Leite Humano (RNBLH), com sede na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), vem se desenvolvendo rapidamente. Seu trabalho foi reconhecido pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e contemplado com o prêmio Sasakawa de Saúde 2001 pelo melhor projeto de saúde pública apresentado. Um dos grandes desafios atuais é dar continuidade ao desenvolvimento de * Artigo recebido em abr. e aceito em dez. 2003. ** Analista sênior III em C&T da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, mestre em administração pública pela Fundação Getulio Vargas, doutorando do Curso de Saúde da Criança e da Mulher do Instituto Fernandes Figueira.
Objetivo: O estudo foi delineado para testar a existência de correlação entre a população total d... more Objetivo: O estudo foi delineado para testar a existência de correlação entre a população total de microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos e os valores de acidez Dornic no leite humano ordenhado cru processado em banco de leite humano. Métodos: Foram analisadas 200 amostras consecutivas de leite humano ordenhado, em banco de leite humano, antes da pasteurização. A acidez Dornic foi titulada nas amostras em triplicata. A seguir, foi realizada a contagem em placa para microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos. Os dados foram avaliados pela correlação de Pearson entre as variáveis, e o nível de significância foi estabelecido em p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: Os valores de acidez Dornic mostraram correlação positiva (R = 0,948) e estatisticamente significante (p ≤ 0,001) com a população de microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos (UFC/mL) nas amostras analisadas. Conclusão: Os dados obtidos permitem concluir que a titulação Dornic é um método eficaz para avaliar indiretamente o crescimento bacteriano no leite humano ordenhado.
Professor nos cursos de Mestrado e Doutorado em Saúde da Mulher e da Criança, IFF/Fundação Oswald... more Professor nos cursos de Mestrado e Doutorado em Saúde da Mulher e da Criança, IFF/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Membro da equipe do Banco de Leite Humano do IFF.
Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil, Sep 1, 2006
Objectives: establishment and progress analysis of the Human Milk Banks National Network in Brazi... more Objectives: establishment and progress analysis of the Human Milk Banks National Network in Brazil. Determinant elements are highlighted for their acknowledged participation and influence on the state policy for the sector. Methods: content analysis of primary documental sources generated by official organizations and institutions offering Human Milk Banks services were analyzed, as well as thesis, dissertations, books and scientific articles focusing on the subject. Social perceptions and concerns were assessed and the conclusion was that with time they suffered changes and depending on the historical moment considered, actors and social groups have conveyed different meanings to the service. Results: knowledge appears to give conductivity to the network. That is, analysis performed of the Banks creation and progress, identified that in addition to the social actors involved, there are knowledge production dynamics that should be understood. Conclusions: it's possible to identify a potential Network contribution to promote social change and to formulate public policies aiming at women and children's health.
Luego de una breve mención introductoria de la enfermedad de Tomás, se valoran las situaciones qu... more Luego de una breve mención introductoria de la enfermedad de Tomás, se valoran las situaciones que explican la tendencia mundial al deterioro de las relaciones interpersonales en la gestión de salud. Se exponen criterios sobre el desglose de lo psicosocial en los nuevos niveles cultural y espiritual. Se insiste en la gran imbricación de estratos en la condición de integral del
We collected and analyzed 500 samples of human milk, from five Brazilian cities (100 from each) t... more We collected and analyzed 500 samples of human milk, from five Brazilian cities (100 from each) to detect methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) producing enterotoxins. We found 57 strains of MRSA, and the mecA gene, responsible for resistance, was detected in all of them using a specific molecular probe. We examined 40 strains for the presence of four enterotoxins, after selecting a subset that included all strains from each region, except for the largest sample, from which 10 were randomly selected. Among these two presented enterotoxin B, and growth in human colostrum and trypicase soy broth. After 5 h of incubation at 37°C, population sizes were already higher than 9.4 x 10 5 UFC/ml and enterotoxin was released into culture medium and colostrum. Our results stress the importance of hygiene, sanitary measures, and appropriate preservation conditions to avoid the proliferation of S. aureus in human milk.
Objective: To verify the existence of a relationship between presence of off-flavor and microorga... more Objective: To verify the existence of a relationship between presence of off-flavor and microorganism load in quality control rejected samples of expressed human milk from a donor milk bank. Methods: A total of 30 samples of expressed human milk with off-flavor were tested for the occurrence of the following microorganisms: aerobic mesophilic, psycrotrophic, proteolytic, psycrotrophic proteolytic, thermoduric, psycrotrophic thermoduric, lactate and lipolytic bacteria, molds and yeasts and Staphylococcus aureus, total coliforms and thermophilic coliforms, in accordance with official methods. Results: Percentage occurrence of microorganisms was as follows: aerobic mesophilic = 80%; psycrotrophic = 36.7%; proteolytic = 46.7%; psycrotrophic proteolytic = 16.7%; thermoduric = 6.7%; psycrotrophic thermoduric = 0%; lactate bacteria = 50%; lipolytic = 10%; molds and yeasts = 6.7%; S. aureus = 30%; total coliforms = 53.3%; and thermophilic coliforms = 16.7%. Conclusion: A consistent relationship between presence of off-flavor and elevated microorganism counting was observed in the analyzed samples. This correlation highlights the importance of off-flavor research during selection and quality control processes in human milk banks.
