Papers by Noorma Fitrianan M. Zain M.Pd.
This article examines the renting of durian trees in Rogoselo Village. This study focuses on how ... more This article examines the renting of durian trees in Rogoselo Village. This study focuses on how the mechanism for renting durian trees in Rogoselo Village and how muamalah fiqh reviews the implementation of renting durian trees in Rogoselo Village. This research is included in the type of field research research (field research) with purposive sampling technique in finding informants in the field and using a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the durian tree rental mechanism is in accordance with muamalah fiqh, where from the beginning to the end the procedure is correct and no one violates the rules of muamalah fiqh. And the Fiqh Muamalah review of the practice of renting durian trees in Rogoselo Village, the contract is faulty / damaged because it does not fulfill the harmonious conditions and conditions of the lease, namely first, in renting durian trees, the object of the contract / benefit does not yet exist (ma'dum), Second, there is uncertainty (gharar), Third, the quality of the fruit which is the object of the lease is unclear. Fourth, the benefits cannot be used directly by the tenant. Fifth, there is an opinion from the Ulama that does not allow fruit tree rental contracts because the fruit is not a benefit material. Sixth, there are risks in renting durian trees, namely productivity is not clear and the fruit may not be sweet due to the influence of rainfall and weather in Rogoselo Village.
Wadi’ah pada tabungan kurban yang terjadi di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy- Syifaa Kecamat... more Wadi’ah pada tabungan kurban yang terjadi di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy- Syifaa Kecamatan Gringsing Kabupaten Batang dilakukan oleh pihak wadi’ (yang menitipkan) dan muwadi’ (yang menerima titipan). Artikel ini membahas praktik tabungan kurban di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy-Syifaa Kecamatan Gringsing Kabupaten Batang dan analisis terhadap akad wadi’ah pada tabungan kurban di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy-Syifaa Kecamatan Gringsing Kabupaten Batang dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy-Syifaa Kecamatan Gringsing Kabupaten Batang dalam praktik tabungan kurban menggunakan akad wadi’ah yang didalamnya terdapat skema bagi hasil. Dan adanya bagi hasil tersebut merupakan kesepakatan dari pihak koperasi maupun nasabah yaitu dengan mendapatkan bagi hasil sebesar 0,001% bagi nasabah setiap bulannya dari saldo yang telah masuk yang ditempatkan ke saldo rekening milik nasabah. Implemetasi akad wadi’ah pada tabungan kurban di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy-syifaa belum sesuai dengan teori wadi’ah karena dalam teori wadi’ah, akad wadi’ah terdapat bonus dengan syarat tidak diperjanjikan diawal dan tidak ditentukan besaran jumlahnya diawal meskipun dalam praktik tersebut dilakukan atas kesepakatan oleh kedua belah pihak yang saling rela dan tidak ada yang merasa dirugikan satu sama lain. Wadi’ah pada tabungan kurban yang terjadi di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy- Syifaa Kecamatan Gringsing Kabupaten Batang dilakukan oleh pihak wadi’ (yang menitipkan) dan muwadi’ (yang menerima titipan). Artikel ini membahas praktik tabungan kurban di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy-Syifaa Kecamatan Gringsing Kabupaten Batang dan analisis terhadap akad wadi’ah pada tabungan kurban di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy-Syifaa Kecamatan Gringsing Kabupaten Batang dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy-Syifaa Kecamatan Gringsing Kabupaten Batang dalam praktik tabungan kurban menggunakan akad wadi’ah yang didalamnya terdapat skema bagi hasil. Dan adanya bagi hasil tersebut merupakan kesepakatan dari pihak koperasi maupun nasabah yaitu dengan mendapatkan bagi hasil sebesar 0,001% bagi nasabah setiap bulannya dari saldo yang telah masuk yang ditempatkan ke saldo rekening milik nasabah. Implemetasi akad wadi’ah pada tabungan kurban di Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Asy-syifaa belum sesuai dengan teori wadi’ah karena dalam teori wadi’ah, akad wadi’ah terdapat bonus dengan syarat tidak diperjanjikan diawal dan tidak ditentukan besaran jumlahnya diawal meskipun dalam praktik tersebut dilakukan atas kesepakatan oleh kedua belah pihak yang saling rela dan tidak ada yang merasa dirugikan satu sama lain.
APLIKATIF: Journal of Research Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities
The ideological decade in Indonesia was marked by the entry of various transnational ideologies. ... more The ideological decade in Indonesia was marked by the entry of various transnational ideologies. Thus, these various ideologies will be responded to with various responses that are different from each other, including the responses of the ulama as representatives of Indonesian Muslims (still the Dutch East Indies at that time). This article aims to describe various forms of response to several ideologies that developed during the ideological decade and their discourses. This article was written with a qualitative descriptive approach using the literature study method as the data collection method. From the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the ulama as well as Muslims are fragmented in various responses and the roles shown in their various attitudes, when responding to the entry of various ideas/ideologies at this time. In the life of the community, the estuary of the responses that appear leads to the pros and cons of these ideas/ideologies.
Register Journal, 2014
This case study is focused on teaching descriptive texts by using realia. The writer took the 8th... more This case study is focused on teaching descriptive texts by using realia. The writer took the 8th grade students of SMPLB Negeri Ungaran as the subjects of the study. The aim of this research is to know the implementation of teaching descriptive texts that cover parts, qualities, and characteristics of the objects. This study was carried out around four meetings. In each meeting, the researcher observed the situation of the class and the setudents’ activities in that classroom. The data collection method used in the research was observation, interview, and documentation. In implementating the research, the researcher found several problems and difficulties in teaching learning processes. One of them is that, the teaching physically disabled students are not easy. It has to be slowly because the students’ ability in writing the lesson is limited. The other problem comes from the teacher him/herself that never uses media or tools to teach physically disabled students. It is a matter o...
Adzkiya: Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah, Mar 26, 2023
The digitalization of trading is developing rapidly, but legal awareness has not been well develo... more The digitalization of trading is developing rapidly, but legal awareness has not been well developed. Although digital trading is fairly new in the world of economics in this country, it has been able to attract the attention of many people, especially business people, to become traders. Digital trading refers to trading activities using applications on smartphones or trading software commonly called trading robots. But unfortunately, the rise of digital trading activities is not accompanied by regulations that guarantee the safety of novice traders. Together with the inhabitants of Pekalongan's ignorance of the rules and laws pertaining to trading activities on the capital market. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that prevent Pekalongan citizens from being aware of the legal implications of digital trading and know the implications of the lack of legal awareness of the people of Pekalongan regarding digital trading. This study employs both statutory and conceptual approaches and is grounded in empirical legal research. Techniques for descriptive qualitative data analysis. The population of Pekalongan served as the sample for this study, which used a random sampling technique. The findings of this study indicate that low literacy rates and a lack of interest in commodities trade are the main causes of the lack of legal awareness among Pekalongan residents (trading). The consequences of the people of Pekalongan's lack of legal awareness with regard to digital trading are: 1) They lack legal protection in transactions involving digital trading, and 2) They are vulnerable to fraud and losses in such transactions.
Papers by Noorma Fitrianan M. Zain M.Pd.