The majority of computers in use today are general-purpose computers. A general-purpose computer ... more The majority of computers in use today are general-purpose computers. A general-purpose computer is capable of performing a wide variety of tasks. In other words, it is used for several purposes. For example, it can be used for word processing, browsing the web, gaming, graphic design and several other tasks. I'm sure you can think of several other tasks that we use these computers for. General-purpose computers are capable of performing so many different tasks because of its ability to store and execute different programs. Such a computer may be loaded with Microsoft Word, which is used for creating and editing documents, as well as a web browser used to browse the internet. The number of different programs that may be installed is only limited by the computer's operating system and its hardware specifications. This ability makes general-purpose computer systems very flexible.
The majority of computers in use today are general-purpose computers. A general-purpose computer ... more The majority of computers in use today are general-purpose computers. A general-purpose computer is capable of performing a wide variety of tasks. In other words, it is used for several purposes. For example, it can be used for word processing, browsing the web, gaming, graphic design and several other tasks. I'm sure you can think of several other tasks that we use these computers for. General-purpose computers are capable of performing so many different tasks because of its ability to store and execute different programs. Such a computer may be loaded with Microsoft Word, which is used for creating and editing documents, as well as a web browser used to browse the internet. The number of different programs that may be installed is only limited by the computer's operating system and its hardware specifications. This ability makes general-purpose computer systems very flexible.
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