Anais do II Congresso Nacional Multidisciplinar em Enfermagem On-line, 2021
Introdução: Um novo coronavírus foi identificado no final do ano de 2019, como a etiologia de um ... more Introdução: Um novo coronavírus foi identificado no final do ano de 2019, como a etiologia de um conjunto de casos de pneumonia na China. Essa forma de pneumonia causada pela COVID-19 é altamente infecciosa. Dessa forma, considera-se que a principal via de transmissão de SARS-CoV-2 para neonatos é por gotículas infectadas. No Brasil, foram identificados e separados ,por grupos, os indivíduos que possuem fatores de risco, para melhor controle e atenção, a exemplo de idosos, hipertensos ,indivíduos com problemas respiratórios crônicos e sendo incluídas as gestantes e puérperas. Objetivo: Evidenciar a importância do aleitamento materno e sua continuidade mesmo a puérpera testando positivo para o novo coronavírus. Materiais e métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura do tipo integrativa para a construção de um resumo simples, realizada nas bases de dados Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), United Stat...
Objective: the aim of the present study was to obtain data on the microbiota of human colostrum, ... more Objective: the aim of the present study was to obtain data on the microbiota of human colostrum, and to correlate it with a possible source of probiotics transferred from mother to infant during breastfeeding. Methods: 70 samples of milked human colostrum were analyzed as to the presence of mesophylic, thermoduric, psychrotrophic, proteolytic, proteolytic-psychrotrophic, lipolytic microorganisms, molds and yeasts, Staphylococcus aureus, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, Group D Streptococcus species and lactic acid bacteria. Results: the microbiological analyses revealed several classical groups of microorganisms: mesophylic (68.6%); thermoduric (38.6%); psychrotrophic (8.6%); proteolytic (15.7%); proteolyticpsychrotrophic (1.4%); lipolytic (4.3%); molds and yeasts (11.4%); Staphylococcus aureus (44.3%); total coliforms (7.2%); and lactic acid bacteria (37.2%), thus characterizing a diversified microbiota. Thermoduric-psychrotrophic microorganisms, fecal coliforms and Group D Strept...
Bacterial or fungal infections might produce a clinical feature of mastitis, which is one of the ... more Bacterial or fungal infections might produce a clinical feature of mastitis, which is one of the main causes of precocious breast-feeding discontinuity. In addition, when the potentially pathogenic microorganisms as yeast of Candida genera were in high counting in the intestine, might cause dysbiosis. This study aimed detecting and identifying fungi in human milk and anatomical sites of breast-feeding women and infants who were enrolled at Human Milk Bank of the Institute Fernandes Figueira. The virulence of the yeast isolates was evaluated by means of proteolytic activity tests. Eight-one percent of 64 analyzed samples showed positive results to fungi, with a highest prevalence of Candida albicans (73%) followed by C. parapsilosis complex (15.4%). Similar profiles were found in samples of milk, of breasts and of infants mouth cavity, suggesting a correlation between breast-feeding mothers and infants cutaneous infections with the ingested milk. The virulence of the isolated Candida...
The first scientific studies on probiotics date back to the beginning of the century with the wor... more The first scientific studies on probiotics date back to the beginning of the century with the work of Metchnikoff at the Pasteur Institute. This investigator postulated that hosts could benefit from fermented milk in the sense that it antagonizes bacteria that affect the intestines(1-3). The initial hypothesis posited that bacterial strains with more efficient mucosal adherence would be more beneficial for their hosts(2).
N eonatal nutrition is an important subject in health in the short, medium and long term. ,Q SUHW... more N eonatal nutrition is an important subject in health in the short, medium and long term. ,Q SUHWHUP QHZERUQV QXWULWLRQ DVVXPHV D SUHGRPLQDQW UROH IRU WKH FKLOG ¶V RYHUDOO GHYHORSPHQW %DELHV ZLWK XQFRRUGLQDWHG VZDOORZLQJ RU UHVSLUDWLRQ PD\ QRW KDYH WKH QHFHVVDU\ RUDO DELOLWLHV WR VXFN WKH PRWKHU ¶V EUHDVW DQG ZLOO QHHG WR LPSOHPHQW GLIIHUHQW feeding practices; one of them is changing the consistency of the milk offered. Objectives: 'HWHUPLQH YLVFRVLW\ YDULDWLRQV RI XQWUHDWHG KXPDQ DQG SDVWHXUL]HG PLON ZLWKRXW DQG ZLWK thickening to adapt the diet to the needs of dysphagic infants hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Cara Unit (NICU). Material and Methods: The authors altered the viscosity of natural LQIDQW SRZGHUHG PLON DQG DIWHU WKLFNHQLQJ GHWHUPLQHG DQG DGRSWHG D WKLFNHQLQJ VWDQGDUG IRU KXPDQ PLON 8QWUHDWHG KXPDQ DQG SDVWHXUL]HG PLON ZDV WKLFNHQHG LQ FRQFHQWUDWLRQV RI DQG DQG WKH YLVFRVLW\ ZHUH GHWHUPLQHG HYHU\ PLQXWHV IRU D SHULRG of 60 minutes at a temperature of 37ºC. Results: The infant lactose formula thickened at concentrations of 2% and 3% produced viscosities of 8.97cP and 27.73 cP, respectively.
A Rede Nacional de Bancos de Leite Humano (REDEBLH), com sede na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, experimen... more A Rede Nacional de Bancos de Leite Humano (REDEBLH), com sede na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, experimenta rápido desenvolvimento. O trabalho desenvolvido foi reconhecido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde e distinguido, com o prêmio Sasakawa de Saúde - 2001, como o melhor projeto de saúde pública dentre os apresentados. Um dos grandes desafios atuais é dar continuidade ao desenvolvimento de competências que respondam aos desafios decorrentes de seu crescimento. Na realidade, busca-se uma nova estratégia de pensar as questões relacionadas a sua gestão. Este artigo tem como objetivos desenvolver um marco conceitual que possa contribuir para elaboração de um quadro teórico para novas estratégias de gestão da REDEBLH. Através da utilização de conceitos, busca-se, à luz da tipologia de redes descrita na literatura especializada, identificar o perfil institucional da REDEBLH. A partir do entendimento de que é necessário identificar e compreender os processos que ocorrem no âmbito das redes para ...
Objective: To verify the existence of a relationship between presence of off-flavor and microorga... more Objective: To verify the existence of a relationship between presence of off-flavor and microorganism load in quality control rejected samples of expressed human milk from a donor milk bank. Methods: A total of 30 samples of expressed human milk with off-flavor were tested for the occurrence of the following microorganisms: aerobic mesophilic, psycrotrophic, proteolytic, psycrotrophic proteolytic, thermoduric, psycrotrophic thermoduric, lactate and lipolytic bacteria, molds and yeasts and Staphylococcus aureus, total coliforms and thermophilic coliforms, in accordance with official methods. Results: Percentage occurrence of microorganisms was as follows: aerobic mesophilic = 80%; psycrotrophic = 36.7%; proteolytic = 46.7%; psycrotrophic proteolytic = 16.7%; thermoduric = 6.7%; psycrotrophic thermoduric = 0%; lactate bacteria = 50%; lipolytic = 10%; molds and yeasts = 6.7%; S. aureus = 30%; total coliforms = 53.3%; and thermophilic coliforms = 16.7%. Conclusion: A consistent relationship between presence of off-flavor and elevated microorganism counting was observed in the analyzed samples. This correlation highlights the importance of off-flavor research during selection and quality control processes in human milk banks.
The authors characterized the genera of mycelial fungi found in samples of expressed human milk r... more The authors characterized the genera of mycelial fungi found in samples of expressed human milk received through home collection by the Human Milk Bank of the Instituto Fernandes Figueira in Rio de Janeiro. A total of 821 samples of expressed human milk were taken randomly from bottles collected at home by the milk donors themselves and were investigated for molds, yeasts, and mesophilic microorganisms. The analyses showed the occurrence of molds and yeasts in 43 (5.2%) of the samples, with counts reaching 103CFU/ml. Some 48 strains of mycelial fungi were identified by standard laboratory techniques, including: Aspergillus Niger group (6.3%), Aspergillus sp. (4.2%), Paecilomyces sp. (12.6%), Penicillium sp. (60.4%), Rhizopus sp. (2.0%), and Syncephalastrum sp. (14.5%). The authors discuss the importance of donor hands' asepsis prior to collecting human milk.
S UMÁRIO: 1. Introdução; 2. Referências conceituais; 3. A proposta metodológica e seu campo de ap... more S UMÁRIO: 1. Introdução; 2. Referências conceituais; 3. A proposta metodológica e seu campo de aplicação; 4. Perfil e caracterização da rede; 5. Considerações finais. S UMMARY: 1. Introduction; 2. Conceptual framework; 3. Methodological proposal and its application field; 4. Network profile and characterization; 5. Final remarks. P ALAVRAS-CHAVE: redes de inovação; gestão do conhecimento; bancos de leite humano. K EY WORDS: innovation networks; knowledge management; human milk banks. A Rede Nacional de Bancos de Leite Humano (RNBLH), com sede na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), vem se desenvolvendo rapidamente. Seu trabalho foi reconhecido pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e contemplado com o prêmio Sasakawa de Saúde 2001 pelo melhor projeto de saúde pública apresentado. Um dos grandes desafios atuais é dar continuidade ao desenvolvimento de * Artigo recebido em abr. e aceito em dez. 2003. ** Analista sênior III em C&T da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, mestre em administração pública pela Fundação Getulio Vargas, doutorando do Curso de Saúde da Criança e da Mulher do Instituto Fernandes Figueira.
Papers by Franz Novak